Page 1: The Year of Full Operational Capabilities of the KSF...THE FORCE DAY the KSF.This act of declaration was an assessment and certification of operational capabilities for the KSF. A

Pristina, 27 november 2013


The Year of Full Operational Capabilities of the KSF

Ready! With Force forward!Ready! With Force forward!Ready! With Force forward!Ready! With Force forward! Year 2. Nr. 19. Special Edition • Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force

Page 2: The Year of Full Operational Capabilities of the KSF...THE FORCE DAY the KSF.This act of declaration was an assessment and certification of operational capabilities for the KSF. A

Year 2. Nr. 19. Special Edition • Ministry for Security Force of KosovaBotues: Public Relations Department

Ministry for the Kosovo Security ForceAdresss: MFSK, Lagjja Emshir, Prishtinë

Contact: [email protected], [email protected]: 038/551-379

Ready! With Force forward!Ready! With Force forward!Ready! With Force forward!Ready! With Force forward! Year 2. Nr. 19 • Special Edition • Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force


The year of Full Operational Capabilities of the KSF........................................................................................................................3The Kosovo Security Force achieved Full Operational Capabilities...............................................................................................4General Kadri Kastrati congratulate soldiers, NCOs and Officer of the KSF ..............................................................................5The Kosovo Security Force the most trusted one for citizens of Kosovo .......................................................................................6 The KSF parades in Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit” ......................................................................................................................6The dignified parade of the KSF in the fifth year of Independence of Kosovo ..................................................................................7The KSF marked the 15 the Anniversary of “Epopee of UCK”...........................................................................................................7Ministry of KSF and Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Albania signed off the agreement "SOFA".................................8The KSF at Regional Exercising “Joint Reaction 2013” in Albania ............... .....................................................................................8The KSF in joint exercises with Armies of Regional Countries “Shared Resilience 13” in Republic of Macedonia.................9The KSF cadets in Regional Exercise “Summer Camp 13” in Krivollak ............................................................................................9The KSF demonstrated high level of professionalism in Field Exercise “Eagle 2”..........................................................................10Festive Concert for the New Year ........................................................................................................................................................11The KSF with great successes in the area of mine clearance ..............................................................................................................12Demolition of the bomb 500 kilogram .................................................................................................................................................12The KSF along with Swedish Army contingent clean Germine........................................................................................................12KSF has lifted up the mobile bridge over the river Drin i Bardhë .....................................................................................................13KSF is professionally prepared to build bridges................... ..........................................................................................................13Commander of the Iowa National Guard General Orr, visited the bridge in Kramovik...........................................................14KSF inaugurated the bridge near the Monastery of Deçan................................................................................................................14The KSF helped citizens of Klina after flooding ................................................................................................................................15The KSF donated blood for the citizens of Kosovo.............................................................................................................................15Wide campaign to raise awareness of mines......... .............................................................................................................................15In "Earth Day" seedlings in the village of Malisheva in Gjilan ..........................................................................................................16Among the 30 new members of minority in the KSF..........................................................................................................................16The high degree of respect for human rights in MKSF - KSF.............................................................................................................17There are graduated and promoted the cadets of the KSF to the fifth generation...........................................................................176th Conference of the Regional Euro-Atlantic Camp "REACT" 2013...............................................................................................18Regional conference “Security Challenges of the Adriatic and Ionian “in Tirana..........................................................................18Conference “US- Adriatic Charter “in Slovenia.................................................................................................................................18Minister stated in the Change of Command ceremony at NATO in Germany................................................................................18Minister Agim Çeku personality meetings with NATO in Brussels................................................................................................19Konferenca e ministrave të Mbrojtjes - Karta e Adriatikut – Ohër ...............................................................................................19Minister and Commander of the KSF at the exercise “Albanian Lion 2013”...................................................................................19Minister, Agim Çeku and General Rrahman Rama at Senate of Iowa`s State .................................................................................19General Kastrati for distinguished merits honored with a Medal from Iowa`s National Guard ..................................................20Major General, Rrahman Rama at International Conference of Air Power and Spatial in Turkey ...............................................20Agreement of Cooperation between MKSF and Ministry of Defense of Slovenia .........................................................................21Memorandum of Understanding between the KSF and Armed Forces of Sweden .......................................................................21Center of Excellence for Regional Search and Rescue .......................................................................................................................21A successfully training of CHNBP Unit in Montana of Bulgaria ... ................................................................................................21Promotion of booklets ...........................................................................................................................................................................22Marching of the KSF in Netherland .....................................................................................................................................................22

