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The Social Media Way of Lifefor B2B Experts and Content Marketers


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Chapter 1: What is Content Marketing?

The objective behind content marketing is not to spam potential clients/collaborators or to bombard them with pitches and useless brand ideology. Content marketing is the means by which you provide substance your target group can utilize. When executed effectively, you will gain brand awareness, customer acquisition, lead generation, and customer retention.

Especially in B2B content marketing, establishing oneself as an expert - through knowledgeable, creative and thoughtful content is the best way to assert leadership in an industry, generate lasting professional connections, enhance company exposure and ultimately – witness real revenue growth.

1.1 What type of content is good content?

The beauty (and often challenge) behind content marketing is that there is no “right” content to create. Content should be original and provide value in a way that situates you (and your company) in a leadership position. Your goal should be to give business affiliates and/or clients within your niche, content that can give them an edge in what they are trying to achieve. Showcase your

Content marketing is as simple as it sounds: provide high quality content for users, partners, followers, consumers and you will increase participation, sales, and loyalty.

business as a reliable source for the type of knowledge your target group seeks.

You must educate and entertain those you wish to come back for more information (over your competitors), because you have convinced them you are a valued expert. Provide useful and trustworthy content on consistent and relevant topics to establish yourself as a thought leader and inspire lasting relationships with those who ultimately determine the success of your business.




exploreB2B is a social platform for business-to-business communication where users focus on the production of content. On exploreB2B, high-quality material is key. Your content, in the form of written articles, becomes the tool by which you are discovered and recognized as an expert in your industry.

The strategies introduced in this paper are put to action on exploreB2B.


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1.2  Stellar Content Ideas

The type of content you are able create is (quite literally) endless, as the nature of successful content marketing rests in the ability to produce something original.

Strong content comes in many, diverse forms: text, picture, video, graphic, etc. However, sometimes ‘putting the pen to paper’ can be particularly challenging. Here is a compiled list of some of poignant tips we have encountered along the way:

• Share your success stories in ways that help bring light to relevant business topics

• Create how-to lists and lessons to establish yourself as an expert on a particular topic

• Invent ways to apply a new perspective to something your audience might take for granted

• Give your perspective on pressing industry news

• Detail recent findings or case studies that influence your company/industry

• Discuss company news from the perspective of someone unexpected (ex. developer, office manager or intern)

• Publish white papers on topics on relating to your business

• Concoct a narrative that explains how you overcame something that relates to your company; this can also come from an employee, customer, partner, etc.

• Interview someone whose ideas will inspire your readership; asking intelligent questions will also assert

your understanding of the subject

• Compile a list of thought leaders who have motivated you; provide links to posts they have composed

• Review a product, service or company that relates to your industry

• Recount your biggest failures and what you have learned from overcoming such difficulty

• Refurbish former lectures, presentations, guest conference speeches into written pieces that are relevant to current industry developments

• Stir the pot and give your opinion on a controversial topic

• Design an infographic (and contact someone who has the skills to help you communicate your ideas)

• Allow guestposts that present an angle you may have never considered; stay selective, but open

• Infiltrate characters/celebrities into your storyline/theme/title to spice up an informative piece (name recognition)

• Share demonstrations or examples of how to enhance a specific aspect of a company

• Provide links recount a description of tips you have encountered from another thought leader or trusted source; communicate the reason why this information is valuable and give credit to your source

• Reuse content, for example - turn your video into an image; create a graphic combining an article and pictures

Chapter 1: What is Content Marketing?

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Examples of Stellar Content (specific blog articles, etc.):

I. Social Media Strategist, Britton Edwards, wrote the following about how celebrity chefs use social media*. Here, Britton demonstrates her knowledge of related industry news, while using contemporary and engaging examples to site the difficulty in attaining what her clients are looking to achieve. She then presents success stories illustrating ways to overcome these issues. Britton doesn’t specifically state that she has the answers to address the entirety of social media challenges, but her awareness, analysis, and willingness to present solutions (in an entertaining way) create an environment where her readership is eager to ask for more.    


II. Technology and Communications Advisor, April Dunford, runs a popular and innovative blog that focuses on product marketing for startups. In her post, 6 Skills That Will Get You A Startup Marketing Job *, she lists in a matter-of-fact way the six most necessary skills required for marketing in the startup world and how to attain these skills. Dunford’s article balances being thoughtful and concise, giving her marketing-oriented audience (who are interested in the startup scene present on her blog) the key information they need - and establishing herself an an expert, marketing advisor.


