  • '

    THE HEW YORK SUN."TaVbh& d.vC- -, .l toerrted, t Fro trae.

    VrdUliur--, etar of Fultcni and Kaaaau sta. and oVirtverM toettbeKrlbere (a New Yjrk rtty and rlcsnltv, at

    MT When tool by melt, IVnir DoBon e Tear.

    Circnlatioa, CO.OOO Copies par day.TOT WEEKLY BTJH U jmbliiihod W cents

    rlnrrle wnUIt nmtbarun faiTi tLbKACU, rmprtttor.


    WANTED--P AMIUES TO WORK IN Ala CoooeetrerrV with children be.twwsatboaaxMoa'lOandtu.aieed.y stria. Apply at MBearer at, tatlM.nar-dn,lM- t. I aa4U o'clock. est) 4

    lJANTKD-Jk- N ISatlSn, GKalfAN OSW Bo o.iaaii. to do the eeekeit. waehiat and

    Ironing et a private family, eoaelattag nf aaaa, bio witread In thUdrrn. Apple at 41 Craa-ber-et Brook tvo, beforoll o'clock la ttaowr aflat I o'clock UUukAnM, cegglta

    WANTED tt BRICK MASONS ON8EC.W 4, Brooklyn WeterWorke.4 allee t of Jonoleo, Thoea eeeuetemed U env-re- ce maklne pro.ferrao. WeetaBt IBBerdar. BAKMIul aXBCNET.

    OeB 4114.

    BO L&nOREBS IK WILW llaroeburgh. Inqulra on tho work. In South Ithit, near Id st ocAt'Ue

    WA1TID-TWEN- TT OIRLS AT 47to work et piper bo tee. Alaelgevd

    ttox eattrre. Mono newd .apply mils aotaoalniad withtho boarneea. .00 1'lM

    wANTED A MAN TO PRESS ANDehrlnl iwrtaoiwf OMblnM; alee two ot throealrlsUbniotpaala. Apply c unainam os ana nowliowary. oorM

    wANTED GIRLS TO BAIST TUINCoot. OlrU paid whllwlearulng. Alee aa opMl I IW,, la iii.. n I.I.,. Acid .aww "TV.."114 Third avenue. oortoi

    WASTED-- 80 FIRST RATK LABORERS,to whom good wages will he given.Cell or, loo work. In 4ki it, between Mh on J th area,erofS iLWOOUHow TO fortieth rt. a triad

    irANTED-T- EU GOOD BAISIEiS TOV halite Mean oootj Iter 0 machine; oho I pat but-

    ton bola rnakev. nono but conipetent banda need apt'T. UiUlfot cava weak at 1M West 44th st ooriU

    WANTED-- 10 OIRLS FOR WEAVLVQrba bon'a onlr apvlfoBI'm K.ritLU)KlCUllatOo,UiiVoartrtHTlVTPn Iftrt ntriffa Y1 ttrTTTW roftaorat ti and arlta funUlaa. In tltr aalanunlfT. at Mai Yark Employment Offlws 40 Brvimoot, mar Kin. U, nabiva uaio ao.unui.iui omoai,04 4'iMWAWTKD 80 BAISTERS FOR LIKES

    oad oUpaoa oooto. Bono bat tho boat of handEX t4t1 ematant rnient: aiao 1 ptorf onWIWCHUa Wllooa'o a, Appl at MS Prarl rt.ahooor.

    "XirAHTED GIRLS WANTWO EMPLOT- -VV aioatoan prorldo tbaraaalvaa irood p'oraaandblrb watr. at at7 Hoann ot, nar Br, Jnha'a Park.Knalorrra will tod faoo balp ot thUoflloo. Thnaawho vol of I milaa looaothoU Biooeraad holn. C.--WATBOta. 04I-1T- T

    WAJrrED OOOD TTIIN 00 VT ANDto bola and tnlah fjro oewlaiima.rfetao aloo a food baioan kola aiakar. Aspl 400 M rr.tlaar, t toon fruaa VaadorbUl ar. Brook I --n Mr.tot. o4i'ica117ANTED A TINSMITH AT ! SO PERwwdanatdr wwk to (ood .baoJ. Iaialro F. mo- -PmJBQ. tn BUth aw. O4fl0oITTAHTKD-CARPENT- ERS AND BLACK.

    V aultUo, oooko and atawardo, 14 atovt irronihanda fot a whailnir voraro. Ship to oall tkla woek.Applrto KkMUaiXiAkOBSOM. lil tviath atjoor.

    inUaUff vmm mv

    .hVAWTiro-I- N A PB1VATK FAMILY INM I. BraoUyr, a Frotaaunt wotnaB,to dotenoral

    JO' oaaoworki aaaoi ha a Brat rata a.- h- aad Ironor and

    to toko oro of ohildraa, Aral', with rroomrnandartkn,UCUatooiaT, IdoorabalowPajkaT. o4lteJ

    D NEW BU1KT IR JHEKWASJ haadteaa baya too Bichaat watw aaaaTooirreoapia: otNo. I Boat Bidet. aar tboaarofataA. AaaOftrUUIoara. aaaateae-- m

    WANTED FOR WHALINO T0TA0E3Men that baya born at tho boalneea l aJao eroaapjieXotoat pwana AaMriaaa naaa and oarponte;e.

    bl.t&nltha. aadiaawarda; alao awraooa pmourod foppjaViaotaiotiinaroaaat yam.ea. Apply B Weat at,


    TITAJrTKD LADD0 TO LEA UN TO OPf-- Wrata an Macera and Wh-ak- w WIWioawlM

    aibiriii " '" eatlatad,I It -""and raaatoaauaadaal to ettuattnne ae oporaaore whanlearned t oarano troan SI to Bl efr aloo anrlM aaaoblnaaroTiatoudtolat. Uoatc ot tit .UhweOanoay. aw Barioo

    TI IANTED IADLK TO LKAItA TO 0P-- WarataonBiraoa,Wboaorwnaoa-- o andBeww aowlaui machlaoot praanloa aatil aarfoot on allBiade of work, and rocoaiaMindan to aBoeat bladltufnod all the other (oacaa tanint ponaot. waaona fiaaa(branch tho day, and erW a. oyaalncei fcwma. V,

    kind, of maeklnao to tat, Faaaoe aaU at talBonrjat, rOrandtn.

    XTT ANTED 10 OIRLS TO MASS B0NVV am framaa. aimlv to V K. KIDD. M) Maedoo.

    fwleLN. Y, Only tboaa aennalnt with tha nnainaaa)wood apply a fow taken to loam. oaji vaaariia

    rmurri LADlMTAPIiUT TOOPEft- -V aaa on BuurrV tYBoala at Wlaval eewtoa rao--anroa br tMaror'a lata tawhaa; pterUee anUI partnoiOn all fcuoaof work and ranocumaDdad to piaoaa artorroaralna adndlrux tnrklnf and hrmmlna pair. tnaloitOd tor IUXI ltmoVy- -a anppUao. arttt IrV J. w pa

    aton at aa nuaion aw aw ua'iar" ww

    VajANTED fOlINU BiEN 'ttlriHINW XVro toeaa. ana pronoro pood yoya.ra In raarah.nt

    aradlna applylnj at 111 Bowth at ThJaa haaa( bu eucna axparlonM at era pra.-a- ait arlt 4aaiM

    WANTED raUlSOIIB tVUU WISH TOBlnora aaolra qjxmlua Tonnlb- -- a .. .. n Ik .1. ' .1.0 a.iaai..eaii ma aim t .w ."". " r jp rpnaododU okaady ploeea noalrt at jrjanoaOaratSoor.

    ABNMcILVAIN CR kARY, CAN a Irantaeabr addrraalafMr. lUt'KKrr, b i .u Onleo, for thr -- reja,arbera Uerjcaa bo found. oft 109A OOOD MA XT WOMEN WANTED

    Xxdallyi loo,! B'tuatinua; jtiMMl wacaa. Olrle latalrlandod, and email c'rla wanta I Iniiuraliatolr, at thaInjrtotaaudUoiua,lJdfcltir-uthat,oortiL- h a, Calland Inquire. aJOo'lWJ

    WANTED: 25 COJDBRICKLAYERS on oho. No, 0, Brooklan watarwrrka. Tbaaa e"OiatonMid to aorfc on r nawtarrod.Warae t per day. CLA1T JUNOsbKY.oorltt

    LIZA BEKNEt, A OIKL, It YFAKH OLU,arriradUtho hip JACOB A. WMTrRVKl.T,

    from Inland, on Touratay laat, aad ItCaatla Oar-de- noo fvalnHaa. Tblalato uotllyUr l at Brr

    BKKNEY.Iiaaalnthelauilyot Mr Uao.rr BikJ-- n, tOJ f il at, Brooklyn, aad turner,to oca bar. Oct tlUIBEVEI'.Y INFORM T1IE PCBHC THATl ft n.y bod and board, and tbl. u toeautitm ery paaun wliateaer from hartioriat ortruatlnp bar uatrr ny nerae.tjehe la Inrroat l ti raturn witkia tan dava, by bet buabaad. MOitKWLEON. Tuckaboo. Oct a.

    LADIES TAUGHT TO OPERATEWbtwUr'. A Wilana'e Iniproyad eawina;niarblrra. Char-ro- e ouly Bl for the emirea. Kr-r- y

    the marhina. learnt tonarfio.Krtapdfr.ctiouof aauitea at.o taught.Apply to 1M ThlrtbHiUth at, bctwona lib on I rimArenuao. oB fiSI

    LABIXS TAUOQT TO OrCKATJ. ONwtiaon'. ImproTad eewtnl menhlnoe, toclo al ktnda of work, tho manaaoriawit af too tuarblno

    caarsoa only Bl lor taa rou ooat aoa nanan aaa. nee aeon ana awi

    MILLINERS-WANT- ED A TEW FIRSTbaoda. eoeae trlrurarTa, lmpruv.r.

    and kPtrrrntloaa. k, Dl'NN, I JO 1'uiUio at, bruuklya.

    NOTICF TTIE GOODS BEIX)NGIN) TOthat worn ft un atorare at J.JUICXMROOa'rt. lOtlCeutro at. if not celled for hyavid to pay cipuuea. ocO t'lliROCKMEN AND SLEDOERS WANTED AT

    of eaab waaee; apnl) on Fnrdharaf'tSTMloorthe Herrleaata liartoni R Road,to VTU D. tURIEN, tontracUr odb-l- lt

    SOIBT CUTTER WANTED IMMUDNemployment will bo given to anTiP '.biu, ordrUtynr;renooai.iilrvd.Ap.p,.. oaeurt

    TO PLUMBERS-WANT- ED BY A LAD 17T'.,,ff ""b kla paret waut., anwntle.blmaeJtth.p1lllnhll,f .. K, D JJtt cne year, oad . rood deal about mu at-- jrlren. lauulro for nne we-- k. ofm..t uaarars.0. aaa vr ran .roiu at. oBflWTX) PBINTJRS-- A JOB SETTER, OF TEM- -

    paaatofcablta.wba aarterettnd. band aad pevarpreaa wr k. a gooo eompoeitor on brx.k Ae. nurattain a wrwianerl.ttnatloa at ina stay timre.Orauga,ooref Faltun at, Brouklrn. Onaroaidiut la tbirlty ofBrooklyn --oald lie Toierrod. o& miOX) fAIU)R8-SE- AT ROOM CAN BE OB.

    afif rt.!J White . with a flrat rate lUht Irorjdtr,ltJwuarf BlaeaVe eewing maenina forSO or fcikaorja. Call thi day 1 J White rt. oo4 VM

    1 H NEW SHIRT IEOMEKS WANTEDA vOned puti aad aanotant aarplormeal riven to

    firat rate bend, Waatad alao I or awed enrkln.Ir atria to learn to Iron. Apply at the ManhatlariMr.tIaLaundry, car of Tonth at md avo D, 06 J'114

    ' CfVn PARTNER WaNTED-- IN ONE1 itOKjyj af the oldeet oatahliabad klndllJd wood( Tarda In tha dtri have a good ateaa ongluo, plitttagmachine, ilrat. akwe. toola, horaee aud wag wia, hi and eau,aarga tack of wood, tod am dotal a goodaaai trada Apply tk and l raatb ara,t41hiifc4Ui4a.CiUrar7 conta

    1Aiir0o.'I OIRLS iWANTXDAVfUfoc owar 100 uoaUaat altuatlon. now .5,a.bS.ownntiy blgbaat wayaa; oail oarlr ata aptarmant office, bio Broad wajr,laiaatatra. a knaan and t fanaara wanted. M.V.leTwtri totrm

    New Yok EKttoa Dtotrirto.Tho following U tb Act dh tiling Ihlidt tat0

    lulUtlo Election Diotrkts rAN ORDINASCK

    To Mnt. nro Crrr o Nw Ynax ikto mm.fitwT KLpertrm Dfonir-ra-

    , rjaaoan ti Soi-- h,At. a, Titli k, or Act o ma Lajioi.Ta,raeatu Arm. Dm, IMi.T' Unvr. A IVrwtt (in.1 (VmrannnUp Ike at f or"n YK to CwmwMfi Oonntit wfirenri, tfo oruWft

    a ofinww;Uiria I. Too tweatp two warde tn tbo cltr of NewYork. (ooBopt lotpa. aeeamaoa Alaanaanlo DaHrlcte oe

    rooatuatptf aaeMthotntneretlit of tho emeaelrhartor. p.aaM Arll 14, 141 ) .hail bo. and are harabpMTirailr d'vMrd Into laetkwi dutrtrts the aitent

    4 Haiti of wklrkaakdaloattwa aUotrMM akallboa.UkwthatUU..- -

    II Tbo Tint Word aboil bo dlaUed Into Aroolae.tla fbtrltte, th ertrat and limiu of ahlab. aaUOlioletrliollriaalfollowTho ant e'eMloa OWriet of tho Flrat Ward ahU

    ronteka all that part of tk. eHr hnindod h and Irlofwlthia Motlbor Uodam rlTwr, kfarrle rtroat, orhl'a-ka-Mr, and the Coatrlaor larla'lu OoTemorV,fitff, and Badlnw'. lalaada, to tbo bar, and kejongtnfto toe cut, aoa wiinia lauonaaicimn.

