Page 1: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have


By William shakespeare


Page 2: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Macbeth: Summary

The first act of the play opens amidst thunder and lightning with the Three Witches deciding that their next meeting shall be with Macbeth. In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have just defeated the allied forces of Norway and Ireland, who were led by the traitor Macdonwald. Mac-beth, the King's kinsman, is praised for his bravery and fighting prowess. The scene changes. Macbeth and Banquo enter, discussing the weather and their victory ("So foul and fair a day I have not seen").[1] As they wander onto a heath, the Three Witches enter, who have waited to greet them with prophecies. Even though Banquo challenges them first, they address Mac-beth. The first witch hails Macbeth as "Thane of Glamis," the second as "Thane of Cawdor," and the third proclaims that he shall "be King hereafter." Macbeth appears to be stunned to silence, so again Banquo challenges them. The witches inform Banquo that he will father a line of kings, though he himself will not be one. While the two men wonder at these pronouncements, the witches vanish, and another thane, Ross, a messenger from the King, arrives and informs Macbeth of his newly be-stowed title: Thane of Cawdor. The first prophecy is thus fulfilled. Immediately, Macbeth begins to harbour ambitions of becoming king. Macbeth writes to his wife about the witches' prophecies. When Duncan decides to stay at the Mac-beths' castle at Inverness, Lady Macbeth hatches a plan to murder him and secure the throne for her husband. Although Macbeth raises concerns about the regicide, Lady Macbeth eventually per-suades him, by challenging his manhood, to follow her plan. On the night of the king's visit, Macbeth hallucinates before entering Duncan's quarters, believing he sees a bloody dagger. Macbeth later reunites with his wife, having "done the deed." He is so shaken that Lady Macbeth has to take charge. In accordance with her plan, she frames Duncan's sleeping servants for the murder by placing bloody daggers on them. Early the next morning, Lennox, a Scot-tish nobleman, and Macduff, the loyal Thane of Fife, arrive.[2] A porter opens the gate and Macbeth leads them to the king's chamber, where Macduff discovers Duncan's corpse. In a feigned fit of an-ger, Macbeth murders the guards before they can protest their innocence. Macduff is immediately suspicious of Macbeth, but does not reveal his suspicions publicly. Fearing for their lives, Duncan's sons flee, Malcolm to England and Donalbain to Ireland. The rightful heirs' flight makes them sus-pects and Macbeth assumes the throne as the new King of Scotland as a kinsman of the dead king. Banquo reveals this to the audience, and while skeptical of the new King Macbeth, remembers the witches' prophecy about him. Despite his success, Macbeth, also aware of this prophecy, remains uneasy about this, so Macbeth invites Banquo to a royal banquet, where he discovers that Banquo and his young son, Fleance, will be riding out that night. He hires two men to kill them; a third murderer appears in the park before the murder. The assassins succeed in killing Banquo, but Fleance escapes. At the banquet, Mac-beth invites his lords and Lady Macbeth to a night of drinking and merriment. Banquo's ghost enters .


Gonzaga players






“God’s benison go with you, and with those

that would make good of bad, and friends of foes!”

Macbeth: II:iv—Old Man

Page 3: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Gonzaga players past


The Crucible 2005-2006 Biloxi Blues 2006-2007 The Effects of Gamma Rays 2006-2007 Death at the Mansion 2006-2007 Bloody Reunion 2006-2007 Halloween Havoc 2007-2008 Death at Dark Lake 2007-2008 Death Metal Mayhem 2007-2008 A Midsummer Night’s Dream 2007-2008 Curse of the Burmese Idol 2008-2009 A Streetcar Named Desire 2008-2009 Antigone (Sophocles & Jean Anouilh) 2009-2010 Whiskey Stop 2009-2010 Real World: Gone’Zaga 2009-2010 Harvey 2010-2011 It’s not a rash...I am a Zombie! 2010-2011

