Page 1: The viability of using the Witwatersrand gold mine ... · also found that the best brick curing system was in a water environment. Bricks made from tailings cost more than conventional

IntroductionSouth Africa is a mineral-rich country withmetals such as gold, copper, and platinumgroup metals being exploited to a significantextent in the country’s mining history. Mininggenerates large volumes of tailings, withconsequent disposal and environmentalproblems. By far the most gold that has beenmined in South Africa (98%) has come fromthe Witwatersrand goldfields (Messner, 1991).The gold mines in this area are situatedaround an ancient sea (over 2700 millionyears old) where rivers deposited sediments inthe form of sand and gravel that became theconglomerate containing the gold (Messner,1991). The extensive exploitation of the goldresources has led to numerous mine tailingsheaps scattered around the WitwatersrandBasin. As long as mining contributes signifi-cantly to the economic development of SouthAfrica, generation of these tailings isinevitable.

The major environmental impacts fromwaste disposal at mine sites can be dividedinto two categories – the loss of productiveland following its conversion to a wastestorage area and the introduction of sediment,acidity, and other contaminants intosurrounding surface and groundwater (MiningFacts, 2014). The gold mining and processingwastes contain large amounts of sulphideminerals such as pyrite, which generate acidmine drainage (AMD) (Rosner and vanSchalkwyk, 2000). South Africa is currentlyfaced with the challenges resulting from AMDand the government and mining companies areunder pressure to find viable solutions to thisproblem. This, coupled with the increasinglandfill costs, and stricter implementation andenforcement of environmental legislation, hascaused the scientific community to focus onfinding innovative methods of utilizing minetailings. Even though some applications of thegenerated tailings have been exploited, such asin the building of slimes dams and backfill inunderground mines, these uses do not take upmore than a fraction of the total amount oftailings in the Witwatersrand region. There istherefore a significant need to developing otherlong-term, commercially viable uses for minetailings in order to minimize the disposal costsand the impact on the environment.

According to Statistics South Africa(2013), South Africa has a human populationof about 52.98 million. This population isgrowing, and this consequently results in anincreasing demand for housing, which placessevere stress on the natural resources used forconstruction materials. Conventional bricks areproduced from clay fired in high-temperaturekilns or from ordinary Portland cement (OPC)concrete. Clay, the common material used for

The viability of using the Witwatersrandgold mine tailings for brickmakingby M. Malatse* and S. Ndlovu*Paper written on project work carried out in partial fulfilment of BSc. Eng. (Metallurgyand Materials Sciences)

SynopsisThe Witwatersrand Basin is the heart of South Africa’a gold miningindustry. The cluster of gold mines located in the Witwatersrand Basingenerates a significant amount of mine tailings, which have adverse effectson the environment and ecological systems. In addition, disposal costs arevery high. The exponential population growth in the Witwatersrand areahas resulted in pressure on the reserves of traditional building materials.Quarrying for natural construction material is very expensive and damagesthe landscape. This work therefore examines the use of gold mine tailingsin the production of bricks.

Different mixing ratios of gold tailings, cement, and water were used.The resulting bricks were then cured in three different environments – sundried, oven dried at 360°C, and cured in water for 24 hours. The bricks werethen tested for unconfined compressive strength, water absorption, andweight loss. The results showed that the mixture with more cement thantailings had a compressive strength of approximately 530 kN/m2. It wasalso found that the best brick curing system was in a water environment.Bricks made from tailings cost more than conventional bricks because ofthe higher quantity of cement used, but the manufacturing processconsumes less water. Overall, the results indicated that gold mine tailingshave a high potential to substitute for the natural materials currently usedin brickmaking.

Keywordsgold mine tailings, construction materials, brickmaking.

* School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering,University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,South Africa.

