Page 1: There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there

“There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book.”

The following list of classic and modern stories are guaranteed to entertain, enthral, delight, distract, satisfy, engross, amuse and gladden anyone who chooses to open their front cover and dive in!

They all fall into the 8-9 age range so are perfect for Year 4 - Happy reading.

How many of these (or others) will you read?

Book Cover

Title Author A Brief Guide…

Max and the Millions Ross Montgomery

Max is used to spending time alone – it’s difficult to make friends in a big, chaotic school when you’re deaf. He prefers to give his attention to the little things in life…like making

awesome, detailed replica models. Then Mr Darrow, the school caretaker and fellow modeller, goes missing. Max must follow his parting instruction: ‘Go to my room. You’ll

know what to do.’ There on the floor he finds a pile of sand…and in the sand is Mr Darrow’s latest creation. A tiny boy, no bigger than an ant: Luke, Prince of the Blues. And behind the tiny boy, millions

of others – a thriving, bustling, sprawling civilisation! A civilisation that needs Max’s help…

Desirable Frank

Cottrell Boyce

A hilarious comedy from award-winning Frank Cottrell Boyce. George is so unpopular that even his own grandad won't come to his birthday party. Instead, his grandad sends him a bottle of aftershave that expired years ago. But the aftershave seems to have developed extra properties since its sell-by date...Now George is irresistible to all the girls in school -

and even the teachers can't get enough of him!

Page 2: There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there

My Brother is a Superhero

David Solomons

Luke is a comic-mad eleven-year old who shares a treehouse with his geeky older brother, Zack. Luke's only mistake is to go for a wee right at the wrong time. While he's gone, an

alien gives his undeserving, never-read-a-comic-in-his-life brother superpowers and then tells him to save the universe. Luke is massively annoyed about this, but when Zack is

kidnapped by his arch-nemesis, Luke and his friends have only five days to find him and save the world...

There’s a Werewolf in my Tent

Pamela Butchart

Izzy and her friends are SO EXCITED about their school trip. They're going camping and there'll be marshmallows and no washing and everything. But then WEIRD things start

happening! There are howling sounds at night, and some sausages have gone missing, and it's nearly a full moon...But it's when they see their new teacher's hairy legs that they

KNOW! There's a werewolf on the school trip and they're all DOOMED!

The 13-Storey Treehouse

Andy Griffiths

Andy and Terry live in the WORLD'S BEST treehouse! It's got a giant catapult, a secret underground laboratory, a tank of man-eating sharks and a marshmallow machine that

follows you around and shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you're hungry! Just watch out for the sea monkeys, and the monkeys pretending to be sea monkeys, and the giant mutant mermaid sea monster . . . Oh, and, whatever you do, don't get trapped in

a burp-gas-filled bubble . . . !

Frank Einstein Jon Scieszka

Kid-genius and inventor Frank Einstein loves figuring out how the world works by creating household contraptions that are part science, part imagination, and definitely unusual. In

the series opener, an uneventful experiment in his garage-lab, a lightning storm, and a flash of electricity bring Frank’s inventions―the robots Klink and Klank―to life! Not exactly the ideal lab partners, the wisecracking Klink and the overly expressive Klank

nonetheless help Frank attempt to perfect his inventions.. . . until Frank’s arch nemesis, T. Edison, steals Klink and Klank for his evil doomsday plan!

Operation Gadgetman Malorie Blackman

Beans calls her dad 'Gadgetman' because of the weird and wonderful gadgets he comes up with - everything from exploding biscuits to Spy Kits. But when Gadgetman accidentally

invents a device that could be used to steal millions of pounds, the wrong people find out and Gadgetman is kidnapped!With the help of her friends - and her special Gadgetman Spy

Kit - Beans is determined to track down the kidnappers and rescue her dad. But can she find Gadgetman before he is forced to hand over the details of his invention...?

The Children of Green Knowe

Lucy M Boston

Tolly's great grandmother isn't a witch, but both she and her old house, Green Knowe, are full of a very special kind of magic. There are other children in the house - children who were happy there centuries before. Running around Green Knowe's moat, gardens and

mysterious rooms, Tolly slowly discovers them, their toys and animals, and their wonderful stories . . .

