Page 1: The Sword of The · Page 2 Deadline For July Sword Submissions Is June 20th Services. June Sacristans the church at the Church Picnic

Vol. XLXVII-No.6

Inside this issue:

Letter from The Reverend

Joseph Shepley


Pentecost Celebration Father’s Day Quote

Sword Deadline

June Sacristans

June Birthdays


“Relativity” Article 3

June Lay Schedule


Graduates Prayer Chain

Community Coffeehouse


Liturgically Speaking 6

June Calendar

Healed Under The Cross

Christian Caring

Church Picnic VBS

1st Holy Communion

Thank You!

May Vestry Minutes

Ascension Day

Father’s Day Memorials Stephen Ministers







The Sword of The Spirit June 2011 Saint Paul’s Church 174 Whisconier Road, Brookfield, CT 06804 (203) 775-9587

"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a

sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole

house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:-2).

Dear Friends in Christ,

The Holy Spirit, the breath of God, is our fuel for mission as the church in

motion. The anointing of God’s people throughout history, particularly on

the day of Pentecost as recounted by Luke in the Book of Acts, speaks to the

promise of God’s continual outpouring of the Spirit on the church in every

age. As your spiritual leader, I believe we are in a fresh anointing, for God is

alive and doing something new among us all at St. Paul’s.

The liturgical celebration of Pentecost begins fifty days after the Passover and

this year will be on June 12th, 2011. In English speaking countries, Pentecost

is also known as Whitsunday. The origin of this name is unclear, but may

derive from the Old English word for "White Sunday," referring to the prac-

tice of baptizing converts clothed in white robes on the Sunday of Pentecost.

The color red, which we will use, is associated with the fire of the Spirit on

Pentecost, as well symbolizing the church.

Sometimes there is a misconception about the Spirit’s move on Pentecost:

that it was relevant only for biblical times. But it is clear that there is a contin-

ual flow of the Holy Spirit that is still going strong today. Jesus gave the

command in Acts 1:4-5: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my

Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized

with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

This gifting of the Spirit is as much for us today as it was for the early apos-

tles. The same Spirit of God that hovered over the creation (Gen. 1:1),

anointed the Son at his baptism, and fell on the early church at Pentecost fills

us today with God’s presence and strength. As a parish standing on the cusp

of rapid growth, Pentecost allows us to pause, open our hearts and minds in

worship, and allow God to fill us for what awaits our unique, Eucharistic

community called to mission.

This year we will combine our Sunday School celebration with Pentecost.

This seems quite fitting considering that the area the Spirit seems to be mov-

ing in so openly relates to the growth and depth of our children’s outreach

ministries at St. Paul’s. Please join our young people on this special day, and

may the season of Pentecost afford us the realization that not only are we in

the midst of a fresh anointing of the Spirit, but we are making history as the

church in this present age. May the wind of the Lord’s Spirit direct our jour-

ney now, and always.


(The Rev.) Joseph Shepley


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For July Sword



June 20th

June Sacristans

Lois Hunt

Joyce Sarver

Gail Winkley

1 Sarah Sullinger

3 Barbara Mullen

4 John Stauffer

5 Nicolette Kirner

Thomas Franklin

Bobby Sweeting

6 Pamela Mannion

7 Albert Chaleski

James Willmann

9 Joan Stein

10 Ethan Gelinas

12 Geraldine Willmann

13 Justin DoBosh

Please call the Parish Office, 203-775-9587, with any additions or corrections to the above list.

16 Mitchel O’Hara, Jr.

Tracy Kenneally

17 Jeffrey Janofsky

16 Delores Ready

Sylvia Pinheiro

Venus Okwuka

19 David Baskett

John Beck

20 John Altemus

21 David Crisalli

23 Linda Pendergast

Stephen Werneburg

24 Jennifer Kast

Melanie Schofield

Michael Healey

25 Kathleen Hartford

30 Bridgit O’Hara

Elizabeth Gardner

Please pray

for each of the


on their


The greatest gift I ever had

Came from God; I call him Dad!

~Author Unknown

Pentecost Celebration

June 12th

8:00 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.

