Mission Statement “We are a welcoming spiritual home that provides community and personal growth through liturgy,
evangelization, the Word of God and a call to His service.”
October 3, 2021 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Raphael Catholic Church 18440 Cadillac Hwy · Copemish, MI 49625
Mailing address: PO Box 150, Onekama, MI 49675 Email: [email protected] Phone: 231.889.4254 · Fax: 231.889.3706
St. Joseph Catholic Church 8380 Fifth St · Onekama, MI 49675
“Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them.”
My Dear Friends in Christ,
We begin another month and another opportunity to grow in our relationship with our God! October brings new and good things for all of us if we are willing to open our hearts and minds to see the power and glory of our God.
This month, I would like to talk about the sacraments in our Church. I saw in the readings for this month an opportunity to meditate on this topic.
Last month, the Gospel about the man who had a speech impediment and was healed by Jesus made me think about the privilege for this man to have met Jesus and receive a wonderful gift of healing. What a privilege for him to have Jesus touch his mouth and his ears and allow him the opportunity to talk and hear again. Jesus worked in wonderful ways so that we can understand his love for us.
The mute and deaf man could not talk nor hear Jesus, but this man experienced the love and care of Jesus.
In the first reading, God said: “it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.” God’s power and love are shown through the sacraments as the channels of divine-human encounter. We are invited to be a force for good in the world. The world is still in ruins; followers of Christ are given the Spirit of courage and the power of grace through the sacraments, the coming of God into us to transform us, and through us, the world.
Sacrament comes from Latin sacramentum and Greek mysterion for the mystery of grace hidden in the sacrament. I know that you remember the definition of a sacrament being a visible sign established by Christ to give grace. Sacraments are both visible and invisible events: signs are visible, and grace is invisible. In 1215, the 4th Lateran Council held at Rome was the first council to number the sacraments at seven.
Today’s Gospel is talking about the sacrament of marriage. Jesus explained to his disciples what the real meaning of this sacrament is. Jesus wonderfully explained to his disciples God’s intention for human beings. “But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” Catholics understood that a sacrament is both a sign and symbol. A sign is something that points to another reality and means what it signifies. A symbol has a multi-dimensional meaning. The symbol refers to the reality to which it points. The sacrament of marriage is a perfect example of this reality and helps us to understand what God’s divine plan for humanity is. Jesus came and gave the perfect meaning of this sacrament because this sacrament becomes an embracing of the loving presence of God in concrete space and time, revealing man’s eternal destiny that God is always inviting us to live.
— Fr. Rubén Darío Muñoz Jiménez
Page 2 St. Joseph Church, Onekama, and St. Raphael Church, Copemish, Michigan
Pastoral Staff
New Office Hours
Mass Schedule
Tuesday, Wednesday ..... 11:00 am ......... St. Raphael Thursday, Friday ............ 11:00 am ........... St. Joseph Saturday .......................... 4:00 pm ........... St. Joseph Saturday .......................... 6:30 pm ......... St. Raphael Sunday ............................ 9:00 am ......... St. Raphael Sunday .......................... 11:00 am ........... St. Joseph
Sacrament of Penance
Sacrament of Baptism
Parents interested in having their children baptized need to contact the pastor for further information.
Sacrament of Marriage
Those seeking this sacrament are required to contact the pastor at least six months in advance. Pre- marriage instructions are required.
Bulletin Deadline
Wednesday at Noon - 10 days prior to publication Send info to [email protected], or drop off hard copy to the Parish Office.
Prayer Requests
Ann Bialik Dianna Bialik
Ed Bielat Kyleigh Borah
Ned Brown Anna Charlich
Dennis Daldine Karen Daldine Martha Dirksen
Blake Elmer Frank English Mary Evans
Norma & Arnold Fraley Ken Franklin
Michele Gillaspie Don Gurn Pat Gurn
William Hogarth Addy Hollifield Tammy Holmes
Bruce Howell Dennis Humphrey Marlene Krause
Stephen Kuczynski Joyce LaFleur Ryan LaHaie Tami Laurent Joseph Lizon
Marilyn & William Lotz George Macko
John David Martuch Tammy May Julie Miller Kelly Miller
Olivia Miller Lisa Milliron Dale Moody Gino Nacco
Nielsen Family James Oliver
Becky Petersen Judy Pendygraft
Kay Thompson Donna Wallace
Tom Wasco Mary Wisniski
Sgt. Gabe Caldwell, Army SSgt Hannah Janicki Davis, USAF
SSgt Kyle R. Davis, USAF Mark J. Debano, Jr., OD LT, MSC,
USN 2 Lt. Daniel J. Debano, Engineer,
MIARNG Sgt. Chris DeVoll, Army
Spc. Renada DeVoll, Army 2nd Lt. Connor Fitzpatrick, Army
Olivia Fouchey, USAF Charles Fouchey V, Army, NG
Jay Long, Air Force Mike Meyers, Air Force
Adam O'Neill, Army Capt. Courtney Pierce, RN, Army
Capt. Karina Pierce, Army Sgt. Benjamin Pingel, Navy
Adam Schuessler, Army, USAF Hunter Scoggins, Army
Austin Soller, Navy Sgt. Dylan Somsel, Army
Trevor Tomkinson, Marine Capt. Kent Turner, Army Yeoman John Tucker, CG Yeoman Sarah Tucker, CG
Daniel Tanner, Navy
Please remember in your prayers all the homebound, those who are in the Medical Care, adult foster care homes, and those who are ill including:
Please pray for all service men and women who are serving our country.
