Page 1: The secret language of flowers



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Page 2: The secret language of flowers


Project number: 2009-1-PL1-GRU06-0511

• ACLI Campi Flegrei (Naples – Italy)

The secret language of flowers

Resources taken from the web

Page 3: The secret language of flowers

From the Greek anemos = wind, in reference to the windy places in which it grows.Anemone was a beautiful Nymph of the court of Flora. Zefiro and Boreo were two winds, in love with her. Flora, envious of her success, transformed her in this plant that blooms before the spring. Abandoned by Zefiro, the poor Anemone, submitted to the rough Boreo’s caresses, faded and her petals lost in the wind. The flower of this plant is the symbol of the abandonment.

Anemone coronaria

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From the Latin aquilegus = “that picks up water”, with reference to the urn conformation of this flower, so much strange to justify its meaning of extravagance. According to other sources it symbolizes the hidden love.

Aquilegia vulgaris

Page 5: The secret language of flowers

It is more known as snowdrop, for its very precocious flowering. The binomial denomination drifts from the Greek “gala” = milk, “anthos” = flower, while the Latin adjective “nivalis” stands for “white as the snow” or for “covered with snow”. The message that this flower brings is of happy premonition.

Galanthus nivalis

Page 6: The secret language of flowers

Its origin is tied up to an ancient Greek legend: Afrodite, deeply sorry for the death of her lover Adone, began to cry and as tears touched the ground they were turned into calendulus. That’s why the meaning of pain, sorrow, punishments of love.



Page 7: The secret language of flowers

This liliacea takes the name from Giacinto, the attractive little boy loved by Zefiro and Apollo. One day while Apollo and Giacinto were playing to discus throw, Zefiro let the wind divert. Giacinto was stricken to the temple from the discus and died. Apollo turned Giacinto into a red flower, to remember the blood of his beloved. The hyacintus is the symbol of the fun.

Hyacintus orientalis

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It is St. Anthony’s Lily. The name (li=white) maybe derives from the Greek (leirion = lily). The white Lily is the symbol of the purity. The Greek believed that such flower had had origin from Giunone’s milk. It’s considered as the king of the flowers. In fact it is symbol of royalty since the times of the Egyptians and the Babylonians. And it is the emblem of the kings of France.

Lium candidum

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The name drifts from the Greek (helios = sun, anthos = flower). The common name Sunflower drifts from the characteristic of the leaning calatidis, constantly revolted in direction of the sun. It’s meaning is: “I love only you." The Inca girls offered it as a prove of love.

Heliantus annuus

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The name derives from the Latin “gladiolum”, diminutive of “gladium” = sword, for its lengthened form. According to some sources it would symbolize the pain and it would have taken origin from Apollo’s tears "for the killing, from him caused, of his Giacinto." According to others, it would mean provocation.

Gladiolus segetum

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Its name stands for Iride, because of the variety of colors from the white to the intense violet. In the mythology, Iride was gods’ messenger, particularly dear to Giunone, that turned her into rainbow so that she announced to the men, after the rain, the return of the calm.In the language of the flowers it means: "Good news."


Page 12: The secret language of flowers

The Greek name of this plant from the pink flowers is Malache; it could derive from the word “malakos” = soft, because of the emollient characteristics of its leaves or for their softness. Also its meaning is in relationship to the softness; it is in fact the symbol of the sweetness and the good character.

Malva sylvestris

Page 13: The secret language of flowers

Narcissus, child of the Nymph Liriope (from the aspect of Lily), was so proud of his own beauty that the gods, to punish him for so much fatuity, condemned him to the contemplation of his image in the water until death. The narcissus is the symbol of the self-exaltation. Receive it in gift is not a compliment.

Narcissus poeticus

Page 14: The secret language of flowers

This name for the form of the leaves that are similar to the ears of mice (from the Greek “mys” = mouse and otos = of ear). The names of the species derive from the environments in which they live. The meaning of this flower is already in its name in fact it is: “don’t forget about me”.

Mysotis awensis

Page 15: The secret language of flowers

The name derives from the Greek ydraagogos = that brings water, because of the similarity of the seminal capsules with some small basins. It’s known with the name of Hydrangea and it means forgotten glory.

Hygrandea hortensis

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The etymology of the name poppy is uncertain. That of the species refers to the Greek word “rheo” = to strain, in reference to its latex. Its meaning is of thankfulness. By the Greek and the Romans the poppy was devoted to Morfeo and Cerere and it was the symbol of sleep.

Papaver rhoeas

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From the Greek “paionios” = to recover, healthy. Plant devoted to Peone, physician of the gods that, according to Humerus, he took care of Mars, struck by Diomede’s lance, and Pluto, reached by Ercole’s arrow. The message of this flower is: "You give me the serenity."

Peonia officinalis

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The name derives from the fact that this flower is the first that blooms in spring. Its message is: "I have never loved before now."

Primula acaulis

Page 19: The secret language of flowers

The specie takes the name from the diminutive of frog, since these plants prefer damp places. According to some the root has the form of a leg of frog. Despite the harmless and gilded aspect it may cause poisonings. That’s why the title of “sceleratus” and it represents the danger hidden inside the wealth.



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The Turkish word “tulbent” = turban, has given the generic name to these plants whose flowers, the tulips, are the symbol of magnificence. For the Turks, to give tulips is sign of great respect.

Tulipa gesneriana

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This plant is devoted to Pierre Andrew Mattioli (or Matthiolus) the famous naturalist and botanist of the Renaissance. It is a spontaneous Crocifera, also cultivated for its perfumed cluster flowers. Its meaning, in the language of the flowers, is of long-lasting beauty.

Matthiola incana

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According to the legend, Venus didn't succeed in deciding to love Volcano that was ugly and dirty. So he decorated himself with violets and he went to Venus; the goddess, bewitched by their perfume, married him. But these flowers were also the symbol of virginity and innocence. In fact they adorned, during funerals, the virgins' coffin.

Viola odorata

Page 23: The secret language of flowers

Throughout history, lovers have given flowers to each other as a token of their longing, devotion, and love. The language and meaning of flowers has evolved through the years. Although the legendary associations and religious meanings of flower symbolism have existed for centuries, the use of the symbolic meaning of flowers to represent emotions was developed to a high degree during Victorian times. Due to the strict protocol of the times, emotions, wishes and thoughts were not openly expressed between men and women. Instead, an elaborate language based on flower symbolism was developed. Gifts of either single flowers or bouquets conveyed clear messages to the recipient. Flowers adorned nearly everything--hair, clothing, jewelry, home decor, china plates, stationary, wallpaper, furniture and more. Even the scents of flowers had their own meanings in the language of flowers. With the increasing complexity of flower symbolism, handbooks were written to guide the understanding of the symbolic meaning of flowers. The first book written on flower symbolism in modern times was Le Language des Fleurs by Madame Charlotte de la Tour in 1819. Flowers are still used today to convey feelings in a more general way than in Victorian times. Many florists provide information on the language of flowers to encourage the practice of helping modern gift-givers to "say it with flowers." But The flower symbolism has been obscured by time and may remain only as a few key phrases or words.

The language

Of flowers

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