Page 3: The Year of Full Operational Capabilities of the KSF...THE FORCE DAY the KSF.This act of declaration was an assessment and certification of operational capabilities for the KSF. A


the KSF.This act of declaration was an assessment and certification of operational capabilities for the KSF. A complex field exercise “Eagle 2” was held covering a wider territory of the country by proving a high level of commitment, mobilization and discipline. The SOFA Agreement was signed off this year between MKSF and Ministry of Defense of Albania. In the context of enlargement and deepening of cooperation with foreign partners a lot of visits were made between Chiefs of Staff and Ministers of Defense. This includes a large number of privates, NCOs and Officers having a various kind of trainings at home and abroad. From measurements of public opinion the KSF was rated the highest, as the most trusted institution. In close cooperation with the civilian population, through the Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC), in favor of community many works were completed and various engineering works.The permanent commitment of MKSF and the KSF was respect for human rights and gender equality according to the most advanced standards by what was achieved the high level of upward trend.In this same year through a specific campaign was increased the number of applicants from the members of the minor communities and the best ones were selected to be in the KSF. Out of these concrete achievements now, certainly the KSF expect new challenges and successes next year.

The year 2013 is a year of continued success and of the KSF stand-up. The KSF during this year continued with its planned activities for achieving the objectives within its mission with increasing level of readiness and professionalism in all aspects and sectors.On the fourth year of the KSF establishment from NATO center w e r e d e c l a r e d t h e F u l l Operational Capabilities (FOC) of



The year of Full Operational Capabilities of the KSF

Year 2. Nr. 19. Festive edition. Ministry for Security Force of Kosova

Page 4: The Year of Full Operational Capabilities of the KSF...THE FORCE DAY the KSF.This act of declaration was an assessment and certification of operational capabilities for the KSF. A

NATO General Secretary , Rasmussen declared that the Kosovo Security Force Anders Fogh achieved its Full Operational Capabilities and completely is cap[able to accomplish assigned tasks within its mandate under standards set out by Nation achieving of this step I congratulate all members of the Kosovo Security Force. I thank the KFOR militaries for the stuff done in building of the Kosovo Security Force. Mission of the Kosovo Security Force remains as previously, the same one: carrying out of civilian protection operations and assistance to the civilian authorities in respond to natural disasters and other emergencies situations. The alliance will continue to further provide support and advises through a liaison advisory team of NATO. The KFOR mission remains the same as well. To provide a peaceful and secured environment for overall people and communities in Kosovo. We will continue to accomplish this mission in accordance with our mandate of United Nations. The future of Balkan will be dialogue and reconciliation. Therefore , I encourage all the members coming from communities in Kosovo to have in consideration joining to the Kosovo Security Force ensuring that its moving on to become a real multiethnic force and factor”.

Declaration of FOC

The Kosovo Security Force achieved Full Operational Capabilities



Page 5: The Year of Full Operational Capabilities of the KSF...THE FORCE DAY the KSF.This act of declaration was an assessment and certification of operational capabilities for the KSF. A

Dear soldiers, NCOs and Officers of the KSF

thOn 09 July 2013, General Secretary of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen declared that the Kosovo Security Force achieved Full Operational Capabilities and is fully capable to accomplish its tasks as mandated and as of standards set out by NATO. Achievement of Full Operational Capabilities is one of series of the success by the KSF achieved with its commitment, engagement, discipline and professionalism shown by all of us. Therefore I congratulate and wish for this success declared by NATO. Our primary aim is the path towards becoming a membership of NATO and for achieving this objective we should work much more in professionalization of the KSF. I ask from you to be more engaged in the future in order to achieve the main objective as soon as possible that the KSF evolve into a military force that will be a factor of peace for all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo , in the region and wider.

Congrulations and successes! Lt. General, Kadri Kastrati

On the occasion of declaration of Full Operational Capabilities

Commander of the KSF Lt General Kadri Kastrati Commander congratulates soldiers, NCOs and Officer of the KSF



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Kosovo Security Study Center has published the preliminary results of the survey "Kosovo Security Barometer", for this year in the assessment of the security sector, justice and foreign policy. According to the survey, the Kosovo Security Force is shown to be the most trusted institution. 72% percent of Kosovo citizens, according to this publication are mostly satisfied with the work of the Kosovo Security Force, followed by KFOR with 60% percent, firefighting 57% percent and with work of Kosovo Police 42 %.

