Page 1: THE USE OF ROLE PLAY IN SPEAKING ACTIVITIES FOR THE … · berkeliling untuk membantu siswa jika mereka memiliki kesulitan terkait naskah untuk role play mereka. Kemudian, peneliti





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Dian Faqih

Student Number: 131214075








Page 2: THE USE OF ROLE PLAY IN SPEAKING ACTIVITIES FOR THE … · berkeliling untuk membantu siswa jika mereka memiliki kesulitan terkait naskah untuk role play mereka. Kemudian, peneliti


A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on




Dian Faqih

Student Number: 131214075

Approved by



Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M. 16 October 2017


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A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on





Student Number: 131214075

Defended before the Board of Examiners

on 7 November 2017

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : Yohana Veniranda, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D. ____________

Secretary : Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M. ____________

Member : Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M. ____________

Member : Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd., M.Trans.St. ____________

Member : Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. ____________

Yogyakarta, 7 November 2017

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education

Sanata Dharma University


Rohandi, Ph.D.


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I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work

or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the

references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 16 October 2017

The Writer

Dian Faqih



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Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Dian Faqih

Nomor Mahasiswa : 131214075

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

The Use of Role Play in Speaking Activities

for the 8th Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman

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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 7 November 2017

Yang menyatakan,

Dian Faqih


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Faqih, Dian. (2017). The Use of Role Play in Speaking Activities for the 8th Grade

Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study

Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Speaking skill is one of the basic skills in learning English. However,

students have difficulties in mastering the speaking skill because they do not

practice speaking frequently. It happened in the 8th grade A students of SMP Negeri

1 Sleman. The students were not brave to speak in English because they were afraid

to make mistakes. Also, they spoke softly or preferred to be silent. In this case, the

students do not have motivation to speak in English. Therefore, the researcher

implemented the role play technique in speaking activities in order to make the

students motivated in speaking English.

The researcher conducted this research to analyze the use of role play in

speaking activities to motivate the 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman to

speak in English. There are two research questions in this research, namely (1) how

is role play used in speaking activities for the 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 1

Sleman? and (2) how does role play affect the students’ motivation in speaking


This research used classroom action research method by Kemmis and

McTaggart (1992). The researcher conducted three cycles for three meetings. Each

cycle consisted of four stages, namely plan, action, observation, and reflection. The

research was conducted in March and April, 2017 in the 8th grade A students of

SMP Negeri 1 Sleman. The participants of this research were the 8th grade A

students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman which consisted of 32 students and the English

teacher. There were four research instruments, namely observation checklist,

interview, questionnaire, and field notes.

The result of this research showed that the researcher implemented the role

play in the action stage. Firstly, the researcher explained what role play was and the

rules of role play. Secondly, the researcher distributed the situation to the students

and they had to make a script based on the situation that had been given to them.

Thirdly, the researcher walked around to help the students if they had problems

related to the script for their role plays. Then, the researcher called the students to

perform their role plays. Lastly, the researcher took the score of their performances.

Based on the result of analysis, this research showed that the use of role play in

speaking activities helped the 8th grade A students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman to

increase their motivation in speaking English. The students showed some

improvements in every cycle during the implementation of role play in the class.

Therefore, a role play becomes an appropriate technique in speaking activities for

increasing students’ motivation to speak in English.

Keywords: role play, students’ motivation, speaking


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Faqih, Dian. (2017). The Use of Role Play in Speaking Activities for the 8th Grade

Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kemampuan berbicara merupakan salah satu kemampuan dasar dalam

pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Namun, siswa memiliki kesulitan-kesulitan dalam

menguasai keterampilan berbicara karena siswa tidak sering berlatih berbicara. Ini

terjadi pada siswa kelas 8A SMP Negeri 1 Sleman. Siswa tidak berani untuk

berbicara Bahasa Inggris karena siswa takut membuat kesalahan. Selain itu, siswa

berbicara dengan pelan atau lebih memilih untuk diam. Hal tersebut dikarenakan

siswa tidak memiliki motivasi untuk berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena

itu, peneliti mengimplementasikan teknik role play dalam kegiatan berbicara untuk

membuat siswa termotivasi dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

Peneliti melakukan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis penggunaan role play

dalam kegiatan berbicara untuk memotivasi siswa kelas delapan di SMP Negeri 1

Sleman untuk berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ada dua pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu

(1) Bagaimana role play digunakan dalam kegiatan berbicara untuk siswa kelas 8

di SMP Negeri 1 Sleman? dan (2) bagaimana role play mempengaruhi motivasi

siswa di kegiatan berbicara?

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas oleh Kemmis

dan McTaggart (1992). Peneliti melakukan tiga siklus untuk tiga pertemuan. Setiap

siklus terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu rencana, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi.

Penelitian telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret dan April 2017 di kelas 8A SMP

Negeri 1 Sleman. Peserta dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 8A SMP Negeri

1 Sleman yang terdiri dari 32 siswa dan seorang guru Bahasa Inggris di kelas

tersebut. Ada empat instrumen penelitian, yaitu daftar pengecekan observasi,

wawancara, kuesioner, dan catatan observasi.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peneliti menerapkan role play

pada tahap aksi. Pertama, peneliti menjelaskan tentang role play dan aturan role

play. Kedua, peneliti membagikan situasi kepada siswa dan mereka harus membuat

naskah berdasarkan situasi yang telah diberikan keapada mereka. Ketiga, peneliti

berkeliling untuk membantu siswa jika mereka memiliki kesulitan terkait naskah

untuk role play mereka. Kemudian, peneliti memanggil siswa untuk menampilkan

role play mereka. Terakhir, peneliti mengambil nilai dari penampilan mereka.

Berdasarkan hasil analisa, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan role play

dalam kegiatan berbicara membantu siswa kelas 8A SMP Negeri 1 Sleman untuk

meningkatkan motivasi mereka dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris. Siswa

menunjukkan beberapa peningkatan di setiap siklus selama pengimplementasian

role play di dalam kelas. Oleh karena itu, role play menjadi teknik yang cocok

dalam kegiatan berbicara untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa untuk berbicara

dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kata kunci: role play, students’ motivation, speaking


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First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, who

always blesses and protects me every single time. I also thank Him because of His

willingness to always listen to my prayers until I finished in writing my thesis.

My deepest gratitude also goes to my beloved parents, Bapak Sugito and

Ibu Ayu Ulya for their endless love, prayers, and support in my life. I also thank

my brothers, Wahyu Sasmito and Ibnu Fatan, and also my sister, Hesti Dwi

Utari, for their love and support.

Then, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to my advisor, Christina

Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M., for her help, support, motivation, guidance,

and patience, so I can finish my thesis. She spent her time to read my thesis, give

consultations, and corrections for my thesis patiently. I also thank my academic

advisor, Drs. Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin, M.Ed., Ed.D., for his advice and guidance

during my study. I also thank all PBI lecturers for the teaching and learning

experiences. I also thank the Secretariat Staff for helping me in managing the


Next, I really thank Hj. Nurul Wachidah, S.Pd., the Headmistress of SMP

Negeri 1 Sleman, who allowed me to conduct my research. I also thank

Adianawati, S.Pd., the English teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman, who supported,

gave suggestions in conducting my research, and became the interviewee. I would

also like to thank all students of the 8th grade A of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman for their

cooperation during the research and their willingness in filling the questionnaire.


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I also thank my best friends, Bernadeta Siska Indriyana, Susanti, and

Maria Srimeitika, for their support, help, motivation, and togetherness during my

study in this university. Besides, I would like to send my gratitude to all PBI

students 2013 Class C, especially to Yohanes Maria Restu, S.Pd., Marcelline

Gratia Sephira Taum, S.Pd., and Vitaloka Irmala Dewi, S.Pd., for being my

proofreaders. Moreover, I thank my thesis class friends, especially Maria Rosari

who always motivates and encourages me during the writing process of my thesis.

My thankfulness also goes to Karunia Wicaksono Yunanto who always

encourages, supports, and takes care of me whenever I need. Lastly, I also thank

everyone who supports and helps me, especially when I was writing my thesis.

Dian Faqih


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TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGES .............................................................................................. ii

STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ...................................................... iv

PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ........................................................ v

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ x

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................... xv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1

A. Research Background ................................................................. 1

B. Research Questions ..................................................................... 4

C. Research Significance ................................................................. 4

1. English Teachers .................................................................... 4

2. Students .................................................................................. 4

3. Future Researchers ................................................................. 4

D. Definition of Terms .................................................................... 5

1. Role play ................................................................................ 5

2. Motivation .............................................................................. 5

3. Perception............................................................................... 6

4. Speaking ................................................................................. 6

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...................................... 8

A. Theoretical Description .............................................................. 8

1. Role play ................................................................................ 8


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2. Motivation ............................................................................ 10

3. Perception............................................................................. 12

4. Speaking ............................................................................... 13

B. Theoretical Framework ............................................................. 15

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................ 17

A. Research Method ...................................................................... 17

1. Plan....................................................................................... 18

2. Action ................................................................................... 19

3. Observation .......................................................................... 19

4. Reflection ............................................................................. 19

B. Research Setting ....................................................................... 20

C. Research Participants ................................................................ 20

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ............................. 21

1. Observation Checklist .......................................................... 21

2. Interview .............................................................................. 21

3. Questionnaire ....................................................................... 21

4. Field Notes ........................................................................... 23

E. Data Analysis Technique .......................................................... 24

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................ 25

A. Research Results ....................................................................... 25

1. Cycle 1 ................................................................................. 26

2. Cycle 2 ................................................................................. 34

3. Cycle 3 ................................................................................. 41

B. Discussion ................................................................................. 50

1. The Process of Role Play Used in Speaking Activities for the

8th Grade A Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman ................... 51

2. The Effects of Students’ Motivation in Speaking Activities 52


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A. Conclusions ............................................................................... 55

B. Recommendations ..................................................................... 59

1. For the English Teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman ............. 59

2. For the Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman ........................... 59

3. For the Future Researchers .................................................. 59

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 61

APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 64


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Table Page

3.1 Timeline of the Data Gathering........................................................................ 20

3.2 The Blueprint of the Questionnaire .................................................................. 22

4.1 Observation Checklist of Students’ Activity Cycle 1 ...................................... 28

4.2 Assessment Aspects of Speaking Skill ............................................................ 32

4.3 Observation Checklist of Students’ Activity Cycle 2 ...................................... 37

4.4 Observation Checklist of Students’ Activity Cycle 3 ...................................... 44

4.5 The Result of the Questionnaire ....................................................................... 47


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Figure Page

3.1 Action Research Cycles (Kemmis & McTaggart, 1992) ................................. 18

4.1. Students’ Learning Activity in Cycle 1 ........................................................... 26

4.2. Students’ Learning Activity in Cycle 2 ........................................................... 35

4.3. Students’ Learning Activity in Cycle 3 ........................................................... 42


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Appendix Page

A. Permission Letter from English Language Education Study Program ........... 65

B. Permission Letter from Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah ............ 66

C. Research Official Statement from SMP Negeri 1 Sleman .............................. 67

D. Observation Checklist on the Students’ Activities ......................................... 68

E. Observation Checklist Result Cycle 1 ............................................................ 69

F. Observation Checklist Result Cycle 2 ............................................................ 70

G. Observation Checklist Result Cycle 3 ............................................................ 71

H. Questionnaire .................................................................................................. 72

I. The Blue Print of the Questionnaire ............................................................... 74

J. Sample of Questionnaire ................................................................................. 75

K. The Result of the Questionnaire...................................................................... 77

L. Field Note in Cycle 1 ...................................................................................... 79

M. Field Note in Cycle 2 ...................................................................................... 80

N. Field Note in Cycle 3 ...................................................................................... 81

O. Interview Guidline .......................................................................................... 82

P. Interview Transcript ........................................................................................ 83

Q. Individual Test Result in Cycle 1 .................................................................... 85

R. Individual Test Result in Cycle 2 .................................................................... 86

S. Individual Test Result in Cycle 3 .................................................................... 87

T. Sample of Lesson Plan and Teaching Material .............................................. 88

U. Photos of Cycle 1 ............................................................................................ 99

V. Photos of Cycle 2 .......................................................................................... 100

W. Photos of Cycle 3 .......................................................................................... 101


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The researcher divides this chapter into four parts. They are research

background, research questions, research significance, and definition of terms. The

researcher elaborates the four major points as follows.

A. Research Background

Since English becomes an international language, we have to master English

very well because “being able to interact in a language is essential” (Richards &

Renandya, 2002, p. 208). In Indonesia, English becomes a part of the learning in

school. Accordingly, the students must learn English in their school. Richards and

Renandya (2002) state that “it is difficult for EFL learners, especially adults, to

speak the target language fluently and appropriately” (p. 204). It is because minimal

exposure to the foreign language and contact with the native speakers.

Consequently, adults’ learners are poor in speaking English, especially regarding

fluency (Richards & Renandya, 2002, p. 204). Therefore, English is more effective

to be learned at an early age, especially in learning to speak.

In Indonesia, English is taught as a foreign language. Indonesian people

have difficulty in mastering English as a foreign language (EFL). One the factors

that caused them have difficulty in mastering English is teaching strategy at school.

The English teacher should provide the strategy how to learn English easily. Also,

Indonesian people have perspective that they are not able to master English. They

do not put much effort to learn it. In other words, they have lack of motivation in


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learning English. According to Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Indonesia in 2013, English becomes a compulsory subject in junior high school and

senior high school. In learning English, there are four basic skills, namely,

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. According to Luoma (2004), speaking

skill becomes an important part in the curriculum which is applied in language

teaching (p. 1). Speaking skill is one of the basic skills in learning English which is

important to be learned. Realizing that the important part of communication in this

era is English, speaking skill is needed to be mastered by EFL learners.