and sits in Macbeth's place. Macbeth grows furious as the ghost is only visible to himself. The others panic at the sight of Macbeth raging at an empty chair, until a desperate Lady Macbeth tells them that her husband is merely afflicted with a familiar and harmless malady. The ghost de-parts and returns once more, causing the same riotous anger in Macbeth. This time, the lords flee. Macbeth, disturbed, visits the Three Witches once more. They conjure up three spirits with three fur-ther warnings and prophecies: an armed head tells him to, "beware Macduff,"[3] a bloody child, that warns, "none of woman born / shall harm Macbeth," and a crowned child holding a tree, stating Mac-beth will "never vanquish'd be until / Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill / shall come against him". Macbeth is informed that Macduff is in exile in England. Macbeth, believing that he is safe, puts to death everyone in Macduff's castle, including Macduff's wife and their young son. Lady Macbeth becomes wracked with guilt from the crimes she and her husband have committed. She sleepwalks and tries to wash imaginary bloodstains from her hands, all the while speaking of the terrible things she knows she pressed her husband to do. In England, Macduff is informed by Ross that his "castle is surprised; [his] wife and babes / Savagely slaughter'd."[4] Macbeth, now viewed as a tyrant, sees many of his thanes defecting. Malcolm leads an army, along with Macduff and Englishmen Siward (the Elder), the Earl of Northumberland, against Dunsinane Castle. While encamped in Birnam Wood, the soldiers are ordered to cut down and carry tree limbs to camouflage their numbers, thus fulfilling the witches' third prophecy. Mean-while, Macbeth delivers a soliloquy upon his learning of Lady Macbeth's death (the cause is undis-closed, and some assume that she committed suicide, as Malcolm's last reference to her reveals "'tis thought, by self and violent hands / Took off her life"). A battle culminates in the slaying of the young Siward and Macduff's confrontation with Macbeth. Macbeth boasts that he has no reason to fear Macduff, for he cannot be killed by any man born of woman. Macduff declares that he was "from his mother's womb / Untimely ripp'd[7] and was not "of woman born", fulfilling the second prophecy. Macbeth realizes too late that he has misinterpreted the witches' words. Macduff beheads Macbeth offstage and thereby fulfills the first prophecy

By: William shakespeare

Summary provided by:

Page 4: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Macbeth: The Cast Directed By: Mr. M. Burnham

The Weird Sisters Anisah Ali Maria Christopoulos Nancy Jona Malcolm Thomas Siman Donalbain Justen Williams MacBeth Tatiana Serrano Lady MacBeth Julia Hanley First Murderer Jared Pires Second Murderer/Seyton Raffaele Giglio Doctor Thomas Perez Gentlewoman Miscia Sullivan Porter Steven Griffen Banquo Alain Croteau Fleance Erin Crook MacDuff Cameron Smith Lady MacDuff Laura Fusca Son of MacDuff Spencer Reed Lennox Nicole Smieja Ross Sarah Bavaro Lords Kenis Arauz Angus Micaela Cali Mentieth Zara Diab Caithness Heather Dirckze Siward Alicia Medieros Young Siward Natasja Diab Sergeant Casey Mackay Servant/Messenger Devon Mundreon Hecate/Third Murderer Rhiannon Yanush King Duncan Brian Steffensen

Casey MacKay Grade 10


My name is Casey MacKay and I play the sergeant in the production of Macbeth. Last year, I went to see a production at John Cabot Catholic Secondary School and I thought it would be neat to be a part of something like that. When I saw the slideshow inviting people to come out for Macbeth I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for me. I would like to thank Mr. Burnham for allowing me to play a part. I would also like to thank my fellow cast members for helping me throughout the rehearsals. Rehearsals were a lot of fun and they made it easy for me to fit in. Before the production, I really didn't know a lot about Macbeth, but participating in the play gave me a better understanding of the story. I really enjoyed this experience and I look forward to doing another production in the future.

Devon Mundreon Grade 11


My name is Devon Mundreon. I am a grade 11 student at Gonzaga, as well as a member of the Macbeth cast. This is my first year in the school play and it has been a great experience. I had a few chances to perform in front of an audience before high school. I have a minor role as a messenger, and it has been an enjoyable experience. I would like to thank Mr. Burnham for giving me the opportunity, as well as the cast for being great to work with. I look forward to working with everyone again.

Page 5: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Alicia Medieros Grade 12

Ever since I was little, being a famous Hollywood actress who walked red carpets and gave teary-eyed acceptance speeches was always my dream. Being cast as an Earl in Macbeth was definitely my second dream. I'm so thankful for getting to work with everyone involved in the play; everyone is so inspirational and friendly. It was an enjoyable experience. I am so glad that I finally auditioned for a school play, even if it took me four years to work up to courage to do so. Drama has helped me grow and mature through the years and I plan on taking all the lessons and memories with me wherever I end up. The love and support I continuously receive from friends and family is crazy and I appreciate it all. Thanks for believing, Burnham.


