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THE VEGAN SOCIETY Founded, November, 1944

The Aims of the Society are : (a) To advocate that man's food should be derived

from fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains and other wholesome non-animal products and that it should exclude flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, and animals' milk, butter and cheese.

(b) To encourage the production and use of alternatives to animal commodities.

(c) To extend and organise Veganism nationally and internationally, and to facilitate contacts between those endeavouring to follow this way of life.

Minimum subscription, 5s. per annum, which includes The Vegan quarterly. Life Membership, £5.

LITERATURE AVAILABLE " A n Address on Veganism "

By Donald Watson -" Should Vegetarians eat D.P.?"

By Donald Watson . . . . . " I s Milk a Curse?"

By James A. Goodfellow," M.B.C.M. " Man's Natural Food "

By Dr. Sydney M. Whitaker . . . " The Vegan "

Previous 1947 Numbers - - » ' »


6d. post free.

3d. » i*

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7d. 11 •>

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T H E V E G A N Quarterly Journal of The Vegan Society


VOL. ILL WINTER, 1947 No. 4

; EDITORIAL TT has been truly said that the acceptance of veganism is the most

powerful single reform in human life. ' This applies equally to the individual, to the community, and, in fact, to any one nation—or indeed the whole world.

Veganism is a realisation of the intrinsic value of Life and a respect for the balance existing between different forms of life, which it places in true perspective. This affects man's attitude to all the animals: it influences the interdependence between animal life and the plant world: it establishes the-purpose of the mineral forms of life, but, most important of all, it reveals man's relationship to God, the Source of Life: Viewed individually, the adoption of veganism brings spiritual uplift, a better appreciation of the relationship between man and his fellows and towards his lesser brethren, the animals; it induces reformed habits of diet which result in more balanced health, with greater physical energy and increased mental activity. It will be obvious that any family group or community of individuals following the vegafi way of life must be profoundly affected in all these aspects, and will, in consequence, become a power' ful influence for good throughout a wide environment.

Extended yet farther, the national application of veganism would, in due course, solve most of the difficult problems of to-day. Kindly folk would live without killing or exploiting' man;and beast; labour and capital would co-operate for the common good; a healthy soil would,yield an abundance of fresh natural foods, and, as the people would be happy and healthy, a contented nation would be able and willing to assist other nations to achieve such standards. Thus inter-national relationship on a friendly and co-operative basis, could eventually establish world peace.

By the personal change in daily habits, each individual vegan has taken the initial step towards this great reform. Many difficulties have already been overcome by the conviction that veganism- is a better way of life. By co-operation, The Vegan Society was formed and has grown to five hundred strong in three years. The whole scope of the Society's work has expanded tremendously in recent months;

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but lack of support now might restrict the spontaneous development of the- movement and delay the general acceptance of its ideals. If veganism is of such fundamental importance to you personally and also to the community, you will assuredly find some way of furthering its aims. All who have the welfare and progress of the movement at heart must therefore decide individually how best to help.

Many ne;w members are required to consolidate the status of the Society: we should aim at doubling the present number during the coming year. Each member of the Society should link up with others locally, forming Groups or Circles. Each.Group can do local propaganda, attract new members and .undertake definite pieces of work in the vegan interest.

The scope of our work already covers the publication of this quarterly journal and other literature, Baby Bureau, Food Advice, Soil Cultivation, Press Correspondence, Health Advice, Parliamentary Contact, Investigations of Food and Commodities, Overseas Bureau, Development of Non-Animal Products, Organisation of Local Groups, National and International Development.

T o expand progressively, veganism must not be hampered by lack of encouragement. Do all you possibly can to advance this funda-mental movement towards world progress. New or increased sub-scriptions, special donations, literary contributions, suggestions and ideas, all would be welcome, and appreciated. G.A.H.


Q U E S T I O N N A I R E FOR STATISTICAL PURPOSES In order to ascertain the number of vegans and to collect other

data of use to The Vegan Society, two forms accompany this issue. It will assist the Society considerably if these forms can be completed and returned so that results can be tabulated for publication. Only by supplying precise evidence that veganism is safe and beneficial can the Society effectively challenge the theories of orthodox dietitians, and all that such false theories involve.

Knowledge pf the number of vegans has not hitherto been known, and when it has been determined it may surprise us. (It is significant that -at the Centenary Meetings of The Vegetarian Society, held recently in Manchester, more than thirty vegans were present.)

The result of this enquiry will be published in the Spring number of " The Vegan," and as this must go to print many weeks before its date of publication, the completed forms should be returned as soon as possible.

Teacher: " Can anyone tell me why mother's milk is best?" Johnny: " Y e s , teacher, I can. It is always ready for baby, it is nice and

warm—and the cat can't get i t!" A reader suggests that we ought to adopt the yellow hammer as the vegan

bird because of his song: " A little bit of bread and no cheese!"

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HE word spirit, which in Latin means breath, implies a vital power, motive and purppse operating. As everything that comes into

being must have its impetus in the world of spirit or cause, it follows, of necessity, that there is a spiritual purpose in veganism which is for the upliftment of the whole relationship of man with the creature and animal kingdoms. By making conditions beautiful, fearless, and bloodless, it raises, through purification, the quality of life manifested upon the earth. Thus is it possible for right relationships with the Divine source to be re-established.

When one looks back over the past century, one is aware of many progressive movements in various fields of activity that have given a valuable contribution to the betterment of conditions generally. Much has been wrought in the spiritual realm that has found expression through great humanitarian movements. Despite the great age of the earth, it is curious to note that nearly all the forward movements, such as the abolition of slavery and child labour, emancipation of women, the recognition of the rights of man and the formation of societies for the prevention of cruelty to children and animals have been set in motion during the last century. In the world of science, we have discovered, used and abused many mighty benefits which have recently come to man's knowledge. We live in. very remarkable times, and now we see a great revival of interest in vegetarianism, food reform and the consistent and logical outcome, called veganism.

