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The Terrorist Taliban Territory of Bareilly V.Sundaram

Sunni cleric Tauqeer Raza Khan

Leader of Ittehad-e-Millat Conference Image Courtesy: Jagran

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Bareilly Town in Uttar Pradesh (UP) has been under the siege of Islamic Talibans led by One Sunni Cleric Tauqeer Raza Khan, leader of Ittehad-e-Millat Conference. I call him the Osama-bin-Laden of UP. This is so because this Islamic terrorist had the brazenness and temerity to OPENLY GIVE A CALL FOR ASSASINATION OF PRESIDENT BUSH on the eve of his visit to India some years ago. Tauqeer Raza Khan also announced a cash award of Rs. 25 Crores for any one who succeeds in carrying out the assassination of President Bush. In any other country such a man would have been promptly arrested and punished under the law for inciting others to murder a State Guest. Knowing full well the Islam-embracing attitude of the Sonia Congress Government of India, I have no doubt whatsoever that this anti-Hindu gangster Tauqeer Raza Khan would automatically qualify for the special award of Bharat Ratna in the „Minorities Quota‟ in the next year‟s Republic Day honours (I mean 2011 !!!). In order to get this done a Special Committee consisting of Justice Sachar (Modern day Maulana Mohammad Ali of Khilafat Movement fame!) and Justice Ranganath Mishra (Modern day Maulana Shaukat Ali of Khilafat Movement fame!) would be formed by the UPA Government and duly instructed by Sonia Gandhi through her surrogate Prime Minister to get this award in favour of Tauqeer Raza Khan of unanimously recommended in the larger interests of Minority Vote-bank politics! Tauqeer Raza Khan made the same offer of several Crores for the assassination of Taslima Nasreen and the Danish Cartoonist who lampooned Prophet Mohammad in his cartoons. Another esteemed Islamic terrorist colleague of his, Uttar Pradesh Samajvadi Party Minister Haji Yaqoob Qureshi in the Government of Mulayam Singh Yadav (another open champion of Islamic terrorism) offered Rs 51 Crores on 22 Feb, 2006 for the hit-job against the same Danish cartoonist. As the elected Head of a Government, Mulayam Singh Yadav should have dismissed this irresponsible Minister from his Cabinet but he did not do so because of the very same reasons of Minority vote-bank politics. The Sonia Congress Party and all the other anti-Hindu “secular” Parties like BSP, SP, RJD etc would never dare to put these jihadis like Tauqeer Raza Khan into jail because of the fear that they will loose the Muslim votes. Being an evangelical terrorist in the true tradition of the Christian terrorist St Francis Xavier of Goa Inquisition fame, it is no wonder that Sonia Gandhi teamed up with the Islamic terrorist --- Indian Osama-bin-Laden Tauqeer Raza Khan --- during the Parliamentary elections in May 2009!! The UP Government under Chief Minister Mayavati first took the right decision to arrest Sunni Cleric Tauqeer Raza Khan on March 8, 2010 for igniting and stoking the Muslim-Hindu riots in Bareilly Town from 2nd of March 2010. It was his “rabble rousing speech” that had led to communal tension in the district from March 2, 2010 onwards and it is still raging. On March 9, 2010 Mulayam Singh Yadav asked his Muslim MP’s and Muslim MLAs to take the matter to the streets and to raise this issue among the Muslim community.

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As instructed by Mulayam Singh Yadav, the Samajvadi Party MLA Abbas Ali Zaidi said: “…Muslims will take to roads if Maulana Raza is not released by the police within 24 hours. We are contacting the ulemas (clerics) for their support in our protest.” Completely defying the curfew, Muslim mobs running into thousands, had fanned out in the streets on Wednesday the 10th of March, 2010 in his support. They had gathered in a large, open stadium of a local school in Bareilly town – Islamia Inter College – to listen to impassioned speeches made by Subhani Miyan, Tauqeer Raza Khan‟s father-in-law and head cleric of a well-known mosque. The crowd shouted slogans pleading Tauqeer Raza Khan‟s innocence and demanded his immediate, unconditional release, leading to heightened tension in the city. On March 10, 2010, the Ulema Council (a body of clerics) threatened to launch a state-wide agitation against Tauqeer Raza Khan‟s arrest. Mohammad Tahir Madni, National General Secretary of the Ulema Council told reporters in Azamgarh, about 300 km from Bareilly: “If the police fail to release Maulana Tauquir Raza Khan in the next one-two days, we will hit the streets along with thousands of Muslim residents of the state”. The UP Government under Chief Minister Mayavati was completely shaken up by the threats of violence given by Mulayam Singh Yadav and the Ulema Council. In an act of abject and total Mahatma Gandhian surrender to the blackmailing tactics of the VIOLENT MUSLIM MARAUDERS OF UP, Chief Minister Mayavati ordered the release of Tauqeer Raza Khan, on March 10, 2010, who has been solely responsible for the recent Muslim-Hindu riots in Bareilly. This only shows that the anti-Hindu “Secular” Governments in India are soft on terror in the true Gandhian and Nehruvian tradition of craven surrender to violent Muslim bullies. These daily recurring incidents of retreat in the face of violence against the Indian state convinces me that the Government listens only to the threatening calls of the violent Muslim mobs and pays no heed to the genuine grievances of the law-abiding Hindu populace of the nation. Recently the Bombay High Court has passed an order directing the Shiv Sena to pay for the damages to Government property and private property caused by their volunteers in Bombay during a violent agitation. I WONDER IF THE LUCKNOW HIGH COURT IN UP WILL TAKE THE CUE FROM THE BOMBAY HIGH COURT AND ASK THE ITTEHAD-E-MILLAT CONFERENCE OF TAUQEER RAZA KHAN WHETHER THEY WILL PAY FOR THE DAMAGES CAUSED BY THEIR VIOLENT MUSLIM SUPPORTERS TO THE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AND THE PRIVATE PROPERTY OF HINDU CITIZENS IN BAREILLY TOWN. Bareilly’s Muslim leadership is hell-bent upon communal provocation, Islamic violence and looting. On March 2, it started the current conflagration of communal violence by organizing an Islamic procession through predominantly