    TboomwirlKUon&latrlct of tho flral Word rtDwtali .11 that pattortho o tr hoao10 kr aad llntI'kln flnihra rlrnJHartor. arocBWloh.Thoo.ot.Vrrdo?oodlforrl.alj4.Th third al. ctlo.dWtrti of l0 rift Ward ahall

    omitala all tMt tort or tha altr bnnndad bf and Irlaiwithin nodwm tvr Librrtrttreet. OroaJoar.ThameiOrranwIebaiidllortOfrtTaMo..

    Thefourtkoioo'loBdlatrlotoftnoTlrot Wr1 ahalloorUla oil th nl of tha rr hnandnl by oiif IflneihlM mm flrMdwa an4 HOTOr. thranah Mroad'wartoLibnti atrart.atal'ra laa, Kaat rlrer, UldrtH,andBarrtraitoBrdar.

    itannBolarlloada-trlrto- f tho Ftrat Ward .hallonnlato all that paitut the eitf oonood b aad IrmtwlUiin Wbitohall,lloarrr .treat, Ud aUp aad boatl,'' irioNowAuo.

    It. Tbo Breond Ward ahall ho dlrldod IntotwOltrlion dwti left, the eat, at and kmle of which aaUelftloodieuict'aha'lbaaalol'oew

    The Ort ekcllou flatrlrt of tre Baonnd Ward .hillei.itOn all that peitof tho alt boanlol brand lr-t- i

    within Broadwa, Chitham, Baruce, Qo.d aad

    Tbo eoeond rlrotlon dlattlrt of the Boron d Wanlhallrout. In all lbt part of lha ettr bonn'od brao.llrln within Uold and rerr .to, Eoa4 KiTtraodklil""' TUtlDWABr,,

    M. Tho Third Ward ahall lie dialled It to fmr aloo.Ik n dUtrt.-ta- , lb i tent and Itroiu of which (aid aloo.tlindlalrirUaha'l boaafollowa;

    1hoaorle tmdkarkitor tbo Third Ward ahatlrrta'nail t&at paitrf theelt boanda.! bo end tinftwltMn I'udauu rl n r, Veaej atreet, BroeJear, an iLtirrnr arrrii

    1 bo eatwat olootiaa dlatrlet or tbo ThIM Ward ahallooi taH a I tkat Prt of the c'tr bounded by and Irlnewithin Uddanu rlrer, Rhinaou, Oreamoleh and llor-10- 1

    atria ta,Dmodwaf and Voaoratrorta.'Pie tkiro auction dWtlct of the Third Wart .ha.t

    omitalnall that ptitof tbocltrbouo led br and lindwithin llndatm rtorr, fllambere atraMO, Brealwajr.tfiirraf, lironwtah and Boblnaot ttroata

    Tkr touita atari tin dlarlrt if tho Tbird Ward aballortitlnall that part of the dtp bunnda ha and Ipinawithin ilutfaon rlrar, lieJe atnot, Brradwap aadCuambci.oirett.

    FOTTtTIl WARO.I tl. The Voutth Ward ahall ba dlrlleJ laM eereri

    e1ia?tlnn dUerlrta, lha extant and limit, of which .aidictlon dietrt,a aball be aa f illowa:The flrat rlaeil m CMrtrt of tha Fourth Ward ehtl

    at Lt'to all that part of thi rltp boan'od by and lainfwttb'n Chatham. lHiano, Roar, e'raukfort and Dcraratrw. to, Kaat rlaer, Pack Blip, l'wrr, Hold and Bpraeeatrrtu .. . . ..

    TharooonaeioKinobtrKioi tno rannn woraanall

    rontoln all that part of tbo city bo indod by end IrlnrwitkiuNaaliowiry. rvori, Madumo, and Roooerelt.trawte, KaH rlrar and Oorer orrert.

    Tbo louttk alrtlomidkrtrt of tbo Ponrth Ward .halloontala a I that partof taoeltr bmndad byaad Irlnrwithin Oak and Catharue .troota,Kaat rlrer kud Janteo"TheflftholorllondlrrTlctof ttto Fonrth Ward ahallmaitala all that part ef tbo ettr booaded by and lylatwlrhla Hooaavrlr. Chatham. Jattvo and Oaa etraata.

    T baetith rLrtlon dlatrlet of tto Fenrth Ward ahaUcot tela all that part of tbo etty houndrd by and lylnrwithin Oak aud Janteo .Uoeta, boat rlrer aud Kooee- -

    Tboaraantb olaotlon dlatrlet of tbo Fonrth Wardhall contain all that part of tha city bouod-v- by and

    Winy withla Chatham etratt, tha Bo rcry, Catharine,Oak and Jamce .trerta.

    FlrTHWAnD.I . Tbo Fifth Ward ahall bo dlrlde.1 Into lfit

    rlartloodlatrlcta. thaaiWnlaod limit of which oaldlertlou dIMrirta ahall ho aa foliowa tTbo Brat oirctloa dlatrlet of tho Fifth Ward .hall

    contain all that part of lha etcy bonadod hy oad lylnewithin Ilroadwaj.Keado atrett, Weat Broadway end

    Tha erooud'rlaction dlatrlet of tho Fifth Ward ahalloontala all I hat part of tha citr bounded by and lylnwithin BroKlway, Canal atrart, Woat Broadway audVV liltjt tffan.

    The third alarntlon dlatrlet of the Fifth Ward ahalleoata'n all that pot t of tha citr k Minded br and Irloew itbln Wot Bioadway, North Mourn, Uadaoa aad

    ade etraata.The totlruaiarrinnri'iriraoi urarnui rteraenaii

    oontala all that part of the rlty bout art be and lrln(wlthia Wort Broadway, Canal. Baden an.1 Nertafan ib.pana f

    The Bttbeirrtion dlatrlet of tho Fifth Ward .hallooi tain all that aait of tbo ei'r boundad by aud Irinrwl'hla Kaada, lliidoen. llarrlaan aud Weat .trrrte

    TleeltlbeirckB diatalotof tho Fifth Word ehallcontain all that part of the city brain' ad br end lyiufwithlo IJarrlaun, Uudaou, Beach and Weat etreete

    Tl e arvrntk elretlen dlaUlit of the Fifth Word ahallooot.ln ell that tart of tho city boundad by end lyingwttMu B"ar 1lud0, Vtatry and Weat atraata.

    ThaaiahtPalrctloa dU'ri'l of the FUtb Ward ahalleoe tain all that part of the city boundM by an I lylnjwltLln t calry.lturaoo auaiano rrtn .areata.BIXTfl WARD,

    I T. Tha Blith warJ .hall be dlrlded Inti nineelection dlatilrta. theoxULtand limit of wbicb .aid

    rla il'ta.rball tie aa rollowa:Hie Arat al.rtlou diaUict of tbo Blith Ward ahtll

    oofttatu a I tlut of the city b- nndnd bf and llogwi'l iu Hrowleey, Chatham and Chanter arrant.

    Tl a rlaxtlon durtrict of tka Bitth rVard, ahaUrar.Uln all that part of rhe clw bounded by aud lylurlwirhi" Hioadwav, Charabara, tentrean I atraata.

    IbatllrilrU-ctk- dlatrut of the Hits Wart ahallOotitain all that tlio oir Imuuilad tyandlflnawtliln Chatliau, Cbamrwra, Cautar and Paarl e rovta.

    Ihefiurthrlrrtivn euuilct uf the 8 lib Wardahlltrra.ralii all that part of the city bounded by aad lyingwi'lilo llrf,1aaa. FranVlln, Ci'ntrr and Porlatrorta

    Tl.aftiih rlavti'n dla'rlct of the Blith Ward alialloriitaln alltliat partof tb" eit Irnaood byandlring

    ihn. CtLtrr, rrankilu, Baxr, Faarl aadCu.lheiatraat.Tha altth rlrrllon dlatrlet of tb. 81x1b Wt'd .hall

    oorira n all that part of the rity la uiidad by aud lylugwitl.iu Battel, lU)ard, Mott and Chatnam etretrta

    lliaatrrulli rlnrtiou dlatrlet of the rjlit'l Wardahl oontalu all that part of the rity tmundrd hi andl.ln. w.thln the ltraeir.Chathani and kararlatraata.Ibaalthth ilrrilnndUrictof tlioBixth Ward aball

    routain all that partof tha rlty bonu-la- lip an I lr-l-w thin Cabal alrrrt, Bruadaay, Franklin and llax.

    IlianUt-irlort- l n dlatrlet of tie Blith Ward ahallO'ltitain ail that p.rt of tha city bounded br and WingnitbiuCxnal, Baitirand llavar aud lljwiry.

    BKVK.NriI WARDIR. The Bern lb ward ahall he divided Inta nine

    ol ellnn dlatrirta,tbeeilent and liiaita of which ealdeli ction fUrl' ta ehall ba ae toilaea l

    Tliatlia'olartloniliat of the bVrrrntli War! .hallcontain all that I ait ol tha citr bonni'ad by anllriu4wirolQ Diviitup. Market llnrr ant Caharlna .truiThaawmcd rbitloa ol trirt ol fie Bareiath Wardball ootitain all that Palt of the c'ty boundtd by end

    Irinr w.thln brury. Market, Monroe aud CatharineTba third alactlon diatrirt of the Seventh Ward

    .ball cor tain all that part nfthirlry bl.ndl by andlain vittin Moutowaud Pike atrotta, aat river andCatballne aii4a.

    Iba fiuttb rlrrtlon diatrirt of tho Baventh Wardaball ootitain all that part ol the city bounded by endlilng wnbln Dlrulon, piko, Monrot and bfarkttatrar.

    1 ba l.fib flection diatrirt of the Bevantb Ward aliaUcotiraru all thai paito' tha oily bounded bv and trioroirbln Madwoa aud Clintoo etrata, Kait Kirer aadI'lkeatrrat.

    1 to alitb olrrtlon dlatrlet of tho fceo'h Ward ahalleouraln ail that pari of the citr Iraunded br aud l.lngwlihin IlirlaloruClluloi', Madleiu aad I'ike etreela.

    TbeataanthaloctionoUtrlet of lha Wardball ooutain eT tbat partof tb.citv boadod brand

    lainawlt Iti'k ton, Oouaarneur, M tnroe and Soarnniel atreata Kaat Kivar and Clinton atrnatr.

    The alfhth alactlon tllVrlet of taa Barenth Wardahall ena.eiuaUibat belt ol tho Olty laruil la I by andlying wUbUCbarryalrert, Laat rlrer and BCarniu4treat.