It is the spiritual aspect of this movement that we are at the moment considering, and I do-humbly submit that, when one responds to the inner urge to live on pure foods obtained solely from the vegetable kingdom, it is safe to say that one is making the greatest contribution towards the healing of life which manifests in the various kingdoms and, by true unselfishness, raises the spiritual atmosphere, making a valuable contribution toward the restoration of the Golden Age which many think this planet once knew.

It is a great question when considered in its deeper aspects, and I would say that only advanced souls would have within their con-sciousness the power to respond to the call, and to follow the path of sacrifice which veganism implies. We should show patience and understanding toward those who have.not yet become vegan.

What a contribution to true peace veganism has to give! Let us carry the mind forward to the day when man shall arise and do the truly noble thing, actuated by the highest spiritual motive, giving healing where there has been hurt, gentleness for oppression, protection instead of persecution. Then only shall fear in both man and beast be abolished and peace be made with Life itself. Thus shall his way be the way of blessedness and all his oaths peace.

In veganism there is spiritual hope. '

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A Conference on the Moral Aspect of Veganism was held on Saturday, November 22nd, in Friends' House, London. The attendance was good and the addresses most stimulating. Mr. Donald Watson, from the Chair, spoke of the general attitude of the Churches to such reforms as veganism. Mr. Ivor H. Sercombe, as a dairy equipment engineer, contributed a detailed survey of the appalling conditions prevailing in the dairy industry to-day, and stressed the need for immediate reform. Mrs. Marion Reid prefaced her address with Blake's reference, "I give you the end of a golden string—wind it into a ball," and offered veganism as the symbol. She described the dual human nature within vis—the upright one who inspires reform and the "lazy daisy" who hesitates and retreats; she urged us to respond to the former. Mrs. Fay K. Henderson pointed out that a moral issue concerns conviction and subsequent behaviour—and suggested that once the vegan urge has been felt it should be followed up to achieve satisfaction. Interesting questions and discussion completed the Conference, after which sixty-five people enjoyed a communal vegan tea.

Annual General Meeting This business followed immediately after the Conference tea, and

was well attended by representatives from all parts of the country. The annual report and financial statement indicated a year of much activity, and it was agreed that the volume of work now required the services of a paid official. The retiring officers and committee were re-elected, and several new vice-presidents Were appointed to carry on the Society's work for the ensuing year.

The Animals' Fair For the two days November 28th and 29th, the Society held a

stall at the N.C.A.W. Annual Fair at Central Hall, Westminster, which was visited by many members and other interested people. Contributions in kind and cash were generous, and have more than covered the out-going expenses. Our thanks are due to Mr. Geoffrey L. Rudd, Mr. John Reid and Mr. Frank- Mayo who contributed the posters, the pictures and the lettering which made such an effective display, and we appreciated all the other assistance so readily given.

Animal Welfare Group in Parliament On Tuesday, December 2nd, a monthly meeting was held in the

House of Commons. Mr. Peter Freeman presided over a friendly dinner party, at which a vegan meal was served and the subject of veganism was discussed, with Mr. and Mrs. Henderson as representa-tives of our Society. Much interest was provoked in this new aspect of animal and human welfare, and many' questions were raised. In

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conclusion, contrary to usual custom, the Society became the guest of the evening instead of acting as host, as had been anticipated.

We are satisfied that some eventual good will come from presenting the practical vegan viewpoint to our Members of Parliament, and we look forward to other similar opportunities. Non-Leather Footwear

During the London visit, it was possible to contact a small shoe' maker interested in the production of non-animal shoes. On that very day he received his licence to manufacture,' and is now busy experimenting with styles and materials. In this connection, we hope to make an announcement, with practical suggestions, in our next issue. Bournemouth

On Wednesday, December 3 rd, Mrs. Fay K. Henderson spoke to the Bournemouth Vegetarian Society on Progressive Vegetarianism. In spite of the inclement weather, there was a good attendance and an atmosphere of good fellowship prevailed. The subject was well received and stimulated much thought and many questions.

It is interesting to notice that in this Vegetarian Society, as in several others, the officials have the vegan interest at heart, and will co-operate closely to unite and fulfil the fundamental vegetarian and vegan ideals, maintaining a united front. It has recently been said that Veganism is the central extending growing-point from the heart of the vegetarian movement: so grows the bloom from within the hyacinth bulb. Holland

On Friday evening, December 12th, Mrs. Henderson addressed a large gathering of vegetarians in The Hague. This lecture, which was an appeal to progressive vegetarians, was delivered in English and ably translated by Mr. J. A. van Beemen. It stimulated many questions, and was followed by a discussion on veganism. It is very interesting to realise that many of our Dutch friends share this ideal of living entirely without animal food, and are now prepared to form a Vegan Section within the Vegetarian Society of Holland.

During this trip ito the Netherlands, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson had ,the opportunity of meeting some of the leaders of the Dutch Vegetarian Movement and greatly appreciated invitations to visit the homes of Mr. J. H. Bolt, writer and philosopher, editor of the national Vegetarian Magazine; Mr., G. van Nederveen, President of the movement in Holland, an organic chemist, whose hobby is research and investigation into foodstuffs and commodities; and Mr. • J. J. Kooijmans, President of The Hague Section, composed of nearly one thousand members. Personal friendship thus formed can do much to promote a better understanding and cement international relationships.

