Page 1: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver

The Second Sunday in LentMarch 16, 2014

Page 2: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver

Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open MindsChrist Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving Godin downtown Vancouver through worship, ministryand outreach. Since 1888 people have met on this siteto worship God and witness to Christ's love for theworld. The Cathedral is enriched and enlivened bythe diversity of its community. It is a place for worship, and for outreach to near and far. It is a placewhere faith is nurtured and all age groups are welcomed. The performing and visual arts find ahome here. This is a safe, welcoming and positivespace for GLBT people, their friends and families.

ACCESS: Free parking at Park Place Parkade (onHornby St.) on Sunday mornings, weekdays after 6:00pmand for other events as noted. Parking cards are availablefrom greeters or download one from the website.Bike racks are also available in the parkade. The Cathedralis also well-served by public transit. Details of routes andschedules may be found at:

Wheelchair ramp — at the east door on Georgia St.,drop-off is possible in the lane.

ASSISTANCE: ASL interpreter for the deaf community— communicates the 10:30am service from in front ofthe ambo. Loop system is in place in the nave andchancel, simply adjust the settings of your personal hear-ing device. Large-print books and bulletins — availablefrom greeters prior to the 10:30am service.

KNEELER CUSHIONS: Cushions are available in theNarthex for those who wish to kneel in prayer.

CHILDREN & YOUTH: Activities for children of allages are available during the 10:30am service.

AFTER THE 10:30AM SERVICE: Coffee and tea areserved in the Parish Hall following today's service.

IF YOU ARE VISITING TODAY... and are interested inbecoming either a member or a Friend of the Cathedral,you are invited to fill in the Cathedral connection cardadd it to the collection plate or hand it to a greeter. Findout how you can participate by speaking to a member ofthe welcoming team.

WWW.CATHEDRAL.VANCOUVER.BC.CAPH:604.682.3848 | F:604.682.8377

Please do not leave valuables unattended.All music is printed with permission: License #705, LicenSing — Copyright

Cleared Music for Churches, and #A-710782. All rightsreserved.

8:00am Holy CommunionTHE BOOK of COMMON PRAYER


Collect for Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 67Summary of the Law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 69Collect of the Day:Almighty God,whose Son was revealed in majestybefore he suffered death upon the cross,give us faith to perceive his glory,that being strengthened by his gracewe may be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory;who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever. Amen.

First Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genesis 12:1-4aResponse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thanks be to God!

Psalm 121 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 497Gospel Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John 3:1-17Homily. . . . . . . . . . . . . The Rev. Marnie PetersonNicene Creed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 71Offertory SentenceIntercessionConfession & Absolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 76Thanksgiving & Consecration . . . . . . . . . . page 78The CommunionThe Lord’s Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 85Prayer after Communion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 85Blessing & Dismissal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 86Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thanks be to God!

Please stay for coffee, tea and conversation after theservice.

Page 3: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver


Lenten Prose

Choir God we implore thee, in thy glory seated: bow down and harken to thy children:pity and pardon all our grievous trespasses.

All Hear us, O Lord, have mercy upon us...

10:30am Choral EucharistTHE BOOK of ALTERNATIVE SERVICES

Cathedral Parish AnnouncementsChoir Kyrie Andrea Gabrieli

Presider The sacrifice of God is a broken spirit;a broken and contrite heart God will not despise.Let us come to God, who is full of compassionand acknowledge our transgressions in penitence and faith.

Silence will be kept

Presider Most merciful God,All We confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed, by what

we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you withour whole heart; we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves. We are trulysorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercyon us and forgive us, that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways,to the glory of your name. Amen.

Presider Almighty God, have mercy upon you, pardon and deliver you from all your sins,confirm and strengthen you in all goodness, and keep you in eternal life; throughJesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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The Second Sunday in Lent | March 16, 20144

CollectPresider Almighty God,All whose Son was revealed in majesty

before he suffered death upon the cross,give us faith to perceive his glory,that being strengthened by his gracewe may be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory;who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Children’s reflection.After the reflection, all children are invited to join in the Youth Church downstairs, returning for Communion

Proclamation of the WordAfter each reading the reader will say:Reader Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.All Thanks be to God.

First Reading Genesis 12:1-4a

Psalm 121 John Bell




Page 5: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver


Second Reading Romans 4:1-5, 13-17

Sequence God is Love

1. God is Love: let heav’n adore her;God is Love: let earth rejoice;Let creation sing before her,And exalt her with one voice.She who laid the earth’s foundation,She who spread the heav’ns above,She who breathes through all creation,She is Love, eternal Love.

2. God is Love: and he enfoldethAll the world in one embrace;With unfailing grasp he holdethEvery child of every race. And when human hearts are breakingUnder sorrow’s iron rod,Then they find that selfsame aching Deep within the heart of God.

3. God is Love: and though with blindnessSin afflicts the souls of all,God’s eternal loving-kindnessHolds and guides us when we fall.Sin and death and hell shall neverO’er us final triumph gain;God is Love, so Love for everO’er the universe must reign.