    1 ho oltth election dlatrlet of tba Biventb WardI all contain all ti-- t pelt of the city bouudvt hy audIrlng wlttlnlMaklon and Grand tieta. Real rlrer.Cherry, Bcatunial. Miwiraaa aud tl reremoor atreou.

    iiOUni WARD.I 9. Tbo Elrhth Ward abtll ba rtiridod lata leelve

    elrcttonei'irkle, the eitant and limit, of wliloh talialcrtlon rtktricta aball re aa follow, lthrttreeelmlondie'rict of th. tlalilU Ward .hall

    enutala all that part of thaate bounded hy aodltlnttwithin burlng atr.ct, Broadwiy, Ckoal and Wcetoratrarte.

    1 be aeoond eleeHerj dUtrlrt of tho Eight Ward ibanooarala all thai part of rbo any bmadarl brand lyingwlUMn 'prlnr, vVoor, uaal aud Bitl'lran atreeta.Tl third e.rt-ndie(r- of Ike Klebth Ward (hallcontain all that part of the ctty brnieded by aud b logwithlubHlue.auUlran, Canal and Varltk atmeaa.

    The l.arth rhitmu uletrlct of the K'rhth Ward aballtoataia all toat nert c( tie city btxindod by and lyingwithin Hprltr. anck, Canal and II uleoa etrerta.

    Tha filth alaction diatrictcf Iho hie Mb Ward ehallcnaitaiD all that part of the rliybonndad br andlrlag

    ithlu Spring, Uudaou aud Canal veett. aad llideoa1 lie r'lth elertion dUrlct of tho Ward (hill

    coetaln all that part of tha city boatdod by ao I Iriatwitbin llouiloa atrrrt, llroadway, Spring ant Wooataratr ita.

    The eevaath elertion rllatiltt of tha Wxhtb Wardahall orrr lain all that nart of th. el tv lnmndM t tA1) log within Uouaton, Wooatcr., Swlna aud BuUiraa- -

    '?.U election dlatrlet of the Wardehallioi.telaa.1 Ibat part of tba eit, bouaded br andIring witain Cbarllao, Priucr, Suiiivau, Brlng audlueaon etrtcta

    1 bo ninth alactlon dlatrlet of tho F.lrhth Ward .balleot.falb all that put ol the eltr boundnr) by anllyl gwithin the ea t aide of liudaon etreet, fr"ra Charltonatraw i to King .treat, eoutherly .nte o' blrig .trea teManceugtlatreeti ettterly aloe of VJaeJmgal etreat teCharlUu atreaf ; eaatoi ly uda of Maedonaal ilrretifioniPrince tp lloneton atro.1: lot'nerlr aide o. Iljuwtoeatrart to Srilliaan tract! weataily aide of Bulilvanrtreet, from Uou.loa lo rriuea etroet, northerly aide ofPrioea treat to tlharlton etreet: Durtharl aide of1 k.V,lu" r4 'o Uudaou Tent.

    ri'"ii'"1,ib.i,?!",S dlaulrt of tho ElgMb Ward .hall0,.If,.l., ,hJ ttrto'1'Ocityboun-edb- aol lyinga a waat af .ataeoouaaiatreet, frum IIiuaoaent'rly.Maot tiudoalo HaaieraUr atrwt, and eoulh

    ly atde ol llarurraley to Maedonaal atrvt?Tlwetaentheiiioou.iriotaftha El hth WardKail ooolaln eM that rt of the city Bouaded by aa!j. log w UMu ther Ion, Uadaoa aad Iprtog etroeU an 1Hiiraoo river.Tiielweiita eioetioB atetnet or taa Eighth Ward

    I all ootuto all that tart ot tho city bounded br aodlylor w.thla llautaraley, Uadaoa and Charlton itrovUtin. aoa rlrer.

    niHTIl waKiy..110. lhNlntb,Ward eaaU ba divided lata twelve

    olootloa diratrtrw, tho extent aad Ural a of wkiob ealdolerakru dlat'lcta euali bo ai f Uoac

    J.Tfotawnaiotrioi or Ibe Nlnu, ward ahallor,aW1e nit that part oft ta city bounded by aad Irlairtreetev

    Tbace Ttalr- all that &i.fiE:;j,7tZ3Wi?m".tUiiaC.rl.tewa.Uif,d aad'ttaaunlayontalBalltha,...,,a, tVdfuil.Clu-Ukopl- awl roujlU nntu, Sixth

    artcov, aud Baartkrr atntia, anl CottMttpiano.

    The fonr Ji oloottoa Jlatrlot of tbo Ninth Ward tbal pait rf the olty biaiaVed by and lylofwtthlr,Urooawlehayoaaa,Wart Ttrb rftt ind Birth aymoe.Tbo oflh al"tlon dietrlri of (bo Ninth Word ahallernfla alltkatpartof thadlrboandotbr tad IrincItbln faanwlch and FlaLth arannoa. FourteOathetr--v Blith otanna ami v aai laaua eirarl.TbaaltthrarciloodL'trletof tbo Ninth Ward ahallcontain all thtt part raTthorlty bonaoVd by and Irlnawltbln Bkorkar. Chrhtapkir. Fennh and Ckarlmatrat Is QtaeawlcB oviaaao aad ltamBaaad araat.

    Tho oayaath tWctloa dlotrlct of tha Ninth Wardball oorlaln all, bat part of toe city by aad

    lyloKwKMa r and UuBBtmd etrtJta, urern.wtrh aaa Kabth aoanrrm,

    Tbo otthth aarctt--n diatrM of tho Ninth Ward ehalfOMitala all that part of tho eltr boaadad by and rytmwithin Krmrtaeoth ttraet Kldblb areano. Horatioatrart oad tbo Hodnn rln r.

    Tho any h ate OKo dlatn.1 of tio Ninth Ward ahtnMtiialnalltharpailof tea ely bonndad bo ana Irtnawithin IJorallo atirrt, Klhtk artnor, Troy atroaterr! tbo undo n rlyrr.

    The tYnib reaction dWrlri of tho Klntb Ward ahallrwottln all that part of the city bounded by and irinilt In Troy atro t, Klht h aranno, Bieookrr aad item-Boa-

    atroMe, aad lha tlad-o- rirar.Tka okartth abHUoa dlatrlet of tha Ninth Ward

    hall oorlaln a'l that part of tbo rity bnandod by andIrtnc alth n Uammood, HUeckar andCkatloe .ttoeta,aftd It. lludarn rlnr.The twelfth a art Ion dletrlrt of the Ninth Ward aha'lmora In all thatjtl of tbo rt'r bmnd-- d ba and lyletwithin Charka. niarr kar and Chrlatophor etroota, aadthe Uadaoa riarr.

    IICNin WAM.1 11. The Terth Wairl ahall ha dlvidad Inta at .Ua.

    tkol latr1rta,tbatiit ndlualtaal ohlch dlatrtrU ahall bo aa follow, i

    Tho erat Ira lion dlatilct of tha Truth Ward abaltron'aln ell that part of tbo etlybonnad by and hintwithin Riainakoi, rorarth, Delanrrr, sldlidire andGrand atraa ta, and the Horary.

    Tha arrnnd rlextlon diatrirt of tha Tauth War.l ah.llmtt.lp all that portof the city boumlto by and tymfwithin Birlnatrn, Lunlnw, Uaienror, Orchard, Oread.KMrtdrr, Italarray and r'oraith atraaia

    The third rlewtlon dlatrlet of tho Tonth We'd ahaltrontalo ail tkal part rl te atr bowndad br eat Irlnawithin llialuaioi., Norfuik, Urend, UraBard, IHilaneoyatrl Lurtow rtrrrla.

    The foiltth t lortlotl aietrtl t of tha Trnlh Word .hallrcntala all that part of Iherltr lioundod by and

    tlraart, Nortntk, IMTtalon andUrrhaM atnt.Toe BAb rlcrUon illrlrirt of tha Trnth "'arl ahall

    co tain alt tlat patt of tbo city bvr adrrt ami Irh Bwithin Uranil, Orchard, Caaol, I' ore and lloat riratta and the Bowrry.Tho(iihrctlon'trtc of the Tenth Ward ahall

    CirMeln all that part rf tha cite boustlod by and li Innwilhta U'eta-r- , 'm Ik, Canal, Orchard and Dlrtaiou.trteloeeMUew.ry,

    KLVvyNTH WAROI't TharVfTi.i.lh Wl laiall baOlaldod lotoalih-li-r- nilrrtion rllatrlrta, tha eitant aiid limlte of whubaid elertion dletrtcta aball be aa fnlVowa ITho tint rlia'rh-- a af the rkirrnth Ward

    alia I oo tain all that Part ef the rlty bonnoad be endh !u witLIn Cllntoo, MouaWn, Pitt, Stanton, Hldi.and Rlrin.ton aUrr a.

    Tto Krond rlaallon dlatrlet of the nrronth Wird.loll oonratn all that part of the cJtr boundM byand I' Ina within Kline, BltnOn, 111 Ueuaton,

    harfffaad Bivlnttoii eta.Tbo Pd olratlow d atrtct of the Eleventh Ward ahaU

    oontala all that part of the c tr bounded hy and le-tup, within BharilZ, Ucnatoo, Cennoraand KirioffioaItrarlev

    Tha frairth rlalan dlitrlrt of tha Ktaaanth'TVarl.hall eottain alllhattartof tko rlty b landed by andhlnr within Counon,llouaton,hMtlDgton .ta,an aa. rirar.

    Thi Mb alactlon dlatrlet of tha Rlovoath Ward .ballcontain all that part rf the ollrumndod by aad ly-loa within Avonu. O, Uuatm,FJihat, and the Railrivar,

    Tke.lxth lertlon diatrirt of tho Eleventh Wardabnll ooatoln all that part of Ihe elty hounded by andlytnr wltbln Avenue C, lloueton etreet. Third etrattor d Aviiue I).

    The eaventh eleetlan dldrtrt of the Eleventh Wardatalloontalaalllbtpart of thoelty bounded by andlyiog within Avenue B, Third fttreet. Avenue 0 audIlrneton alreet.

    1 he el.hth elertion diatrirt nf tha F.revonth Want,ball eontetn all tbet ear. of the rlty boauded by and

    IrinuwIUklnAtonaoB, Fifth etreet. Avenue 0 andThird rtreet.

    Taoaintaouetionaietnet or tho Eieventn rrartiaball enotalB all that part of tba eity boandadby andIrian olthln Avrnue O, Filth atroat. Avenue D andThird etroat.

    The teeth elertion olatriet of the Eleventh Ward,aball enntaln all that part of tho rlty b mnaod bv andli log wlthia AvawuaO, elfUl etroet, Elorontb .treat,aad the Kaat rivar.

    Tbeelevreth elertion dktrlrt of the Rleventb Wardhall cot tain all tbal part nf tba city, bouoded br andlelngwllbu Av.nua l Fifth atrect, beranth otrorU

    and Avenue b.Tbo twelfth eiactlen dlatrlet of tbo Eleventh. Ward

    ahall eov tain all that rart of tha rlty. hoaroe I br andlrlng within Avenue B, Avenue C, Fifth end Seventh

    Ibo thirteenth election durtrict of tho KloventhWard.aluill contain all that part of tbo eity bonni'edby and Irtogalthia Aranno tf. Avenue C, Beventhai.d b intb atreeta

    The fourteantb ekrtlon rlM-I- rt of the KlovmlhWare. hlleon'ala alltliat part or tho citr bonmledby end lying wltbln Avrnue C, Avenue X), Seventhan" Ninth atreeta

    Tho fifteenth elertion district ef tbo Eleventh Ward,hall contain all that Dart of tho elty bouoded bv and

    li trig w ItMn Avouuo C, Ninth trail, bieronth treot,ana Avenue I

    Tlio liter nth alrrtlon dlatrlet of the Eleventh Wardhall contain all that rart nf tha city honored by aad

    lying wltbln Aroaao B, Avenue 0, Ninth aod Kieveuth trteta.

    The aevoteentb clartion dletrlrt of tha EleventhWard, ahaU contain all tbal part of tho elty bedudedbr and Ijlng within Aveuva B, Lleveuth t'eut,Twelfth atrart and Kaat river.

    Ihe elgl'trrMh rlirtlou dlatrlet of th EleventhWard, eh.ll routain ail i bat part of the rlt r. Iron idrd

    within AreniwB, Twelfth atrett. Four- -truuth rtraet and Kat river.

    'IWRIFTII WARD1 11 The Twe'llh V. ard th.ll laa Oialdnl Into all clar.

    Iloo dlatr.rta, the exUnt and ilmlteuf wbUh eald aletlr niluttirta ahall kaaa foliow. i

    lire nrt eiactlon ue net ot tneirrriiin vvarn, aiancrntatn ail that part of the eity, bounded by and lyingwithin NortUllrer, t igltrlilh ttraet, Beveuth avo.una and Hue bundled eud tw.utirtn atn t,

    Ihe .action iti.trlrt of tha IwellthWtrdv.Uri i tain .11 tnat partof thoelty. houu led by aud

    l Ina aithlu laat river, kiahtr iitn.tnt, Baventhavrrue, One I lindrrii d fifth atrrrt and river.

