Page 1: The Willard · 2019-10-23 · teaching is watching the kids learn and be excited about learning. Mrs. Harwell doesn’t dislike anything

Banned Book Week at WillardBy Celtan Rothrock / Staff Writer

Who liked banned book week? Many Willard students joined in the fun by dressing up as a character from a banned book. Mrs. Harris loved it, I mean who wouldn’t? She even said, ”I love it when people get the freedom to read what they want.” It’s nice to know that there is a dedicated week to read what you want. Mrs. Harris also said, ”I have always believed that books help you learn many things.” So read lots of books to be smart for any upcoming test. So head on down to your library and check out a nice book.

The Willard Times5/6 GRADE ADA’S FAVORITE NEWSPAPER October 2019

Hi it’s Pierce and I’ll be writing the yearbook section this month again. Today instead of an interview I will be giving you all a reminder! So here is my reminder! Remember to get your yearbook before October 31st and you’ll get your yearbook $5 off, your

name engraved, and two icons for free!! Now that’s a good deal! Teachers, don’t forget to upload pictures to Photo Share. Thanks and have a good rest of your day!!

YearbookBy Pierce Dougherty / Staff Writer

Page 2: The Willard · 2019-10-23 · teaching is watching the kids learn and be excited about learning. Mrs. Harwell doesn’t dislike anything

School News

Teacher Spotlight In ___ Grade This Week...In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset.

Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has.

Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim.

Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus.

In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset.

Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim.

Since (date school opened)

In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. First and Last Name

__ GradeHomeroom Teacher


School News

Feature Teacher By Abbie Samson / Staff Writer

Hi, I’m Emma Thurber and I’m writing about an elective teacher in The Willard Times. This month I decided to interview Ms. McCartney!

This is Ms. McCartney’s tenth year of teaching. She is teaching one elective and it is STEM/ Agriculture. (Ag for short.) They are currently working on a project for a competition.

The competition is called the Purple Plow Challenge. What a fun name! She is liking that the students can do what they are interested in and that it is hands on.

That’s all for this month! Check back next month for new electives and new opportunities!

Since 2019

Hi this is Abbie Samson and I am writing about feature teacher for The Willard Times. There are two feature teachers, one in 5th Grade and one in 6th Grade.

5th GradeThe feature teacher for 5th Grade is

Mrs. Sweatt. This is Mrs. Sweatt’s 8th year of teaching. Her favorite thing about teaching is hanging out with the cool kids. Her least favorite thing about teaching is gathering unfinished work. Mrs. Sweatt teaches reading, language, and one hour of social studies. She decided to be a teacher when she enrolled at college. They made her sign-up for a major and she wasn’t really sure of what to do and she said she wanted to be a teacher and they said what type of teacher and she said elementary education.

6th Grade

Mrs. Harwell was chosen to be the 6th Grade feature teacher. This is what she said about teaching. Mrs. Harwell has been teaching for 32 years. Her favorite thing about teaching is watching the kids learn and be excited about learning. Mrs. Harwell doesn’t dislike anything about teaching. Mrs. Harwell didn’t always teach at Willard she did teach in Durant, Oklahoma. She has also taught 2nd & 5th Grade.

Those were our two feature teachers. Stay tuned for next month’s Willard Times for two more feature teachers.

New Electives for Willard’s 5th and 6th Graders! This Month’s Feature - STEM

By Emma Thurber / Staff Writer

Get to know Journalism Staff

By Nina Benton / Staff Writer

Welcome to your new newspaper! We interviewed some of the Journalism staff such as, Anneliese Weir, the Co-Editor in Chief, Pierce Dougherty the Sales Manager, and Owen Wofford, photography editor. They all are so excited for the year, and all love doing Multimedia so far. Anneliese said, “Multimedia is a good opportunity for people who want to be involved in Journalism in the future.” Pierce said, “I am excited to work with so many creative people.” Hope you all love the newspaper and we are going to have a great year!!

Page 3: The Willard · 2019-10-23 · teaching is watching the kids learn and be excited about learning. Mrs. Harwell doesn’t dislike anything


Breaking News!By Leslie Walters and Aaliyah Rafi / Staff Writers

Welcome back to Breaking News! There is nobody hurt this month so we are doing scary stories. These two outgoing fifth graders did not hesitate to make these stories their own. The first story is titled The Slendrina. The second is The Mask. Read until the end to find out the names of their talented creators!


Once there was a girl named Slendrina and her family was really poor. When she turned 16, she started to get bullied. The bullies were the principal’s daughters. The bullies ask Slendrina to go to the rooftop with them. The bullies suddenly pushed Slendrina off the roof. The bullies got arrested and Slendrina turned into a vengeful ghost. The legend says if you say her name 3 times at 3:00 am she will come and haunt you.

