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he Fivefold Ministry School, Module 10, which just finished a few days ago, was a resounding success.

The testimonies of God’s power are becoming more amazing every time. A growing number of pastors have begun to build without debt in different countries and continents. The miracles of healing are power-ful; people delivered of cancer and other terminal illnesses; marriages restored; wealth transferred to the children of God; in short, wherever you look the power of God is ma-nifested.

What did God do in SFMS 10? He showed us His infinite and uncon-ditional love, prepared His people to enter their season, transformed the heart of the people through a renewal of the mind, and reconciled and restored families. He showed us

where we are prophetically in the now, delivered the attendees through a revelation, and led us to trust even more in Him to come into the rest of the Lord. He trained, empowered, and mobilized the church as prepa-ration for His imminent coming.

This is the year to proclaim liberty to the captives, and freedom to those in jail; it is the year of God’s favor; a year in which all debts are forgiven and canceled; it is the year where the wealth of the wicked begins to be transferred to the righteous; it is the year of jubilee, of rest and joy in the Lord, knowing that He is in control of all things. This is the year to make a covenant commitment to God, to see all these things manifest in your life!

Repeat this prayer: Heavenly Father, I recognize that I am a sinner and that my sin separates me from You. I believe that Jesus died for me on the cross and that God the Father raised Him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. I repent of all my sins and break every covenant made with the world, with my flesh, and with the devil, and I make a new covenant with Jesus. I ask You to come into my heart and change my life. If I were to die right now, when I open my eyes, I know I will be in Your arms—Amen!


Letter from the Apostle

Apostle Guillermo MaldonadoKing Jesus International MinistryMiami, Florida

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YEAR 4 | EDITION #27 | MARCH 2015

CREDITS The Supernatural Now Magazine Year 4 - No. 27 - March 2015 w Director: Addilena Torres General Editor: José Anhuaman w Copy Writers & Editors: José Anhuaman & Henrry Becerra w Articles 1 & 3 Content: ERJ Web Team w Art & Graphic Design: Danielle Cruz-Nieri w Photography: Photography Team w Printing: Sergio's Printingw THE SUPERNATURAL NOW MAGAZINE IS A PRODUCT OF KING JESUS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED, IN WHOLE OR PART.


ARTICLESHow to Work theCurse or the BlessingApostle Guillermo Maldonado

Impacted by His GloryPastor Ernesto Lopez

Deliverance in the NowApostle Guillermo Maldonado




COLUMNSLetter from the Apostle


What’s New?

What Does the Bible Say About…/ A Healthy Life

I Decree withProphet Ana MaldonadoIntercession in the Now



15King Jesus International Ministry14100 SW 144 Ave - Miami, FL 33186

w 305-398-7999 w

Called to bring thesupernatural power

of God to this


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Apostle Guillermo Maldonado

Then to Adam He said: Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’, cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. —Genesis 3:17

In this verse, there is a key word: toil, or work. God sent man to work, but in this case it does not refer to normal human ef-fort, but to an extremely hard type of work. When someone works under the curse, they work very hard, with pain and difficulty.

What is a curse? It is to be supernaturally empowered to fail.

What is a blessing? It is to be super-naturally empowered for success despite all odds, circumstances and possibilities.

You choose how you want to work. No one who is intelligent or has their five senses chooses the curse. It is not that you say, “I want to be cursed!” What happens is that when you disobey, you automatically choose the curse. You can prosper with either of the two; however, when you choose the curse, things become more difficult because you are empowered to fail.

What is the origin of the blessing? It’s God. What is the origin of the curse? The fall of man. Both the blessing and the curse are supernatural. In the economy of God, the

blessing works in your favor. In the economy of man, you spend all of your time in business, which leaves no time for God because you are working the curse.

How do the curse and blessing operate?1. In the curse, you make others become wealthy. In the blessing, you prosper for yourself and for the King-dom. Many have been working for years, making money for others who do not sow a penny into the Kingdom. Meanwhile, they themselves have the same salary.