    Tha third elncrlondl-trle- t of tha la.lfrh Wardaiallc ntaln a I that nail r f Ina rlv, bound. rt br an I Itllifwithin 'Fat river. One bundrad and fifth atrnrt,ttav.enrh avi nun One huudrv-- anrt teal ttacouJ etreet toLait river, inciudlna WerO'e laleuil.

    The fourth rlaetiou rjlitrlct ot the Twe'llh Wardihal cortaln all that prrlrf the dtr, houodef hy andlrlug olthln ljt river. Ouo huntrtd and tweu'ye. roLd treat travel Ih avenut and llttlem rlr.r,

    Ine he"rtaTe la and.1 he fi'lii rlartlon diairltt of tho Twelfth Ward ahall

    ron'alo a'l taatp.iloftneiltr by ant lyingwithin Noith river. One cuudnad and Twentl.thtram, Sevrntli arouue, aul One liunilrad aud Forty."Thoi'x'th elertion tJI tflrt of thoTnitftb Ward.thtll

    er ntaln ail that pait ef the cl y bonndoi or and lrlngwithiu north at flee Hundred aud Putty fourth llrovl

    ud weat f Seven' h avenuellliaia,rtnill vaartr.

    I 14 Tba Thirteenth Ward aha' I lai d vltrd Intotorn el anion dtatrtcf.ibr extent and lloilu of wuli.lia.'d alter Ion dbtrtct .hall Ire aa roll j war

    lha brat elrrtliin dla-rl- of lha Thlrtaenth Wardhall contain all that part r f tha city bnudde I by and

    lung wlthia Uitlngtou, Clinton, Oraud aud Norfuik' l7iaaaeondolrwlrmdlrtrleteftbaTlrtonth Ward,ball eon'ain all that par of the ritr bo jn'ed hr and

    li leu withiu Kivluglou, BiJgo, Dlvlaioa aud Ulutua

    Tho third elertion dlatrlet of the Thirteenth Ward,ball cor tela ell that pall of lha eltr, bouifed by anil

    Irlai within KlviogtoaOUkt, Oraud, Drvlaion andBli'aaaileria

    The firth elertion dlatrlet of tho Thirteenth Ward..hail contain all that pait of the citr, no.ui4rei lr andIt log within lUvuJgtou, Colauiblt, Oraud and WUlcll

    'llefi'tbaleitlon diatrirt of the Thirteenth Ward,ahall ret tain all that part of the citr. bnluci-- d by audlyina aithlu Kiviu.tou, Ouorrk aud tkrlumblaatritritf.

    Ibe eittbelrrtloadlatiltiaf the Thirteenth Ward,hall eontain all that part of tha city brunld br aid

    hin. with'n kivluatou .treet,ISatrlv.r, OrandandUieick trerta

    1 ha otventholartlon dlatrlet onhoThlrt eath Ward,hall oofaUln ail that part nf the rity huuudei by

    anllvlor wltbln Ur.nJ, Cllutar, Dlvmou aul Not.u. trteU.

    r0L.BTEI.TjT WAttnI V. The Fouita-n'- ti Wart aball be dlt ted Irfi ten

    cite Ion r latrl ta, t tn-- Hi t and Hutu cf which (aidebrtlrnflalrlctafthali boalMloe. t

    1 he brat elrctlou d 1. 1 riot of thi FnurtoouOl Ward,.hall eot tain all that part nf the eltr baioded lie aidli lug ailhla lleuetun, Mott, Pilnco itroett aud Broad

    The ewettad election dlrtrirt rf tbo Fmrtce.ith Wardeball eooealn all that part of the clip nonndM b r andIrk g within 11 mown atreet Ujwary, Ptlnoo aud Motttreata.Ibo third election dlatrlet of the Fourteenth Ward

    a ell contain all that partof tho oltr bouiled brandlilng ailhlui'rlaiaMioet, lluwery, boring and Motttreata.Tbo f nrlh elertion t'latrlct of the Fvurlcentb Ward

    hall enrjfa'U all that pari of the city bounded br andlrlng within 1'lUicc, and Spill g au. aud Bread- -

    lit fifth elertion dlatrlet cftho Fmrleattfh Wardb. 11 contain ail that p.rt of the city bounded br andlylna vltbiu Hpilng, elailuu. Contro and Uraad etreeul

    aort Iiriaowar.ineeiiiaajrarrien nninnottoo rainranin warrx.ahallcot tatn allrhat partottbocity.hJuudMd ley and

    ring wiuiiu opuag, niott,ureuu, lirrrnnre.Tna elertlan d rti let nf ha Foerteenrh Ward

    ibaJlooilaluail ttat part of tboo tp,roundud by andIjlbaallhln Pptlngaueet, liaacry, Oraud and MoU' ll.a'rUltb elerUon dlatrlet ofthoFourtoanlb Watt.I til btelo kil that part uf the eit bounded by, and

    Irlng wubin Oraud licet, Uooory, Canal aad MjMtaarle.The ninth election dlatrlet rf tl o Fourteenth Wa'rt,

    ball con'aln all that part of thecity, Irouudal by oadlyloa with'n Grand, uort. Canal end Baiter etrearte.

    Tho trnth election diatrirt or the Fourteenth W.rlhall ooota n a'l lhat par'uf tba eiry bounriil br aud

    raina air bin Or. lot. Baiter aad Canal otroei. andBread a ay,

    FIPTEPNTH wxttnI Id. The Filtee- - th Ward .hail tm rllr. I tod Into tan

    rl.ction thtilft-.tii- a eitentand ilrnlta ol bleb aaidalter km dletrlcra .bell r a aa Iu lower

    The Hit r Inotiou dletrlnt ol the Fifteenth Wrd ah Ulcontain at' that pait uf tha city bounded hy and Irlnrwithin Uouak'n. llacoock aud Caroilaaitirrk, arid Blxlh avabue, Fuurth, hcrupaon, Auilty.nd Hu llva lira. la.

    'I be eeond alertlon dlatrlet of tho Fifteenth WordarllfObtai that paitof thecity bouadet by and

    lame within llrvaakan, Pulliven, Aaiit r. Tbouipeva.Fouitb and Wnajalae atavnta

    Ihe third ehttion elatrlrt of tha Fiftoeath Wart,hall ct Main ell t let tart rf the citr bounded ha aud

    liiuraithin ilouatou, Wuietar and ruuiib atrocta,and Vroanwey,

    rhulruith rUetlon diatilr-- t of tho Fifteenth WarJ.ball ooir'ain all that partof tbaeity bHindcd brandlln. wlihin tvurthairattaBtitb arenua, Tebth atrvctabd Unlvtriitt place.

    Ibnfif-- dletilet of tha flf aith Ward,ball enntaln all that Knit of th. arty buuodea by aed

    lying within Tet-i- treat, bli'b avanna, Twtlllb !.ard

    Tba lith lection dletrlrt of th. Flft'er-t- h Wardhill auataiaavll that part of tho elty hounded by andlyloa within Bighth .txaea, Valvaralty place, Fool"

    and Broadway.The aeveuk elocU m dlatrlet o'th. Fifteen!. Wardlaila-ntal- all that part eflha etty boaadad by ami

    aol il!ltI.wttB" & Wooatot and ICUUUt etroora

    .Ji!V,lw"'oTvotba ri'taentb WardlH,?i!ui"f.L,rt'"OOl.ybooedo by audI SXKVinT " Uaaaaut.... Futt gtroutI

    -- Th. n'nlholkn. diwrftho FlfWnlh Wwdt-- li lourtoenthirL,anI Ttit toath rbxtloa tUMrln of lUt TlAetttU Wat I

    cor rain all that t art of tha t f y hormed by ndlilit HMn Toalfihrtrrrt, tilth armae, I'ouitarntliitrttt and I blrrrahr rlarr.WXTEtNTItWiHn

    I IT. Tho rMltoal th W ard ahall bo elrlderl lr.t tanrlrrtlor dhirMa, lha ritrnt av.l of which ealdrhTtionillitrlcta ahall I aafoil'waithe Brat alrrrtrn Claf rlct a Iho Bliloonth Watdihall cnaln ail Hat part of Ibe clir bouoded hy andIrinr within Bliloantb rtrart,8rrai,lh avtoiio, Berratoaotk atnot, Blith arrnao, Fourtreatl atrort andl.iahth attnnr.

    Tie .en.rdrl-H-tle- n flatrlrt f the glttoantb Ward,ahali ernala all that pott of tha rlty bonnded br andtaarthatart,Brcath Ayrnnr. Bliteouth etreet andaiahtli A,,..fha tnirdtlrrtlanrUrtrl-- t of Ibo fl'itaonlh Wer.1.aball contain all that prt r f tho rWy bonndod hy an.1Irlnr within T aertye' oawe arrrat. rjlxtn ATO.uo.rtlMtotult atraaiaaaa a.ianaa araoa..Th.f. t.tth alrrtlon dlatrlet of lha flltteanth Wardalall eoatoio a'l that p.rt of the irlty bounded by andlitre wlihin Tarrntyatfth atrrrrt. Sixth Avaniio.Twtntv-erran- atrort Kixhlh Avenue, Toeoty-fourt- batrart and B vert h Avenue

    The llh rlroMon dlatik-to- f tha Bltteontb Want,ahall remain all tht part of the rlty Imumlrid brandIvlnp within Toonta.elath etravw, Btventb aranne,TwrUt-hntl- h atrrrt, Lighth krenuo, Toontp third.treat otd Ninth aarine,

    1 hr .lath diatrirt of tha Sltteenth Ward,ehall oootala all that pait of the rlty larumle 1 by kailliloff aithlfc Tontlrfhatrat, Rlglth avenue, Foiltart th .tract end Ninth awmio.

    The eeveUb ekrllon eWrlrt of IliO Sixteenth Wan',(ball contain all that patt nf tho ntybonn'rd bv andIt lor w tbinTwentlrth otraat. Ninth avoune. Four.

    Tho elrktli olertarm dlatrart of the Rlttee-tt- h Ward,ahall o. n'aln all Ibat art rf the iitr bouoitad by anilIrlnr within atrra t, Tenth ai'Dui

    1I, l..lhal.atlnn 4L.rrl.Hof the B xtaanth WaTiLaball contain all thalpart of the cllybouodad by andl.ln. nltl In Thirtv ntru eurrrx. Bignui, ami mnA ta.Lavaaita avauna.

    'Ihe tantbrlerttondielrlrt af the Blitoanlh Want.hall euLtam all tral part of tka eltr b andod kr and

    hire within Twentr ailh etrrtt. Ninth aveim.'la amp tniro e.rai a ana r.tavan n i.nnaa8VIJ1R1M11 WARII.

    110 TbeBevinuanik Wan-aha- ll be dial led Intorlftbteto rlett(on dlarricta, the eitoat aad limit, ofa bleu aaldrlcrlloB it ahall bo aafolloo. I

    Thetlrrtrlrclimdlrtrlrt of the Heveotrooth Wardhall ror lain all that pert or tha ctty bnun lad by an

    irli.c w.lLluUou'too, Eliiridgr, Hlvlngvon at a, and

    The atrond rlrrlltn district of tho RavenloentHWard ahall t n'aln all that paitof tho eiiy bmndiHlIraudl Ine nllhin lliuaton, Km x. Utrlngtou andKMrtrlrrat.

    The third tlrcllon dlatrl-- t of the cWenternth Wardhal col tain all that at of tb'lrllr bouajad br and

    lrloewl.bin Uouaton, Cllnbin, Kirlngtonond KoaaxiriataThefourlh elrrllon dUt-I- of lha g.vantrat th Ward

    .boil rat tain all that fart of tho cliy taiuvdod hr and1 ti a a th n 1 blid at, Ktiet Avenue, llouaton at audtha II wi ry.

    Toe fllth rlerllnn rllalrlrl nf the BYvrntiviitli Ward' all coi.taiu all that part of tho city hounded bv andIvlwl within riilrdatrnt,B rry .ml 'I bird avrnue

    1 ha aiith rltrtlun dlatrki nf tho Beventeonth Wardahall ro tain all that part r f the eltr bounded by endI) Inr wlth-- n Nlath atmt, Firat avrnue, Siilh atrort.. .1 Vixirth avenue.

