Page 1: The Signs of Miraculousness What is the Risale-i Nur Nur Collection.pdf · What is the Risale-i Nur Collection? ... Fati ha – the aims of the Qur’an; Bismillah; Praise of Allah;

What is the Risale-i Nur Collection?

this volume. While, in additi on to these, The Fruits of Belief - One hour per day is suffi cient for the fi ve obligatory prayers; The truth of death; true, pain-free pleasure is found only in belief in Allah and is possible only through such Belief; a number of benefi ts of believing in the Hereaft er which look to man’s individual and social life, are topics covered in the collecti on.

The Signs of MiraculousnessThis volume is a very concise commentary on fi rstly Surah al-Fati ha – the aims of the Qur’an; Bismillah; Praise of Allah; Worship; the Straight Path; Good and Evil; and secondly the fi rst thirty-three verses of Surah al-Baqara – the Disjointed Lett ers; the Sealing up of the disbelievers’ hearts; two parables about the dissemblers; the Questi on of Worship; about the Prophethood of Muhammad (Upon Whom be Blessings and Peace); about Paradise; about Life, Death and the Resurrecti on of the Dead; the teaching of the Names are amone topics covered. Its aim is to expound the miraculous nature of the Qur'an's word order. For "the embroideries" of the positi oning and arrangement of the Qur'an's words demonstrate one aspect of its Miraculousness. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi was intent on demonstrati ng the conformity of the Qur'an with reason and the modern physical sciences.

All the chapters of the Risale-i Nur collecti on are about the truths of belief. You can read the whole collecti on on the internet at these, The Risale-i Nur is available in English, Turkish, Arabic and many other languages.

Page 2: The Signs of Miraculousness What is the Risale-i Nur Nur Collection.pdf · What is the Risale-i Nur Collection? ... Fati ha – the aims of the Qur’an; Bismillah; Praise of Allah;

The Risale-i Nur (Treati se of Light) Collecti on is a commentary on the Glorious Qur’an writt en by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, a contemporary Islamic scholar (1878 – 1960). The verses of the Qur’an expounded in the Risale-i Nur are mainly those concerned with the truths (matt ers) of belief, such as God’s existence and Unity, resurrecti on aft er death, prophethood, Divine Determining (desti ny), the revealed scriptures, angels, and man's duti es of worship. The Risale-i Nur Collecti on comprises a number of volumes that include: The Words, The Lett ers, The Flashes, The Rays, The Biography of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The Signs of Miraculousness and The Staff of Moses. Each volume deals with many questi ons that conti nuously perplex the mind of modern man: Where do I come from? What is my purpose? Are science and religion compati ble? Do angels exist? Is there life aft er death?

The WordsThe Words is the fi rst volume of the Risale-i Nur and consists of thirty-three independent parts, or ‘Words’, which explain and prove the fundamentals of Belief, including its myriad virtues and advantages. Included are expositi ons of Allah’s Unitary Existence, the manifestati on of the Divine Names and Att ributes in creati on, the resurrecti on of the dead and the Hereaft er, Prophethood and the Ascension (of the Prophet Muhammad, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him), the Miraculous nature of the Qur’an, the angels, the immortality of man’s spirit, Divine Determining (fate or desti ny), together with cogent discussions on the true nature of man and the universe, the wisdom in the specifi ed ti mes of the fi ve daily prayers, and man’s fundamental and innate need to worship Allah. Each subject is explained with comparisons and allegories, and demonstrated with reasoned arguments and logical proofs. The most profound aspects of the truths of Iman (belief) are explained in a way that everyone can easily understand.

The Lett ersThis second volume of the Risale-i Nur clearly demonstrates the exceedingly special relati onship that Bediuzzaman Said Nursi had with his students. This is evidenced by the inclusion in this volume of his replies to numerous and diverse questi ons posed by them. Therefore, of necessity, the Lett ers

covers a wide range of subjects, for example: that death is created, and, like life, is a bounty; that heaven and hell will be fi lled with the produce of this world; a lett er of condolence on the death of a child; the evidence for Muhammad’s (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) Prophethood; teaching children to be kind to their parents; inviti ng believers to love and brotherhood thus preventi ng enmity, discord and envy. Very importantly, this volume includes the celebrated Nineteenth Lett er, which describes more than three hundred of the Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him).

The FlashesThe Flashes collecti on of the Risale-i Nur begins by describing two very poignant supplicati ons – the famous supplicati on of the Prophet Yunus (Upon Whom be Peace) showing its relevance for today’s people; and the famous supplicati on of Prophet Ayub (Upon Whom be Peace) providing a true remedy for all those who are affl icted by disaster. Some of the subjects discussed include: "The highway of the practi ces of the Prophet and an anti dote for the sickness of innovati ons”; that Almighty Allah has included in all acti vity and striving a reward and pleasure; on Frugality; on Sincerity – including the four rules for gaining and preserving sincerity; on Nature; four instances of wisdom of the Qur’anic injuncti on about the veiling of women, and a compelling and convincing discussion detailing the ways in which the happiness of people in both worlds may be preserved by adhering to Islamic principles and practi ces; a message for those who are ill; a treati se for the elderly; on the six Divine Names of Allah bearing the Greatest Name.