2. In the blessing you make money. In the curse you have to earn the money. When you operate under the blessing, God gives you creative ideas, to the point that you create riches. In the curse, you earn money but never make money.

3. The economy of man is cursed because it operates under the fallen nature. Everyone who works the curse is always stressed, worried, anxious, desperate, and never enjoys what they earn. However, when you work under the blessing, the business keeps producing while you rest. Proverbs 10:22 says, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds

Apostle Guillermo Maldonado

How to Work the

Curse or the Blessing

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no sorrow with it.” When you see yourself work less, produce more, and make more money the right way, it is a sign that you are operating in blessing.

Activating the blessing or curse Both the blessing and the curse are su-pernatural and need to be activated. The question is, which one will you activate?

Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation. —Malachi 3:8-9

How does one activate the curse?1. Stop giving God what belongs to Him and you will have chosen the curse. When you do not tithe or offer, you are activating the curse.

2. Trust in your talent more than in God. In the curse, you trust in your talent; in the blessing you trust in the grace of God.

3. In the curse you spend more time in the worldly things than in the things of God. In the blessing you put the Lord first. When He is not your pri-ority, you will work the curse. Everything you place first is your idol, and God will not accept competition.

How does one activate the blessing?1. Place your priorities in order. First

is God, then the family, and work; in that order.

2. God teaches you to have profit.

Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go. —Isaiah 48:17

When you are working the blessing and put God first; you serve Him with commitment and give to the Kingdom, the result is that the blessing stays active. God says, “I will take what you have and multiply it. When God is your priority, He will give you cre-ative ideas to prosper.

3. The Lord teaches you to rest in Him. While you serve Him and pray, He will work for you. Is it a sin to watch TV or be on the Internet? No, but it is a matter of priorities! Show God that you are resting in Him! Tell Him, “Lord, I refuse to work the curse!” When you give God priority, the blessings activate. Then, you have time for church, your family, and even to enjoy.

Redeemed from the curseChrist has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us … —Galatians 3:13

The blessing of God in your life draws a line between you and others. People don’t know how to explain it and say, “You have something in you.” Why? It is because they do not see you work like a mule, and yet you still prosper. When you work the blessing, doors open because the blessing of God follows you. You are sentenced to be successful!

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TESTIMONIESWhat you will read below are summaries of real stories

that testify of the supernatural power of God.

Pastor Sabhdir testifies that God is pouring out His heart in many ways throughout India. He confirms that after listening to Apostle Maldonado’s messages, he has experienced new revelation and a fresh anointing over his life. The pastor says that when he preaches the gospel of the kingdom, many who would worship idols now receive Jesus as their Savior. He shares that the supernatural power of God continues to heal, and they receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Sabhdir also tells us that one day, he was invited to a reunion where 1000 people would attend, but 8000 people showed up to hear the word of God.


Pastors Lightfoot testify that one day they were walking down the streets of New Jersey, when a girl on a bicycle stopped in front of them and gave them a book from Apostle Maldonado, “How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God.” She says that the girl insisted that the husband received the book, but it was the wife who took and studied it. Since then they began experimenting the supernatural. As a result, they brought their leadership to SFMS 10 so they could receive and be directly trained by Apostle Maldonado. She testifies that she has seen extremities grow, and many other miracles and wonders. One of them was when a woman who had been diagnosed of deafness was healed while she worshiped God. Pastor Karen confirms that the woman’s ear opened, and now she can hear perfectly!

Pastor Ofosu-Amoani testifies that in December, a woman from his congregation was diagnosed positive with HIV. Because of this, during a period of 8 months, she had chronic diarrhea and had to go to the bathroom up to 10 times a day, as well as had eruptions on her skin. The pastor said that God asked them to come together and fast for the woman for 3 days. During the first day of fasting, she was healed of the chronic diarrhea, and on the second day, she asked to be taken to the hospital to be re-examined. That same day, she came back with the documents confirming she tested negative for HIV. The pastor brought all the documents showing how the HIV had gone from positive to negative.