Anyone who wishes to visit Holland for business or holiday-reasons or who is prepared to entertain Dutch vegetarians over here, is asked to write to Mrs. Fay K. Henderson, who will be pleased to make the necessary introductions and other arrangements.-

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THE growth of The Vegan Society to a membership of five hundred in three years is among the more important events in the evo-

lution of humanitarian thought and practice. The interest aroused by the vegan idea is not surprising when the challenge which veganism makes to many aspects of modern thought is fully appreci-ated. The contention that man has no moral right to exploit animals and that such exploitation interferes with the laws governing his health and his food supply should not go unheeded by thoughtful people in a world dominated by cruelty, disease and hunger. The fragmentary approach to these problems made by the Church, medical profession and by politics, needs the guidance of a rational, moral philosophy to show that they are related and have a common origin. The great error of fragmentation in thought separates essential factors of the same problems so that their solution becomes more difficult. It leads directly and almost always to the treatment of symptoms rather than causes.

The vegan has a useful contribution to make in determining this necessary integrating philosophy. The Church must be taught that its precepts can and should be applied universally to all sentient life, indeed that disasters will continue to befall mankind if this is not done. Science must be made to recognise that conscience is a real factor in human make-up and that it is unscientific to ignore it. Religion divorced from compassion is illogical, and science divorced from ethics is dangerous. The Christian injunction to love one another is likely to succeed only if accompanied by reforms for removing the aggravations that make love difficult or, for most people, impossible. Hungry, ill-clad, malnourished people do not ' make ready converts for a life of love.

Veganism shows to a world bewildered by its accumulating problems that the misuse of the animal is at the root of much that is wrong. Only the vegan has the answer to the greatest and most urgent problem to-day, namely that of stating how the earth can be made to producei enough food to nourish all its people adequately. The main cause of the world food shortage is clear enough to some of us. It originates in the vivisection laboratory, where erroneous conclusions regarding man's food requirements are made from feeding experiments on animals whose dietetic needs differ from our own. The vivisector's findings are accepted by the dietician, who, in turn, passes them on to the politician. He in his turn instructs the farmer to waste the fertile earth in an extravagant endeavour to cater for thousands of millions of animals whose bodies and products are regarded as necessary to keep man alive. The small percentage of land reserved for crops is stimulated into greater (temporary) pro-duction by the (administration of poisons that are ruining it for

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posterity. Man pays dearly for his vivisection. The sins of the fathers will certainly be visited upon the children.

* W e believe the vegan viewpoint to be so simple, logical, moral and advantageous that it is destined to have a profound effect on modern thought, even if only for its irrefutable deductions and for the way it disposes of generally held views concerning some of man's most fundamental problems. When the full implications of veganism are more widely recognised, there may be millions of converts in a generation. People will not live indefinitely in the spiritual vacuum that now exists, and it may be that the vegan conception of morality will be accepted as the rightful successor to the superstitious beliefs of the past. It is quite inconceivable what changes for good will develop when the flood-gates of cruelty begin to close. • Much history has yet to be written.

These notes are to convince anew both their author and his readers of the responsibility that befalls the vegan to-day. The danger of leaving reform to posterity is that posterity may not be informed or inspired as we are. Humanity may perish for want of a few people who can reason without traditional or emotional bias. A correspondent writes to ask whether we do not think we fight for a lost cause when we consider the magnitude of our opposition. Whether the cause is lost cannot yet be said. That depends on us. Certainly to be at one with TrUth is to have conviction, and, thus armed, we have the potential to transform the world and reduce to' nought the vast strong-holds of cruelty and falsehood that now appear impregnable. The battle'of ideas is on. Each must decide his or her own place and duty in the fight. But personal contacts are limited, and The Vegan Society is our only means of contacting the wider field. Since the Society was formed three years ago, it has developed as the result of voluntary spare-time effort on the part of people whose lives already were busy. The Annual General Meeting decided-that it would be wrong to cramp further development and that a full-time paid Secre-tary should be appointed at a salary of £250 a year, plus expenses. Only in this way can the increasing volume of work be handled and the Society relieved of the anxiety of finding heroes to carry on from one Annual Meeting to the next. It is with pleasure that we are now able to announce that Mr. G. Allan Henderson, Editor of "The Vegan," has resigned from his other professional work and been appointed to this office. He starts his difficult and responsible task with our best wishes, and it is for full and loyal support that this Appeal is chiefly made. A Secretarial Fund has been opened with a view to raising £300 a year to meet the financial commitment. The state of the Fund will be announced in each issue of " The- Vegan," so that subscriptions can be made as and when necessary. One feels that few of us .will cripple ourselves financially if we donate a hundredth part of our income to this, the greatest Cause on earth.


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Yeast W e have been asked how far the use of yeast products conforms

with vegan principles. - Actually, yeast is a very low form of vegetable life, but, being

unicellular, it somewhat resembles the lowest forms of animal life,7 the Protozoa, which moves about in water. Yeast itself is static and needs warmth and sustenance to make it grow. In bread-making, the yeast plant is used alive and its breathing aerates the dough. Its use is not injurious if all the ingredients are fresh, including the yeast. Those who object to yeast germs should remember that they are destroyed during baking. -Yeast bread is better used when two or three days odd, preferably toasted.

The savoury products such as Marmite, Yeastrel, Yestact, etc., are of yeast origin and therefore acceptable in a vegan diet, but some people will prefer simpler and less processed foods for flavouring, such as the herbs and spices.

Baking Powders Baking Powders are all entirely non-animal, but are often regarded

as objectionable because they leave a mineral residue in the bread and are therefore less wholesome than yeast as a raising agent. They are inclined to be purgative in effect at first, but later lead to constipation. Three types of baking powder are available: the phosphates, the alums and the cream-of-tartar type, and the third is to be preferred. Royal Baking Powder is considered to be a good brand.