This was my first year being a part of the Gonzaga players and it has been a unique experience, unlike anything else I have done. I have met a lot of great people and learned many great skills. I would like to thank Mr. Burnham, Mr. Eagles, Mrs. Gomes and the wardrobe department. I want to thank my fellow cast mates, all of whom have been encouraging, supportive, and have put countless hours of hard work into making Macbeth a success.

Natasja Diab Grade 9

Young Siward

Director Mr. M. Burnham Costume Designer Mrs. J. Gomes Costume Crew Mrs. P. McGrillis Mrs. M. Molinaro Stage/Prop Manager Mr. J. Eagles Construction Mr. P. Daley Make-Up Erica Barahona-Hinestroza Nancy Jona Audio & Tech Crew Jason Francone Bradley Mendes Stage Crew Raquel Archie Carly Baron Julie Boulos Alexandra deMedeiros-Smith Brianne Ghaney Hannah Hube Natalia Kaisar Julia Raftery Crystalynn Siharath

Alexis Torres

Macbeth: stage management

Page 6: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Macbeth Fun Facts

In theatre circles, Macbeth is considered to be an unlucky play. Saying the play's name aloud is considered bad luck – that's why it's often referred to as "the Scottish play."

At about half the length of Hamlet, Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's shortest plays.

Some scholars believe that the scenes involving Hecate were added in by later theatre writers, not Shakespeare himself. This seemed like a good opportunity for the song and dance routines to liven up the otherwise dark play.

In 1936, the Federal Theatre Project sponsored a highly suc-cessful version of Macbeth at the Lafayette Theatre in Har-lem. Featuring an all Black cast and set in post-colonial Haiti, the production was known for spectacular direction and the imposing sounds of drums. It was the first stage production of a young man in his early twenties named Orson Welles.

The trio of weird sisters represents a literary convention that was popular in Shakespeare's day: the three Fates as represented by the maiden, the matron, and the hag, or Past, Present, and Future respectively.

Orson Welles' 1948 film of Macbeth was not considered a critical success in the United States.

Micaela Cali Grade 11


Hi! My name is Micaela Cali and I'm in grade 11. I play the role of Angus in this year's Gonzaga Players’ production of Macbeth. I was so excited to be a part of this year's play, as this will be my second year with Gonzaga Players. It has definitely been an enjoyable and memorable experience filled with laughs and long practices. I'm so thankful to be a part of such a lovely and talented cast that inspires me in every scene, big and small. Great thanks to Mr. Burnham, Mr. Eagles, Mrs. Gomes and everyone who has put so much work and effort into contributing to this play and to the beautiful set!

Heather Dirckze Grade 12


This is my second time being a member of the Gonzaga Players and I am so proud to be part of such an amazing group. Everyone works so hard and there are so many things going on at rehearsals that I don’t want it to end. I want to thank Mr. Burnham and all the other teachers involved for putting up with me being so busy all the time and for always pushing me to improve. Good luck to everyone involved in the play. It has been a pleasure working with you!

Page 7: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Kenis Arauz Grade 11

I am a 16 year old drama student with a burning passion for the dramatic arts. It has been an honour to have worked with such a great cast this year. I have obtained much knowledge from many different people including my cast mates and teachers. Not only have I gained many new skills but also met many new friends. In the play Macbeth,I have many roles. I play many of the servants and I am all the lords. In this play, I have also helped a lot after school painting the walls and the witches’ well you see here today. I would like to send my dearest thanks all my cast mates who have helped me become the best I could possibly be. I would also like to thank my parents who are always supporting me.


I have been a student at Gonzaga for almost three full years now but it feels like I've known the school forever. It is a second home to me and being a member of the Gonzaga Players just strengthens the sense of family I feel when I am at Gonzaga. Working with so many people to create this year's production of Macbeth has been an amazing experience. We've shared laughs, complications, and endless hours of practice, and I don't have any regrets. Being a part of this experience has taught me so much as an actress and also as a person. I have always been shy, but being on stage has helped me to slowly shed my shyness. I want to thank all the cast for putting in so much effort to create this wonderful production. I would also like to thank Mrs. Gomes and the wardrobe department and everyone who helped to build this amazing set. And - of course - I would like to thank Mr. Burnham and Mr. Eagles who have not only lead us through our play productions every year, but who have taught and inspired me so much even outside of Gonzaga Players. Also a special congratulations to Mrs. Gabriele and cast for Sears fest this year - amazing job! I am looking forward to Gonzaga players next year, and intend to work even harder.