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Have a Testimony? SHARE IT!Join millions of people today who have raised their voice to confess how God transformed their

lives or performed a miracle of healing, deliverance, or finances in them or their loved ones.

Share your testimony: [email protected] follow us on Facebook:

Lizzette, who is a doctor in Mexico, found herself sick due to the loss of one of her kidneys. A friend spoke to her about King Jesus, and she traveled to Miami with the hopes of receiving a miracle; and God honored her faith by creating a new kidney through an impartation from Prophet Ana Maldonado. Lizzette says that in November, she traveled to Israel with our ministry, and while Apostle Maldonado taught about the power of the resurrection, God told her she held in her hands the gift of healing. Back in Mexico, one night in the Emergency Room where she works, a young man died in the middle of a surgery. Lizzette confirms that she grabbed a hold of the young man’s feet and declared the power of the resurrection. To the medics and nurses’ surprise, he came back to life. Since then, Lizzette share that she applies the supernatural with every one of her patients.


In the middle of last year, Apostle Makwara saw Apostle Maldonado in a TBN program. He confesses that he started following him online and found the preachings of the Fivefold Ministry – Module 9, and 3 of his books. He shares that he would dedicate 2 full days every week to studying the material. Three months later, his congregation began to grow and the church’s finances multiplied. He also began seeing miracles in his church. He confirms that in December, a young man was brought to him that was dead, but one of the members of his house applied what he’d been taught; then the dead man rose again! Since then, the pastor established miracle services every week, and the results have been amazing.

Pastor Henubau testifies that before coming to the Fivefold Ministry School, she had to attend her brother’s funeral. She had already lost all hope of coming, but God told her to purchase the plane ticket. Two days before coming, her doctor found stones in her gallbladder and told her she needed surgery, but she did not accept that. The doctor advised her not to travel, but the Lord had said she needed to be at SFMS. Here, a pastor of the house prayed for her, and she instantly received her healing! She ensures that when she took a step of faith, God healed her.



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Pastor Ernesto Lopez

Impactedby His Glory

Positive thinking does not transform anyone’s life; however, a supernatural encounter with the presence of God produces different levels of impact, which lead us to have a radical and continuous transformation. The reason why many people do not change is not be-cause they did not receive a word from God or because they lack gifts. The only reason why there are no changes is that the presence of God has not manifested in them.

In Hebrew there is a word that describes when the presence of God is no longer there; that word is Ichabod, meaning, “to be with-out glory”, “the glory of God has departed” or “the glory is gone.” Though it may seem strange, Ichabod is the name of a biblical character. He was the son of the priest Phine-has, and grandson of the high priest Eli. Ichabod was born in a very tragic moment for his family and the Hebrew nation. His mother died at childbirth, after receiving the tragic news of the death of her husband and father-in-law, and the capture of the ark of God by the Philistines. This was precisely

why she named her son “Ichabod”, so she could always remember the shameful defeat of Israel apart from the presence of God (1 Sam. 4: 19-22).

Of course, it was not always this way. The glory of God remained by His people’s side, until their stubbornness caused the glory to be transferred. The impact that God pro-duced in His children, and the terror He inspired in their enemies, was so strong that the Jewish people would have preferred to remain as slaves than to move to the desert without His presence (Exodus 33:15).

How can one explain what the presence or glory of God is? In his book, “the Glory of God”, Apostle Maldonado defines it two ways: (1) the glory kabod or doxa, which points to the essence, nature, attributes, and the infinite perfection of God; His character or personality, or what He is inside. (2) the shekinah glory, which is the manifestation of His presence to humanity. When this happens, the glory of God transcends the

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Ernesto Lopez is a spiritual son of Apostle Guillermo Maldonado. In 2009, he was ordained as a Pastor in King Jesus International Ministry.

spiritual realm to impact the natural and transform everything.