    Iho a, vrtth rliTtlon it of Ihe OvenlivntliWard ehall mntaln all that paitof the city Iw indodbr end li li'g rrthia korrrternth atrrrt, nerondavuoiie,Kli.ik .Irm t ai.d kniirth . nne.

    1 her llrth election dlatrt.t of Ibe Bevetitoentb Wordball cnntala ell that partof thaollr boaind hy and

    lying within Firrt avrnue, I'ourteeutli .trett, Seooudavenne aad Eleventh rf rart.

    I he nlntk election dklrh t of the Beventeenth Word.ball ooutain alt that part of tho elty bounded by andl! tart within Fourtoraitk etroet. Avenue A, Eleventhetrri t and Flrat avenue.

    The tenth rlrrtlon dletrlrt oftbo Seventeenth Wardball enritaln all that part cl tho rlty houu led by niul

    irlnr within Eleventh etiopl, Flrat avenge, Nlnjltmot and tkoend kvanno.1 he eleventh ek'etlon diatrirt nf Iho Baventnenth

    Ward ahall contain all that part of tho eitr houndedby and lylngwitbin Avenue A, Kloventh etroet, fe iretavenue and Beventh erreet.

    The twelfth tlertlen elatrlrt of Iho fleventoenthWard ah.ll enntaln all that nart of the eitr boundedby aud lylna within Avenue A, Seventli etreet, Firatavenue and Third atroat.

    IbethkleeaUiol ctlou dlatrlet ef the levonteonthWaid, aball contain all that partof lha citr boundedby and It log within Tbtid atreet, Avouuo A, Uouatonen at and Flrl

    Tba ft urteenth election dt.trlet of tho fl.vouteenthWant, hell contain all that part of tho elty imiindetly aad lying within Fourteantb etroet. Annuo B,Twr Iflb aio I and Avenue A.

    the fiftteiilh election dlatrlet of tha SeventeenthWant, ahall rontaia all that tart of tha cite buujedbrand hli gwltaiu Avwnuo A. Twelfth atroil,AvenuoII nd Tentn etreet.

    1healxrari.lh ovrtton dlotrtrt eftho BeventeenthWard, at ail contain all that part of Ilia city bourwedhyend lylug wlthia lonth atreet, Avouuo M, Fifth

    The etvrnteentb election dlatrlet of Iho BeventoaDthWard, ahall eoataiaall that pait of the ally bouudmlby euilirlrig wltbln Avenue B, Third atreat, Aronue

    1 he el.htoentk election dlaOict of tho SeventeanthWard ahall eontaln all thatotrtof theoty iMrundedby and lylrg within Avouuo B, Uouatuu troat.AvoauoA aid llilrd trm.t.

    EIOUTRENTII WARD.I It. Tba Elahteoolh Ward aha'l I divided Into

    fonrtrwu tlection dietiirta. tho extant andlimltaofa hlcb raid alertlon dlatrliU aball be aa fmlowr

    Iheflteliloctiondlatrlctof tbo Kight-aut- Ward,hall contain all that part n the city, leuudod by and

    lylrigalthln Fonrteebthrtrret, B'Xlu avauua Eleht-- tnth tlfiot and In lug place.The roe. ml r lirlkn diatrirt of the Eighteenth Want,

    hallcoi lata ail that pa tnl the rlty, hoiiudnd br andI) big within Elehtoriitb etroat, "lull anuiiu, roba errtex. trving piaon iiu ir.iniii"ii

    Tlialhirdole-tionillatrlrtn- f thi l.lehterith Ward,aliall coitalual'that Partof thorit)', bounried by andlying vlthla Tanttecoud rreat, Biitli avenue,lwrntrwliili "trettaud Lajiluetm aaenuo.

    'I l.n rnt.arli alwrtlnn dlatrl t ot f he Kialit,Hirh Ward.ahailoublalnaltthat partof thecity, bounded by ard

    wlililn Fturuontb atrart, litlug 1'lao- -,Irmg atr. at and Beotd avanite.Th. bfthrhttlon of the P.lbteerih Ward

    hall ruuraln all thai port ra tne rity leiunded oy aud1 lug oilh'bS'Vruth atrart. living plare, Iweutlath

    trr-r- t aud BicondaaeiuaThealilhelertloudlairieiof the Eighteenth WiM

    hal cm talua Irhat paitwftheeity Inuudnd hy and1 lug within Twr n'kthateMt. Ilraaierry Park, l.i !Ingtoa atuaur. iwautj4blrl etreet aud Ueooud ora-bli- e.

    The eavioth rletilen dletrlrt of the KIhtionthWard ah.ll cariititlu ell that pa t oflhe city bouudedbyardlrtog withiu Teotrthlrl etreet. Irliugtonavenue, Twrur.eiib atrart an.1 Kierrr 1 oreuue.

    11iarnhtUrl.Til.indl tr.p' ol toe cialnrentli War!.hail contain all that part uf the eitr, b ainded by aud

    lying wlihtu lourverittatrert. Bemud avenue, SaV.eLtetblh atrrrt and Firat av.n.m

    1 na ninth o'rrttnn diatrirt rf the Elghte.nt'l Ward,hall cm tain a'l that patt at the city, iwuude I h, ana

    lilng oitllo Boveur.eutb etroet, Bovwud are.ur,TMtWth atrett acd Flrat, avenue.

    Tletei th e lltlonoLti let ol the V.lght tenth Ward,hail runt a lb all trat part uf t '..a citr. Iroiiiirtea h end

    lyir r withiu 'I w.title mtrtv, Becond avrnuo. Teenly atr. nana rlrat aviuna

    ilia, alattion dl tilrt of tha Elrhtaoi thverrj, rha Icui tilu alitbat pait uf thn eit a, ivauudidhraiii) I lowith'uTwrut third rlnat, Soouudarobue, pun eveim,.

    'Iho twel'th election dlatrlet cf IBO FlgbteenlhWa d, ahall ountair all that part of the ritr Houndedhy aiid lying withiu rYnrtaewth rear, I Irat eveune,Savefattrlith atrett and Kaatrivrrto Fnirlreuth at.

    Ihothlrteruth ilartion dletilet of the Kl.htieuthWard rhallcor.tlaln all that part r flhe rlly liniadrkllr and h Ing a Ithlu 8 'ver.teet ttt etroet, Flrat aveaue,Teentkthtlrrttaiid Kut river

    1 he fonrtaeuth election oiatrirt er the Eight teethW aril, rh.llrouUla all that patt ol tho rllr Ihiii jdedhy endlrliut wltbln Twabtieth trret, Firat avenue,1 at lit) eliAi rtrietind F.aat rlr.rMNKrKKNlll WARO

    I til. The Nlnr teenlb Word aball be divide I Into fiveelrctlou rirariita, the extant aud liruite of when laidtlritiou Oiatrlrta ihall Ire aa follown

    'Iho til. t rlctiou dlatflcl ol toe Nluiite-nt- h Wardhall toutalu all that paitof tho city bjuudod by on I

    lying nnblu lllty eccuud rtfett. Tmta avenue, Fetllcth etrrit and Sixth avenue,

    1 h. errand eh eilnn dlatrlet of tSe Nlnrteenth Wardahali a arain all that pott of the ritr boundol tiy andlrlng with'n Kaat river, and I bird am un.

    IhattirdeliTtlJudialrlct rf the Nineteenth Wardbalicoi tain all that partof the city bouudod by aallilng witliubiiti.rlyhth aireit, lj-- t riv.r, Viltr.oroitd ttrei t a rl Hlx b avr line, lueiudli g blackweiT.

    Un the Kaat rlvur.) b.lonilag t J tin city aadwithin Ite Jill taillrl leu

    'I I a fiairt h a dlati let of Iho Nlnoloanth Ward,ha lor main all tnat pait f the rlty t.mii led by aud

    lying withiu Eightr eiitb ttreet.Tulril areuur, tiny.o alltharrettaO'tBllth avrnue.

    Iheliftk.hatioudl.trlct nl tha Nlnotaenth Ward,ball centaiuail th,t part tl the city Imuiiiqim! by aoj

    llltg within Pial.tyeli'h Hint, Kawt liver, Suiy.llli'b rtrtet and J bird av.niie

    IWFVTIETII WARD.1 11. The Twentieth Ward aba I be xivldtd Into four.

    tern elartioa dbtricte, tht eit ttaed limiu ul whicheld rlertlin diatrirt. ahail lie a. foilowa:lha tret elertion ol.tilct of the Twentieth Ward

    .hail contain all that part uf the cite bcuuded be andli log within ilurlaon riaer oud Toeuiy.eixta .treat,Nlmbavevueaid 1 wranty-ight- etrret.

    lha eeroi.d election olatrlet of InoTaeutleth Wardball cur tain all that p.eicf Ihe cly bouoded by and

    Irlrg wltatu elver and atioot,Nlr.tbaveueoai'd Ibilt ouibi treat,

    1 he thiid eleclinn dlatrie' of Ike Tweu' n..i...,..ri......i iu.i i ...ji..i w.ii.iu pi .u.a , na. v, uj aauring W'lhitt Hut on itver aud rhlrieuuth alimt.tba.veoue and 1 h rty.fourth atraet.jur.helaotlou dirt, let of the Twentieth Ward

    I all r obtain 1 11 that part uf tho clrv bounded br audlling wlrnln tladaon rivar and Thlrtv-- f urth timetane hii th aaenun and 1 arnw-- t

    Thefllihrlro Ion dletrlcl of tho rwobti th Ward,hall ei iit.iu ail tnat pa' t of tb city boon.!.. I by .nd

    Ittne aithio llailam ilvtrnnl Thlity atrort,Mn b Avrnue or d Fo tnth etreet

    The lithe tell ndiatnrlbf tha Twentieth Ward,ball ro lain r.l, that pa-- t ot toe city Iwruare by aad

    Ivlna altiiiuTeoiily-aiithaire- aud Nli.ll! Avouuo,Thl'ti fir.t atntt nd Eighth eveuue

    1 na atvtntb r 1001 n ill.u let of ibe Twtntlath Wart,abal cur talu a'l that part ol tha city homiled br andlilrg wl'hln Thirty nr I aticat m Niuth avenue,

    Kl.Utli v.i,u- -.'Ihoelgnthrleetl ndlatj-- t of the lntbtl-t- l Ward,

    ball Otiiaioall toat part if tbecirv hobnaed bt andIt iua within Thirty aiith rtrvitenl ninth aveuue,Frrtirth afrtt aoo Clahthar-bu- olha nli th tlretiouolrul-4o- f tha Twantlath Ward,

    hail cohtaia all that t art tf the olty hnundirl hy audItiny wllMo twrbttlx It etriet and Vi. bib areuue,Ti--i ty etyhth tro t at d hlxlb tveuuo.

    The tan'h elrrllon Ciatrlilrl ihe 'I wentir-tl- i Wart,ball contain all that r.l t to cdr normrted br and

    I in within twenty rlehrti etrneland Elghlb avOa-ua- ,Thlrtlc'b ef rial and I Ixi h evenue

    'lha elevrbtb of the TwabtlethWord, ahall oril'li all ihal pa't oftbo ritr hou id.dby ard h Ing within IhlitM ha.r rt and eighth ara-ba-Thirty eeruH d etrer t and Hulh avanun.

    Ibalwrlftb llltndiaUirtaftlia I'rentlelh Wardahall aobta iii all tha part of thi elty b. nudnd by audIt lie wlth.uTiilrtyaao'in'r at tat aud Eighlu avenue1 ui lb atreet an I Sixth e venue

    Ihe tllrtctbtli e'n-tli.-n dlatrlet of tho TwentiethWaid. ihrll contain aM thale rioftherlryby aud lrlng wiIMn Thirty fonrth tad LiabU)art n to Tbrrty-- ixth at reel and Biili areotte

    The fourteenth tJectlrn nl tie Tweotl-t-Ward, abnll contain all that parti f tbo olty iMurn--brand lying wl bin Thirty aiith atraet and Lujhthktenu,Foit1r aod tilth aranta,

    TWENTY klRST WtttO.I rt. Tho Tarda flrrf Ward ahall ha dlrlded lot',

    elarra election dlatrlcta. tha etiont and limit, a?wiili b oald oleetlon dlatrlet. hall bo aa lullow. t

    TbeBnttarrrtlondialrlctof tbtTwente firet Wg'-d- ,aball onotain alt that part ef tha city bp endIrloi o Itbln Tweedy alitb etreea aud Third kreriuo,. weuiyiauin eiari aaa awa, river

    The aeeoad election dierrk-- t of tha ratnKOi ID'nnmiaiq an laarunn al ina Cliynoaaladby and li ing within rlaht atreet aod Thirdaemiae. Thirtieth atreet and Kaat rlvaw

    Tha Uilrd olrrtlon dial riot of too Twenty-Bra- t Ward,tittU puttla all Vhat par) of tXt v'' boriiid,! by au i

    li li r within Thirtieth .treat and Third aronao, ThlraFartrivvr.