The Feast of Pentecost will be celebrated on Sun-

day, June 12th, at the 8:00 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.


We will celebrate this important day in the life of

the church at the Church Picnic following the 10:30

A.M. Service.

Come join us as we celebrate

“The Coming of the Holy Spirit”

Happy Father’s Day!

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“…He stretches out the heavens

like a canopy, and spreads them

out like a tent to live in.”

Isaiah 40:22

The Bible claims in its very first

chapter that in the beginning

God created the heavens and

the earth; later in the Book of

John, the Bible states that all

things were

created through the Word,

God’s Son. God’s claim to be

the Creator of all things in our

universe is echoed by multiple

authors throughout the Bible.

But is this really true and do we

have scientific evidence that the

universe was in fact created? Or

to the contrary, do we have

evidence that our vast universe

has always existed, precluding

the need for a creative event? In

the past 100 years, our best

astrophysicists have developed

theories and experiments to

pursue physical data to answer

these questions.

When Einstein first noted in

1916 that his mathematical

equations of general relativity

predicted an expanding

universe from a beginning point

(the first evidence of the “big

bang”), he could not accept it,

because it was inconsistent with

the accepted doctrine that the

universe existed eternally. But

scientific data has continued to

provide overwhelming evidence

in support of his theory of

general relativity; that the


did indeed have a beginning, a

creative event. Early data

includes the observation of

Edwin Hubble in 1929 that the

movement of the galaxies

results from an expanding

universe. In 1946 George

Garnow published that only an

expanding universe could

explain the existence of the

elements. In 1965 Arno Penzias

and Robert Wilson were the

first to report detection of the

radiation produced by the “big

bang” creation event that

resulted in our expanding

universe. Thus, Einstein’s

theory of relativity, the

beginning of the universe at a

finite point in space and time,

and the expansion of the

universe from a point in space

and time are accepted by

today’s astronomers and


The latest data from an epic

experiment was reported last

week, and the results

are fascinating. In May of 2011

NASA reported that its Gravity

Probe B mission (

results confirm two predictions

derived from Albert Einstein’s

theory of general relativity: 1,

the warping of space and time

around a gravitational body,

know as

the geodetic effect; 2, the

pulling of space and time

around a spinning object as it

rotates, referred to as frame-

dragging. This epic experiment,

first funded in 1963 and finally

launched with a suitable

spacecraft, 4 gyroscopes and

star tracker in 2004, was a well

designed challenge to Einstein’s

theory of general relativity. The

results, in addition to spawning

at least 13 novel technologies

required for the mission, were


The directional spin of the ultra

-precise gyroscopes, fixated on

one distant point in the

universe, was indeed altered by

Earth’s gravity and rotation

relative to the universe,

providing further supporting

evidence for the theory of

relativity in confirming the

geodetic effect and frame-


It is interesting to note that the

Bible is the one holy book that

describes the state of the

universe as being in expansion

and originating at a point in

time. Hugh Ross, a prominent

astrophysicist, explains at his

website,, that Job,

Moses, David, Isaiah and

Jeremiah described these

principles of the universe

thousands of years before

Einstein and Gravity Probe B.

These authors are in agreement

in claiming that God is

responsible for creating and

“stretching” the heavens. And

our modern scientific data on

the origin of the universe is

consistent with what Isaiah

wrote 2,700 years ago,

“…He stretches out the heavens

like a canopy, and spreads them

out like a tent to live in.”

Relative to our position in the

universe, God remains firmly

established as the Creator.

Relativity By Brian Werneburg, PhD

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June Lay Schedule 2011 Lectors, Intercessors, and Lay readers, please remember to

check in before the service in the Vesting Room. Thank You!