Perhaps you may be asking yourself, “How can God impact my life?” Well, there are different levels in which the presence of God impacts the lives of His children:

• He impacts your vision.When your vision is impacted by God, your goals, your ideas, your way of thinking and acting change radically. When this happens, it ends the cycle that kept you bound: you come out of the box and begin to widen your vision. Then you make the drastic decision to change. For example, you say: From now on I will no longer use drugs! I will not die poor! I will not end up in the streets!

In the New Testament, The presence of God impacted the life of a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years and had little hopes of being healed, but one Sabbath day, Jesus crossed his path and transformed his life forever ( John 5:1-18).

• You decide to change your behavior.You are impacted by the glory of God when a dramatic situation leads you to change your behavior. For example, a vision of death can change an alcoholic in an instant. In Genesis 38 we see that Judah, the fourth son of Joseph, wanted to judge his daughter-in-law, but recognized that she was more righteous than him, and that impacted him in such a way that he chose to change his attitude.

• He changes your destiny.A person’s entire destiny can be changed in an instant when they enter the presence of God. Paul was a murderer and persecutor of Christians, but in Acts 9:3, we see that a supernatural encounter with Jesus changed his destiny. It turned him into a preacher

of the gospel of the Kingdom, a founder of churches around the world, into the man who wrote the most books of the Bible, and a permanent carrier of the glory of God.

The importance of a supernatural encounterIt is impossible to have a supernatural encounter with God’s presence and not change. Every supernatural encounter impacts you and leaves a supernatural residue. The extent of this impact is the measure of your change. If you are not impacted there is no change! Every time Moses had a super-natural encounter with God, his face would shine, and people knew he had been with Him.

If you want to change, you must have a face-to-face encounter with the glory of God. Only when we show hunger to seek His face does He impact us. During the most recent module of the Supernatural Fivefold Ministry School (SFMS) many were impacted by the presence of the Lord, and left with the urgency of having more of Him. Many would say to me, “Pastor, I want more of God!” And I’m sure He will give them everything they seek. It is when we have a genuine desire to be transformed and go forward that we are impacted by the glory of God.

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What’s New?

Mark Burnett, one of the producers of “A.D. The Bible Continues”, visited King Jesus and showed a trailer of what will be the new TV series for the NBC network, and will premier on Easter (Sunday, April 5 2015). The new series continues where “The Bible” ended. It demonstrates the events that followed the cru-cifixion of Christ and the impact it had on His disciples, His mother, and on the political and religious leaders of the time. It focuses on the mission of the disciples to spread the gospel. You will see the dynasty of Herod competing for power. You will shudder at how Nero used Christians as human candles, while at the Col-iseum, they were served as food for lions. You cannot miss this series!

TV producer Mark Burnett visited SFMS and wasblessed by Apostle Guillermo Maldonado.

A.D. The Bible Continues

Congratulations, Dad!On Saturday, January 31st, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado celebrated his birthday with men-tors of King Jesus. Our spiritual father dedicated the entire day to share with men and women who work daily to win souls for the kingdom. The day ended with a soccer tournament, where he showed his skills with the ball, and even made a few impressive goals. These photos circulated through the social networks.

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A HEALTHY LIFEBecause God needs you

The Year of Jubilee—Wesley M.

The year of Jubilee or Sabbath year has its origins in Judaism. The Bible tells us that when Jesus began His ministry, He entered the synagogue and read the volume of prophet Isaiah saying, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19, ESV). In Hebrew, “ jubilee” is the word yobel, which makes reference to the ram’s horn that was used as a trumpet, and would serve to announce an exceptional year dedicated to God. It was the year that ended a cycle of seven periods of seven years; meaning, Jubilee was the 50th year, and a year of rest. Leviticus 25:10 says, “And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family.” On this year, freedom was proclaimed throughout the land. Those who had been sold as slaves because of their debts would be freed, and any land inheritance that had been taken would be returned to its legitimate owners. No Israelite family had to remain in poverty. This way, God allowed them to recover their dignity, honor, and respect.

In John chapter 9, does Jesus create eyes or simply return the man’s sight? — Sergio A.