III. Great content is not limited to article text; often times the most useful business tidbits are represented through visuals and graphs. The Infographic*, created

by Inside View and presented via Social Media B2B**, effectively educates the B2B audience on Social Media B2B. By pairing data with images, the graphic depicts just how influential social media is for B2B professionals. Included are facts on which networks are most frequented, where leads are generated, and how deals can be accelerated. The graphic is clean, simple, informative and inspires the true target audience for Social Media B2B to return to their site to gain valuable information. They also effectively plug a leader in digital design (Inside View), again illustrating B2B ability.



IV. Animation Mentor * is an online school that teaches professional animation skill and technique. While headquarters are based in the San Francisco Bay Area, the school’s educational content reaches young animators around the globe. A company that is entirely based on the influence of their content and expertise, Animation Mentor’s Youtube Channel** is an excellent example of how to organize and present video content. The feature video (among many others) presents the work of their global students, illustrating they are indeed experts in teaching how to acquire the skills exemplified in the clip.



Chapter 1: What is Content Marketing?

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1.3   B2B vs B2C Content Marketing

B2C marketing is often perceived as more glamorous than marketing in B2B. B2C focuses on outreach in a way that is meant to spark immediate interest with a consumer base. The consumers, accustomed to an onslaught of material from competing B2C companies, inspire attention-worthy marketing tactics in B2C marketers. Social media, then, appears to many as a tool used for B2C organizations to reach and engage this consumer audience. Content marketing has thus been included in this analysis and deemed a necessary component for B2C marketing success.

Today, however, it is regarded as a myth – and missed opportunity – for B2B companies to ignore the benefits of content marketing within social media. While B2B and B2C companies engage largely different audiences, both can excel by utilizing the same process involved in content marketing.

Many B2B organizations working with other professionals have, in fact, already infiltrated social media channels. These professionals wish to communicate their expertise and utilize information from other thought leaders that will give them a professional edge. Key elements of B2B business interaction already mirror the chief components of content marketing.

While it is true many people within social networks focus on personal or private communication, they are still interested in high-quality information. Within your own network, interests overlap and recommendations from friends or colleagues are a trusted source for information; this remains in social media for business.

An Overview of B2B vs B2C Content Marketing:


Who they target: other professionals, businesses, organizations

What they seek: to display expertise, network, make lasting professional relationships, gather information from other thought leaders

How content marketing plays a role: valuable and well-researched content allows B2B professionals to present themselves as experts and acquire similar high-level information from other B2B experts in relevant industries; with the exchange of content and recurring desire to obtain information from trusted professionals– strong network connections are made

How social media reinforces the benefits of CM:  strong content deemed valuable by other professionals can spread throughout multiple social media channels – accessing more business partners/collaborators/clients; virility within your industry will establish leadership, exposure, recognition and company trust.


Who they target: consumers

What they seek: to generate customer participation, sales and brand loyalty

How content marketing plays a role: meaningful, useful content resonates with consumers; reoccurring quality content establishes a loyal following

How social media reinforces the benefits of CM: strong content deemed valuable by consumers has the ability to go viral, reaching more consumers.

Chapter 1: What is Content Marketing?

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Chapter 2: Expertise - Why it’s important to establish in B2B

To find out what content best serves your purpose, you must first decide what you are trying to achieve. Most often we market to expand and create new business, but "new business" can mean many different things. Do you wish to attain new clients, collaborators, partners, employees, or something else entirely?

These different goals are important to establish, yet they have one thing in common: you must make people aware of who you are, communicate the way you will enhance their lives, and inspire them seek what you have to offer.

Why should people want to work with you? The answer to this question is undoubtedly diverse, but ultimately we can agree it is because they trust in your ability to make their lives easier, more efficient, profitable, and enjoyable.

First, they must recognize you as an expert.

One of the more difficult questions to ask yourself is,

‘What kind of content makes sense?’

2.1 Why be deemed an expert?

The more useful insight you provide, the better response you will have from other thought leaders in your industry and your target audience. The goal is to differentiate, inspire trust, connect, exchange and… profit.

As professionals, we strive to work in an environment where employees’ skills are utilized to the best of their ability. The more vital a task to a company, the more attention is warranted in acquiring the most qualified and trustworthy people (or company) to get it done. Who is most trustworthy outside an internal network? These people are widely recognized as experts. This is reason for us to both seek and provide verifiable expertise both on and offline.

Establishing yourself as an expert has another advantage in B2B Social Media: In the massively impacted social networks, you stand apart from the crowd. With over 60% of companies involving social media in their business strategy, setting your professional self apart from the crowd becomes even more important. Being recognized as an expert, or better - the expert in your field, is what differentiates you from your competitors.