© The Southern African Institute of Mining andMetallurgy, 2015. ISSN 2225-6253. Paper receivedFeb. 2015

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The viability of using the Witwatersrand gold mine tailings for brickmaking

brickmaking, is usually mined in quarries. Quarryingoperations are energy-intensive, adversely affect thelandscape, and generate a high level of waste (Zhang, 2013;Bennet et al., 2013). Furthermore, in many areas of thewworld, there is already a shortage of natural resource materialfor the production of the conventional bricks (Zhang, 2013).To conserve the clay resources and the environment, somecountries such as China have started to limit the use of bricksmade from clay (Zhang, 2013). Thus the depletion of thesenatural resources has created a need need for an alternativesource of construction materials in order to sustaindevelopment.

Extensive research has been conducted on the productionof bricks using waste material (Zhang 2013; Saeed andZhang, 2012). These waste materials include mining waste,construction and demolition waste, wood sawdust, cottonwwaste, limestone powder, paper production residues,petroleum effluent treatment plant sludge, kraft pulpproduction residue, cigarette butts, waste tea, rice husk ash,crumb rubber, cement kiln dust, and coal fly ash (Zhang2013; Bennet et al., 2013; Saeed and Zhang, 2012). Themining and mineral processing waste includes miningoverburden, waste rock, mine tailings, slags, granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), mine water, water treatment sludge,and gaseous waste ( Zhang, 2013; Saeed and Zhang, 2012;Koumal, 1994; Dean et al., 1968; Bennet et al., 2013).

The extensive research on the utilization of wastematerials to produce bricks can be divided into three generalcategories based on the production methods – firing,cementing, and geopolymerization,

Production of bricks from waste materials through firinguses waste material(s) to substitute partially or entirely forclay and follows the traditional method of kiln-firing. Chen etal. (2011) studied the feasibility of utilizing haematitetailings and class F fly ash together with clay to producebricks. Tests were performed to determine the compressivestrength, water absorption, and bulk density of brick samplesprepared under different conditions.

Bennet et al. (2013) conducted research on thedevelopment of geopolymer binder-based bricks using fly ashand bottom ash. During the synthesizing process, silicon-aluminium bonds are formed that are chemically andstructurally comparable to those binding the natural rocks(Bennet et al., 2013), giving geopolymer binder-based bricksadvantages such as rapid strength gain and good durability,especially in acidic environments. Research into geopolymerbricks has also incorporated copper mine tailings and cement

kiln dust (Bennet et al., 2013). In this process, an autoclavedaerated cement (AAC) material is produced (Koumal, 1994).Ahmari and Zhang (2012) investigated the utilization ofcopper mine tailings to produce geopolymer bricks by usingsodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution as the alkali activator.They produced cylindrical brick specimens by using different initial water contents, NaOH concentrations, forming pressures, and curing temperatures. Copper minetailings bricks have been found to have good physical andmechanical properties such as a water absorption of 17.7%, compressive strength of 260 kg/cm2, and density of1.8 g/cm3 (Be Sharp, 2012).

The method of producing bricks from waste materialsthrough cementing is based on hydration reactions similar tothose in OPC to form mainly C–S–H and C–A–S–H phasescontributing to strength (Zhang, 2013). The cementingmaterial can be the waste material itself or other addedcementing material(s) such as OPC and lime. Again, manyresearchers have studied the utilization of waste materials toproduce bricks based on cementing. The brickmaking processhas involved the use of waste and tailings such as those fromcopper, nickel, gold, aluminium, molybdenum, and zincprocessing as additives replacing some of the cement (Jain etal., 1983). Morchhale et al. (2006) studied the production ofbricks by mixing copper mine tailings with different amountof OPC and then compressing the mixture in a mould. Theresults showed that the bricks had a higher compressivestrength and lower water absorption when the OPC contentincreased. Roy et al. (2007) used gold mill tailings mixedwith OPC, black cotton soils, and red soils in differentproportions to make bricks. The cement-tailings bricks werecured by immersing them in water for different periods oftime and their compressive strengths were determined. Brickswith 20% cement and 14 days of curing were found to besuitable. Gold mine tailings have also been used to produceautoclaved calcium silicate bricks (Jain et al., 1983). Thebricks are cured under saturated steam and in the process,lime reacts with silica grains to form a cementing materialconsisting of calcium silicate hydrate. Some miningcompanies such as Bharat Gold Mines in India have exploredthe idea of brickmaking using gold ore tailings (Be Sharp,2012).