Among the four skills, speaking skill is often perceived as a difficult skill to

be mastered by EFL students. Hinkel (2005) describes that speaking is “the most

complex and difficult skill to master” (as cited in Nazara, 2011, p. 29). Many

students have difficulties in mastering the speaking skill because they do not

practice it frequently. Sometimes, the teacher only asks the students to read the

dialogue. Whereas, they need an interesting technique to stimulate them to speak in

English. Besides, the students do not feel confident to speak in English. They are

too shy and afraid of making mistakes. Those difficulties also happened when the

researcher did the observation in SMP Negeri 1 Sleman. Therefore, the teachers

should use one of the effective methods for their teaching that can give motivation

to the students in learning to speak.

In this research, the researcher had observed the students of SMP Negeri 1

Sleman. The researcher chose SMP Negeri 1 Sleman because it was easy to reach

and accessed. It is still located in Yogyakarta. Besides, SMP Negeri 1 Sleman was

willing to allow the researcher to conduct the research in the school, especially in


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the 8th grade A. Based on the researcher’s observation in the 8th grade A of SMP

Negeri 1 Sleman, there was a lack of students’ motivation in learning English,

especially speaking skill. Many of the students were not brave to speak in English.

They spoke softly or they preferred to be silent. In this case, the students do not

have motivation to speak in English.

Based on those problems, the researcher wanted to help the students to be

motivated to speak in English. The researcher tried to use a role play as a technique

to attract the students’ attention in order to make them speak bravely. By using a

role play, the students was expected to be motivated to speak in English in the class.

According to Bygate (1987), there are four speaking activities such as

information-gap activities, communication games, simulations, and project-based

activities. In this research, the researcher decided to conduct a fun technique to

motivate the students in order to make them confident in speaking English. The

researcher used a role play because it can make the students active in learning

process, develop the students’ creativity, and a fun technique. In addition, a role

play gives students opportunity to practice speaking with their friends. According

to Sellers (2002), role play is a creative teaching technique in which people play the

roles of others. A role play becomes a fun technique in learning to speak where the

students play the role and act as someone else.

Therefore, a role play became the technique which was implemented in the

8th grade A students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman. This research was conducted to

investigate the use of role play in speaking activities to motivate the 8th grade A

students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman to speak in English.


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B. Research Questions

In this research, the researcher would like to investigate:

1. How is role play used in speaking activities for the 8th grade students of

SMP Negeri 1 Sleman?

2. How does role play affect the students’ motivation in speaking activities?

C. Research Significance

This research is expected to give advantages for English teachers of SMP

Negeri 1 Sleman, students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman, and future researchers.

1. English Teachers

This research is expected to give the advantages for the English teachers in

SMP Negeri 1 Sleman to enrich their knowledge about a role play technique in

teaching speaking skill. By understanding this technique, the English teachers can

use this technique and implement in their teaching. Since it proposes several

benefits towards students’ motivation in speaking English.

2. Students

The researcher expects that a role play technique will be beneficial for the

students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman in order to motivate the students in speaking

activities. Besides, the students can improve their speaking skills. Moreover, it also

increases their confidence. It is because by using a role play technique, the students

will perform in front of the class in pairs and it makes them have to be confident.

3. Future Researchers

This research can help the future researchers as the reference. This research

can be the reference to enrich their knowledge about the use of role play in teaching


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speaking skill. Besides, the future researchers can develop this topic and implement

it to different level of education.

D. Definition of Terms

The researcher provides some definition of terms in order to avoid

misunderstanding with the theories in this research.

1. Role play

According to Brown (2004), role play is a popular pedagogical activity

which is used in communicative language-teaching classes. It makes students to be

creative in their linguistic output (p. 174). A role play is one of the activities of

educating which is used in a foreign language classes in order to make the students

be more creative in their languages. Besides, Purcell (1993) states that role play is

an activity where a person who assumes another identity (real or fictitious) and

presented it in a new character (p. 912). In this research, the researcher used a role

play in speaking activities given for the students. A role play is a technique which

motivates students in learning English.

2. Motivation

According to Petri (1981), motivation is a concept that we use to act

something or to initiate and to direct the behavior (p. 3). Motivation is a stimulus to

do something or to direct the attitude. If the students are given motivation, they will

have courage to deal with something. Motivation becomes an important thing to

succeed the learning process. Motivation in this research is giving the students

stimulation to be brave to speak in English. In this case, the students need a learning


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activity that can motivate them. The researcher tried to use the role play technique

in speaking activities.

3. Perception

Maloney (1981) states that perception as individual's view to other

individuals (p. 69). Perception is the human thinking toward somebody or

something. Whether or not the perception is good depend on the human thinking.

In this research, the students will have their perception about a role play technique

which is given to them.

4. Speaking

Luoma (2004) defines speaking as a process of creating meaning through

producing, receiving and processing information (as cited in Torky, 2006, p. 34).

Speaking can be defined as a process to produce the meaning by receiving and

processing information. By receiving and processing the information, people can

convey the meaning through the words. Richards and Renandya (2002) state that

speaking skill is one of the important parts to communicate (p. 210). If someone

wants to communicate with other people clearly, they should have speaking

capability in order to avoid misunderstanding. In this research, speaking capability

refers to the ability of someone to speak fluently with other people.

According to Bygate (1987), there are four speaking activities. The first one

is information-gap activities. This activity will be done in pairs in which one student

has some information about something and the other student does not have any

information (p. 76). The second one is communication games. In this activity, the

students have to perform in order to complete the tasks (p. 78). The third one is


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simulations. In this activity, the students act as themselves or someone else in

imaginary setting (p. 80). The fourth one is project-based activities. It is an activity

in which the students may work together to find out and solve the problems (p. 83).


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In this chapter, the researcher provides the theories related to the topic. This

chapter is divided into two parts, namely theoretical description and theoretical


A. Theoretical Description

In this theoretical description, the researcher discusses the theories related

to the research.

1. Role play

In this part, the researcher provides the definition of role play, the types,

and the advantages of role play.

a. The Definition of Role Play

Sellers (2002) defines role play as a “spontaneous, dramatic, creative

teaching strategy in which individuals overtly and consciously assume the roles of

others” (as cited in Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011, p. 512). Also, Billings and

Halstead (2005) as cited in Cohen, et al. (2011) state that “role play is an effective

strategy for learning because it forces participants to think about the person whose

role is being assumed, is connected to real life situations, and promotes active,

personal involvement in learning” (p. 512). A role play becomes an effective

teaching strategy because the students will have a role as other people. The students

will perform their role plays in front of the class in pairs. It makes them more active


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in learning to speak. Each student has a responsibility to master their roles, so that

the role play will run smoothly.

Byrne (1986) says that a role play is a method of having interaction with

other people in imaginary situations (as cited in Suryani, 2015, p. 2). Role play can

be defined as a means of interaction with others in certain situations. From the

definition, a role play can be used in speaking activities which involves imagination

to be ourselves or to be someone else in a specific situation. Then, the people can

develop their imagination in accordance with the situation that has given to them.

Purcell (1993) states that a role play is a fun method that teachers can use in

the students’ learning activities (p. 912). A role play becomes a fun technique in the

speaking activities. It can make the students more interested in learning English.

Purcell (1993) adds “role play motivates students, helps them lose their inhibitions,

and serves as a means to augment verbal skills, self-esteem, leadership abilities, and

cultural appreciation” (p. 912). A role play is an appropriate technique in learning

English. Therefore, it can motivate the students to speak in English. After the

students are motivated, they are able to speak in English without any fear.

b. The Types of Role Play

According to Byrne (1986), a role play can be classified into two types:

scripted and unscripted role play (as cited in Suryani, 2015, p. 2). The first one is

scripted role play. It involves interpreting either the textbook dialogue or speaking

text in the form of speech. The main function of the text is to deliver the meaning

of language in a memorable way. The second one is unscripted role play. It does

not depend on the textbooks. It is known as a free role play or improvisation.


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The researcher uses the first type of role play to be implemented in speaking

activities. It is because scripted role play more suitable for the 8th grade students of

SMP Negeri 1 Sleman. If the students are given the unscripted role play, they can

be more afraid to speak in English because they have to speak spontaneously. In

this research, the researcher provides some situations to the students and they have

to make a dialogue in pair and perform it in front of the class.

c. The Advantages of Role Play

According to Ladousse (1995), there are some advantages of a role play (as

cited in Sari, 2011, p. 15). First, a role play gives a wide variety of experience and

students can practice their speaking skills in any situations through a role play.

Second, a role play puts students in a situation in which they are required to use and

develop their ideas. Third, a role play helps shy students by providing them with a

mask. The last, using role play in speaking activities is fun. Also, it helps students

to have self-motivation through self-awareness. A role play provides the

opportunity for students to improve their self-concepts and to increase their self-

motivation (Hawley, 1975, p. 133). Therefore, a role play becomes a means to

motivate the students in learning to speak.

2. Motivation

Motivation is an abstract concept that is used to express what will people

think and do (Dornyei, 2001, p. 1). Motivation is a stimulus to direct someone to

achieve a specific purpose. As in 2008, Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece state,

“Motivation is the process whereby goal-directed activity is instigated and

sustained” (p. 4). Dornyei (2001) adds “motivation is related to one of the most


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basic aspects of the human mind, and most teachers and researchers would agree

that it has a very important role in determining success or failure in any learning

situation” (p. 2). Therefore, motivation is very important to be given to the students

who need a stimulus to do learning activities. Most of the teachers try to find an

appropriate technique in their teaching, so that the students will be motivated to do

learning activities in the class.

The researcher hopes the motivations that are given to the students will have

positive effects. Dornyei (2001) states that motivational is given to achieve the

positive effect (p. 28). When students are motivated, they will be brave to take the

chance in order to get good results. In this research, motivations that are given to

the students is for achieving their confident.

There are some criteria to investigate whether or not the students are

motivated in the learning activities. According to Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece

(2014), there are five behavioral views of motivation. They are interest in activities,

work diligently, self-confidence, persistence, and performance (p. 3).

The first one is interest in activities. It explains the students’ interest to the

materials and activities in the class. The students’ activeness in the learning process

shows the students’ interest in activities. The second one is work diligently. It can

be observed during the lesson. The researcher see how the students are excited with

the lesson. The students will work diligently, if they are excited with the lesson.

The third one is self-confidence. It is related to the role play performance. Whether

or not the students feel confident in their performances. The fourth one is

persistence. It explains the students keep following the lesson. The students keep


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doing something despite difficulties. If the students have difficulties, they can ask

questions to the researcher. The last one is performance. It is related to the score.

The researcher take the speaking score of the students’ role play performances. If

the result of the students' performances are good, it means that the students are


3. Perception

Maloney (1981) defines perception as what people thought, say, and

expresses (p. 63). Perception is a human thought on something through senses.

Every human has their own perception on something. Maloney (1981) adds

perception as individual's view to other individuals (p. 69). It can be defined that

perception is the view of people towards somebody else. In short, perception is the

way of interpreting something. This interpretation is important because what people

think, will affect the people act.

According to Healey (2007), perception is the process of recognizing,

organizing, and interpreting information. (p. 73). Perception can be defined as a

process of a person in recognizing, organizing and interpreting the information. By

recognizing, organizing, and interpreting the information, people can express their

opinion on something. Besides, Robbins (2005) states that perception is a process

where people organize and interpret something in the environment. The

environment can affect individual thinking in organizing and interpreting

something. It is because people often perceive something based on the environment.

If the environment is good, then the people will have positive thinking. It can be


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concluded that perception is a process of organizing and interpreting something

which involve the environment as the influence.

4. Speaking

This part is divided into three sections. They are the definition of speaking,

the types of speaking, and speaking activities.

a. The Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of the productive skills in learning English. According to

Brown (2004), “speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically

observed, those observations are invariably colored by the accuracy and

effectiveness of a test-taker’s listening skill, which necessarily compromises the

reliability and validity of an oral production test” (p. 140). Besides, speaking skill

is important to be learned in the school. As Luoma (2004) states, “speaking skills

are an important part of the curriculum in language teaching, and this makes them

an important object of assessment as well” (p. 1). It means that speaking become an

important part in learning English. Therefore, it is important for the students in

mastering the speaking skill.

b. The Types of Speaking

According to Brown (2004), there are five basic types of speaking. The first

one is imitative or the ability to simply parrot back (imitate) a word or phrase or

possibly a sentence (p. 141). The second one is intensive or the ability to produce

short stretches of discourse (no more than a sentence) through which they

demonstrate linguistic ability at a specified level of language (p. 147). The third one

is responsive or the interaction at limited level of very short conversations, standard


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greetings and small talks, simple requests and comments, and the like (p. 141). The

fourth one is extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral presentations,

and story-telling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is

either highly limited or ruled out altogether (p. 142).

The type of speaking which is used in this research is interactive speaking.

Interactive speaking includes tasks that involve relatively long stretches of

interactive discourse (interviews, role plays, discussions, games) and tasks of

equally long duration but that involve less interaction (speeches, telling longer

stories, and extended explanations and translations) (p. 167). The difference

between responsive and interactive speaking is in the length and complexity of the

interaction, which sometimes includes multiple exchanges or multiple participants

(p. 142).

c. Speaking Activities

Speaking activities are a means to help students in applying the new

language. According to Bygate (1987), there are four speaking activities in the


1) Information-gap activities

Bygate (1987) states that in this activity, students have to work in pairs. One

student has some information and the other partner does not have (p. 76). The

students who have some information will share the information to their partners.

Therefore, they have to communicate in order to get the information. The examples

of this activity are instructions, descriptions, comparisons, and narrations (Bygate,

1987, p. 76).


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2) Communication games

According to Bygate (1987), communication games involve the actions

where the students have to perform in order to complete the tasks (p. 78). A

communication game is an activity in which the students do something in dealing

with the tasks. This activity should be done in a group or more than one participant.

For example, in “Describe and Draw” activities, there is one student who describes

a picture and the other(s) draw it (Bygate, 1987, p. 78).