The mask

It was Halloween and a boy put on a mask he found because he was trying to be very scary for Halloween, but it seemed that the mask had a mind of its own. The mask was

Cool Comics

By Timothy Butler / Staff Writer

sent up by the Devil but he didn’t know that. He suddenly got the urge to kill. He went down stairs and grabbed a knife. He cornered his mom and killed her in one swipe. He devoured her but he was still hungry so he killed and ate his father, his sister, and his dog. Then he walked over to the farm next door and devoured their cows, but he never got full. In fact he got hungrier every bite he took until he ate and killed so much he was strong enough to create a zombie army. Instead of listening to him they ate him and ran loose. That is how The Walking Dead began. --Xander

And now on to our talented teachers with their October experiences -

On Halloween Mrs. Danielson and her kids drive over to a friends house. The kids get together and play while the parents talk. Unless it's raining then they do a scavenger hunt around the house, and eat candy until they are stuffed.


What is STUCO doing in October?

By Michael Muse / Staff Writer

In STUCO for October they are doing a Lead Like Me seminar, break the dress code day (all of the money will go to the new senior citizen center), and red ribbon week.

Sorry to Gus Byrd for not being included in the last article, there was a mistake in editing. If there was any confusion about who I have interviewed, I interviewed all of the STUCO representatives in September, I’ll be choosing 2 from each grade every month to have their interviews in the Willard Times.

The questions I asked them are, ”What are you most excited about in STUCO?” I also asked, ”How do you feel about being on STUCO?”

Izzy Justus said, ”To help the school and other people.” This is how she answered the other question, ”I like it a lot.”

I asked Eli Justus the same questions, he answered the first one by saying,”Good.” He answered the second one by saying, ”Doing all the fundraisers and stuff.”

Page 4: The Willard · 2019-10-23 · teaching is watching the kids learn and be excited about learning. Mrs. Harwell doesn’t dislike anything

This and That

Ask Anneliese,By Anneliese Weir / Staff Writer

(Q) What do I do when I am losing a friend?

(A) If this person really is your friend, they will either apologize, or accept your apology if you did something wrong. If you didn’t do anything wrong, your friend is probably just blowing off steam. If this is true, its best to help as much as you can. If they seriously don’t want to be your friend anymore, that’s ok! There are plenty of other people who want to be your friend.

Since 2019

Seth Wadley Bike Give Away

By Taylor Cook / Staff Writer

This year Seth Wadley auto group has offered a bike to any student who has a perfect attendance. All you have to do is come to school everyday! If you leave early, or are tardy you are disqualified from the contest.

What’s Up With ILOBy Brantley Bilbo / Staff Writer

Interesting ILO IconsWelcome back. As you know this

is the ILO section, and something in the ILO section is two featured ILO students every other month. Yes this is new, but don’t worry, it’ll be fun.

The first featured 5th grader of the year is Bentli Taylor. This is her first year in ILO. “How is ILO going so far?” She answered “It’s going well, and I like it.” My next question for Bentli was, “What are you hoping to do this year?” Her response was, “I’m hoping to do a project that requires teamwork.

The first featured 6th grader of the year is Leslie Walters. Leslie has been in ILO for 3 years, and this is her 4th year to be doing it. She says she has liked all the things over the years. “How is ILO going so far?” Leslie answered, “It’s really fun. I’m glad I took the first test.” My second question for Leslie was, “What was your favorite part of last year?” She responded saying, “I really liked the field trip to the Bone Museum.” That’s it for this month, see you next time!


Page 5: The Willard · 2019-10-23 · teaching is watching the kids learn and be excited about learning. Mrs. Harwell doesn’t dislike anything



A Visit from the Past By Nina Benton / Staff Writer

In late september Martha Washington, portrayed by Ruth-Ann Taylor and George Washington, portrayed by Dale Pelaum came to our school. They went into our Social Studies classes and talked to us about our constitution. They were representing many different organizations such as DAR ( Daughters of the American Revolution) and the SOMO ( Southern Oklahoma Military Officers). Mrs. Taylor is a retired school teacher and Mr. Pelaum is from the air force. They both love working with children. Mrs. Taylor has been doing this for a long time but this was Mr. Pelaum’s first time. They both did a great job. We are all glad they came because our constitution is very important and we are glad they could share their knowledge with us.