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How To Train Your Dragon

Cressida Cowell

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is a smallish Viking with a longish name. Hiccup's father is chief of the Hairy Hooligan tribe which means Hiccup is the Hope and the Heir to

the Hairy Hooligan throne - but most of the time Hiccup feels like a very ordinary boy, finding it hard to be a Hero. In the first How to Train Your Dragon book Hiccup must lead

ten novices in their initiation into the Hairy Hooligan Tribe. They have to train their dragons or be BANISHED from the tribe FOR EVER! But what if Hiccup's dragon resembles

an ickle brown bunny with wings? And has NO TEETH? The Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus is stirring and wants to devour every Viking on the Isle of Berk . . .

Can Hiccup save the tribe - and become a Hero?

Lizzie Dripping Helen Cresswell

Everyone in the village where Lizzie lives thinks that she's a dreamer - so it's no wonder that they don't believe her when she says she's seen a witch. But Lizzie doesn't care

because she knows it's true and having a witch for a friend makes life much more exciting.

The Great Elephant Chase

Gillian Cross

A giant Indian elephant. A wild journey across America. An enemy who will never stop.

Tad and Cissie are on the run with Khush the elephant. Clammy-fingered, steely-eyed Hannibal Jackson will do anything to capture the animal.

The Twits Roald Dahl

Mr Twit is a foul and smelly man with bits of cornflake and sardine in his beard. Mrs Twit is a horrible old hag with a glass eye.

Together they make the nastiest couple you could ever hope not to meet. Down in their garden, the Twits keep Muggle-Wump the monkey and his family locked in a

cage. But not for much longer, because the monkeys are planning to trick the terrible Twits, once and for all . . .

Toad Rage Morris Gleitzman

Limpy can't understand why humans hate all cane toads so much - they even squash them with their cars. He is determined to save his own family from ending up as flat as place

mats. He sets off on a 'mucas-chillingly dangerous and wart-tinglingly daring journey' and risks everything to make humans see that cane toads are really very nice.

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The Falcon’s Malteser Anthony Horowitz

Meet the Diamond Brothers, the world's most defective detectives, by the author of the number one bestselling Alex Rider series. When a dwarf comes into the office and leaves a package, Tim Diamond, the world's worst private-detective, is faced with his toughest case yet. The office is ransacked and the package is found to contain simply a box of Maltesers.

Who was the dwarf … and why was he murdered shortly after his visit?

The house that sailed away

Pat Hutchins

Grandma, Mother, Father, Morgan, the baby and Tailcat find themselves catapulted into the whackiest adventure ever when their house floats off down the street and out to sea! Blood-thirsty pirates, a kidnapping and buried treasure are just some of the hair-raisers in

store in Pat Hutchins own adaptation of her ever-popular children s novel.

Fairy Tales Terry Jones Three raindrops have an argument on their way out of a cloud … A silly King goes for a walk

with a dog tied to each leg … An enterprising herring, bored of the North Sea, decides to swim right round the world …

The Hodgeheg Dick King Smith

Max is a hedgehog who lives with his family in a nice little home, but it's on the wrong side of the road from the Park where there's a beautiful lily pond and plenty of juicy slugs,

worms and snails! The busy road is dangerous but Max is determined to make his way across. If humans can

do it, why can't hedgehogs? His first attempt ends in a nasty bump on the head and, when Max tries to speak, he

realises his words are all mixed up. He is no longer a hedgehog but a hodge-heg! Still determined to fulfil his mission, Max discovers the best way to cross the road - with

the help of the lollipop lady and some careful detective work . . .

The Way to Sattin Shore

Philippa Pearce

Kate never knew her dad, but that doesn't stop her missing him. She often secretly visits the gravestone with his name on it.

But when the gravestone disappears Kate has a mystery on her hands. She has to find out what has happened and as she delves deeper into her family's past, she realizes that there

are many secrets to uncover and that all the clues point to one place. As Kate races to Sattin Shore her mind is a whirl of emotions: what she finds there will

change the shape of her life for ever.

Page 5: There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there

The Firework Maker’s Daughter

Phillip Pullman

What Lila wants to be more than anything else in the world is . . . a Firework-Maker! But firework-making is not just about being able to make Crackle-Dragons and Golden Sneezes. There is also one special secret: every Firework-Maker must make a perilous

journey to face the terrifying Fire-Fiend! Not knowing that she needs special protection to survive the Fire-Fiend's flames, Lila sets off alone. Her friends, Chulak and Hamlet - the King's white elephant - race after her. But

can they possibly reach her in time?