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Hindu neighbourhoods and resorted to threatening gestures and slogans. Since then, despite a tepid, pseudo-secular eunuch-attempt by the district administration to restore order, wild Muslim mobs have been continuously and relentlessly attacking Hindu-owned shops in this Uttar Pradesh town. ACCORDING TO ALL AVAILABLE SOURCES OF INFORMATION, THE MAIN RING LEADER SEEMS TO BE TAUQEER RAZA KHAN AND HIS ITTEHAD-E-MILLAT CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC HOTHEADS AND RABBLE ROUSERS. SONIA CONGRESS PARTY IS LENDING ITS FULL POLITICAL SUPPORT TO THIS ISLAMIC MARAUDER AND HIS BAND OF BAREILLY CARAVAN LOOTERS. Tauqeer Raza Khan and the Sonia Congress Party seem to be hell bent on beating the Islamic jihadi record of Mohammad Ali Jinnah who let loose unprovoked violence against the unarmed Hindus in the city of Calcutta in August 1946 calling it THE DIRECT ACTION DAY.

Dead and wounded after the 'Direct Action Day' which developed into pitched battles as Muslim mob attacked and killed Hindus across Calcutta, Calcutta in 1946, the year before independence From March 2, 2010, Tauqeer Raza Khan and his savage followers have let lose large-scale violence against the Hindu citizens. Hindu houses and Hindu business establishments have been brutally attacked with lethal weapons to strike Islamic terror in the minds of the hated Hindu Kaffirs in Bareilly town. Total curfew was imposed for several days in Bareilly town.

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(Courtesy: Vishal on Orkut; Courtesy & Copyright: “Dainik Jagran”) THE GOVERNMENT OF UP UNDER CHIEF MINISTER MAYAVATI HAS PROVED ITSELF TOTALLY UNEQUAL TO THE TASK OF MAINTENANCE OF LAW AND ORDER IN BAREILLY TOWN. Thus Bareilly, during the last two weeks, has been under an enforced umbrella of violence, terror and curfew. The story is a lethal combination of Jihadi Islam, Minority vote-bank politics, Islamic violence and anti-Hindu media. The anti-Hindu pseudo-secular mafia of mass media cries foul when Bajarang Dal cadres in Gujarat brandish swords while celebrating Vijay Dashmi. However they maintail a deathlike silence when there is a show of strength and weaponary in the “Barawafat procession” (or the jaloos- e -muhammadi) organized in many parts of Uttar Pradesh. In this procession conducted in Bareilly town three weeks ago, when several lakhs of Muslims forming a procession of 4 - 5 kilometers length, waved steel swords, axes etc, there was no media sensing of unprovoked outrage by the anti-Hindu “Secular” mafia of mass media. To quote the most poignant words of Shri B. Shantanu in this context: “I literally saw Bareilly turning into a Pakistan that day…. there were just green Flags and people swinging swords everywhere on the street… when the Police tried to stop the crowd and fired in air, the mob went on rampage…. set a prominent police station on fire, and looted and razed shops of a certain community…” By “a certain community”, he is referring to the unarmed, tortured and torched Hindus of Bareilly town!!