Zara Diab Grade 11


Scene Membership Card

Scene Membership Card and Scene Scotiabank Card

Scene Membership Card and Scene Visa Card

Scotiabank: Proud Supporter of the Gonzaga Players

Page 8: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have


Attention all Gonzaga Students

Bring your Scotiabank Scene card to any

of the Gonzaga Player Performances and receive 10 House



Nicole Smieja Grade 9


I have been fortunate to be in this production of Macbeth with Gonzaga players, as the role of Lennox. It has been a great introduction to drama at Gonzaga. I am honoured to have helped bring the world of Macbeth to life, while being surrounded by friends. It has been really fun rehearsing with this cast. I would like to thank my parents and brothers for their support, my friends for helping me with my lines, and all the teachers involved, for giving me the opportunity to play Lennox. I am appreciative to all of you for this wonderful experience.

Sarah Bavaro Grade 9


I have been extremely fortunate to have partaken in such a phenomenal play. Gonzaga Players has given me the chance to both grow as a person and explore the world of Shakespeare. I am honoured to have worked with amazing cast members and teachers who are tremendously supportive, encouraging and dedicated. It has been a fantastic transition into drama at Gonzaga. I look forward to participating in future plays and creating more amazing memories. I would like to thank all of the teachers and students involved in this production. Without them, Macbeth would not have been brought to life. I am very proud of everyone for their hard work and putting forth their best effort!

Page 9: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Laura Fusca Grade 11

My name is Laura Fusca and I am a grade 11 student at St. Aloysius Gon-zaga. I play the role of Lady Macduff in the play "Macbeth". I'd like to thank Mr. Burnham, Mrs. Gabriele, and Mr. Eagles for encouraging me to audition for the school play and pursue my passion in drama. In addition, I'd like to thank Mrs. Gomes for providing the entire cast with beautiful cos-tumes that help make the play come to life. Finally, I would like to thank my fellow Gonzaga players for giving me the opportunity to work with such tal-ented students/actors.

Lady MacDuff

Miscia Sullivan Grade 11


Hi! I'm Miscia and I play a gentlewomen, aka Lady Macbeth's wench. I audi-tioned for the play after watching way too many movies and wanting to see what it's like to act. I had a great time being in the play! I only wish I took drama before because apparently, there is a lot more to plays than reciting lines or so I've learned. The cast and crew have been absolutely lovely because everyone has worked so hard and stayed so dedicated.















Page 10: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Sears Drama Festival



By: Drew Carnwath

Erin Crook Grade 9


Hi! My name is Erin Crook and I have been singing and entertaining my family for as long as I can remember! It has been a wonderful experience to be a part of this year's production. The dedication of all of the players and especially Mr. Burnham and Mr. Eagles truly inspires me. Although I have been involved in some community theatre, it has been in more comedic roles and so this play has taken me to a new level. Performing is definitely a big part of my life goal and participating in this production has taken me another step in that direction.

Cameron Smith Grade 11


My name is Cameron Smith. I am in grade 11 and I would like to thank my entire family who has been so supportive throughout this entire process. Playing MacDuff has been a lot of fun. It was a character that was out of my personality and pushing my boundaries even further. I am really excited to perform!

Page 11: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Steven Griffen Grade 11

My name is Steven Griffin and I’m in grade 11. I play the porter in this year’s production of Macbeth. It has been great working on this play with everyone. The cast has had so much fun working together and learning from each other. I want to thank Mr. Burnham for putting in all the time and effort to make this play great and helping us grow so much as actors. I would also like to thank Mrs. Gomes for the great costumes and all the work she put into making us feel the part with our costume. I would also like to thank Mr. Eagles for all of his hard work and help throughout the process. Finally, I would like to thank the entire cast for all their hard work. I have learned a lot from all of them and have made some great new friends. It was a wonderful experience that I hope I can repeat in grade 12.


Hey! I'm Rhiannon Yanush and I'm in Grade Twelve. I have been a Gon-zaga Player for the past three years and I can't believe this is my final production. Thanks to Mr. Burnham, Mr. Eagles, and Mrs. Gomes for all their hard work and support! Thanks to the witches who made rehearsal so much fun.