Timothy Rees 1874-1939Tune: Blaenwern CP 486

Reader The Lord be with you.All And also with you.

Reader The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John.Before the Gospel Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ.Gospel John 3:1-17After the Gospel Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

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The Peace You are invited to greet those around you in the name of Christ.

Apostles Creed Presider Let us confess the faith of our baptism, as we say,All I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and isseated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the livingand the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the com-munion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Response Linnea Good

Sermon The Rev. Marnie Peterson

Silence for Reflection

Prayers of the PeopleIn the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray forHong Kong Sheng Kung Hui; in the Diocesan

Cycle of Prayer we pray for our Bishop MelissaSkelton, our partner diocese of Taiwan and Bishop

David Lai, and St. Chiayi, Christ the Redeemer,Surrey, St. Cuthbert, Delta, St. Christopher, WestVancouver; in our Parish we pray for WISH.

Page 7: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver


Celebration of the EucharistThe Offertory During the singing of the hymn you are invited to make a financial offering to further God's

mission through the work of the church using the envelope enclosed; tax receipts are issued foridentified gifts of $10 and more. Your financial gifts and food - to be distributed by theLutheran Urban Mission Society - together with the bread and wine are brought forward andpresented at the Altar as a sign of thanksgiving to God from whom all blessings flow!

Offertory Hymn I Bind Unto Myself Today (Blue 436)


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The Second Sunday in Lent | March 16, 20148

3. I bind unto myself todaythe virtues of the starlit heaventhe glorious sun's life-giving ray,the whiteness of the moon at even,the flashing of the lightning free,the whirling wind's tempestuous shocks,the stable earth, the deep salt sea,around the old eternal rocks.

4. I bind unto myself todaythe power of God to hold and lead,his eye to watch, his might to stay,his ear to hearken to my need;the wisdom of my God to teach,his hand to guide, his shield to ward;the word of God to give me speech,his heavenly host to be my guard.

6. I bind unto myself todaythe strong Name of the Trinity,by invocation of the same,the Three in One, and One in Three.Of whom all nature hath creation,eternal Father, Spirit, Word:praise to the Lord of my salvation,salvation is of Christ the Lord.

Words: attributed to St.Patrick (372-466); trans.Cecil Frances Alexander(1818-1895), 1889




Page 9: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver


Prayer over the GiftsPresider God of wisdom,All may the light of the eternal Word,

our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,guide us to your glory.We ask this in his name. Amen.

The Great Thanksgiving Presider The Lord be with you All and also with you.

Presider Lift up your hearts. All We lift them to the Lord.

Presider Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.All It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Presider Blessed are you, gracious God, creator of heaven and earth; we give you thanksand praise through Jesus Christ our Lord, who was tempted in every way, yet did not sin. By his grace we are able to triumph over every evil, and to live no longer for ourselves alone, but for him who died for us and rose again. Therefore with angels and archangels and all who have served you in every age, we raise our voices to proclaim the glory of your name.

Sanctus Lenten Mass, Rupert Lang

Page 10: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver

Presider We give thanks to you, Lord our God, for the goodness and love you havemade known to us in creation; in calling Israel to be your people; in yourword spoken through the prophets; and above all in the Word made flesh,Jesus your Son.For in these last days you sent him to be incarnate from the Virgin Mary,to be the Saviour and Redeemer of the world. In him, you have delivered usfrom evil, and made us worthy to stand before you. In him, you have brought us out of error into truth, out of sin into righteousness, out of death into life.On the night he was handed over to suffering and death, a death he freely accepted, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread; and when he had given thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, “Take, eat: this is my body which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.”After supper he took the cup of wine; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and said, “Drink this, all of you: this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”Therefore, Father, according to his command,

All we remember his death,we proclaim his resurrection,we await his coming in glory;

Presider and we offer our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to you, Lord of all; presenting to you, from your creation, this bread and this wine.We pray you, gracious God, to send your Holy Spirit upon these gifts, thatthey may be the sacrament of the body of Christ and his blood of the newcovenant. Unite us to your Son in his sacrifice, that we, made acceptable inhim, may be sanctified by the Holy Spirit.In the fullness of time, reconcile all things in Christ, and make them new, andbring us to that city of light where you dwell with all your sons and daughters;through Jesus Christ our Lord, the firstborn of all creation, the head of theChurch, and the author of our salvation; by whom, and with whom, and inwhom, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honour and glory are yours,almighty Father, now and for ever.

All Amen.

Lord’s PrayerPresider As our Saviour taught us, let us pray,All Our Father in heaven, Forgive us our sins

hallowed be your name, as we forgive those who sin against us.your kingdom come, Save us from the time of trial,your will be done, and deliver us from evil.on earth as it is in heaven. For the kingdom, the power,Give us today our daily bread. and the glory are yours,

now and for ever. Amen.

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Page 11: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver

Breaking of the BreadPresider We break this bread,All Communion in Christ’s body once broken.

Presider Let your Church be the wheat which bears its fruit in dying.All If we have died with Christ, we shall live with Christ;

If we hold firm, we shall reign with Christ.Presider The gifts of God for the people of God.All Thanks be to God.

