




The theme ‘Restore Our Earth’

focuses on natural processes,

emerging green technologies, and

innovative thinking that can

restore the world‟s ecosystems.


• All projects must be handwritten.

• The cover page should show the School‟s Name, Logo, Student‟s Name, Class,

Section and Subject. The cover page should be typed.

• The second page should be about acknowledgement.

• The third page should be about the content headings with their page numbers.

• Each topic should be written on a new page.

• Use pictures and captions wherever possible.

• Marks will be deducted from for spelling and grammatical errors.

• Last page should be about bibliography.


• In case virtual classes: All project work must be submitted as PDF in respective

Google Classroom.

• In case school reopens: All project work must be submitted in file page with proper

spiral binding.


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher (Name of

the teacher) who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project

on the topic (Write the topic name). I offer my sincere appreciation for the

learning opportunities provided by my principal (Name of the principal) which

also helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about so many

new things. I am really thankful to them. I would also like to thank my parents

and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time



• For millions of years our Earth has given us a lot. Responsibility of protecting our

planet Earth starts with us. Write a composition in 300 to 350 words, beginning with

the line - 'Looking at the globe, I realised.....' .

• Write a letter to your friend briefing him/her about the Earth Day, in creating

awareness to save Earth and its resources from endangering.

• As the the secretary of the environmental society of your school, write a notice

regarding forthcoming tree plantation week to be celebrated in your school. Invite

the students to make it successful by planting saplings.

• Write an email to the Mayor of your city inviting him to your school for a plantation

drive on the occasion of World Environment Day.


1. As a student of literature, you have the opportunity to spark a passion in yourself that

will drive you to do your part to take care of the Mother Earth. You need to observe your

surroundings; think about what you see, hear, and feel; and put it into words. Ignite the

poetic virtue inside you! And get ready to do magic with your pen! So give wings to your

imagination and compose an original beautiful poem of 12- 15 lines with a wonderful

title, written in free verse to adore Mother Nature. It is not compulsory that your poem

should have any regular rhyme scheme.

2. Write the Central Idea of yourself composed poem.

3. Draw a flow chart including the following:

i. Name of the poem

ii. Name of the poet

iii. Theme/ message conveyed to the readers

iv. Literary device/devices used

v. Conclusion

4. Explore the work of renowned poets who have appreciated Nature or have taken

up the theme of Restoration of Earth in their works. List down the name of the

poem, name of the poet and write a few lines about the poem. You should list down

at least 10 poems.

For example: The Heart of a Tree

The Heart of a Tree: About the poem

The Heart of a Tree by an American poet and novelist Henry Cuyler Bunner is a fine

piece of poetry with a simple theme ' we plant many more when we plant a tree'. It is

written in a simple structure. The poem was originally published in 1912.


हहिंदी भाषा(Hindi Language) “जऱ संरऺण ही धरती का संवधधन है”- उक्त ववषय ऩर ऱगभग 250 शब्दों में

ननबंध लऱखिए I ववद्याऱय में आयोजजत “वृऺ ारोऩण कायधक्रम” का वणधन करते हुए ककसी दैननक

समाचार ऩत्र के संऩादक को ऩत्र लऱखिए I

हहिंदी साहहत्य(Hindi Literature) ‘हमारी धरती : हमारा घर' अथवा 'वृऺ : धरती की शोभा'- इनमें से ककसी एक

ववषय को आधार बनाकर एक मौलऱक (स्वरचित) कववता या ऱेख लऱखखए l ननदेश : i) कववता ऱगभग 12 से 16 ऩॊक्ततयों की होनी िाहहए l ii) ऱेख ऱगभग 250 शब्दों में होना िाहहए l

'प्रकृनत का सॊरऺण' – इस ववषय से सॊबॊचधत कम- से- कम 10 नारे या सूक्ततयाॉ लऱखकर कॊ ठस्थ (याद) कीक्िए l

िऱ सॊरऺण का अथथ एवॊ महत्तत्तव स्ऩष्ट करत ेहुए, इसके ववववध उऩायों का सचित्र उल्ऱेख कीक्िए l (िऱ सॊरऺण के कम से कम तीन उऩायों का उल्ऱेख करना अननवायथ हैl)

'ऩानी रे ऩानी' ऩाठ का साराॊश व उदे्दश्य अऩने शब्दों में लऱखखए l (ऱगभग 150 से 200 शब्दों में)



