
Walk to Emmaus—The Upper Room—

Women’s Walk—No. 184

March 8– March 11, 2018 “Hope is the Anchor of our Soul”

Beatriz Macias-Quiroz—Lay Director

Allie Smith—Assistant

Easton Presbyterian Church, Easton



First Presbyterian Church, Hanford

Nov. 1 - Nov. 4, 2018 Men’s Walk

Keith Edwards, Lay Director

Team Meetings: Sept. 8, Oct. 13

Nov. 7 - Nov. 11, 2018 Women’s Walk

Karen McClain, Lay Director

Team Meetings: Sept. 8, Oct. 13


CCWTE Spring 2018 Newsletter Page 1

CANDLELIGHT ...................... Saturday, 7:45 p.m.

MANANITAS ............................. Sunday, 5:15 a.m.

CLOSING .................................. Sunday, 2:45 p.m.

Men’s Walk—No. 183

March 1- March 4, 2018 “Worship His Majesty!”

Frank Betry—Lay Director

Steve McCracken—Assistant

Day of Prayer, Praise,

Fellowship & Communion In lieu of a Summer Walk this year, the Board is planning a

wonderful day when we can come together as a Community

and respond to God’s Grace with our prayers, praise and

fellowship as the Body of Christ. Communion will be

celebrated at the end of the day.

The date is July 14, 2018, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at a location

yet to be determined. Please mark your calendars and make

plans to attend. Despite the fact that there is no Walk, we

can still have the joyful experience of coming together in

thanksgiving for everything He has done and is going to

do within our Community.


The Apostle’s teaching: the Word

Fellowship: One to another

Breaking bread, prayer & praise: Worship

The Lord added to their number: Evangelism

President’s Message

by Sheryl McCarty

CCWTE 2018 President

CCWTE Spring 2018 Newsletter Page 2

Dear Emmaus Brothers and Sisters:

Happy 2018! As the new president of our wonderful CCWTE Community, I want to

thank each of you for serving in a variety of capacities over the 30 years of ministry

and the 182 Walks!

It is recorded in Acts 2:42-47, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching

and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with

awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were

together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give

to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple

courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the

favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

As we add to our numbers with another Walk in just a few weeks, let us be that community of believers that was

described after the Holy Spirit made a bold, grand entrance and lives were forever changed! Did your Walk forever

change you? Do you remember being the Pilgrim? By Sunday you had several new friends and had truly experienced

God’s love in a new tangible way! You had a better idea of what God’s word meant with the fellowship of believers.

You were excited about your Fourth Days. Let’s truly live our Fourth Days as a Community. I’ve heard it said

numerous times, “that even though I don’t see my Emmaus friends often, they are my best friends.” God has bound our

hearts together. Let’s support one another.

One of the things that sets our Walks apart from other retreats is our 72 hours of intentional prayer coverage. Let’s start

our praying right now! Let’s be faithful in praying for one another, praying for the Pilgrims, praying for the teams and

their families! Hebrews 10:19-25 records, “Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most

Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and

since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full

assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies

washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us

consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in

the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Brothers and Sisters, I encourage you to

draw near to God. He loves you and has

a plan for you! May He fill you to

overflowing with peace, joy and love in

the weeks to come.

Hope to see you at the Candlelight and

Closing, if you can’t work the whole


De Colores, Sheryl McCarty

Sheryl McCarty

CCWTE Spring 2018 Newsletter Page 3

Welcome New Pilgrims to the

Emmaus Community! CCWTE extends a very warm welcome to all those who just completed their Walk this past summer. We pray that you

will become involved in this blessed ministry — through serving on teams, sponsoring pilgrims, praying, and

attending services associated with the Walks (Candlelight, Mananitas, and Closing). Before sponsoring your first

pilgrim, it is important that you become fully aware of all that is involved in sponsorship. Sponsorship information is

presented at the Gatherings and/or it can be found on-line at You can find an application to serve on

a team at the same site also. Just be sure and get your application in as early as possible. As a new pilgrim, you will

be serving on either the agape or kitchen team if you desire a live-in position. Serving on either the love team or

candlelight team is also an option and does not require you to live on-site the entire weekend. Again, welcome! If you

have any question, you may contact any of the board members listed on page 4.