In John chapter 9, Jesus heals a man born blind. In verse 6, we read: “When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay.” As we can see, the man had eyes, but had never been able to see, and Jesus did the miracle.

What sets apart a servant from a child of God? —Ester (Italy)

A servant (diakonos in Greek) is a slave out of love. Paul called himself a “bondservant of Jesus Christ” (Ro.1:1) noting that he had previously been a slave of Satan, but after being bought by Jesus, he was a voluntary slave of his new master. We become children of God when we are intro-duced to that relationship by the Holy Spirit, and believe, confess, and accept Jesus (Ro. 10:9; Gal. 3:26). Something that characterizes a son is that he receives an inheritance . When we are born again, we are made heirs and co-heirs with Christ (Ro. 8:16-17).

Have any questions? God has the answers!Send us your questions to:

[email protected]

To say that peanut butter is a dietary food, knowing it has 180-210 calories per serving, may seem illogical. But the combination of fiber (2 g per serving) and protein (8 g per serving) fills you up and keeps you feeling full longer, so you eat less. A serving of peanut butter has 3 mg of vitamin E, a powerful anti-oxidant; 49 mg of magnesium, which helps the formation of bones; 208 mg of potassium which serves to tone the

muscles; and 0.17 mg of vitamin B6 which promotes immunity. Research shows that it helps lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases. A study published in the “Journal of the American Med-ical Association” found that eating 1 ounce of nuts or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter at least five days a week helps reduce the risk of diabetes by 30%. Peanut butter also contains mono unsaturated fat, which is healthy for the heart. So if you want to lose weight the healthy way, add peanut butter to your diet.

Source: Perry, M. (2011, November). The Benefits of Peanut Butter. Tomado de Prevention:

Lose Weight with Peanut Butter

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And He said to them, ‘Go, tell that fox: Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected. —Luke 13:32

A number of Pharisees came to Jesus, warning him to leave that place because Herod wanted to kill Him. But Jesus replied: tell that fox that I cast out demons and perform cures “today and tomorrow, and the third day”. This was a Hebrew expression that explains carrying out a con-tinuous action. It was like saying, “I came to cast out demons, and I will keep doing so until the day I resurrect.”

The ministry of JesusAnd Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. Then His fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed them. —Matthew 4:23-24

In the gospel of Matthew, we can clearly distinguish four facets of the ministry of Jesus. He would:

1. Preach the gospel

2. Teach in the synagogues

3. Heal the sick

4. Cast out demons

Most preachers today only preach and teach, but do not heal or cast out demons. Thus, they are mutilating the ministry of Jesus. What made His ministry different?

Then they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying: What is this? What new doctrine is this? For with authority He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him. —Mark 1:27

Deliverancein the NowApostle Guillermo Maldonado

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Before Jesus came, there was no ministry of deliverance; no one had casted out demons. Deliverance came with the Kingdom. For that reason, people were amazed and asked, “What is this? What type of doctrine is it?” the Greek translation says, “What is in His voice?”, because His voice was anointed. In the same way, when you de-liver, your voice comes with great authority where the demons are, and they hear you and flee. This is why you must take the TV and radio; your voice must be heard in your territory. Jesus would order the demons: Come out! Release him! Be gone! I rebuke you! And the demons obeyed because His voice was anointed and had authority; it was the voice of God.

The ministry of deliveranceIt is important to discern between possession and demonization. Being possessed means that the person’s life completely belongs to the enemy. However, to be demonized means that some areas of the person’s life are under the influence of unclean spirits or demons.

And certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities—Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons. —Luke 8:2

Here, the women were healed of evil spirits, and it is understood that they were influ-enced in some areas by demons; yet, this is not possession but demonization.

Sadly, deliverance has been taken to extremes. For those who minister deliverance, every-thing is a demon. Others believe that every-thing is counseling, but you cannot counsel demons; they must be cast out. In Matthew 16:23, when Peter tries to convince Jesus to

not go to the cross, Jesus tells him, “Get be-hind Me, Satan.” This indicates that anyone can be influenced; this is why deliverance must be a continuous practice.