In the 100 years Anniversary of Independence of Albania

The KSF parades in Boulevard “Dëshmorët e Kombit”

In the parade of 100 years of the establishing of Albanian State, for the first time a cadre of the Kosovo Security Force has participated with 65 members among of them 11 privates”. It is a very nice feeling, privilege and honor to be a part of manifestation in 1oo years Anniversary of Albania`s Independence. For us it is a great pride, I can say the greatest pride that I have experienced, "said a member of the KSF. The cadre of the KSF was deemed successful and pleased by the citizens.

The Kosovo Security Force the most trusted one for citizens of Kosovo



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The dignified parade of the KSF in the fifth year of Independence of Kosovo

On the fifth anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kosovo, cadres of units of the Kosovo Security Force along with the cadres of the Kosovo Police and Emergency Management Agency marched solemnly at state central event which was held in the "Mother Theresa "and" Zahir Pajaziti” boulevard in Pristine. In the event attended national high state dignitaries and many other from different countries of the world.

The KSF marked the 15 the Anniversary of “Epopee of KLA”

At barracks “Adem Jashari” of the KSF was held manifestation on the occasion of 15th Anniversary of “Epopee of UCK”. On this occasion was remembered and honored the legendary Commander Jashari, the whole Jashari`s family and the all heroes and martyrs of the nation.



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Ministry of KSF and Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Albania signed the agreement "SOFA"

Minister of Kosovo Security Force (MKSF), Agim Çeku and Minister of Defense of Republic Albania, Mr. Arben Imami, in solemnly act in the city of Prizren have signed of Military Agreement “SOFA”. The ”SOFA” Agreement regulates procedures of entering/exiting , temporary staying and the status of the members of Armed Forces of Albanian and of the members of the Kosovo Security Force in the territory of the respective country as well to the civilian staff or to the subordinated persons.

The KSF at Regional Exercise “Joint Reaction 2013” in Albania

The Kosovo Security Force (KSF) completed successfully joint exercises of coded exercise “Joint Reaction 2013” with regional countries held in Zall-Herr of Republic of Albania. The exercise “Joint Reaction 2013” started on 2nd June and ended up on 7th June 2013. Except the KSF took part military Forces from: Albania, Macedonia and Montengero.The primary aim of exercising “Joint Reaction 2013” was increasing of interaction of joint Forces , establishing of working standard procedures based upon NATO standards as well cooperation with other relevant security areas.



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The KSF in joint exercises with Armies of Regional Countries “Shared Resilience 13” in Republic of Macedonia

The Kosovo Security Force (KSF) completed successfully the key exercise “Shared Resilience th th13”, which was held in Pepelishtë of Republic of Macedonia dated 27 May up to 7 June 2013.

In this exercises took place contingencies from Slovenia, Kosovo, Albania and Montenegro. The field exercise “Shared Resilience 13” was implemented based upon scenarios of operations to be faced with natural disasters and humanitarian aid under care of NATO. Joint United States Command for Europe and United Nations (UN) in which was demonstrated interaction of armies and the other organizations in Region.

The KSF cadets in Regional Exercise “Summer Camp 13” in Krivollak

The KSF cadets along with representatives of Army of USA , United Kingdom, Montenegro and Macedonia and Bulgaria took part in implementation of joint exercise as an solely troop at military ranch “Krivollak” of Macedonia which lasted ten days. The general objective of the “Summer Camp '13” was to put in practice, through exercises, the complex challenges of the conflict and post conflict operations that the cadets –future warriors for peace, may face in the future.



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The KSF demonstrated high level of professionalism in Field Exercise “Eagle 2”

The field exercise of the KSF today in barracks "NATO troops" KSF, in Istok and in the terrain for 11 days implemented field exercise “Eagle 2”. The field exercise, EAGLE 2 "is successful finalization of the cycle of individual and collective trainings to KSF for this year. The KSF implementation of the field exercise began on October 3rd and has continued uninterrupted, where 1951 members were engaged with 161 vehicles .The exercise took place in the western part of the Republic of Kosovo, mainly in the region of Peja and Prizren. The purpose of the field exercise “Eagle 2” was testing of the commanding, responding and coordinating skills of Units, General Staff and of members into planned operation by an adequate scenario for gauge of efficiency of responding into the field.