The Suitcase Kid Jacqueline Wilson

When my parents split up they didn't know what to do with me . . . My family always lived at Mulberry Cottage. Mum, Dad, me - and Radish, my Sylvanian rabbit. But now Mum lives with Bill the Baboon and his three kids. Dad lives with Carrie and her twins. And where do I live? I live out of a suitcase. One week with Mum's new

family, one week with Dad's. It's as easy as A B C. That's what everyone says. But all I want is to go home - back to

Mulberry Cottage...

Billionaire Boy David Walliams

Joe has a lot of reasons to be happy. About a billion of them, in fact. You see, Joe's rich. Really, really rich. Joe's got his own bowling alley, his own cinema, even

his own butler who is also an orangutan. He's the wealthiest twelve-year-old in the land. Yes, Joe has absolutely everything he could possibly want. But there’s just one thing he

really needs: A friend.

Cliffhanger Jacqueline Wilson

From climbing and abseiling to canoeing and a Crazy Bucket Race, Tim's adventure holiday promises to be full of action. There's just one problem: he is hopeless at sports of any kind.

Can Tim survive the horrors of a week absolutely packed with activity? Can his team - the

Tigers - be the overall champions? There are some surprises in store for everyone!

The Legend of Captain Crow’s Teeth

Eoin Colfer Will's brother Marty is always playing practical jokes. But when he tells the bloodcurdling

story of the cutthroat pirate Captain Crow, Will is terrified. Is it another one of Marty's tricks, or could Captain Crow's ghost really be out to get him?

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The Battle of Bubble and Squeak

Philippa Pearce

Sid, Peggy and Amy adore the two gerbils, Bubble and Squeak, but their mother detests them. A major family battle results, and it's clear life is never going to be quite the same again. But after a near fatal encounter between Bubble and Ginger the cat, Mrs Sparrow

begins to see that life with 2 gerbils might not be so bad after all.

Give Peas a Chance Morris Gleitzman

Give fun a chance! Surprise your mum with a chainsaw, be a bigger star than Tom Cruise, save the world with a plate of vegetables, start your new life in a taxi, rescue your family

with a tomato, send your dad into a panic with a tractor, do a good deed with a paper bag on your head, pack your suitcase for a trip to the spleen, upset your auntie with ten kilos

of chocolate, swap a bomb for three ice creams on a steam train . . . and lots more.

The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips

Michael Morpurgo

"Something's up. Something big too, very big. At school, in the village, whoever you meet, it's all anyone talks about. It's like a sudden curse has come down on us all. It makes me

wonder if we'll ever see the sun again."

It's 1943, and Lily Tregenze lives on a farm, in the idyllic seaside village of Slapton. Apart from her father being away, and the 'townie' evacuees at school, her life is scarcely

touched by the war. Until one day, Lily and her family, along with 3000 other villagers, are told to move out of their homes – lock, stock and barrel.

Soon, the whole area is out of bounds, as the Allied forces practise their landings for D-

day, preparing to invade France. But Tips, Lily's adored cat, has other ideas – barbed wire and keep-out signs mean nothing to her, nor does the danger of guns and bombs. Frantic

to find her, Lily makes friends with two young American soldiers, who promise to help her. But will she ever see her cat again? Lily decides to cross the wire into the danger zone to

look for Tips herself…

Now, many years later, as Michael is reading his Grandma Lily's diary, he learns about The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips – and wonders how one adventurous cat could still affect

their lives sixty years later.

The Invisible Dog Dick King Smith

The story of a girl who tries to satisfy her yearning for a dog by introducing an imaginary Great Dane called Henry to the house. Her wish comes true and she is allowed a real Henry - but there's more than a hint that old Mrs Garrow, with her cackling laugh and black cat,

may have been involved.

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The Worst Witch Jill Murphy Mildred Hubble is a trainee at Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches, but she's making an awful mess of it. She keeps getting her spells wrong and crashing her broomstick. And

when she turns Ethel, the teacher's pet into her worst enemy, chaos ensues...

