
Therfield School ‘The Best for All’ - Excellence Leadership Opportunity




Dear Parents As we come to the end of a very long Autumn term students and staff are all ready for a well earned break. You will see from the items in the newsletter that it has certainly been an action packed Autumn term this year. Students have been involved, and successful, in a number of events and competitions. We have been able to widen their education with visits from, and to, a whole range of business and entertainment organisations. There have been several particularly interesting trips and events and the students have had the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge in a practical context. The recent Christmas concert was another chance to marvel at the talented youngsters we have here and exercise the vocal chords in some festive singing. Over 70 students were involved and there was a large, enthusiastic and appreciative audience. The appearance of the year 7 band which had only had 5 rehearsals was most impressive. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year from all at Therfield. Susan Willman Headteacher Results of the Parent Governor Ballot We are pleased to announce the results of the recent Parent Governor ballot. There were 3 strong candidates and Andy Simons received the majority vote. Congratulations to Andy and many thanks for the applications from the unsuccessful candidates.

From the Headteacher

Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity

Science KBR Interschool’s


On the 14 of November we, six year 10 students embarked on an adventure to the engineering offices of KBR in Leatherhead, for the final of the KBR interschool’s competition. The day began with presentations from graduate engineers and senior managers on the Oil & Gas Engineering, Procurement and Contracting business. We then began the competition with a team building exercise where we had to build a bridge which could hold the most weight. After a very nice lunch provided by KBR, we then completed the second half of the competition where we participated in a fun and educational LNG programme game. This involved designing and building a LNG onshore oil and gas centre model. Whilst the results of the game were decided we were given a tour of the KBR engineering offices where we had the opportunity to talk to many different types of engineers including civil, structural, chemical, mechanical and process engineers about where their career in engineering has taken them. The results were in and we came in 2nd place overall narrowly missing the top spot by one point! We were awarded with silver medals and KBR goody bags. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to KBR offices investigating the interesting and extraordinary world of engineering and the career opportunities it can provide.

‘The KBR interschools competition provided a great opportunity for the students to meet real life engineers and collaboratively work with other local schools. I was extremely proud of the students involved as they worked hard showing great enthusiasm and passion for the competition.’ Miss D Evans KS4 Coordinator

Art Therfield School ‘The Best for All’


Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity

‘I loved today, from the area of London we were in, to the people we met. The artists were hugely varied, from sound, Fine Art to design…all of them are making an impact. My favourite part of the day was easily Rebecca Wright as her presentation and concepts opened up a side of Graphic Design never known to me before.’ ALI IZAGAREN (YEAR 12) On Monday 18th November, four A2 and seven AS Art students visited the Institute of Education (IOE) to hear a series of artists/designers speak about their practice and the themes/subjects which inspire their practice. The keynote speakers included –Chris Orr (RA) who is an illustrator and print-maker, Aura Satz an artist who specialises in film and installation, Rebecca Wright a graphic designer and lecturer at Central St. Martins and Turner Prize nominee David Mach (RA) who is a sculptor. ‘To hear from women, not just men, in the creative industry was particularly inspiring. Rebecca showed how the ratio of men to women designers had changed over the years and it was really inspiring. She also linked Art to Maths and Literature which was really interesting.’ EMMA HILL (YEAR 13) The talks took place in the IOE’s lecture theatre. Nine hundred sixth form students from schools and colleges across London and surrounding counties attended. For the majority of our sixth form students, it was the first time they had stepped inside a University and experienced the lecture style approach to study. Students initially found note-taking difficult as they had to be extremely selective in what they recorded. However, after several talks, they found their stride and noted details which were relevant to their practice. ‘Today has been useful because I have learnt from the artists about manipulating ideas to incorporate many different ideas. I therefore understand that the first piece may not be the best or a final piece and that I can take the better aspects of a piece to create a stronger piece.’ HATTIE ROWE (YEAR 12) Each talk lasted approximately fifty minutes and there was a question and answer session afterwards. Miss Upon and Ali Izagaren put their hands up during different talks and asked the artists questions. Ali’s question prompted David Mach to question what his making process involved and how much planning was involved for each of his projects. Students were especially inspired by Rebecca Wright who made the point that Graphic Design is for everyone – everywhere. Therfield’s AS Art students were buzzing afterwards, critically discussing the content of her lecture in the Student Union. ‘I found today a very useful trip. I discovered four new artists with very different approaches, from enormous bright pink sculptures to tiny flame shows, controlled by the human voice. My favourite artist was David Mach as he was extremely bubbly and viewed things in a unique way.’ KATIE CRESSWELL (YEAR 12) Students will use their lecture notes to present research pages in their sketchbooks of the day. Pupils will investigate their favourite artist/designer’s work in more detail in the hope that it will inform their later practice. A2 students who are currently writing a personal study which critically evaluates the work of 4-5 practitioners can apply today’s learning to this written component of their course. ‘I loved today’s lectures. The artists were very inspiring, sharing with us the different areas we could go into, in the future. They showed us that there are no limits to how creative you can be in the creative industry. STEPHIE LOURO (YEAR 12)