3) Simulations

A simulation is an activity in which the students may act as themselves or

somebody else in certain situation (Bygate, 1987, p. 80). In simulations, the students

are put into a situation and act out in that situation. Also, the students may bring

some properties that supports their simulations. For instance, a simulated interview,

the student can bring a recorder to record the interview.

4) Project-based activities

A project-based activity is an activity in which the students can work

together in investigating and solving the problems. In this activity, the students have

to think critically in order to create a solution to the problem. The activities include

structured or framed question and answer exchanges based on the topic, oral

interviewing and reporting back to the group, and comparative discussion with a

colleague (Bygate, 1987, p. 83).

B. Theoretical Framework

The researcher uses theories of role play, motivation, perception, and

speaking to conduct the research. In this research, the researcher uses role play


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technique to be used in speaking activities. The theory of role play by Purcell (1993)

is used to analyze how the role play is used in SMP Negeri 1 Sleman.

Besides, the researcher uses theories of perception by Maloney (1981),

Healey (2007), and Robbins (2005) to investigate how the students perceive a role

play technique. Moreover, the researcher also uses theories of motivation by

Dornyei (2001) and Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece (2008) to explain that motivation

is important to be given to the students and to know how the influence of a role play

technique to the students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman.

Theories of speaking are also used in this research. The theories of speaking

by Brown (2004) and Luoma (2004) are used to observe the English lesson in the

school. Besides, types of speaking theory by Brown (2004) is used to identify which

type of speaking which is used in the implementation of a role play technique. In

addition, theory of speaking activities by Bygate (1987) is used to analyze how the

role play is used in speaking activities.

Furthermore, role play theories are used to answer the first research

question: How is role play used in speaking activities for the 8th grade students of

SMP Negeri 1 Sleman? Besides, the five behavioral views of motivation theory

from Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece (2014), are used to answer the second research

question: How does role play affect the students’ motivation in speaking activities?

It aims to know how the students’ motivation progress in speaking activities toward

the use of role play in learning to speak. By using those theories, the researcher can

analyze and conclude whether there is an improvement in the students’ speaking

skill or not.


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This chapter discusses the methodology of the research. This chapter is

divided into five parts. They are research method, research setting, research

participants, instruments and data gathering technique, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

This research is about the use of role play in speaking activities for the 8th

grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman. The researcher employed Classroom

Action Research (CAR) to conduct the research. Elliot (1991) says “action research

might be defined as the study of a social situation with a view to improving the

quality of action within it” (as cited in Hopkins, 2008, p. 48). It means that action

research is defined as the study to improve the quality of action in it. In this research,

the researcher tried to increase the students’ motivation in learning to speak.

Kemmis and McTaggart (1992) state that:

Action research starts with small cycles of planning, acting, observing and

reflecting which can help to define issues, ideas and assumptions more

clearly so that those involved can define more power questions for

themselves as their work progresses (as cited in Cohen et al., 2011, p. 347).

Based on the explanation by Kemmis and McTaggart (1992), action research starts

with the cycle consisting of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting to solve the

problems and see the progresses. In this research, the researcher used Kemmis and

McTaggart’s Action Research Cycles. Classroom Action Research (CAR) showed

the cycles as follows:


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Figure 3.1 Action Research Cycles (Kemmis & McTaggart, 1992)

There were four stages in the Classroom Action Research namely plan,

action, observation, and reflection. The following explanations explained the four


1. Plan

In this research, Classroom Action Research (CAR) was used to solve the

problem found in the 8th grade A students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman about the lack

of students’ motivation in learning English, especially in speaking skill. The

researcher tried to find an appropriate solution to solve the problem. A role play

was a technique used to solve the lack of students’ motivation. The researcher

planned to conduct three cycles for three meetings. In this stage, the researcher and

the English teacher of the 8th grade A discussed about the kind of material that

would be given to the students and what kind of material that suitable for a role play

technique. Then, the researcher made a lesson plan and conducted the research.


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2. Action

In this stage, the researcher used a role play technique in learning activity.

The learning process was divided into three parts, namely set induction, main

activities, and set closure. Further, the researcher implemented the role play

technique in the main activities.

In this main activities, the researcher asked the students to find a partner.

Then, the researcher gave the different situations to each pair and asked them to

make a script for their role plays. After that, each pair had to practice by themselves

with the help from the researcher. The researcher helped the students by giving

some suggestions. For example, the researcher suggested the students to express

their ideas freely. The researcher gave them time around 10 minutes to practice their

role plays. After the students had practiced, the researcher asked the pairs to come

in front of the class one by one.

3. Observation

The researcher observed in the action stage to collect the data. The data

gained from observation checklist to see what happened in the class during the

lesson. Besides, the researcher invited her colleague to be the observer. The

observer took notes on the activity in the class.

4. Reflection

In this stage, the researcher made a reflection based on the observation. The

reflection made by analyzing the field notes, the questionnaire, and the test

(additional). The researcher analyzed the problems that occured in the class. Then,


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the researcher tried to find the solution and solve the problem in order to make some

improvements in the next cycle.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in March – April 2017, in SMP Negeri 1

Sleman. It is located at Jalan Bhayangkara 27, Medari, Caturhargo, Sleman

Yogyakarta. In this research, the researcher conducted the research in three cycles

for three meetings. The following table is the timeline of the data gathering:

Table 3.1. Timeline of the Data Gathering

No Data Gathering Date

1 Teacher’s Interview 16th March 2017

2 Cycle 1 Implementation 16th March 2017

3 Cycle 2 Implementation 23rd March 2017

4 Cycle 3 Implementation 6th April 2017

C. Research Participants

The participants were the 8th grade A students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman.

There were 32 students consisting of 9 boys and 23 girls. The researcher chose this

class because of two reasons. First, the teacher suggested this class because the

material in other classes still left behind and this was one of classes where the

teacher taught. Second, the schedule in gathering the data was not collided with the

researcher’s schedule. An English teacher also became the participant. The

researcher interviewed the English teacher of the 8th grade A.


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D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

In this research, the researcher used four instruments in gathering the data.

The instruments were observation checklist, interview, questionnaire, and field


1. Observation Checklist

“Observation is defined as the watching of behavioral patterns of people in

certain situations to obtain information about the phenomenon of interest”

(Johnson, Burke, & Ehristensen, 2012, p. 206). It means that observation is

watching of people behavioral in certain conditions. Observation is done to obtain

information. In this research, the researcher observed students’ learning activities.

For the observation checklist, the researcher provided some statements related to

students’ activities in classroom.

2. Interview

Interview is a data collection method where the interviewer (the researcher)

asks questions to the interviewee (the participant) (Johnson et al., 2012, p. 198). In

this research, the researcher interviewed the English teacher of SMP Negeri 1

Sleman (the teacher from the 8th grade A). The interview aimed to get information

from the teacher about class situation, learning strategy, and students’ ability in


3. Questionnaire

In this research, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to all of the 8th

grade A students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman. The researcher distributed the

questionnaire in the last meeting. In order to make the questionnaire clear for the


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students, the researcher made the questionnaire in Bahasa Indonesia. Besides, it

also aimed to avoid misunderstanding in each sentence. Therefore, the researcher

distributed the questionnaires to the students in Bahasa Indonesia version.

The questionnaire was served in the form of close-ended statements. The

researcher provided 15 statements with the degree of agreement: agree (A) and

disagree (D). The questionnaires were distributed after the researcher implemented

the role play technique in the class at the last meeting. It aimed to know whether

the role play technique could motivate students in speaking activities or not.

Johnson, et al. (2012) state, “A questionnaire is a self-report data-collection

instrument that each research participant fills out as part of a research study” (p.

197). A questionnaire is used to gain the data from questions that have been

answered by the research participants.

The researcher provided the blueprint of the questionnaire to clarify the

theories which was used in the questionnaire. The blueprint of the questionnaire

was presented below:

Table 3.2. The Blueprint of the Questionnaire

No Statement Theory

1. 1-5 Students’

perception on

English lesson.

Maloney (1981) defines “a perception is a thought

of, say, what expresses” (p. 63).

Healey (2007) states that perception as the process

of recognizing, organizing, and interpreting sensory

information (p. 73).

Dornyei (2001) defines “motivation is an abstract,

hypothetical concept that we use to explain why

people think and behave as they do” (p. 1).

2. 6-10 The use of

role play.

Purcell (1993) states “role play motivates students,

helps them lose their inhibitions, and serves as a

means to augment verbal skills, self-esteem,


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No Statement Theory

leadership abilities, and cultural appreciation” (p.


Purcell (1993) defines “role play is an enjoyable

device that teachers can use to structure their

students’ learning” (p. 912).

According to Brown (2004), “speaking is a

productive skill that can be directly and empirically

observed, those observations are invariably colored

by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test-taker’s

listening skill, which necessarily compromises the

reliability and validity of an oral production test” (p.


3. 11-15 Students’

perception on role

play technique.

Maloney (1981) defines “a perception is a thought

of, say, what expresses” (p. 63).

Healey (2007) states that perception as the process

of recognizing, organizing, and interpreting sensory

information (p. 73).

Purcell (1993) states “role play is an enjoyable

device that teachers can use to structure their

students’ learning” (p. 912).

Purcell (1993) states “role play motivates students,

helps them lose their inhibitions, and serves as a

means to augment verbal skills, self-esteem,

leadership abilities, and cultural appreciation” (p.


4. Field Notes

In this research, the researcher used field notes to describe the situation in

the class during the research. The researcher noted the important things and

problems that occured in the class. In 2002, Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh, state that

field notes is the most common method of recording the data collected during

observation. Field notes is a tool to collect the data during observation. The

researcher also asked her colleague to be the observer. Then, the observer took

some notes during the learning activities.


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E. Data Analysis Technique

In this research, the researcher used qualitative data and quantitative data for

analyzing the data. The researcher analyzed the data in two ways, which were

description and percentage. For qualitative data, the researcher employed a

description. Whereas, for quantitative data, the researcher employed a percentage.

The observation checklist, the interview, and the field notes were

summarized in the form of description. Meanwhile, the questionnaire was

calculated in the form of percentage. For the questionnaire, the researcher provided

closed-ended statements. There were 15 statements and two options for each

statement. Those two options were A (Agree) and D (Disagree). The researcher

calculated the average score of each statement by using the formula as follows:

P = ∑𝑥

∑𝑛 x 100

P : percentage

∑𝑥 : number of respondents who choose the option for each statement.

∑𝑛 : the total numbers of the respondents.


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This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part is the research results.

In this part, the researcher presents the data which was gathered by observation

checklist, interviewing the teacher, distributing questionnaires, writing some notes

in field notes, and analyzing the students’ score on speaking test as the additional

data. The second part is the discussion. In this part, the researcher discusses the

research results in order to answer the research questions.

A. Research Results

There were three cycles for three meetings. Each cycle consisted of four

stages, namely the plan, the action, the observation, and the reflection. In the plan

stage (stage 1), the researcher and the English teacher discussed about material that

would be taught to the students. In the action stage (stage 2), the researcher

implemented the role play technique in learning activities. The learning activities

were divided into three parts: set induction, main activities, and set closure. Then,

the role play was implemented in the main activities. The observation stage (stage

3) became the place where the researcher did her observation. The researcher

observed what happened in the class during the learning activities. The last stage

was reflection. In this stage, the researcher made reflection by analyzing the field

notes, the test, and the questionnaire. The researcher distributed the questionnaire

to the students in the last meeting.


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1. Cycle 1

The researcher conducted the first cycle on Thursday, March 16, 2017 in the

8th grade A which consisted of 32 students. However, there were 31 students who

attended the class at that time. One student did not come to the class because the

student joined a competition in another school. This cycle consisted of four stages:

plan, action, observation, and reflection.

a. Plan

In this stage, the researcher and the English teacher discussed about the

material that would be taught to the students. The teacher gave the material about

recount text. After that, the researcher prepared the material and then made the

lesson plan for the first cycle.

b. Action

The action was conducted on Thursday, March 16, 2017. It was conducted

from 10.40 a.m. up to 12.00 p.m. The action of the research was done by the

researcher. In this step, the researcher as the teacher divided the learning activities

into 3 parts, as follows:

Figure 4.1. Students’ Learning Activity in Cycle 1

Set Induction


• Introduction


Main Activities

•Explanation about material

•Role play


Set Closure




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In the set induction, the English teacher of the school invited the researcher

and the observer to enter the class. The teacher greeted and introduced the

researcher and the observer to the students. After that, the teacher sat at the back

and asked the researcher to teach. The researcher started her teaching by greeting

and recalling about the material that had been given last meeting. Then, the

researcher delivered the material to be learned today.

In the main activities, the researcher gave a video about recount text and the

students wrote any information that their got from the video. Then, the researcher

and the students discussed the information in the video. After that, the researcher

explained about recount text. Next, the researcher told to the students that they

would use a role play technique in the learning activity. The researcher also

explained what role play was and how to do it. Then, the researcher asked the

students to find a partner because the role play would be done in pairs. The

researcher gave the situation to each pair. Then, the students had to make a script

based on the situation that they got. After that, the students practiced by themselves

before they came in front of the class to do their role plays. When the students did

the role play, the researcher assessed them by using rubric then gave some feedback

and motivation.

In the set closure, the researcher and the students concluded the materials.

The researcher asked what they had been learned today and how they felt about the

role play technique. Then, the researcher closed the class by praying.


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c. Observation

In this stage, the researcher provided an observation checklist. The

researcher became the teacher as well as the observer. The observation checklist

was used to see what happened in the class during the learning activities. The result

from observation sheet was presented below:

Table 4.1. Observation Checklist of Students’ Activity Cycle 1

No. Statements Scale

Comment 1 2 3 4

1. The students are ready

to follow the lesson.

√ The students sit on their chair

when the teacher enters the


2. The students respond to

the teacher’s greeting.

√ The teacher says “Good

morning” and asks “How are

you?” Then, the students

answer “Good morning, Miss.