Rhiannon Yanush Grade 12


Congratulations to the members of the Gonzaga Players who competed in the 2012 Sears Drama

Festival at Iona C.S.S.

Winners of Outstanding Production

for Central Peel South

Page 12: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Anisah Ali Grade 12

My name is Anisah Ali. I’m in grade twelve, and this is my third year participating in Gonzaga Players. This year I’ve had the privilege of being in the Sears Festival, Hide and Seek by Drew Carnwath, as well as the school play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The Sears Festival was such a great experience and it was amazing to work very closely with a small group. We went into the performance with no expectations to win, only to do our best, and in the end we won! From Theban Elder, to Scooter, to Emily the intuitive child and now to the First Witch, this journey has made me learn a lot. I’ve learned that it’s okay to make mistakes, and to always play, play, play. I’ll never regret auditioning for the play back in grade ten. I’d like to thank Mr. Burnham, Mrs. Gabriele, Mr. Eagles and Mrs. Gomes for all their hard work and dedication that they put into Gonzaga Players and for providing me with these opportunities that have changed my life for the better. Thank you!

Weird Sister

I am a grade 11 student at St. Aloysius Gonzaga and I enjoy drama and theatre im-mensely. I have been actively involved in both for the past two years; including a stu-dent performance at Stratford. I would like to thank my family and friends for all their support and enthusiasm. Especially, the cast of the play in which I have become ex-tremely close with as we all help each other to succeed and overcome our challenges. I would also like to thank Mr. Eagles, Ms. Gomes and all the others who contributed to making this production the best it can be; and of course our director, Mr. Burnham for his guidance and commitment. This has been a great experience in which I have learned a lot from and will never forget! I am so grateful to have experienced this with such an amazing cast by my side.

Maria Christopoulos Grade 11

Weird Sister

Thomas Perez Grade 11


Shakespeare's works have always interested me. Though not considered a strength, I always enjoyed acting for the same creative reasons that I enjoyed writing. Having the opportunity to immerse myself and others in situations and characters that do not or could not exist in the real world has always intrigued me. I chose to audition for Macbeth in the hopes of having at least a single role in a larger presentation before moving on from high-school. I would like to thank my cast members and all the staff for their support and guidance.

Spencer Reed Grade 9

Son of MacDuff

My name is Spencer Philip Reed. I am a 15 year old grade 9 student. My parents are Stephen Philip Reed and Shannon Lea McShane-Reed. I have one brother who is 9 years old named Ethan Daniel. I have two dogs named Rex and Charlie who are 10 and 5 years old respectfully. My hobbies include: playing hockey, basketball, and soccer, playing guitar, singing, playing videogames, reading, and inventing stuff. I love hanging out with friends, including the activities of videogames and coming up with sketch comedy. Some personality traits that could be used to describe me are social, compassionate, caring, genuine, responsible, intelligent, creative, spontaneous, comedic, musical, and easy-going. I would like to thank Ms. Jung, Mr. Burnham, and Mr. Eagles for inspiring my involvement in this presentation; and to my family and friends who are so caring and make me the person I hope to be. I would also like to extend a very special thanks to my parents who are always there for me and give me all the love and support I need and more.

Page 13: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Jared Pires Grade 11

Hello everyone and welcome to this year’s performance of Macbeth. My Name is Jared Pires and I am playing the first murderer. I first got into acting in grade 10 through my drama class, and have loved it ever since. I joined this year’s production because I love acting and enjoy taking on a new challenge. I would like to thank Mrs. Gabriele for being an amazing teacher and for encouraging me to join drama. I would also like to thank all my fellow cast members, my friends and family for encouraging me throughout the process and of course to Mr. Burnham and Mr. Eagles for being awesome directors and helping me fulfill my potential.

First Murderer

This is my first year participating in the school play. If I could turn back the clock I would have joined the Gonzaga Players in grade 9. This has been my most memorable high school experience, I’ve met so many new people, learned so much about myself and honestly had the time of my life. Everyone participating in the play is exceptionally talented and helpful. Everyone has taken the time out of their own rehearsal to help others. Firstly, I would like to thank Mr. Burnham for pushing me to actually try out for the play. If he was not there to push me, I would have missed out on something great. I would also like to thank all the people who were so supportive of me participating in the play.

