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The Singing Voice Of Your Dreams Is Inside You…

You Are About To Discover It, Nourish It, And Develop It

And Sing FAR Better Than You Ever Thought Possible

Written By Geoffrey Williams

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Praise For The eBook:

The Singing Voice Of Your Dreams Is Inside You “Finally I understand how my voice works! Thank you so much Geoff. This is the information I’ve needed for so long.” -Rachel Cahill “I can’t believe you are giving this away! This is the best book on singing bar none. It has helped me more than any other vocal instructions I’ve had (which is a lot). Thank you kind sir.” -Trent Naylor “You’ve found a way to make singing simple! How did you do that?” -Annabel Winton This eBook was exactly what needed! I had struggled for so long with my singing voice and with the idea that I would never be a great singer. I love to sing, but was always embarrassed, as I knew that I was not the amazing voice that I had always yearned for. But reading this book - I know I’m not alone. Whereas I had been on the verge of giving up, now I know I had just had the wrong information! My voice has already improved, but even more important, my confidence has soared! Now I KNOW I’m on the right path and I WILL be the amazing singer I have always wanted to be! - Robyn Henderson

“Thank you for showing me how to sing high notes. I struggled with this for years before discovering your excellent book” -Adrian Phillips

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Contents Getting Started 5 Singing Is Not Rocket Science 6 Are You Bound By Lack Of Knowledge? 7 Are Those Amazing Talented Singers Different To You Or I? 8 Singing Myth busters 8 You Must Do This Before You Do Anything Else 10 The Biggest Problem About Singing 13 You Can Increase Your Vocal Range 15 More effort? Less effort? 17 Let’s Tackle This “Breathing” Thing 17 (It’s Easier Than You Think) Keep it simple 18 How To Use Your Different Vocal Registers Correctly 19 Balancing Your Voice For Superb Tone 22 What Makes Your Voice Sound Sweet And Balanced? 24 The Mystery Of Singing Well 26 What Is The Vocal Elevator? 27 Getting Though The First Bridge With No Fuss 27

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The Secret To Vocal POWER 29 Can You See What Is Important Here? 31 Let’s Begin Building Vocal Power! 32 How To Develop A Silky Vibrato 33 Let's Do An Exercise To Get Your Vibrato Happening! 34 Why It’s Dangerous To Imitate Your Favorite Singer 36 Let’s Put All Of This Together! 36 Here’s How To Make Singing As Easy As Talking 38 The Singing Success Solution 41 About The Author 47

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Getting Started Welcome! It's a pleasure to meet you. If you want to improve your singing voice dramatically, sing with less effort, hit higher notes, sing with better tone quality, and learn to control your voice like an instrument, then you’re in the right place. In this ebook you will learn exactly why singing has been so hard for you up until now, and also how you can easily discover the full potential of your voice. Singing is a wonderful thing. It can make us happy. It can make us sad. It touches us in ways that can’t be explained. And best of all, singing is great fun! But unfortunately singing beautifully is not easy for everyone... So many singers have to deal with many singing troubles. In my experience there is nothing more frustrating!

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• Singing with tension in the throat

• tightness in the jaw

• trouble with hitting high notes

• Struggling with consistent tone

• Unable to stay in tune

And the list goes on.... Don't worry... let me reassure you... Learning to sing correctly will erase all of these tiresome difficulties. In fact, not only will it prevent these difficulties, it will allow you to sing with total freedom, and beautiful tone.

Singing Is Not Rocket Science Singing is not rocket science! Let me repeat that because many people believe that singing is a mysterious phenomenon, accessible only by the gifted and highly talented... Singing is not rocket science. Correct technique is well within the range of those who are prepared to work for it. And with correct technique....

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You will be able to hit tremendous high notes forever... With the same effort as it takes to speak. All your notes will be easily produced, dripping with wonderful tone and character. Every song you sing will seem easy. You will be able to sing for hours without getting tired. You will be able to sing with absolute vocal freedom.

Are You Bound By Lack Of Knowledge?

Singing is restricted more by lack of knowledge than lack of talent. This is great news to all singers, as with the right knowledge....

• your can increase your vocal range dramatically • you can improve your tone quality, resulting in a highly

professional, rich sounding voice

• You can sing in a totally free manner, never having to reach or strain for notes

This e-book is structured to provide all the relevant information needed so you can learn correct vocal technique. Each important topic will be covered one by one in a logical order. So keep reading!

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Are Those Amazing Talented Singers Different To You Or I?

Have you ever heard a singer that completely amazed you? Have you thought to yourself, “there is no way that I could sound that good!” I used to hear these singers all the time. It was so intimidating! But then I considered the possibility that these amazing singers may know something I did not....

Singing Myth busters

Can anybody sing? If you have a voice, you can sing. After all, singing is basically sustained speech, using different pitches. Lets change the question to "can anyone sing well"? Of course the answer does depend on the natural singing ability of the individual. Despite this, the majority of people are capable of singing very well indeed. In fact, you would be very surprised at just how well the most non-talented people can sing with the right training. You see, those singers that do incredible things with their voices, may not be too different to you or me.

