
The Salvia Divinorum Grower's Guide El productor Salvia Divinorum Guía

By Sociedad Para La Preservation De Las Plantas Del Misterio Por la Sociedad Para La Preservación De Las Plantas Del Misterio

ISBN: 1-890425-01-X ISBN: 1-890425-01-X

Published in 1998 By Spectral Mindustries Publicado en 1998 por Mindustries espectral

Box 73401 Davis, CA 95617-3401 Caja 73401 Davis, CA 95.617 a 3401

Contents Contenido

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Contents Contenido

Entering The Uroboros Introducción El Uroboros

Starting From An Unrooted Cutting A partir de un corte sin enraizar

Constructing A Humidity Chamber La construcción de una cámara de humedad

Rooting In Water Enraizamiento en agua

Waiting For Roots To Form Esperando raíces para formar

Planting In Soil La siembra en suelo

Constructing A Humidity Tent La construcción de una tienda de humedad

Growing Outside A Humidity Tent Crecer fuera de una tienda de humedad

Optimum Growing Parameters Parámetros de crecimiento óptimo

Soil Suelo

Temperature Temperatura

Misting, Watering & Feeding La nebulización, riego y alimentación

Light Luz

Hydroponic Cultivation El cultivo hidropónico

Growing Medium Medio de cultivo

Nutrient Management Manejo de Nutrientes

Pests Plagas

White Flies Las moscas blancas

Spider Mites Los ácaros araña

Aphids Los áfidos

Scale Escala

Snails Caracoles

Problems Problemas

Browning Leaf Edges Browning bordes de las hojas

Yellow Leaves Hojas amarillas

Slow Growth Crecimiento lento

Pruning For Maximum Leaf Production Para la poda de producción máxima de la hoja

Harvesting Leaves Las hojas de cosecha

Drying Leaves Secado de las hojas

Producing Seed La producción de semillas

Taking Cuttings Teniendo cortes

Tail-To-Mouth La cola a la boca

Bibliography Bibliografía

Sources For Salvia Divinorum Fuentes Para Salvia Divinorum

Information Resources Recursos de Información

`Few have heard of it. «Pocos han oído hablar de él.

Fewer know what it looks like. Pocos saben lo que parece.

Fewer still have ever met the sagely ally, Menos aún he conocido el aliado sabiamente,

yet the alliance forms invisible links sin embargo, la alianza formas vínculos invisibles

wherever it goes...' donde quiera que va ... "

— Dale Pendell, Pharmako/Poeia - Pendell Dale, Pharmako / Poeia

...welcome fellow friend of mystery plants! ... Compañeros de amigo de bienvenida de las plantas de misterio!

There are almost 1000 species in the genus Salvia, but none quite like the "sage of seers," Salvia divinorum. As its English colloquial names suggest ("diviner's sage," and "sage of seers"), Salvia divinorum is linked to the human mind in a most mysterious way. Hay cerca de 1000 especies en el género Salvia, pero ninguno como el "sabio de los videntes," Salvia divinorum. Como su nombre coloquial Inglés sugieren ("de sabio adivino" y "sabio de sabios"), Salvia divinorum está vinculada a la mente humana de una manera más misteriosa. Your authors have been blessed to have a growing relationship with this exotic friend, and it is our wish that you too will catch and fan the sparks of joy cast out by this "hidden pearl". Sus autores han sido bendecidos por tener una relación creciente con este amigo exótico, y es nuestro deseo que usted también la captura y el ventilador chispas de alegría emitidos por esta "perla escondida".

Entering the uroboros Entrando en el uroboros

Salvia divinorum is a very rare plant known only to the Mazatec Indians of Mexico until the latter half of this century. Salvia divinorum es una rara planta muy conocida sólo por los indios mazatecas de México hasta la segunda mitad de este siglo. Rumors of the plant, said to be used in medico-magico-divinatory ceremonies, filtered into the minds of North American anthropologists and botanists beginning in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Los rumores de la planta, dijo que se utiliza en ceremonias mágico adivinatorio-médico, se filtra en la mente de

los antropólogos norteamericanos y botánicos a partir de finales de 1930 y principios de 1940. However, it was not until October 1962 that a viable specimen reached the hands of North Americans. Sin embargo, no fue hasta octubre de 1962 que una muestra viable llegó a manos de los norteamericanos.

Having traveled by horseback in the Sierra Mazateca in search of the mysterious plant, R. Gordon Wasson and Dr. Después de haber viajado a caballo en la Sierra Mazateca en busca de la misteriosa planta, R. Gordon Wasson y el Dr. Albert Hofmann were rewarded on October 8, 1962. Albert Hofmann, fueron premiados el 8 de octubre de 1962. On that date, while in San José Tenango, an old curandera by the name of Natividad Rosa, who heard they were looking for the plant, brought them a bundle of cuttings ( Hofmann 1990 ). En esa fecha, mientras que en San José Tenango, una vieja curandera con el nombre de Natividad Rosa, que escuchó que estaban buscando para la planta, los trajo un manojo de recortes ( Hofmann, 1990 ).

Upon returning to the United States, Wasson and Hofmann gave one of the specimens to Carl Epling, an expert in the genus Salvia. A su regreso a los Estados Unidos, Wasson y Hofmann dio una de las muestras a Carl Epling, un experto en el género Salvia. Epling determined that the plant was a theretofore unknown species of Salvia. Epling determinó que la planta era una especie desconocida hasta entonces de la Salvia. He named it Salvia divinorum in light of its ritual use by the Mazatec for divination ( Epling & Játiva 1962 ). Le dio el nombre Salvia divinorum en función de su uso ritual de la mazateca para la adivinación ( Epling y Játiva 1.962 ).

Among the many mysteries of Salvia divinorum is that it very rarely sets seed. Entre los muchos misterios de la Salvia divinorum es que muy rara vez se pone la semilla. You will not find S. divinorum seeds for sale anywhere. Usted no encontrará las semillas de S. divinorum para la venta en cualquier lugar. For all practical purposes, therefore, we agree with our friend Dale Pendell: "...if you want ska Pastora, you will have to get it the same way everyone else has for the last two thousand years: from a cutting from someone who grows it" ( Pendell 1995 ). Para todos los propósitos prácticos, por lo tanto, estamos de acuerdo con nuestro amigo Dale Pendell: "... si quieres ska Pastora, que tendrá que obtener la misma manera que todos lo demás tiene para los últimos dos mil años: de un corte de alguien que crece "( Pendell 1995 ). Acquiring such a cutting is your initiation into a unique mystic matrix. La adquisición de esta corte es la iniciación en una matriz mística única.

