Page 1: The Watchman - Volume 1 Issue 1 - March 31 2014

our membership has

a desire for the

things of God and

together under God

we are poised for

new and awesome


This issue of

our newsletter ‘The

Watchman’ will allow

you to have an in-

sight into the way

God has been lead-

ing the Seventh-day

Adventists Church at

Belmont. We invite

you to pray for our


To our local

membership much

love to you and let’s

go after the new

things God has for



greetings brethren

and friends,

It is a privilege

to address you as the

pastor of the Seventh

-day Adventists

Church at Belmont. I

must say that it has

been a delight and

pleasure serving the

brethren of this local

congregation. To-

gether we have seen

the working of God in

moving our church

forward. God has

been very good to us

and for this we are

grateful. 2013 has

been a positive year

for us.

In 2014 we

have come to believe

and accept that God

has new things for

us. ‘’I am about to do

a new thing; now it

springs forth, do you

not perceive it? I will

make a way in the

wilderness and rivers

in the desert, to give

drink to my chosen

people” [Isaiah


As a church

we have already be-

gun to experience

those new things.

God is bringing about

a spiritual revival and

reformation among

our membership. For

this I rejoice. We

have had a powerful

week of spiritual re-

vival emphasis. To

God be the glory for

the wonderful way in

which He used Dr Ja-

son Flemming, to

bring forth the won-

derful words of truth

during this magnifi-

cent week.

This resulted

in a special recon-

ciliation service. For

the idea of revival

and reconciliation the

devil is angry. How-

ever, that does not

stop the working of

God in our church.

God is almighty, the

pastor is optimistic,

our leadership team

is motivated, our de-

partments are active,

From the Pastor’s Desk

March 31, 2014 The Watchman

Enter To Worship

Sabbath Service: 9:00am-


Bible Class: 3:00pm-4:00pm

Youth Service: 4:00pm


Sunday Evening Service:


Wednesday Evening Prayer

Service: 7:00pm-8:30pm.

Depart To Serve!

Inside this issue:

Church History in Brief 2

The Eldership 3

Personal Ministries 4

Adventist Youth 5

Community Services 6

Communication 7

Elder Chase Tribute 8

Pastor Oliver Scott Church Pastor

“The Watchman”

A Q u a r t e r l y N e w s l e t t e r H i g h l i g h t i n g C h u r c h A c t i v i t i e s

Seventh-Day Adventist Church Belmont - St. George’s - Grenada

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The Watchman Volume 1, Issue 1

Church History In Brief

The foundation

members of our church,

moved into their brand

new church building on

December 24, 1994.

Pastor Nord C. Punch

became the first shep-

herd of the Church with

Elder Ian Wilson being

First Elder.

During the years

1994 – 2006, many cru-

sades and evangelistic

activities were held, as a

result, there became a

need to expand on the

church because of its

growth. This develop-

ment brought the long

overdue dedication of

Belmont to the fore. In

the year 2000, under the

leadership of Pastor

Charles Gittens and

Elder William Chase, the

first move toward dedica-

tion was made. A bench

project was initiated, and

24 brand new benches

were purchased.

In 2006, Pastor Jerome Gordon came to our shores, and along with Elder Edward Guil-laume, the press toward dedication continued. This became even more urgent because of the steady growth in mem-bership of our church.

The Old Look

New Benches

The Physical Planning Unit in the Minis-try of Finance was ap-proached with a request for permission to expand, however, it was stipulated that there cannot be any expansion without the construction of a Car Park. Work on this Car Park began and was com-pleted during the first half of 2006. During the latter half of the year 2007, un-der the guidance of Pastor Gordon and Elder Raph-ael Charles, along with the energetic Brother Hugo Rene, Building Committee Chairman, work began in earnest with the excavation of many stones in prepara-tion for the Pastor’s Study, Children’s Division, and paving of the Church


Remodeling of the Ros-trum and upper floor, en-hancement of the building and Car Park wall was

also planned.

Finally, on July 26, 2009, after hard, in-tense work, the Seventh-day Adventist Church At Belmont was dedicated to the name honor and glory of our almighty God. To-day, we the members can praise Him for the great

things He hath done.

Raphael Charles Church Elder

Car Park Construction

Pastor’s Study

Children’s Division

Before After

Big Stones

Rostrum Remodeling

Dedication Day

Ribbon Cutters

Belmont Chorale Pastor Jerome Gordon

Laying The Stone

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Elders Mobilization

Plan 2014

Theme: “Study to

Show Thyself Ap-

proved Unto God, For

It Is Written, Man

Shall Not Live By

Bread Alone, But By

Every Word That Pro-

ceedeth Out of the

Mouth of God.”(2

Timothy 2:15, Mat-

thew 4:4)


To glorify the

name of God in

Word, deed and

worship: Through

identification with

and dedication to

the purposes of

our Creator.