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Shri B P Singh, Inspector General (IG) of Police, Bareilly has stated: “…the people leading the Barawafat procession tried to move towards Kohada Peer Hindu locality, defying the route planned by the administration. The Hindu residents of the area objected to it. Subsequently, a few members of the procession manhandled the locals, following which they were pelted at with stones. …More people joined on either side as the agitated mob engaged in brick-batting. They set fire to vehicles. A police outpost and some shops in the locality were also set on fire.” According to the Dainik Jagran report: “Some anti-social Muslim elements deliberately chose to violate the route plan approved by the Police and chose to go through the Kohada Peer Hindu locality. When the Hindus protested, the Muslims manhandled the Hindus. They started stone-pelting. Firing also started. Some children got hurt. The people in the Muslim procession got out of control and started entering Hindu homes and destroying property. Some gas cylinders were put on fire. This led to massive blasts. At Kohada Peer, the procession attacked a police chowki and burnt it. Several Hindu shops were burnt too. Some religious places in Katra and Chahbai were also damaged. Intermittent firing and stone-pelting continued through the night. After this, the administration imposed curfew in certain localities.” Even after the release of Maulana Tauqeer Raza Khan in 12 March 2010, peace did not return to Bareilly town. True to the Islamic terrorists fashion, Maulana Tauqeer Raza Khan and his men saw to it that violence flared up once again defying the curfew, they went on a rampage indulging in heavy brick batting and arson in nearly one dozen localities of the Bareilly old city area. To sum up, starting from March 2, 2010, Bareilly town has been seething with turmoil and tumult. A section of the city‟s Muslim leadership has been letting loose unprovoked violence against the local Hindus. They started a virtual economic blockade of the Hindu community with essential supplies, even milk for little children, being blocked. It is surprising and shocking that a BJP fact-finding mission, which was appointed to go into the recent Muslim riots wass denied entry into Bareilly town by the Mayavati Government. The role of the mafia of the mass media has been even more shameful. With some exceptions, the murderous gangs of armed Muslim of Bareilly have been virtually blacked out. One-sided arson, loot and mayhem, a scary display of M.A Jinnah’s Direct Action Day (of 1946) mindset, is being presented as a minor clash between two groups! I fully endorse the following editorial comment of The Pioneer news paper: “The radicalisation of a new generation of Muslims in the heartland of India and its seemingly easy embrace of jihadi fanaticism is going intellectually uncontested and unchallenged by India’s so-called social and political elite. This is the larger tragedy that, in a sense, dwarfs the sad saga of the little girls and boys of

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Bareilly, huddled in a corner, shivering on hearing the blood-curdling Islamic chants on the streets outside, their parents desperately rationing food and milk.” For the Congress, which is attempting to win back mainstream Hindu support in Uttar Pradesh after a lull of two decades, Bareilly offers a test case. If it succumbs again to Muslim blackmail, its claims of a new, enlightened politics will be held up to ridicule. In my view, SIMI has been fully involved in the recent Muslim riots in Bareilly. According to reliable sources, in his narco test, SIMI chief Safdar Nagori had stated that his outfit has raised groups of young activists who would rush to a place within hours of a communal clash, exploiting the situation to target the Hindu community. Ram Barat is one of the important festivals of Uttar Pradesh. This festival is mainly celebrated in the city of Agra. It is also celebrated in several other major towns of UP including Bareilly town. The festival celebrates the marriage of Lord Rama to Devi Sita. Festivities are marked by marriage procession of Sri Ram. The “Barat” is precursor to the “Ram Navami” celebrations and it has been carried out for past 149 years. This was due to be taken in Bareilly town on Friday, 12th of March. To add insult to the injury of Hindus in Bareilly town, the Bareilly Police, in a barbarous manner, ordered the cancellation of the “Ram Barat” procession on that day. No permission would ever be denied to any Muslim procession even on a day of curfew! In my considered view, the Muslim riots in Bareilly town were definitely planned and executed in a chillingly macabre manner to achieve the planned cancellation of this major Hindu festival of Ram Barat as a part of their Islamic efforts to achieve “Dar-ul-Islam” or Rule of Islam in India. I am saying this because with deliberately criminal anti-Hindu intent, the riots were started on March 1, 2010, the day of Holi when Muslim marauders belonging to Tauqeer Raza Khan’s Ittehad-e-Millat Conference attacked Hindu shops and molested Hindu women with Islamic fervour. When the Hindu men protested, they were roughed up and then the Islamic riots began in right earnest on March 2, 2010. I fully endorse the view of Dr. Surender Kumar Jain - Spoke person Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP): “By honoring the culprits and terrorizing the victims, the U.P. Government has incited the rioters. Unluckily a small section of media has done the irresponsible act of accusing Bajrang Dal without verifying the facts. They have indirectly tried to hide the crimes committed by Jehadis and U.P. Govt.” Let me conclude by saying that it is the constitutional duty of the Government to punish the Muslim rioters. If the Government fails in its constitutional duty to save the innocent Hindu society, the Hindu society will turn equally violent, if not more, in sheer self defense. By pandering to Muslim violence, the anti-Hindu secular political parties are definitely sowing the seeds of retaliatory HINDU TERRORISM.

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TAILPIECE: The following poem was written by a British District Officer on April 1947 in Bareilly faced with the prospect of an impending Muslim riot. This is the poem: “Just listen to the handicaps I have to labour under, chaps! Whene’er there’s trouble in the offing I seem to get attacks of coughing. If there’s a riot in my area, Why then I’m sure to get malaria; And when some Muslim seeks the blood Of Hindus all because some sod Has gone and tweaked the old boy’s beaver I’m sure to get a bout of fever; And when there’s stabbing in the city I get such pains in my dicky; No sooner Night resounds with howls, I get a gripping in my bowels.”

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