Most likely, any cutting you obtain will be a clone of the very plant that Natividad Rosa gave R. Gordon Wasson and Dr. Albert Hofmann in 1962. Lo más probable es que cualquier corte que obtenga será un clon de la planta misma que dio a Rosa Natividad R. Gordon Wasson y el Dr. Albert Hofmann en 1962. Cuttings from this very plant have been distributed worldwide, and are known today as "Wasson clones". Esquejes de esta planta muy se han distribuido en todo

el mundo, y son conocidos hoy como "clones Wasson". Like all cuttings, they are genetically identical to the mother plant. Al igual que todos los cortes, que son genéticamente idénticas a la planta madre.

While other researchers have since returned to the US with cuttings of S. divinorum collected in various regions of the Sierra Mazateca, most of these strains have not received wide distribution. Aunque otros investigadores han vuelto desde entonces a los EE.UU. con estacas de S. divinorum recogidos en diversas regiones de la Sierra Mazateca, la mayoría de estas cepas no han recibido amplia difusión.

In 1991, anthropologist Bret Blosser collected two specimens of S. divinorum near Municipio de San José Tenango, Mexico. En 1991, el antropólogo Bret Blosser recogieron dos muestras de S. divinorum cerca Municipio de San José Tenango, México. Cuttings from the plant material obtained by Blosser have been widely distributed and are known as the "palatable clone" because when Mr. Blosser ingested it in the Sierra Mazatec it was markedly less bitter than leaves from locally grown "Wasson clones". Las estacas del material vegetal obtenido por Blosser han sido ampliamente distribuidos y son conocidos como el "clon aceptable", porque cuando el Sr. Blosser que se ingiere en la sierra mazateca fue mucho menos amargas que las hojas de cultivo local "clones Wasson".

We notice very little difference in bitterness (and no difference in potency) between foliage from the Wasson clone and the so-called palatable clone, nor do we see any morphological distinctions. Notamos muy poca diferencia en la amargura (y no hay diferencia en potencia) entre el follaje de la copia Wasson y los llamados clones, de modo aceptable, ni tampoco vemos ninguna distinción morfológica. We, however, have not tasted foliage from plants grown in the Sierra Mazatec. Nosotros, sin embargo, no han probado el follaje de las plantas cultivadas en la sierra mazateca.

Mr. Blosser has suggested that perhaps soil or other cultivation factors may be responsible for the taste differences, rather than genetics ( Blosser 1998 ). El Sr. Blosser ha sugerido que tal vez el suelo o el cultivo de otros factores pueden ser responsables de las diferencias de sabor, en lugar de la genética ( Blosser 1998 ). Given that S. divinorum has never been observed to set seed in the wild (in fact, even in the Sierra Mazateca it is only known to exist in areas touched by humans), and that broken or drooping stems copiously root where they touch the ground, we speculate that the Wasson clone and the palatable clone are from the same germplasm. Dado que la S. divinorum no se ha observado que de semillas en la naturaleza (de hecho, incluso en la Sierra Mazateca sólo se sabe que existe en las zonas afectadas por los humanos), y que rota o caída copiosamente tallos raíz donde se tocan el suelo , se especula que el clon Wasson y el clon aceptable son de la misma germoplasma.

Starting from an unrooted cutting A partir de un corte sin raíces

Unlike most plants, which have relatively round stems, the stems of Salvia divinorum are square. A diferencia de la mayoría de las plantas, que tienen relativamente ronda los tallos, los tallos de la Salvia divinorum son cuadradas. Also, unlike most plants, the stems of Salvia divinorum are hollow in the center. Además, a diferencia de la mayoría de las plantas, los tallos de la Salvia divinorum son huecas en el centro. A freshly made cutting, therefore, when viewed on end, shows the ageless mystery symbol of the circle within a square. Un corte recién hecho, por lo tanto, cuando se ve en el extremo, muestra el símbolo de misterio eterno del círculo en un cuadrado. The circle inscribed in a square is an ancient Cabalist symbol for the spark of divinity residing within the material. El círculo inscrito en un cuadrado es un antiguo símbolo de cabalista de la chispa de la divinidad que residen dentro del material. A circle has long represented the divine and everlasting, while the square has symbolized the terrestrial and finite. Un círculo se ha representado durante mucho tiempo lo divino y lo eterno, mientras que la plaza ha simbolizado lo terrestre y lo finito.

The first thing to do upon obtaining a cutting of S. divinorum is to correctly orient it top to bottom. Lo primero que debe hacer a la obtención de un corte de la S. divinorum es orientar correctamente arriba a abajo. If the cutting is a tip-cutting, or if there are side shoots or leaves, the orientation is self-evident, as the shoots and leaves reach upward. Si el corte es una punta de corte, o si hay brotes laterales o las hojas, la orientación es evidente por sí misma, como los brotes y las hojas se dirigen hacia arriba. However, because S. divinorum is a very sensitive plant, it is not uncommon for a cutting to drop its leaves or side shoots. Sin embargo, debido a la S. divinorum es una planta muy sensible, no es raro que un corte de caída de las hojas o brotes laterales. Additionally, it is possible that your cutting will be a mid- stem cutting, without a growing tip to aid correct orientation. Además, es posible que el corte será un medio de estacas, sin una punta de crecimiento para ayudar a la orientación correcta. One technique that disposes of the need to determine the orientation of a mid-stem cutting, has been employed by Daniel Siebert, the first person to experience the effects of isolated salvinorin A, the active principle in the plant. Una técnica que dispone de la necesidad de determinar la orientación de un medio de estacas, se ha empleado por Daniel Siebert, la primera persona a experimentar los efectos de la salvinorina A aislados, el principio activo de la planta.

Simply take a mid-stem cutting that contains at least one node and remove all large leaves. Simplemente tome un medio de estacas que contiene al menos un nodo y quitar todas las hojas grandes. Lay the stem cutting horizontally on wet rich soil and place in a humidity chamber (see next section). Coloque el vástago de corte horizontal en la rica tierra mojada y el lugar en una cámara de humedad (ver sección siguiente). The stem will root all along its length and send up two new shoots at each node ( Siebert 1998 ). La madre se la raíz a lo largo de su longitud y enviar dos nuevos brotes en cada nodo ( Siebert, 1998 ). If you are not using the above technique, it is necessary to determine which end of the cutting is up. Si no está

utilizando la técnica anterior, es necesario determinar qué extremo del corte está para arriba. Fortunately, so long as you realize that this is an issue, determining the cutting's correct orientation is a simple process of observation. Afortunadamente, siempre y cuando te das cuenta de que este es un problema, la determinación de la correcta orientación de corte es un simple proceso de observación.