Table I shows the chemical composition of some of thewaste materials used in bricks as well as the composition ofquarry clay material that comprise the conventional feedmaterial (Bennet et al., 2013). The gold mine tailings arefrom a Chinese mine (Yang et al., 2011).

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Table I

Composition of material used in brickmaking (Bennet et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2011)

Oxide component Fly ash GGBS Bottom ash Clay material Gold mine tailingsMass % Mass % Mass % Mass % Mass %

SiO2 53.3 35.47 56.76 61.8 38.60Al2O3 29.5 19.36 21.34 25 7.06Fe2O3 10.7 - 5.98 8 12.76CaO 7.6 33.25 2.88 - 29.24SO3 1.8 - 0.72 - 3.21FeO - 0.8 - - =-MgO - 8.69 - 1.2 7.85Na2O - - - 0.1 -K2O - - - 2.76 -

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From the chemical compositions shown in Table I, it canbe seen that the waste materials have similar major oxides intheir compositions. The compositions are also relativelysimilar to the typical clay material used in brickmaking. Thewwaste materials all have a predominantly high content ofsilica, alumina, and haematite (with the exception of thegranulated blast furnace slag, GGBS, which contains nohaematite), which are important in brickmaking materials.Considering the source of the gold deposits in theWWitwatersrand Basin (river sediments in the form of sandand gravel), it is therefore likely that the tailings from thisarea will also contain a high level of silica.

The purpose of this work is therefore is to ascertain thetechnical and economic viability of using the Witwatersrandgold tailings for brickmaking using the cementing method.The tailings-based bricks will be compared with thecommercial bricks available on the market. The evaluationwwill be based on parameters such as compressive strength,wwater absorption, and weight loss tests. This work has thepotential to unlock large resources of material needed in theconstruction industry that would help conserve the naturalresources commonly used. In addition it would eliminate theland requirements for waste disposal, thus realizing savingson disposal and landfill costs and also lessening environ-mental damage. But above all, this work has the potential toprovide an additional revenue stream for the gold miningsector.

Materials and methodsThe materials used in this test work were gold mine tailings,wwater, and cement as a binding material. Gold mine tailingswwere provided by a local gold mining company, AngloGoldAshanti. The Larfarge 42.5 kN cement was provided by thePlanning, Infrastructure and Maintenance Department at theUniversity of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The cementwwas used on the day of delivery and tap water was used inthe mixing process.

Characterization of gold mine tailingsRepresentative samples used in all experiments wereprepared using a riffle splitter (model 15A, Eriez Magnetics,South Africa). The gold tailings were characterized byinvestigating the phase mineralogy, particle size, and quanti-tative chemical analysis. The particle size analysis was doneby physically screening the samples using test sieves(Fritsch, Germany) of various screen sizes up to 212 μm. Thephase mineralogy analysis was carried out using an X-raydiffractometer (X’Pert, PANalytical, Netherlands) operatedwwith Co-K radiation generated at 40 kV and 50 mA. Thechemical analysis was carried out using wavelengthdispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry (Axios,PANalytical, Netherlands) operated with a rhodium tubeexcitation source.

The brickmaking processDifferent mixing ratios of tailings, cement, and water wereused in the brickmaking process (Table II). From eachmixture, a number of bricks were cast and dried.

The three feed material (tailings, cement, and water) weremixed in the appropriate ratios in a commercial mixing

fmachine. Dry mixing was done first and then a controlledamount of water was added while continuing to mixthoroughly. The total mixing time was 15 minutes. Themixture was then cast into the brick moulds. The brickmoulds were then placed on a vibrating machine for 5minutes in order to fill the voids in mixture comprehensivelyand thus prevent the formation of air pockets. The brickswere then labelled and allowed to cure for 24 hours. Threecuring methods were used. These included atmosphericdrying under the sun, curing in water, and drying in an ovenat 360°C. After curing, the bricks were de-moulded using anair compressor, weighed, and tested for compressive strength.

