Page 1: Therapeutic Applications of Classical Conditioning

Therapeutic Applications of Classical Conditioning

n  Stimulus Generalization & Discrimination n  Classical Conditioning-based Therapies for

Eliminating the CR

n Flooding

n Counterconditioning

n Systematic Desensitization

n Aversion Therapy

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Generalization/ Discrimination

n  Stimulus Generalization n  CR elicited by stimuli similar to

original CS

n  Stimulus Discrimination n  CR elicited more by specific


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Generalization/ Discrimination

n  More similarity to CS -> stronger CR n  Experimental neurosis: difficulty discriminating

n  Unpredictable events -> neurotic symptoms/ anxiety n  E.g. circle = CS+, oval = CS-, gradually made


n  Generalization contributes to phobias

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Eliminating the CR

n  Extinction: Presenting the CS for short periods of time repeatedly without presenting the US

Metronome (CS) by itself à NO Salivation

n  Need short CS presentation just as before

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Fears and Phobias

n  Phobias: Maladaptive fears n  Can be acquired via classical conditioning Dog : Bite à Pain => Dog à Fear


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Fears and Phobias

n  Can be acquired via other means (e.g., observation)

n  Classical conditioning-based therapies can help treat phobias, regardless of how they were acquired

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Flooding n  Prolonged exposure to CS while preventing escape

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n  Counterconditioning: learning a new, incompatible association that counteracts the original one

Metronome à Salivation

Metronome : Shock à Fear

Metronome à Fear (NOT Salivation any more)


new CR old CS



old CS

New CR incompatible with old CR (Reciprocal Inhibition)

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Counterconditioning cont.

n  Systematic Desensitization: a series of relaxations paired w/ hierarchy of fear-eliciting stimuli

n Phobias - relaxation paired w/ old CS of phobia

n Old CR (Fear) & new CR (Calm) are incompatible

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Counterconditioning Systematic Desensitization cont.

n  Part 1: Fear hierarchy is established

n  Part 2: Physical Relaxation training

n Train to be aware of tension; tense then relax self

n  Part 3: Gradual presentation of hierarchy items

n Start with least fear-arousing

n  Can be in vivo or imaginal

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Counterconditioning cont.

n  Aversion Therapy (Aversive Counterconditioning): a therapy for detrimental behaviors in which one cannot stop engaging

n Not for Phobias, often used for addictive behaviors

n Goal: to develop an aversive CR to the stimuli associated with the undesirable behavior

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