Choir Benedictus (Lenten Mass) Rupert Lang

During Communion Jubilate Deo Giovanni Gabrieli

O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands, (Ps 100)for thus shall all be blessed that feareth the Lord. (Ps 128)O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands.May the God of Israel unite you and be with you. (Tobit 7:15)May God send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Sion. (Ps 20)O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands.The Lord that made heaven and earth give thee blessing out of Sion. (Ps 134)O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands.Serve the Lord with gladness (Ps 100)


Prayer and Laying-on of Hands for HealingWe invite those wishing particular prayer for themselves or on behalf of someone else, or to share in

a prayer of thanksgiving for blessings received, to come to the front of the line to receive the bread andwine. Immediately after receiving, go to the prayer station. Give your first name and in a low voice brieflystate your prayer need. The prayer team will lay hands gently on your shoulders and after a short silence,they will pray quietly for you.While the communion is being administered, we respectfully ask that you keep the silence — this is a timefor quiet prayer and meditation.

Share the GiftsIf you know the brokenness of life, its fractures within and its division without, then you have par-ticipated in the broken body of Christ and you are invited to share in the breaking of bread. If youdesire to know the love of God that overcomes indifference and despair, if you desire the reconcil-

iation that overcomes estrangement and alien ation then you are invited to share the cup of the new covenant.The bread is received in the open palm. It is usual Anglican practice to drink the wine from the commoncup. If you wish to dip bread in the wine, extend one hand for a wafer. Both wine and unfermented grapejuice are served, grape juice is administered from the pottery chalice. Gluten-free wafers are available uponrequest in the East alcove.

Page 12: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver

The Second Sunday in Lent | March 16, 201412

Sending Out of the DisciplesPrayer After CommunionPresider Creator of heaven and earth,All we thank you for these holy mysteries,

which bring us now a share in the life to come,through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

DoxologyPresider Glory to God,All whose power, working in us,

can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.Glory to God from generation to generation,in the Church and in Christ Jesus,for ever and ever. Amen.

Closing Hymn I Cannot Tell

1. I cannot tell why Christ, whom angels worship,Should set such love upon God’s children,Or why, as Shepherd, he should seek the wand’rers,To bring them back, they know not how or when.But this I know, that Christ was born of Mary,When Bethl’hem’s manger was his only home,And that he lived at Nazareth and laboured,And so the Saviour, Saviour of the world, is come.

2. I cannot tell how silently Christ suffered,As with his peace he graced this place of tears,Or how his heart upon the Cross was broken,The crown of pain to three and thirty years.But this I know, Christ heals the broken-hearted,And stays our sin, and calms our lurking fear,And lifts the burden from the heavy laden,For yet the Saviour, Saviour of the world, is here.

3. I cannot tell how all the lands shall worship,When at Christ's bidding, every storm is stilled,Or who can say how great the jubilationWhen all the hearts of all with love are filled.But this I know, the skies will thrill with rapture,And myriad, myriad human voices sing,And earth to heaven, and heaven to earth, will answer:At last the Saviour, Saviour of the world, is King.

words: William Young Fullerton music: Trad. Irish

Page 13: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver


Dismissal Lord Jesus Christ,All You have put your life in our hands. Now we put our lives in yours.

For bread and wine, for this place and this time.All Thanks be to God.

For the peace we are promised that this world cannot destroyAll Thanks be to God.

For the hope of heaven on earth and the final song of joy.All Thanks be to God.

Go in peace to love and serve God and God’s peopleAll Thanks be to God.

Postlude Fugue in E Minor J.S. Bach

The service of the Church into the World — begins again this week.

Monday Isaiah 65:17-25God promises a new creation

Tuesday Ezekiel 36:22-32God will renew the people

Wednesday John 8:1-11Jesus does not condemn the sinner

Thursday Numbers 21:4-9Moses lifts up the serpent

Friday Romans 4:6-13Abraham saved through faith

Saturday Psalm128God promises life

Sunday Exodus 17:1-7Water from the rockPsalm 95The rock of our salvationRomans 5:1-11Reconciled to God by Christ’s deathJohn4:5-42The woman at the well


From “Between Sundays” by Gail Ramshaw, © 1997 Augsburg Fortress

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The Second Sunday in Lent | March 16, 201414


Please make your Chronicle submissions online at: or If you have any questions please contact Taryl at [email protected] or 604-682-3848 ext 26

join choir, servers and clergy for this worship serv-ice this afternoon at 3pm.

St Patrick’s Day ParadeJust a reminder that driving routes into downtownmay be affected today for the St. Patrick’s Dayparade. Parking will not be affected. Please checkthe official website for route closures.

Healing Touch Available TodayIf you wish a healing touch session after the servicetoday, and have not pre-registered, please proceeddownstairs before the service to get an appointmenttime, or go to the area in front of Meeting Room Bimmediately after the service, where a member ofthe Cathedral's Healing Touch team will give you aspecific time. Healing Touch is an energy-based,heart-centred approach to healing, derived fromthe multi-cultural ancient art of "hands-on-heal-ing".The goal of healing touch is to restore whole-ness and the integration of body, mind and spirit,either by clearing congested energy or filling adepleted energy system. A session can take any-where from ten minutes to a half hour. This is agentle, safe, non-invasive technique which isintended to complement traditional medicine.