A’ level art students comment on the visit….

Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity

Theatre Studies

A Midsummer Night’s Dream On Thursday 14th November, Year 12 and 13 Theatre Studies students were propelled into the enchanting world of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The all-male cast brought Shake-speare to life, provoking belly laughs and donkey brays from its captivated audience. A magical set stood before us, a white wilderness of levitated chairs and thrones en-twined with ivy. This fairy kingdom was the sprites home, whose fluid ensemble work helped create the mystical and incredibly beautiful visuals of the piece. Instruments and song from the humorous mechanicals enhanced the aural quality of the performance alongside the visual. Amongst the pack was Puck the protagonist, a mischievous, quick witted fairy, meddling with magic as he collided love and illusion for two sets of lovers. Dreams and reality became interchangeable and chaotic, leaving us elated and inspired, preceding Pyramus and Thisbe; the wedding celebration performed by the mechanicals. In Propeller’s dream: seeing is believing! Nicholas Ashurst – “It was really really good” **** Charlotte Ward – “I love Shakespeare and I love Propeller” ***** Leah Fullalove – “Wow! What a spectacle… or not in Miss Chard’s case HAHA (she forgot her glasses!!!) ***** Ryan Taylor – “The performance was hilarious” **** Matt Beecham– “It was so funny, PUCKER!” ***** George Dowd – “I like the use of the physical theatre… the ice-cream was also tasty!” *****

Miss J Chard Drama Teacher

Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity



On Tuesday 12th November, we travelled to Poland to visit Auschwitz with the holocaust educational trust. Auschwitz was the base camp where the prisoners were forced to work as slaves. This has now been transformed into a museum with many of the exhibitions being held in the original buildings. Above the gates of Auschwitz there is the motto ‘ Arbeit macht frei’ which means work makes (you) free’. We saw the last remaining gas chamber which was a chilling experience as there remained scratches in wall. Later in the day we visited Auschwitz- birkeanu where we were greeted by a beautiful sunset. Auschwitz- birkeanu was the mass extermination site where 1.1 million people never returned home. Once there we visited the watchtower, a few barracks and ‘Canada’ – the sorting building where the prisoners were parted from their possessions. We ended the day with a memorial service led by Rabbi Marcus and lit a candle to place on the train tracks. It was a very emotional and overwhelming day. It is still difficult to come to terms with the scale of the camp and how such a horrendous crime could happen. It is also hard to label the perpetrators of the holocaust as there were many people who indirectly were involved for example could you class a train supervisor who schedule the trains into Auschwitz as perpetrator?. With such a large amount of people who died it is very easy to become de-sensitised, the main thing I learnt was that every single person involved was an individual with a family, a future and hopes. Amie Dredge Year 13

Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity

Learning for Life

Fire Safety The Year 12 Learning for Life students had an amazing experience during their lesson this week when a Firefighter from Chelsea came in to share his experiences working for the uniformed public service. Mr Joseph Worrall of the ‘White watch’ at Chelsea Fire station visited Therfield Wednesday morning to discuss his day to day lifestyle as a London firefighter. Students used their time effectively to gather information for their Health and Safety unit and were intrigued to find out how dangerous fighting fires can be. Some of Joe’s stories really captivated the students as he described in detail how he was one of the first firemen on the scene at the memorable helicopter crash in Vauxhall when a helicopter collided with a crane on top of St George Wharf Tower in January 2013. The Therfield students also had their chance to re-enact the vital seconds after receiving the dreaded emergency phone call as they had turns placing on the personal protective clothing needed to combat fires. After a relaxed fifteen second demonstration from Joe the process looked incredibly easy but did prove time consuming when others tried to match his time. All was looking bleak as no one was able to match the agility Joe showed placing on the four hundred degree heat resistant gear, then Shannon stepped up to record an incredible twelve second changeover to exceed all expectations and record the fastest time of the day.

Students had their chance to ask a whole range of questions and the responses really opened their minds as they warmed to Joe’s humbling answers. The students showed a real interest and really respected the dedication firefighters have in saving lives day in day out. The visit inspired all as some look to further their career planning to suit a job in the uniformed public service. We are all thankful of Joe’s time at Therfield and wish him the safest journey through his precarious career saving lives as a fire fighter. “I thoroughly enjoyed the experience; it really helps to advance my learning in the uniformed public service.” Lewis Wright “The opportunity was very insightful; I learned the risks that firemen have to take every time they get called out to fight fires.” Jack Sutehall “Although I knew the basics of being a firefighter it was very insightful hearing about the reality of being a professional fire fighter.” Shannon Knight “I rarely have the chance to speak with students studying Public Services so I’m truly grateful of the chance to share my experiences with well-mannered pupils like the ones at Therfield School. I hope to inspire others so they can grow up to be the next additions to the fire service.” Joseph Worrall Mr H May PE Teacher

Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity

Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity

Learning for Life

High Ropes

The Year 12 Learning for Life group went to Blacklands farm on 25th November, as part of their outdoor adventurous activities unit for Public Services, to take part in a High ropes course. The purpose of the day was to allow the student experience OAA and to help them understand about the health and safety involved in this area and to look at the protection of flora and fauna. Throughout the day the students took part in a low ropes course, high ropes course, a zip wire and a leap of faith. They all demonstrated fantastic team work skills, working together to overcome the fears of each task. They took part demonstrating leadership and confidence and were highly praised for their work ethic and attitudes by the instructors that spent the day with them.

Here is what the students had to say about their experiences…. “When Miss Hobson told us we were going on this trip I told her I would go but don’t think she’s getting me up there, but what can I say, I got there and I could not just stand and watch. I wanted to take on the challenge and I’m happy I did.” Jade Fraser “With my heart rate raised slightly I set on my way. Although difficult I managed to put my fears to one side… I completed the high ropes course and the feeling I got from that was just pride. I was also proud of everyone else that completed it” Shan-non Knight “ the time I was scared and wanted to come down but realised that if I came down I most probably would have regretted not doing it, so I carried on and we managed to complete the Leap of Faith. I was quite proud of myself.” “As the day came to an end we all thanked Chris and Matt for making our day at 4th

Dimension such an amazing experience. I could quite happily say this trip was by far

the best trip I have ever been on. “ Danielle Colvin

Ms G Hobson

PE Teacher

Christmas Card Competition

Congratulations to Alex Creswell in year 8 who won this year’s Christmas card


Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity Music

In December 2013 a group of 20 Year 7 students visited Kingston University to learn to play the music of the Gamelan. This Indonesian music ensemble features an array of ornately carved gongs and metallophones which they learnt play over the 2 hour workshop attended. Upon arrival students were asked to take their shoes off and sit beside an instrument where they learnt to play an authentic Gamelan folk song. Year 7 were able to draw on their experience at Therfield through their study of the Gamelan and have the opportunity to play the real instruments. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by all. After the workshop students were invited to watch the Kingston University undergraduates rehearse on the Gamelan for a concert whilst they ate their lunch. The student’s behaviour and participation was exceptional from travelling on public buses, to their engagement throughout the workshop and look forward to the prospect of working further with Kingston University on other projects.

Mr D Moon Music Teacher

Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity

Eagle Radio comes

to Therfield Online Social Media Law & Ethics Assembly and Workshop at Therfield School

On Monday 9th December Holly Powell-Jones from Eagle radio presented an interactive assembly to 660 students at Therfield School about Online Social Media Law & Ethics.