Brandon Arias

David & Davena Clemente

Carol Fina

Denivie Garivay

Frank & Hiroko Guido

Brandon & Lindy Hakker

Mondo Jauregui

Jerry & Francine Lettmann

Mark Lewis

Kimmer Quintana

Samuel & Erica Quiroz

Mhyrianna Root

Maria Samuelson

Michael Serna

Angel & Lisa Torres

Amanda Valle

Kevin & Danell Wright

2018 CCWTE Calendar

13 6:30 p.m.

Potluck Gathering

Westminster Pres.,


Sponsorship Talk,

LD Reports,


14 2:30 p.m.

Board Meeting 1st Baptist, Fresno


11 6:30 p.m.

Potluck Gathering

Speaker and


No May Board Meeting


8 6:30 p.m.

Potluck Gathering

Speaker and


9 2:30 p.m.

Board Meeting

1st Baptist, Fresno

1-4 Men’s Spring Walk Easton Pres., Easton

8-11 Women’s Spring

Walk Easton Pres., Easton


We hope you will come to CCWTE events often so we can get

to know you. As wonderful as your Walk most certainly was, working on a team is

just as much a blessing!

CANDLELIGHT Saturday, 7:45 p.m.


Sunday, 5:15 a.m.

CLOSING Sunday, 2:45 p.m.

CCWTE Spring 2018 Newsletter Page 4

2018 CCWTE Board of Directors President ................................................ Sheryl McCarty

Past President ............................................. Scott Norvell

Vice President ............................................... Greg Swan

Secretary ......................................................... Char Cole

Treasurer .................................... Valerie Rae Hanneman

Women’s Team Selection ......................... Shawna Short

Men’s Team Selection ................................ Joe Barcelos

Pre-Walk ...................................................Jackie Collins

Board Spiritual Advisor ....................... Eric Von Raeder

Fourth Day Coord. ....... Norm Baird, Brian MacDougall

Rhonda Morris and Nancy Jones

Newsletter Editor ......................................Andrea Sweet

Music Coordinator .......................................... Jean Reed

Supplies ....................................... Robert & Gloria Jones

Vince & Linda Bertoni

National Agape ............................................ Ilene Luna

Ex-Officio Members

Database/Historian ........................................ Greg Swan

Webmaster ................................................ Robin Button

Kitchen Coordinator............................ Dwayne McFann

Sound Tech Coordinator ........................................ Open

Candlelight Coordinators .............. Jim & Peggy Bennett

Team Trainer ........................................ Cynthia McFann

Schedule Creators ................................ Jeff Jones (Men)

Pamela Martin (Women)

GOD THE FATHER who is the Creator of the universe and the

Source and Sustainer of life.

JESUS, the only Son of God, who came down to earth in the form of man, and being fully God and fully man died on

the cross and rose from the grave to redeem us.

THE HOLY SPIRIT who is the Comforter, Giver of power and direction, inspiration and spiritual gifts, and is present

in the hearts and lives of believers.

We believe the Bible is the Word of God. It was written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it is infallible

in everything it teaches, and it is still inspired by the Holy Spirit every time a believer reads it.

We believe that God ordained the union of marriage to be exclusively between one man and one woman and anything

else is going against His word. (Mark 10:6-9)

We believe that all people are sinners and forgiveness of sins was purchased by the blood of Jesus. Salvation is only

available by the Grace of God through our faith in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and acceptance of Him as our per-

sonal Savior.

We believe that membership in the body of Christ comes through a personal relationship with Jesus, not registration on

a local Church role. We believe the Holy Sacraments of Baptism and Communion were instituted by Christ and given to

the Church as a means of remembrance and participation in His life, death, and resurrection, and He is present in the

observance of them.

We believe that our life in Christ is meant to be lived in this community with other believers. We believe that the

hands and feet of Christ are the local Church and that all members of the body are to be ministers to each other, their

community, and their world according to the gifts given to them by the Holy Spirit.