June 26, 2011

Healing Sunday

8:00 AM

Welcoming: Phil Barackman

Acolytes: O’Hara Girls

Lector: Genesis 22:1-14 Pam Szen

Intercessor: Mike Kirner

Lay Reader: Don Winkley

Lay Reader: Dave Baskett

10:30 AM

Welcoming: Doug Melody/Vito Barbieri

Acolytes: Stephanie Bernardo

Lector: Genesis 22:1-14 Phil Hannah

Intercessor: Betty Gardner

Lay Reader: Ray Ferro

Lay Reader: Joe Bernardo

June 12, 2011

8:00 AM

Welcoming: Barbara & Vincent Cappiello

Acolytes: Emily Perry

Lector: Acts 2:1-21 Ingrid Pruss

Intercessor: Mary Perry

Lay Reader: Dave Baskett

Lay Reader: Susan Howell

10:30 AM

Welcoming: Youth

Acolytes: Catherine Richmond/Stephanie Bernardo

Lector: Acts 2:1-21 Stephanie Bernardo

Intercessor: Youth

Lay Reader: Joe Bernardo

Lay Reader: Jim Castronova

June 5, 2011

8:00 AM

Welcoming: Rich & Joyce Emmett

Acolytes: Sarah Shepley

Lector: Acts 1:6-14 Michael Ecsedy

Intercessor: Ray Ferro

Lay Reader: Patricia Jennings

Lay Reader: Don Winkley

10:30 AM

Welcoming: Doug Melody/Denise McCormack

Acolytes: Venus Okwuka

Lector: Acts 1:6-14 Sandy Chaleski

Intercessor: Linda Pendergast

Lay Reader: Jim Castronava

Lay Reader: Harlan Jessup

June 19, 2011

8:00 AM

Welcoming: Phil Barackman/Pat Brought

Acolytes: O’Hara Girls

Lector: Genesis 1:1-2:4a Mike Kirner

Intercessor: Sharon Simon

Lay Reader: Susan Howell

Lay Reader: Patricia Jennings

10:30 AM

Welcoming: Bruce & Donna Betts

Acolytes: Audrey Powell

Lector: Genesis 1:1-2:4a Betty Gardner

Intercessor: Linda Pendergast

Lay Reader: Harlan Jessup

Lay Reader: Ray Ferro

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We prayed for a man having

neck surgery. All went well, he

is now recuperated.

Another man was rushed to the

hospital, experiencing pain and

unable to move. We prayed for it

to be nothing serious. It was

found to be a kidney stone, and

he was back to normal and at

work the next day!

We prayed for a young girl hav-

ing migraine headaches that

were keeping her out of school.

That week she was almost head-

ache free!

Prayed for a man having stom-

ach tests - results showed noth-

ing serious.

Prayed for a woman having in-

duced birth due to problems -

Both mother and child are fine.

For Prayer requests please con-


Walter VonEgidy

(860)354-1316 (Daytime)

(860) 354-3829 (Evenings)

You may also make prayer requests

on our website. Click on the follow-

ing link to go there now;

Page 5

For more information

use the following link;

Kaitlin Elizabeth Conte is graduating from Brookfield High School.

Dorothy Crocker Graduated from Post University on Saturday, May 7th with an A.S. in Management

and a B.S. in Business Administration, concentration in Management as well as a Certificate of

Human Resource Management with Magna cum laude and special distinction.

Debbie Delaventura’s daughter, Rosi Dispensa, is graduating form the University of the Arts in

Philadelphia, with her Masters on May 19th.

Justin DoBosh is graduating from Brookfield High School this June and will be attending the

University of Tampa in September.

Karen Ecsedy will be graduating from Brookfield High on June 18.

Kathryn Ecsedy will be graduating from Hollins University on May 22.

Alexandra Green is graduating from Brookfield High School.

Susan Howell graduated from Bridgeport Hospital School of Nursing with her RN [degree].

Shane Kirner graduated from Grove City College.

Genevieve Livingston graduated Valedictorian from Heritage Academy in Georgia on May 14th.

Spencer Mannion is graduating from Brookfield High School on June 18. He will be attending

Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT in the fall.

Patricia Jenning’s grandson, William Murphy, is graduating from Brian McMahon. He will be going

to Western State.

Emily Perry will be graduating from Brookfield High School and will be attending Bryant University

in the Fall.

Audrey Powell will be graduating from 8th grade!!!

Congratulations Graduates!