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2.2 Who is considered an expert?

“You might already be showing expertise in content creation, without even knowing it.”

                  - Dr. Susanna Gebauer

The Oxford English dictionary defines an expert as: ‘A person who has special skill or knowledge in a particular field; specialist; authority.’ To expand this definition, an expert must have relevant experience, background information and a learned familiarity with complex theories and/ or processes. An expert can demonstrate - and explain in layman’s terms - why something occurs, address unanswered questions and present solutions to problems arising in their area of expertise.

True experts have the ability to take the knowledge they have and apply it to situations that remain debated or unsolved. As the beneficiaries of experts, we expect them to have strong reputations, come highly recommended (ideally, from people we trust), express innovative ways of thinking, and the ability to handle challenging obstacles. When striving to represent yourself as an expert, these key qualities must be apparent.  

2.3 How does content marketing promote expertise?

Content marketing allows you (the expert) the ability to present material that establishes you as a thought leader. The list for what can be considered ‘content marketing material’ is vast, though the concept basic: share content that positions you as an expert in your field. Your knowledge should appear extensive to establish yourself as a trustworthy source.

What is the upside to culminating material from your prior expertise (findings, interviews, demonstrations, graphics) and turning it into marketing content? You, most likely, have already done a fair amount of content creation, without calling it by its name. If you have gone to conferences/business fairs, given interviews for local papers, organised an event, recorded advice, or participated in a short radio piece - you are already on your way to producing the heart of what it means to incorporate content marketing into your business strategy.

Chapter 2: Expertise

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Chapter 3: The Difference Between Online and Offline

ExpertiseAs content should be directed at your target audience, take into account where these people spend their time online when deciding the avenues by which to

promote your material. (Are they on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest? Do they consume news on social networks or through traditional media coverage portals?)

3.1 How to prove your expertise (without stating so yourself)

When creating ‘expert’ content, it is important to communicate what you provide, know, and have already achieved. Though it is crucial not to classify yourself as an expert in your text or title position. People will trust your expertise (and respect your humility) if you exhibit your qualifications through content, rather than making an outright claim.  

Even if the stories or subjects are the same, the methods by which people are reached on and offline, produce varying results. Online videos, articles, comments and pictures have the opportunity to stay visible for a much longer period of time (in fact, it can be hard to delete sensitive content once it has been made public).

The quantity of people who see your content online, has the potential to be much broader than the opportunities offline - simply by the nature of its easy medium for distribution. While a misstep online can have a much more lasting impact on your reputation, under the same principle, a well-positioned article with strong content can have a significantly more pronounced and withstanding effect than the same material distributed offline.

The difference between online and offline expertise comes in the way the content is presented - its distribution, accessibility, and the number of people who can accelerate the visibility of your content.

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[Note: For specific ways to exemplify a heightened level of knowledge, refer to the Stellar Content Ideas included in the overview section above.]

Consider incorporating your personality into the content you provide. Remember tone and visual elements help make you unique; they might even be the decisive factor that influences others to work with you.

The sum of your content will eventually create an extensive profile that shows your expertise and offers a glimpse of who you are as a person (where you invest your energy, your findings, opinions and motivations). As with offline networking, persona should not be left out of the equation; most prefer to work with those who give a positive impression, indicating the likes of the future work environment.

3.2 People vs. Company Expertise

The collective efforts of a company represent more depth in expertise than that of a single employee. In social media, this is concept is crucial when formulating a content marketing strategy.

If a company decides to act as a single entity, and not as the culmination of intelligent representatives, the content will (most often) be provided by someone other than the expert. In fact, 62% of the companies outsource to marketing firms, while only 44% of the companies are satisfied with their hired agency. Most often, they believe the hired professionals are ‘not strategic enough and lack in creativity.’ This dissatisfaction could largely be due to the fact that

when content leaves the hands of the expert and is created externally, information is at risk of being misunderstood or wrongly construed.

Outsourcing to a marketing firm can have extremely positive benefits if, say, the intended experts cannot communicate well through writing, do not understand graphics/videos, or are not familiar with the special processes of different social media channels. However, it could come at a great advantage to the company to let employees represent their own expertise within social media. Trust can be established directly between the expert creating the content and their immediate audience. To add a third party, communication may appear more glamorous, but be unrepresentative of the true value of the expertise.

Let’s compare this to offline content marketing: would you trust more the relayed information of a hired firm, or the conversation that takes place when speaking directly to someone within the company (even if their manner of speech is imperfect)? The answer will certainly vary for different companies, though the question is important to consider.