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The big difference is that these singers have learned to coordinate their voices to function in exactly the way they were designed to work. As an example, I would say I have quite an average singing ability. In my early days of singing, I struggled with things like singing range, tension in my neck, tension in my jaw, tone quality. Pretty much everything most singers struggle with! As I discovered the correct way to use my voice though, things began to change.... The tension in my voice that was once so painful, seemed to “drop off”, leaving me with a voice that is so easy to operate. I found myself able to sing for many hours, without needing to take a break (there was a time when my voice would be tired and sore after only minutes of singing) My singing range more than doubled (this is no exaggeration. It is due to me discovering the connection to my upper range) Can you imagine how I was feeling? Once I felt completely trapped by my limited range, and now here I was, singing these incredible high notes, and doing it so easily! I also noticed a dramatic improvement in my tone quality. Before discovering how to use my voice correctly, my tone would sound harsh and forced. But after correctly balancing my voice, the tone quality sounded sweet, rich, and completely relaxed.

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So how did this transformation occur? I can tell felt like a miracle! But it wasn't a miracle at all. I have realized that most singers are bound more by lack of knowledge than lack of talent. I had discovered a singing technique that allowed me to discover my real singing voice, allowing me to sing with freedom and wonderful tone. And you can do this too! By doing some simple exercises we can teach our voices to engage the correct muscles for singing, while at the same time, dis-engaging the incorrect ones... The muscles that cause us all that tension and restrict our vocal range etc...

You Must Do This Before You Do Anything Else

Before going any further, there’s something that you have to experience. When you do this quick exercise you will begin to realize the power of singing correctly, and the hassle of singing with bad technique. This exercise will show you how much your voice is going to improve once you “teach” your voice to operate correctly. Ok. Here it is. As I mentioned a few moments ago, there are correct muscles for singing. These are called your “inner” larynx muscles. These muscles are located inside your voice box, and their purpose is to coordinate your vocal chords.

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There are also muscles that are NOT for singing. These are the muscles outside your larynx. They are called the “outer” muscles of the larynx. These muscles are designed for one purpose. To swallow food. Unfortunately though, they seem to want to get involved in the singing process, and end up creating vocal tension and destroying our voices. To learn to sing correctly you need to coordinate your voice so the “inner” larynx muscles handle all the vocal chord adjustments, and the “outer” larynx muscles sit still. To feel the difference between these muscles, do this simple but powerful exercise. Gently rest the tip of your finger on your Adam’s apple. (The top notch in your throat.) Now say out loud, “I want to learn how to sing brilliantly!” When you say these words, can you feel how your larynx doesn’t move up or down? In fact, it sits very still, don’t you agree? The reason that your larynx sits in a still position when you do this exercise, is the “inner” muscles of the larynx coordinate to create the sound. When you coordinate these muscles to handle all the vocal chord adjustments when you sing, and ONLY these muscles, your singing voice will be outstanding.

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You will be able to hit tremendously high notes with no strain whatsoever. And the tone quality of your voice will be rich, sweet, and relaxed. Let’s do the second part of this exercise. This part of the exercise will help you to realize how BAD your “outer” larynx muscles are for singing. To feel your “outer” larynx muscles (the bad ones!), rest the tip of your finger on your Adam’s apple again, and swallow. Can you feel how your larynx moves upwards? Can you imagine trying to sing with the larynx in this upwards position? Not only does it sound bad, but it feels very uncomfortable as well! These are the muscles that you need to disengage when you sing. When you disengage them, you will be only using your “inner” larynx muscles, and singing will seem as easy as talking. So… Remember… “Inner” larynx muscles=good for singing “Outer” larynx muscles=bad for singing Now… how can you apply this knowledge to your voice?

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The Biggest Problem About Singing Do you get private singing lessons? I personally have been through four different singing teachers. While my first two teachers gave me a good introduction to singing, I really didn't make the progress I desired. I would work hour after hour on the exercises they prescribed, with no real benefit. "Give your tone more support" they would say. "Sing from your diaphragm", "move your tone further forward". While these instructions may have valid meanings, I didn't know how to interpret and use them to assist my singing. They had me trying to concentrate on ten things all at once! This just made things worse as I was so tense that I couldn't think, let alone sing! I knew that there must be a better way... It didn't make sense that some people found singing so easy, while my singing was a complicated mess! So I began to research.... I came across a vocal program called Singing Success. Singing Success is a vocal method taught by a very highly regarded vocal instructor Brett Manning. The program teaches you to sing with the same effort as it takes to speak. The technique is designed to teach the voice how to engage only a select few muscles...the correct singing muscles (known as the “inner larynx muscles”).

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As these muscles are developed, the voice naturally develops amazing range, tone, and intensity (volume), with almost no effort at all. As with almost everything, learning to sing takes time, effort, and motivation. While Singing Success requires the same dedication and commitment, you can begin to see results almost immediately. For example, when I began to study speech level singing, my range immediately increased by a whole octave. Before this I had spent years banging away at singing exercises that if anything, did more damage than good. The beauty of learning to singing correctly is that your voice will just get better and better. You will never lose power or range as you get older. Each note in your range, from bottom to top, can be accessed with the same ease as it takes to speak. The Singing Success method is a technique used by many professional singers. Names include Keith Urban, Mark Kibble, and many more. The concept of Singing Success is to produce your tones at speech level ie: with the ease of speaking. It is very common for singers to use the muscles outside the larynx (voice box) to try and mould the tone. This is counter-productive as it causes a lot of tension, and as the singer climbs up their range, the voice tends to jam up. A person will never be able to use their full vocal range using these muscle coordinations.