Most of the cities including Varanasi have recorded minimal air pollution in the

last few days. Welcoming the reduction in pollution, environmentalists urged

the government to treat it as a „wake- up call‟ and stop its 'obsession' with

development at the cost of the environment. Varanasi particulate matter

pollution (PM) has dropped to levels not seen in the past few years. The table

shows the average PM of Varanasi for 5 days. The pollution levels have more

than halved on many days compared to previous years. Here is a tabular data:-

DAY 2017 2018 2019 2020

MARCH 25 89.52 72.42 73.02 42.55

MARCH 26 78.3 91.9 72.42 44.99

MARCH 27 118.87 158.88 80.28 25.54

MARCH 28 121.67 171.25 158.64 22.69

MARCH 29 71.95 116.53 187.6 29.11

MARCH 30 103.17 129.45 153.15 31.88

Based on this data solve the following questions:

1. Find the sum of the additive inverse of year 2019 and 2020.

2. Find out reduction percentage of particulate matter(PM) level from

2018 to 2020.

3. Represent the data of 30thMarch of all given years in the form of line graph.

4. Calculate the average of all in years 2017 and 2019.

5. Calculate the ratio of March30 for the year 2019 to that of 2020.

Take the minimum and maximum temperature (in ℃) of the cities (atleast 10 cities)

of a particular day. Plot a double bar graph from the data obtained.

1. Which city has the maximum difference in day‟s temperature?

2. Which city has the minimum difference in day‟s temperature?

3. Which are the hottest and coldest cities?

4. What is an average maximum temperature?

5. What is the range of maximum temperature?

Plot the double graph of this data by taking the names of the cities on the Horizontal Axis

(i.e. X Axis) and maximum , minimum temperatures of the cities on the Vertical Axis

(i.e. Y Axis)

Example:- City Mumbai Amritsar

Maximum Temperature (in ℃) 35 39

Minimum Temperature (in ℃) 28 24

The double bar graph shows the average of monthly temperatures of the two cities

over 4 months period.

In a row of children, Saurabh is 7th from the left and Vijay is 9th from the right.

When they interchange their places with each other, Saurabh becomes 18th from

the left. What is Vijay's rank from the right?

Suresh is thirteenth from the top and twenty seventh from the bottom in a queue.

How many persons are there in the queue?

If all the digits of the number 47623951, are arranged in ascending order from left

to right, then 2 is added to the first four digits of the number and 2 is subtracted to

the last four digits of the number. Then how many digits are repeating in the number

thus formed?

Find the missing series:-

i. 10, 67, 341, 1369, ___.

ii. 9, 21, 45, 93,____, 381

iii. 3, 12, 27, 48, 75, 108, _____.







Mumbai Amritsar

Maximum Temperature(in ℃)

Minimum Temperature(in ℃)

iv. 4, 6, 10, 14, 22, 26, 34, 38, 46, ____ 62, 74.

v. 7, 26, 63, 124, 215, 342, ______ How many triangles are there in the given figure:

Find the missing one: ED : HG :: RQ : ?

Answer the following questions:

i. The terrorists who are criminals but not hard core are represented by_______

ii. The terrorist who are not hard core criminals are represented by_______

iii. Terrorists who are hard core and criminals are represented by_______

Solve the Sudoku:



'Since Vedic Age man has been a protector and worshipper of Mother Nature.'

With regard to the above statement, Write where, why and how we have failed in

keeping our Mother Nature safe, today.

Write in not more than 250 words about The Impact of Industrial Revolution on


List out any five programmes undertaken by UNO (United Nations Organizations)

towards restoration of Earth.

Visit an online museum and write in not more than 250 words about what you saw

and what fascinated you the most and why.



Compare the growth of world population since 1951 to 2011 via bar graph, pie

diagram etc. and how does an increase in overpopulation escalate global warming,

environmental pollution, ozone layer depletion and other eco logical imbalance?

Browse environmental podcasts, articles, movies, videos on the topic 'Restoration of

Rivers in India'. Make short notes on what you have researched in not more than

150-200 words. Prepare a small video of one minute sharing your knowledge with

your friends, family and relatives.

Prepare a note on the environmental effects of population growth. Use appropriate

pictures and photographs wherever necessary.

On the outline map of the world mark, shade and label the following.

i. Densely populated regions in Asia.

ii. Densely populated regions in USA.

iii. Sparsely populated region in Africa.

iv. Sparsely populated region in India.

v. The country with the highest literary rate.



On earth we have various states of matter, that is, solid, liquid and gas especially in

water. Water is the most precious resource that is available on our planet and we

have to save it as it cannot be chemically manufactured. To understand water which

exists in three states, as students of physics we need to understand the various

processes it undergoes and the differences between solid, liquid and gases.