As opportunities grow within social media to include expert employees into the content marketing process, their expertise will add much more depth and understanding to the company culture.

3.3 Experts - where are they?

There are many networks where you will have access to content provided by experts. This makes the problem of deciphering what is, in fact, considered

Chapter 3: The Difference Between Online and Offline Expertise

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to be expertise. Once strong content is found, it can be difficult to keep tabs on the expert or where they share their information. It is easy for information to quickly become lost within a sea of networks, groups or news streams and soon become misplaced or forgotten.

One way to track down experts is to follow (and join) the conversations of leaders within your industry. Finding just one person who produces content you trust can lead you to a network of individual experts on a particular topic. Much is left to self-discretion, but especially in contemporary social media, innovative and motivated people tend to travel in packs - educating and inspiring one another. Should you successfully infiltrate one of these conversation, and provide your own worthy content, you may find yourself running amongst a pack of respected experts.

That said, while we tend to follow experts from our own fields we often search for experts in fields with which we are trying to become more familiar in B2B; these experts are difficult to find on short notice. If you do not want to rely on a Google search(which only proves the expertise of the SEO), try a network where the content is sorted by category, subject or author and can therefore can be searched more accurately (i.e. quora or exploreB2B).

3.4 Where do I put my content?

Developing content on a personal and/or company blog - then pushing it through the social media channels where your target group resides is a great foundation for establishing a content marketing

campaign. While it is important to remain fresh in ways to present material, you will quickly find which type of content best resonates with your target group. The goal with a blog is not to be ‘found,’ but to develop a reliable source for potential clients and partners to verify your expertise. SEO too, can provide an edge in reaching target viewers, though the substance and presentation are emphasized in content marketing.

Where to publish content (besides your company website):








Whether linked to a company site or functioning as a personal blog, these sites are easy to navigate and serve as a blank slate to support your soon-to-be created content; as you write more, a clearer vision for the most relevant content will develop.





A social networking site built for professionals, exploreB2B’s main feature allows users (and companies) to publish articles. There, you can demonstrate expertise amongst a network of people who are specifically interested in business topics.


Chapter 3: The Difference Between Online and Offline Expertise

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Where to push What


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A news aggregate with a fairly high circulation rate where users can submit articles, then reviewed and published by the site SMT.







Similar to Social Media Today, a news aggregate where users are free to post articles to an established audience.






Guest posting allows you to contribute content without having to manage a blog; good outreach and ability to access another avenue of potential leads.



Question and answer forum that attracts professionals and allows you to create a personal profile where you can pin (already produced) content to various boards.




Push your own articles as well as those of other thought leaders, fun facts, pictures, helpful graphs, etc.  (Don’t forget to communicate - Twitter is not one-way channel!)




Push your own articles, ask questions and participate in group conversations




(Facebook has greatly limited company page exposure in recent weeks.) Pictures have the greatest virality, but do not neglect articles you have published about your company; maintain a sense of variety.





Include high-quality images in your article content; pin your articles, build boards on your topics (as people can follow boards as well as people)




Share, comment and vote on content. Again, success of a post or link depends on the votes it gets, so connect and build a following.


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***Be open to any new networks that allow you to ask questions and present your expertise to a community of professionals.

3.5 B2B Rockstars


Principal Analyst and author, Brian Solis, is a self-proclaimed ‘digital analyst, sociologist and futurist.’ An example of some of his best work comes in the form of posts written on his blog. (A personal favorite is this article on Digital Darwinism.) On his site, Solis establishes himself as an expert in digital disruption and its sociological and economic repercussions. The value of Solis’ content proves to be so meaningful that his audience not only intakes his knowledge, but comments and shares - wishing to

also becoming a valued source for information. Solis is highly informed on his topic and displays his thoughts clearly, breading a deep relationship of reliability with his readers.

II. Eloqua (Joe Chernov)

Joe Chernov is the VP of Content Marketing for Eloqua and has largely influenced the company’s social media success. Eloqua, a marketing automation service, had been a respected leader in their niche for ten years; though when the space for marketing automation expand, so too did the company’s need to reinvent their public persona and outreach. Chernov was essential in this process as he implemented a thoughtful, content marketing strategy. Wanting to “zig when the others zagged,” Chernov implemented a content-oriented strategy that would provide “relevant and helpful content and form real relationships.” A detailed account of how he achieved success can be found here. What is important to note is Joe’s recognition of the power behind what content marketing represents: a willingness to provide help and formulate meaningful dialogue with current and potential product users through the sharing of high-quality information. Joe Chernov has now become somewhat of a legend social media for his early and disruptive adoption of content marketing.   