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The end result is the voice box (or larynx) constantly moving up and down, forced all over the place by these outer muscles. Not only are these muscles poor at adjusting the vocal chords effectively, they cause many a sore throat! Singing Success aims to correct this problem by training the inner larynx muscles to do all the vocal chord adjustments. These muscles are far more efficient at controlling the vocal chords than the “outer” larynx muscles. This means that the larynx can sit in a still, stable position. Just like in speech. So as the singer changes pitch (or note), the inner larynx muscles control the tightness of the vocal chords, adjusting them to vibrate at the correct frequency.

You Can Increase Your Vocal Range As a singer, my vocal range used to be very limited. I would begin nice and low. I could sing quite well up through my medium range, but as I began to get higher, I would begin to reach. I would get to a certain point and my throat would accept no more! It would grab at my tone and there would be no chance of singing any higher. Lot's of people (including me) accept this as their normal range. They say "fair enough, this is the range I'm born with". Not True! This is the range you have been corrupted with!

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No offence to you or any vocal instructor you've had, but there is much more usable vocal range, if you know how to access it. This is precisely what the Singing Success method teaches you to do. Here is the physical explanation... When you are singing correctly, as you climb up your vocal range, you will come to a point where the vocal chords find it too hard to vibrate any faster. So what do they do? They make an adjustment. Your vocal chords 'zip up' (just like zipping up a sweater), effectively shortening the amount of vocal chord that needs to vibrate. This coordination takes weight off the chords, allowing them to vibrate faster. You can continue up your range.... The special exercises in the Singing Success program trains your vocal chords to form this shortened coordination automatically as you sing higher. As you continue to sing higher and higher, your chords continue to get shorter and shorter. Net result? You are singing notes higher than you've ever dreamed possible! With the same effort that it takes to speak... Another thing that automatically happens is the transfer of resonance. It begins in your mouth and chest. As you sing progressively higher, the tone travels behind the soft palate, and into your head. More on this later. For now.... ...back to basics!

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More effort? Less effort? "Give it more support" is the phrase I was so accustomed to! All my teachers used it as if it would solve all my problems.... As we sing higher, we use less air. Not more. As you will discover, not much air is needed to sing. In a short while we will consider how much air pressure is needed to activate the vocal chords efficiently. But first, let’s talk about how the air pressure affects our range. Think about the 'zipping up' of the chords action. Do you think forcing more air through the shorter vocal chords is going to help? Of course not! We need to use less air as we sing higher into our range... Of course, with the Singing Success technique, we don't need to be thinking about the exact amount of air to push through our vocal chords. The exercises are deliberately designed to balance the air pressure to the optimum level.

Let’s Tackle This “Breathing” Thing (It’s Easier Than You Think)

Breathing always has, and (I fear) always will, be a complex event that singing teachers will never be able to explain, and students will never understand. "Sing from your diaphragm". Simple right? Not so... The crazy (and ineffective) breathing exercises that I have been made to do in the past... I began to think that maybe I would never be able to breathe correctly!

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Keep it simple Correct breathing for singing is really easy and simple. It's also best to keep it that way. By doing complicated breathing exercises we only add tension to our voices. Trying to concentrate on ten things at once is not healthy for our voices! It's not necessary to put such an emphasis on breathing correctly. Why? Because correct breathing is a by-product of correct singing technique. This is important so I am going to repeat it. Correct breathing is a by-product of correct technique. What I am saying is we don't need to concentrate exercises on correct breathing, because when we engage the correct muscles in the larynx, the diaphragm will be engaged, automatically, naturally, and correctly. Singing Success uses special exercises to balance the air pressure around your vocal chords. Which means… You don't actually need to think about how much air you're sending... it happens automatically. These special exercises do two important things. 1. They relax the muscles that interfere with the tone making process, the outer muscles of the larynx. 2. They allow the diaphragm, without any manipulation, to naturally regulate the correct air supply to the vocal chords.

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How To Use Your Different Vocal Registers Correctly

Let's talk about the different vocal registers. It is true that many vocal instructors flat out refuse to admit that there are three different vocal registers that exist. This is so easily proved to be wrong, as in the very first exercise in the Singing Success program, we get to experience all the vocal registers! First of all, the different vocal registers are more evident to the listener when they are not fully developed. When a voice is functioning properly, there appears to be no 'breaks' or 'bridges'. The voice functions smoothly from the bottom of the range to the top, with no dramatic changes in tone quality. The term “vocal registers” refers to two things.