Try to RememberBy Nina Benton / Staff Writer

Recently, Katie Vallandingham and Mr.Krause both performed in a musical revue, Try to Remember, at Ataloa Theater. I interviewed both of them and they love working together. When I interviewed Mr.Krause something he wanted to say to Katie before the performance was, “Its ok to be nervous, but you should not let that affect you.” Katie said, “I have a little bit of a sore throat but I will try to make the best of it.” And they will be touring Tishomingo and then go to Ardmore. Let's all wish them the best of luck!!

Blast Off!By Owen Wofford / Staff Writer

Mrs.Gray, Mrs. MCcartney, and Mrs.Coyle will be taking their science classes to the ECU practice field to shoot off rockets that we will be building soon. The way we will get the supplies are, all the students will pay $15.00 to get the rockets for the class, but if you can’t pay the teachers will still get the supplies for you. The science classes will be going to the ECU practice field to set them off. Also we will all be building the same type of rocket, but we will be taking them home and decorating them the way we want. I’m really excited for this event I hope you are too!

Since 2019

Ruth Taylor (Martha Washington) and Dale Pelaum (George Washington)

Willard Palooza The Willard Palooza is coming at Willard!! Make sure to make an appointment With Mr.Krause before October 25th. And the Talent Show is going to be on October 31th at 9:00am.

Page 6: The Willard · 2019-10-23 · teaching is watching the kids learn and be excited about learning. Mrs. Harwell doesn’t dislike anything

October is Special!

Since 2019

Birthdays This Month! By Brailey Mansfield / Staff Writer

October: Adrian Alvarez - 1st Sylvia Patterson - 1st Liam Walters - 2nd Breanna Jones - 3rd Cadence Halbmaier - 6th Callum Simmons - 8th Mackenzey Wallace - 8th Taylor Johnson - 11th Quinlin Chitto - 12th Teran Goodwin - 12th Dagan Gregory - 15th Lynce Davis - 17th Jacob Gibson - 17th Kaydence Easton - 18th Kevin Jaquess - 19th Juan Narvaez - 21st Lana Saren - 22nd Anthony Randall - 23rd Nicholas Burke - 24th Jace Davis - 24th Gracie Hayes - 24th Addison Mclntosh - 24th Austin Potts - 25th Channing Ballard - 28th Jaeven Bowler - 29th Brandon Cook - 29th Clark King - 29th Adrian Jones - 30th Abrion’ee Lewis - 30th Dawson Matthews - 30th Itzel Monjaras - 31st Audrey Wheless - 31st

Don’t Forget About Our Staff! Counselor Gray - 10th Mrs. George - 12th Mrs. Harwell - 19th

Happy Birthday, You Spooky, Scary Skeletons!!

Hello, I’m Brailey Mansfield, and I’ve recently interviewed Kaydence Cothran, the creator of Bracelets For a Cause. Kaydence decided to start a fundraiser to raise money for the Ada Youth Shelter.

Q) B: What made you want to start making bracelets to raise money for the youth shelter?A) K: I try to do a fundraiser every year to raise money for a cause. This year I chose the Ada Youth Shelter.Q) B: How much are your bracelets? A) K: Keychains and bracelets are each 50 cents, and necklace are each $1. I tried to make it as affordable

Bracelets For A Cause!By Brailey Mansfield / Staff Writer

as I could, so everyone could have a chance to help out with raising money for a good cause.Q) B: Who is all helping out with this fundraiser?A) K: Zoey Falls, Kylee Witt, Addie Mac, Jaxil Smith, Brailey Mansfield, and Lily Dodson.

If anybody has any questions about this cause, please ask anyone of these wonderful girls!

You heard it here first! Buy some bracelets, keychains, or necklaces and help out with this cause!

Wheres Carlos? Once again Carlos is hiding somewhere in the Willard times. To win a ticket all you have to do is be one of the first 3 people to show the office where Carlos is hiding. But this time Carlos has a new spooky accessory. He can’t wait to go trick-or-treating!


Page 7: The Willard · 2019-10-23 · teaching is watching the kids learn and be excited about learning. Mrs. Harwell doesn’t dislike anything


What’s Up Willard

Something to Brag About!By Sydney Layton / Staff Writer

Hi, this is Sydney I will be reporting to you one outstanding that made it onto the bragboard! This month’s student is Breonna Watashe! Breonna is always prepared for P.E and she always brings her appropriate shoes and clothes. I asked her some questions here’s her feedback. Q/What was your reaction when you realized on the board? A/She was surprised when she realized she was on the board. Q/When did you realize you were on the board? A/Breonna says she realized she was on the board while walking to her first hour math!

Breonna is always prepared for P.E so great job to Breonna Watashe!

