
The zero BS guide to choosing a social media platform for business

1. Go where your target audience hangs out

Discover what social media platform your audience likes visiting.

You can even ask them why they

prefer certain social media platforms and

where they would like to engage with

your brand!

2. Ask yourself, “What is my real goal?”

This way, you can choose

channels based on what

will help you reach your


3. Go where you can afford to play

It’s no secret that advanced social media platforms offer data and analysis for a price.

Take advantage of emerging platforms that give you enough room to play without spending too much.

4. Do what you enjoy

Since choosing a platform is a long-

term investment, choose a social media platform

that you genuinely enjoy using.

This makes it easier for you to

put in the effort to learn about the

platform and helps your work feel less

like a chore.

5. Do what you’re good at

Truth be told, there’s no point in investing in a platform if your skill set is not in

that area.

Why would you use YouTube if you can’t create good videos, right?

Stick to a platform where you can do amazing things.

6. Do what’s working now

Focus your attention on a platform that's

working now and grow your community through this platform.

Just make sure to adapt to possible

changes in the future!

7. Do what works for you

Do what works for you, even if it goes the grain of what's working for everyone else.

Don’t get caught up in the generic advice!

You do you (or at least, you do what

you think is the best for your business).

8. The channel which you can consistently create content for in a low-friction way

If it isn’t easy for you to consistently

create the kind of content that the

social media network calls for,

you’re going to be in trouble.

Again, choose a platform where you can create content easily, consistently and joyfully.

9. Which networks are declining and which are

emerging. Invest in emerging platforms and

avoid declining ones.

You don’t want to create great content only for it to die with the declining

platform, do you?

10. Consider doing what you can

delegate and scale

Think about the future – what content channel will be easy to scale as your business grows?

Stick to the platforms where you

can delegate work so you can focus on

more important things.

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This guide was originally published in WP Curve.

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