• The vocal chord coordination that is formed • The way that the sound resonates through your facial

structure Let's go through the different vocal registers one by one... Firstly…

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Chest Voice The chest voice is the voice we speak in. It is the heaviest vocal register, with the vocal chords vibrating across their entire length. In this coordination you will feel the resonance primarily in the chest cavity and mouth. Try placing your hand on your chest and saying a nice deep "ah". This is your chest voice. Head Voice The second vocal register is your head voice. Put your hand on your head and make a high pitched noise like a siren. Wooo Wooo Wooo! Your head voice forms the highest part of your vocal range. As you just heard, your head voice has a very pure, sweet tone quality. When you sing in your head voice, your vocal chords are in a different coordination than when you are singing in chest voice. Your vocal chords have shortened in length, forming what’s called a “zipped up” vocal coordination. Because the vocal chords are now shorter, it’s easier for them to vibrate faster. Also, when you are in your head voice, the sound resonates in a different position to in chest voice. Most of the resonance occurs in the top of your head, or- your nasal cavity. Your head voice is a more classical sounding vocal register. There are vocal styles such as classical music and opera where singers use ONLY their head voice to sing. And in these styles it works very well.

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But, if you were to try to use your head voice to sing a top 40 song, or a heavy rock song, it would sound quite strange! This is the reason why you need to become intimate with all of your vocal registers. When you do, it gives you the flexibility to decide which one to use for every thing you sing. Mixed Voice This vocal register is the one that usually requires the most work to develop. Most people are fine singing in the chest register, as a bit of outer larynx muscle interference will not usually cause the voice to jam up (although it will effect the quality of tone). The mixed voice, just like the head voice functions on a zipped up vocal chord. Also, the mixed voice is the point where the vocal resonance is approximately half in the mouth, and half in the head. Thus the “mixed” vocal register. The great thing about the mixed register is it shares the quality of both the chest and head resonance. It has the best of both worlds. It actually sounds like you are singing in chest voice, but on a higher note. This register is an exciting prospect for many singers as it gives extra range for notes that sound like they are in the chest register. The tone maintains the edge and extra presence, despite being sung on a 'zipped up' vocal chord. I always used to wonder why every pop and rock singer on the radio seemed to have a full octave of chest register more than me! The mixed voice is the answer. All these singers were actually using this muscle configuration to produce these exciting high notes.

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This extra range is vital for singers of all styles. It gives total songwriting freedom. Imagine being able to write and perform a song in any key you choose! Just imagine the musical director asking you, "Which key can you sing this song in?" And you reply… ...Any of these 54 keys!

Balancing Your Voice For Superb Tone

To balance your tone quality, you must learn how to properly balance your vocal resonance. Vocal resonance is the second part of the tone making process. It determines the final quality of the sound... … the sound which the listener hears! As with breathing, correct vocal resonance is a by-product of good technique. There is no need to actually force the sound to resonate in different places, it just happens. Resonance is what happens to the sound after it leaves the vocal chords. It is the process where the initial sound wave is amplified as it passes through the resonant cavities in your facial structure. If you can learn how to blend your different vocal registers, you are on a one-way path to vocal freedom. You will be

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able to sing lower and higher, for longer... And every note will sound wonderfully balanced, rich with character and tone. Oh yes… blending your vocal registers is one of the most important keys to singing. So what does it mean to blend your vocal registers together? Well… Remember how we discussed the low sounding "Ahh" and the high pitched "Wooo"? These distinctly different noises sound different because in each case, the sound waves are resonating in different parts of your facial structure. Let's talk about where the sound actually resonates when you sing. When I say “resonance” I’m referring to the open space where the sound waves bounce around and are amplified (made louder), being transformed into the sound you hear. You have three important cavities in your facial structure. They are:

• Your throat

• Your mouth

• And your head (To be accurate---your nasal cavity)

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Each of these spaces act as your very own acoustic chambers. They all have their own special quality to them, and when you blend them together, your tone will sound balanced, and rich. The beauty of this is: the acoustic spaces in your head are unique. That means that when you balance your voice (I’ll show you how in a minute) you will sound different to anybody else. THAT is what will make you a special singer. THAT is something worth singing about! Let’s talk about this “blending” thing in a little more detail… When you sing the low pitched "AHHH ", notice you can feel the sound vibrating in your throat and your mouth. In fact, you can actually feel the sensation in your chest. This is your chest voice. It’s the voice that you use to talk with. Now, do another high pitched "WOOO!" sound, and notice where you feel the sound vibrate. Most of the sensation is in the top of your head, right? Every note in between these two sounds requires a slightly different mix of these two sensations. This is known as blending vocal resonance.

What Makes Your Voice Sound Sweet And Balanced?

Any time you sing a note, you sound will vibrate in any or all of the three acoustic cavities.

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To sound balanced (and GREAT!) you must blend the three together in the right proportion. When you blend your vocal resonance effectively, your tone will be fabulous. And singing will become much easier because correct blending will encourage your vocal cords to adjust at just the right time, so you can easily move through your different vocal registers. Learning to blend your vocal registers together is as easy as practicing the right vocal exercises. There are certain sounds that you can make that will automatically balance your voice and develop thick, rich tone quality. You can access these exercises in the Singing Success vocal program. When you practice these exercises, you will begin to notice and remember the sensations that you feel when you hit a certain note. You will begin to build up a catalogue of sensations that you feel for your low notes, medium notes and high notes. This is called “muscle memory”. You will then use these sensations or “muscle memory” to navigate through your voice. Think about this… What if I could show you a singing exercise that allowed you to hit a high C with excellent, balanced tone, and no strain. And then you took this exercise and practiced it daily for a week… And by the end of the week, you knew exactly what hitting a

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high C feels like… With this muscle memory you have worked into your system… Knowing what this high C feels like will enable you to revisit that same note easily, any time you want to.