To edify the body

of Christ: Through

prayer, encourage-

ment, love and fel-


To realize steady

church growth,

both spiritually

and physically:

Through training

and equipping of

all members to

function effectively

as the church

seeks to influence

and impact the

community for Je-

sus Christ.


Prayer Ministries

to be encouraged

to initiate Prayer

programs in the

church through-

out the year: e.g.

Half and Whole

night prayer vigils,

Monthly Prayer

and Fast Ser-

vices, Kneel at

the Cross initia-

tive, 10 Days of

Prayer and Fast-

ing, and other

programs as

planned by the

Prayer Ministries.


preached on Sab-

baths to be a re-

flection of our

theme: This

should cause our

membership to

truly recognize

the awesome God

we serve, stand in

awe of Him and

worship Him in

spirit and in truth.

Bible Class to be

held every Sab-

bath, beginning

3:00pm: Our fo-

cus will be on the

doctrinal beliefs

of our church, us-

ing the 28 Funda-

mental Beliefs as

our guide.

Elder’s Visitation

will commence as

soon as a schedule

is drawn up. To fos-

ter a closer spiritual

bond between

members and the

Eldership of the


Preaching, Leader-

ship, Witnessing,

and Evangelistic

Workshops, in col-

laboration with Per-

sonal Ministries, to

be organized for

Elders, officers and

the wider member-

ship of our church.

Music workshops

for our Choristers to

be organized so

that our worship

services can be en-


Teaching of new

hymns from the Ad-

ventist Hymnal to

be encouraged.

The Eldership have be-

gun implementing the

above plan in the fol-

lowing ways:

Officers Consecra-

tion Service, Janu-

ary 25, 2014

10 Days of Prayer &

Fasting , Wednes-

day February 19 -

Friday, February

28, 2014

The Eldership

Bible Class began

during the Month of


Week of Spiritual

Revival with Dr. Ja-

son Flemming, Sab-

bath March 1 -

March 8, 2014.

Prayer & Fast Ser-

vice, Sabbath,

March 1, 2014

Reconciliation Ser-

vice, Wednesday,

March 26, 2014.

Indeed God has begun

to do a new thing in

our church. Despite the

constant bombard-

ment of the prince of

evil, the Eldership is

endeavoring, under the

guidance of the Prince

of Peace to execute

and bring to fruition

the mobilization plan

which God Himself

have initiated in our


We sincerely thank Him

for His leading in our

church thus far.

The Eldership

The Watchman Volume 1, Issue 1

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The Watchman Volume 1, Issue 1

Personal Ministries

The main pur-

pose of the establish-

ment of the Seventh Day

Adventist church is for

Soul winning

(evangelism), and that is

the main focus of the

Personal Ministries de-

partment of the Belmont

SDA Church. It exists to

teach and proclaim the

gospel of Jesus Christ to

the Community, in re-

sponse to the command

of Jesus in Matthew

Chapter 28: 18-20. It

exists to bring each per-

son, men, women,

youth, boys and girls into

a saving relationship with


This depart-

ment does not func-

tion alone, but needs

all other departments

of the church to work

along to meet its

goal. Therefore it in-

volves every member

of the church.

The theme for

2014 is “Time is at

Hand, Let’s go tell

dem!” This year

started off with a

blast. Our Annual In-

gathering Campaign

was launched on

January 25, and com-

pleted on March 8,


The church

was extremely suc-

cessful surpassing

their basic, super and

super-duper goals

and all other church

goals within 4 weeks.

The most successful

campaign to date. To

God be praised!

Currently, our

church is preparing

for the “Better Life

Crusade” with Pastor

Oliver Scott sched-

uled to begin, Sunday

May 11th, 2014, at

the Limes Playing

Field in Grand Anse.

This is a joint Evan-

gelistic effort with

two of our sister

churches, Maranatha

and Victory.

A series of

events has been

planned as a count-

down to the begin-

ning of the Crusade.