I’m fine, thank you.”

3. The students pay

attention to the teacher.

√ At the end of the class, there

are some students who talk to

their friends.

4. The students follow the

teacher’s instruction.

√ The students obey the

teacher’s instruction. For

example: the teacher asks the

students to take notes some

information from the video

that they watch.

5. The students are active

in the learning


√ Most of the students want to

read the paragraph by raising

their hands.

6. The students ask

questions related to the


√ When they do their

assignments, they raise their

hands and ask some questions.

7. The students are excited

about the lesson.

√ The students do not feel

sleepy during learning


8. The students can speak


√ The students can speak

without stammering.


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No. Statements Scale

Comment 1 2 3 4

9. The students can answer

the teacher’s question in


√ Many of the students still

answer in Bahasa Indonesia.

For example: T: “What have

you learned today?”

S: “Tentang recount text,


10. Role play technique

makes the students

active in the learning


√ The students can practice their

speaking skills and share their

ideas in making the script.

From the observation checklist showed that most of the students were ready

to follow the lesson. The students sat on their chairs, even though there were some

students who still in the bathroom. Most of the students paid attention to the teacher.

However, there were some students talked to each other towards the end of the

class. All of the students responded to the teacher’s greeting. For example, the

teacher said, “Good morning, students? “How are you?” all of the students

answered simultaneously, “Good morning, Miss. I’m fine, thank you.” Also, all of

the students followed the teacher’s instruction. When the teacher showed a video

and asked the students to take notes the information that they got from the video,

they did it.

There were only some students who were active in the learning activities.

For example, some students wanted to read the paragraph raised their hands. When

the teacher walked around while the students did their tasks, a few students raised

their hands and asked some questions. However, the students only asked whether

all of them would perform in front of the class or not. Besides, they asked about the

meaning of words. Most of the students were excited about the lesson. The students


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showed that they did not feel sleepy during learning activities. However, just a few

students could answer the teacher’s question in English. Many of the students still

answered in Bahasa Indonesia. Also, a few students spoke fluently. There were

many of the students was stammering when they did their role plays. Nevertheless,

the role play technique made the students active in the learning activity. It showed

from most of the students practiced speaking with their friends. Also, they could

share their ideas in making the script for their role plays.

d. Reflection

In the first cycle, the researcher made a reflection by analyzing the field

notes. The researcher asked her colleague to be the observer. The observer wrote

what happened in the class. The observer wrote that there were three parts of the

learning activities. They were set induction, main activity, and set closure.

For the set induction, the observer wrote that the researcher started the class

by greeting and praying. The students enthusiastically replied the researcher’s

greeting. It showed from the students answered the researcher’s greeting loudly.

After that, the researcher checked the students’ attendance one by one and told

about the material that would be delivered.

In the main activity, the researcher showed a video which was related to the

topic. It aimed to attract the students’ attention. The students enjoyed the video.

Then, the researcher distributed the handout and explained about the material. The

material was about recount text. However, when the reseracher explained the

material, some students felt bored. It showed from the students who bending their

heads on the table. Then, the researcher asked the students to do a role play. At that


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time, the students were confused about what role play was. Then, the researcher

told about a role play and how to do it in pairs. After explaining about the role play,

the researcher gave the role play situations to each pair. Then, each pair had to make

a script based on the situation that they got. The researcher walked around to help

if the students needed for help. The students looked excited when they made the

script for their role plays. There was also a student who looked very excited and he

could not wait to do the role play in front of class. Then, each pair did the role play

in front of class, while the reseracher assessed their performances. The researcher

assessed the students’ speaking aspects in order to see their improvements in the

next cycle. The other students listened and watched their friends while preparing

themselves. The researcher and the students gave an appreciation in the form of

applause after the students had done their role plays.

However, in the middle of the performance, there were some students who

practiced speaking, even though the researcher had already told to listen and watch

their friends in front of the class. After all of the students had done their role plays,

the researcher gave feedback to the students. The researcher said that there were

some mistakes when the students did their role plays. For example, the students still

spoke “it is dirty” it had to be “it was dirty” because this was in the context of past

tense. For the set closure, the researcher closed the class by giving the conclusion

and greeting.

Besides, the researcher took the speaking score when the students were

performing the role play. It was considered as the test. The result of the test was

used to know the students’ improvements. The result of the first test in the first


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cycle is found in Appendix Q. Based on the result, there was only student 2 who

passed the minimal mastery level criterion (KKM). The KKM for the speaking skill

in junior high school level is 75. The researcher provided the assessment aspects of

speaking skills as follows:

Table 4.2. Assessment Aspects of Speaking Skill (Buku Guru Kelas VIII SMP/MTs, p. 16)


Sangat lancar there is no pause and no stammer

Lancar a few pauses and stammers

Cukup lancar there are pauses and stammers several times

Kurang lancar there are many pauses and stammers

Tidak lancar there are too many pauses and stammers


Sangat teliti there is no mistake

Teliti there are several mistakes but not interfere with meaning

Cukup teliti there are several mistakes and interfere with meaning

Kurang teliti there are many mistakes and interfere with meaning

Tidak teliti there are too many mistakes and interfere with meaning


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Based on the result of speaking test, the score that Student 2 got was 75. She

got some points in every aspect which were: 4 points for pronunciation, 4 points for

intonation, 4 points for fluency, and 3 points for grammar accuracy. As an

illustration, she got 4 points for fluency. She just had a few pauses and stammers.

However, the scores that the rest of the students (30 students) got were less than 75.

The researcher calculated the mean score in every aspect of 30 students who did not

pass the KKM. The mean score of pronunciation was 3.5, intonation was 2.9,

fluency was 3.03, and grammar accuracy was 2.5. For the pronunciation, the

students were made some mispronunciations. One of them was the word “was” they

pronounced /was/ not /wəz/. For the intonation, they put the stress on the word

“yesterday” at the end of the word /jestərˈdeɪ/ which had to be pronounced

/ˈjestərdeɪ/. For the fluency, the students paused and stammered several times.

Then, for the grammar accuracy, the students still used simple present tense such

as “I buy it last night” which should be “I bought it last night.”

From the observation checklist, field notes, and test, the researcher saw that

the students followed the learning activity. However, there were some important

things that should be improved in cycle 2. The first one was about the learning

activity. It showed from the students who felt bored in the class. The second was

about managing the class. Some students still talked to their friends when other

students were performing their role plays. The second one was the test. The students

had to prepare well before they performed their role plays. Therefore, the researcher

would conduct the second cycle to see the students’ improvements.


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2. Cycle 2

The researcher conducted the second cycle on Thursday, March 23, 2017 in

the 8th grade A. It was conducted in one meeting. There were 31 students who

attended the class. One student did not come to the class because she had to attend

an entrepreneurship training. This cycle consisted of four stages as in the previous

cycle. They were the plan, the action, the observation, and the reflection.

a. Plan

In this stage, the researcher met the teacher to discuss about what topic that

would be taught to the students for the second cycle. At that time, the researcher

and the teacher were confused what material that suitable for the implementation of

a role play technique because this was the second semester. Therefore, there were

many topics which had already taught to the students in the previous semester.

Then, the researcher tried to find the topic which could be connected with a role

play technique. Then, the researcher found a topic about daily activity in KI-KD.

The researcher asked the teacher whether or not the topic could be connected with

a role play technique. The teacher answered that it could be connected. However,

the researcher also had to teach about simple present tense because the tense would

be used in daily activity form. After that, the researcher tried to find the teaching

material and made a lesson plan.


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b. Action

This stage was conducted by the researcher on Thursday, March 23, 2017.

The action was conducted from 10.40 a.m. until 12.00 p.m. In this stage, the

researcher as the teacher divided the learning activities into three parts as follows:

Figure 4.2. Students’ Learning Activity in Cycle 2

In the set induction, the researcher started the class by greeting the students,

then continued by praying. The researcher also checked the attendance list. After

that, the researcher asked the students about the previous topic. Next, the researcher

showed a short video which was related to the topic. It aimed to attract students’

attention. Then, the researcher asked some questions to the students. The questions

was about the topic that would be taught by the researcher. After the students

• Greeting

• Recalling the previous topic in the previous meeting.

• Showing a short video which was related to the newtopic. Asking questions related to the new topic(brainstorming).

• Explaining the new topic.

Set Induction

• The teacher shows a video which was related to the topic.

• The teacher asks the students to find some information.

• The teacher explains the material.

• The teacher gives the example.

• The teacher explains the rules of role play.

• The teacher asks the students to make the script for theirrole plays based on the situation that has been given bythe teacher.

• The teacher asks the students to do the role play.

• The teacher gives feedback to the students.

Main Activity

• Conclusion

• Closing

Set Closure


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answered the questions, they had to guess what topic would be given to them. Then,

the researcher told the new topic.

In the main activity, the researcher gave a video again, but this video was

longer than the previous video. The researcher asked the students to write the

information that they got from the video. After the students found some

information, the researcher and the students had to discuss about the topic. Then,

the researcher explained the materials. First, the researcher explained about daily

activity, followed by simple present tense. It was important to remind the students

about simple present tense, because it would be used in daily activity form. Besides,

based on the result of the teacher’s interview, the students still forgot about tenses.

After that, the researcher gave the example of daily activity and asked the students

to analyze the verb.

Next, the researcher told the students that they would have a role play. The

researcher explained the rules of the role play. First, the students had to do the role

play in pairs. It made the researcher easier to assess the students’ performances.

Second, the students had to act based on the situation which was given by the

researcher. However, before starting the role play, the students should make a script

based on the situation. After that, they might start the role play. While the students

made the script, the researcher walked around to help the students if they had

problems in making the script. The researcher assessed the students’ speaking skills

when the students did their role plays. After that, the researcher gave some feedback

to the students. The feedback was in the form of correction about grammar or


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pronunciation. Therefore, the students would have improvement in the next activity

or role play performance.

For the set closure, the researcher ended the class by concluding the material

that had been learned at that time. Then, the researcher closed the class by praying.

c. Observation

In this stage, the researcher also became the teacher and the observer. The

researcher provided observation checklist. The researcher used the observation

checklist to see the improvement of the students in the class during the learning

activities. The observation checklist result was presented below:

Table 4.3. Observation Checklist of Students’ Activity Cycle 2

No. Statements Scale

Comment 1 2 3 4

1. The students are ready

to follow the lesson.

√ The students sit silently on

their chairs when the teacher


2. The students respond to

the teacher’s greeting.

√ The teacher greets “Hello,

good morning” Then, the

students answer “Good

morning, Miss.”

3. The students pay

attention to the teacher.

√ The students listen when the

teacher explains the material.

4. The students follow the

teacher’s instruction.

√ The teacher gives instruction

to do a role play, the students

are excited and do the role


5. The students are active

in the learning


√ The students raise their hands

to ask questions.

6. The students ask

questions related to the


√ The students ask about the

material (what tense that

should be used).

7. The students are excited

about the lesson.

√ When the teacher plays a song

which is related to the


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No. Statements Scale

Comment 1 2 3 4

material, the students sing

together and enjoy it.

8. The students can speak


√ The students can speak

without stammering.

9. The students can answer

the teacher’s question in


√ For example:

T: “Have you finished in

making the script

S: “Not yet, Miss.”

10. Role play technique

makes the students

active in the learning


√ The students practice

speaking by performing the

role play in front of the class.

Based on the observation checklist, all of the students were ready to start the

lesson. It was proven from the students by sitting and being silent on their chairs.

Besides, all of the students responded to the teacher’s greeting. When the teacher

greeted “Hello, good morning” Then, the students answered “Good morning,

Miss.” Most of the students also paid attention when the teacher explained the

material. The students listened when the teacher explained the material. Also, all of

the students followed the teacher’s instruction. For example, when the teacher gave

instruction to do a role play, the students were excited and did the role play. Most

of the students were active in the learning activity. When they had problems in

making the script for their role plays, they raised their hands to ask questions which

were related to their tasks. However, not all of the students asked question by using


In this cycle, most of the students could speak English better than the

previous cycle. It was because they had practiced speaking frequently. Also, most

of the students were excited about the lesson. When the teacher played a song which


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was related to the material, the students sang together and enjoyed it. Some of the

students sang while waving their hands. In addition, most of the students could

speak fluently. Even though, some students were still not confident when they

spoke in front of the class. Also, when the teacher asked question, most of the

students could answer in English. For example, the teacher asked, “Have you

finished in making the script?” then the students answered, “Not yet, Miss.” Based

on the observation checklist, the role play made all of the students to be active in

the learning activity. It was because the role play made all of the students performed

in front of the class. Ladousse (1995) states that role play gives a wide variety of

experience and students can practice their speaking skills in any situations through

a role play. Besides, when the teacher concluded the material by asking some

questions, most of the students could answer it in English.

d. Reflection

The researcher used field notes to make the reflection. The researcher asked

one of the researcher’s colleagues to be the observer. The observer noted teaching

learning activities in the class. The researcher started the class by greeting and

praying. The researcher did not check students’ attendance one by one. The

researcher only asked who did not come to the class today. In this cycle, the students

were excited when the researcher used the role play in the main activities. The class

condition also became noisy because they talked to each other when they made a

script for their role plays. Besides, some students still talked to their friends when

there were students performing the role play. However, the researcher tried to

handle it by asking them to be silent.


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In this cycle, the researcher also took the speaking score when the students

performed their role plays. The performance was considered as the second test. It

was proposed to analyze the students' improvements in learning to speak. The

second test result could be seen in Appendix R. Based on the result, there were 18

students who passed the minimal mastery level criterion (KKM). The researcher

calculated the mean score in every aspect of 18 students who passed the KKM. The

mean score of pronunciation was 4.05. It meant that there were several mistakes but

not interfering with meaning. The mean score of intonation was 4. There were

several mistakes but not interfering with meaning. The mean score of fluency was

4.05. It meant that there were a few pauses and stammers. Then, the mean score of

grammar accuracy was 2.94. There were several mistakes and interfering with


However, the researcher still was not satisfied, because there were 13

students got the scores less than 75. The mean score of each aspect of 13 students

who did not pass the KKM as follows: pronunciation was 3.84, intonation was 3.23,

fluency was 3.46, and grammar accuracy was 2.84. For the pronunciation, the

students were made some mispronunciations. For example, they pronounced the

word “usually” to /ˈjuːʒuli/ which had to be pronounced /ˈjuːʒuəli/. For the fluency,

the students were made a few pauses and stammers.