    Tbo fourth rkttian rll.rrlit of IboWad.thkll mr.tatn all tht put of Itf bonodad lyaadlainealthlnTh'rtrateeerd etreet aadrblrdkvt.nne. Th'tty foortb atroat and Eait rlvor

    The fifth election ril'trtit of tbeTwentr-Bra- t Ward,hall certain all that part of tlieritr brairded by andMo( attain 1 hilly etnet oad third armor,

    Tllrtr.atxth airvet od Feat rivrrThaalithalM1tradklilrtofthaTareitr-flrafrT.n- l,

    hall contain oil that partof tbo eity bonraoad by andIrlre within Thirtr-ali'- h atrart and Third avenue,Th Hr. at and Kat rlrer.lha aavanth tlertlon rllatrlrt of the Twantr-flra- tW aid, ahall contain all tbal part of the rlty houndedbr and hint olthln Thitr- - l.hth atrort aadlairdvrnoe, rottlroa atrort and Koatnvrr..v : r. ...l. .. aThe eighth Uert ion utrarxr.i tneieeatr-nnrr- . warn,hall all that part of lha rilr bonnlao hr and

    Irlnr within Firtleth ttrrrt, Third Thlrtr.Hth rtM.1 anrt ai.lh man... ..w . i . ....d.. r.r.. aaK.a mmtiiafmlPrninnaimniau.iiTDiiu, w,i, i,..a....Vball contain oil that part of tbo eitr bounded br and

    bint olthln Thirty a'xthitr.-it- . Third aenue,TMrtr-rrrnn- dtrert aed rixth avenue.

    The tetth alrctloa OkUlct oftlK Twanty-flnr- t WarJ,hall routain all that part of the rltv hounded hr and

    I Ina a Ithiu Thirty eaoiioiletrevl.Trilrdaranao.Twen.toil Sixth aaeiioe.

    Ibr .drvrnth election dlatrlet of tha Twanty-flro- tWaul ahe'I ail that paitrf the citr boundedby ardlrlnpwIihloTwiBtr-nlnl- b etreet. Third at.nue.1 wrntt-aril- atr rt anr Blxlh aveauo.

    TWENTY 8tnO-lWR- II If. Tha Tnentr-ra-eoii- d Ward .hall ho dlvldel Into

    rlabt rlrr1tnnotatrlita,therxtent ami limtteof oblcbraldllrrtl ndlrtrlrU ahall heeaf llooat

    The nrat alirtlnn dt'tfl't of the Twenty eaaondWard alia. I oontala all that part of tho rlty nindedbe ard I) Ira within Portr fourth etroet. Sixth art- -

    rnnain ainet ear mtrn avenue.Tbo at rend oiartton dlatrlet of the T tr aeoond

    W ard ahaU rontaia a II that part of tha rlty bounledba and l)lnf wiirm Foitr-tliit- atrra tt. Sixth kvonua,1 or tyo.tb etreet and Nluth avenno.

    Tka tbirn elealun oiatrirt of tha Twentr.eeWftrt allelic mraln til tliatrt of tho cny lioiin.lndtie and limy withiu PltTi-eiit- atraet. Sixth avenue,Feitcatnin rueet an njin avenne

    The f aitlh elertion rllatrkt of tbo Twenlv-eoron-Werd ehall eon'ain an that part ol tha eltr houndedby end lying w rbi Frrtyf tilth .trot t,Ninth venue,1'oilnth arrrrt nd Uu.tra.n river

    Tho fifth election rt lie net ef lha TwetitraognndWard, ahall roctatn all that pert of tho etty remndedby end iiliiawlthliitorty ninth atrett. Ninth avenue,Forlvfontth aleet and "nita n river.

    the tlath e ll.n dUtrlet of the Twenty-orcoa- eWant, than contain all tbal part nf the eity, bonuiledbrand lyingwlthln FlflrHilithetraet. Ninth eveune,tnttr-nibtli't- nd lludronrlver.

    Iheaevanthtliictloodiat.lct of rbo Twenty.oeoonWerd.thall or ntaln all that part eftlal eltr Boundedbread lylna w.thln Btitr-sh- li etreet. Sixth avenue,Flfti. linn atrtct end lloihrniiriveeII, elrhihrlertlon rt.irlct rf the Twentr-rracon-Waid, ihall contain all that (art of tint ritr tnainiledbr and lying althll I li at raei. Sixth aronua,

    aa.l liudaon river.14. AmtUUJur(l"-- r ed, the! tho followleg

    are the eh ctlou illrtiirta arc). rami a itbln tbw eoven-tte- trAlrtetn nlr dlatrtrta, reenertlvelv l

    llie firat Aldrrruatilr diafirt cntaln. tho Brat,areond.t'l'rrl.foiiitli andlflh rhw'.lon dietrl. ta ol theFiial Wanli the Bret atad eaennil dlatrlrta of tho Beeend W.rd the firat.ertind and third dla rlrta of thoThird Ward; tha fir.t rllairlr' of the Fourth War.l, andthefiret dlit.l.t rf IlienUlh Word.

    The lerond Al ' rnianle ,11.1. let nmtalne the aeron.l,t'lnl, fnrth. fifth, oltth end eaventh alertloaol tlm pruith Want and the eeennd, thlril,

    fourth, fifth, tilth abd aevebth dlatilcia uf the Buthl"'e third Ald.Tmar.le diatrirt eot Ulna tho fourth

    el-- Irm of the Third Wrl: tho iror, eeroed,third, fourth. fifik,.iirlherironUi and eianl dlatrlet.of the Kinh Ward; and lli Ore', eiwlid, tliirit, luulttlandfilrlldlilileteoftho Klabth Ward.

    1 ho f. urlh Aldnruieiiic diatrirt eon ta' n a tho eighthand i.lntlnliTtlon ill Irlcte of Ihe Hn'h Ward r thenrat.roconrt.tlilrif.f.nirtn, filth onl eiith dlatrlrte ofthe Ward the fourth, llflll end ellth dlatrlrtanf theT-nt- h Wardltheeoventh rllatrlrt of the flilr.teentb Ward, and the elrhlh, nint h and trnth dlatrlet.of the Fourteenth Waid.

    1 ho fifth Aldermanle diatrirt rinlalne tlio lijli.atrrth. ri.hth ninth, tenth, eleventh and teelfth

    illattirtanf tho tlahlh Wtrdi the nrat,e.-e-ooi- land third rllrtrirta nf tho Ward, and tha

    firat, ernnil and third dlatrlo'a ot tha PlllnentLi Wardlaa.iatn Aiiiarmanin nunrtn eoncaine me nrat.

    ecaad au4 third erertion dlatrlcte of the Tenth Ward;I hem til Mi let of tho 1 barter nth Ward I tho ttrattarr-nrt-

    , third, f rurth, filth, elitn, aeventh an I eUhtkdlitikta, of the Fotirtnenth Ward, aa.t the firat,ereond and third dialricta, cl tha BevrnOetilh Ward.

    The eeventh Aldr nnatilr dlatrlet contalna the fourth,finb, Biitb, aevtidb, nlahtha blnth, tenth, tlerentriane twelfth eleetletl diatrlctanf thn Ninth Ward, audtlm fourth, filth, aiith aod aeventh dlatrlcte of thaFltleen h Wardi haetahth Alderman lodlrtrlrteontalnatho aeventh,

    rlrhth aud plnlh aleetlnn dlatrlrte of the BaventhWenl ithetVet, eeoond, third end fourth dletrteU ofthe Eleventh enl I tte aeeonl. third, frurth, fifth

    nd alltk dlatrlrte of Iho Thirteenth Ward.Ihe ninth nuaiilo dlatrlet ouutalna tbo firat,

    eeond, third, fourth, fifth, ixth, eeventh, eighth,nit.tli and trnth olectlr n dktrlcta of tho Sixteenth

    Iho tenth AMrrmanle rilaMet eonltln. tha eighthnd ninth elirtlon e Latrlote ol thn Fifteenth Ward

    the fourth, fifth, a'ltli, elahlh. niuth, kiutli,eltventh. twelftli aud thirteenth dlatri.ta of tha

    Ward.1 ha eleventh A'dermanlo dlatrlet Contain, tho flrat,

    aemuo, Uitrd, fourth, filth, allth, aarenth. elihth,ninth. Irbth, eleveutll, twulfth, thllteenth and

    l lection dletrlrt. nf tha Twrutlalh War.l.Iho twelfth Aldermanle dletrlrt contalnt tin fifth,

    tilth, .evruth, eighth, ninth, lentil, t leveuth, twellththllteenth, lourroent h, fifteen!1, .liUrentn. eeven.uentn and eigntai run eier iinu oiauit-vao- i tne e.iv.onth Word, end tbo twelfth, thlitnentlufilt-tl- li eiiiieulh. aud dkt rlrta of tha Bevariteelith Ward,

    lha tlnrtrwrith dlatrlet contain, thaBra, ere. nd, third, fourth, tl'th, elath. eereuth audelchtlieiecltoniltaTrlc-leo- f IheTrrentyaeennd Ward

    '1 lio Alleruianio Itlatrtct ouutaln. thofi'e,ami.d ttlrr, iieirth,nfth,.li li.Hveutli.alghth, tb. th. teellth. tnlrtiwnth and tour,teei thrleitlnnrLtrttl.rf the Ward.

    1 he A'i'eriueiite diat'iet corita'na the firat,', thud, l.mlt litth, alfh, eviiith, eightynlttli. tenth eud tUvoutn eluctioa tllacricta ol thoTwenty flrat Ward.

    I lie aiiiea-- h Ahlerinanlc diatrirt contalna the firat,er 0, m'. thlrrt, f.nirth aud filth rkctlou dlattUli ol theJ!tiefllhVn.

    Ihe nth Aldrrtnault dlatrlet eonltln. thofiiat. third, filth and mh elnc'lou dieU li 'a of the Tai llu Ward.

    Allotted bv the Hoard ol Ald'tlnen: Sept. tJ,Adoutr-r- l liy ttia Hoard rif t'oun lloieo, Oct. 1, 1151,

    .proved by Ihu Mavor.llet .r. T. VAU.Nn.MS, Cirri. t' il 010



    the t alaat apbo an Ita Oloa,t It utela. IAll lie time that tba Ureal tuternwivulexni.

    lug -- t tlio I'tirt'lanrlj all tlio time that Dirrc-tt- rtwrie exulting in her in cent with ovt-r-

    Ut of I.rr cnylnti iLcraaui cilliurliii; anof dcalti, ainl the mu'etUU fjr a (rreat

    ralan.ltv. A iiimll liCo of biuaa cuttej it allfrom a innrat-- l nf nelic'ril lilt iluulain ciuw allthe miitrliltf, llut lue ovIJctito winch hut lcntit en rlih rfforenco lo Ilia raunea, or, more lv

    tlio nrc un.jiiiinent atnliiHi-rlriit'- at ft lie accMciil, ultowg ui lhat etoa in tb

    hour of their the persons coanecto.1 wilhthe glitp were by no meana In that elate of uni-ty v, Inch, a olio initit have liiitinrcl, viouMIre duri t oil frout the iiillttenca of a common tec-tea- l.

    The tloiiict vtare i'larrnlin in Ulrntjiui.'1 htro vat no Juiicer to I err if or Vi nui to

    Iho unary ami UcltH,'J he linnion-- e teaacl wot a iiiii'rotMoin wilh In

    teuml ilnlc eailivrtae rut thirhsnf Ihu I'liitclNtatrauu theeve oft Preeldentlal election.'lht ta were the llrrctnr.' ami Company 't ptrtttthen Ihcie weie tha 'a nrty t tlmpticw ep(ine eciile, auil the ficti in , tbu Ucriiiriw anj Warrt'ai tholriturrhlKi.'a the expectant, ofoillca j the In. anttl e nnttg Ami Ihoeo cenlleiueii weie actlnir unclrr IliOtncvl ditriac inlluencei. The only oh.led they eeinec lo hate In common wan, not loliitute the knfpty ami ply panrutKe of theGroat Faalern, hut to help etch other at lll'lo aarKWhiMe in cloliir; go, 'I he nrilcn were In etTuct,"latt nobody tu)biijcioly eWe. Iave everyman to do aa lie likee, and don't help him tu 1an." All the time thai the klnm ware golnu;nuuk" the taior iopla were approaching lha

    rcat calatiiily, which we conteniplata with fool.ina of it onder not that it waa acr bear aud nodiaattroui, hut that it wag do Ujjtit aud to leu.IciH.