WelcomeThe Cathedral welcomes visitors, and the communi-ty is glad that you have chosen to worship at ChristChurch Cathedral, Vancouver this morning, TheSecond Sunday in Lent. This morning The Rev.Marnie Peterson will preach at the 8:00am and the10:30am services.Music in worship at the 10:30am Parish Eucharistwill be led by the Women of the Cathedral Choirwith Rupert Lang, Organist and Director of Music.If you have questions about this Christian commu-nity, please speak with a member of the GreetingTeam or the Welcoming Table ministry team. Ifyou enjoyed the sermon this week, audio versions ofour sermons and sermon texts are available on theCathedral’s website: www.cathedral.vancouver.bc.caPlease help us be GREAT stewards of our resources byreturning unused connection cards, bulletins andenvelopes to the narthex for re-use or recycling.

Keep Calm & Come to EvensongChoral Evensong is one of the treasures of theAnglican Church: a beautiful traditional liturgy ofmusic, readings and prayers that carries the congre-gation into a deeper sense of the presence of God.Words and music unite to bring the beauty of holi-ness to our hearts and minds as we relax into thechoral singing and the rhythm of the service. Please

Page 15: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver

Confirmation 2014Bishop Melissa will be confirming for the first timehere at the Cathedral on Sunday 22nd June at4pm. If you are interested in receiving confirma-tion (or reaffirming your confirmation promises orbeing received into the Anglican Communion)please let Vincent know by the end of this month(Monday 31st March). His email [email protected] and his phoneis 604 682 3848 x 34. If you would like to have aconversation with one of the clergy before youdecide please contact Peter, Ellen or Marnie, any ofwhom will be happy to talk with you.

Common Threads Indigo Quilts It has taken 2 years and the hard work and creativ-ity of many to transform close to 70 metres of cot-ton, linen and silk with natural Indigo into the 26quilts that now line the Parish Hall and adjacentcorridors. This has been a remarkable community-building experience, which will continue to enrichthe lives of the many people who pass through theHall each week. The project has brought genera-tions together over dye vats and in stitching, bead-ing and sewing; not to mention an added interestin the Cathedral from quilters and textile artists.The quilts are complete because of the remarkablecontribution of over 4000 hours of work and cre-ativity by 118 people. Even clean hands can dolong-term damage, so we ask you resist the temp-

tation and not touch the quilts. In time, there willbe a quilt on the piano for you to touch andinspect. The project wouldn’t have been possiblewithout the support of the Cathedral’s 125thAnniversary Committee, Cathedral Trustees andStaff. We especially thank the building and custo-dial team who created space for us, set-up andcleaned-up after us and did it always with a smile.Sheila Wex and Thomas Roach

Save the DateMark Saturday, May 10th, 2014 in your calendarfor a delightful opportunity to socialize over wineand canapes in beautiful surroundings. This is afundraiser to replenish the Sabbatical Fund.Tickets are $125 per person. For further informa-tion, contact Daphne Francis or Sheila Wex

Food DonationsWith the recent closing of LUMS, the monthlyfood donations are now being delivered toSpringhouse, which is part of what was formerlySt. James Community Service Society (now calledThe Bloom Group). The Bloom Group’s mission isto support the most vulnerable people in our com-munity through the provision of housing, healthand social services. Springhouse is the onlywomen’s shelter in Vancouver that accepts malechildren over age 12, which helps keep women-ledfamilies together as they find permanent housing.Its 24/7 services are inclusive, accessible, andrespectful. The all-women staff and families in thetransitional housing program truly appreciate theboxed food donations from the Cathedral.

Week of Accompanied Prayer MARCH 31ST TO APRIL 4TH

There are a few places left for the Week ofAccompanied Prayer! A team of spiritual directorswill individually accompany participants throughthis 'retreat in everyday life' which involves a dailycommitment to 30 minutes of private prayer and a30 minute meeting with a director here at thecathedral from Monday 31st March to Friday 4th


Cathedral News & Notes

Easter Flower DedicationsStarting next week there willbe a table available at theCoffee Hour after the 10:30worship for Easter flowerdonations and dedications.You can make dedicationsMarch 23rd - April 13th.