These events include,

distribution of Bible

Study lessons and

Health Tracts, Gospel

Open Airs, Special

Consecration Ser-

vices, Community


40 Days of Prayer

and Fasting for the

Crusade, and much


Different evan-

gelistic groups within

the church such as

Sabbath School Action

Units and Missionary

Action Groups have

been allotted territories

to do field work and are

also involved in Hospi-

tal and Prison Minis-


As we “Go Tell

Dem!” we pray for

God’s continual guid-

ance as we forge

ahead proclaiming the

Three Angel’s Mes-

sages until Jesus


Alisha Doyle Personal Ministries Leader

Open Air @ Belmont With

Sis Alisha Doyle

Members @ Belmont

Open Air @ Fenton Village

With Elder Charles

Members @ Fenton Village

Open Air

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With the world-

wide vision of the Sev-

enth day Adventist

Youth Ministry, “The

advent message to

the entire world in my

generation.” The

Youth Department at

Belmont with the guid-

ance of the Holy Spirit

continues to foster

spiritual growth of it’s

leaders and members.

The year

started on a good

note with members

actively nourishing

their spiritual lives by

participating in the

Bible Year and Morn-

ing Watch Devotional


At our first out-

door service on Sab-

bath February 1,

2014 at the Tri-

centennial Park in St.

George’s, a memora-

ble afternoon of

praise and worship to

God in the beauty of

nature was held which

was well supported by

the brethren, As part

of the service our pas-

tor paid tribute to the

various leaders of the

church for their ser-

vice during the year


We believe in

the word of God and it

is our desire to con-

tinue to do loving ser-

vice to our community

with our mission “To

save from sin and

guide to service”.

In light of this,

the youth and other

members of Belmont

enthusiastically par-

ticipated in Global

Youth Day, going into

the community to let

the people know that

Jesus is interested in

all areas of their lives

including their health.

Armed with

Health Nuggets, the

youth engaged mem-

bers of the communi-

ties surrounding our

church alerting them

of the benefits of a

healthy lifestyle.

With admoni-

tion from the apostle

Paul in Philippians

4:13 “I can do all

things through Christ

who strengthens

me”. We embrace the

future with these in-

spiring words know-

ing that together we

can achieve and ful-

fill our mission.

Currently, Bel-

mont Pathfinders are

making preparations

to attend the Gre-

nada Conference

Youth Department’s,

Annual Pathfinder

Camporee, which will

be held at the Confer-

ence Youth Camp Site

in La Poterie, April 17—

21, 2014.

The theme for

this years Camporee is

“Changing Lives Begins

With Me”

We earnestly

pray for God’s leading

and guidance for our

youth as they engage

in activities designed

to change their lives.

Esther Charles Youth Leader

Adventist Youth

Song Service @

Tricentennial Park

Tribute to Leaders

Belmont Pathfinders

Page 5

… we believe in the Word of

God, and it is our desire to

continue to do loving service

to our community ...

The Advent Message To Belmont & Beyond!

The Watchman Volume 1, Issue 1

Enjoying the Service

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The Watchman

Volume 1, Issue 1 Community Services

Over the

years, Community

Services of the Bel-

mont SDA Church, by

the grace of God has

been interacting with

the surrounding vil-


Some of the

activities initiated by

the department were

as follows:

A Tour for the

Elderly in the commu-

nity, that took them

around the Town of

St. George which cul-

minated with a picnic

and a sea bath on

Grand Anse Beach.

Distribution of

rice and hot meals to

needy families in the

community, and

more recently at the

beginning of 2014,

clothing distribution

in which close to 300

pieces of clothing

were distributed.

Loaves of

Love” our flagship

program, so dubbed

as it is with hearts

full of love that mem-

bers spend an entire

day baking loaves of

bread and then,

though tired from the

days work, go out

through the commu-

nities distributing the

loaves to those in


We believe that

many have been

blessed by our efforts,

as some have ex-

pressed their thanks

and appreciation to

the church for such a

good gesture. To this

we say, to God be the



Community Services

also took the initiative

in assisting a dear sis-

ter of our church, who

lost everything through

a fire that completely

destroyed her apart-


Our depart-

ment pledges to con-

tinue spreading the

Gospel of Jesus on the

wheels of Community


Urva Date Community Services


Members & the Elderly

Ready for the Picnic

Loaves in the Oven

Straight From the Oven

Packaging the Loaves

Distribution Time

Ready for the Oven

Stepping off the Bus

Chilling Out With the Elderly

Loaves in the Oven

After a Hard Day’s Work, Enjoying the Meal Serving

Communities In Jesus' Name!

… it is with hearts full of love

that members spend the

entire day baking loaves of

bread and then though tired

from the day’s work ...

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The Watchman

Volume 1, Issue 1 Communication

Communication Plan


Theme: “Building,

Monitoring and Pro-

tecting the Image of

Our Church in 2014.”