Vegans do not use eggs to make their cakes light, and food reformers will not use baking powders because of their inorganic con-tents. How, then, can a vegan food reformer make a light, spongy cake or pudding? Any suggestions, please?

Buttermilk In Ireland, it is customary to use buttermilk for mixing bread and

cakes, but when this is not available, a substitute can be made from potatoes. First mix 4 ozs. flour to a smooth paste with a cup of cold water and place in the bottom of a large jar, adding two grated raw potatoes and two mashed cooked ones: then stir in seven cups of cold water, cover with a muslin cloth and leave in a warm place for two days or more.

When required, pour off the liquid and use as buttermilk to make lovely light bread. Add fresh water to replace what has been used. Stir well, cover, and leave for two or three more days.

This quantity of potatoes may be used for about two weeks.

Nivea Cream On enquiry, we learn that this toilet cream is "made from hydro-

carbons of mineral origin together with ' Eucerite,' a wool alcohol of

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12 THE. VEGAN 16

T H E P R E S I D E N T ' S L O G

SE N E C A reminded his contemporaries that "the crowd of man-kind stands opposed to right reason—the defender of its own

evils and miseries." W e need not doubt that this is still true. Never can it have been more obvious that the one who has it in his power to save mankind is not the politician, but the reformer of personal habits. The politician is governed by those who place him in power, therefore it is not surprising that when the electorate is "opposed to right reason," the struggle for health, freedom and prosperity drags on from century to century unfulfilled. The democratic idea must continue to fail so long as the people remain ignorant of the true causes of poverty. No politics can bring prosperity so long as work is organised to serve desires rather than needs. As no political party can. make the necessary attack on human folly and at the same time continue to hold office, it follows that salvation rests with the reformer working outside Parliament. Instead of prosperity, people get famine and scarcity and war, accompanied by excuses blaming other countries, or bad weather, or circumstances which no one anticipated.

It is as well that we in this country especially should revise the true causes of poverty and war, for we occupy the most vulnerable spot on earth, and if our exports become reduced we shall be thrown largely on our own resources. No one in politics appears to know how a decent standard of living could be maintained if this happened. The general belief held by the. authorities is that millions would have to emigrate or starve, and that serious malnutrition would be inevitable if food imports ceased. How far is this true? Clearly such a crisis would be more serious than the present one which has arisen, not because of lack of overseas markets, but because of a determination to work less. It would compel us to ask, very belatedly, the fundamental questions that should dominate political thought. What does man need to keep himself healthy in body, mind and spirit? How can such needs be supplied so that none who is able and willing to work shall want? What insurances must be used against bad weather, accident or other possible misfortune? How must the interests of posterity be safeguarded? How is the problem of cruelty to be overcome so that we may deserve the pleasant life we seek? The answers to these and similar questions should form the basis of a new national and international patriotism, and the educational system should be used to teach it.

The first obvious step called for in time of economic distress is a drastic attack on waste. There can never be health nor wealth for a nation that wastes thousands of millions of pounds annually on expen-sive, harmful foods, tobacco, strong drink, poisonous medicines, gambling, and a wide assortment of commodities, the sale of which has been artificially stimulated by clever advertising. Even were no further action taken, the abolition of this wasteful expenditure would enable people to pay the real price for good food, subsidies could be abolished

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and taxation reduced. Agriculture could be elevated to the standard of a Well-paid vocation. Health would improve and new labour could be made available for useful work, as distinct from work of national suicide. But because the crowd of mankind is opposed to right reason, these changes cannot be made. Any nation bent on rational reform could soon regenerate itself, for enormous energy springs from those who believe they live for a well-defined purpose and who have faith in themselves. There is enough evidence to show that want, war, disease, cruelty and most other curses that torment mankind have a common origin, and that these will be abolished together or not at all. The origin is in the unreasonable customs of the individual, which in the aggregate render all forms of government impotent.

Under our present system of mixed farming, it would not be possible to increase our iland workers from 900,000 to three or four million, as most of the land is reserved for animals, whose food yield is small and who need only limited labour. Only intensive cultivation of crops can absorb the necessary labour and provide the right food for the nation. The vegan has proved, contrary to all medical and political opinion, that from native crops we can arrange an extremely rich, nourishing and appetising diet. W e have strong evidence to show that the animal foods that are produced at such great economic sacrifice are unfitted for man and that they are usually diseased. Thus veganism is a practical reform that would enable us to increase food production by many times and not depend on foods from abroad. W e claim this to be a great realisation which could save more human liv^s than any previous reform. It means that food shortage could be abolished throughout the world in one season by growing crops for direct human consumption instead of breeding animals, and that, allowing a few years for draining, irrigation, glasshouse construction, nut cultivation and general farm reconstruction, the food problem would be per-manently solved. It means that healthy, interesting employment could be made available for many more people. It means less vermin, less complicated processing of foodstuffs, the abolition of animal feeding-stuffs, more easily managed farms with fewer outbuildings, fresher food for all, less risk of disease being transmitted from animals to man, plcasanter shops and markets, reduced food storage difficulties.

Conversion to veganism tends to encourage interest in food pro-duction by sound methods and it also revives the culinary art. The vegan case has proved itself impregnable against all reasonable criticism. The moral argument is so strong that no one dares to oppose it, and the physiological benefit is proved in practice. The economics of veganism are demonstrated to be sound by the fact that in time of economic crisis, nations tend to move towards vegan diet—the greater the crisis, the greater the move.