Prayer Chain

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I am sure that most of us are

familiar with the definition of

sacraments given in the Prayer

Book Catechism (page 857):

“The sacraments are outward and

visible signs of inward and

spiritual grace, given by Christ as

sure and certain means by which

we receive that grace.” The late

Bishop Terwilliger used to use the

phrase, “covenanted means of

grace” to make clear that God

covenants or promises to offer that

grace when we carry out

sacramental acts. He also insisted,

and this is part of traditional

church teaching, that God’s grace

is not limited to the sacraments,

but they do give us an assurance

of that grace. In this context a

valid sacrament is simply one that

is performed in such a way as to

carry out our part of the covenant.

Theologians usually recognize

four elements in this process:

proper matter, proper form, proper

minister, and proper intention.

Let’s look briefly at each of these,

specifically in terms of Baptism

and the Holy Communion.

Matter refers to the physical sign

of the sacrament. For Baptism it

is water, and for the Communion

it is bread and wine. There are

various traditions as to how much

water is required – whether the

person should be completely

dunked, dipped into the water, or

simply get a little wet. Anglican

tradition welcomes all of these but

there is a strong tradition that

there should at least be enough

water for it to flow over the head.

Similarly there are various

traditions about the bread –

leavened or unleavened, and exact

ingredients. Anglican tradition

(and the specific rules of the

English Prayer Book) allows

either leavened or unleavened

bread but calls for “the best and

purest wheat bread that

conveniently may be gotten.”

There has also been general

agreement that the wine should be

fermented grape juice, and it is

only in the last hundred years or

so that some Protestant churches

began to substitute plain grape

juice, but Anglicans have

generally avoided this.

Form refers to what is said in

connection with the sacrament.

The sense, rather than the exact

wording, is considered important.

For baptism it should be an

expression that the person is

baptized “in the Name of the

Father, and of the Son, and of the

Holy Spirit.” For communion the

form is said in connection with the

consecration, and at a minimum

should include Christ’s words,

“This is my Body . . . This is my

Blood.” In most cases the prayer

will also include some form of

petition that in receiving the bread

and wine we will also receive

Christ’s Body and Blood.

In an emergency anyone can

baptize, but the normal minister of

baptism is a bishop or priest (but

an assisting deacon can actually

pour the water). For the

Eucharist, the celebrant

(consecrator) is always a bishop or

priest, but deacons and laypersons

may join in administering the

sacrament, either during the

service or at other times.

Intention simply means that the

minister actually intends to

celebrate the sacrament (as

opposed for example to a

rehearsal or demonstration). It

does not require a correct

understanding of what is being

done (as might happen when a

layperson performs an emergency

baptism) but only the intention to

do whatever is needed. Similarly,

to obtain the benefits of the

sacrament the receiver should

have at least a general intention to

participate in the rite as a

sacrament, and some degree of

faith (trust) that God will act in it.

In the case of infant baptism the

intention and faith are regarded as

held by the parents and sponsors

for the child, and part of their

intention should be to give the

child an understanding of what

has happened, and this would also

apply to Communion for baptized

children. I know some people

have difficulty with this notion,

but I think of it as directly

comparable to bathing and feeding

an infant long before there can be

any understanding of these

actions, so that the child may

grow into these physical routines,

as well as into the spiritual ones.

Finally, a note on invalid

sacraments. Many reformed

churches do not, of course, have

proper ministers as we understand

them in Anglican tradition; and

even in Anglican churches I have

heard of cases where imposters

have claimed to be priests (and of

a few places where known

laypersons have been permitted to

celebrate). Those with celiac

disease may find it helpful to

substitute a rice wafer for wheat

bread (though in this case I would

urge using gluten free wheat bread

if it can be obtained). All of these

situations would suggest technical

invalidity; but I would also say

that those who participate with a

right intention would receive the

benefits of the sacrament.

Likewise those who prefer not to

participate (or do not physically

receive the sacrament for any

other reason) can pray with

confidence for the benefits of the

sacrament, and for all of God’s


Fr. Bill+, Scholar in Residence

Liturgically Speaking: What Are Valid Sacraments?

By The Reverend William Loring

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June 2011

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


10:00 AM Holy


and Healing

7:00 PM Women’s

Bible Study


7:30 PM Ascension

Day Service

3 4

7:30 AM Men’s

Prayer Breakfast

5 7 Easter

8:00 AM Traditional Eucharist

9:15 AM Adult Christian Ed.