Add links to content; users virtually stumble over content in their chosen fields. The more ‘likes’ content gets, the more it is shown. To spread content, it helps to have stumblers following you, giving your content a head start. The process is somewhat unpredictable and building a following hard, though you can produce many views from this platform.



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Principal Analyst and author, Brian Solis, is a self-proclaimed ‘digital analyst, sociologist and futurist.’



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A marketing automation service

Twitter: @jchernov

Case Study:

Chapter 3: The Difference Between Online and Offline Expertise

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Kissmetrics is an analytics software use for online-business that gives insight in user behavior. Their products allow clients to optimize conversions and make decisions in relationship to customers, based on the analytics data. Kissmetrics has translated their experience and success into a blog, which is now well-known for providing logical information on how to utilize social media, marketing, and new online-products. Kissmetrics uses their blog and other social media portals to strongly promote a content-oriented business strategy. (You can find them on twitter, facebook, pinterest, google+.) While Kissmetrics uses their highly-followed content to inform users on new Kissmetrics developments, they more often provide insight on online and social media trends. They have a deep understanding of analytics, technology, social media and other industries horizontally related to their products; by reading their blog, you certainly believe in their expertise.


On Startups is a blog geared towards startup, software companies. Founder

and content manager of the blog, Dharmesh Shah, begin his career writing code and soon after went on to launch his own successful software company. After figuring out how to reap the benefits of his venture, he went on to invest in other promising startups. Dharmesh now propels his career by managing a blog where he establishes himself as a leader in the knowledge it takes to excel in the software industry, and as a startup. His content marketing technique involves honest, blunt posts which motivate and inform startup entrepreneurs. He also allows a great number of guest posts, bringing variety and a new perspective to his readers - and engaging with a circle of startup and software related thought leaders.


Robert Scoble is a renowned tech and social media voice who boasts even his own Wikipedia page. Working as a technology evangelist at Microsoft, he first gained attention blogging about his interpretation of industry innovations, controversies and news. The content on blog, scoblizer, turned into a wildly popular source for intelligent information. Now working as the blogger for




Kissmetrics is an analytics software use for online-business that gives insight in user behavior.


Profiles: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+




On startups is a blog geared towards startups and software companies.


Chapter 3: The Difference Between Online and Offline Expertise


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Robert Scoble is a renowned tech and social media voice.

Currently working for: Rackspace




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rackspace, Robert Scoble is active in nearly every social media channel you can imagine - and active meaning really active. Robert Scoble has gotten right the idea that activity should not just be for the sake of being active; he gives something meaningful to his audience through his content marketing activity. On Quora he answers questions about journalism, tech, and startups; on Twitter he has the most extensive list of tech-blogs, and on Google+ he shares helpful tech reviews. The sheer impact of Robert Scoble’s content and online presence is worth a lot to the companies he writes on behalf of, as rackspace stock has risen 450% since he has joined the company. Some have even posed the question: Does every company need a Robert Scoble? *


Krones is a German company that specializes in creating the technology and building the machines that put our beverages into bottles. Responsible for the entire filling, labeling, inspecting, cleaning process, Krones is a highly efficient technical organization. They have also turned themselves into content marketing powerhouse. Charles D. Schmidt, Head of Krones’ social media marketing has revolutionized their marketing strategy through his emphasis on content. In particular, the extensive

Krones is a German company that specializes in creating the technology and building the machines that put our beverages into bottles.



Chapter 3: The Difference Between Online and Offline Expertise

KronesAG Youtube Channel has used video content as a way to present the technical company as relatable, present and optimal to engage for business.

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While the concept behind content marketing has been around since before 4200 B.C.*, its application in modern day social media marketing is relatively new. As we (professionals) possess expertise in divergent fields, the idea of content marketing becomes something that can unite us. Facing the same challenges in reaching meaningful brand awareness, acquiring and retaining customers, creating lucrative leads and gaining information to help advanced business ventures - content marketing can bring us closer to addressing these issues we experience in B2B. By providing the high-quality and useful knowledge we seek in return, the system of content marketing taps into our altruistic potential.

Undoubtedly, mistakes will be made as we will run into cold-hearted holes that can exists in web 2.0, but what is vital in our ever-changing modes of communication is to learn by doing, to listen to our audience, and to respond/react to their feedback. Doing so, we will better communicate, connect and grow our businesses (and selves).


It is important to remember that no one started out as a content marketing expert.


Erin C. Nelson, Dr. Susanna Gebauer, Jonathan Gebauer

The strategies in this paper apply to exploreB2B.(

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