Though the crowd of mankind is certainly still opposed to right reason—the defender of its own evils and miseries—the vegan outlook is positive and brings with it hope, and spiritual enrichment too.


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Her parents write: "Marilyn Ann is now three years four months old; she was just

three when this picture was taken. "Practically a hundred-per-cent vegan, she has had no setbacks

as usually seems to be expected of orthodox children. She was weaned to nut milk completely at about eight weeks old, and, combined with the necessary fruit'juices and sieved vegetables, came along splendidly. Trained to eat small salads before fifteen months old, her diet has been simple, but essentially complete and free of animal products. One cannot be too dogmatic about everything concerning diet, but we can say that our experience of bringing up our child on vegan lines has given us great satisfaction."

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Questionnaire This matter is referred to elsewhere, and I will therefore confine

myself to requesting parents to send me the completed forms for their children at the earliest possible date. Much valuable information should thus be made available, and I will endeavour to make a summary in the Spring issue.

Christmas Fare for Toddlers Parents wish their children to partake of some delicacies at the

feiStive season, but want to avoid the after-effects caused by the usual overeating. Therefore, to counteract the possibility of colds in the New Year, I advocate a practically all-unfired menu for meals served at home over the Christmas holiday, an example being :

Christmas Breakfast Fresh Fruit Salad and Soylac N u t C r e a m .

Dish of soaked raisins, chopped apples and pears, or black grapes (as available). Make the cream in a pint jug with 1 tablespoon each of Soylac, brown sugar, and nut cream, using $ pint of hot water. Whisk well till it reaches the top of the jug.

Christmas Lunch (a) S t u f f e d Mar row Oasis, (b) Unf i red Chr i s tmas Pudding ,

(c) S tu f fed Prunes . (a) Cut thick»slices of marrow, remove seed and bake in a moderate oven.

When cool, fill the centres high with a salad mixture composed of grated raw carrot and marrow, well mixed with tomato juice and. any chopped fresh green available. Decorate with tinned peas and grated beetroot, inserting a stick of celery heart in the centre to look like a tree.

(b) Cut in half three large oranges and squeeze out the juice carefully to avoid spoiling the skins. Soak a cup each of raisins' and chopped stoned prunes in the orange juice overnight, add a pinch of spice and a cup of grated apple. Mix together and pile into the orange cases.

(c) Soak a number of large prunes overnight, then stone carefully. Mix two tablespoons each of Froment and freshly milled hazels with a little prune juice and mould into little balls to stuff each prune.

Christmas Tea (a) Sandwiches , (b) Peach Tr i f le and Cream, (c) App le Slices.

(a) When fresh tomatoes are not available, a delicious sandwich filling can be made by mashing some bottled tomatoes and stirring in a few milled nuts.

(b) Well chop -Jib. dried peaches and soak overnight. A n hour before serving, stir in some Vitanut Flakes and beat well together. Pour over the top some Soylac Nut Cream as breakfast recipe and decorate with grated plain chocolate. '

(c) Core several brightly coloured large eating apples. Cut into thin slices. Between two slices put a piece of fruit and nut cake and press well together as a sandwich.

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16 THE. VEGAN 20

From the Baby .Bureau Post -Bag.

- "A New Vegan Baby 17/8/47. A s I have been on a vegan diet for a year, I thought you might like to

know that our little daughter Lorna was born on July 14th, a day after the estimated date. I shall be 34 in October and this is my first baby. I was able to watch her birth and to relax and practically sleep between contrac-tions. Lorna weighed 71bs. at birth. I had no anaesthetic, of course, and there was not any kind of damage to either of us.

I am breast-feeding her, and there is so much milk that she has only one breast per feed.

Our diet, with raspberry tea an^ Dr. Read's relaxation, have all combined, we feel, to bring about the results. N.L.

2 / 1 0 / 4 7 . Lorna is very happy and the feeding goes well. I am giving no extras

to the breast milk. 1 feel it is up to me to see that is complete. Her weight at 11 weeks was lOlbs. l lozs . Her skin is beautiful, pink and

silken, and her eyes bright and alert. Everyone remarks on how contented and how forward she looks.

Thank you for your offer of advice and help. I shall be glad to take advantage if the need arises. N.L.

From Wales A s a new member of The Vegan Society, may I write to you for any

helpful advice you could give me as I am about to attempt a completely vegan diet for us all.

I am wondering if a talk with the children will help them to understand the reason for us going without milk, cheese and eggs. I think the humane reason is sure to appeal to their sensitive little hearts and minds—even if they don't appreciate the health reasons.

Please will you send me some Soylac in the enclosed tin with any com-ments you can make on what you think is its value as an addition to the children's diet? I think probably Soylac's main value would be as a tem-porary substitute until they have learnt to go without any kind of milk except nut milk. K.C.

(A f o r t n i g h t la ter . ) I have done as you suggested and have made the change to our vegan

diet quite suddenly with a little talk one meal-time about it, and we found the children responded at once, and cheerfully said they would never want to drink any more milk as it was meant for the calves and not for us, and it was very unkind, etc., etc., also adding that we must make a big notice for the milkman, telling him not to call any more. Which is what we did,' and the usual half-pint was easily discontinued and we all feel very happy about it. A n d the twins have a second drink of 'nut milk at tea-time: Julian and Brynhild prefer fruit drinks.

I feel full of energy on our vegan diet, and only wish all the world would try this new way and really live on mainly raw fruits and vegetables. •

K.C. From the Mother of Four Sons

Kenneth is now six, and for the first four years of his life was on a strictly vegan diet. I weaned' him on to nut milk, mixed according to the directions-given by Dr. Pink in his book " Your Child and Diet." At about •11 months I put him on "milk" made from soya flour for two meals daily, and continued the nut milk for the third meal.'