The Mystery Of Singing Well Many singers make a grave error when they are learning how to hit higher notes in their range. They think that singing should feel the same way on any note, low or high in their range. The fact is, that if you try to hold onto the same sensation right through your range, you will end up forcing your voice. This is because doing this will encourage you to hold onto chest voice as you sing higher, desperately trying to hold onto that "grounding" feeling you get in chest voice. But the truth is, to sing through your range, you must learn to *let go* of your voice as you sing higher. And you need to understand that your highest note will feel very different to your lowest note, which will also feel different to every note in between. Despite these different feelings, your voice will still sound consistent. Let's go back to talking about the "blending" of the vocal registers.

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What Is The Vocal Elevator?

I like to think of the “resonance shifts” as a vocal elevator. This is because as you sing each higher note, you feel a little more of the sound moving up into your head. The way to cause these tiny resonance shifts to happen, is by conditioning your larynx to sit still when you sing. Which means, disengaging the outer larynx muscles. The easiest way to do this is to practice the exercises in the Singing Success program. These exercises very specifically work to disengage your “outer” larynx muscles, while building strength and coordination into your “inner” larynx muscles. When you disengage these outer muscles, your larynx will sit still when you sing. This will allow the resonance to naturally move into the correct spaces of your throat, mouth, and head. Which will result in a wonderfully balanced voice!

Getting Though The First Bridge With No Fuss

Now the area in your voice where you move from chest voice, into your mixed voice (in other words, your first bridge) is quite a tricky little area for a beginner. One of the reasons for this, is it's the point in your range where you no longer have any sound resonating in your throat.

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SIDEBAR To refresh your memory, the ‘first bridge’ is the point in your voice where you move into a higher vocal register. Your vocal cords ‘zip up’ and you will begin to feel your sound *lift* into your head. When you cross this first bridge, you have moved into your “mixed” register. The effect of this is you completely lose all vibrating sensation in your throat. This occurrence is something that causes trouble for many singers. Why? The reason is: it sounds strange that you could be singing correctly and not feel any sensation in your throat. I mean, isn't it in your throat where your sound is created? Let me shed some light on this. As you sing up through your first bridge, your vocal cords will “zip up”. This means that you are using less vocal cord to sing. This higher frequency sound wave (higher note) produces a much more intense sensation in the head. Due to both of these things, the sensation of the head resonance overtakes the feeling of vibration at the throat. So as you move through your first bridge, it actually feels like the sound is lifting up into your head. Now, the truth is that the sound is always being created at

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the vocal cords. It just doesn't feel that way when you cross your first bridge, because you loose sensation at the vocal cords, and gain sensation in the head. This knowledge is very important if you have trouble hitting notes in your mixed voice and your head voice. Knowing that you should be feeling this sensation of the voice *lifting* into the head as you cross your first bridge is invaluable. Now you know that you don't need to try and hold on to your lower chest voice. You simply *let go* of your sound and allow it to *lift* into the head----moving up the vocal elevator and into a blend of chest voice and head voice.

The Secret To Vocal POWER Volume… Strength… Power… Where does it come from? Does it depend on your voice? Do you either have it or you don’t? All interesting questions! Let’s get some answers… Have you ever been to an Opera, or seen one on TV? These amazing singers are able to project their voices over an entire orchestra, without even using a microphone. Now, if an average person (one who didn’t know the information you’re about to discover) tried to sing over the orchestra, they wouldn’t be heard at all. In fact, if you were to YELL along with the orchestra, you would STILL be lucky if the audience heard you.

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So where does this incredible POWER that operatic singers use? Well… Vocal Power is most certainly something you can learn. But it’s not going to happen just because you blast out singing exercises as loud as you can. In fact, that’s the worse thing you can do! Here’s a saying that I want you to memorize…

Vocal power is NOT earned… Vocal power is learned

When most singers go for a loud, powerful note, they practically yell it. Unfortunately when you do this, you’re swallowing muscles try to help out in the singing process… you loose all your tone quality… and… it… just… HURTS! What’s happened in this example above, is good vocal technique has been thrown out the window to reach for the extra volume… In other words… …TOO MUCH AIR!!! And as soon as you start sending too much air through your vocal cords, bad things begin to happen.

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To cut a long story short, with this yelling method, you will be tired within minutes, and your voice will feel sore for days. So… To hit a magnificent, powerful note, you must maintain good vocal technique. In other words, your swallowing muscles should remain relaxed, and your “inner larynx” muscles should hold your vocal cords in position. While you use a little more air when singing LOUD notes, there is something more that’s going on… Your vocal cords are actually holding the air down for longer, before letting it through. This creates greater air pressure at the vocal cords, which will create a much louder note.