    Una waa thti mnnnlcr fal.r'c buffutlng theoca, or rather crushing them to guh)rciliin,wblleI bote p. ho ou(ht tu have been actinif In cordial

    lo aid her were ahnorboil la theKraililralloii of D'ty jcelouaiei. Tba eiiiiiuaa,aa fur aa we can tinloratainl ihu evMuUco, woreleft to tolerate r.ftbeiii-elv- Nolxnly directedIhetn. Mr, BPriartt, had nolhinK to dowlllithtm; hia fuiomun, Mr. IlK'Kmr.r. had, ifpurrllle, Mill lone ivncerii with ilirni. Ibe arrowtrain nin'mea had Uilliiultioa t.ilh the piddle.

    w beoi cokIi ca, fur w Lkti uu one wn roapourublajthe dotilry entlrii for tho supply of water tothe toilet e had illtlicul let with tbeuiaelvM.1 he chief eniiiieer of the t earner, Ixilnjr the ro--neioiiitnte ti ibe company, li ail, or would have

    U llni'Hloy lo Ibe culnea, beotuaa tlier werenot In Lia charge. Andao, with prinilni' dillera,Ihe (Jiekl Ilaaiem ttruwltxl on, ihe donkey en.pluianol v. in kiun, tlio engine, woikinumore than I be) on l; lit In do, aid the pad'lie.vrlirtl ei Lrinr. wiukiric;, at one illicit yupinjaa,of thtir own ttccairn except fur the frightful lata vi Inch licit II tbuee ho wore tagijimlalt tit them,

    'lie ( !nrrii,er't jnrj', I'irictcrt hy an otliccr whoalioeel ability kud piod aoiuie In the dlacharjoof Ina iliitj , hate prnriouiiie'l their verdict, IVehave no the tcrmt tu which it lat'lruilinl; aa ia the tuae iretierally in reartect to thedccuvloua cf I hot a ancient ifieiirporatiitiii, thyi ver-dict dtwa not aan'jt tha puldlo lutallijrwnco or ad IIntLoAtimunt iiflufrrriiiation, or to the t'renictbofGurtkaivicllnn. lha tape which, when .but,cmvert wktor-caaln- Into boiler., which mu.tblow up kroner er later, with a force tbtictnotily be rcblated by tba Iron coiieUlullou of theGreat kai'ern. ara ttblo-hl- ilainreniua." It anotiluloii which mlifht be formed without the aidof a Coroner' Jury, but we i bould like to know

    bo leeJaftiooati were w bona want of caution uvaguelj Inriicated by Ibat Jury, aa tbo eue orcataatropbe which hag aeroral of cur

    a to a borrll'le death, and hal cuta great Rlooni over tbo Inuatruratlon uf an enter.prUe which our hopet and i nipathloa, and prideLaJ niodo uallonAl, d which wt bl ecapttxl

    at Ibo enneifient fif tho vtiri'r, onterprter), anjgrandeur cf concrpllcn, tbal Juatlfy nnr elalma tothe ravtl luf rtmrcy of the werld.-l- o loi Ttmr$,

    ftartWF YUw af oeaaJ,aje.A Pall Laa eormponiVnt i4 tha RnchestoT

    Vmomif writay I "I am domiciled wkb Preel-de- ntII. C. KtaaAlX. I bare dined wltb ale. i

    aevencfhltwlratt, and children wllbotil ntirtt-I- rr.lie trlht mo be taa thirty-tevo- n gona, and

    I fortet thennmherof danphter, and a happlorfamily I nercr taw In my life. All apeak plea,antlj and kindly to each other. And all appearhappy, aid Inter onler I never tAvr prevail Inany family, lie baa a gchool evpretelyfor big jonng chlMron, ami I have nodoubt la able to provide amply fur til of thomjand h la people appear to have tiro moot unbound-ed ronftdetjrti In hilt, and l'reildnit Imran,I thil k. IIihuiiam Tovmt'a eatablnthiMBlU on a larser acale than II, U. KivtiiAt.L'a. 1cannot tell which haa tha moat wlvea. Eachhaa chfrol for hit own children etch prorldjawell for hia own houaohoH. I believe tha wholeMormon race are aa happy, contentej and pAie-trro- ita

    a people at I ever aatr. I oeeii thelion, the lamb and the leopard lie down together,and a young child with them. I have aeon, atleant, olx aa happy wltea aa I ever aaw, all bolocslDtf to one man, In one hnuiehoM, and

    tha doctrine of polygamy a, I apoaklnnkindly and arTrctionatety to each, calling eachother hitler Yllate, Blxler flix.b, Staler Adela,Ct., ami tetter order, tldlneaa aad kiudnovi Inever taw In any lionmhold. 11. C R.Juki called me from tha table to no outabout twenty rtda to nro two of hia wlveaand children. In one little tiouae chil-dren, rot three wetka difference In theiraicto, happy, neat and contented, bothnceived linn affectionately. In their rellirlrmtiter apia-a- f a devoted andatnoera art any atct Ihat a ever met with, excel. t tlier tloniK tirarforany of t he (rood bleoelnji on the Preetilont of theI lilted Stale, or their .iierarvu'orr., but to

    them they do not pray for bleiwiiigttotbeir enenite. iMnntLi. ana itrvrn naveireatly Imi roved In their worldly klTalra, but Ido not tea that it inllatea Ihetn much. They aratha same plain, vim pie. honrat penplethey everwere, nowlrtaootenlatioua. Iher mar tine ao.phlalry with other, hut none v. Ilh me. I neverwa treated more kiodly or hoo Italily-- . Iheydo not lore their antmlea cr caailr femrtve them.I think they are worth tSOO.UOO each, aooiein ink more.

    Men flloohejo af AlaJoeoa.A corrceponilent oflhe Iloeton Traveller wrilea

    from Miannliitl an inten'stlng aocount of a of lie Jakonae, a taarbaroua rtanple the interh r nf Maliiet a. Their UnKuaeand are unlike thoe oflhe Malaya pro.pnr, of w horn they are alao politically Indepen.ilett. .bey htve nohl.tory, having Ireen foundby the early Portttirtieoe vol agon In the coun-try in which they alii reeiiln. They are callnlthe Oran .Ilenn'ar, or "men of the great coun-try ;" iho Ijraiig-Uli- l, or "men of the high

    t" the Orang-IIuLin- or "men of the furcatai" the Ortng-Seman- or "black men;"the Jtkoona and the Kaiata. Cran It the Malarwotd for mint andCtanor Ilutan. fur foreat.whence the word to common w 1th u, ouran- -oatang, or w li.l men, H man iney may oe caite.1,when common opinion haa eeaigned tuera a rankHardly above monkey e ana uauorm.

    Ihey generally live Inhotiaea built of bambooth k , and kUBpondod to the topt of lofty tree,

    to which they acend by rude ladders. Ihe-- ucabin, tnapenderl to the tree top, are u narrowthat a at ranger cannot be admitted without

    to a member of the family or bit exclu-sion for one mu.t go down when anew onecornea up. Other, who have notaalee for Iheneaerial aliodce nntt, not for birds, but fur menconstruct huts, rained Iwo or three feel abovethe ground. Ihe tint aloey serves f'r halglng,where they eat and sleep by the alio of a liraal ays kept brightly burning, In order to frighten artsy the tignrs sud otbor wild Iroaats which111 the fOreste. In the second slory they puttheir arms fur safety, their provisions and kllt--rs utensil, all ofwliitli arecoiiiprbted InIn csrthtrn .Hits, and one vr two great iilkea,How la.

    'Ihey eat whatever comes to hand, at wildlours, apes and b rda, whit h lait are taken eitherin tnarea or shot by arrow, and the roots andtubers which the earlh produces ta abumbtnee.If they plaut the, ll Is only enough to meettheir atiMiliite wants, instead of regular labor,they prefer Ihe fatiguing aittt-uturo-s of theihate,and running among tho woods. Their riitnaaIs of the Inn eat order, their fat oriie ctisli beingalicrsof lucat lia.f cookc.l, and sat 111 recking wllhbliMal.

    1 heir weldings are by a nioet stngtilar sml luditruita irreiiiony. An old man re-sents tho future hitaliaml ami wife lo a Urge atemhlage of Invited gitesta, whum he conducts,

    followed by their roaravi'llvo fainlllei. Into agrand clrc'e, srouuil which the Miung Mr, thehrlile, heta out running upon till Jiiin, ami theyoung lunn, who ia Iho'grnoin, in tho samerl y In nfier her. If lie aum-ii-l in uvnrtukliight-- she hit wlfn; if mil, lie fiirfuitaollhit ilirhl, and "Into' lale.rii hail," 'I li'-- t nfiflilispans Viheii the bridr'griaiin failt nf plutungtl.e toting lady, wlio euilniviir. t e.fapo fromthe of a rlltlaeteful ortali'tut hiisliaudtry U'atliig in this iUvr truHiny m ikh.

    l'nn the dcstli of one of tt a lr tiuiitlier, theywrap hit IhkIv In a white wuulirg slu-ot- , aarlti en ileiKi'il It In a irrata ring netr ttit hat.snintit linos in an erect (oanlon, S'linetiuietslttii.g, sud Mrinetlttirs Itlug down. Tln'y arecunrul to put a unro at lis, a "parang,and a " auinil'an," instiuuieiiisuf huntIng urd of war, hut inner uao any religious cortiiiony. hllll, IhoM! cuH)iis pliicorl bv the sideof the corpse lii'limle a shtdtvrj Mi' flu a fu urerxlalrnrsj. '

    '1 heir religion li a confused mtta oflhe grnsacetuitretItIons, pri'ptatoil by the "ijciat, akind if priests, wlm are liiilfphjeichins and halfjugKer. Il'i-l- mnglcdl adoice Uin great

    with the Mslns. The kind oflife ihey lead, Ihe pocull.trity of tlieir costumeuuJ the long lutcn alt vf taicirapin-arsttr- amongtho ;eri le, secure for thenl a certain preillgaaud resict. .Seen from afsr, am! through am teil, they utas fur being endrwo.1with power, lo whom llui pltntsand ror tt t f the furr-al- s lu e ret e.ttcil their nioetset nt virtue. Ina won), they art believedto hold h their Iisn.It Ihu power of C'lifc-- ingLcallh or inflicting death. In wllhI his br lit f, the Muluyj are careful hot tJ prouke their III ill.

    Naturally, lha JaVooni are of an open and Ingoi tiousdisMitiun,aod witluIinclinudKirfsioty.To tlio splarance of tl'iii.llly thoyj.Hn lliaiudoendtnceof a life without c introl, Saml In Ibo

    midst of thick furckt and everlutlug verdiife.Iloaptclful without being pervile.tii con vers t lioninev uao an nurupr. ana violent tone or voles,which strongly tontiauis wiui their tehitdal

    sua lu'aU'aly, itliey love strjngrieiitleneas gel luloxicatecl whenever ttey ktvean n tirti:nlir.

    It is tha teal cf Ihe CaUio'icprletts, that Ihey have a nilaalontry, wb.t, nutwit list tnding Iho low rank of these opte in theteal of bumatillv. tho wide territory otorwhlrhthey sre tcalteied, and the thick foroels which ItIs not cm ry to --..orato to reach ihoin, and thaalraerce of all roads, while ftrnclout wild boastsste thhk at every step. Is Isb irlog suiouu; them,and ll kWe bis dome with them,

    Nuthatethe ople in whom originate! theI lea n.d Ibo slorios about the ourun .(. no thelien if the forest a.

    Tbe Ileal llallcr l.lceaoe.Viitw of ti. ". Xvn .I notice In your itauthis niinnUjn, tbe ibtnaluttlnu befrrro the Crimoin

    (kanclol a rreiilu n, the lnactlon ofteam tai lets lu tbo eit). fur too eafcty of tLaciUieut.

    It Is a vr ry ur ri Idea I but a butter oue wou'd bo I rnoiaerra giving them a ceitlrtesto.

    In ei.iiui.ta any laUiuad or atounbuat axnpeuytsbo slalleniky antniglboer wboU lathe babitoluiiaui'KUiinxicaitiigiirpiuit, la Hauls toaverj heavyfine.