From the observation checklist, the field notes, and the test, the researcher

concluded that there were positive changes in cycle 2. The students were more

active in learning activity. Although the students still made a noise in the class, but

the researcher could handle it. The positive changes were also showed by the


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improvement of students speaking scores. The students got better scores in their

speaking skills. Even though there were some students' scores had not reached the

KKM yet, the score increased. Therefore, the researcher tried to conduct cycle 3.

3. Cycle 3

The researcher conducted the third cycle in one meeting on Thursday, April

6, 2017. It was conducted in the 8th grade A. There were 32 students in the class

which consisted of 9 boys and 23 girls. However, in the third meeting, two out of

32 students did not come to the class. One student was sick and another student

attended a competition outside the school. This cycle consisted of four stages: plan,

action, observation, and reflection.

a. Plan

In this cycle, the researcher tried to solve the problem which occurred in

cycle 2. The researcher had already known what topic had to be taught to the

students. The researcher and the teacher had already discussed it in cycle 2. The

topic was about “Activity that is happening now (present continuous tense).” The

researcher also taught the present continuous tense because it would be used in the

topic “activity that is happening now.”

b. Action

The action was conducted by the researcher on Thursday, April 06, 2017. It

was conducted from 10.40 a.m. until 12.00 p.m. In this stage, the researcher as the

teacher divided the learning activities into three parts as follows:


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Figure 4.3. Students’ Learning Activity in Cycle 3

In the set induction, the researcher started the class as usual. Firstly, the

researcher greeted the students, followed by praying. Secondly, the researcher tried

to recall the previous material. Then, the researcher showed a short video which

was related to the material. It aimed as the brainstorm for the students about the

new material which would be learned. After that, the researcher explained about the

topic which would be taught in this cycle.

The main activity in this cycle was also not really different with the previous

cycle. It was because the researcher wanted to be consistence so that the students

would be easy to follow the learning activity. The researcher started the main

activity by showing a video which was related to the topic “activity that is

happening now” (present continuous tense). Then, the students wrote the

Set Induction

• Greeting

• Recalling the previous material

• Showing a video

• Brainstorming

• Telling the topic that would be taught

Main Activity

• The teacher shows a video to the students

• The teacher discusses about the information in the video

• The teacher explains the material

• The teacher shows a conversation video

• The teacher asks the students to analyze the vocabulary and the grammar in the conversation

• The teacher asks the students to find the partner to do the role play

• The teacher gives the situation of the role play to each pair

• The teacher asks the students to make a script based on the situation

• The teacher asks the students to do their role plays

• The teacher assesses the students' performances

• The teacher gives feedback to the students

Set Closure

• Conclusion

• Reflection

• Closing


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information that they got from the video. The researcher and the students discussed

the information from the video then related it with the topic. Besides, the researcher

explained about the topic “activity that is happening now” and also present

continuous tense. Actually, present continuous tense was used in the topic “activity

that is happening now”, so the researcher had to teach the students about present

continuous tense. If there was no question from the students, the researcher

continued the lesson by showing a video again. Then, the students analyzed some

information such as vocabulary and grammar from the video.

The next activity was the implementation of a role play. The students found

their partners then made a script from the situation that researcher gave to each pair.

Then, the researcher gave time to the students to practice before they performed.

After the students were ready, the researcher asked them to do the role play in front

of the class. While the students performed their role plays, the researcher assessed

them and gave feedback and motivation towards their performances. However,

there were some students who talked to each other when other students were still

performing the role play. The researcher tried to handle it by asking them to be

silent and listen to their friends.

For the set closure, firstly, the researcher and the students concluded the

material that had been learned. Then, the researcher told that this was the last

meeting and said thank you for their cooperation during the three meetings.

Before the researcher left the class, the researcher asked the students to fill

the questionnaire. The researcher needed students’ helps to fill the questionnaire.

The researcher told that the questionnaire was related to the activity in speaking


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activities and their perception about a role play technique. Then, the researcher

distributed the questionnaire to the students. Before the students filled the

questionnaire, the researcher explained how to fill the questionnaire.

c. Observation

In the last cycle, the researcher also became the observer. The researcher

used the observation checklist to see the students’ improvements in the class during

the learning activities. The observation checklist result was presented below:

Table 4.4. Observation Checklist of Students’ Activity Cycle 3

No. Statements Scale

Comment 1 2 3 4

1. The students are ready to

follow the lesson.

√ Some of the students still

talk with their friends and

look busy.

2. The students respond to

the teacher’s greeting.

√ The teacher greets “Hello

students, good morning”

Then, the students answer

“Good morning, Miss.”

3. The students pay

attention to the teacher.

√ The students at the back talk

to each other.

4. The students follow the

teacher’s instruction.

√ The teacher asks them to

make a script, then they do it.

5. The students are active in

the learning activities.

√ The students dare to talk and

share their ideas.

6. The students ask

questions related to the


√ The students ask whether the

script made by using present

continuous tense or not.

7. The students are excited

about the lesson.

√ The students raise their

hands in order to be called to

perform their role plays.

8. The students can speak


√ The students show their

confident when their

performing the role play.


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No. Statements Scale

Comment 1 2 3 4

9. The students can answer

the teacher’s question in


√ For example:

T: “Have you finished

making the script

S: “Not yet, Miss.”

10. Role play technique

makes the students active

in the learning activity.

√ The students practice

speaking by performing the

role play in front of the class.

The observation checklist’s result in the last cycle was better than before.

However, in the beginning of the class, there were some students who were not

ready to follow the lesson. They still talked to their friends or looked busy looking

for something around them. Nevertheless, after the teacher greeted the students, all

of them responded and answered the teacher’s greeting. Then, all of the students

followed the teacher’s instruction. For example, when the teacher asked them to

watch a video, all of them just paid attention to the video. Besides, when the teacher

asked them to make a script, they did not do another task. When the students made

the script, they raised their hands if they had difficulties. All of the students asked

questions related to their tasks. For example, they asked whether they had to use

present continuous tense in all of the sentences.

Also, most of the students were active in the learning activity. It was because

they dared to talk and shared their ideas in making the script for their role plays.

When the teacher walked around, the teacher asked question to the students in

English, whether they had finished in making the script. Sometimes, the teacher

asked whether they had a problem or not. Fortunately, most of the students could

answer the teacher’s question in English.


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At the end of the class, most of the students still paid attention to the teacher

although a few students at the back talked to each other. The role play made all of

the students active in the learning activity, because all of them had to perform in

front of the class. They dared to show their speaking skills and acted like the script

which they had made before. Moreover, all of the students could speak fluently

because of their confidence when they performed their role plays. Then, all of the

students were excited about the lesson. The students raised their hands in order to

be called to perform their role plays in front of the class.

d. Reflection

The researcher also used field notes in this cycle. As it had been done in the

previous cycle, the researcher asked one of the researcher’s colleagues to be the

observer and noted the learning activities in the class. The observer stated that it

was good because the researcher did her teaching in the same order as the previous

cycle. The researcher could handle the students who made the noise. The researcher

asked them to listen their friends’ performances. In this cycle, the students were

excited to perform their role plays. The students raised their hands and said “we go

first, Miss. we go first, Miss.”

Moreover, the researcher took the students’ speaking scores to see the

students’ improvements. The score gained from their role play performances. The

result of the test was increased from the previous cycle (see Appendix S). There

were all of the students (30 students) who passed the KKM. The researcher

calculated the mean score in every aspect of 30 students who passed the KKM. The

mean score of pronunciation was 4.6. It meant that the students’ pronunciation was


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almost perfect. The mean score of intonation was 4.5. There were several mistakes

but not interfering with meaning. The mean score of fluency was 4.86. It was almost

perfect. Some students had no pause and stammer. The other students made a few

pauses and stammers. Then, the mean score of grammar accuracy was 3. There were

several mistakes and interfering with meaning. For example, the student said “I am

study” it had to be “I am studying” because in this cycle the teacher taught about

present continuous tense. In conclusion, the result of the test in this cycle was better

than the previous cycle.

On the other hand, the researcher distributed the questionnaire at the last

meeting in the last cycle. There are 32 students in the 8th grade A of SMP Negeri 1

Sleman. However, the researcher only distributed the questionnaire to 30 students.

Two of them were absent in that day. Based on the information that the researcher

got from other students, one student was sick and another student had permission

to attend competition in another school. The result of the questionnaires was

presented below:

Table 4.5. The Result of the Questionnaire

No. Statement

Response Percentage

Agree Dis-

agree Agree



1. Bahasa Inggris itu menarik.

(English is interesting.) 28 2 93.3 % 6.7%

2. Saya menyukai pelajaran Bahasa


(I love English lessons.)

26 4 86.7% 13.3%

3. Saya senang berbicara

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

(I love to speak in English.)

23 7 76.7% 23.3%


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No. Statement

Response Percentage

Agree Dis-

agree Agree




Saya tidak kesulitan dalam berbicara

Bahasa Inggris.

(I don’t have any difficulty in

speaking English.)

13 17 43.3% 56.7%


Saya tidak takut melakukan

kesalahan saat berbicara dalam

Bahasa Inggris.

(I am not afraid of making mistakes

while speaking in English.)

18 12 60% 40%


Penggunaan role play dalam

kegiatan speaking memotivasi saya

untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

(The use of role play in speaking

activities motivates me to speak in


27 3 90% 10%


Penggunaan role play untuk berlatih

speaking cukup menyenangkan.

(The use of role play to practice

speaking is fun.)

29 1 96.7% 3.3%


Melalui role play, saya merasa lebih

percaya diri ketika berbicara dalam

Bahasa Inggris.

(Through role play, I feel more

confident when speaking in English.)

28 2 93.3% 6.7%


Saya lebih nyaman berbicara Bahasa

Inggris melalui role play.

(I am more comfortable speaking in

English through role play.)

27 3 90% 10%


Saya bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris

didepan kelas dengan lancar.

(I can speak English in front of the

class fluently.)

20 10 66.7% 33.3%


Role play membantu saya dalam

memahami materi speaking.

(Role play helps me in understanding

the speaking materials.)

29 1 96.7% 3.3%


Saya lebih suka melakukan role play

ketika belajar speaking daripada

hanya membaca dialog dengan

teman sebangku.

(I prefer to do role play when

learning speaking rather than just

read dialogue with my friends.)

27 3 90% 10%


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No. Statement

Response Percentage

Agree Dis-

agree Agree




Saya merasa dengan adanya role

play, dapat membuat pelajaran

speaking lebih menarik dan


(With the role play, I feel that

speaking lessons become more

interesting and challenging.)

27 3 90% 10%


Role play memberikan kesempatan

bagi saya untuk berani berbicara

didepan kelas.

(Role play gives me the opportunity

to speak up in front of the class.)

30 0 100% 0%


Role play meningkatkan kreatifitas

berpikir saya.

(Role play increases my creative


29 1 96.7% 3.3%

Statements from number 1 until 5 showed about students’ perception on

English lesson. Based on the result of the questionnaires, 93.3% or 28 out of 30

students agreed that English was interesting. Besides, 86.7% or 26 out of 30

students loved English lesson and 76.7% or 23 out of 30 students loved to speak in

English. There were 13 out of 30 students who did not have any difficulty in

speaking English and 18 out of 30 students were not afraid of making mistakes

while speaking in English.

Statements number 6 until 15 showed about a role play technique which was

implemented in the classroom. The result showed that 27 out of 30 students agreed

that the use of a role play in speaking activities motivated them to speak in English.

Besides, almost all of the students which were 96.7% or 29 out of 30 students

thought that the role play was a fun speaking practice. There were 28 out of 30

students felt more confident when speaking in English through a role play technique


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that was implemented in the class. Moreover, there were 27 out of 30 students felt

more comfortable when speaking in English through a role play. However, only

66.7% or 20 out of 30 students could speak English in front of the class fluently.

Statement number 11 showed that 29 out of 30 students agreed that a role

play helped them in understanding the speaking materials. Besides, 90% or 27

students preferred to do a role play when learning speaking rather than just read a

dialogue with their friends. Moreover, 90% students also felt that speaking lessons

became more interesting and challenging through a role play which was

implemented in the class. For statement number 14, all of the students agreed that

a role play gave them the opportunity to speak up in front of the class. For the last

statement, 96.7% or 29 students agreed that the role play increased their creative


B. Discussion

In this part, the researcher discusses the research results in order to answer

the research questions. There are two research questions, they are (1) How is role

play used in speaking activities for the 8th grade A students of SMP Negeri 1

Sleman? (2) How does role play affect the students’ motivation in speaking

activities? This part is divided into two sections. The first section is the process of

role play used in speaking activities for the 8th grade A students of SMP Negeri 1

Sleman. The second section is the effects of students’ motivation in speaking



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1. The Process of Role Play Used in Speaking Activities for the 8th Grade A

Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman

The researcher implemented the role play technique in the 8th grade A

students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman to every cycle. The researcher used Classroom

Action Research (CAR) method in this research. In Classroom Action Research,

the researcher used Kemmis and McTaggart’s (1992) model which consisted of four

stages; the plan, the action, the observation, and the reflection.

The researcher implemented the role play in the action stage. Firstly, the

researcher explained what role play was and how to do it. The students performed

their role plays in pair. Secondly, the researcher explained the rules of the role play.