9:15 AM High School/Y.A.

Bible Study

10:30 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Contemporary



4:30 PM Christian


7:00 PM Stephen



7:00 PM Women’s

Bible Study


10:00 AM Holy


and Healing

6:30 PM Staff


7:00 PM Women’s

Bible Study

7:30 PM Vestry



1:00 PM Dorothy

Day Ministry

7:00 PM Healing


7:30 PM Music


10 11

7:30 AM Men’s

Prayer Breakfast

12 Pentecost 8:00 AM Traditional Eucharist

10:30 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Contemporary


12:00 PM Church Picnic

13 14

7:00 PM Women’s

Bible Study

7:00 PM Grief Group


10:00 AM Holy


and Healing


7:30 PM Property


7:30 PM Music


17 18

7:30 AM Men’s

Prayer Breakfast

10:00 AM St. Paul’s


19 1 Pentecost

8:00 AM Traditional Eucharist

9:15 AM Adult Christian Ed.

10:30 AM Contemporary



7:00 PM Stephen



7:00 PM Women’s

Bible Study


10:00 AM Holy


and Healing


7:30 PM Music


24 25

7:30 AM Men’s

Prayer Breakfast

2:00 House of Prayer

26 2 Pentecost

Healing Sunday 8:00 AM Traditional Eucharist

9:15 AM Adult Christian Ed.

10:30 AM Contemporary


27 28

6:00 PM Deanery

Meeting (St.

Paul’s, Brookfield)

7:00 PM Women’s

Bible Study

7:00 PM Grief Group


10:00 AM Holy


and Healing


7:30 PM Music


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About a year ago I joined the healing team and we conduct our House of Prayer sessions seated

underneath the suspended cross in front of our altar at church. In fact, they were one group who

raised an outcry when the crucifix had to be taken down last year for repair. You see, the cross

represents God’s power of restoration through Christ. This powerful symbol directs the thoughts

of all who gather near to the hope and victory found in Jesus. Isaiah (53:5) prophesied this

promise hundreds of years before our Messiah’s sacrifice: “He was pierced for our

transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon

him, and by his wounds we are healed.” When the healing prayer team ministers to an

individual, we know that all the promises of Christ hang over us and hang over that one in need.

Spiritually speaking, as we pray we reach up and ask Jesus to make real these promises down

here in that person’s life. The beautiful thing about Jesus is that he comes to us! He doesn’t

make us go up to him. Through the Holy Spirit, He enters our hearts! When he enters; all his

restoration and wholeness steps into us and fills anyone who asks. You don’t need to be under a

cross or at the House of Prayer to receive the power of the cross. Simply come into His presence

and ask! Luke 11:13 promises, “How much more will your Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit

to those who ask.” As prayer ministers, we have learned the practice of staying confessed up to

date in order to be filled to the fullest capacity with the Holy Spirit. Christ’s salvation is a free

gift of grace and His restoration is there for the asking; why not prepare yourself to receive all

that He wants to give to you? Let Christ touch your pain and heal it; let the reconciliation,

forgiveness, peace, and healing begin.

Healed Under The Cross

By Tara Shepley

Christian Caring Committee

“Increase our sharing and use of personal involvement to nurture people of faith.”

At the May Christian Caring

Committee meeting, it was

reported during the months of

March and April the greeting card

ministry sent forty-seven cards to

our parishioners for birthdays,

thinking of you, get well,

sympathy, and Easter. It is the

intention of the committee to

remember our brothers and sisters

in Christ in times of sunshine and


The committee is always open to

new ways of assisting parishioners

with their personal needs and

connecting them with the

appropriate source of aid. Please

contact the committee if you need

transportation to doctors’

appointments, pharmacy, grocery

store, etc. The committee has

“Healing Baskets” available that

contain personal care products,

puzzles, books, magazines, etc. for

parishioners to use during a

hospital or rehabilitation stay.

The committee meets the first

Monday of each month at 4:30

P.M. in the Guild Room and

always welcomes new members so

that this caring ministry may

continue to grow.