Examine the nodes (ie, those places where the otherwise smooth stem becomes bulbous, and from which leaves and side shoots will later grow). Examinar los nodos (es decir, aquellos lugares donde la suave madre de otro modo se convierte en forma de bulbo, y de la cual las hojas y brotes laterales crecerá más adelante). When properly oriented, the stem segment above any given node is usually, but not always, of slightly less circumference than the stem segment below a node. Cuando está bien orientado, el segmento de madre por encima de cualquier nodo dado por lo general, aunque no siempre, un poco de menos la circunferencia que el segmento del tallo por debajo de un nodo. In other words, the stem segments usually become more slender toward the top of the plant. En otras palabras, los segmentos del tallo generalmente se vuelven más delgados hacia la parte superior de la planta. Also, careful examination of any given node should reveal upward tilting leaf scars or "shoulders" from which new shoots grow. Además, un examen cuidadoso de cualquier nodo dado debe revelar la inclinación al alza las cicatrices de la hoja o "hombros" de la que los nuevos brotes crecen. Once you have determined the cutting's correct orientation, the next step is to prepare it for rooting. Una vez que haya determinado la correcta orientación de corte, el paso siguiente es preparar para el enraizamiento.

Constructing a rooting chamber La construcción de una cámara de enraizamiento

Rooting and growing salvia divinorum is made much easier if you create a high humidity environment. Enraizamiento y la salvia divinorum cada vez se hace mucho más fácil si se crea un ambiente de alta humedad. Therefore, unless you live in a naturally humid environment, we strongly recommend the preparation of a humidity chamber to house the fragile cutting while it produces roots. Por lo tanto, a menos que usted vive en un ambiente húmedo natural, se recomienda la preparación de una cámara de humedad a la casa de la corte frágil al mismo tiempo que produce raíces.

We've rooted hundreds of S. divinorum cuttings in secondhand ten gallon aquariums. Tenemos cientos de estacas enraizadas S. divinorum en segunda acuarios de diez galones. To turn an aquarium into a humidity chamber, simply measure the top of the aquarium and have your local hardware store cut a piece of glass that snugly fits the top. Para convertir un acuario en una cámara húmeda, simplemente mida la parte superior del acuario y hacer que su almacén local del hardware cortar un trozo de vidrio que encaja perfectamente la parte superior. Give the aquarium a good washing using a clean scrub pad and vinegar. Dar el acuario un buen lavado con un estropajo limpio y vinagre. Be especially careful to remove any old algae or

fungus-like deposits remaining affixed to the glass from the days when the aquarium may have been a home to fish. Tenga especial cuidado de eliminar cualquier algas de edad o como depósitos-hongo restantes colocarse en el cristal de los días en el acuario puede haber sido un hogar para los peces. Glue or tape a small piece of wood to the glass top to serve as a handle. Pegamento o cinta adhesiva un pequeño trozo de madera a la tapa de cristal para servir como un mango.

With the glass top closed, and daily misting from a hand-held squirt bottle filled with room temperature purified drinking water, your humidity chamber will provide a perfect environment for fragile young cuttings. Con la tapa de cristal cerrada, y al día de nebulización de un lugar chorro botella de mano llena de temperatura de agua potable purificada habitación, su cámara de humedad proporcionará un ambiente perfecto para frágiles esquejes jóvenes.

Rooting in water Enraizamiento en agua

Rooting in water is the most common and effective method of rooting a Salvia divinorum cutting. Enraizamiento en el agua es el método más común y eficaz de erradicar un corte de Salvia divinorum. If you follow the following steps it is practically fail-safe. Si usted sigue los siguientes pasos es prácticamente a prueba de fallos.

Obtain a bottle, vase, or other tall thin water-holding container. Obtenga una botella, vaso, o de otro recipiente alto y delgado de retención de agua. Salvia divinorum roots copiously all along the stem, not just at leaf nodes. Salvia divinorum raíces copiosamente a lo largo del tallo, no sólo en los nodos hoja. Ideally, your rooting vase should be approximately 2/3 the length of your cutting. Idealmente, su vaso de enraizamiento debe ser aproximadamente 2 / 3 de la longitud de su corte.

We strongly recommend you give each cutting its own rooting vase. Le recomendamos que dar a cada corte de su propio vaso de enraizamiento. This way, any stem rot that occurs will remain isolated. De esta manera, toda la podredumbre del tallo que se va a quedar aislados. One grower we know utilizes sterilized beer bottles ( Hanna 1998 ). Un cultivador sabemos utiliza esterilizados botellas de cerveza ( Hanna 1998 ). Kept in their cardboard six-pack holder, they are space efficient rooting vases and can be easily moved six at a time. Se mantuvo en su paquete de soporte de cartón-seis, que son el espacio eficiente jarrones de enraizamiento y se puede mover fácilmente seis a la vez. Cuttings that have leaves or side shoots will rest on the narrow neck of the bottle such that the submersed rooting area of the stem is entirely suspended. Esquejes que tienen hojas o brotes laterales se basará en la estrecha lengua de la botella de manera que el enraizamiento área sumergida de la madre se suspenderá por completo.

If you use beer bottles as rooting vases, two things must be kept in mind. Si utiliza botellas de cerveza como jarrones de enraizamiento, dos cosas deben tenerse en cuenta. First, make sure you thoroughly clean the bottles, as even the slightest remnant of beer will greatly increase the possibility of stem rot. Second, the relatively small volume of water that can be held in a beer bottle, combined with the fact that most beer bottles are darkly tinted, increases the risk that the water level in a bottle could become insufficient and go unnoticed. En primer lugar, asegúrese de limpiar a fondo las botellas, ya que incluso el más mínimo vestigio de cerveza aumentará en gran medida la posibilidad de la podredumbre del tallo. En segundo lugar, el volumen relativamente pequeño de agua que se puede mantener en una botella de cerveza, junto con el hecho de que la mayoría de la cerveza botellas color oscuro, aumenta el riesgo de que el nivel del agua en una botella puede llegar a ser insuficiente y pasar desapercibido. This risk is especially great if the bottles are being kept in their six-pack holders. Este riesgo es especialmente grande si las botellas se mantienen en su paquete de seis titulares. Therefore, take care to occasionally examine the water levels and top-up those bottles that appear low. Por lo tanto, tenga cuidado de examinar de vez en cuando los niveles de agua y recarga las botellas que aparecen bajo. Fill your rooting vase with room temperature purified drinking water. Llena tu vaso de enraizamiento con temperatura ambiente, agua potable purificada. (Do this before placing the cutting in the vase to prevent accidentally pouring water inside the hollow stem and thereby increasing the chance of stem rot.) (Haga esto antes de realizar el corte en el vaso para evitar que accidentalmente verter agua en el interior del tallo hueco y aumentando así la posibilidad de la podredumbre del tallo).