Raffaele Giglio Grade 12

Second Murder & Seyton

Nancy Jona Grade 12

Weird Sister

Considering that I am a senior at this school, it is sad to say that this will be my last year of drama. Of course, it was not short of greatness. It was filled with experiences that I will never forget. Every practice was a memorable experience. As a Gonzaga Player, I had the opportunity to work with amazing people, as well as having the support from the entire cast. I personally have grown attached to my character, and I will deeply miss being a weird sister. I would like to thank Mr. Burnham for pushing me through all the obstacles, as well as Mr. Eagles for being the level-headed one of the group. I would also like to thank Mrs. Gomes, because without her, we would not have looked so good. Finally, I'd like to thank the entire cast, (especially Tatiana Serrano/Macbeth) because without them, my life wouldn't be the same.

Thomas Siman Grade 12


I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such a unique group of friends and actors. This has been an amazing experience and one of my fondest memories of high school. Although we have lots of energy and raw talent, this entire production from start to finish would not have been possible without the guidance, vision, and occasional emotional tormenting of our fearless leader Mr. Matthew Austin-Ambrose Burnham and his trustworthy partner in crime Mr. Eagles. We can't forget to give credit to the many hours of work contributed by Mrs. Gomes and all the staff and students that made us look our best with our awesome costumes and make-up. As my first main role in a major school production I was excited to immerse myself in my character and the overall process of creating a quality performance. As a drama family we worked together, assisted each other, shared laughs, and fostered a camaraderie that made Macbeth such a success. I have learned about my abilities as an actor, a mentor, a student, and a team member. Shakespeare’s Macbeth has strengthened my love of drama and I hope to continue with it in the future.

Page 14: THE TRAGEDY OF MACBE H · In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals — Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo — have

Justen Williams Grade 12

It is my last year at St. Aloysius Gonzaga and ever since I saw "A Streetcar Named Desire" in Grade 9, I have always wanted to be part of Gonzaga Players. When I auditioned this year, I was extremely pleased and honoured to be chosen as Donalbain, King Duncan’s son. I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to act along side some of the greatest actors and director Gonzaga has ever seen. Being a part of Gonzaga Players has been a memorable experience from start to finish. This play would not have been possible without the help of Gonzaga's staff, Mr. Burnham, Mrs. Gomes, and Mr. Eagles. The support of the cast has been amazing. Without their motivation and help, I would not have had the courage to practice and push myself. I do not regret my decision to audition for this play. It was an amazing experience.


In my last year at Gonzaga, I am so grateful and blessed to be a part of such an amazing group of people that have the common goal of making this year's play a huge success. I would first of all like to thank everyone who showed support by helping create the set (Hannah Hube, Crystalyn Siharath, Natalia Kaisar), costumes and those that put up with me while rehearsing lines every second of the day. I'd like to thank Mr. Eagles, Mrs. Gomes and all other teachers that made this show possible. Finally, to our tormentor, inspiration, and all things crazy, Mr. Burnham for introducing me to the world of theatre and this outrageously outgoing group. All the memories that were made during this short time will forever be in my heart and I will never forget the people I've had the privilege of working with. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!

Tatiana Serrano Grade 12


Julia Hanley Grade 12

Lady MacBeth

It is my last year of Gonzaga Players and I can't believe it's all coming to an end. It feels like just yesterday I stood in front of the teachers, terrified, and auditioned for Antigone. Gonzaga Players was definitely the highlight of my high school years and I would do it over a million times if I could. Each year, I got a different, but equally as unbelievable experience with a new cast, new plays and new roles. Though every year has been difficult and at times frustrating, in the end, that feeling of being onstage is definitely worth it. Thank you so much to Mrs. Gomes and the wardrobe crew for the breath taking costumes, to Mr. Eagles for his directing and organization, to my fellow cast members who made this year hilarious, and to Mr. Burnham who makes the play everything it is and more. Hopefully I can impress you all as the famous Lady Macbeth and I hope you enjoy the show.

Alain Croteau Grade 11


My name is Alain Croteau and I am in grade eleven. I was given the role of Banquo. I have been a Gonzaga player for three years and each year it has been so much fun. At first I was not too interested in doing a Shakespearian play, but as we rehearsed, I began enjoying it more. I would like to thank Mr. Burnham and Mr. Eagles for giving me this unique opportunity and for helping me through it, Ms. Gomes for putting hard work into making our wonderful costumes, all of the cast and crew for helping make this production awesome, and everyone who contributed to making the set. Enjoy the show!

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