Unconfined compressive strength testingThe cast and cured bricks were tested for compressivestrength using a Tinus Olsen compressive strength testingmachine. In the compressive strength testing process, a forcewas applied on the brick until the brick failed and the forcemeasured at failure was documented. The compressivestrengths obtained were then averaged. The mixture ratiothat gave the highest compressive strength was subsequentlyemployed to manufacture bricks for water absorption, weightloss, and leaching rate tests. Unconfined compressive testswere also done on commercial bricks to provide a basis forcomparison.

Water absorption rate and weight loss testsTwo solutions with different pH values, one acidic and oneneutral, were used for these tests. The tailings bricks werefirst prepared from mixture 7 (Table II) and cured in water for24 hours. Tests were conducted on four samples in eachsolution. The bricks were immersed in water baths, onecontaining water at pH 7 and the other an acidic solution atpH 4. The solid–to-liquid ratio was maintained at 15. Thesaturated weight of the bricks (WsW ) was measured every 24hours over a 5-day period. After 5 days, the bricks were driedat 110°C for 24 hours and the oven-dried weight (WdWW )recorded. The bricks were again tested for compressivestrength. The percentage water absorption rate was thencalculated as

Water absorption (%) = [(WsW - WdWW ]/WdWW × 100

The weight loss tests were done in the neutralenvironment only (pH 7). The average weight loss wasmeasured after the bricks had been soaked in neutral waterfor seven days then dried overnight at 110°C.

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Table II

Different mixtures used in brickmaking

Mixture number Tailings (kg) Cement (kg) Water (L)

1 2 1 0.62 14 2 2.653 9 6 3.04 7 8 2.55 10 5 2.56 12 3 2.57 5 10 3.38 10 5 3

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The viability of using the Witwatersrand gold mine tailings for brickmaking

Results and discussion

PParticle size distribution Figure 1 shows the particle size distribution of the materialused in the brickmaking process. The results are presented incumulative form, in which the total amount of all sizesretained or passed by a single notional sieve is given for therange of sizes.

The results indicate that most of the particles fell into90–200 μm range. 80% of the material passed the 200 μmscreen aperture while about 12% passed the 90 μm screen.The particle size range used in standard commercialbrickmaking includes coarser sand particles as well as fineparticles. The material used in these tests was, in comparison,relatively fine. A cost analysis study done by Roy et al.(2007) showed that cement-tailings bricks are generallyuneconomical compared to the soil-tailings based bricks,therefore future test work will have to consider the additionof coarse particles, possibly from mining overburden.

MMineralogical and chemical analysisTable III shows the mineral phases and the respectivequantities present in the sample as determined by XRD andXRF analysis. The table indicates that the mineralogical andchemical composition of the tailings bear close similaritieswwith the composition of the conventional materials used forcommercial brickmaking, as well as with the waste materialsthat have been tested in the past (see Table I). The resultsindicate that the major oxides in the mine tailings sample aresilica, magnesium oxide, alumina, sulphur trioxide,potassium oxide, calcium oxide, and haematite. The otherconstituents such as uranium oxide are found in tracequantities. Although uranium oxide is present only at0.0064% its presence is worth noting as uranium is a veryradioactive element and therefore can present safetyimplications.

Unconfined compressive strengthThe main mechanical property of bricks that is tested for iscompressive strength. A good brick should be hard andstrong. The compressive strength tests on commercial brickswwere undertaken in order to provide a basis for comparisonwwith the gold mine tailings bricks. Table IV shows the resultsof the compressive strength of the commercial bricks. It wasnoted during the tests that the more uneven and rough thesurface of the brick, the quicker it failed.

U fi d i h f h ld iliUnconfined compressive strength of the gold tailingsbricksThe quality and durability of the concrete mix depend notonly on the quality and properties of the ingredients, but alsoon the method of preparation and the curing environment(Ahmad and Saiful Amin, 1998). Proper curing isindispensable in developing optimum properties. Table Vshows the compressive strength for the gold tailings basedbricks cured in different environments.

