  • 1. The Why and How of moving to PHP 5.4/5.5

2. Questions during the talk ? Ask at 3. Who am I ? Wim Godden (@wimgtr) Founder of Solutions ( Open Source developer since 1997 OpenX, PHPCompatibility, Nginx SCL, ... Speaker at PHP and Open Source conferences 4. Why vs How Part 1 : why upgrade ? Bad reasons : It's cool to have the latest version Annoy sysadmins Oh cool, a new toy ! Part 2 : how to upgrade ? The nightmare of compatibility The joy of automation No miracles here ! 5. Show of hands 3 / 4 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6.0 (just kidding) 6. The numbers W3Techs ( Now May 2013 PHP 4 : 2.9% 2.7% PHP 5 : 97.1% 97.3% 5.0 : 0.1% 0.1% 5.1 : 2.2% 2.6% 5.2 : 40.2% 43.5% 5.3 : 51.7% 49.7% 5.4 : 5.7% 4.1% 5.5 : 0.1 % < 0.1% 5.6 : < 0.1% 7. 5.3 quick recap Namespaces () Late static binding Closures Better garbage collection Goto Mysqlnd Performance gain 8. 5.3 people are not even using it ! 40.2% still on PHP 5.2 No : Symfony 2 Zend Framework 2 Other frameworks that need namespaces Problematic for developers 9. PHP 5.4/5.5 what's changed ? New features Performance and memory usage Improved consistency Some things removed 10. New things short array syntax (5.4) $yourItems = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); $yourItems = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']; $yourItems = ['a' => 5, 'b' => 3]; 11. New things function array dereferencing (5.4) function getCars() { return array( 'Mini', 'Smart', 'Volvo', 'BMW' ); } $cars = getCars(); echo $cars[1]; function getCars() { return [ 'Mini', 'Smart', 'Volvo', 'BMW' ]; } echo getCars()[1]; 12. New things Traits Reuse methods across classes Classes have no common parent 13. Traits - example Log output : abcd trait Logger { public function log($data) { echo "Log output : " . $data; } } class SomeClass { use Logger; } $someObject = new SomeClass(); $someObject->log('abcd'); 14. Traits - example class SomeClass { public function log($data) { echo "Log output : " . $data; } } $someObject = new SomeClass(); $someObject->log('abcd'); 15. Traits careful ! trait Logger { private $foo; } class SomeClass { private $foo; use Logger; } will throw E_STRICT ! 16. New things Webserver (5.4) Built-in webserver Development only ! Handles requests sequentially Ideal for quick testing Ideal for unit testing of webservices 17. Webserver how to /var/www/php54test/html> php -S localhost:8000 PHP 5.4.15 Development Server started at Sat May 2 00:41:12 2013 Listening on http://localhost:8000 Document root is /var/www/php54test/html Press Ctrl-C to quit. /var/www/php54test/html> php -S localhost:8000 -t /var/www/other-path/html PHP 5.4.15 Development Server started at Sat May 2 00:41:12 2013 Listening on http://localhost:8000 Document root is /var/www/other-path/html Press Ctrl-C to quit. /var/www/php54test/html> php -S localhost:8000 bootstrap.php PHP 5.4.15 Development Server started at Sat May 2 00:41:12 2013 Listening on http://localhost:8000 Document root is /var/www/php54test/html Press Ctrl-C to quit. 18. New things SessionHandler (5.4) New session handling class Groups all methods for session handling : close() destroy() gc() open() read() write() 19. SessionHandler class MySessionHandler extends SessionHandler { public function read($session_id) { // Get the session data } public function write($session_id, $session_data) { // Set the session data } ... } $handler = new MySessionHandler(); session_set_save_handler($handler, true); session_start(); 20. New things more session stuff (5.4) File upload extension file upload registers in session readable through AJAX calls New function session_status() Return values : PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE / PHP_SESSION_NONE 21. New things Generators (5.5) Simple way of implementing iterators Simply put : foreach over a function Say what ? 22. Generators - example

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