  • 7/25/2019 The united States of America.pptx


    School: Escola Secundria Dr. Jos AfonsoSubject: English

    Teacher: Emlia Dionsio

    Students: Hugo Henriues !""# and $anuel $arreiros!"%#

    "&th grade 'lass A

    nited Stat

    of America

  • 7/25/2019 The united States of America.pptx


    (n this )resentation *e are going to tal+ about the ,nited States of America.

    -e *ill go oer some im)ortant as)ects such as: famous )laces/ com)osition and cultural diersi0cation.

    -e chose this countr1 because it2s er1 famous and it has a lot of *ell +no*n )laces. -e hear man1 informations about it and see its costumes in the moies.(t seems to be a er1 di3erent but interesting countr1.

  • 7/25/2019 The united States of America.pptx


    The ,nited States of America !,SA# is a fede

    is located in the 4orth of America/ bet*een '


    -ashington D.'. *hich is the ca)ital/ belongof 'olumbia/ in the East )art of ,SA.

    (t has 6& states/ *hich 78 of them are

    contiguous. The t*o that aren2t contiguous are: Alas+a

    and Ha*aii. The 0rst is in the north*est

    )art of 4orth America and the second is an

    archi)elago in the middle of the 9aci0c.

  • 7/25/2019 The united States of America.pptx


    The ,.S. 'ensus ureau currentl1 estimates that it has a )o)ulat

    &&& )eo)le and it is the third most )o)ulous nation in the *orld/ a


    ,SA is the major industriali=ed nation and it increases )eo)le to

    on it/ just li+e the >American dream? of the "@

  • 7/25/2019 The united States of America.pptx


    There are some t1)ical *ords *hich are used

    b1 the American )eo)le that aren2t from the

    ritish language.

    $ost times *e are more used to listen some

    American *ords or e5)ressions than others

    *hich are ritish.

    $a1be it ha))ens because *e listen it man1

    times in the moies that *e *atch and *e

    usuall1 can2t distinguish an Americane5)ression from a ritish one.

    (n this )icture *e hae some e5am)les of

    di3erent *ords in ritish and American English

    that mean the same.

  • 7/25/2019 The united States of America.pptx


    ,SA it2s one of the nations in the *orld

    man1 ethnicall1 dierse and multicultu

    (ts )o)ulation is a )roduct of largesca

    from man1 countries around the *orld

    The geogra)h1 and climate of ,nited

    States are also e5tremel1 dierse.

    There are large cities but there is

    also a *ide ariet1 of *ildlife !li+e/

    for e5am)le: horses/ birds/ re)tiles#

  • 7/25/2019 The united States of America.pptx


    There are man1 interesting things to


    Fne of the most famous buildings in

    the ,S is the Statue of Gibert1. (t *as

    design b1 rdric Auguste artholdi/

    a rench scul)tor/ *as built b1

    Iustae Ei3el and dedicated on


  • 7/25/2019 The united States of America.pptx


    Also located in 4e* o

    attraction: the 'entral

    urban )ar+ in

    $anhattan#. (s the mo

    )ar+ in the ,S and also

    0lmed locations in the *

    (n the other side of this big countr1 is

    the most famous studio and fun )ar+ in

    the *orld: Disne1.

  • 7/25/2019 The united States of America.pptx


    (n our o)inion ,SA is a reall1 interesting countr1.

    (t2s huge com)aring to oursK

    (t has a short/ but er1 im)ortant histor1.

    There are man1 monuments *hich are er1 famous all


    -e hear from America and American )eo)le b1 music/


    -e thin+ that it *ould be a*esome if *e could isit it o

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