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The Second Sunday in Lent | March 16, 201416

The ancient Greeks called it Agora, the gatheringplace. It was where citizens came to market, to talk,to network and to learn with each other.We inviteyou to join Vancouver’s Agora this Spring.Come and network, and to learn from and witheach other in the historic surroundings of the ParkRoom, at Christ Church Cathedral.Bring a bag lunch and join us from 12 noon – 1pm each Monday, March 17, 24, 31 and April 7.On each Monday a great speaker and leader willchallenge and provoke us and then we’ll have timeto reflect and talk about what we’ve heard andhow it will impact us individually and in our busi-ness lives.March 17th, Alisdair Smith MA, NationalFacilitator Credit Union Central of Canada andDeacon and Business Chaplain at Christ ChurchCathedral.An internationally known speaker and facilitator,Alisdair will provoke us with The Challenge ofDriving ChangeMarch 24th, Michael Todd, Executive Director ofRaymond James Foundation Ltd. Salt, Light, Yeast,and Other (In)Appropriate Metaphors: A ConversationAbout Changing the System From WithinMarch 31st, Melissa Skelton, MA, MDiv, MBA,Bishop of New Westminster.A former Proctor and Gamble executive and now aBishop, Melissa will help us explore Bringing ourWhole Selves to WorkApril 7th, Jason Boyer CA, is a Vice President inthe Deals Practice of PriceWaterhouseCoopers inVancouver. Jason will challenge us to pursue AGood Endeavour

Spiritual Spa Day for CaregiversOn Saturday 31st May 2014 from 10am to 3pmthe cathedral is putting on another ‘spiritual spaday’ as a gift to those in our community who pro-vide care for family or friends who are aging, fac-ing illness or live with disabilities. The day will be

April. More information will come later, but if youthink you might be interested please let Ellenknow. Space will be limited to about 30-35 partic-ipants.

Lent Course: Teach Us To PrayOur Lenten course this year invites us to play with howwe pray. At 9.15am on the Sundays in Lent (March 9to April 6th) the ministry team will take it in turn tointroduce an aspect of prayer and spirituality thatspeaks to them. On three Tuesday evenings (12, 19 and26th of March) there will be an opportunity for a moreexperiential time exploring contemplative prayer,prayer and art, and prayer and poetry. None of theseevenings need any expertise at all in contemplation,drawing or writing - just a willingness to come andhave fun exploring a new way of praying.Please feel free just to turn up on the Sunday morn-ings. Please register with the office for any or all of theTuesday evenings.DiscussionsSundays March 9-April 6th, 9:15am-10am in thePark RoomMarch 9th - Peter - Introduction to Prayer LifeMarch 16th - Ellen - Active PrayerMarch 23rd - Marnie - SabbathMarch 30th - Andrew - Journaling and Story asPrayerApril 6 - Alisdair - Daily Examen, The FourQuestionsPraxisTuesdays, March 11-25th, 7:15-8:30pmMarch 11th - Parish Hall - Liturgical Prayer FlagWorkshop with Kerry BaisleyMarch 18th - Park Room - Introduction toContemplative Prayer with The ContemplativePrayer GroupMarch 25th - Park Room - Poetry and the Practiceof Gratitude with Heather Jessup

Agora Lunch SeriesFour Mondays from 12–1pm (sharp)March 17, 24, 31st and April 7th

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a chance to relax along with other caregivers, tochat over a delicious lunch, to explore resources, tolisten to music, to be still, and to receive a little spa-like pampering. We are very grateful to DaphneFrancis who has offered her home as a venue for ourday. Space will be limited so if you are interestedplease contact the office soon [email protected], 604-682-3848.Provision will be made for someone to be with theperson you care for during the day if that is helpful.If you would like further details then please speakto Ellen Clark-King.

Pastoral Care at the CathedralThe Cathedral Clergy and Pastoral Care Team relyon parishioners to inform us if there's a hospitaliza-tion or a request for a home or hospital visit - weare sadly lacking in telepathy! Please contactArchdeacon Ellen Clark-King or ParishAdministrator Vincent Carey to inform us of ill-nesses or requests for visitations or home commun-ion. We do want to serve, are not too busy to visit,and simply need to know.

Wednesday Fellowship Our next gathering will be at 2pm on April 9, at2751 King Edward Court. We delight in having newmembers or folk willing to bake or drive. ContactLesley Godwin at (604) 224-4261 if you would liketo join. May 14 & June 11.

Upcoming Women's Group Dates!A relaxed evening of companionship was enjoyedover delicious food at the January Women's Grouppot-luck. As that session was late in the month, thegroup decided to meet again the Wednesdays ofMarch 12th and April 9th, both at 7:00pm in thePark Room. The March session will have a Lentenfocus. A brunch with guest speaker is planned forMay, with details upcoming! For information,please contact Rhiannon Hillis [email protected]

Gentle Yoga NewsGentle yoga will no longer be offered on Thursdaymornings at Christ Church Cathedral. A big thankyou to all who have participated in gentle yoga overthe past years!

Children's Gift Sundays Beginning in this new year following Epiphany, afew changes will be coming with regards to ourwonderful Children's Gift Sundays. Rather thanholding Children's Gift Sundays once a month, oneach first Sunday, the children and youth of theparish will be leading four completely youth-ledservices each church year instead. This will give thechildren and young people of the parish the chanceto truly lead our community in their prayers,thoughts, readings, play, and in deep engagementwith the Gospels, with the different seasons of ourchurch year, and with their own theological reflec-tions and ponderings. Our remaining youth-ledservices for the coming church year will be held onSunday May 4th in the season of Easter, on SundayOctober 5th in the season of Ordinary Time, andon Sunday December 7th in the season of Advent.Our monthly Family Gatherings will continue afterchurch on the first Sunday of each month, as thisfellowship has become such an important andbeautiful time for families to connect and play.