If anyone knows of any

parishioners who should be

receiving cards, telephone calls,

visits, rides, or who will be in the

hospital or rehab, please contact;

Gail Winkley, Coordinator


[email protected].

or the Parish Office.

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Congratulations to

Mckenzie Connors,

Robert Duckett,

Andrew Melody,

Mason Sampson,

Ryan Sampson,

Shannon Palmer,

Jack Powell,

Zachary Richmond,

William Roberts and

Austin Williams,

who celebrated their

First Holy

Communion on Sunday, May 1st

On Sunday, June 12th at the

10:30 service, we will be

celebrating the commitment and

growth that the children of Saint

Paul's have demonstrated

throughout the church school

year. Each child will be

recognized with their church

school class and will be honored

for their participation in church

school this year. Following the

service, Saint Paul's will come

together to celebrate with a

family potluck picnic. Hotdogs,

hamburgers, condiments and

drinks will be provided. We need

your help to provide all of the

side dishes. Please use the

following guide based on last

names so we are sure to have a

variety of food. All food items

should be brought on Sunday and

can be stored in the church

kitchen during the

service. Thank you in advance

for your generous support. We

can't wait to celebrate with you

and your children!

A-H Please bring a dessert

(cookies, brownies, watermelon,

dessert breads, etc.)

I-P Please bring a type of side

salad (garden salad, potato salad,

macaroni salad, fruit salad, etc.)

Q-Z Please bring a type of

snack food (trail mix, pretzels,

veggie tray, etc.)

First Holy Communion Celebration A Big Thank You!

Thank you to the many

families that supported

our efforts to raise money

for the Bishop's fund

through your child's mite

box. It was a remarkable

sight to watch the

children of Saint Paul's

present their coins as an

offering to God at the

altar last week. We raised

$174.21. Thank you for

making that possible!

Registration has begun!

(Deadline is 7/3/11)

Take your kids back to

Hometown Nazareth, where

they'll stand up for their faith

among people who doubt that

the carpenter's son is really

God's Son.

St. Paul's Vacation Bible


July 18th-July 22nd

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

For More Information:

Beth Miller, (203) 775-9587

Marie Williams,

[email protected]

Jennifer Falci,

[email protected]

Saint Paul’s VBS 2011

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Page 10


The meeting was opened by Warden Bon-

nie Wanzer at 7:32 pm. Fr. Shepley led

the opening prayer. David Szen led a de-

votional on John 17:20-21. Brian Werne-

burg shared his thanksgivings. Minutes

from the April 11th meeting were ap-



REPORT (Submitted

by Ken Kumerle):

The Treasurers Report was

distributed by Fr. Shepley

for Ken Kumerle, who was

out of town. Income for

April was approximately

$29,000 with expenses of

about $26,000. Year to

date, we are currently

down about $8,000, where

we expected to be at this

time of year.

Extraordinary expenses in

April were the purchase of

roughly $2,000 of

microphones and other

sound equipment for the

music ministry.



Christian Caring/Healing

(Deborah Delaventura/Helen


Debbie Delaventura distributed

the Christian Caring Committee

report. They meet the first

Monday of each month. The

report summarized cards that

had been sent out, rides that

were given and a situation

where a regular ride volunteer is

needed for the 10:30 service.

Mission (Bonnie Wanzer): Budget disbursements are on

schedule. Practice of having a

monthly “Mission Minute” will

resume. There is a need for

additional volunteers to assist

with delivering monthly

donations to area food banks.

Cigdem Usekes has been asked

for a total number/ of children

adopted through the World

Vision Program we held. No

committee meetings scheduled

for June, July and August.

Missions sponsored by St.

Paul’s: Ability Beyond

Disability, Adventures in

Mission, African Team

Ministries, Christian

Counseling Center, Community

Coffee House, Dorothy Day

Hospitality House, emergency

mission needs, Faith Alive,

Food Basket & certificates,

Giving Tree, Habitat for

Humanity, Hope Line,

Huguenot Fellowship, Kasulu

Bible College, Jericho Project,

Monadnock Bible Conference,

Rock the Sound, Salvation

Army, Serving in Missions

Trinity Seminary, Youth

Challenge, World Vision and

St. Paul’s missionaries.