We do not recommend using rooting compound. Nosotros no recomendamos el uso de compuestos de enraizamiento. Not only are many rooting compounds toxic, but we have not found them necessary. No sólo son muchos compuestos tóxicos de enraizamiento, pero no hemos encontrado que es necesario. If you do use a rooting compound, we suggest Olivia's Cloning Gel®, a balanced blend of rooting agent and fertilizer in a viscous water soluble gel base that seals the cutting and may help protect against infection. Si utiliza un compuesto de enraizamiento, se sugiere Olivia clonación Gel ®, una mezcla equilibrada de enraizamiento agente y fertilizantes en un gel soluble en base de agua viscosa que sella el corte y puede ayudar a proteger contra la infección. An old gardener 's trick is to put a cutting of pussy willow ( Salix discolor ) or corkscrew willow ( Salis matsudana ) in the water with other cuttings you are seeking to root. viejo jardinero s Un truco es poner un corte de cola de gato (Salix discolor) o sauce sacacorchos (Salis matsudana) en el agua con recortes de otras que están tratando de raíz.

Willows are strong producers of auxin, a water soluble growth hormone. Los sauces son fuertes productores de la auxina, una hormona de crecimiento solubles en agua. (Willow branches set in water will actually begin visible root formation in less than two days.) Because auxin is water soluble it flows out of the cut willow stems and is taken up by the S. divinorum cuttings, thereby prompting root formation. (Ramas de sauce establecidos en el agua

comenzará realmente la formación de raíces visibles en menos de dos días.) Debido a que la auxina es soluble en agua que fluye fuera de la corte los tallos de sauce y es absorbida por los cortes de la S. divinorum, lo que provocó la formación de raíces. You can get fresh cut branches of pussy willow and corkscrew willow at almost any florist. Usted puede conseguir cortar ramas frescas de cola de gato y el sauce del sacacorchos en casi cualquier floristería. The downside to using a willow cutting is that you may unwittingly introduce pathogens into the water. La desventaja de usar un corte de sauce es que sin darse cuenta puede introducir patógenos en el agua. Some growers wash their cuttings in an antifungal to reduce the risk of stem rot. Algunos productores de lavarse las estacas en un antifúngico para reducir el riesgo de la pudrición del tallo. We have not found this necessary so long as only purified drinking water is the rooting liquid and the rooting vase is thoroughly clean. No hemos encontrado lo requieran, siempre y cuando sólo agua potable purificada es el líquido de enraizamiento y el vaso de enraizamiento esté completamente limpio. An alternative to commercial fungicides is a mixture of 1 tablespoon bleach to 1 gallon water. Una alternativa a los fungicidas comerciales es una mezcla de 1 cucharada de blanqueador a 1 galón de agua.

If your cutting was not just removed from the mother plant, take a very sharp blade and re-cut the bottom, approximately 6 mm (0.25 in) below the lowest node. Si el corte no se acaban de retirar la planta madre, tomar una hoja muy afilada y volver a cortar la parte inferior, de aproximadamente 6 mm (0,25 pulgadas) por debajo del nudo inferior. Make sure you have the cutting properly oriented before you make the cut. Asegúrese de que tiene el corte correctamente orientado antes de hacer el corte. Immediately after making the fresh cut, carefully lower the cutting into the prepared water- filled rooting vase. Inmediatamente después de hacer el corte fresco, baje con cuidado el corte en el vaso de agua lleno de enraizamiento preparados. At least one node should be above the water line and at least one below. Immediately place the vase into the waiting humidity chamber and give the cutting a series of squirts from a hand mister. Por lo menos un nodo debe estar por encima de la línea de agua y al menos una continuación. Inmediatamente coloque el vaso en la cámara de humedad de espera y dar a la corte una serie de chorros de un señor mano.

Waiting for roots to form Esperando a las raíces para formar

Your cutting should now spend all its time inside the humidity chamber. Su corte ahora debería pasar todo su tiempo en la cámara de humedad. It's optimum if you can keep the inside temperature of the chamber at around 21°C (70°F). Es óptimo si se puede mantener la temperatura interior de la cámara alrededor de 21 ° C (70 ° F). The chamber should be well-lit, but not in direct sun. La cámara debe estar bien iluminado, pero no al sol directo.

The humidity inside the chamber should approach 100 percent. La humedad dentro de la cámara debe acercarse al 100 por ciento. This is easy to achieve by occasionally opening the top of the chamber and misting the inside with room temperature purified drinking water. Esto

es fácil de conseguir de vez en cuando la apertura de la parte superior de la cámara de nebulización y el interior con temperatura de agua potable purificada habitación. You can combat stress and promote quicker rooting, by foliar feeding once a day. Usted puede combatir el estrés y promover la más rápida de enraizamiento, por la alimentación foliar una vez al día. To do this, fill another misting bottle with ¼ strength Stern's Miracle Gro® or Earth Juice® along with two tablespoons seaweed extract per gallon. Para ello, llene otra botella de nebulización con ¼ de la fuerza de Stern Milagro Gro ® o Jugo Earth ®, junto con dos cucharadas de extracto de algas marinas por galón. Each time you mist or foliar feed, fan the air in the chamber a bit before you spray to provide some beneficial air circulation. Cada vez que pienso o foliar la niebla, ventilador del aire en la cámara un poco antes de que aerosol para proporcionar una cierta circulación de aire beneficioso.

In our experience, if you follow these procedures and keep the chamber in indirect sunlight or under bright fluorescent lights (dark at night is fine), the cutting should produce roots in two to three weeks. En nuestra experiencia, si usted sigue estos procedimientos y mantener la cámara a la luz solar indirecta o bajo las luces brillantes fluorescentes (oscuridad de la noche está muy bien), el corte debe producir raíces en dos o tres semanas. You may even begin to see new leaf and side shoot growth. Usted puede incluso comenzar a ver la página y el crecimiento de brotes secundarios.