Define the following:

1. Melting 2. Melting Point 3. Boiling

4. Boiling Point 5. Evaporation 6. Condensation

7. Sublimation

Copy and complete the table to bring out the differences between solid, liquid and



1 Shape

2 Rigidity of Molecules

3 Vibrational Effect of Molecules

4 Position of Molecules

5 Inter Molecular Forces

6 Motion of Molecules

Draw suitable ray diagrams for the following on separate practical file plain white


i. A plane mirror showing reflection

ii. A glass slab showing refraction

iii. A concave mirror showing the location, characteristics and size of image when

the object is

a. Between P and F b. At F

c. Between F and C d. At C

e. Beyond C f. At infinity




Step 1: Take three small pots and plant sapling of same variety in each pot. Mark

the pots as A, B & C with the use of marker/ paint.

Step 2: Water plant A with tap water, water plant B with lemon water (prepare

lemon water by adding half lemon to one glass of water) and water plant C with

lemon water (prepare lemon water by adding 2 lemons in one glass of water).

Step 3: Water these plants after every 3 days with the same composition as given for

plant A, B &C.

Step 4: Keep these plants in sunlight and leave these plants grow for 20 days.

Step 5: Observe these plants after every 2 days. Based on your observations, answer

the questions given below:

i) Which plant show more growth? Why?

ii) Which plant show less growth? Why?

iii) What changes did you find in the growth of plants? Write in detail.

Note: please wash all the plants after completion of 20 day observation.

Research and find out answers to the following questions:

i) What happens when acids dissolve in rain water?

ii) Which chemicals are considered as „Blanket of Earth and why?

iii) What measures can be used to control the acid rain? Mention at least 3


Study about NAMAMI GANGE PROGRAM an initiative by Government of India.

Explain what steps are being taken by government to reduce water pollution?



I. “Farmers are advised by experts to use more of manures than fertilizers. However,

sometimes fertilizers are added by farmers for a reason.”

(a) Write about manure, compost and fertilizer. (Two points each)

(b) Write one advantage and one disadvantage of using manure and fertilizer.

(c) What precaution must the farmer take during application of fertilizers and

weedicides in the field?

II. Food Waste

According to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization, in most recent years, food

waste has become a complex phenomenon attracting the attention of scientists,

consumers, and activists alike. It‟s been termed as a global paradox regarding the

manner in which emphasis is put on agriculture to improve food security and then a

third of all the food produced ends up as waste which is huge concern pertaining to

the economic, social, and environmental costs associated with it.

Food waste is defined as the waste or food losses that occur during industrial

processing, distribution, and consumption.

Considering the above mentioned fact Research on the topic "food waste" and write

your findings-

1. Causes of food waste (4 points).

2. Different effects of it (3 points)

3. Solutions to curb food waste (3 points).

Basing on your research write in 4 sentences how YOU can contribute in restoring

the Earth as a class 8 student.

III. Waste Management of Covid-19 Pandemic.

The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in late 2019is far more than a

global health crisis. It is affectingour societies and economies and has had a deep

impact on our everyday lives.While protecting lives and recovery of livelihoods are

at the core of national and local policies and actions, proper management of waste,

including of household, healthcare, and other hazardous waste, is an essential civic

service to minimize possible secondary impacts upon health and theenvironment.For

a dense populated country like India, it‟s being a very challenging issue by the

Government to contain the virus as well as to develop proper management of waste.

Over last seven months (June to December), India strikes a production of more than

33,000 tons of waste and a daily generation of 146 tons of COVID waste across the


Research on the topic management of waste during covid-19 pandemic on the

following lines and jot down your findings-

1. Different categories of waste generated during pandemic.

2. Problems during handling of biomedical and municipal solid wastes.

3. Techniques adapted for processing of wastes.

4. As a class 8 student how can you contribute your bit in curbing the pandemic




Observe the table given above and answer the following questions:

a. Write the function to find the maximum rainfall in the year 2000

along with cell range.

b. Write the function to find the average rainfall in the year 1981 along

with cell range.

c. What is the minimum rainfall in the month July. Also write the

function along with cell range to find minimum.

d. Count the total number of cells involved in the sheet above. Also

write the function along with cell range to count.

e. Write the formula or function to find the sum of total rainfall in the

month of December.

Observe the Bar Graphbelow and answer the following:

a. What information does the bar graph depict?

b. How much rainfall(in mm) is recorded in the first three months?

c. Calculate the increase in rainfall in May over the rainfall in January.

d. In which month the rainfall was minimum and what was it?

e. Calculate the average (mean) rainfall in 6 months.


Write a slogan and prepare a poster on the ecosystem restoration or Earth



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