This involved equipping students with the understanding of how to use online and social media responsibly. In a world which is increasingly being lived online, an awareness of the legal and ethical issues surrounding new media is essential for the confidence and success of those who regularly use it. The facts covered included; Copyright law, Privacy law, Contempt of court, Libel (or Defamation), Offence, malice, threats or abuse (online bullying), Fraud/ impersonation, Data protection/ child protection, Reputation (personal & professional risks). For each area students gained an overview of: What the law is & how to avoid breaking it; the key legal/moral defenses for each offence; whether it is a civil or criminal matter and what the maximum penalties are, plus a selection of students took part in the workshop that gave students the opportunity to examine key case studies, past and present and reflect upon how to use the internet safely. The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey was awarded grant funding from the Community Safety Fund to Surrey radio station Eagle Radio to deliver free Online and Social Media Law & Ethics training, run by an accredited journalist, in every secondary state school in the county.

‘The training will provide expert advice to young people on the responsible, legal and safe use of social media and the internet. Local students will learn about: online and social media law; the do’s and don’ts of social media and internet; awareness and reporting of cyber-bullying; and how to stay safe online.’

Mrs Woodroffe Subject Leader for PSHE stated “I felt it was extremely important to take this opportunity for the Education team at Eagle Radio to help us raise the awareness of how our students can use the internet safely. There was something within this day for us all to learn and take away with us and this is something I will continue to promote as part of the PSHE programme.” A large number of students felt this assembly and workshop was worthwhile, interesting and informative; here are some quotes about why they would recommend the assembly and workshop to others and what they have learnt from it: “I learnt that you can be arrested for things that you say online....I would recommend this to others as its important to learn about this.” “I learnt about how things you post can affect your’s important that we are aware.” “I didn’t know you could be sued for what you post online.” “I learnt that you can be arrested for doing / saying things online...I would recommend this workshop because it helps you have a better understanding.” “I learnt that putting something up online will stay there.” “I learnt that things you post on face book are shown (can still be seen) when you are older when applying for jobs.”

Advice for parents: Social Media and the Law

1. Talk to your son or daughter about becoming their friend/follower on

Social Media sites – this way you can keep up to date with what they’re


2. Never post anything abusive, offensive or threatening, even as a joke,

as it may be taken very seriously by the police.

3. Unsubstantiated rumours that damage someone's reputation can land

you a lawsuit for defamation - only tweet or retweet something you

know is fact.

4. Don't use photos lifted from Google Images or other websites as they

may be copyrighted. Either take your own photos or use ones from sites

like Flikr Creative Commons. (

5. Sex victims are given lifelong anonymity by law and should never be

named unless they've chosen to waive that right. Likewise anyone who's

been given a new identity cannot be identified.

6. Steer clear of posting anything about court cases or crimes while

they're being investigated - as you could be in trouble for contempt of

court or prejudicing a trial.

7. Posting online any explicit pictures of someone without their permission

can count as harassment, which is a criminal offence.

8. Try to avoid commenting on or responding directly to anything which

concerns you. Instead report it to the website (Facebook, YouTube, Twit-

ter etc.), to the school or to the police.

9. When it comes to cyber bullying or harassment, avoid getting involved

on social media. Try to organise a meeting with the school, who should

be able to help you with this.

10. Above all, encourage your children to talk to you (or the school)

about anything they see or read online which worries them. Young peo-

ple play a key role in helping to identify and report inappropriate, unethi-

cal or illegal behaviour online.