The first sign of roots will be tiny pin-prick-size white pimples that will appear on the stem. El primer signo de raíces que se vean pequeños granos blancos pin-prick-tamaño que aparecerá en el tallo. A few days after these appear, they will begin to lengthen, quickly becoming delicate thin roots. pocos días después de una éstos aparecen, se comienzan a alargarse, convirtiéndose rápidamente en delicadas raíces delgadas. In the humidity chamber, with daily spray bottle misting, it is not uncommon for these roots to form above the waterline and reach out into the humid air, looking like neuronal dendrites. En la cámara de humedad, con un spray de nebulización botella diaria, no es raro que estas raíces para formar por encima de la línea de flotación y llegar en el aire húmedo, el aspecto de las dendritas neuronales.

When the roots are approximately 2.5 cm (1 in) long, it's time to plant the cutting in soil. Cuando las raíces son de aproximadamente 2,5 cm (1 pulgada) de largo, es el momento para plantar el corte en el suelo. Letting the roots grow any longer seems to make them more susceptible to shock and increases the opportunity for stem rot. Dejar que las raíces crecen por más tiempo parece que los hacen más susceptibles a los golpes y aumenta la posibilidad de que la pudrición del tallo.

Planting in soil La siembra en el suelo

Once your cutting has rooted in water, the next step is to plant it in its first soil pot. Una vez que el corte tiene sus raíces en el agua, el paso siguiente es la planta en la maceta del suelo en primer lugar. Obtain a pot that is tall enough to allow soil to cover all the newly-formed roots. Obtener una olla que es lo suficientemente alto como para permitir que el suelo para cubrir todas las raíces recién formadas. The pot must have sufficient drainage holes. Several holes around the periphery of the hase allow better drainage than one single hole in the center. Healthy S. divinorum can produce a large root mass quickly. El bote debe tener agujeros de drenaje suficiente. Agujeros Varios alrededor de la periferia de la hase permitir un mejor drenaje de un solo agujero en el centro. Saludables S. divinorum puede producir un mayor volumen de raíces rápidamente. We recommend you start your cutting in no smaller than a one gallon pot to avoid having to re-pot too soon. Se recomienda iniciar el corte en no menor de un galón olla una para evitar tener que volver a bote antes de tiempo. We routinely start ours in fifteen gallon pofs (and larger) and thcreby avoid re-potting altogether. En forma rutinaria nuestro inicio en quince POFs galón (y mayores) y thcreby evitar la re-encapsulamiento total.

For S. divinorum we only use plastic pots, not terracotta. Para S. divinorum sólo utilizamos macetas de plástico, no de terracota. ln our experience, terra-cotta pots allow too much side evaporation to occur. En nuestra experiencia, macetas de terra-cotta lado permiten la evaporación demasiado a ocurrir. The soil in plastic pots dries out slower and forces the water to evaporate off the soil surface, thereby exposing the underside of the plant to a very fine upward-rising mist. El suelo se seca en macetas de plástico fuera más lento y las fuerzas que el agua se evapora de la superficie del suelo, exponiendo la parte inferior de la planta con una multa ascendente-el aumento de la niebla muy. Just be sure you don't over-water, as plastic pots are more conducive to root rot than terracotta pots. Sólo asegúrese de no sobre el agua, como macetas de plástico son más conducentes a la pudrición de raíces que las ollas de barro.

Once you have mixed your soil (see p. 26), fill the bottom of your pot with your mixture. Una vez que haya mezclado el suelo (ver p. 26), llene la parte inferior de la olla con la mezcla. Then, carefully rest the hase of your cutting on this soil as you sprinkle handfuls of your soil mixture around the stem, being very careful not to tear the fine root hairs. Luego, con cuidado el resto hase de su corte en este suelo a medida que espolvorear puñados de la mezcla del suelo alrededor del tronco, teniendo mucho cuidado de no romper los pelos de raíces finas.

Loosely pack soil around the cutting until all the roots are covered and at least one leaf node protrudes from the soil. Sin apretar paquete de suelo alrededor de la corte hasta que todas las raíces están cubiertas y al menos un nodo de la hoja sobresale del suelo. The soil should be firm but not compressed too tightly. El suelo debe ser firme pero no demasiado firmemente comprimido.

Once in soil, give the plant a slow but thorough watering with room temperature fish emulsion solution mixed at 1/2 the manufacture's recommendation (using purified water is no longer necessary). Una vez en el suelo, dan a la planta una lenta pero profunda de riego con la temperatura del pescado solución emulsión sala mixta a / 2 a la fabricación de la recomendación 1 (con agua purificada ya no es necesario). Immediately, place the potted plant back into the humidity chamber or into a humidity tent (see next section). Inmediatamente, coloque la planta en maceta de nuevo en la cámara de humedad o en una tienda de humedad (ver sección siguiente).

Constructing a humidity tent La construcción de una tienda de humedad

The humidity chamber, described earlier, is a great aid for rooting cuttings. La cámara de humedad, descrito anteriormente, es una gran ayuda para el enraizamiento de estacas. But, it is too small and, being made of glass, too fragile to host potted plants. Sin embargo, es demasiado pequeño y, al ser de vidrio, demasiado frágil para albergar las plantas en maceta. Therefore, we strongly suggest that before you pot your young rooted cutting, you prepare a larger humidity-controlled environment, which we call a humidity "tent". Por lo tanto, le recomendamos que antes de que bote el corte de raíces jóvenes, a preparar un control de humedad ambiente más amplio, lo que llamamos una humedad "tienda".

Small humidity tents approximately 90 cm (3 ft) tall, made of plastic, and looking somewhat like fully enclosed oblong umbrellas with bottoms, can be found advertised in the back of gardening magazines or at specialty gardening stores. Pequeñas tiendas de humedad de aproximadamente 90 cm (3 pies) de altura, hecha de plástico, y buscando algo como completamente cerrado oblonga paraguas con los fondos, se encuentra anunciado en la parte posterior de las revistas de jardinería o en tiendas de jardinería especialidad. These tents work well for young S. divinorum plants. Estas tiendas funcionan bien para las plantas jóvenes S. divinorum. The humidity can be controlled by a small ultrasonic humidifier set on a timer, or by simply squirting inside the tent with a hand mister a few times each day. La humedad puede ser controlada por un humidificador ultrasónico pequeño conjunto en un temporizador, o simplemente chorros dentro de la tienda con un señor a mano un par de veces cada día. lt will not take long, however, for your plant to outgrow such a small tent. lt no tomará mucho tiempo, sin embargo, para su planta a superar esta pequeña tienda de campaña.