Can You See What Is Important Here? That’s right. Once again, those tiny little muscles that sit next to your vocal cords---you’re “inner” larynx muscles are the crucial factor here. Their ability to hold the cords closed is the most important factor in the vocal power equation. By now you can see why blasting out your singing exercises is going to be useless. Unless… These exercises are building strength and coordination into your “inner” larynx muscles.

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Because the stronger and more efficient these muscles are, the more air they will be able to hold back and the louder you will be able to sing!

Let’s Begin Building Vocal Power! Here’s the quickest possible way to have incredible power that will blow an audience away. I know it sounds boring, but it’s the only way you can sing with amazing power, without getting tired in minutes. It’s correct vocal technique. And to master your vocal technique, you need to first master it at a much quieter volume. Once you have mastered your voice at lower volume, you are ready to start your pathway to power! Then and ONLY then, can you begin to send more air into the cords, and allow the cords to hold the air back to get extreme vocal POWER! Let me tell you the quickest possible way to “shortcut” to great vocal technique. The very best lessons you can get are in the Singing Success audio program. Every single lesson in this revolutionary vocal program has the purpose of building strength and coordination into your “inner” larynx muscles. This is really the key to becoming a great singer. That’s why with this training, you will:

• Develop incredible vocal strength • Increase your vocal range

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• Sing with glorious tone quality • And produce your tone with absolute ease

These are the same exercises that I used to eliminate all my previous bad vocal habits, and free my voice. It is also the same exercises that many superstar vocalists rely on to get them through their hectic schedules, and keep their voices in great shape. I highly recommend this home study course. Click here to learn more.

How To Develop A Silky Vibrato

I'd like to bust a big myth in singing. The myth is that vibrato is a natural occurrence, and if you don't have it, you can't get it.

Nothing could be further from the truth! It's very possible to develop a silky vibrato that you can switch on and off like a tap.

So how can you develop an outstanding vibrato?

Before I answer that, I want to tell you about a hidden benefit of vibrato.

You see, when vibrato is flowing effortlessly in your voice it means that something good is happening. Vibrato is a sign of good vocal technique.

Plus it sounds fantastic...

The chances are that once you master your singing vibrato, you will be able to connect with all areas of your voice, low and high. And your voice will most likely sound very balanced as well.

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So where does vibrato come from, and how can you develop an effortless one? Let's explore this further...

Vibrato happens when your voice shifts quickly between two pitches.

So if you were to sing a middle C, and then a C# and then a C again, followed by a C# followed by a C, you would be singing with vibrato.

The key to a great vibrato is the speed in which you change between the two pitches.

If you can oscillate between the two pitches around six times per second, you will have a very natural sounding vibrato.

Let's Do An Exercise

To Get Your Vibrato Happening!

Here is a simple exercise that will allow you to see what singing vibrato feels like. Please understand that this is not a finished sound. It's an exaggerated version that will later be honed into something more usable.

Here's how to do the exercise.

1. Place your hands at the bottom of your chest and feel where your ribs come together in the middle. Now move your hands slightly below this point. (it's the soft area a few centimetres above your belly button)

2. Now sing a note on one pitch in your easy range. Any note will do.

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3. As you're singing this note, push in gently with your hands. The key is to push in, then pull out, and push in, then pull out and so on. Try doing this at a rate of around 3 to 4 cycles a second.

Listen to how your voice wavers in a vibrato like fashion.

Now it probably sounds a little exaggerated at this point, but this exercise is just to get things going.

Now I’ve Had A Taste Of Vibrato… What Do I Do Next?

So you’ve heard yourself do an exaggerated vibrato, with the help of your stomach-pumping action… Now, how do you take this and transform it into something more suitable for singing?

And how can you learn how to turn it on and off easily, any time you like?

In my experience, there are a few very good exercises for getting your vibrato going. You need to try these exercises, and pick one that seems to get your vibrato spinning.

And once you find this exercise, you need to practice it over and over to learn exactly what vibrato feels like.

So when you find a singing exercise that seems to give your voice the sensation of vibrato, keep practicing it!

As you practice more and more, your voice will learn how to turn the vibrato off and on. Until eventually...

... you will have a completely natural sounding vibrato that you can switch on and off as you like!

Once again, there are many highly effective vibrato exercises available in the Singing Success audio program.

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Check it out, and you will have your vibrato spinning in no time!

Why It’s Dangerous To Imitate

Your Favorite Singer It can be tempting to try and copy the sounds of famous singers. This is actually quite bad for your singing. Here's why... If you try and sound like another singer it means you are using the outer muscles of your larynx to try and 'mould your tone'. As these muscles push and pull at the tone there is little chance of reaching your voices full potential. The biggest things to suffer will be your vocal range, tone quality, and yes.....your throat will suffer as well!

Let’s Put All Of This Together!