Mass Intentions
Tuesday, October 5th 10:00 am Adoration followed by 11:00 am Mass .......................... St. Raphael
Wednesday, October 6th 11:00 am No Mass ....................................................................... St. Raphael
Thursday, October 7th 10:00 am Adoration followed by 11:00 Mass ................................... St. Joseph
Friday, October 8th 11:00 am Mass ............................................................................... St. Joseph Saturday, October 9th 4:00 pm †Julie Daly (Ray Daly) ...................................................... St. Joseph 6:30 pm Living and Deceased Parishioners ................................. St. Raphael Sunday, October 10th 8:00 am TV Mass for the Homebound ................... Fox 32 (Cable Channel 3) 9:00 am †Charlene Mary Green (Virginia Therrien) ..................... St. Raphael 11:00 am Somsel Family Birthdays .................................................. St. Joseph
Ministry Schedule
St. Joseph Saturday, October 9, 4:00 pm Lector Beth Klajda Body of Christ Chris Goodrich Altar Servers Rocco Anhalt Usher/Greeter Ed Barlan & Cindy Kadzban Sunday, October 10, 11:00 am Lector Tom Fleming Body of Christ Maria Somsel Altar Servers Landyn Kequom Usher/Greeter Mike Kamaloski & Tom Greve St. Raphael Saturday, October 9, 6:30 pm Lector Peaches Sanovic Body of Christ Gerry Kash Altar Servers Emily Fouchey Usher/Greeter Volunteers Needed Sunday, October 10, 9:00 am Lector David Clous Body of Christ Carlina Breitner Altar Servers Cathy Noggle User/Greeter Volunteers Needed
October 3, 2021 - Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, October 5th 7:00 pm Tri-Saints KC Meeting ....... St. Raphael Wednesday, October 6th 9:00 am Bible Study ........................ St. Raphael 10:00 am Mini-Pilgrimage ....................... McBain 6:00 pm Pastoral Council Meeting ..... St. Joseph Friday, October 8th 9:30 am Bible Study .......................... St. Joseph
Stewardship By the Book
In the Gospel today, the owner of the vineyard sent messengers to collect his share of the harvest from the tenant farmers; but there was not a single good steward on the property! God is the owner, we are the tenants. What sort of stewards are we?
Vocation View
Matrimony - a beautiful vocation, so misused today. Celibacy, a beautiful gift, so misunderstood today. Whether we do God’s work in pairs or as single persons, or in a community, we do God’s work because he calls.
Stewardship Reflections
“So out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.” (Genesis 2:19)
The creation story reminds us of two important points. First, since the start, God has put the entire world into our care. Second, stewardship has been around since the beginning of mankind, it isn’t something recently invented by the Church. Just as past generations built our Church, it is now our responsibility to continue to nurture and develop these gifts for future generations.
Family Perspective by Bud Ozar
In today’s gospel Jesus encourages married couples to throw away the marriage rule book. Rules are for those with “hardened hearts.” Married couples are called to be a sacramental reflection of God’s faithful and selfless love…a place where people live and love beyond rules and formulas.
Celebrating Birthdays
Celebrating Anniversaries
10/05 M/M David Cole 10/07 M/M Arden Bradford 10/07 M/M Randy Sanovic 10/10 M/M Wayne Janicki
Stewardship of Treasure May Our Lord bless us through our generosity.
St. Joseph Envelope Offertory .................................... $2348.00 Loose Offertory ........................................... $508.00 Stipend......................................................... $30.00 Vigil Lights ................................................... $38.00 Total ..................................................... $2924.00 Building Fund ............................................... $85.00 Food Pantry ................................................ $199.00 St. Raphael Envelope Offertory ...................................... $900.00 Loose Offertory ........................................... $530.70 Vigil Lights. .................................................. $19.00 Coffee .......................................................... $13.00 Stole Fee ...................................................... 200.00 Donation .................................................... $600.00 Total ..................................................... $2262.70 Flea Market .............................................. $2454.51 Raffle ......................................................... $215.00
With Deepest Sympathy
In your kindness and prayers, please remember the soul of Richard Smith, Sr., who passed away on September 4th, and also the soul of Nancy Satal who passed away on September 21st. May they now enjoy the great blessings of eternal life. May their family and friends experience God’s consoling presence during this time of loss.
Faith Formation Classes Beginning
Good News! Faith Formation classes for those wishing to receive the sacraments will be held weekly beginning on Tuesday, October 5, 2021, from 6:00-7:00PM, in the St. Joseph Fellowship Hall. Registration forms will be provided at the first session. There is no fee for the classes, books, or materials we will use. If you have any questions before the first meeting, please leave a message for Tracy Daberkoe by calling the church office at 231.889.4254.
WAIT! Please don’t skip reading this...
Thank you for taking a moment to read this! “We are never more like Jesus than when we are serving Him or others. There is no higher calling than to be a servant.”

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