A very good humidity-controlled environment, capable of housing a dozen or so mature S. divinorum plants, can be made for about $140 by utilizing an off-the-shelf "screen tent" available in the sporting goods department of K-Mart, Target, or similar stores. Un buen control de humedad ambiente muy, capaz de albergar uno o más maduros S. divinorum docena de plantas, se puede hacer por alrededor de $ 140 por la utilización de un off-the-shelf "tienda de la pantalla", disponible en el departamento de productos deportivos de K-Mart, Target, o tiendas similares. The tents are sold as shade or mosquito tents to protect picnickers,

and feature fabric tops and fully-screened side walls. Las tiendas se venden como los mosquitos o las tiendas de sombra para proteger a excursionistas, y las tapas de tela de características y detección paredes laterales-en su totalidad.

The best tent for our purposes has no bottom, but is otherwise fully enclosed with screen and has quality tall zipper entrances. La mejor tienda para nuestros propósitos no tiene fondo, pero por lo demás completamente cerrado con la pantalla y tiene una calidad de entradas cremallera de altura. The screen allows in filtered sunlight, and helps contain humidity, while still allowing plenty of air circulation. La pantalla permite que la luz solar filtrada, y ayuda a contener la humedad, al tiempo que permite un montón de circulación de aire. Another benefit to using such a tent is that beneficial insects released inside it stay around much longer than if released in an open environment. Otro beneficio de usar una tienda de campaña es que los insectos benéficos en libertad dentro de él quedarse por mucho más tiempo que si se liberan en un entorno abierto.

The grower who devised this system lives in an arid climate that regularly reaches above 35°C (95°F) in the summer. El productor que ideó este sistema de vida en un clima árido que regularmente llega a más de 35 ° C (95 ° F) en verano. He purchased a screen tent for about $120 at Target and rigged it with a rudimentary Raindrip® watering system fitted with five misting nozzles (Part No. R1 63C) suspended from the inside top and sides. Turning on the water a few times a day for a few minutes (this can be set on a timer), creates a perfect environment in which S. divinorum thrives ( Boire 1997 ). Él compró una tienda de pantalla por alrededor de $ 120 en blanco y aparejado con un rudimentario sistema de riego Raindrip ® equipada con cinco boquillas de nebulización (N º de pieza R1 63C) suspendido de la parte superior por dentro y por partes. Volviendo sobre el agua un par de veces al día durante unos minutos (esto se puede establecer en un contador de tiempo), crea un ambiente perfecto en el que la S. divinorum prospera ( Boire 1.997 ).

Everyone who has seen our full-size humidity tent (outfitted as above), has marveled at the ideal S. divinorum environment. Todos los que han visto el tamaño de nuestra tienda de campaña llena de humedad (equipado que el anterior), se ha maravillado en la S. divinorum entorno ideal. The leaves of our plants average 18 cm (7 in) in length and occasionally reach 25 cm (10 in). Las hojas de las plantas promedio de 18 cm (7 pulgadas) de largo y en ocasiones alcanzan los 25 cm (10 pulgadas). If you live in an excessively arid, hot, sunny, or windy location, we strongly recommend that you utilize such a tent. Si usted vive en una región árida, caliente y soleado, con viento o ubicación en exceso, le recomendamos que utilice una tienda de campaña. lt is not only useful for growing S. divinorum, but numerous other plants with a shamanic history. lt no sólo es útil para el cultivo de la S. divinorum, pero numerosas otras plantas con antecedentes chamánicos.

In the winter months, the humidity tent is easily covered (for about $10.00) with plastic sheeting. En los meses de invierno, la tienda de humedad es fácilmente cubierto (por alrededor de $ 10.00) con láminas de plástico. In places with a mild winter, this creates an inexpensive, but functional greenhouse in which your plants can survive the winter. En lugares con un invierno suave, esto crea una, pero funcional de efecto invernadero de bajo costo en el cual las plantas pueden sobrevivir el invierno. Come spring, cut larger and larger "windows" in the plastic sheeting to modulate the relative humidity and inside temperature over a several week period until you have removed all the plastic covering. Al llegar la primavera, corte cada vez más grandes "ventanas" en la lona de plástico para modular la humedad relativa y temperatura en el interior durante un período de varias semanas hasta que haya retirado toda la cubierta de plástico.

Growing outside a humidity tent Crecer fuera de una tienda de humedad

Despite what many people believe, it is possible to grow Salvia divinorum outside a humidity-controlled environment, it just takes some care and attention. A pesar de lo que muchos creen, es posible cultivar la Salvia divinorum fuera de un entorno controlado por la humedad, sólo requiere un poco de cuidado y atención. Many growers have given up on this after removing a plant from a humidity-controlled environment and finding it completely wilted only an hour later. Muchos agricultores han renunciado a esto después de la eliminación de una planta de un entorno controlado por la humedad y resulta completamente marchitas sólo una hora después.

The trick to growing S. divinorum in a non-humidity-controlled environment is careful "hardening off". El truco a la creciente S. divinorum en un entorno no-con control de humedad es cuidadoso "endurecimiento". Growing S. Crecimiento S. divinorum in a humidity-controlled environment makes the plants "soft" and less able to cope with environmental changes, but if you help them adjust they are able to do so. divinorum en un entorno controlado por la humedad hace que las plantas "suave" y menos capaces de hacer frente a los cambios ambientales, pero si usted les ayuda a ajustar son capaces de hacerlo. Never remove a S. divinorum plant from a humidity-controlled environment and leave it out in the open air all at once. Nunca quite una planta de la S. divinorum de un medio ambiente controlado de humedad y se deja en el aire libre de una vez. You must incrementally give the plant more and more exposure to dry air, wind, and sunlight. Usted debe dar gradualmente plantar más y más la exposición de la al aire seco, el viento y la luz del sol. The best technique is the following. Water your plant thoroughly, remove it from the humidity tent, and set it in a shady, wind-protected spot. Give the plant a hand misting. La mejor técnica es la siguiente. Riegue su planta de fondo, retírelo de la tienda de humedad, y la puso en una, protegida del viento lugar a la sombra. Dar a la planta una nebulización mano. Set a timer to alert you when one hour has passed. Use un cronómetro para que le avise cuando haya pasado una hora. When the timer rings, return the plant to its controlled environment. Cuando suene la alarma, el rendimiento de la planta a su medio ambiente controlado. Each day, remove the plant for an additional hour, so that by the end of two weeks it is spending all day outdoors. Todos los días, retire la

planta durante una hora adicional, de modo que al cabo de dos semanas es pasar todo el día al aire libre. Pay attention to how the sun moves to ensure that a plant placed in morning shade does not receive direct afternoon sunlight. Preste atención a cómo el sol se mueve para asegurar que una planta colocada en la sombra por la mañana no recibe luz solar directa por la tarde. Once the plant is acclimated, it should be given a permanent home in a wind protected location that receives filtered sunlight. Una vez que la planta está aclimatada, se le debe dar un hogar permanente en un lugar protegido del viento que recibe la luz del sol se filtra. Consider installing a drip watering system with misting nozzles for ease of care. Considere instalar un sistema de riego por goteo con boquillas para facilitar su cuidado.