Twitter You can follow the Cathedral on Twitter! OurTwitter ID is: @CCCVancouver. And if you don’thave a Twitter account, or don’t know what it is,check out the website for our Twitter set-up guide(visit and look forthe twitter bird image on the homepage!).

Facebook Stay social with the Cathedral on Facebook! Justsearch for us using “Christ Church CathedralVancouver.” Like us if you want regular updates onwhat’s happening at Christ Church Cathedralthroughout the year!

Page 18: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver

18 The Second Sunday in Lent | March 16, 2014

Community Notices

Sorrento This SummerNow spring is just about here, its time to thinkabout summer plans - and Sorrento. Do you knowthat our Dean and Sue Cruickshank are leading acourse on 'The Prayer that Jesus taught us'? ThinkJune 29 - July 5 as a treat to yourself…Add 'mak-ing a booking' to your Lenten resolutions! for moreinformation contact Lesley Godwin 604 224 4261or Lots more interest-ing folk and courses throughout the summer.

My spiritual home...

For me there was no one defining moment when Ifelt a particular “ah’ha”, this is my spiritual home.Rather, over time the warmth of our historical build-ing, the excellent preaching, the reverence to and themystery of the Eucharist all added up for me to justknow CCC is such a place. Also, the wonderfulsacred music that we are blessed with by so many tal-ented musicians and choristers is a delight. Thereare the many warm and friendly and diverse peoplethat we are fortunate to have in our Cathedral com-munity. So many giving so much of their time andof themselves doing God’s work. Let us all continueto work together and always be a welcoming andfriendly downtown presence. Terry Love

Pin-pointing exactly when I knew I was at home atCCC is a little difficult because from the moment Istarted talking to Peter and Ellen about the possibil-ity of doing my curacy at the Cathedral I felt wel-comed. But if I had to pick one moment when Iknew the Cathedral was my spiritual home it wouldhave to be when I had only been at the Cathedral fora few months and my younger sister died. WhenAshley died so many in the Cathedral communitygathered around me, offering support, care andeverything my family needed to have a beautiful cel-ebration of her life at the Cathedral. This was justthe beginning of what I know will be a lifelong rela-tionship with CCC. The Rev. Heidi Brear

Does the Cathedral Have Your Email Address?

The Cathedral has created an exciting new EmailNewsletter, with articles from both clergy and laity,notices about upcoming events, and links to inter-esting articles on God, Anglicanism and everythingchurch.We’ve sent several of these newsletters in the lastcouple of months. Did you get them? If not, do wehave your email address? If not, let us know! We’dlove to include you! And you can opt out at anytime.

Coming Soon...More information will be coming soon on HolyWeek and Easter services at Christ ChurchCathedral. See the next page for a preview.

Page 19: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver


Easter Schedule 2014

The Sunday of the Passion - Palm Sunday April 138am Holy Communion

10:30am Festival Eucharist (incense)Preacher Dean Peter Elliott

9:30pm Compline: The Service of Gregorian Chant

Monday of Holy Week - April 147:30pm - Herbert Howell’s Requiem

Tuesday of Holy Week - April 157:30pm - Tenebrae - a reflective service of candlelight, music and prayer

Wednesday of Holy Week - April 167:30pm - TBA

Maundy Thursday - April 177:30am Holy Communion

Preacher The Rev. Linda St. Clair12:10pm Holy Communion

Preacher The Rev. Linda St. Clair5:15pm Maundy Thursday Supper (ticketed!)7:30pm Maundy Thursday Service (incense)

Preacher Bishop Melissa Skelton

Good Friday - April 1810:30am Family Event

3:00pm Solemn Liturgy Preacher Bishop Melissa Skelton

Easter Sunday - April 195am Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter

6am Lighting of the Paschal Candle6:15am First Eucharist with adult baptisms (incense)

Preacher Bishop Melissa Skelton8:00am Family service with children’s baptisms

10:30am Festival Eucharist (incense)Preacher Bishop Melissa Skelton

Presider Dean Peter Elliott9:30pm Compline: The Service of Gregorian Chant

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The Second Sunday in Lent | March 16, 201420

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Today!The OREOS head to the Art Gallery Today we'llvisit the Vancouver Art Gallery to see LawrenHarris & Edward Burtynsky. Drop-off in nurseryat 12:30, having eaten lunch. We'll be back by2:30pm.

Spring Cathedral Family Retreat There is only one month until our Family Retreat- taking place on the Palm Sunday weekend ofFriday April 11th to Sunday April 13th atRivendell Retreat Centre on Bowen Island. If youhave not received this email with more detailsabout how to register, a planning meeting that willtake place in April, and details about our themesand programming, please be in touch withHeather: [email protected] OurPlanning Meeting will be held on Sunday April6th after church.

