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The value of mobile publishing

Rainer KirschkeBusiness manager mobile publishing

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The value of mobile publishing M5

Make Manage Market Measure Monetize

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• Create rich media (text, images, illustrations, video clips, voice)

• Integrate additional data base-content• Scale content from “snack” news (on social) to well-founded

article levels• Advertisement (HTML) which entertains and engages

interaction• Storytelling process to produce high-quality content• Intensive use of archives

Empowerment of content

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• Seamless integration of mobile publishing process with existing editorial systems

• High automation, lowest maintenance• Cloud and SAAS solutions• Higher publishing frequency by updating base content• Cross substrate publishing to paper, devices & App´s, web & social

channels• Offering from digital print copy, interactive HTML to social news snacks

via one automation• Algorithmic selection for higher personalisation

Automation and diversification let you focus on journalism

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Diversified Content Streaming

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• Marketing campaigns for the (new) mobile brand• Reach new readers, engage with them to a higher degree,

especially for advertising messages• Include social publishing channel for generation “Z”• Transparency of entire content consumption results in improved

marketing campaigns• Create additional offering (e.g. verticals, special interest)

The mobile marketing plan boosts your success rate

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• Data scientist & data engineer• Tracked, monitored and measured:

• Effectiveness of publications & single articles (Google Tag Manager)

• Stats for circulation counting (WEMF/IVW/AAM)• Click tracking (ATI)• Ranking of social networks sources (Adjust)• Rating-dialog (AppRate)

• Exploring and interacting with social media• Metrics show performance of campaigns Adjust direction based upon analytic metrics

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The pure automation of a mobile service

Eversify Cloud




Eversify Delivery





Editorial System

Adobe InDesign

Adobe PDF

Eversify App / Web

Classic, Hybrid, Interactive

RSS, Sharing, Commenting


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• Cost & resource saving by efficient workflow architecture• Play a trick on ad-blocking• Attract attention with an inspiring digital kiosk• Sell newspaper- & magazine mobile products• Services based on archives• Additional offering (e.g. verticals)• Bundle print & mobile carefully• Production cost for one digital downloaded edition approx. 0,03 to 0,07€

(dependent on solution used)

Mobile publishing is not an adventure, it’s an opportunity!

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Other areas of benefit

• No … • physical distribution• force majeur (snow, accidents...)• risk of strike in print and delivery• dealing with substrates

• Full personalization possible• Content & advertisement

• Barrier free trends• Text to speech• Language to language

Opportunities grow while you think about mobile

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“Make mobile publishing great!”

Thank you for listening!

Questions? Need for a talk? Please contact Rainer Kirschke, [email protected] , call 0049 1755845 423 or visit

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