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Festive Concert for the New Year

On the occasion of the holidays at the end of the year, Musical Band of the KSF gave a festive concert for the first time at hotel “Emerald”. This concert was attended by the Minister Agim Ceku , the KSF Commander, Lt.General ,Kadri Kastrati, commander of KFOR, former Minister of KSF, Fehmi Mujota, Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo to Albania Sulejman Selimi, KFOR officers, KSF, military attaches and other personalities of the political, artistic and cultural heritage life.



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The KSF with great successes in the area of mine clearance

The company of demining of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) was involved in clearance of all mined areas aiming to make a secured environment in Kosovo. The company of mine clearance has engaged five teams in terrain delivered in: Gërma, Luzhnicë, and barracks in Ferizaj, Koshare and Harilaq.During this year, The Company of demining has cleared of 107,752 square meters as well destroyed 204 different unexploded ordnance whereas since the beginning of the work has cleaned over 814.273 square meters and destroyed 1939 unexploded ordnance such as: mines, explosives, hand grenades etc. Except Units who carries out humanitarian mine clearance in terrain the KSF has two more Units which are on call for 24 hours in cases when citizens face with different explosive ordnance interventions and inform for their removal. These teams have provided interventions in 366 cases and destroyed 505 different explosive ordnance.

Demolition of the bomb 500 kilogram

The miners of the KSF Company, along with those of the USA KFOR, on 31st m March of this year, in the Harilaq (near the hill of Goleshi) have successfully demolished a large scale bomb over 500 kilograms.

The KSF along with Swedish Army contingent clean Germia Demining Company of the KSF assisted by Engineer Regiment “Göta”, the Swedish Armed Forces, with heavy machinery has cleared the rubble of a building in the park "Gërmia" in Pristine. For this cooperation and contribution, in the park of “Gërmia” in Pristine is placed a commemorative plaque as a sign of gratitude, appreciation and cooperation between the KSF and the Swedish Armed Forces.



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KSF has lifted up the mobile bridge over the river Drin i Bardhë

Bridge Team of the Engineer Battalion to the Brigade Operational Support of the KSF, in a record time has lifted up mobile bridge over the river Drin i Bardhe, connecting the road axis Kline-Gjakova. The bridge is 55 meters long, 5 meters wide, heavy 75 tons and weights up to 30 tons. The lifting up of the bridge has been helped by the Swiss KFOR, Ministry of Infrastructure and the municipality of the Rahovec and Gjakova. This bridge was donated by Austrian KFOR and has been lifted up by the KSF.

KSF is professionally prepared to build bridges

KFOR officer, OF2 Oliver Knuppe JLSG KFOR HQ, building bridges specialist has said: "KSF is professionally prepared for the establishment of important works. Collaboration with members of the KSF is very good, even much better than I thought. They are very organized and professionally prepared for building mobile bridges. In a very short time have managed to assemble the bridge over the river Drini I Bardhe. Having in mind that i have only eight months in Kosovo, I am surprised for the better, because people here are very good, humane and guests are welcomed with open heart. It's a good feeling when you see members of the KSF with what professionalism builds the bridge. Over ten working days here there was no even the slightest problem. "



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Commander of the Land Forces Command (LFC), General Rrahman Rama along with Commander of the Iowa National Guard (USA) Major General Timothy Orr, visited the bridge over the river Drin i Bardhe, which was assembled by the Engineer Unit of the Operational Support Brigade (OSB) to the KSF.General Timothy Orr said that he felt very happy to see the field of engineering works of the KSF, which will serve to relieve lives of their people. He said that the Iowa National Guard often are invited by the community to support civil authorities, and that such actions are in the best one to all citizens.

KSF inaugurated the bridge near the Monastery of Deçan

Kosovo Security Force (KSF), respectively Engineer Battalion of the Operational Support Brigade (OSB), has completed construction on the bridge type montage, near the monastery in Deçan in the municipality of Deçan. Engineer Battalion, in cooperation with KFOR (Sweden, Italy, Denmark and the French contingent); have been involved in this project, from July 2 to September 20 this year.

Commander of the Iowa National Guard General Orr, visited the bridgein Kramovik



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The KSF helped citizens of Klina after flooding

Teams of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) after flooding as consequence of heavy rains on 15 of March through a wide operation has made evacuation of citizens in many dwelling-places of Kosovo especially in Kline, Peja, Skenderaj and Mitrovica Municipalities.