Important Dates and Ticket Winners

By Bella Stowers / Staff Writer

Hi! Bella Stowers here back with some more important dates and ticket winners! We have a winner! Averi Lawson 6th grader. She won cool watercolor markers, chick- fil-a gift card, and three Toco Bell gift cards!! She won October 3rd! And she said she won with luck and she also had to answer some questions to win! My number was 717001. Thank you Mr. Mann!!

Fall Break is the 16th-20th!! We’re free… Also we have red ribbon week. Monday is “send a message” wear red. Tuesday is “stay in the game” wear sports attire. Wednesday is “real heroes don’t do drugs” wear superhero attire. Thursday is “drugs are tricks not treats” wear Halloween costumes. And fifth graders we have competitions so make sure to dress up!

It’s basketball time! All basketball people make sure you have your brackets. And that’s it folks!

October Club of the MonthBy Chloe Lewis / Staff Writer

Octobers spooktacular club of the month this month is the Academics team. The academics team is ran by Ms. McCartney. Ms. McCarteney is a 6th grade reading, science, and STEM teacher. The academics team has two different teams. These teams are the buzzer team, and the online/alternate team. Congratulations to Pablo Benton, Dalton Guan, Sadie Todd, Walker Weston, Oliver Cantrell, Hayden Henderson, and Leslie Walters on making the Willard Academics buzzer team. Also congrats to Presleigh Fielder, Taylor Cook, Eli Justus, and Ashley Martin for making the online/alternate team. This is the 5th year for Ms. McCartney to run the academics team. Ms. McCartney said, ”5th, and 6th grade is her favorite grade to run the academics team because they are more competitive, and fun.” I asked Leslie Walters, a buzzer team member, some questions. Leslie Walters was also on the buzzer team last year. Leslie says that one of her greatest accomplishments is being runner up last year in district, which is as far as the Willard academics team can go. Leslie’s favorite thing about the academics team last year was practice. Leslie loves practice because she loves to have fun with her friends. I also asked Leslie, why she loves the academics team. Leslie says that she loves the academics team because she gets to go to competitions and interact with new people.

Since 2019

Quote of the MonthBy Jaxli Smith / Staff Writer

The quote of the month for this October is by Shakuntala Devi, an Indian writer. She’s known for being a mathematical genius and calculating prodigy from India. She was nicknamed “Human Computer” because of her extraordinary talent and skill in solving complex mathematical problems without any mechanical aid. Read the quote down below!

“Education is not about going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.”

-Shakuntala Devi

Page 8: The Willard · 2019-10-23 · teaching is watching the kids learn and be excited about learning. Mrs. Harwell doesn’t dislike anything


News From 5th and 6th Grades

5th Grade NewsBy Abbie Samson / Staff Writer

Hi, this is Abbie Samson and I’m writing the 5th Grade part of the 5th & 6th Grade section in The Willard Times. For 5th Grade, I interviewed Anna Beth Muse. Anna Beth is a STUCO member and is also in Mrs. Sweatt’s homeroom. When asked what she had to say about Willard, she said, “It is different at Willard than Washington. Here you change classes every hour and at Washington you only have two classes.” Anna Beth likes the fact that at Willard you switch classes and that makes it go by faster. She doesn’t like that when you get homework it isn’t in just 2 classes it’s more like 5 classes. Her favorite classes are reading and language. Anna Beth likes having 7 classes because it makes the day go by faster. For Anna Beth it was hard at first to remember where her classes were, but she all around loves Willard.

6th Grade NewsBy Emma Thurber / Staff Writer

Hi! I’m Emma Thurber and I’m writing the 6th grade section in the 5th and 6th grade section in The Willard Times. Today I interviewed Eli Justus. The questions I asked were something like what is different in 5th and 6th grade, what do you like and not like in 6th grade. What is your favorite class, how do you feel about having electives, and are 6th grade teachers stricter than 5th. Let’s see what he said!

Before we get to the answers, here’s a little bit of information about Eli. Eli is in 6th grade and he is on student council. He has a little sister named Izzy, and is in Ms. McCartney’s homeroom. Now onto his answers!

Eli said that we have more freedom in 6th grade and there are higher expectations for 6th graders. He said that he likes and doesn’t like enrichment. He likes enrichment because he can learn more, but he doesn’t like that it takes away a class. His favorite class is stem/agriculture. With electives, he feels that it is better than last year because 6th graders can choose a few classes. Eli says that the 6th grade teachers are a little more strict because 6th graders have higher expectations than 5th graders.

That’s all! Check back next month for how 5th and sixth graders feel about their school year!

Since 2019

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