The RaysThe Rays collecti on contains some of the key secti ons of the Risale-i Nur, among these: The Supreme Sign, which superbly describes the testi mony to Allah's Necessary Existence and Unity arti culated by all realms of creati on, and is the most complete expression of the refl ecti ve thought which is the foundati onal basis of the Risale-i Nur. Further convincing explanati ons and proofs of Divine Unity, based also on recognizing and 'reading' the manifestati ons of Allah in the universe are set out in the Second, Third, and Fourth Rays in

Page 3: The Signs of Miraculousness What is the Risale-i Nur Nur Collection.pdf · What is the Risale-i Nur Collection? ... Fati ha – the aims of the Qur’an; Bismillah; Praise of Allah;

What is the Risale-i Nur Collection?

this volume. While, in additi on to these, The Fruits of Belief - One hour per day is suffi cient for the fi ve obligatory prayers; The truth of death; true, pain-free pleasure is found only in belief in Allah and is possible only through such Belief; a number of benefi ts of believing in the Hereaft er which look to man’s individual and social life, are topics covered in the collecti on.

The Signs of MiraculousnessThis volume is a very concise commentary on fi rstly Surah al-Fati ha – the aims of the Qur’an; Bismillah; Praise of Allah; Worship; the Straight Path; Good and Evil; and secondly the fi rst thirty-three verses of Surah al-Baqara – the Disjointed Lett ers; the Sealing up of the disbelievers’ hearts; two parables about the dissemblers; the Questi on of Worship; about the Prophethood of Muhammad (Upon Whom be Blessings and Peace); about Paradise; about Life, Death and the Resurrecti on of the Dead; the teaching of the Names are amone topics covered. Its aim is to expound the miraculous nature of the Qur'an's word order. For "the embroideries" of the positi oning and arrangement of the Qur'an's words demonstrate one aspect of its Miraculousness. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi was intent on demonstrati ng the conformity of the Qur'an with reason and the modern physical sciences.

All the chapters of the Risale-i Nur collecti on are about the truths of belief. You can read the whole collecti on on the internet at these, The Risale-i Nur is available in English, Turkish, Arabic and many other languages.

Page 4: The Signs of Miraculousness What is the Risale-i Nur Nur Collection.pdf · What is the Risale-i Nur Collection? ... Fati ha – the aims of the Qur’an; Bismillah; Praise of Allah;

The Risale-i Nur (Treati se of Light) Collecti on is a commentary on the Glorious Qur’an writt en by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, a contemporary Islamic scholar (1878 – 1960). The verses of the Qur’an expounded in the Risale-i Nur are mainly those concerned with the truths (matt ers) of belief, such as God’s existence and Unity, resurrecti on aft er death, prophethood, Divine Determining (desti ny), the revealed scriptures, angels, and man's duti es of worship. The Risale-i Nur Collecti on comprises a number of volumes that include: The Words, The Lett ers, The Flashes, The Rays, The Biography of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The Signs of Miraculousness and The Staff of Moses. Each volume deals with many questi ons that conti nuously perplex the mind of modern man: Where do I come from? What is my purpose? Are science and religion compati ble? Do angels exist? Is there life aft er death?

The WordsThe Words is the fi rst volume of the Risale-i Nur and consists of thirty-three independent parts, or ‘Words’, which explain and prove the fundamentals of Belief, including its myriad virtues and advantages. Included are expositi ons of Allah’s Unitary Existence, the manifestati on of the Divine Names and Att ributes in creati on, the resurrecti on of the dead and the Hereaft er, Prophethood and the Ascension (of the Prophet Muhammad, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him), the Miraculous nature of the Qur’an, the angels, the immortality of man’s spirit, Divine Determining (fate or desti ny), together with cogent discussions on the true nature of man and the universe, the wisdom in the specifi ed ti mes of the fi ve daily prayers, and man’s fundamental and innate need to worship Allah. Each subject is explained with comparisons and allegories, and demonstrated with reasoned arguments and logical proofs. The most profound aspects of the truths of Iman (belief) are explained in a way that everyone can easily understand.

The Lett ersThis second volume of the Risale-i Nur clearly demonstrates the exceedingly special relati onship that Bediuzzaman Said Nursi had with his students. This is evidenced by the inclusion in this volume of his replies to numerous and diverse questi ons posed by them. Therefore, of necessity, the Lett ers

covers a wide range of subjects, for example: that death is created, and, like life, is a bounty; that heaven and hell will be fi lled with the produce of this world; a lett er of condolence on the death of a child; the evidence for Muhammad’s (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) Prophethood; teaching children to be kind to their parents; inviti ng believers to love and brotherhood thus preventi ng enmity, discord and envy. Very importantly, this volume includes the celebrated Nineteenth Lett er, which describes more than three hundred of the Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him).

The FlashesThe Flashes collecti on of the Risale-i Nur begins by describing two very poignant supplicati ons – the famous supplicati on of the Prophet Yunus (Upon Whom be Peace) showing its relevance for today’s people; and the famous supplicati on of Prophet Ayub (Upon Whom be Peace) providing a true remedy for all those who are affl icted by disaster. Some of the subjects discussed include: "The highway of the practi ces of the Prophet and an anti dote for the sickness of innovati ons”; that Almighty Allah has included in all acti vity and striving a reward and pleasure; on Frugality; on Sincerity – including the four rules for gaining and preserving sincerity; on Nature; four instances of wisdom of the Qur’anic injuncti on about the veiling of women, and a compelling and convincing discussion detailing the ways in which the happiness of people in both worlds may be preserved by adhering to Islamic principles and practi ces; a message for those who are ill; a treati se for the elderly; on the six Divine Names of Allah bearing the Greatest Name.

The RaysThe Rays collecti on contains some of the key secti ons of the Risale-i Nur, among these: The Supreme Sign, which superbly describes the testi mony to Allah's Necessary Existence and Unity arti culated by all realms of creati on, and is the most complete expression of the refl ecti ve thought which is the foundati onal basis of the Risale-i Nur. Further convincing explanati ons and proofs of Divine Unity, based also on recognizing and 'reading' the manifestati ons of Allah in the universe are set out in the Second, Third, and Fourth Rays in

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