    In try opinion, mnie tkan three-ipiart- of Hieei loktoLt are cliro. tl- - duo to lDouuiie'eui siigiuikrrs,

    vuig, J, o. Wmtca a.I naEtneer bt. Luko'e lloamfa.'.

    Octtber 4t'j, ISrV.


    Tim Pun e cr for thTT'a laa"t W I Point,advert ievi f. r'proj'elg up to Uci. lOclt, for sup.plies t f inca a.

    Af Ird'snapolla meri-hsn- l is suing He Sts'eHank for a hbol in ibe Improper protest cf anote.

    At a great Irish revival mooting, held Ialelstd. 1 h ult lU.Wti were

    irrwrtt. It as held lu eu open Held.Tiik aolilier fJrotrii Wilcon), who fatally

    gl aMatd a man w lib his bayonet, while on parade,at Hart ford, Conn., recently, bat bean acquitted,,,f htn.lcIJo, forv,hi.-hb-e wat tried.

    Anotn two weeks ago a cargo of tUvoe, watlanded ncsr Trinidad da Cuba. Ore of the lnar-w- v.toit avouugcTnole Infermedtta gvrernmentff the fact, lhatbtjht ha was assassinated tauisoeu.

    SHORT Mountain. N. f! nrnvaa lo h. thablgtest iveak In tha United States, Instead ofvi una eiountata, ti, 11., as Heretofore suprrowou.It Is 6.760 feet high, while tte latter U butCaWfeet.

    wmwim 'mw

    '. jvJ ? . T"


    Tr.f MS--CA Tf IN A0TANC1- -.

    Urrnm.r2JT'.'?,id7M OBi tons rlortt, TM ornwm

    cae.venierco of tba offioa, InmuuJZSS.Adrrrtler-MTi- ta ntoelvadnitu ItVMooTiI.waawrNirrnrirrwi. in eniuvry oaraawa on nuattny.

    Art r.Id man of Clcelnnall, ajod eighty rear,challenge the world to mn a foot rare with any'man of a similar ace, f m or two kaodiwd yards,and la tracked br a rotldent of tte tauva eltr, t,the amount cf J.i.OOO.

    M. I)ix,-ti- w, th ,tMi pp, --rattar, tea tmr- -'cbaaed a Ivovjta eornjTetely fninlsherJ, at Nlaa-rt- s'rail, for four thousand dollars tt Slant,rnonns ia a ponton of lha woftU Of klSarrosa the chasm of the Maara datinj tte

    Oiraef the EngllahcrlcVeta-B.wttjiatlleti'fs-, saying to rat an ear nf green ettra away 'article of food to him at nek U rs la-i-es bulawhit Incisor, and was moch dhappointeel whaaP,he 1 1 rack tba cob. II waa almost a crean astte eorn.

    ATsntMlkifli Paris of tha sharkholders of the pro poeerl Italian kallwsy brthathlmt I p. It was stated that opon tte aomsUtlomor toe brrrrioeeri tonnes nnner tna oiawpiwm, utrjartip, mat lormeriy too tweira moiwwill ba paaaed over In half an tear.

    M a. (Virr, ore of lie men whose balloon tenttpin New York State, when ha waa fir vallo his--aand who dereendtd safely, went snrariaonlly tathe) tree whore his balloon lodged and enrleattornstto recover It. In clotns to te foil from tte treatand was saterioaalr lnjtir.d by the tereaklafectf Ma wrist, that ifanythingguev wrong te wflldie. 1 be bones protraded. r--

    IkwrntATPtT at tte erooerrf the) war, wteapopular tupf4.rt wat deeired "oy tte French Oo-t-lietnnitnt, tbe Jfrmrftar, oflicial organ of LoansNai-o- i pow, wstlald on hit promisee of ttottdlasXgttat frrrab.mto the Press. Now tbat tte Oor-eium- en!

    It tn gnod favor, It haa simply roeallawtthe warnings It had previoualy tlvon, ardattiafthst tf tbe Journals wers not dlrereetlr sUont,their newapapert would battopped and their extt.tM. ImpiieolieiL

    At Hickman, Kentncky, tororlesrrarateBita.rstneil llauuKtoirr and BHrrn, who hod fraqtieut iurrcl, met near a wtotLboth beia(armed. IlFtanrtnor to'dfttrrn to prepare tobe shot, fbchsrged his frnn In hit sloanaob, aaadodged behind a tree. Snrrrr, aoabla ta ataatf,wilted and willed. In abont lira mloalst-I- i

    riMirroriT bmle I oat to ee tf he was deaiLatutSmuh put a lrl through bit head, killing hlaaIrstanUy. Nniril died tbo nakldsy. Tbatilar- -Irbrd tip'hu ipitml.

    Ot I'riday morning, aa tte freight train an IterCamden sad Atlantic Railroad, bound east, waaapproaching Bammontown. N. J., an object wattseen on tbe trsrk ahead, whkh waa soon SJoatlaired to lie a child. Tbe brakes war Instantlyspflied, and I he engine revenreJ, but tte graattrnoinetitum tf fyurteen harden etrs, It was toomevident, would carry tte train far beyoad thatpoint where the Utile innocent bad fallen aathe track, when the fireman, knwABO Maokat.a lad of 1H, ran out npnn tha aaAhfiing the child from tte very Jaw edaatlt.toon placed It iu safety, amid tte steers af thatspectators of his gallant conduct. , .

    Tit K work on tha Capitol at Washington (a,firocrtdlng rapidly. Considerable advanea tea

    on lha dome; tte hoary work ef tit) 'first story t mslnly done) and tba foandattaasBcfthe next tkir of columns ara preparing, lhamarble at airway In tte north wing ta axpeotatlto ba readr for dm- - at tha tetttnnlnn of tha nextCongreas. 1 ba new senate Poet la quita haudst-m- aOalr. It Is built of urae-ey- epie, and Is perhaps the beat sped man of Itekind of carp try In tha world. Tte corridor.throuuh w hich yon enttr tte Senate an tha aaufront, Is nearly completed. In the sonth wlagvcimaldersble change Is being made la tte Hall ofKcprreentallvea, sofas being snbatltnted forohalraand desks. Ihls issimUar to tte UotisstxfCwsamons. Desks for writing will teplaoed aleaftte walls of the hall.

    FINANCIAL,!NEW YORK, Wodnssday, Oat .

    STOCK EXCHANGE SALES-FU- ST BOAXB.0000 0.'T4...1-i- r, 10 Boadm( K.,... dMfTtkro Tann an, N.. SIM 101 tka. 41a10O0 Va.4 MllOut Mo. Be. 9tS ita tteVaVaMIMJCBOOO do.....OUH BJBM.BOM do 8 lt WO SrOaaaaaaaa "OSS,

    600 IU. On, Ba ... tltt ltO Panama K.aaaallBOOO Uan. at. J.. t.M ao

    T Ilk, N.Amertca.l iii teanU0aw.E..... aa(Bk. BL N.Y... .Ut M do.....saa10 Am.ats.Bk....le. loa 4o....bMUafbO Cum. Fref..aoe HM B40 Ca'. A Chi.... 110 racafloM. S..a. It 100 do ,...klB n

    fits ao ?fi tM do IllI'M do,,..bMto 194 dl sit teIdO dl ... itk 10S 0V0..,,JM1IIrO Ind. drCtn. K.. 4 104 do ttVItAS NY. laa.. K... I to da,...bisrtr100 dOaaaabdO IVV 100 do..,..e1 TlStWO d ... V't too CUt A Tut .bit H K0 0 dj,,,,b0tS lot do., a HI'M (Vr Tut, D. to.....,,, --wartV) do ' It BJ fjbl A K La... 4tklilt do,...blt 1V 160 do tt9 wekrtw do. ...bit UtrT led CM eon31 do.... p TVM VM do,. ah1) r 'B I9)t 1'4 do tltt- -

    t)0 do o 1 4TB do aiaaa404 da sit It ltd do SB ItSO Hud. Hv K.,.. MK fit do ...MB IS

    l'0 lo. 4S' 00 MIL Miss. K.. ehflot) Uariem K Vt

    BEOOND B.1ASD,IOO0 U 8. ba, nt.. . . I01M lot Uariem B llfbdIO I a.. 6a n ViO Keading B..UI HBtl-- taU T HV BOO do........ 414'Jje Ton. ta, t...a1 6rS du....bt4 4ltoll Brut A. O.W.U100 b)m.Cea.K Ml

    lis F.nnMhM.... BO 101 do MX': N.C. be. (I rOMAor. Cew.R... 4ntfio ti. Or. rt..., asy Bl M 8 A N U.f t

    ' Paednli ... 14kJ 10 Oa.AOhl..... tlM10 FjioR 4V KM) dl. JlM

    tl 0 N Y. Coo. B. . . T V 00 do Tigtoo do. td TV lot A TlISO do. a) ttt,'TYd tajtI0O do I, Ts. 491 till taa... O(- - do....r4U T8V 100tro t'o.... s30 Tiki IN d a..,.aaaa oats100 do al t.'V 104 di. Mtoo do aflO t 104 do....battg100 do. ...ban I'M Bat do ....baa aISO do. e " 104 s...,.alBfdJ4

    BrOCK FLICTUATI0N5.IU. talla Is derived by oomnarlana ot the

    Ikerd salce taoh day IaivajHUi, Mwtnrrso,

    U.I. Ia,'la..,, V par siTann la ,. K ..M Id. ....... 4 mmIII. Central..... H aeraciao ssa'i ..aM Y.Oeatral..Lf 1lludsoeiR, K aJtorhrta. HKoatlit ,. ..I 3Mob.Bt.Ouar 1BLOeatral....flaena ....llfltuck liOanA .. M J -Toalo 2 H.

    SALKS Or SEAL ESTATE.NswYoivx.Oet.K.

    Uoiiso and let on Kth st, bet. IU aod th er,Uil&O flttS

    NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET.Wsnniepar, Octobor B, ISB.

    stcurtt rua tua waaa.Sheas- - aad r

    IVevee. Cow. Yeaia. lomlia BesaayAtAlleitun's... , toil M 400 LIT ....At llriovulng'r. , 101 fl at ....AlUllrteue 43 IT IT 1.T4I ....At Caakuibtriahi'o., VT M tt ttt ....

    Tital B.1B4 ltl rK4 1J.IMIMTotal laU week. 4.111 ltb StiO 14.111 AtO1Incteaee. .. ,, ia 4IKmcaoa.,,.,,, 1.01 .. .. 4 1414 ....

    Av. per weel,1Sf.T .. I ltd Ul aM ttSt KobTAt. ter Hi DIM .Av. rweek, I Md tir i it in HITAv. twr week. f(7 '.'if I ii JCNo. on sale st AJUrrtuis ot uoaj cacue...a.eiNo. last Wrrlnrralar, do do t ff1--Sold to Buk-her- llerjoii, New Jartej ,.LeuB

    ia or uur at on srs tar.lUatWoatx.

    lUatT'allty W'2 amMcdliuil una liy J a tInterior t I l)(Leneial aolllPir lirloea BlfalO 4X alt)Ateiaaerd'alltalaaauoiit. .. IV TXae)

    Kraaia. on Bar lUvrca. Tba euirrdr haa ttawrreaaed over I noo hee-t- , and a reaction in prtore ktatresult d thttefroco. We quote an Calvanca of Aaltaone rnl jir.poi.tid, on tne tetee rat bt,t veeek, taalaly ou gtadea ol rattle art priirtcv We have act alteradunr tab fur prlcua stock, aud tht tntpyeionieat Inib.rwtnalwaa tobc,brr,asdrryar bare thaai.te of wtUlU tn owa aanda. At Bwrxwa, It. J. .'1 100 bead wote taken by buta'tere lar New York.Tbo avenge rata waa BK eenta. The donund waagood, tovetnl kta rooently sent to nean-b- r pootaraOatea, wore coiled, In to takt tne advantage of tba,'blabormark.t.

    Vaala. The demand Is anoderato, anj rwtoro hrvwnet ebancedi sales at Bat cento, and a Hn extra alllf eentaT

    Miuin Cowa There ta a Ana botUsal aVdagsdoiaii,atdafcwal tJVa40 Bar eatra. Jiabb Iutoe Wo

    Md.Mo. -r bead. --Jf M-S- tf stTJ- - Ay

    mulh.a aaa auu aa va ean'"o- -- Alatc TbetJwMitdMmiichUpet tJgZr'fiiSilo? TaThaaamV I W haeat fcW

    'nwtTbo paoalUa are mors Bbaa-- J, aaal BaAooaat li;o. foreitra oorn-fc- B44.fZmSitog to tali do., u4t4c.MtlMafmpl


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