Applying discernmentWe must learn to discern between the flesh and demons. When it is a demon, you cannot control your desires; it dominates and drives your craving. When it is the flesh, your old man or fallen adamic nature comes to light.

Both the flesh and demons require their own specific methods and, without discernment, someone might apply the wrong cure. The flesh is crucified until your self (ego) dies. When the flesh wants to control you, say: “In the name of Jesus I crucify my flesh, and I die to my self!” then God will give you His grace to overcome it.

I repeat, the ministry of deliverance leads us to continuously cast demons out of people’s lives, to establish the kingdom of God on earth. Why is deliverance necessary in the now? It is because, in the year of Jubilee, God wants His people to be completely free, in the name of Jesus.

Deliverancein the Now


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101 Decrees that Transform Lives (Book)Begin to pray today with revelation. “101 Decrees that Transform Lives” will lead you to declare, decree, establish, and enforce everything that God has promised us in His Word.

No one can be an intercessor without first hav-ing their identity as a child of God and being a worshiper. This means that an intercessor should be someone who reads the Word, meditates upon it and discerns it; he or she is someone who worships and praises. In the Our Father prayer, Jesus taught us to ask forgiveness for our sins, and to make this a lifestyle. No one may be a worshiper or interces-sor if they have unforgiveness.

The first fruit of the flesh is witchcraft, but the first fruit of the spirit is love. Suffered love produces perseverance, and perseverance brings firmness of character, and character is the innermost of the spiritual man. This is where the Word penetrates and bears fruit; that is why you are the fruit of the Spirit.

Do you want to be an intercessor? Prepare to suffer! Out of His love for mankind, the Father accessed a woman’s womb so that His only Son could come to Earth. The love of Jesus surpassed all limits. Paul said, “My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you.” That’s the kind of love that an intercessor needs. So, no intercessor should stop feeling labor pains for the souls. We cannot be intercessors if we have any-thing against anyone; but when we pass the test of forgiveness we are ready to intercede.

An intercessor is someone who is willing to lay down their lives for others. We see this in the life of

Daniel (Dan 9:4-10). He was a man afraid of God, who recognized his sins and iniquity, who admit-ted his rebellion against God, repented, and feared divine justice.

An intercessor is someone who identifies with the people, even though they know they are not per-fect. Daniel knew that his responsibility was to lead the people to pray with all their hearts. Jesus Christ is an intercessor; in fact, He is the intercessor of intercessors. Before coming down from the moun-tain, Jesus would spend the whole night in intimate communion with His Father. He lived interceding, died interceding, resurrected interceding, and went to heaven and continues interceding for us.

The responsibility of an intercessor is to lead the people to pray wholeheartedly. The Word says that God will not reject a broken heart. Matthew 5:4 says: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” We need intercessors like Daniel. An intercessor brings the kingdom of heaven to earth, and makes the plans of God be carried out in the world. The best intercessor is the Holy Spirit, because it is written that, “But the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8:26).

Our priority in the church of Jesus Christ must be to intercede for the souls. Intercession is one of the pil-lars upon which the vision of King Jesus stands (the other two pillars are evangelism and deliverance).

Intercession in the Now

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Here are some productswe recommend for you.

Supernatural Transformation (Book)

We were created for the purpose of reflecting the heart of God, and He is ready to change our heart in His image and likeness, by means of a supernatural transformation.

52 Life Lessons 5 (Manual)

This book contains a teaching for every week of the year. Its pages are filled with wisdom from heaven that will lead you to find practical solutions for your daily life.

Why Believe in Jesus? (Book)

Why believe in Jesus? When all of us have questions, only Jesus has the answer!

Supernatural Five-fold Ministry School Mod. 10 (DVD Series)

All of the SFMS Module 10 preach-ings are available, because you must be empowered by God for these times.

Get yours today!

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