The Last Castaways Harry Horse

On holiday in Saltbottle, Grandfather and Roo discover the Unsinkable, the boat which took them to the North Pole in the first book, lying in a sadly dilapidated state and up for

sale. At the auction, the short-sighted auctioneer accidentally sellsthe boat to Roo - sold to the old lady in the brown fur coat! Now they have to find the money and the Captain

suggests a fishing trip to the Great Cod Banks in the Forgotten Sea. Off they go, but the trip ends in disaster when the boat sinks and Grandfather and Roo are cast away on a desert

island. They find their own Man Friday (called Tuesday) but he turns out to be a film director staying in a luxury hotel. Meanwhile, the Captain has found the treasure and

rescued the Unsinkable.

Eeek! The Runaway Alien

Karen Inglis

Eleven-year-old Charlie Spruit can't believe his luck when he opens his door to an alien one morning. Who is he? Why has he come? Charlie soon discovers that this alien has run away

from space to Earth to be with him because he's soccer mad and the World Cup is on...!

'Eeek,' as Charlie decides to call him, takes up secret residence in Charlie's bedroom where he sleeps on the ceiling by night and pores over Charlie's football magazines and stickers

by day. All is going surprisingly well until slimy sci-fi mad Sid Spiker, who lives out the back, spots Eeek through his telescope. Sid has his own plans for this alien, which bring surprises

that no-one could have imagined...

The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop

Kate Saunders

Eleven-year-old twins Oz and Lily are recruited by a talking cat to assist her and M16 in foiling the dastardly plans of their great-great-uncle, a chocolatier who used magic to

make a candy that bestows immortality.

The Giants and The Joneses

Julia Donaldson

Every giant knows beanstalks and little people don’t exist. Almost every giant, anyway . . . When Jumbeelia’s curiosity leads her to a real-live bimplestonk at the edgeland of Groil

and down, down, down into Colette, Stephen and Poppy’s lives, the children find themselves in BIG trouble! They're desperate to get home - but it's not easy when even

the wasps are giant sized!

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Bad Dad David Walliams

Dads come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. There are fat ones and thin ones, tall ones and short ones.

There are young ones and old ones, clever ones and stupid ones. There are silly ones and serious ones, loud ones and quiet ones.

Of course, there are good dads, and bad dads . . .

A high-speed cops and robbers adventure with heart and soul about a father and son taking on the villainous Mr Big – and winning!

Sam Wu is NOT afraid of GHOSTS

Katie and Kevin Tsang

Sam Wu is NOT a scaredy-cat (except he is). When a trip to the Space Museum goes terrifyingly wrong, Sam begins a mission to prove to the school bully, and all of his friends,

that he is a fearless space adventurer.

I swapped my brother on the Internet

Jo Simmons

'I can get a new brother? On the internet?' Jonny muttered. 'Oh sweet mangoes of heaven!' Everyone has dreamed of being able to get rid of their brother or sister at one

time or another - but for Jonny, the dream is about to become a reality with! What could be better than someone awesome to replace Ted, Jonny's

obnoxious older brother. But finding the perfect brother isn't easy, as Jonny discovers when Sibling Swap sends him a line of increasingly bizarre replacements: first a merboy,

then a brother raised by meerkats, and then the ghost of Henry the Eighth! What's coming next?! Suddenly old Ted isn't looking so bad. But can Jonny ever get him back?

The Nothing To See Here Hotel

Steven Butler

Welcome to The Nothing to See Here Hotel! A hotel for magical creatures, where weird is normal for Frankie Banister and his parents who run the hotel.

When a goblin messenger arrives at The Nothing to See Here Hotel, announcing the imminent arrival of the goblin prince Grogbah, Frankie and his family rush into action to

get ready for their important guest. But it soon becomes obvious that the Banister family are going to have their work cut out with the demanding prince and his never-ending

entourage, especially when it turns out the rude little prince is hiding a secret...

Iguana Boy James Bishop

Dylan has wanted a superpower for as long as he can remember, especially since his brother and sister have got really cool ones. But when his wish finally comes true, Dylan is

MIGHTILY disappointed. For Dylan has become ... Iguana Boy. He can talk to Iguanas ... RUBBISH! And when supervillain Celina Shufflebottom kidnaps all the superheroes in

London, Dylan must work out how to use his new team of chatty iguanas to save the day. He's going to have to think outside the box, (the pizza box), if he's going to become the

hero he's always dreamed of. If he's going to make Iguana Boy cool.

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