' Patrick, who is now just four years 'old, was brought up similarly. • Peter, who is now 15 months, is on an entirely vegan diet. At present I am using milk made from Pitman's Nut Cream and Mapleton's Almond Cream, 2oj.

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try out fresh ideas. But I will say, my results are too good for me to make any experiments whatever with any form of artificials, even in small doses, for I feel that it is rather stupid to build up a high living population in the soil by composting.

"Is The Vegan Society in touch with, or a member of,, the Soil Association? This Association has a worfd-wide connection and should have much .useful information for us. W e can do with all the information we can get, for there must be many vegans who live almost entirely upon their gardens. If they should be chemical gardeners—which is unlikely—they would be, I feel, courting disaster in health. But what of the vegan living in the middle of a city, who has to purchase from shop or market all his vegetables and fruit, almost all of which is bound to be produced by market-gardeners, using a variety of chemical stimulants and a further variety of sprays?

"I think all of this is your own particular province. If I can be of any help in this connection, I shall be only too pleased to do all I can: it would be that part of food investigation in which I have real practical interest. I am not very interested in what manufacturers are putting into this or that food, because we use very few of these prepared concoctions ourselves."

In response to our enquiry whether Mr. Martin would be prepared to advise readers on the cultivation of the soil and food production, we received this reply :

"You certainly have my permission to do what you like with my previous letter, if it will help. I did not write it with the intention of publication, but merely to put' forward an idea to you. I think I made it clear that I will not profess to advise, but would be only too happy to deal with correspondence and queries relating to the garden in order to pool and circulate ideas, experiences, hints and results, and to make a few simple experiments. In fact, a co-ordinator of effort, rather than an adviser: I shall myself hope to learn a lot.

"HORTI-VEGAN NOTES, might be a suitable snappy title. 'Harmony with Nature rooted in the Good Earth.1 As an example of function: with the arrival of potato rationing, seed potatoes will, no doubt, be scarce in the coming season; vegans could exchange seven-pound lots of their own ' smalls 1 for seed, to introduce fresh blood and to get a change of soil. And, of course, there are the queries: to dig or not to dig; compost, bury or broadcast; quick returns or 'leave it to Nature ' ; is your watercan really necessary?; the most efficient tools, etc. I'm sure you agree that however lofty our ideas may soar in the realms of isms and osophies, our roots must remain in the soil. ' No work—no eat,' was once spoken; it is very true to-day, and to the vegan is added a further responsibility—not only to be willing and keen to produce as much food as possible, but to produce it in harmonious co-operation with Nature and not by the method of greedy exploitation."

Readers are accordingly invited to write in the above terms to Mr. Alec Martin, "Quiraing," Mill Street, Bishop's Stortford, Herts.

Page 20: The Vegan Winter 1947

20 THE. VEGAN 20


The magazine is always something to look forward to; the autumn number is very interesting.

I suppose vegetarian shoes are not yet available?' At present I wear one pair of plastic house shoes, which have had hard wear, and still seem very tough, though they have rubbed quite a bit.

What there was of Mr. Watson's address, I thought most clearly stated and very good, though one was not really surprised at the opposition. The non-dairy food step is almost as difficult for a dairy-vegetarian, as their step from flesh-eating, and means a social isolation very difficult to face. Still, if they only knew, the way smoothes out in an unexpected manner, and com-pensations are many, not least amongst them the moral aspect.

M.F., Seaford. A Tes t imony .

Many thanks for your good wishes and congratulations re baby Janet. W e are delighted with her and the children are very pleased to have a baby sister. She was quite a fine baby when born, and I have been able to feed her myself very easily and have plenty of milk so far. I attribute this to the diet I have had, eating mainly salads, fruit, raw vegetables, wholemeal bread and nuts in various forms. I drank mainly fruit juices and water—no milk at all during pregnancy. I intend to wean her eventually on nut milk or some similar method and to bring her up vegan as far as possible. Our other two children, Jean and Carol, are practically so and have never drunk milk-at all—only fruit juices and water, as we always considered catarrhal troubles in children mainly attributable to this milk-drinking habit, so prevalent among the children of to-day. ' D.T., Prestwich.

Precau t ion . A s there is such a good " natural ". case for veganism, it seems a. pity

that vegan writers fend to overstate in their enthusiasm. I refer to the point mentioned by two writers in the autumn number, Mr. D. Watson and Mrs. Mayo both refer to the protein content in mother's milk being the maximum percentage likely to be required at any time during life. I admit that our protein requirements are much smaller than is usually stated, but the increased quantity necessary for children when they are growing and very active, and also of adults on heavy manual work, has been overlooked, and to my mind, this is likely to promote criticism from the opposite camp.

Another point in the same vein arises from the letter from R.T., Carlisle. Surely it is obvious that there is a great difference between stonedust passing down the windpipe of masons and accumulating to cause early death from' silicosis, and stonedust passing down the gullet from eating stoneground flour, to add a little to the daily roughage passed out by the intestines.

B.L., Winscombe. A Binding Suggest ion. *

I thought you might be interested in how I have treated my copies of " T h e Vegan " (six up to date). On the inside cover at the back of the first copy, I stuck a piece of paper to serve as an index, where any item of par-ticular interest is noted. Then I pasted the back of the next " Vegan " on to the front of the first, and so on until they form a nice compact whole. This saves such a lot of time when a "Vegan" is wanted in a hurry, and it is tidy, also they will keep clean and untorn for so much longer. I then put on an outside cover, stuck to the back of the bottom book and to the back edges, having cut the cover large enough to take more copies. I have left the cover loose on the top, to be stuck down at some future date when more have been added. A.E.E., Reading.