The KSF donated blood for the citizens of KosovoThe KSF has a tradition of organizing and donation of the humanitarian blood. This is the fifth year that the KSF is donating blood. KSF members, not only in organizing regular actions, but they are donating blood outside these organizations. They are always willing to donate blood in emergency cases for the needs of patients. Members of the KSF always responded with this action and they are donors for the donating blood regularly. KSF has so far donated blood thousands of doses that are used in the service of all those who needed it.Humanitarian action has completed the nurses of the National Centre of the Blood Transfusion of Kosovo (NCBTK), in collaboration with the nurses of the Medical Battalion to the KSF.

Wide campaign to raise awareness of minesDemining Coordination Center in the MKSF and Demining Company, based on planning, have successfully implemented awareness lectures for students in elementary and secondary schools of the Republic of Kosovo, the danger of unexploded ordnance such as mines, explosives , hand grenades, etc. .. Based on the plan drawn up in advance, Demining Company of the KSF, during the winter, has lectured in 18 municipalities involving 50 schools. The lectures were followed by more

than 2599 students.



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In "Earth Day" seedlings in the village of Malisheva in Gjilan

Minister Agim Ceku, Commander of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF), Lt. Gen. Kadri Kastrati and Commander of Land Forces of the KSF, Major General Rrahman Rama stayed today in village Malisheva of Gjilan, where symbolically began planting of the action by members of the KSF during the April 22, Earth Day.

Among the 30 new members of minority in the KSF

This year the Kosovo Security Force was added 30 new members from minority communities: 26 Serbs, 2 Bosnians, one Turkish and one Ashkali. With the acceptance of new members, from communities, KSF is delivering high standards of equality for the communities.



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The high degree of respect for human rights in MKSF - KSF

Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) in addition to build full operational capabilities special importance pays to the respect and promotion of human rights and gender equality, a fact that is proven permanently since establishment of this force.MKSF currently in the percentage of women is 32 %. While the percentage women in uniform in the MKSF / KSF is 8:23 %, or 188 women in uniform in the The rank of officer and NCO.

Fifth generation of the KSF cadets are graduated and promoted

On July 5, the Training and Doctrine Command of the KSF, in Ferizaj was held graduation ceremony of cadets of the University Study Center (CUS) to the KSF, fifth generation, 2013. CUS of the KSF has so far educated five generations cadet who Successfully will carry new knowledge in all units of the KSF.


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6th Conference of the Regional Euro-Atlantic Camp "REACT" 2013

Minister Çeku has lectured at the 6th Conference of the Regional Euro-Atlantic Camp "REACT" with the topic: "Republic of Kosovo in Contemporary International Relations", which was held in the town of Plava in Montenegro.

Regional conference “Security Challenges of the Adriatic and Ionian “in Tirana

Minister of the Security Force Agim Çeku with the invitation of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Albania , has participated in the conference " Security Challenges of the Adriatic and Ionian " ( Adriatic and Ionian Security Challenges ) , which was held in the Republic of Albania Tirana from 28 to 30 May , 2013.

Conference “US- Adriatic Charter “in Slovenia

Minister for the Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) Agim Çeku, with the invitation of the Minister of Defense of Slovenia, Mr. . Roman Jakiq, has participated in the conference, “US - Adriatic Charter A5” (inclusive meeting of defense ministers of the region), from 30 September to 3 October 2013, which was held in the town of Brdo in Slovenia.

Minister Ceku participated in the Change of Command ceremony at NATO in Germany

KSF Minister Agim Ceku, with the invitation of the NATO Supreme Commander Admiral James Stavridis, in Stuttgart, Germany has participated in the Change of Command ceremony at NATO by Admiral James Stavridis to Gen. Philip Breedlove .



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Minister Agim Çeku meets NATO personalities in Brussels

The delegation of the Republic of Kosovo, led by Minister of KSF Minister Agim Çeku accompanied by the Commander of the KSF, General Kadri Kastrati, during the stay in Brussels have held important meetings at the Headquarters of the NATO and the EU.

Conference of Ministers of Defense - Adriatic Charter - Ohrid

Minister for the Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) Agim Çeku with the invitation of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi the chairman of this round, took part in the Conference of Defense Ministers of the countries of the region, "US - Adriatic Charter “, with the theme " Together towards peace and global security " that was held in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, on 13 and June 14, 2013.