Then, the researcher distributed the situation to each pair. The students had to make

a script based on the situation that had been given to them. Actually, the researcher

gave different situations to each pair, so that the students’ performances would have

variation. When the students made the script, the researcher walked around to help

the students if they had problems related to the script for their role plays. After they

had finished, the researcher called them to perform their role plays in front of the

class. When the students performed, the researcher took the score of their

performances. The score was considered as the test.

The researcher also took some notes from the students’ performances. The

researcher noted some mistakes while the students performed their role plays.

However, the researcher only noted the students' mistakes in general. It is because

the researcher also took the students’ speaking scores when the students performed.

After that, the researcher discussed the notes as the feedback for the students’

performances. Actually, the researcher not only gave negative feedback to the


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students’ performances, but also positive feedback. According to Brophy (1981),

“… the positive feedback is much more effective than negative feedback in

changing pupil behavior” (as cited in Nunan, p. 195). The feedback aimed to correct

the students, so that on the next cycle they would be better to do the role play.

Brophy (1981) adds “positive feedback has two principle functions: to let students

know that they have performed correctly, and to increase motivation through


2. The Effects of Students’ Motivation in Speaking Activities

In this section, the researcher used the behavioral views of motivation theory

from Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece (2014) to know how the students’ motivation

progress in speaking activities toward the use of a role play technique in the learning

activities. According to Schunk, et al. (2014), there are five behavioral views of

motivation. They are interest in activities, work diligently, self-confidence,

persistence, and performance (p. 3). The researcher elaborated those five behavioral

views as follows:

a. Interest in Activities

The first behavioral view of motivation was interest in activities. Based on

the observation checklist, the students’ activeness in the learning activities in cycle

1 to cycle 3 was increased. In cycle 1, there were only 51-75% of the students who

were active in the learning activities. In this case, the students who were active

showed from their attitudes in the learning activities. For instance, some students

raised their hands to read the text. It meant that the students had interest in the

activities. In cycle 2, there were only 51-75% of the students who were active in the


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learning activities. Fortunately, when the researcher did the cycle 3, there were

significant changes. The students’ activenesses in the learning activities were 76-

100%. It showed that the students were more interested in the learning activities in

the classroom.

Besides, according to the results of the questionnaire, statement number 12

was related to the students’ interest in activities. The statement was “I prefer to do

a role play when learning speaking rather than just read a dialogue with my friends.”

There were 90% of students agreed with the statement. It meant that the students

were interested in the activity, especially the role play activity.

b. Work Diligently

The second behavioral view was work diligently. According to the

observation checklist, the number of students who were excited about the lesson in

cycle 1 until cycle 3 was increased. Unfortunately, there was no different in cycle

1 and cycle 2. The students who were excited about the lesson only 51-75%.

However, there was an increase in the third cycle. There were 76-100% of students

who worked diligently because they were excited with the activity.

c. Self-confidence

The third behavioral view was self-confidence. According to the

questionnaire, 93.3% of the students agreed that a role play made them feel more

confident when speaking in English. The data showed that the students had

confidence when they spoke through the role play.


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d. Persistence

The next behavioral was persistence. Based on the observation checklist,

there was an increase in statement 6 in every cycle. The statement was “the students

ask questions related to the material.” This statement was related to the fourth

behavioral view of motivation which was persistence. In cycle 1, there were only

26-50% of the students who were asked questions which was related to the material.

Many of students only asked about the meaning of words, because they did not

bring their dictionaries. Then, there was an increase in cycle 2, 51-75% of the

students asked questions related to the material. However, there were some of the

students still asked about the meaning of words. The result in the last cycle was

better than the previous cycles. There were 76-100% of the students who actively

asked about the material. For example, the students asked about the tense, whether

they had to use present continuous tense in all of the sentences.

Other data taken from the questionnaire showed a progress related to

students’ persistence. According to the result of the questionnaire, 90% of the

students agreed that the use of a role play in speaking activities motivated them to

speak in English. It meant that the students felt motivated to speak in English

through the role play.

e. Performance

The last behavioral view of motivation was performance. The performance

was the role play performance. The result of the students’ performances were

showed in the speaking test result. In the first cycle, there was one out of 31 students


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who passed the minimum score (KKM). It meant that the students’ achievements

were very low because almost all of the students could not pass the KKM.

There were some improvements in the cycle 2. There were 18 out of 31

students who passed the KKM. Even though, there were still 13 students who did

not pass the KKM. Therefore, the researcher also gave a test in the third cycle. In

this cycle, the speaking test result was satisfying because all of the students passed

the KKM.

Based on the speaking test result in cycle 1, cycle 2, and cycle 3, the students

showed some improvements in each cycle. From the test result, it showed the

increasing motivation would affect to the students’ speaking improvements.

Therefore, the improvement of students’ test result was served as the supporting

data that the use of role play increased students’ motivation in speaking activities.

In conclusion, the use of role play in speaking activities was successful.


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This chapter consists of two parts. They are the conclusions and the

recommendations. In the conclusions, the researcher explains about how role play

is used in speaking activities for the 8th grade A students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman

and how role play affects the students’ motivation in speaking activities. In the

recommendations, the researcher proposes recommendations to the English

teachers, the students, and the future researchers.

A. Conclusions

The researcher conducted this research to find out how role play was used

in speaking activities for the 8th grade A students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman and to

find out how role play affected the students’ motivation in speaking activities. The

researcher made a conclusion based on the data that had been discussed in the

previous chapter.

The first was how role play was used in speaking activities. The researcher

implemented the role play technique in the 8th grade A of SMP negeri 1 Sleman.

This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) by Kemmis and McTaggart

(1992). Kemmis and McTaggart’s model consists of four stages in each cycle. The

four stages are the plan, the action, the observation, and the reflection. The

researcher conducted three cycles for three meetings. For each cycle, the researcher

implemented the role play technique in speaking activities.


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The researcher implemented the role play technique in action stage. In this

stage, the researcher explained to the students about what role play was. The

students had to have role play performance in pairs. Then, the researcher also told

the rules and allowed students to ask if there were some unclear explanations from

the researcher. After that, the researcher distributed the situations to each pair. The

situation which was given to the students would be in different topics. Next, the

students made a script from the situation that they got. After that, the students

performed their role plays in front of the class. The researcher took the speaking

score using rubric and took some notes. The notes became feedback for the students.

After they got the feedback, the researcher expected that they could be better in

doing role play in the next cycle.

The implementation of role play in cycle 1 and cycle 2 were not satisfying.

The researcher still did not feel enough because some students still had not reached

the KKM in their scores. Besides, there were some crucial things which had to be

improved in the next cycle. Therefore, the researcher conducted the third cycle and

implemented a role play again. In the last cycle, the researcher felt satisfied because

the researcher could solve the problems. Moreover, the students’ performances

better than the previous cycle. The result of speaking score also showed that all of

the students passed the KKM.

Next, how role play affects the students’ motivation in speaking activities.

According to Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece (2014), there are five behavioral views

of motivation: interest in activities, work diligently, self-confidence, persistence,

and performance. The first behavioral view was interest in activities. According to


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the questionnaire statement number 12, there were 90% of the students agreed that

they preferred to do a role play in learning speaking rather than just read a dialogue

with their friends. It showed that the students were interested in the role play

activity. The second behavioral view was working diligently. Based on the

observation checklist, the number of students who were working diligently was

increased in each cycle. The third behavioral view was self-confidence. The

questionnaire showed that 93.3% of the students agreed that a role play made them

felt more confident in speaking English. The next behavioral view was persistence.

According to the result of the questionnaire, 90% of the students agreed that the use

of role play in speaking activities motivated them to speak in Engliah. It meant that

the students were motivated in learning to speak through a role play. The last

behavioral view was performance. The students performed their role plays in front

of the class while the researcher assessed their performances. Based on the

assessment results of the students’ performances, they showed some improvements

in each cycle.

The students’ improvements were not only seen from students’ speaking test

results, but also from their efforts and activeness during the lesson. Based on those

data, the researcher concluded that although the students were given different topics

in each cycle, they were had some improvements because the role play technique

made the students were motivated in learning to speak. Therefore, the effect of

using a role play in speaking activities was to increase students’ motivation in

learning to speak.


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B. Recommendations

This part provides recommendations for English teachers, students, and

future researchers.

1. For the English Teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman

It is suggested to the English teachers to use a role play technique in the

teaching and learning process especially in speaking activities. It is because the use

of role play can improve students’ motivation to speak in English. However, the

teachers should consider the time allocation. The teachers should manage the time

appropriately because it will take a lot of time to every pair perform in front of the


2. For the Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman

For the students, the researcher suggests to bring dictionaries in class, so that

they can open their dictionaries when they do not know the meaning of words.

Besides, the students should be more active to speak in English to increase their

speaking skills.

3. For the Future Researchers

For the future researchers who want to conduct similar topic for their

research, they can use this research to support their research. It also can be used as

the reference to investigate more about the use of role play technique in teaching

and learning process. Besides, the future researchers should pay attention to the

time allocation. It is because the students need more time to perform their role plays

in front of the class. Moreover, the future researchers can provide different

situations to each pair in order to make a variation in every performance.


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The researcher also gives recommendation for the future researchers to

provide the questionnaire not only at the end of the research, but also at the

beginning of the research. It aims to compare the students’ perception before and

after the implementation of role play technique. Besides, in order to facilitate the

future researchers may record the learning activities, then do the observation

checklist after the class. Moreover, the future researchers can interview the teacher

not only at the beginning of the research, but also after the implementation of a role

play technique as a means of validation. Furthermore, it should be better if the future

researchers add content accuracy in the assessment aspects of speaking skill. It aims

to know whether or not the students make a script in accordance with the situation

that had been given to them.


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Research Official Statement from SMP Negeri 1 Sleman


Page 83: THE USE OF ROLE PLAY IN SPEAKING ACTIVITIES FOR THE … · berkeliling untuk membantu siswa jika mereka memiliki kesulitan terkait naskah untuk role play mereka. Kemudian, peneliti



Observation Checklist on the Students’ Activities





Please give check (√) on the column 1,2,3, or 4 based on the students’ activity in

the class. Give comment if needed.

No. Statements Scale

Comment 1 2 3 4

1. The students are ready to

follow the lesson.

2. The students respond to

the teacher’s greeting.

3. The students pay attention

to the teacher.

4. The students follow the

teacher’s instruction.

5. The students are active in

the learning activities.

6. The students ask questions

related to the material.

7. The students are excited

about the lesson.

8. The students can speak


9. The students can answer

the teacher’s question in


10. Role play technique makes

the students active in the

learning activity.


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Observation Checklist Result Cycle 1

No. Statements Scale

Comment 1 2 3 4

1. The students are ready

to follow the lesson.

√ The students sit on their chair

when the teacher enters the class.

2. The students respond to

the teacher’s greeting.

√ The teacher says “Good

morning” and asks “How are

you?” Then, the students answer

“Good morning, Miss. I’m fine,

thank you.”

3. The students pay

attention to the teacher.

√ At the end of the class, there are

some students who talk to their


4. The students follow the

teacher’s instruction.

√ The students obey the teacher’s

instruction. For example: the

teacher asks the students to take

notes some information from the

video that they watch.

5. The students are active

in the learning


√ Most of the students want to read

the paragraph by raising their


6. The students ask

questions related to the


√ When they do their assignment,

they raise their hands and ask

some questions.

7. The students are excited

about the lesson.

√ The students did not feel sleepy

during learning activities.

8. The students can speak


√ The students can speak without


9. The students can answer

the teacher’s question in


√ Many of the students still answer

in Bahasa Indonesia. For

example: T: “What have you

learned today?”

S: “Tentang recount text, Miss.”

10. Role play technique

makes the students

active in the learning


√ The students can practice their

speaking skill and share their

ideas in making the script.


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Observation Checklist Result Cycle 2

No. Statements Scale

Comment 1 2 3 4

1. The students are ready

to follow the lesson.

√ The students sit silently on

their chair when the teacher


2. The students respond to

the teacher’s greeting.

√ The teacher greets “Hello,

good morning” Then, the

students answer “Good

morning, Miss.”

3. The students pay

attention to the teacher.

√ The students listen when the

teacher explains the material.

4. The students follow the

teacher’s instruction.

√ The teacher gives instruction

to do role play, the students

are excited and do the role


5. The students are active

in the learning


√ The students raise their hands

to ask questions.

6. The students ask

questions related to the


√ The students ask about the

material (what tense that

should be used)

7. The students are excited

about the lesson.

√ When the teacher plays a song

which is related to the

material, the students sing

together and enjoy it.

8. The students can speak


√ The students can speak

without stammering.

9. The students can answer

the teacher’s question in


√ For example:

T: “Have you finished in

making the script

S: “Not yet, Miss.”

10. Role play technique

makes the students

active in the learning


√ The students practice

speaking by performing the

role play in front of the class.


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Observation Checklist Result Cycle 3

No. Statements Scale

Comment 1 2 3 4

1. The students are ready to

follow the lesson.

√ Some of the students still

talk with their friends and

look busy.

2. The students respond to

the teacher’s greeting.

√ The teacher greets “Hello

students, good morning”

Then, the students answer

“Good morning, Miss.”

3. The students pay

attention to the teacher.

√ The students at the back talk

each other.

4. The students follow the

teacher’s instruction.

√ The teacher asks them to

make a script, then they do it.

5. The students are active in

the learning activities.

√ The students dare to talk and

share their ideas.

6. The students ask

questions related to the


√ The students ask whether the

script made by using present

continuous tense or not.

7. The students are excited

about the lesson.

√ The students raise their

hands in order to be called to

perform their role plays.

8. The students can speak


√ The students show their

confident when their

performing the role play.

9. The students can answer

the teacher’s question in


√ For example:

T: “Have you finished

making the script

S: “Not yet, Miss.”

10. Role play technique

makes the students active

in the learning activity.

√ The students practice

speaking by performing the

role play in front of the class.


