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 Job  2.0  

A)tudine  e  disponibilità  all’innovazione  e  al  cambiamento:  la  condizione  per  affrontare  il  digitale  e  le  nuove  professioni  digitali.  

 Roberto  Fuso  Nerini  –  The  Vortex  


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Changing  media  are  changing  business  

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Roberto  Fuso  Nerini  

 TW  @robertofuso  

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Paul  Krugman  Premio  Nobel  per  l’economia  2008  

“The growth of the internet will slow

dramatically. By 2005 or so it will become clear that Internet’s impact on economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s”

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“Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future”

Niels  Bohr  Scopritore  della  

struMura  dell'atomo  

Quale  futuro?  

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Valery  Brumel  

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Dick  Fosbury  

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Il  cambiamento  

•   La  “legge  dei  Pochi”    •     La  capacità  di  aMecchire    •     Il  potere  del  contesto  

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Il  cambiamento  

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Il  cambiamento  

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Il  cambiamento  

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E’  uno  spot?  

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Ci  sarà  il  teletrasporto?  

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Il  cambiamento  

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E  Blackberry,  dov’è?  

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Il  cambiamento  

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“Gli  analfabe+  del  futuro  non  saranno  quelli  che  non  sanno  leggere  e  scrivere,  ma  quelli  che  non  saranno  capaci  di  imparare,  disimparare  e  imparare  di  nuovo”.  

Marco  Zamperini  The  Funky  professor  

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Cambiano  i  media,  cambia  l’utente  

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La  teoria  del  vorKce  

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La  teoria  del  vorKce  

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Un  nuovo  markeKng  

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Un  nuovo  ambiente  

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Cambiano  vecchie  abitudini  

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Le  nuove  minacce  

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Digitale  e  lavoro  

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Un  nuovo  ambiente  

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Nuove  modalità  

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Long-­‐form  journalism  

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Un  nuovo  ambiente  

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Un  nuovo  ambiente  

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Un  mondo  che  cambia  

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Grazie Roberto Fuso Nerini [email protected]

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