STATEMENT of FAITH The following Statement of Faith for CCWTE was recently adopted by

the Board of Directors:

CCWTE Spring 2018 Newsletter Page 5

SPEAKERS Michael Lewison ................................................... Priority

Jim Heinrichs .......................... Priesthood of all Believers

Randy Larson ................................................ Life in Piety

Manny Alvarez .................................. Grow through Study

Mando Maldonado .................................. Christian Action

Norm Baird .................................................... Discipleship

Ron Rocha ........................................ Changing our World

Jeff Jones .................................................... Body of Christ

Frank Betry ................................................... Perseverance

Steve McCracken ............................................ Fourth Day


Jose Quiroz

CHA CHAS Chris Maimone, Boss Michael Lewison

Brook Gale Dwayne McFann

Brian Larson

SONG TEAM Mark Smith, Boss

Kevin McCarty

Greg Swan

Bill Tucker Keith Kizziar, Sound Tech

CLERGY TEAM Steve Walker, Spiritual Director

Wayna Pritchett Angel Torres

Eric Von Raeder

CANDLELIGHT Lisa Betry, Boss

LOVE TEAM Scott Norvell, Boss

AGAPE TEAM Jerry Corbitt, Boss Joe Barcelos, Assistant

Todd Bates Robert Jones

Tim Bertalotto Jerry Lettmann

Vince Bertoni Brian MacDougall

Cassel Dung Paul Williams

Landes Dung Steve Wortman

Robby Fleener Kevin Wright

KITCHEN TEAM Jeremy Waterman, Boss Shawn Kirkley, Assistant

Chris Craven Mike Miller

Bob Engellenner Francisco Rivas

Robert Gonzales Mike Schwamb

Frank Guido Danny Schwandt

Tom Hayes Derek Stephens

Chuck Kinney George Welch

Ken Mayer Richard Wieland

Men’s Walk to Emmaus—Spring 2018

March 1-4, 2018

Easton Presbyterian Church

Easton Lay Director: Frank Betry

Assistant Lay Director: Steve McCracken


Lorenzo Anzoleaga ........................................ Alena Anzoleaga

Ned Brink ........ Richard/Laurie Wieland, Frank/Hiroko Guido

Dave DuPertuis .............................................. Larry & Jill Park

Roy Greenwood ......................................... Sam & Jen Mendez

Brian Hobbs ........................................... Randy & Zona Larsen

Jim Jensen ............................................... Mark & Gloria Smith

Alex Kelly ......................................................... Becky Paredes

JT Lettmann ...................................................... Jerry Lettmann

Tim LeVasser ...................................................... Ron Dimoree

Taylor Lewis ..................................................... Laura Andrews

Demetrius Serna .................................................... Laura Serna

Rudy Vasquez .......................................................... Carol Fina

Scott Wilder ....................................................... Robby Fleener

Pilgrim Sponsor(s)


I Chronicles 29:11

SPEAKERS Kathy Schwamb .................................................... Priority