The average values shown in Table V are depictedgraphically in Figure 2. For mixture 1, high-temperaturedrying in an oven yielded the highest compressive strength.For mixture 2, ambient drying conditions resulted in thehighest compressive strength, followed by oven drying formixture 3, curing in water for mixtures 4 and 5, oven dryingfor mixture 6, and curing in water for mixtures 7 and 8. Theoverall trend reveals that the majority of the mixtures yieldedhigher compressive strength when cured in water (50%),followed by oven drying (37.5%), and lastly drying underambient conditions (12.5%). This can be attributed to the factthat curing the bricks in water contributes to the cementationprocess and hence increases the strength of the bricks. An

324 APRIL 2015 VOLUME 115 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Figure 1—Particle size distribution of the gold mine tailings

Table III

Major constituents of the gold mine tailings

Number Component Result (%)

1 Na20 0.6132 MgO 1.793 Al2O3 10.24 SiO2 77.75 P2O3 0.0856 SO3 0.9057 K2O 1.198 CaO 1.939 TiO2 0.46910 Cr2O3 0.4511 MnO 0.054912 Fe2O3 4.5113 Co2O3 0.006314 NiO 0.017715 CuO 0.00716 ZnO 0.00817 As2O3 0.0118 Pb2O 0.004119 SrO 0.015120 ZrO2 0.031221 U3O8 0.0064

Table IV

Compressive strength of commercial bricks

Brick Force (kN/m2)Flat face

1 8902 9203 6654 6955 6906 641

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adequate supply of moisture is necessary to ensure sufficienthydration for reducing the porosity to such a level that thedesired strength and durability are attained

The results also show that in general, bricks from mixture7 had a higher compressive strength in all three curingsystem used. However, the highest overall compressivestrength was obtained from mixture 7 that was cured inwwater. This mixture had a higher amount of cement comparedto the tailings (2:1 cement to tailings mass ratio), whichresulted in a larger surface area of the tailings being incontact with the cement and hence resulting in a strongermixture. These results also follow for mixtures 3 and 4. Thehigher strength is probably due to the superior plasticity andbinding properties provided by the higher amount of cement.It is also known that cement cures well in water (America'sCement Manufacturers, 2014); hence the mixture with thelargest quantity of cement cured in water resulted in thehighest compressive strength.

Water absorption and weight loss testsCompressive strength and water absorption are two commonparameters considered by most building materials researchersas required by various standards. Water absorption willinfluence the durability and strength of the bricks. Figure 3shows the water absorption rate.

For both solutions, the absorption was highest on thefirst day of the test followed by a more constant rate insubsequent days. It can also be seen from Figure 3 that the

absorption rate was slightly higher in the neutral solutionthan in the acidic solution. The unconfined compressivestrengths after water absorption are shown in Table VI.

The results show that the bricks soaked in the neutralenvironment had a higher compressive strength than thosesoaked in an acidic environment. This can be attributed tothe fact that during the water absorption test, the neutralsolution acts as a natural curing agent and furtherstrengthens the bricks.

The weight loss over the seven day period was quitenegligible at 0.06%. This means that although the bricksshow significant water absorption rate, they regain theiroriginal weight after drying.

Cost analysisIt is important to check if the outcome of the research projectis economically viable for it to be beneficial to society. Inorder to market the bricks, cost comparison with traditionalbricks is essential. The following factors were considered.

Gold tailings are available in abundance and areexpected to be free of cost

Portland cement=R65 per 50 kg bag (OLX, 2014).

Using a base figure, for commercial brickmaking, themasonry cement recipe can be estimated as follows:

8 bags of cement=1000 bricks (Kreh, 2003), or 1 bag ofcement=125 bricks.

For commercial brickmaking, the water addition shouldbe 20 litres per 50 kg of cement (Hydraform, 2014). Theprice of water for industrial companies according to the Cityof Johannesburg’s Mayoral Committee is R20.96 per kilolitre.(COJ: Mayoral Committee, 2013).

