  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    BITS PilaniPilani Campus


  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Principle of entropy increase

    Consider a closed system in adiabatic enclosure undergoing

    . b –Sa?

    • Return the system to state a by a reversible process, withany heat exchange happening with a single reservoir at Tr .Clearly Qb→a ≠ 0

    • or e cyc e, b→a = b→a + b→a• Can Qb→a be positive? No, but why not?

    • Because Kelvin-Planck statement will be violated

    • Therefore Qb→a < 0, ie., Sa – Sb < 0

    • ., a.enclosure cannot decrease. Isolated system a particular case

    • (∆S)isolated ≥ 0

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Entropy creation and transfer 

    • Let a closed system undergo an infinitesimal process

    ur ng w c ere s a ea rans er w a reservo r aTr.

    • dSsystem + dSreservoir  ≥0. But dSr = - δQ/Tr 

    • dSs + dSr = δSgen ≥ 0, defining the entropy generation

    • s   r    gen

    • Entropy transfer accompanies heat transfer 

    Process Entropy 




    Work Lost 


    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

    1 R ln 2 R ln 2 0 RT ln 2 0

    2 R ln 2 0 R ln 2 0 ?

    3 R ln 2 0.5 R 0.19 R 0.5 RT ?

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Clausius inequality

      s   r    gen,   gen   ,

    • dSs ≥ δQ/Tr  , the Clausius inequality (meaning?)

    • For a cycle ∫ δQ/Tr  ≤ 0

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    What is entropy?

    Reversible work versus reversible heat transfer 

    Consider an ideal gas (non-interacting point particles)

    What is the effect of a reversible adiabatic decrease in the


    What is the effect of a reversible transfer of heat at constant


    What happens in the course of the free expansion process

    that we have discussed in some detail?

    What is entropy?

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Spontaneity and Equilibrium

    Isolated system spontaneously evolves to states of greater


    What therefore is the criterion that characterizes the

    equilibrium state of an isolated system?

    • Maximum Entropy

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Irreversibility and entropy

    • Due to nature of matter at microscopic level

    • Large scale natural processes eventually some kind of mixing –

    of particles or over available space

    • In some cases the mixing or sharing is of energy, as in the

    equa za on o e empera ure o oc s

    • In friction, kinetic energy of body as a whole into random energy

    of component molecules

    • Chemical reaction – at e uilibrium the available ener is

    distributed over the available quantum states in the most random

    possible manner

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Entropy and Mixing - Spreading

    Two distinct kinds

    • Spreading of particles over space

    • Spreading of available energy of system among available

    articles and their states

    The two effects may oppose one another – under adiabatic

    isolation, equilibrium determined by maximum in the overall‘randomness’ or s readin – confi urational + thermal 

    Illustrate with discussion of diffusion

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Natural processes and Microstates

    • Thermodynamic state or macrostate

    • Quantum state or microstate

    • A macrostate comprises an astronomical number of

    microstates in a t ical macrosco ic s stem

    • Natural process is one in which there is an increase in Ω,

    the number of microstates

    •   ,

    microstate the system is in

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Entropy andΩ

    • Adiabatic mixing of A and B

    • Increase in Ω, which in turn is a measure of the decrease

    in information about the actual state

    • Increase in entro S

    • Ω = Ω(U,V,N) and S = S(U,V,N), both are functions of

    state. How are they related to one another?

    • = – 

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Entropy andΩ

    • S = k ln Ω. In previous example, assuming no energetic

    distinctions, ∆S = k ln(70)

    • S as a measure of thermodynamic probability, also

    measured by Ω

    • Mixed-up-ness, order and disorder – case of adiabatic

    change of super cooled liquid water to ice – greater thermaldisorder, greater configurational order 

    •Increase of S – system spread over larger number of

    possible quantum states – loss of information

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Ideal monatomic gas

    • Non-interacting structure-less point particles

    • Translational states, given by particle in box model, very

    closely spaced, virtually a continuum

    • Translational state ener ies de end on the size ie.

    volume of the box – work versus heat

    • Accessible states for a particle, z = (2πmkT/h2



    • = N  ,

    of thermally accessible quantum states or microstates

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

  • 8/19/2019 Thermodynamics Lecture 26



    Ideal monatomic gas

    S = Nk ln V + 3/2 Nk ln T + constant

    • If T1 = T2, ∆S = Nk ln(V2/V1)

    Comparing to the result we had earlier, for 1 mole, can find k.

    Entro increase due to more accessible levels at lower


    • If V1 = V2, ∆S = 3/2 Nk ln(T2/T1)


    • If ∆S = 0, TV2/3 = constant

    BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

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