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Nama saya Dian Faqih, saya adalah mahasiswi dari Program Studi

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta. Saya akan

mengadakan penelitian tentang “THE USE OF ROLE PLAY IN SPEAKING


untuk memenuhi tugas akhir skripsi. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, saya

meminta kesediaan anda untuk mengisi kuesioner ini dengan serius dan jujur. Jika

anda bersedia mengisi kuesioner ini, saya mohon untuk menanda tangani pada

tempat yang telah disediakan. Kerahasiaan jawaban anda akan saya jaga dan hanya

akan dipergunakan untuk keperluan penelitian.

Atas bantuan dan kerjasamanya saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Sleman, 6 April 2017





Isilah kuesioner berikut dengan tanda centang (√) pada kolom “setuju” (S)

atau “tidak setuju” (TS).

No Pernyataan Tanggapan


1. Bahasa Inggris itu menarik.

2. Saya menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

3. Saya senang berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

4. Saya tidak kesulitan dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

5. Saya tidak takut melakukan kesalahan saat berbicara dalam

Bahasa Inggris.


Page 88: THE USE OF ROLE PLAY IN SPEAKING ACTIVITIES FOR THE … · berkeliling untuk membantu siswa jika mereka memiliki kesulitan terkait naskah untuk role play mereka. Kemudian, peneliti


6. Penggunaan role play dalam kegiatan speaking memotivasi

saya untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

7. Penggunaan role play untuk berlatih speaking cukup


8. Melalui role play, saya merasa lebih percaya diri ketika

berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris.

9. Saya lebih nyaman berbicara Bahasa Inggris melalui role


10. Saya bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris didepan kelas dengan


11. Role play membantu saya dalam memahami materi


12. Saya lebih suka melakukan role play ketika belajar speaking

daripada hanya membaca dialog dengan teman sebangku.

13. Saya merasa dengan adanya role play, dapat membuat

pelajaran speaking lebih menarik dan menantang.

14. Role play memberikan kesempatan bagi saya untuk berani

berbicara didepan kelas.

15. Role play meningkatkan kreatifitas berpikir saya.


Page 89: THE USE OF ROLE PLAY IN SPEAKING ACTIVITIES FOR THE … · berkeliling untuk membantu siswa jika mereka memiliki kesulitan terkait naskah untuk role play mereka. Kemudian, peneliti



The blue Print of the Questionnaire

No Statement Theory

1. 1-5 Students’

perception on

English lesson.

Maloney (1981) defines “a perception is a thought

of, say, what expresses” (p. 63).

Healey (2007) states that perception as the process

of recognizing, organizing, and interpreting sensory

information (p. 73).

Dornyei (2001) defines “motivation is an abstract,

hypothetical concept that we use to explain why

people think and behave as they do” (p. 1).

2. 6-10 The use of

role play.

Purcell (1993) states “role play motivates students,

helps them lose their inhibitions, and serves as a

means to augment verbal skills, self-esteem,

leadership abilities, and cultural appreciation” (p.


Purcell (1993) defines “role play is an enjoyable

device that teachers can use to structure their

students’ learning” (p. 912).

According to Brown (2004), “speaking is a

productive skill that can be directly and empirically

observed, those observations are invariably colored

by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test-taker’s

listening skill, which necessarily compromises the

reliability and validity of an oral production test” (p.


3. 11-15 Students’

perception on role

play technique.

Maloney (1981) defines “a perception is a thought

of, say, what expresses” (p. 63).

Healey (2007) states that perception as the process

of recognizing, organizing, and interpreting sensory

information (p. 73).

Purcell (1993) states “role play is an enjoyable

device that teachers can use to structure their

students’ learning” (p. 912).

Purcell (1993) states “role play motivates students,

helps them lose their inhibitions, and serves as a

means to augment verbal skills, self-esteem,

leadership abilities, and cultural appreciation” (p.



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Sample of Questionnaire


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The Result of the Questionnaire

No. Statement

Response Percentage

Agree Dis-

agree Agree



1. Bahasa Inggris itu menarik.

(English is interesting.) 28 2 93.3 % 6.7%

2. Saya menyukai pelajaran Bahasa


(I love English lessons.)

26 4 86.7% 13.3%

3. Saya senang berbicara

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

(I love to speak in English.)

23 7 76.7% 23.3%


Saya tidak kesulitan dalam berbicara

Bahasa Inggris.

(I don’t have any difficulty in

speaking English.)

13 17 43.3% 56.7%


Saya tidak takut melakukan

kesalahan saat berbicara dalam

Bahasa Inggris.

(I am not afraid of making mistakes

while speaking in English.)

18 12 60% 40%


Penggunaan role play dalam

kegiatan speaking memotivasi saya

untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

(The use of role play in speaking

activities motivates me to speak in


27 3 90% 10%


Penggunaan role play untuk berlatih

speaking cukup menyenangkan.

(The use of role play to practice

speaking is fun.)

29 1 96.7% 3.3%


Melalui role play, saya merasa lebih

percaya diri ketika berbicara dalam

Bahasa Inggris.

(Through role play, I feel more

confident when speaking in English.)

28 2 93.3% 6.7%


Saya lebih nyaman berbicara Bahasa

Inggris melalui role play.

(I am more comfortable speaking in

English through role play.)

27 3 90% 10%


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Saya bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris

didepan kelas dengan lancar.

(I can speak English in front of the

class fluently.)

20 10 66.7% 33.3%

11. Role play membantu saya dalam

memahami materi speaking.

(Role play helps me in understanding

the speaking materials.)

29 1 96.7% 3.3%

12. Saya lebih suka melakukan role play

ketika belajar speaking daripada

hanya membaca dialog dengan

teman sebangku.

(I prefer to do role play when

learning speaking rather than just

read dialogue with my friends.)

27 3 90% 10%

13. Saya merasa dengan adanya role

play, dapat membuat pelajaran

speaking lebih menarik dan


(With the role play, I feel that

speaking lessons become more

interesting and challenging.)

27 3 90% 10%

14. Role play memberikan kesempatan

bagi saya untuk berani berbicara

didepan kelas.

(Role play gives me the opportunity

to speak up in front of the class.)

30 0 100% 0%

15. Role play meningkatkan kreatifitas

berpikir saya.

(Role play increases my creative


29 1 96.7% 3.3%


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Field Notes in Cycle 1


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Field Notes in Cycle 2


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Field Notes in Cycle 3


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Interview Guideline


1. Bagaimana situasi/keadaan kelas VIII A pada mata pelajaran Bahasa


2. Menurut anda, apakah peserta didik tertarik dengan pelajaran speaking di


3. Metode pembelajaran apa saja yang sering digunakan dikelas dalam

pembelajaran speaking?

4. Bagaimana kemampuan peserta didik dalam belajar bahasa inggris

(khususnya speaking)?

5. Apakah peserta didik sering mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar speaking?

(Sebutkan kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut!)

6. Metode apa yang digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut?

7. Apakah anda pernah menggunakan tekhnik role play dalam mengajar

speaking di kelas? Mengapa anda menggunakannya?


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Interview Transcript



R = Researcher

T = Teacher

Interview transcript with English teacher

R: Bagaimana situasi/keadaan kelas VIII A pada mata pelajaran Bahasa


T: Mmm… menurut saya, mereka minat sekali dengan pelajaran bahasa

inggris. Terbukti dari itu misalnya pada saat pelajaran bahasa inggris itu

anak itu antusias. Kadang kalo gurunya belum datang aja udah

di..(tertawa) udah dijemput misalnya kayak-kayak gitu.

R: Menurut anda, apakah peserta didik tertarik dengan pelajaran speaking di


T: tertarik, cuma mungkin karna anu ya kadang-kadang waktunya kurang to..

jadi eeee jadi kadang sok ada speaking tapi cuma sepintas karna memang

disitu udah termasuk di program itu lo di program semester itu kan sudah

ada terlibat disitu ada speaking, ada writing, ada reading jadi harus

gurunya yang harus pinter-pinter bagi, tapi pada dasarnya seneng.. tadi

Role Play tadi..

R: Iyaa..

R: Metode pembelajaran apa saja yang sering digunakan dikelas dalam

pembelajaran speaking?

T: Kalo speaking, kalo saya ya… itu tadi kalo dialog ya bentuknya seperti

tadi itu.. ada buat dialog kemudian dipresentasikan kedepan. Kemudian

kalo yang Recount kea rah ini ya mereka.. apa.. nulis dulu pengalaman

yang dia apanya… yang dia peroleh, kemudian tak suruh nyoba untuk

menghapalkan gitu terus nanti mempresentasikan didepan, menceritakan

pengalamannya sama… narrative jadi ke story telling. Karena untuk

persiapan nanti kalo kelas 9 biasanya ujian praktek saya kan gitu. Nah

kalo tiba-tiba sudah ada langsung praktek dikelas 9 dan udah mau ujian

praktek baru belajar kan kasian to anak-anaknya biasanya dikelas 8 tak

cobakan fable itu cerita binatang.. pendek-pendek to itu.

R: Bagaimana kemampuan peserta didik dalam belajar bahasa inggris

(khususnya speaking)?


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T: Kalo kemampuanya… anu ya bervariasi. Karena memang ada beberapa

anak memang termasuk lower ya tapi untuk anak yang higher ya memang

mereka cenderung apa memang cenderung berminat sekali.

R: Kira-kira berapa persen bu yang lower?

T: Mmmm ya… yang lower? Yang lower mungkin sekitar 20%.

R: Apakah peserta didik sering mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar speaking?

(Sebutkan kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut!)

T: Ya sering, biasanya kalo mereka sudah sampai ke ini apa namanya.. sudah

sampai ke tenses biasanya masih pada bingung to.. ya seperti tadi ada kata

“you is…”, kudunya “did you” gitu dia bilang “are you”.

R: Metode apa yang digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut?

T: Untuk saya, kalo saya yaa.. modelnya nelateni tu to, nelateni jadi apa saya

itu tadi saya suruh mencoba untuk mengungkapkan kata-kata yang

pengalaman yang sudah dia dapatkan, nanti kita koreksi ininya apa

namanya.. kita koreksi kata-kata kerja yang masih salah. Biasanya anak

juga merasa itu mana salahnya, oh iya ternyata mereka tau ya tapi

kadangkan.. itu tadi membedakan antara “I studied” dengan “I am study”

kan masih gitu to.. sering begitu. Ya apa.. ya memang harus apa harus kita

cermati waktu anak maju kedepan. Karna speaking to itu..

R: Apakah anda pernah menggunakan tekhnik role play dalam mengajar

speaking di kelas? Mengapa anda menggunakannya?

T: Aaaa.. kalo role play pernah karna ya itu tadi la paling apa.. metode paling

praktis menurut saya jadi waktunya pendek juga bisa dilakoni, kemudian

anaknya juga seneng karna tidak cuma duduk aja to, maju, mereka

bermain peran,… ada selingannya lah..

R: Berarti anak-anaknya butuh yang menarik gitu ya bu untuk speaking?

T: Iya iya.. biasanya begitu. Sesuatu yang baru tu dia mesti “apa tu itu…”


R: Baik bu sudah cukup, terima kasih atas waktunya.


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Individual Test Result in Cycle 1

No Name Pronuncia

tion Intonation Fluency


Accuracy Score

1 Student 1 4 3 3 3 65

2 Student 2 4 4 4 3 75

3 Student 3 3 3 3 2 55

4 Student 4 3 3 3 2 55

5 Student 5 4 4 3 3 70

6 Student 6 3 2 3 2 50

7 Student 7 4 3 2 3 60

8 Student 8 3 3 3 2 55

9 Student 9 3 2 3 2 50

10 Student 10 3 3 3 2 55

11 Student 11 4 3 3 3 65

12 Student 12 4 3 4 3 70

13 Student 13 - - - - -

14 Student 14 4 2 3 3 60

15 Student 15 4 3 3 3 65

16 Student 16 4 3 4 3 70

17 Student 17 4 3 3 3 65

18 Student 18 3 2 3 2 50

19 Student 19 4 4 3 3 70

20 Student 20 3 3 3 2 55

21 Student 21 4 4 3 3 70

22 Student 22 4 3 3 3 65

23 Student 23 3 3 3 2 55

24 Student 24 3 3 3 2 55

25 Student 25 3 3 3 2 55

26 Student 26 4 3 3 3 65

27 Student 27 4 4 3 3 70

28 Student 28 3 3 3 2 55

29 Student 29 3 2 3 2 50

30 Student 30 4 2 3 3 60

31 Student 31 3 3 3 2 55

32 Student 32 3 2 3 2 50

Total 1865


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Individual Test Result in Cycle 2

No Name Pronuncia

tion Intonation Fluency


Accuracy Score

1 Student 1 4 4 4 3 75

2 Student 2 5 4 3 3 75

3 Student 3 4 4 4 3 75

4 Student 4 4 3 3 2 60

5 Student 5 4 3 4 3 70

6 Student 6 4 4 4 3 75

7 Student 7 4 4 4 3 75

8 Student 8 3 4 3 3 65

9 Student 9 5 4 4 3 75

10 Student 10 4 3 3 2 60

11 Student 11 4 3 3 3 65

12 Student 12 4 4 4 3 75

13 Student 13 4 3 3 3 65

14 Student 14 4 3 4 3 70

15 Student 15 4 4 5 2 75

16 Student 16 4 4 4 3 75

17 Student 17 4 5 4 2 75

18 Student 18 4 3 4 3 70

19 Student 19 4 3 4 4 75

20 Student 20 4 3 4 3 70

21 Student 21 4 4 4 3 75

22 Student 22 3 4 5 3 75

23 Student 23 4 4 4 3 75

24 Student 24 4 4 4 3 75

25 Student 25 3 4 4 3 70

26 Student 26 4 4 4 3 75

27 Student 27 4 4 4 3 75

28 Student 28 4 4 4 3 75

29 Student 29 4 4 3 3 70

30 Student 30 4 3 4 3 70

31 Student 31 4 3 3 3 65

32 Student 32 - - - - -

Total 2220


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Individual Test Result in Cycle 3