Judy Williams.......................... Priesthood of all Believers

Gloria Jones ................................................... Life in Piety

Willo Harris ....................................... Grow through Study

Tracy Swan.............................................. Christian Action

Linda Stephens .............................................. Discipleship

Sarah Horst ....................................... Changing our World

Cynthia McFann ......................................... Body of Christ

Beatriz Quiroz .............................................. Perseverance

Alli Smith ........................................................ Fourth Day

SILENT TABLE LEADERS Valerie Craig-Park Gloria Smith

Karen McClain

CHA CHAS Lydia Arre, Boss Mary Robert

Patty Decker Rosa Maldonado

Linda Bertoni

SONG TEAM Nancy Wuth, Boss Kathy Schwamb

Kim Barcelos Tammy Kizziar, Sound Tech

Heidi Berg Brettney Montgomery, Sound

Catherine Dimick Tech Assistant

Kristy Freed

CLERGY TEAM Randy Daniel, Spiritual Director

Julie Chaney

Marci Bertalotto

CANDLELIGHT Jose Quiroz, Boss

LOVE TEAM Norm Baird, Boss

KITCHEN TEAM Candace Phillips, Boss Cathy Rodriguez, Assistant

G’ Brown Rhonda Morris

Carol Fina Pamela Porter

Claire Goosey Wayna Pritchett

Susan Hernandez Jean Reed

Rebekah Kossmann Shawna Short

Francine Lettmann Lorrie Welch

Alexis Maldonado Laurie Wieland

Ruthann Miller

AGAPE TEAM Mary Kinney, Boss Sheryl McCarty, Assistant

Whitney Allen Katie Kirkley

Elena Anzoleaga Sheila Maimone

Marla Berry Darla Mason

Amanda Clemente Jenn Ribb

Davena Clemente Maria Samuelson

Jill Craig-Park Danell Wright

Sue Ferre Char Cole

Hiroko Guido Renee Hart


Hebrews 6:19

CCWTE Spring 2018 Newsletter Page 6

Women’s Walk to Emmaus—Spring 2018

March 8-11, 2018

Easton Presbyterian Church

Easton Lay Director: Beatriz Macias-Quiroz

Assistant Lay Director: Allie Smith

Pilgrim Sponsor(s)

Jenny Akina .............................................. Joe & Kim Barcelos

Nora Andrade ................................Mike & Cheryl McCutchan

Gayle Babb ......................................... George & Lorrie Welch

Heather Bowlin ...................................... Randy & Zona Larsen

Margie Brink ... Richard/Laurie Wieland, Frank/Hiroko Guido

Bobbi DuPertuis ............................................ Larry & Jill Park

Denise French ............................................. Elias & Lydia Arre

Naomi Greenwood .................................. Sam & Jenn Mendez

Tina Hobbs ............................................ Randy & Zona Larsen

Cathie Jensen .......................................... Mark & Gloria Smith

Amy Rotella ............................................ Jerry & Janet Corbitt

Mabel Sheklian ............................... Michael & Kellie Lewison

Veronica Torres ............................................ Maria Samuelson

Misty Vasquez ..........................................................Carol Fina


CCWTE Spring 2018 Newsletter Page 7


Westminster Presbyterian Church - 50 E. Santa Ana (south of Shaw, between Fruit & Palm). For information contact:

Norm Baird ([email protected]) or Brian MacDougall ([email protected]).


Visalia United Methodist Church, 5200 W. Caldwell Ave., Visalia. For information contact: Bill and Jan Norton

(559-289-0511) or Mike and Willo Harris (559-289-9145, [email protected]).


For information contact: Gloria Smith, Mountain Area rep, (559-760-3046).


For information contact: Wayna Pritchett (209-480-9439, [email protected]) or Shiloh Mininger (209-201-3231).


For information contact: David or Catherine Dimick ([email protected]).

PORTERVILLE Westfield Christian Church, 1222 N. Prospect, Porterville. For information contact: Keith or Tammy Kizziar

(559-782-0606, [email protected]).


January through December

Jan-Dec 2017 Jan-Dec 2016 $ Change

Ordinary Income/Expense

Gross Profit $22,540.00 $36,594.50 $-14,054.50

Total Expense $32,556.79 $30,565.45 $ 1,991.34

Net Ordinary Income $-10,016.79 $ 5,662.13 $-15,678.92

from Valerie Rae Hanneman, CCWTE Board Treasurer

Ordinary Income/Expense

Gross Profit $6,545.00

Total Expense $6,932.20

Net Ordinary Income ($ 387.20)

BOARD POSITION OPEN The position of Sound Tech Coordinator on the Board of Directors is open. If you are interested in learning more about what this

position entails, please contact Sheryl McCarty ([email protected] or 559-583-1387).

Team & Sponsorship Fees Reminder As of January 1, 2018, team fees were increased from $50 per Walk to $75 per Walk. Likewise, the sponsorship fees were

increased from $30 per pilgrim to $50. These increases come at a time when costs have increased and our income, to meet those

increases, has decreased. Please note that the Board is working hard to cut expenditures. One area in which we have already seen

improvement and savings is in the area of food costs which came about by changing our vendor.

Please remember that team fees may be paid in installments. Please talk privately with your lay director, clergy, or board president

if you have difficulty meeting this team requirement.