Sun Run TeamFamilies, Children, Walkers, Runners! All are wel-come! This year, join members of Christ ChurchCathedral in Canada’s largest road race. The racestarts at the foot of our very own church, and wel-comes runners, walkers, strollers and wheelchairs.Whether you’re a first-time walker or a seasonedveteran, there’s a spot for you on this team. We’llhave team t-shirts, team workouts, and a team cap-tain to help us along the way. If you’re interested,you can also use our custom designed trainingplan. Join the team for a special Sun Run servicebefore the race (more information on the servicewill be coming closer to the date). More informa-

tion can be found here:

A Lenten Course on Prayer: Teach us to Pray

Our Lenten course this year invites us to play withhow we pray. At 9:15am on the Sundays in Lent(March 9 to April 6th) the ministry team will taketurns introducing an aspect of prayer and spiritu-ality that speaks to them. On three Tuesdayevenings (12, 19 and 26th of March) there will bean opportunity for a more experiential timeexploring contemplative prayer, prayer and art,and prayer and poetry. None of these eveningsneed any expertise at all in contemplation, drawingor writing – just a willingness to come and havefun exploring a new way of praying. All are wel-come!

Week of Accompanied Prayer Sunday March 30th to Saturday April 5th DearFamilies, There is a remarkable opportunity to par-ticipate in a week of accompanied prayer this com-ing Lenten season. Please be sure to look at thisweek's announcement in the Chronicle (pg 15), orcheck out the link below, to see if this practicemight be a good fit for you. Heather will also be aparticipant and would love your company.

Heather Jessup, Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator.

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22 The Second Sunday in Lent | March 16, 2014

Archdeacon’s Notes MARCH 16, 2014

Two of our scripture readings this week tell us ofthe start of journeys. One is both external andinternal, both physical and spiritual: the journeyinto new lands and new blessings that Abram andSarai are called to make. A journey away from thefamiliar into the new and strange which promisesthat they will become a blessing as well as receivingblessing – a lovely virtuous circle of receiving andgiving.

The other is more purely internal – Nicodemusbeing called to re-think, and re-feel, his relation-ship with God. Coming in the darkness to learn ifa new light of understanding has come to theworld, and being introduced to a Spirit whichmight blow him into new experiences and under-standings that he never thought to have.

These two stories bring to my mind the way thatthe Jewish people were taught to name themselveswhen they offered gifts in the temple: “A wander-ing Aramean was my ancestor” (Deuteronomy26:5). Their self-description began with journey-ing, defining them as a people of movement ratherthan a settled race, a people who were blown by thewhims of God’s Spirit rather than choosing theirown ground.

This is an important inheritance for us to claim forourselves. Our Christian identity is not a static onebut a journeying one. If we think we have seen allthere is to see spiritually, or that we have arrived atour final destination, we are fooling ourselves –and missing out on the joyful surprises that Godhas in store for us. Like Abram and Sarai we shouldbe prepared to journey into new lands of discovery,like Nicodemus we should be ready to encounternew truths and question old understandings.

There is a lovely quote from William Temple,Archbishop of Canterbury in the 1940’s: “Don'twait till you know the source of the wind beforeyou let it refresh you, or its destination before youspread sail to it. It offers what you need; trust your-self to it.” Trust is not an easy choice for many ofus, but if we make it we can find ourselves in placesthat we never thought we could reach with thelight of new understanding illuminating our heartand mind. With that in mind here is a (slightlyadapted) collect for this Sunday from StevenShakespeare’s book Prayers for an InclusiveChurch:

Holy God,whose wild Spirit’s breathcarries us out of ourselves to find new truths:take the night time of our fearand make it a welcoming wombfor us and all the world;through Jesus Christ, in whom we are born anew.Amen.

Page 23: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver


Friends of Christ Church Cathedral

Who are we?The Friends of the Cathedral are supporters of ChristChurch who are unable to attend services regularly.Many of us are visitors or belong to another parish. Wereceive a thrice-yearly subscription to Contact Magazine.

How do we help?We foster enthusiasm for Christ Church Cathedral andassist in beautifying it in every sense through our financialsupport. Significant gifts from Friends have helped torestore and conserve the Cathedral’s heritage building andto fund the compassionate care of Vancouver’s homelessand hungry population.

Join us!You are invited to sponsor the Cathedral’s mission andministry with an annual donation.

Contact usPlease contact Kathy Irwin if you have any questions orwould like to arrange to make a donation: [email protected] or 604-682-3848 ext. 28

Members of Christ Church Cathedral

New to the Cathedral? Thinking about making this yourhome parish? To be a member here means that you havea vote at our Annual Vestry Meeting (usually held inFebruary), and you will receive regular Cathedral com-munications (including Contact Magazine). You wouldalso be invited to be part of a Liturgy of Inclusion and anewcomers luncheon.