You may be thinking... got it... no tension, chords zip up, automatic breathing and resonance. But how does any process achieve this? Well, you've got questions, I've got answers... We've been through the theory behind the mechanics of correct technique, so let's take a look at the actual process of transforming your voice into something amazing. As I’ve mentioned through this book, it’s the exercises you practice that are the key. It’s all about exercises training

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your voice to work in the correct manner and automatically creating “muscle memory”. Once this “muscle memory” of “correct vocal technique” has been embedded in you, singing becomes easy. You simply open your mouth… know how it feels to sing properly, and then allow the notes to flow out! So it’s absolutely crucial to practice the correct exercises. If you don’t, your voice will stay “stuck”, riddled with bad habits. When you do practice the right exercises, your voice will develop effortlessly. And I haven’t found a better set of exercises than those in the Singing Success audio program. Every exercise in this program works to “install” correct technique into your voice. Each exercise works to “free” your voice from your bad habits and replace them with an outstanding, professional singing voice. Here is an overview of some of these revolutionary exercises… As I've promised, Singing Success will allow you to access much more of your vocal range, immediately. In fact, the aim of the very first lesson in the program is to increase your vocal range (Which is the lesson that doubled my vocal range!) This is done by using a very special exercise that helps balance the air pressure you’re sending to your vocal chords. This genius little exercise also trains your “outer larynx” muscles to sit still, while building coordination and strength into “inner larynx” muscles… the correct singing muscles. In a very short time you can be singing through your mixed voice into the upper regions of your head voice! This is the

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beginning of the development of your inner larynx muscles, building flexibility into them more and more as you practice. This exercise also does a fantastic job of warming up the vocal chords, preparing them for greater things to come! Now as this first exercise is actually done with a closed mouth, it can't really be said that you're hitting those high notes very naturally yet... The next part of Singing Success is to sing high into your range with an open mouth. This is done by using some strange exercises that 'offset' the larynx (your voice box), just slightly, which makes it easy for your vocal chords to “zip up” and access the high notes. Using these strange sounds we can make it easier to 'zip up' our vocal chords, moving into our middle and head voices.

Here’s How To Make

Singing As Easy As Talking The outer muscles of the larynx (if you allow them to) will push and pull at your tone, and your throat, causing great damage to your voice. If they can be taught to sit still, letting the inner muscles of the larynx to handle all the vocal chord coordination’s, singing will become easy. The problem is we can't just tell our outer muscles to sit still. Psychologically, we all seem to believe that high notes should be hard to sing.

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Also, our inner muscles, the ones that control the vocal chords, may be too weak to hold the chords together before they are trained properly. The solution? We trick our muscles into doing what we want! The outer muscles either force our voice box (larynx) up, or down. They are the muscles that we use when swallowing food. Try swallowing while gently touching your Adam’s apple. Feel how it moves up? These muscles are for eating, not singing! The next step of Singing Success is to one by one, disengage these swallowing muscles. Firstly, we do an exercise that gently and deliberately moves the larynx upwards. Using a nasty sounding "N" in the word “Nay” on a specific scale, it makes it much easier for our vocal chords to zip up. The purpose of this is to sing into our mixed and head registers, zipping up our chords, while disengaging the muscles that force the larynx down. After this we will do another exercise using the "M" sound in the word "Mum". We will do this in a slightly dopey sounding voice to move the larynx down slightly. This small offset will cancel out the muscles that move the larynx upwards. So quite simply, we disengage the troublesome muscles that cause damage to our range, and tone quality. We do this by effectively using them against each other. Firstly, moving the larynx upwards to cancel the muscles responsible for the downwards movement.

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Then we do the opposite, canceling the upwards movement of the larynx, by moving it downwards slightly. This process begins to teach the vocal chords they do not need the extra outer larynx muscle support. We then begin to work on releasing the larynx completely. Once the larynx is completely free from the “outer” larynx muscles, singing will feel as easy as talking. As with all good things, this technique takes time to develop. For an average singer it may take anywhere from a few months to a year to completely master the technique. It’s really up to you whether you want to make the effort or not. For me personally, now I’ve seen the benefits of this technique, I think it’s definitely worth the effort. It feels incredible to walk on stage knowing that you are about to blow people away with your amazing voice! The great thing is, for most singers who try this technique, massive changes begin to happen immediately. I personally found myself hitting notes well above high C within the first week. (My voice had every vocal trouble you can imagine before this point) Within a month I could really sing well into my range, with no great deal of vocal tension. Since then, my voice has improved more and more, and now feels completely free (and sounds magnificent!). I've enjoyed this learning process much more than the countless voice lessons I've had over the years! I was so sick of banging away at vocal exercises, with no real improvements.

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I mean absolutely no disrespect to any vocal instructor, but if it takes more than a few months to have large improvements, you should probably look elsewhere. When I began practicing the Singing Success exercises, I was astounded at how quickly my voice improved. This program takes singers step by step, from the beginning of the singing process to the end. Every step is very easy to understand, and every base is always covered. It is simply the best thing I have ever done for my voice, and I owe Brett Manning (the creator of this program) more than I could ever return.

The Singing Success Solution

I’m sure you’ve noticed that throughout this e-book I’ve been referring to the Singing Success program. If you’re serious about talking your voice to great heights, than I highly recommend you check out this program. Let me tell you more about it… Now, I’m very passionate about this program because it literally turned my singing voice around. There’s so much misinformation out there when it comes to singing, and that’s why it’s not uncommon for a singer to study for years and years and not really get anywhere with their voice.