Optimum growing parameters Óptima de los parámetros de crecimiento

Soil Suelo

Salvia divinorum does best in loose rich potting soil and/or leaf mold, with good drainage. Salvia divinorum es mejor perder un suelo rico en macetas y / o moho de la hoja, con buen drenaje. We do not use perlite or vermiculite, but many other successful growers do. No utilizamos perlita o vermiculita, pero lo hacen otros muchos productores exitosos. We avoid soil that contains any redwood or cedar chips. Evitamos el suelo que contiene fichas de secoya o cedro. Our best results have been obtained by using slightly aged (ie, brown) grass clippings and a little aged steer manure, mixed with good, rich, dark potting soil, compost, and coarse sand. Nuestros mejores resultados se han obtenido utilizando un poco de edad (es decir, marrón) recortes de césped y un poco de estiércol de buey de edad, mezclado con el bien, y oscura tierra para macetas ricos, compost y arena gruesa.

Soils in tropical environments like the Sierra Mazateca typically contain a great amount of organic material. The natural breakdown of this organic material produces a pH that is slightly acidic and also aerates the soil. Los suelos en ambientes tropicales como la Sierra Mazateca suelen contener una gran cantidad de material orgánico. La distribución natural de esta materia orgánica produce un pH que es ligeramente ácida y airea el suelo. We have found that S. divinorum does well by duplicating these soil conditions. Hemos encontrado que la S. divinorum hace bien mediante la duplicación de estas condiciones de suelo.

The soil mixture we use is: La mezcla de tierra que utilizamos es:

1 part aged grass cuttings Una parte de entre cortes de la hierba

1 part compost 1 parte de compost

1 part coarse sand 1 parte de arena gruesa

½ part aged steer manure parte media de edad de dirección del estiércol

3 parts rich soil 3 partes de tierra fértil

Another successful grower we know ( Chomicz 1998 ) uses the following soil mix with great success: Otro productor de éxito que conocemos ( Chomicz 1998 ) utiliza la mezcla de tierra con gran éxito las siguientes:

2 five-gallon buckets coconut "coir" fiber (or substitute black peat) 2 baldes de cinco galones de coco "coco" de la fibra (o turba negro sustituto)

1 bucket coarse sand Una cubeta con arena gruesa

1 bucket vermiculite 1 cubo de vermiculita

1 bucket perlite 1 cubo de perlita

1 bucket rich soil Un cubo de un suelo rico

1 bucket compost 1 cubo de abono

6 cups of an equal part blend of organic nutrients: colloidal phosphate, greensand, and bloodmeal 6 tazas de una mezcla de partes iguales de materia orgánica: fosfato coloidal, arena verde, y la harina de sangre

¼ cup ground limestone (double if using peat) ¼ de taza de suelo calizo (el doble si se utiliza la turba)

Leander Valdés, who studied S. divinorum at the University of Michigan, used the following mixture: Leandro Valdés, quien estudió la S. divinorum en la Universidad de Michigan, que se utiliza la siguiente mezcla:

4 parts soil 4 partes de tierra

2 parts peat moss 2 partes de turba

1 part vermiculite 1 parte de vermiculita

1 part perlite 1 parte de perlita

You may wish to experiment with these formulas. Es posible que desee experimentar con estas fórmulas. If you are concerned that your soil may be too dense or clay-like, try adding some styrofoam packing "noodles" used to protect fragile items. Si usted está preocupado de que su suelo puede ser demasiado densa o de arcilla, como, pruebe a añadir algunos de embalaje de espuma de poliestireno "fideos" que se utiliza para proteger los objetos frágiles. Break them up with a hand trowel and thoroughly mix them into your soil. Rotura de los mismos con una

pala de mano y mezclar bien ellos en su tierra. They are completely inert and work well at lightening soil (and, mixing them into soil provokes an interesting meditation on modernity). Ellos son completamente inertes y funcionan bien en el suelo un rayo (y, mezclándolos en el suelo provoca una reflexión interesante sobre la modernidad).

Regardless of what soil mixture you use, try to keep your soil pH between 6.1 and 6.6. Independientemente de lo que se utiliza mezcla de tierra, trate de mantener el pH del suelo entre 6.1 y 6.6. Were able to achieve this by watering approximately once a month with Stern's Miracid® or with a solution of 1 tablespoon of 50- grain (5 percent) natural apple cider vinegar to one gallon of water. Fueron capaces de lograr esto mediante el riego aproximadamente una vez al mes con los Miracid Stern ® o con una solución de 1 cucharada de 50 - de grano (5 por ciento), vinagre de sidra natural a un galón de agua.

If your soil is too alkaline (above 7.0) you can make it more acidic by mixing in small amounts of powdered sulfur or chelated iron. Si el suelo es demasiado alcalina (por encima de 7.0) que puede hacer que sea más ácida mediante la mezcla en pequeñas cantidades de azufre o quelato de hierro en polvo. If your soil is way too acidic, add ground limestone or crushed oyster shells to increase the alkalinity. Si el suelo es demasiado ácido, añadir piedra caliza molida o triturada ostras para aumentar la alcalinidad.

Temperature Temperatura

In its "natural" environment of the Sierra Mazateca, the highest temperature is about 26°C (78°F), and more typically ranges between 16-21°C (60-70°F). En su medio "natural" de la Sierra Mazateca, la temperatura más alta es de 26 ° C (78 ° F), y más generalmente oscila entre 16 a 21 ° C (60-70 ° F). Salvia divinorum does best in a relatively cool and mild climate. Above 29°C (85°F), any plant that isn't well acclimated, or inside a humidity tent, will show signs of wilting. Salvia divinorum es mejor en un lugar fresco y suave clima relativamente. Por encima de 29 ° C (85 ° F), cualquier planta que no está bien aclimatado, o dentro de una tienda de humedad, se muestran signos de marchitamiento. If your plant is properly acclimated and/or inside a humidity tent, it should withstand warm days without any harm. Si la planta está bien aclimatados y / o dentro de una tienda de humedad, que debe soportar días de calor sin ningún tipo de daño. On very hot days, simply leave the misters on longer. En los días de mucho calor, simplemente deje el rociadores más tiempo.