Page 21: The Vegan Winter 1947


LOCAL GROUPS LONDON (Sec.: Mr. Donald Cross, 92 Ashford Road, Iver Heath, Bucks.) " Dec. 31.—New Year's Eve Revels.

Jan. 22 .—At the Attic Club: Dr. H. Bourne Taylor. Jan. 31.—Visit to "Peter P a n " at the Scala. Feb. 17.—At the Attic Club—Brains Trust. ' Feb. 28.—Ramble and Tea.

Programme details are being circulated to all L.V.G. members. MANCHESTER (Sec.: Miss Ann E. Owens, -2 Gibb Lane Cottages, North'

enden.) MIDLANDS (Sec.: Mrs. K. V. Mayo, " Braeside," Thornhill Road, Streetly,

Staffs.) Jan. 13.—Gathering at "Braeside" at 3 p.m.

YORKSHIRE (Sec.: Mrs. Helen Green, 29 Marshall Avenue, Cross Gates, Leeds.)

BRISTOL (Sec.: Mrs. Edith Hughes, 91 Rookery Road, Knowle, Bristol 4.) VEGAN SECTION of the Scottish Vegetarian Society. Please write either to

Mrs. Evelyn Crerar, 23 Marlborough Avenue, Glasgow, or Miss D. M. Sutherland, 96 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh.

VEGAN CIRCLE in Bournemouth Vegetarian Society. Please write to Mrs. Elsie Neale, 1 Newton Crescent, Parkstone, Dorset. " The knowledge of the action and reaction of the mineral elements of

the body is the foundation upon which a system of living and healing must be built."—" Vital Facts about Food "—Carque.

SOYLAC Referring back to our announcement of Soylac in the autumn

issue of "The Vegan," it is excellent news that this vegetable milk is available in some retail shops at 2s. per lb.

Since the Milk Conference a year ago, it has been distributed by volunteers. This service has been greatly appreciated, as it made a practical, inexpensive, non-animal milk, suitable for all general purposes, available to vegans and others throughout the country.

Readers are advised to ask for this product at their local grocers or Health Food Stores, and if it is not yet in stock, to suggest that the proprietor writes to the Editor of "The Vegan" for information regarding wholesale supplies in twenty-eight-pound tins.

Some recipe leaflets are available, but a vegan one is in course of preparation. Useful ideas from members have already been received, and other suggestions would be welcomed by us.

Postscript' After a year of patient endeavour, it was with a sense of .great

satisfaction that we anticipated the sale of Soylac this winter in Health Food and other stores. Unfortunately, a slight hitch has occurred which is holding up supplies, so, for the present, we suggest that readers should continue to approach the private vegan distributors. Seemingly, if Soylac should be referred to as a vegetable milk, this would be a contravention of the Food Substitutes Order, but we can recommend it as a food from which a good vegan beverage can be made. W e are doing all we can to secure its early release.

Page 22: The Vegan Winter 1947

22 THE. VEGAN 22

MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. (Two lines, 4 / - : extra lines, 1 / 6 ea.; 20% allowed on four consecutive issues.)

T H E H A R M O N Y MIXER.—Perfectly mixes, in a few seconds, nut creams, Soylac, baby foods, soups, etc. Really efficient, strong, hygienic. Standard model (2 pints), 7 /6 ; Junior model (1 pint), 5 / 6 , plus postage 6d.— From Ivor H . Sercombe " Harmony," Eastleigh Road, Devizes, Wilts.

N A T U R E C U R E . — A Training College and Clinic for necessitous patients is being established in London, and donations for this vital work will be gratefully acknowledged by the Secretary, Britisl Naturopathic Associa-tion College Foundation, Flat 23, 140, Park Lane, W . l .

S P E A K I N G and WRITING.—Lessons (correspondence or visit), 5/-; classes, 1 / 6 . Dorothy Matthews, B.A., 32, Primrose Hill Road, London, N . W . 3 .

' PRImrose 5686.

A C C O M M O D A T I O N , with board, wanted by man, in or near Chingford or London, E.4. B M / T R Y , London, W.C.I .

G L A S G O W . — L a d y offers tenancy of comfortably furnished 3-room flat, with modern kitchen and bathroom, immerser, etc. Reasonable rent to another vegan or vegetarian, owner reserving one bedroom for her very occasional visits to Glasgow. Free January. References required.—BM/MYH, London, W . C . I .

" V E G A N RECIPES."—By Mrs. Fay K. Henderson. Appetising and Nutritious Fare without animal or dairy products. Revised Edition, price 2 / 8 , ready soon, from Rydal Lodge, Ambleside, Westmorland.

H O U S E K E E P E R for Analyst (retired) in most pleasant and convenient house. — A . Mitchell, Quarry Field, Hensleigh Road, Tiverton, Devon.

P R I N T I N G . — O n non-animal-sized papers.—Write for quotations and free samples, D. Kinver, 33 Lakeside Road, London, W . l 4 .

A D D I T I O N A L HELP in landwork needed for continuance of pioneer clean-culture market-garden. Experience in use of Dutch lights preferred. Should appeal to those who appreciate a more ethical approach to vege-tarianism and life in general.—Write Box B4, The Vegan Society.

Establishments where Vegan Diet is provided. P E N A R T H . — V e g e t a r i a n Home," Rectory Road. Rest, change, relaxation.

Ideal situation. Pleasant holiday resort. Overlooking sea. Attractive, generous catering. Comfortable, peaceful. Children welcome. Moderate.

LAKE DISTRICT.—Beck Allans and Rothay Bank, Grasmere. Attractive guest houses for strenuous or restful holidays. First-class vegetarian and vegan diets. Modern conveniences. Write: Isabel James.