As part of the ongoing programme of events for the KS4 Gifted and Talented students we have provided opportunities for them to discover what is required to put forward successful applications to Russell Group and Oxbridge Universities. At the start of November a group of year 11 students attended a conference at the Kia Oval in Vauxhall run by members of the Pixl Group. The focus of the day was for students to receive first-hand knowledge from current admissions tutors as to expectations and requirements for entry to top universities. Discussion centred around the topic of A-level choices and the influence that this can have on potential university courses / what to include in application statements / how your personal statement can be enhanced and finally how to gather the most information about prospective university courses before deciding on your choices. It may seem that University application is a long way off for students who have yet to sit their GCSE’s however, it is clear that students need to plan their attack on university applications carefully and therefore have a clear pathway mapped out in plenty of time. The conference was very informative and students were delighted to have been able to share in the opportunity to discuss their future plans with current university tutors. Year 10 Students attended a presentation, in school, held by Martha Baskerville from St Hilda's College, Oxford. The session was centred on the lifestyle, process and expectations of attending Oxford University. This was the students first opportunity to explore their ambitions and begin to consider how their future is going to take shape. We very much look forward to inviting Martha back in the near future and also joining her on a visit to Oxford later in the year. As part of the follow up process both year 11 and some year 12 students have attended an in house session based on the idea of extending themselves on a Supra-curricular basis. This involves how they can enhance their knowledge and further their interest in their chosen genre of academia. There are many options available to students including extended reading / lectures posted on university websites / public lectures to attend / self-taught courses show-ing independence in learning and summer school to name but a few. The challenge now for students is to extend themselves beyond the classroom, showing initiative and passion. I am sure that this will be a challenge that students will relish and enjoy.

Mr H Thomas - G&T Coordinator

Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity

Raising Student


Anti-Bullying Week

18th -22nd November Therfield is standing together against bullying!

Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity

Anti-bullying week is a week where the issues of bullying are raised around the world. Therfield’s campaign was based around the ‘Stand Together against Bullying’ scheme. This came from the programme Extreme Makeover, where the crew worked hard to

create a new home for a young boy’s family and got involved with an anti-bullying cam-paign. Our aim was for students to understand the effects and causes of bullying and for students to identify ways in which they can stand together against bullying. Over the week there were many activities during tutor time. The week kicked off with an introduction into what bullying is and the effects individuals face. After discussing this tutor groups made bunting to decorate their rooms with anti-bullying messages. All houses had an assembly, where by the campaign of ‘stand together against bullying’ was explained and explored visually. Students did not just learn about what bullying is, the effects of bullying and why bullies

bully; they also explored ways in which it could be prevented by looking at random acts

of kindness and the benefits of being kind to others. At the end of the week students

took the Therfield pledge to stand together against bullying. They were given a unique

number, which they wrote on their pledge with anti-bullying drawings and messages.


The Therfield anti-bullying campaign did not stop there it was even established in students subjects. Students experienced a range of starter and plenary activities, such as, analysing Artists’ works and how they relate to bullying in Art lessons. In history, students analysed a poem from Nazi Germany exploring the idea of the role of those who remain silent and allow bullying to take place. In Mathematics’, students looked into bullying statistics, whilst in ICT students learnt about cyberbullying. During MFL lessons students completed a dictionary task, producing an acrostic around the German / French words for bullying. In addition, Science used starters and plenaries to discuss how Science could help those who have been bullied to deal with the anxiety it causes. Exploring research about the hormones released in the brain when we feel anxious due to bullying and introduces a brand new technique that could help. Other subjects completed a whole lesson based on anti-bullying. For example, KS4 Business Study students looked at how Anti Bullying is promoted and created a promotional piece to generate more awareness. Whilst KS3 Geography students, looked into where in the world had the largest percentages of bullying being reported. In addition, Year Nine Music classes composed lyrics for raps with the focus of bullying issues. Drama had a big impact in the way students think about homophobic bullying. Year Ten students worked in groups to create a piece highlighting the issues of homophobic bullying, they later preformed this to Year Eight students. Furthermore, during PSHE lessons students took part in a circle time activity and a journalism task with the focus of anti-bullying. The effort of every subject area and tutor group has strengthened the message that for whatever reason someone may bully another person but this is not acceptable and not tolerated at Therfield School. Bullies exist as a minority and if we all STAND TOGETHER AGAINST BULLYING they will be outnumbered and realise their wrong doing. Miss Mundy (Anti-bullying Co-ordinator)


Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Drama Drama A.C.T Workshop “So much fun” Kieron Young, Year 9. On Tuesday 10th December the Drama Gifted and Talented KS3 cohort participated in the very first Drama Gifted and Talented workshop. This was delivered by Katy and Peter from A.C.T. It was also supported by Yr12 Drama and Theatre Studies students, Helen Hutchinson and James Hill. A.C.T Workshop Company ‘teaches students how to act in a truthful, confident and emotional way, teaching them to become an actor that is affected by what they see and say’. Peter and Katy are both professional trained actors as well as trained and experienced Drama Teachers. 35 students, from KS3 who have been identified as Gifted and Talented, participated in a 2 hour session focussing on characterisation through Stanislavski and Laban techniques. The students explored how to find a characters objective and keep scenes fresh by ‘reacting’ to what was going on on-stage and ‘reacting’ to the other actors. The workshop began with simple repetition exercises that built to bigger scenes focussing on how the other actor was making them feel. The students then layered on opposing or complimentary character objectives and were encouraged to be brave and bold with their decisions to ensure they achieved their set objective! The room was full of energy and students were taking risks with their work resulting in giggling and shouting (all for the right reasons)! The students came away from the experience buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm. They thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and students have already begun to use the ideas from the event in class. The Drama Department look forward to offering more exciting and stimulating workshops in the New Year!

From a letter they wrote to the Teenage Cancer Trust: Recently, we did a sponsored 10k walk in our wellies and onesies in aid of the charity. The charity means a lot to all of us and so we really wanted to do our bit to help. We had so much fun and really enjoyed ourselves. We managed to raise a total of £905 which we are all so happy about as we set ourselves a much lower target and we get to make a much bigger donation!

Teenage Cancer Trust Chloe Pratt, Laura O’Mahony, Chess O’Mahony, Millie Darby, Lucy Napper, and Becky Palmer all took part in a fundraiser for the Teenage Cancer Trust. The girls should be extremely proud with their achievement.

Student News Therfield School

‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity

Christmas Productions Congratulations to any students involved is Christmas productions. Mr Johnson was particularly pleased to be invited to see Joe Relton, Luke Elbishlawi, Scott Ker-shaw and Shreya Gupta in “Happily Never After”. A super performance.

Dates for your diary 20 Dec 1 Fri END OF TERM SCHOOL FINISHES AT 1.10PM

21 Dec Sat Christmas Break

5 Jan Sun Christmas Break Ends

6 Jan 2 Mon Return to School - Week 2

14 Jan 1 Tue Yr11 post 16 interviews

15 Jan 1 Wed Yr10 Parents Evening 4pm - 8pm

Yr11 post 16 interviews

17 Jan 1 Fri English – Inter-house event

20 Jan 2 Mon School Council meeting this week

Inter-Hse Basketball starts

27 Jan 1 Mon Technology inter-house event this week

29 Jan 1 Wed Inter-Hse Basketball end

30 Jan 1 Thu Yr 9 Options Evening 6pm - 7.30pm

Yr10 GCSE Hospitality practical exam as part of Y9 Options evening.

3 Feb 2 Mon

Yr7 – 11 Academic Tutoring P1

Sixth form IAG session P1

School starts at 9.35am

House Council meetings all week

4 Feb 2 Tue

Yr7 – 11 Academic Tutoring P1

Sixth form IAG session P1

School starts at 9.35am

5 Feb 2 Wed

Yr7 – 11 Academic Tutoring P1

Sixth form IAG session P1

School starts at 9.35am

Yr12 Parents Evening

6 Feb 2 Thu

Yr7 – 11 Academic Tutoring P1

Sixth form IAG session P1

School starts at 9.35am

Intermediate Maths challenge

7 Feb 2 Fri

Yr7 – 11 Academic Tutoring P1

Sixth form IAG session P1

School starts at 9.35am

10 Feb 1 Mon Sixth form RAG week starts

12 Feb 1 Wed Yr9 Parents evening 4pm - 8pm

13 Feb 1 Thu Drama performance & workshop (Y10-13)

14 Feb 1 Fri Sixth form RAG week ends

Winter Mountain Experience departs

15 Feb Sat Half Term begins

20 Feb Thu Half Term

Winter Mountain Experience returns

23 Feb Sun Half Term ends

24 Feb 2 Mon House Council meetings all week

Therfield School ‘The Best for All’

Excellence - Leadership - Opportunity



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