You may request a membership form in one of 3 ways:• visit the welcoming table at coffee time• speak to the Receptionist in the Parish Office• or e-mail our Parish Administrator, VincentCarey, at [email protected]

Once the form is complete, please forward to Vincent'sattention and he will ensure that you are officially addedas a new member. Unfortunately, we are not able toautomatically make someone a Parishioner, this is some-thing which you must request, and you may only be amember of one Parish. We look forward to welcomingyou soon! Cathedral Clergy, Staff and Leaders

Calendar | Next WeekMONDAY, MARCH 17

12:10pm Eucharist — Lenten Feria7:30pm Gospel Choir Rehearsal

TUESDAY, MARCH 1812:10pm Eucharist — Lenten Feria7:15pm Teach us to Pray

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1912:10pm Eucharist — St. Joseph of Nazareth6-8:30pmVancouver Children’s Choir rehearsal

THURSDAY, MARCH 207:30am Eucharist & Community Breakfast — Lenten

Feria12:10pm Eucharist with Healing Prayers.7:30pm Cathedral Choir rehearsal

FRIDAY, MARCH 2112:10pm Eucharist — Lenten Feria

SATURDAY, MARCH 229:10am Eucharist — Lenten Feria

SUNDAY, MARCH 23The Third Sunday in Lent

8:00am Holy Communion9:15am Teach us to Pray10:30am Choral Eucharist —

Preacher: The Rev. Alisdair SmithMusic: Cathedral ChoirExodus 17:1-7, Psalm 75,Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42

9:30pm Compline: The Service of Gregorian Chant

Page 24: The Second Sunday in Lent Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is an inclusive community of disciples of Jesus Christ serving God in downtown Vancouver

690 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2L1 | Ph:

604.682.3848, [email protected]

Ministering Through Liturgy8:00AM HOLY COMMUNION

Reader Edmund HaleyServer Susan KoppersmithLay Administrator Francis UyCollection Vaughn Pridmore, Murray ReinhartWelcoming Team Murray Reinhart, Francis UyPresider & Preacher The Rev. Marnie Peterson

10:30AM CHORAL EUCHARISTAnnouncements Gary Kenwood& Duty TrusteeReaders Sheila Wex, George FullerIntercessor Panos Pappas, Caitlin MacRaeDeacon The Rev. Alisdair SmithSacristan Ann KowalchukServers Tasha Carrothers, Elma Harder,

Wendy WebberM.C. Hugh AlleyMinisters of Helen Lingham, Communion The Rev. Kay Schmidt, The Rev.

Edward Schmidt, The Rev. Dixie Black,Mary Jean Ellis, Bruce Metzler, ThomasRoach, Kevin de la Mare, Susan Alexander, John & Jacki Ross, Anne Lee, Holly & David McMillan

Healing Team Bett Lauridsen, Dorothy Watts,Sondra Marshall, Penny Charlesworth

Welcoming Team Ron Jobe, Irene Vanderwoerd, Marge de Lang, Marian Carson,Jane Hope, Wilf Lamb, Ethyle Lamb, Jon Paul Henry

Breadmaker Neale AdamsAltar Guild Heather Davies, Grace HsuehInterpreter Lisz KeallenPresider Archdeacon Ellen Clark-KingPreacher The Rev. Marnie PetersonMusic Rupert Lang, Organist and Director of

Music, Cathedral Choir


9:30PM COMPLINEOfficiant Archdeacon Ellen Clark-KingChoir QuartetServer Dana OsborneWelcomers Elspeth Richmond, Lance Schmidt

Cathedral DirectoryThe Very Rev. Dr. Peter Elliott, Dean & Rector— ext. 29, [email protected] Venerable Dr. Ellen Clark-King, Cathedral Vicar— ext. 25, [email protected] Rev. Marnie Peterson, Priest Associate— ext. 27, [email protected] Rev. Alisdair Smith, Deacon & Business Chaplain— ext. 32, [email protected] Rev. Dixie Black, Deacon— ext. 58, [email protected] Lang, Organist & Director of Music— ext. 31, [email protected] Munn, Director of Development — ext. 21, [email protected] Irwin, Business Administrator— ext. 28, [email protected] Wagschal Building Manager— ext. 22, [email protected] Cheatley, Project and Events Manager— ext. 22, [email protected] Jessup, Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator— ext. 24, [email protected] Stephens-Rennie, Young Adult Ministry— ext. 27, [email protected] Guenter, Communications Coordinator— ext. 26, [email protected] Carey, Parish Administrator— ext. 34, [email protected] Wong-Juliani, Artistic Associate — ext. 30, [email protected] Wylie, Doug Strand, CustodiansHolly McMillan, Volunteer Lay Ministries Coordinator— [email protected] Godwin - Baptism Coordinator— [email protected] Link — ext. 54 Linda St. Clair, Helen Worley, Jim McCullum, Lois Boxill, Brian Heinrich, Bill Crockett, Thomi Glover, Douglas Williams, Philippa Segrave-Pride - Honorary AssistantsRabbi Robert Daum, Rabbi in ResidenceKira Burke - Nursery CoordinatorLyndsay Sklenka, Helen Schikkerling - Youth LeadersAmy Francis, Rector’s Warden, Jack Forbes, People’s Warden,Gary Kenwood, Associate WardenMary Bushman, David McMillan, TrusteesJohn Ross, Secretary to the CorporationDavid Smith, TreasurerCathedral Guild for the Arts — 604.682.3848, ext. 30

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