No Name Pronuncia

tion Intonation Fluency


Accuracy Score

1 Student 1 4 5 4 3 80

2 Student 2 5 5 5 4 95

3 Student 3 5 5 5 3 90

4 Student 4 5 5 4 2 80

5 Student 5 5 4 5 3 85

6 Student 6 5 5 5 3 90

7 Student 7 4 5 5 3 85

8 Student 8 - - - - -

9 Student 9 5 4 5 4 90

10 Student 10 5 4 4 3 80

11 Student 11 5 4 5 3 85

12 Student 12 5 5 5 2 85

13 Student 13 - - - - -

14 Student 14 4 4 5 3 80

15 Student 15 4 4 5 3 80

16 Student 16 5 4 5 3 85

17 Student 17 4 5 4 3 80

18 Student 18 5 4 5 3 85

19 Student 19 4 4 5 4 85

20 Student 20 5 4 5 3 85

21 Student 21 4 4 5 3 80

22 Student 22 5 5 5 2 85

23 Student 23 5 5 5 3 90

24 Student 24 4 5 5 3 85

25 Student 25 4 5 5 3 85

26 Student 26 5 5 5 4 95

27 Student 27 4 4 5 3 80

28 Student 28 5 5 5 3 75

29 Student 29 5 4 5 2 80

30 Student 30 4 4 5 3 80

31 Student 31 5 4 5 3 85

32 Student 32 4 5 5 3 85

Total 2530


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Sample of Lesson Plan and Teaching Material



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 1 Sleman

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/II

Materi Pokok : Daily activity

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit (1 pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, displin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan

prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

KI Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1 1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan

dapat mempelajari bahasa

Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi

Internasional yang

diwujudkan dalam semangat


1.1.1 Mengagumi suara, dialek, dan

gensture temannya sebagai

kesempurnaan makhluk ciptaan



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2 2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku

santun dan peduli dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi

interpersonal dengan guru

dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur,

disiplin, percaya diri, dan

bertanggung jawab dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi

transaksional dengan guru

dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku

tanggung jawab, peduli,

kerja sama, dan cinta damai,

dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi fungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan dalam

bertutur kata baik terhadap guru

maupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya diri

saat melakukan percakapan

Bahasa Inggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung

jawab melakukan percakapan

Bahasa Inggris.

3 3.6 Menerapkan struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi sosial

menyatakan dan


tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi secara

rutin atau merupakan

kebenaran umum, sesuai

dengan konteks


3.6.1 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

menyatakan dan menanyakan

tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin

atau merupakan kebenaran


3.6.2 Mengidentifikasi unsur

kebahasaan teks menyatakan dan

menanyakan tindakan/kejadian

yang dilakukan/terjadi secara

rutin atau merupakan kebenaran


3.6.3 Menggunakan unsur kebahasaan

teks menyatakan dan

menanyakan tindakan/kejadian

yang dilakukan/terjadi secara

rutin atau merupakan kebenaran

umum sesuai konteks


3.6.4 Mengungkapkan struktur teks

menyatakan dan menanyakan

tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin

atau merupakan kebenaran



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4 4.7 Menyusun teks lisan dan

tulis untuk menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang

tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi secara

rutin atau merupakan

kebenaran umum, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan yang

benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.7.1 Membuat teks lisan tentang

menyatakan dan menanyakan

tentang tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin

atau merupakan kebenaran


4.7.2 Membuat teks tulis tentang

menyatakan dan menanyakan

tentang tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin

atau merupakan kebenaran


C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1.1.1 Peserta didik dapat mengagumi suara, dialek, dan gensture temannya

sebagai kesempurnaan makhluk ciptaan Tuhan.

2.1.1 Peserta didik mampu menunjukkan sikap sopan dalam bertutur kata baik

terhadap guru maupun teman.

2.2.1 Peserta didik mampu menunjukkan sikap percaya diri saat melakukan

percakapan Bahasa Inggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Peserta didik mampu menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawab melakukan

percakapan Bahasa Inggris.

3.6.1 Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi menyatakan dan menanyakan

tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan

kebenaran umum dengan benar.

3.6.2 Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks menyatakan

dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin

atau merupakan kebenaran umum dengan benar.

3.6.3 Peserta didik dapat menggunakan unsur kebahasaan teks menyatakan dan

menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau

merupakan kebenaran umum sesuai konteks penggunaannya dengan


3.6.4 Peserta didik dapat mengungkapkan struktur teks menyatakan dan

menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau

merupakan kebenaran umum dengan benar.

4.7.1 Peserta didik dapat membuat teks lisan tentang menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara

rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum dengan benar.

4.7.2 Peserta didik dapat membuat teks tulis tentang menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara

rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum dengan benar.


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D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Materi pokok

Teks lisan dan tulis menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian

yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum.

2. Fungsi sosial

Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

3. Unsur kebahasaan

Kosa kata:

Adverbs of Frequency always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom,

never, ever.

Time phrases before, after, then, next.

Tata bahasa:

Simple present tense S + V1

Ucapan, tekanan kata, dan intonasi.

4. Struktur teks

Menyebutkan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau

merupakan kebenaran umum.

5. Topik

Berbagai hal terkait dengan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi

secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum dari seseorang.

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Pendekatan: Scientific Approach

2. Model: Project Based Learning

3. Diskusi kelompok

4. Role play

F. Media Pembelajaran

1. Video

2. LCD & Projector

3. Speaker

4. Whiteboard

5. Laptop

G. Sumber Belajar




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H. Langkah Langkah Pembelajaran

No Kegiatan Waktu

1 Pendahuluan

1. Greeting

2. Guru menyiapkan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan

mengucapkan salam, berdoa, dan mengecek kehadiran

peserta didik.

3. Guru mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan yang terkait

dengan materi yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya.

4. Guru menampilkan sebuah video yang berhubungan

dengan materi yang akan dipelajari.

5. Guru mengajukan berbagai pertanyaan (brainstorming)

terkait dengan materi yang akan dipelajari:

- What do you usually do at night?

- What do you usually do after school?

6. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai.

5 menit

2 Inti


1. Peserta didik menonton video yang berkaitan

dengan daily activity.

2. Peserta didik menulis beberapa informasi tentang

daily activity yang terdapat dalam video.


1. Peserta didik menemukan informasi yang terdapat

dalam video.

2. Guru dan peserta didik membahas informasi yang

terdapat dalam video tersebut.

3. Guru menjelaskan tentang teks daily activity serta

tata bahasa yang digunakan dalam teks daily

activity kepada peserta didik.

4. Guru memberi kesempatan kepada peserta didik

untuk bertanya.

Mengumpulkan informasi

1. Guru menampilkan sebuah contoh teks daily

activity didepan kelas menggunakan proyektor.

2. Peserta didik menganalisis kosa kata serta tata

bahasa dari teks daily activity yang telah diberikan.


1. Guru meminta peserta didik untuk mencari


2. Guru memberikan situasi role play kepada setiap


5 menit

10 menit

5 menit

15 menit


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3. Guru meminta peserta didik untuk membuat dialog

berdasarkan situasi yang telah disediakan.

4. Peserta didik berlatih role play.


1. Peserta didik diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan

Role Play di depan kelas secara berpasangan

berdasarkan situasi yang telah diberikan oleh guru.

2. Guru menilai penampilan peserta didik

menggunakan rubrik penilaian.

3. Guru memberikan general feedback dan motivasi

terhadap penampilan peserta didik.

35 menit

3 Penutup

1. Guru dan peserta didik menyimpulkan materi yang

telah dipelajari hari ini.

2. Guru dan peserta didik melakukan refleksi


3. Guru memberikan kegiatan tindak lanjut berupa


4. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran yang akan

disampaikan pada pertemuan berikutnya.

5. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan salam dan doa.

5 menit

I. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

Rubrik Penilaian Unjuk Kerja




Tidak jelas


Beberapa kegiatan

jelas dan rinci

Semua jelas dan


Role Play Membaca

naskah, kosa

kata terbatas,

dan tidak lancar

Lancar dan kosa

kata dan kalimat

berkembang, serta

ada transisi

Lancar mencapai

fungsi sosial,

struktur lengkap

dan unsur







kata, kalimat,

dan struktur

tidak sesuai

Fungsi social

tercapai, struktur

dan unsur

kebahasaan tepat

Fungsi social

tercapai, struktur

dan unsur


tepat serta ada




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Penilaian Aspek Sikap

No Aspek yang


Kriteria Score

1 Santun (respect) Sangat sering menunjukkan sikap


Sering menunjukkan sikap santun

Beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap


Pernah menunjukkan sikap santun

Tidak pernah menunjukkan sikap







2 Peduli (care) Sangat sering menunjukkan sikap


Sering menunjukkan sikap santun


Beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap


Pernah menunjukkan sikap peduli

Tidak pernah menunjukkan sikap







3 Jujur (honest) Sangat sering menunjukkan sikap


Sering menunjukkan sikap santun


Beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap


Pernah menunjukkan sikap jujur

Tidak pernah menunjukkan sikap







4 Displin

(discipline) Sangat sering menunjukkan sikap


Sering menunjukkan sikap santun


Beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap


Pernah menunjukkan sikap displin

Tidak pernah menunjukkan sikap








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5 Percaya Diri

(confidence) Sangat sering menunjukkan sikap

percaya diri

Sering menunjukkan sikap santun

percaya diri

Beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap

percaya diri

Pernah menunjukkan sikap percaya


Tidak pernah menunjukkan sikap

percaya diri






6 Bertanggung



Sangat sering menunjukkan sikap

bertanggung jawab

Sering menunjukkan sikap santun

bertanggung jawab

Beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap

bertanggung jawab

Pernah menunjukkan sikap

bertanggung jawab

Tidak pernah menunjukkan sikap

bertanggung jawab






7 Kerja Sama

(team work) Sangat sering menunjukkan sikap

kerja sama

Sering menunjukkan sikap santun

kerja sama

Beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap

kerja sama

Pernah menunjukkan sikap kerja


Tidak pernah menunjukkan sikap

kerja sama






8 Cinta Damai

(peace) Sangat sering menunjukkan sikap

cinta damai

Sering menunjukkan sikap santun

cinta damai

Beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap

cinta damai

Pernah menunjukkan sikap cinta


Tidak pernah menunjukkan sikap

cinta damai







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9 Berkomunikasi



Sangat sering menunjukkan sikap

berkomunikasi baik

Sering menunjukkan sikap santun

berkomunikasi baik

Beberapa kali menunjukkan sikap

berkomunikasi baik

Pernah menunjukkan sikap

berkomunikasi baik

Tidak pernah menunjukkan sikap

berkomunikasi baik






Penilaian Aspek Keterampilan Berbicara

No Aspek yang

Dinilai Kriteria Score

1 Pengucapan

(pronunciation) Hampir sempurna

Ada beberapa kesalahan namun tidak

mengganggu makna

Ada beberapa kesalahan dan mengganggu


Banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu makna

Terlalu banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu







2 Intonasi

(intonation) Hampir sempurna

Ada beberapa kesalahan namun tidak

mengganggu makna

Ada beberapa kesalahan dan mengganggu


Banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu makna

Terlalu banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu







3 Kelancaran

(fluency) Sangat lancar


Cukup lancar

Kurang lancar

Tidak lancar






4 Ketelitian

(accuracy) Sangat teliti


Cukup teliti

Kurang teliti

Tidak teliti







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J. Lampiran

Role Play Situations

1. Your friend asks “what do you usually eat for dinner?” You answer that your

mother always make your favorite food for dinner. Then, you answer and

ask the same question to your friend.

2. Your friend asks “what do you usually do after school?” Then, you tell to

your friend and you ask him/her “how about you? What do you usually do

after school?”

3. You meet your old friend on the road when you're on the way to the office.

Your old friend asks “where do you work?” and “when do you (usually) start

work?” Then, you answer and ask the same question to your old friend.

4. Your teacher asks “where do you live?” and “how do you go to school?” Then

you answer it.

5. Your friend asks “what do you usually do on Sunday morning?” Then, you

answer and ask the same question to your friend.

6. Your uncle said “you look fat” then he asks “have you ever exercise during

the holidays?”

7. Your friend asks “what do you usually do after you had dinner?” Then, you

answer and ask the same question to your friend.

8. Your friend asks “what do you usually do on long holiday?” Then, you answer

and ask the same question to your friend.

9. Your friend asks “what do you usually eat for dinner?” You answer that your

mother always make your favorite food for dinner. Then, you answer and

ask the same question to your friend.


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Sleman, 23 Maret 2017


Guru Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Penelitian

Adianawati, S.Pd. Dian Faqih

NIP. 19610424 198112 2 003 NIM. 131214075

10. Your friend asks “what do you usually do after school?” Then, you tell to

your friend and you ask him/her “how about you? What do you usually do

after school?”

10. d a friend one of your books. She returns it with dirty cover. The

cover is dirty because you spilled tea to the book.

11. You meet your old friend on the road when you're on the way to the office.

Your old friend asks “where do you work?” and “when do you (usually) start

work?” Then, you answer and ask the same question to your old friend.

12. Your teacher asks “where do you live?” and “how do you go to school?” Then

you answer it.

13. Your friend asks “what do you usually do on Sunday morning?” Then, you

answer and ask the same question to your friend.

14. Your uncle said “you look fat” then he asks “have you ever exercise during

the holidays?”

15. Your friend asks “what do you usually do after you had dinner?” Then, you

answer and ask the same question to your friend.

16. Your friend asks “what do you usually do on long holiday?” Then, you answer

and ask the same question to your friend.


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Photos of Cycle 1


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Photos of Cycle 2


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Photos of Cycle 3


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