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Table V

Average compressive strength of bricks cured underdifferent

Mixture Average compressive strength (kN/m2)

Water Oven Ambient

1 141 165 1572 20 25 293 325 359 3184 440 439 3235 262 261 2346 215 235 2307 530 479 4548 149 98 127

Figure 2—Compressive strength of the cement tailings bricks cured indifferent environments

Figure 3—Water absorption rate

Table VI

Average compressive strength after absorption tests

Solution Compressive strength (kN/m2)

pH 4 445pH 7 476

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The viability of using the Witwatersrand gold mine tailings for brickmaking

fIn this research project, it was found that the higheststrength was obtained in mixture 7, with 5 kg of tailings and10 kg of cement mixed with 3.3 litres of water, followed bymixture 4 with 7 kg of tailings and 8 kg of cement mixedwwith 2.5 litres of water. Using the option with the higheststrength, it was found that one bag of cement is equivalent to55 bricks (compared with 125 commercial bricks per bag ofcement). However, the water consumption was calculated tobe 16.5 litres per bag of cement, which is less than the 20litres used in commercial brickmaking. Water is an expensivecommodity in South Africa and using tailings to make thebricks saves water. Thus, the more economical option wouldbe the second mixing ratio, since it uses less water andcement but still results in relatively high brick compressivestrengths. Even though the second option is economicallyacceptable, the high cement content is a disadvantage.However, regarding the overall brickmaking process someother factors should be considered. The brickmaking plantcan be close to the tailings dumps in order to cut down oncosts. In addition, it is important to note that most of thetailings material already occurs in fine form, therefore notmuch size reduction (which is an energy-intensive process) isrequired.

Since the use of tailings for brickmaking conservesnatural resources, one could say that the benefit to theenvironment outweighs mere economic considerations. Theuse of tailings would mean that the companies have to spendless on waste management, while at the same time reducinghuman exposure to tailings, consequently reducing the effectthat mine waste has on the health of inhabitants in themining area. The use of gold mine tailings for brickmakingalso constitutes an additional source of revenue for the goldmining companies and in the process creates jobs.

Conclusions and recommendationsThis laboratory-scale study was aimed at utilizingWWitwatersrand gold mine tailings in making bricks. Theresults from XRD and XRF showed that the chemicalcomposition of the Witwatersrand gold mine tailings issimilar to that of the clay material used for commercialbrickmaking. It was then concluded that it would betechnically viable to use the tailings for brickmaking.Following the South African masonry standards forbrickmaking and testing, it was found that the commercialbricks have an average compressive strength of 750 kN andthat the strongest bricks made from the tailings gave anaverage compressive strength of 530 kN.

Results from water absorption tests showed that waterabsorption is higher in neutral solutions compared to acidicsolutions. The rate of absorption is high in the first day, butthen stabilizes. The weight loss over a seven-day period wasnegligible at 0.06%.

It is recommended that more tests be conducted with awwider range of tailings to cement ratios as this might lead toidentifying a ratio that yields a stronger brick than what hasbeen observed in this project. In addition, the sizes of thetailings used as aggregate should be varied to a wider range.This can be achieved by adding overburden to the finetailings material.

As regards the economic considerations, the tailingsbricks were found to utilize more cement than the commercial

fbricks, possibly due to lack of plasticity in the tailingmaterials used. This is a disadvantage since cement isexpensive. It is thus recommended that cheaper alternativeadditives that have a high plasticity or binding properties beexplored in the place of cement. Looking at the bigger picture,the use of tailings as brickmaking material would have greatadvantages in terms of environmental conservation andreduction of waste management costs.

Since the XRD analysis showed that uranium is presentin Witwatersrand gold tailings, extensive research withregard to the chemical properties and the chemical stability ofthe bricks produced from gold mill tailings is required.

Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the School ofChemical and Metallurgical Engineering, University of theWitwatersrand, Johannesburg for granting the first author theopportunity to complete her Bachelor’s degree in Metallurgicaland Materials Engineering. In addition they would like toacknowledge all the laboratory personnel in the School whoprovided unlimited support during the research work.Further, the authors would like to acknowledge the team ofacademics and laboratory personnel at the School of CivilEngineering for their guidance on masonry standards and forproviding laboratory space and equipment during the project.Lastly, much appreciation is due to AngloGold Ashanti for theidea behind the project and for supplying the tailings used inthis study.

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The viability of using the Witwatersrand gold mine tailings for brickmaking

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