S C O T L A N D . — W e s t Highland Coast. Vegans welcomed in private house in grand situation overlooking sea-loch. Donald and Muriel Crabb, Achaglachgach, West Loch, Tarbert, Argyll.

SOMERSET.—Food Reform Guest House in 16 acres fruit and vegetables'. Easy reach of Weston-s.-Mare, Cheddar, etc. Lovely views and local walks. Vegans, and those wishing to sample veganism, especially welcome. All vegetarians catered for.—-Amy Little, Uplands, Winscombe; tel. 2257.

S U R R E Y HILLS.—Vegetarian Country Club, 3 acres 700 ft. up. Holidays or short visits. All comforts. N O EXTRAS. Moderate.—Upwood House, Caterhain.

Page 23: The Vegan Winter 1947


ST. CATHERINE'S SCHOOL, Almondsbury, Nr. Bristol.—Progressive co-educational boarding 'School for children of all ages, specialising in music, dancing, crafts, etc., in addition to usual academic subjects. 400 ft. up, overlooking Channel and Welsh Hills. Own produce. Vegans catered for.

CAMBRIDGE..—One or two patients can be accommodated for rest and recuperation with or without treatment. Vegan diet. Colonic irriga-tion, massage, etc. Mrs. E. Jepp (late Champneys), 19B, Victoria Street, Phone 2867.

LAKE DISTRICT.—" Waterfoot" Guest House, UUswater, overlooking lake. Ordinary, vegetarian and vegan diets. Brochure from Mrs. Gladys Frost.

THE V E G A N GUEST CENTRE is open all the year round and winter guests will be warmly welcomed.—Write to Rydal Lodge, Ambleside, Westmorland. i

(When replying to Advertisements, please mention " The Vegan.")

.. you may prefer it to the flavoured

Normally we have added lemon flavouring to disguise the taste of Carragheen, from which Gelozone is made, believing that most people preferred it that way. Recently, however, we supplied unfavoured Gelozone to several enquirers and the reception proved so favourable that we decided to offer Gelozone in two forms—flavoured and _ unflavoured. The latter will be so marked on the label.



For both flavoured and unflavoured

2-or. tins — 4-o*. tins — 8-oi. tins —

16-ox. tins —

>/6 2/6 4 /6 8/0

Page 24: The Vegan Winter 1947

CREAM-MAKING TO PERFECTION Get the utmost from the limited supplies of Nutcream and other fats obtained from Health Food Stores by using the

"BEL" CREAM MAKER Both Pedestal and Clamp Models available

A simple and effective machine which quickly prepares excellent Milk or Cream


Price (including postage, etc.) - £2 4s. 6d. A few half-gallon tins of Pure Sweet Almond Oil available. Price JE2/10S.

per tin, carriage and packing l / 6 d . extra.


Ji'otnent At breakfast, F R O M E N T , with its fascinating flavour, is a pleasant addition to cereals, etc. A t night, added to a glass of hot milk, it makes a delightful final drink before retiring. F R O M E N T thus fortifies you through the whole twenty-four hours of every day—for it is made from the wheat embryo which provides the complete protein for the repair and renewal of bodily reserves. It is naturally rich in Vitamin Bi—vital to brain, nervous system, digestion and bowel activity.

IN C A R T O N S — 2/9 (18-oz.), 1/7* (8-ox.),

from all Health Food Stores

S'tdk THanufaa&Aefil


Page 25: The Vegan Winter 1947

B L E S S T H E I R H E A R T S . . .


FRU-GRAINS is good for children; good for their health, good for their appetites, good for morale. Of course it's in short supply, because so many of the ingredients that go to make its crispy, crunchy, fruit-flavoured grains are scarce. But what a reward for Mother . . . and all the grown-ups . . . when they see the kiddies' joy on " FRU-GRAINS morning."

Stocked by Health Food Stores, and many High - Class Grocers, but demand generally ex feed sutt>h !


F R U - G R A I N S (Formerly HONEY-GRAINS)

MAPLETON'S N U T FOOD Co., Ltd. (Dept. V .N .50 ) , GARSTON, U V E W O O L 19


Specially recommended to Vegetarians and those on diet

Stimulating and Aids Digestion

USES: Natural Clear Soup, Savoury Hot Soup. Imparts delicious flavour to all Soups,

Stews, Gravies, etc.

Ask your Health Food Store for

V E S O P 1/6 per 8-oz. bottle

Manufactured only by Veaop Products, Ltd., 498 Honwyi Road, London, N . 1 9

' Phone : AICHWAJ 2457

Page 26: The Vegan Winter 1947

W H O L E M A L C A K E S A y C C f W H O L E M E A L PASTRY | T C D .



PITMAN . . .

No. 3

W H O L E M E A L FLOUR (Self Raising)

All the wheat and nothing but the wheat

In 3 lb. Bags (9 B.U.s)


BOURNEMOUTH The all-thcyear-round health resort

MERRYLANDS Where a small number of Vegans, Vegetarians, and those seeking the true and peaceful ways of life are welcomed. Most bracing part of Bournemouth;

twopenny 'bus ride to Square, beach, Canford Cliffs and Poole. Secluded garden with frtfit and vegetables grown by clean methods.

Hot and cold basins and electric fires all rooms. Peaceful atmosphere, spacious rooms, excellent beds. N o smoking. Write: Mrs. Elsie Neale, Merrylands, Newton Crescent, Parkstone, Dorset.

T e l . : PARK STONE 1 0 5 4

P r i n t e d b y H . H . GREAVES, LTD., 106/10, L o r d s h i p Lane , S.E22.

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