To raise public

awareness of our

church, it’s mem-

bers, mission and


To insure that our

membership are

adequately in-

formed about up-

coming local

church, local Con-

ference, Union,

Division and Gen-

eral Conference


To promote all

local programs

and evangelistic

campaigns to at-

tract interest and



By checking regu-

larly the physical

appearance of

our church for

problems needing


By the identifica-

tion of our church

through appropri-

ate listing in the

local Telephone


Encourage in-

creased church

involvement in the


through adequate

promotion of

church activities.

Working to have

church activities

noted in media,

Developing and

maintain a church


Live streaming of

church services.

Maintaining and

enhancement of

current Facebook


Maintaining an at-

tractive bulletin

board, highlighting

church activities,

news and develop-


Assisting depart-

ments with the

creation of flyers,

brochures and

other promotional


Publishing a quar-

terly Newsletter of

church activities.

To date, we

have begun imple-

menting some of the

plans listed above.

God has begun to do

wonderful things in

terms of communica-

tion in our church, for

even as we pen this

article, the first issue

of our Quarterly News-

letter, The Watchman

will roll off the press.

We wish to ex-

press heartfelt thanks

first of all to our al-

mighty God for His

leading during the

process of putting this

Newsletter together.

To our dear

Pastor who from the

inception of the idea

gave his fullest sup-

port and encourage-


To the heads of

departments who con-

tributed articles on

activities accom-

plished by their de-

partments during the

first quarter.

Finally to Sis

Tessa Charles, who

worked behind the

scenes, giving ideas

as to layout and con-

tent. We look forward

with much anticipa-

tion Issue 2 of “The


Announcing The Better Life Crusade

With Evangelist Pastor Oliver Scott

Sunday May 11 - Sabbath

June 14, 2014

The Limes Playing Field, Grand Anse

Crusade Countdown

40 Days Prayer & Fasting April 1– May 10, 2014

Community Guest Days

April 12, 2014

Consecration Services April 27, 2014: Maranatha

April 30, 2014: Belmont

Prayer & Fast Sabbath May 3, 2014

May 10, 2014

Field Visitation - Areas Sur-rounding Crusade Site

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40 Days Prayer & Fasting: April 1

- May 10, 2014

Community Guest Day: April 12,


Pathfinder Camporee: April 17 -

21, 2014

“The Better Life Crusade, with Evangelist Pastor Oliver Scott,

May 11- June 14, 2014

Upcoming Events

Health Feature A Tribute to one of Belmont’s Stalwarts As Read At His

Funeral Service

Today, Tuesday, February 12, 2013, dear brethren and friends, is in-deed a sad day for us at Belmont as we lay to rest a soldier, a true warrior for Jesus, a mentor, father and friend, Elder William Nathaniel Chase, affectionately known as Chasyboy. Elder Chase served the Seventh day Adventist Church at Belmont well in many ways. He played a major role in the establishment of our church securing the lands on which it now stand. Over the years Elder Chase served as First Elder, Personal Ministries Leader, Prayer Min-istries Leader, Interest Co-coordinator, Religious Liberty Leader and Bible Worker. He was always elected to be Belmont's delegate at conference ses-sions because of his vast experience. He was a man of great physical strength, spending at times the entire day in his lands cleaning, planting and harvesting produce to sustain not only his family, but also his neighbors and friends. He was also a man of great in-ner strength, exhibiting a steadfast faith in our almighty God, that became infec-tious, touching the hearts of those who encountered him (especially in the latter days of his life) and manifested in one of his favorite passages of scripture which he often quoted (Romans 8:28). Chasyboy's vast knowledge of Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy made him an important resource person at Belmont. From memory he quoted scripture and excerpts from many of Sis White's books, and he had the special ability to preach the word without a script. If anyone needed information on

the history of our church, Elder Chase was the one to be consulted. What stood out most in the life of Elder Chase was his passion to see souls won for Jesus. As a Bible Worker he was in great demand, tirelessly he worked the field in many crusades. Some of us gathered here today can testify that it was Chasyboy who pointed us to Jesus.

A stalwart has fallen,

but he will never be forgotten, A soldier is gone, battles he fought,

victories he won, A son of God has gone to rest,

he gave his all, he gave his best, He stood the test, we must confess,

it's up to us to do the rest. Farewell dear friend, it's not the end, for Jesus Soon will come

again! Sleep on, sleep on dear son of God, for soon you'll hear well done,

my son, well done!





Belmont SDA Church

Belmont - St. George’s - Grenada


Email: [email protected]

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