Our system for electronically submitting work requests is, unfortunately, not 100% foolproof. There are times when work requests have been submitted, but the team selection coordinator did not receive them. The individual is then left wondering why he or she was not called to be on a team. SO TO ALLEVIATE THIS ISSUE, PLEASE GO ONE STEP FURTHER: Either right before or right after you submit a work request, please text or call the Team Selection Coordinator and tell them you have sent in a request (or are going to). It is extremely frustrating for Joe and Shawna, when they haven’t received the work request and a worker insists that they sent it. When you submit an on-line work request and receive the computer-generated confirmation, IT DOES NOT MEAN YOUR WORK REQUEST HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE TEAM SELECTION COORDINATOR. Your true confirmation will be sent to you within three to five days and will come directly from either Joe Barcelos (men) or Shawna Short (women). You may call or text Joe Barcelos at: 559-313-5821; and Shawna Short at: 559-351-1426. Both Joe and Shawna are conscientious about their job and are doing everything possible to see that all work requests reach the lay directors. Please do your part by “going one step further” when you submit a request.

Submitting On-Line Work Requests: Go One

Step Further to Insure Your Request Makes it to

the Team Selection Coordinator!

CCWTE Spring 2018 Newsletter Page 8


APPLICATIONS? Question: Why is my pilgrim application due by the second work day?

Answer: There are several very good reasons why a completed pilgrim application together with the application

fee are due by the second work day.

First of all the Pre-Walk Coordinator must have adequate time to process and approve the application. If the

application is incomplete or she has questions regarding the eligibility of a pilgrim, she needs time to make

contact with the sponsor.

Secondly, all of the materials that are prepared for each individual pilgrim are assembled at the work night. This

falls on the Friday night before the last Saturday work day. These materials include name badges, folders. 4th

Day packets, and labels on Agape bags. Lists of pilgrims and table assignments are also compiled. When a

pilgrim is added at the last minute, it requires a lot of scrambling and difficulty for multiple teams and people.

Thirdly, and probably the most important reason, a sponsor needs adequate time to collect Agape. Letters or

emails requesting Agape from a pilgrim’s friends and family, should go out at least a month ahead to assure

there is adequate turn-around time. The Community receives notification of pilgrim names when they are listed

in the newsletter which goes out a month ahead of each Walk. Not only is Agape from the Community involved

here, but also prayer for each of the pilgrims. The President announces at each closing, that the Community has

had a list of names and has been praying for the pilgrims for some time. We, as a Community, stress the

importance of good sponsorship and part of that responsibility is allowing the Walk teams and Community

adequate time to make all the preparations needed for your pilgrim’s Walk.




The following are suggested guidelines for how you should progress through the various positions on

an Emmaus team. First of all, submitting a work request EARLY is very important. But remember,

even if you are qualified for a certain position and sent in your work request early, a spot on any team

is not guaranteed. Each team position is prayerfully considered.

These guidelines are printed in each newsletter as a reminder for those who may have forgotten or

those new to the Community.

This makes you qualified to serve as a

silent table leader in the Talk Room or

as sound tech. The position of sound

tech requires special training and

those individuals are considered

members of the song team while on a

Walk. This position is also considered

equal with that of silent table leader

and thus qualifies the sound tech

to be available to serve as a speaker or

cha cha.

This makes you qualified to be a

designated table leader/speaker or a

cha cha. Table leader assignments

are made with care and are given to

those who have proven the ability to

lead a group, understand Emmaus,

listen, empathize, guide discussion,

and foster the development of the

table family.

One of the blessings of

Emmaus is that everyone

is on the same level. Yes,

you may serve as LD, but

then you go back to

working on teams —

and no team position is

any greater or less than


4 This makes you qualified to serve as a

core team boss for a live-in

action team or for the love team.

It is very, very important that prior

to being selected to serve as a boss, you

have had enough experience working

in the background to ensure that you

understand the entire scope of the job.

5 To be an assistant lay

director you should have

progressed through steps one

through three and have given at

least one talk.

6 To be qualified as a lay

director candidate, you must have

progressed through steps one

through four, given two talks, and

served as a cha cha or assistant

lay director.

1 You must serve

several times on the

live-in action teams

(kitchen or agape) to

ensure that you under-

stand the entire scope of

each job.



CCWTE Spring 2018 Newsletter Page 9

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