Minister and Commander of the KSF at the exercise “Albanian Lion 2013”

Minister of KSF, Agim Çeku along Commander of the KSF ,Lt.General , Kadri Kastrati have participated (on the day of very important persons) in the exercise “Albanian Lion 2013” (Albanian Lion 2013). This was a joint exercise of Armed Forces of Republic of Albania and Armed Forces of United Kingdom. Agim Çeku and Commander of the KSF, Lt.General, Kadri Kastrati used to be esteemed guests by closely seeing the coded exercise “Albanian Lion 2013”.To attend the joint exercise have participated the highest personalities of Albania, United Kingdom and of region.

Minister Agim Çeku and General Rrahman Rama at Iowa`s State Senate

The Iowa`s senate declared Mr. Agim Çeku honored citizen for his contribution on strengthening of relations between Kosovo and Iowa. Minister of KSF Agim Çeku during staying in USA used to have meetings with highest personalities of the USA, in Pentagon and in Iowa`s State (with Iowa` State and Iowa`s National Guard has signed off Memorandum of Cooperation between MKSF and Kosovo).



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For distinguished merits General Kastrati has honored with a Medal by the Iowa`s National Guard

Commander of the KSF Lt.General, Kadri Kastrati is honored with a medal for distinguished merits by Iowa`s National Guard of USA. On behalf of the Guard to the General Kastrati the medal is awarded by General Adjutant of National Guard Timothy Orr.

Major General Rrahman Rama at International Conference of Air Power and Spatial in Turkey

Dep/Commander of the Kosovo Security Force, Major General Rrahman Rama upon invitation of Commander of Air Forces of Turkey, Mehmet Erten (General with four stars) participated at the first International Conference for Air Power and Spatial which was held in Istanbul of Turkey.



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Agreement of Cooperation between MKSF and Ministry of Defense of Slovenia

Minister for Kosovo Security Force, Mr.Agim Çeku upon invitation of Minister of Ministry of Defense of Slovenia , Mr. Jakiq visited Slovenia.Minister, Agim Çeku and Minister of defense of Slovenia, Roman Jakiq signed off agreement of Cooperation in the area of

defense and security between both Ministries , of Slovenia and Ministry for KSF.

Memorandum of Understanding between the KSF and Armed Forces of Sweden At Ministry for Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) on 4th April is signed off Memorandum of Understanding between the Kosovo Security Force and Armed Forces of Sweden on training of the KSF members and mine clearance operations in Kosovo.

Center of Excellence for Regional Search and Rescue “Te Pishat” (Pines), in village Sllatinë e Madhe, Fushe-Kosovo Municipality was held the exercise of Civilian Protection Regiment (CPR) of the KSF in Urban Search and Rescue.

A successfully training of HAZMAT Unit in Montana of Bulgaria

A platoon of Company for Chemical, Nuclear and Biological Protection of the Kosovo Security Force comprised of 20 members used to have a six weeks training at Professional Training Center of General Directorate in Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city Montana of Republic of Bulgaria. The training of the platoon of CHNBP on the course “Hazardous materials” was organized with assistance of Group on Civilian Protection within the Committee

for Emergency Civilian Planning of NATO.The training was addressed to those who first give responds in cases of casualty with hazardous materials. The purpose of training was that the participants of it to benefit as much practical knowledge for reducing of consequences in cases of casualty with hazardous materials.



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Promotion of booklets

Ministry for Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) made presentation of two booklets: “Human Rights and Gender Equality in MKSF and the KSF” and “Women in the Kosovo Security Force”. The booklets were published into Albanian, Serbian and English languages. While promoting these booklets was shown the work, activity and female position in Ministry and the KSF. The gender female in MKFS plays a great role in increasing the credibility of the KSF such as demonstration of the uniform with dignity as well the overall work of this Institution.

Marching of the KSF in Netherland

For the third time the contingent of the KSF returned with a fully success from participation in the traditional marching which took place in Nijmegen of Netherland. There were participating 53 armies of NATO member countries and other countries of the world. The military marching of Nijmegen dates since 1909 year and is one of the biggest events of

stthis kind in the world. This year, traditional marching was held from dates 14-21 , July 2013. The KSF contingent was represented with 30 members among of them were 4 KSF female members. Even this year the KSF contingent achieved the success of the past years with passing of the path of 160 km by all members of the contingent.


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