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What I found with the program that I’m talking about, is it’s the right information. It’s the exercises and explanations of exercises that get you to the voice you want in the fastest time possible. The guy that put this program together, Brett Manning, is a man who works every day with singers that are struggling, and he has an amazing ability to teach this highly effective vocal technique, so you can get the benefits very quickly. Containing over twelve hours of vocal instruction, this singing program takes a singer of any level, from the very start of the singing process, the breathtaking final result! I must admit, I was very skeptical of being able to learn from a bunch of CD's and an instruction manual. I had tried this previously with other programs, with less than desirable results! When I put the first CD in though, I began to relax... After the first CD (completely theoretical singing explanations), I began to smile! I was beginning to learn what I already believed was true. There is a better way! You see, Brett dedicates the entire first CD to explain the science behind his approach... exactly how singing works. After listening to this first CD I felt like I'd learnt more about singing in 45 minutes, than what years of vocal lessons had taught me! Armed with this knowledge I confidently inserted CD no. 2 into my player. This is the first of the exercise CD's. Let the development of my voice begin!

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Keeping things lighthearted and upbeat, Brett Manning introduces the first few exercises. I was excited to learn that we were going to try and increase my vocal range in the very first lesson. Here's how the CD set is structured.... 1. Brett will give a detailed explanation of the exercise. He will tell you how to do it, explain what sensations you will feel, and demonstrate how it sounds. He will give you all the important information needed to do the exercise correctly. He will also explain the purpose behind the exercise. I feel that this is almost as important as the exercise itself. It means that you can move into the exercise knowing exactly how it fits into the singing process and why it will improve your singing. 2. We then hear a demonstration of the exercise, first by a male, then a female. This gives us an idea of exactly how it's supposed to sound, and further cements our knowledge of the exercise. I found myself joining in for the demonstration, keen as ever! Don't push too hard, too soon though... ...Our turn is coming up! 3. Finally the exercise! It's time to begin our voice development. And you know what? We are prepared! We know exactly what exercise we are doing, and why we are doing it. Gone are the days of doing random exercises, without any knowledge of its purpose! We do each exercise, singing along with a piano. As we sing, Brett and his assistants give a few words of encouragement.

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He notes when the male and females should start respectively, and reminds us of the important sensations to notice. These exercises really do work. In the very first lesson I found myself accessing parts of my vocal range that I never even knew existed! Brett explains each exercise, slowly and clearly. He makes sure that we know exactly what we're doing, why we're doing it, and of course... ...He show's us exactly how to do it! I was really impressed with the care Brett has taken to outline each step in the process. He goes into great detail, while still keeping things very easy to understand. He has also taken great care in developing a process that is systematic. This was very important to me. I think that it is very valuable to know which direction you’re heading in. To know the big picture, which helps you understand why you must complete each step. During the Singing Success program, I always knew where I was heading. In fact, due to the instruction, I kinda felt like a singing expert myself! I have found the Singing Success program to be a precise, well structured program, where each new exercise builds on the previous one. The results I have gained from this technique are nothing short of amazing. What I'm about to say is no exaggeration... Brett Manning’s Singing Success program literally transformed my voice, and is one of the best investments I have ever made. I owe him greatly for the experience he has given me.

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As we all know, good things require hard work and commitment. The Singing Success program is no different. If you want to succeed with this program you must work at it. There is twelve hours of vocal instruction, and ever instruction must be absorbed and understood. This is not to say that it is a long, tedious process. It is a very enjoyable program, and the success found from the very first session onwards, is more than enough to keep you motivated! The results just get more and more exciting as you progress through the program. The price of the Singing Success program is more expensive than most singing programs you'll find on the internet. The value of the program however, is far greater than the price tag. This thing is incredibly comprehensive! Most importantly, these exercises really work. For me personally, before this revolutionary guide, I'd spent thousands of dollars of vocal lessons and educational materials. I bought every program on the internet that I could find. I went to four different vocal instructors. But no one could show me what I wanted to know. No one could show me how to find my high notes. How to sing with great tone. How to sing in a relaxed manner. Until I discovered the Singing Success program…

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The Singing Success program is different. It covers all bases. Every little piece of information needed to sing at the highest level is covered in the program. It even has a few hours dedicated to learning style! It takes you through all the licks, trills, and elements of style, needed to sing any style of music. I highly recommend you check this program out. Brett really does know what he’s doing. He’s worked with many Grammy winning artists like Keith Urban and Mark Kibble, and there’s probably no one out there that can teach the voice as well as Brett can. As you pop in the first CD, and then sit back and listen, you will feel relieved that finally there is someone with all the right answers. I sure did. As you can probably tell, I am really excited about this program! If you want to sing better, MUCH better than you can at present, then do yourself a favor and click here. It will take you to the website where you can buy Brett’s Singing Success program. If you want to get serious about your voice and really explore its full potential, go and check out the course right now. You’ll never regret it I promise. Click here to learn more about the Singing Success solution!

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About The Author: Geoffrey Williams is the creator and editor of the highly popular website:

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