
Bible 1-1

The Second PersonJesus Christ1Holy Trinity - 7Experience2Draw a picture of Jesus Christ. Look at the next several pictures before you start drawing.

Share with the class what you were trying to say in your drawing.3

What does this picture say to you?Akiane Kamarik Jesus34

What does this picture say to you?5

What does this picture say to you?

Now draw your own picture.Discussion & reflection:6What if someone said Jesus was probably a lot different from what we say about him nowadays?

Letter to Diognetus (2nd Century) Really, can anyone who has been correctly taught and has fallen in love with the Logos fail to strive to learn exactly what has been plainly shown by the Logos to disciples to whom the Logos appeared in person and made revelations in plain language?11.1-66Discussion & reflection:7What if someone says St. Paul is much more important in understanding our faith than Jesus?

Epistle of Barnabas (2nd Century) The fact is, the Master has made known to us through the prophets, the past and present, and given us a foretaste of the future. And so, when we see these things one by one becoming actual fact, just as he said, we ought to be all the more generous and inspired in our effort to advance in the fear of him.1.77Discussion & reflection:8What if someone says Jesus was a good man, but it is up to us to heal ourselves?

Cyril of Jerusalem (313-386, Israel) Jesus, then, means according to the Hebrew Savior, but in the Greek tongue the Healer, since is a physician of souls and bodies, curer of spirits, curing the blind in body and leading minds into light, healing the visibly lame and guiding sinners steps to repentance.

Discussion & reflection:9What if someone says all we need to be saved is to decide for Christ?

Pseudo-Clement of Rome (2nd Century, Israel) Let us, therefore, not just call him Lord, for this will not save us. For he says, Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord will be saved, but only the one who does what is right. So then, brothers, let us acknowledge him in our actions by loving one another2 Clement 4:1-3, Scripture quote is Matthew 7:219Discussion & reflection:10What if someone says it is too confusing to think about Jesus?

Cyril of Jerusalem (313-386, Israel) When you hear that he is a Son, do not understand this improperly. You should know that he is truly the Son; a Son by nature and without beginning.

Catechetical Lectures II.410Discussion & reflection:11What if someone says it is silly to believe in someone you cant understand or follow?

Cyril of Jerusalem (313-386, Israel) Do not be ashamed to confess your ignorance, since you share ignorance with the angels. Only he who begot knows the one who was begotten; and he who is begotten of him knows the one who begot.Catechetical Lectures II.1311Discussion & reflection:12What if someone says the study of God is dull and boring?

Ephrem the Syrian (306-373, Syria)

Give me grace, O blessed Sea. One droplet of compassion that I may invest it and come by means of your flow to you.(which means May I come to God through the mystical ocean of the Word of God, which is at once both the Scriptures and the divine Logos.)Hymns on Virginity 10: 17-1812Written reflectionName:Date:13What was most important to you in todays lesson?

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