Faith Alive (Cathy Schrull):

Cathy reported that the weekend

leader, Hap McGuire will be

visiting St. Paul’s on May 21st

to meet with the committee. A

transportation chairperson is

still needed.

Page 11: The Sword of The · Page 2 Deadline For July Sword Submissions Is June 20th Services. June Sacristans the church at the Church Picnic

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Father Joe mentioned that

Sword Points is starting a series

of articles on church growth and

encouraged the vestry to follow

them and respond. He also

spoke of the large number of

elementary school age young

people we have who will be

soon be the core of our junior

and senior youth groups in

years to come. Ken Perry has

informed Fr. Shepley that he is

stepping down as Youth

Minister at the end of this

school year. Fr. Joe

commended and thanked Ken

for his two years of leadership

with the youth. A general

discussion was held concerning

the future of the groups and its

leadership. Fr. Joe is a member

of the Brookfield Substance

Abuse Coalition and distributed

information from their recent

meeting. He reported that the

new Stephen Ministers have

completed their training and

will be commissioned at a

service in early June. Fr.

Shepley recently attended his

first meeting on the Diocese of

Connecticut’s Budget &

Program Committee and he is

excited about the things he’s

sees happening and the

direction the process is heading.


David Szen explained the

Diocese’s “Safe Church”

program and its importance for

anyone in the parish who deals

with youth or the elderly. St.

Paul’s will be hosting a “Safe

Church” training session on

September 17th and all vestry

members, church school/VBS

teachers and shut-in / nursing

home visitors are strongly

encouraged to complete the

program. Bonnie Wanzer spoke

of Bishop Livingstone

Mpalanyi Nkoyoyo’s recent

visit to St. Paul’s and his

organization that supports

around 500 visually impaired

and deaf vulnerable children in

Uganda. The Mission

Committee is considering ways

we can get involved with them.

Their website for more

information is


Warden Phil Hannah distributed

new Vestry Manual pages to the

new members who missed

April’s meeting and updated the

vestry’s e-mail/phone contact list.

He also presented two quotes for

the installation of wallboard and

drop ceilings and painting of the

hallway outside the offices and

Guild Room. After a general

discussion this bids were referred

to the Property Committee for

review and recommendation.


Being no further business, the retreat/meeting ended at 9:00 pm with prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

David Szen, Clerk of the Vestry

Page 12: The Sword of The · Page 2 Deadline For July Sword Submissions Is June 20th Services. June Sacristans the church at the Church Picnic

Ascension Day

Ascension Day will be

observed on Thursday,

June 2nd. The Holy

Eucharist will be

celebrated at 7:30 PM.

John Lafleur will be our

special guest organist.

Father's Day Memorials

Anyone wishing to have

flowers on the altar in loving

memory of a father on Father's

Day, June 19, please make your

check payable to Saint Paul's

Church and include the name(s)

to be included in the bulletin. All memorials are due

by Sunday, June 12. Each gentleman attending

worship on Father's Day will receive a boutonniere.

Stephen Ministers Commissioned

On Sunday, June 5th, there will be a joyous

occasion here at St. Paul’s. Seven lay people will

be commissioned as Stephen Ministers. This rite

of commissioning culminates a period of

extensive training. Our Stephen Ministers have

studied and practiced skills in such areas as

dealing with feelings, confidentiality, asserting

oneself with gentleness and firmness, and

numerous other topics to prepare them to help

people who are experiencing problems in their

lives. Next, these Stephen Ministers will be

assigned to minister in our congregation and

community, working with people who are

experiencing such life crises as hospitalization,

retirement, financial setback, the loss of a loved

one, separation/divorce, or any of a number of

other difficulties people face in daily living.

The Stephen Ministers commissioned will be

Stephan Gerhard, Michael Kirner, William

Mayers, Robin Powell, John Sarver, Joyce

Sarver, and Norma Schofield.

These newly commissioned Stephen

Ministers will join with our existing

team to greatly increase the overall

ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ at

St. Paul’s. Please keep these people

in your prayers as they carry the love

of Christ to their care receivers.

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