If the temperature drops below freezing, S. divinorum will quickly die, wilting and turning a horrifying black overnight. Si la temperatura desciende bajo cero, la S. divinorum morirá rápidamente, marchitez y convertir un día para otro negro horrible. Therefore, if you live in a cold location you will need to move your S. divinorum plants indoors or into a heated greenhouse during the severest winter months. Por lo tanto, si usted vive en un lugar frío

tendrá que mover sus plantas de S. divinorum en el interior o en un invernadero con calefacción durante los meses de invierno más severo. We have not discovered any way to resuscitate a frozen plant. No hemos descubierto ninguna forma de resucitar a una planta de congelado. The best you can do, should one of your plants fall victim to unexpected cold temperatures, is to cut it back to about 26 cm (10 in) above the soil level, and hope that the rootball survived. Lo mejor que puede hacer, si una de sus plantas son víctimas inesperadas bajas temperaturas, es volver a cortar unos 26 cm (10 pulgadas) por encima del nivel del suelo, y la esperanza de que el cepellón sobrevivido. Come warmer temperatures, the plant might recover - but many don't. Ven a temperaturas más cálidas, la planta puede recuperarse - pero muchos no lo hacen. (Plants that do grow back after a freeze often grow prolifically because of the well-developed rootmass.) (Las plantas que vuelven a crecer después de una congelación a menudo crecen prolíficamente debido a la desarrollada rootmass así.)

Most growers who move their plants indoors during the winter, perform their major leaf harvest in late summer. This garners a substantial amount of foliage while also making it much easier to move the otherwise lanky plants with less risk of damage. La mayoría de los productores que se desplazan en el interior de sus plantas durante el invierno, lleve a cabo su importante cosecha de hojas a finales de verano. Este graneros una cantidad considerable de hojas al mismo tiempo lo que es mucho más fácil mover el larguirucho plantas de otra manera con un menor riesgo de daño. Cut the plants back to about 26 cm (10 in) above the soil level. Cortar las plantas a unos 26 cm (10 pulgadas) por encima del nivel del suelo. They will heal and grow just a hit during the fall. Ellos sanar y crecer sólo un golpe durante la caída. As temperatures grow colder move them inside under artificial lights or into a heated greenhouse. Cuando las temperaturas crecen más fríos que se mueven en el interior bajo luces artificiales o en un invernadero con calefacción.

Another winter option is to force your plants into dormancy by cutting them back and moving them to a fairly well-lit but cool shelter - no colder than 4°C (40°F). Otra opción de invierno es la fuerza de sus plantas en dormancia por el corte de nuevo y moverlos a un lugar bien iluminado pero fresco refugio bastante - no más frío a 4 ° C (40 ° F). With little or no leaves on them, the plants require watering only about once every six weeks (no misting is required) and can withstand at least four months of such conditions without harm ( Beifuss 1998 ). Con poco o nada deja en ellos, las plantas requieren de riego sólo una vez cada seis semanas (no nebulización es necesario) y puede soportar al menos cuatro meses a partir de esas condiciones sin causar daño ( Beifuss 1998 ). This is a good technique for those who wish a vacation from tending their plants year-round. Esta es una buena técnica para aquellos que desean unas vacaciones de cuidado de sus plantas durante todo el año.

Misting, watering & feeding La nebulización, riego y la alimentación

Even well-established Salvia divinorum plants do best with regular misting. Incluso las plantas de Salvia divinorum bien establecida mejor con nebulización regular. If you only have a few plants, this can be done with a hand spray bottle, filled with room temperature purified water. Si sólo tiene unas pocas plantas, esto se puede hacer con una botella de spray a mano, llena de temperatura de agua purificada habitación. Water quality can markedly affect S. divinorum. La calidad del agua pueden afectar notablemente a la S. divinorum. You might consider experimenting with collected rainwater, unless you live in an area affected by acid rain. Usted podría considerar la posibilidad de experimentar con el agua de lluvia recogida, a menos que usted vive en una zona afectada por la lluvia ácida. (Check the pH of collected rainwater before using it.) (Marque el pH del agua de lluvia recolectada antes de usarlo.)

Avoid tap water that is excessively hard (ie, above 150 ppm hardness), or water with sodium levels above 50 ppm (a level which some municipal water can exceed even without softening). Evite el agua del grifo que es excesivamente dura (es decir, por encima de la dureza de 150 ppm), o agua con niveles de sodio por encima de 50 ppm (un nivel que un poco de agua municipal puede superar incluso sin ablandar). Water above these levels has a deleterious effect upon S. divinorum. Agua por encima de estos niveles tiene un efecto deletéreo sobre la S. divinorum.

If you have several plants, we recommend that you purchase a pump-type spray bottle. Si tiene varias plantas, se recomienda que usted compra una botella de spray-tipo. These bottles hold about two liters of water and have a pump that protrudes from the cap. Estas botellas tienen alrededor de dos litros de agua y tiene una bomba que sobresale de la tapa. After pumping them up, they emit a fine spray just by squeezing the trigger. Después de bombear para arriba, que emiten un rocío fino con sólo apretar el gatillo. These bottles can be purchased at K-Mart for about $10.00. Estas botellas se pueden comprar en K-Mart por alrededor de $ 10.00.

If your plants are grown outdoors or in a humidity tent, we strongly recommend that you set up a drip watering system that utilizes misting nozzles. Si las plantas se cultivan al aire libre o en una tienda de humedad, se recomienda encarecidamente que configure un sistema de riego por goteo que utiliza boquillas de nebulización. (The Raindrip® misting nozzle mentioned earlier delivers 3 gallons per hour.) This is certainly the most efficient way to mist your plants. (El Raindrip ® boquilla de nebulización se mencionó anteriormente ofrece 3 galones por hora.) Este es sin duda la forma más eficiente a la niebla de sus plantas. You can set such a system on a timer to turn on for five minutes several times per day, or you can turn the water on by hand. Regular misting keeps the soil damp on top, but don't make the mistake of thinking that regular watering is not also required. Puede establecer un sistema en un temporizador para encender durante cinco minutos varias veces al día, o puede convertir el agua en la mano. Nebulización regular mantiene el suelo húmedo en la parte superior, pero no cometas el error de pensar que regular riego no es necesario.

We water our S. divinorum every 7 to 10 days with a fish emulsion mixture, according to directions on the bottle. Regamos nuestra S. divinorum cada 7 a 10 días con una mezcla de emulsión de pescado, de acuerdo con las instrucciones en la botella. We use Alaska® "fish fertilizer", which is 5-1-1. There are some drawbacks to using fish emulsion. Utilizamos Alaska ® "abono de pescado", que es 5-1-1. Hay algunos inconvenientes a la emulsión de pescado utilizando. As you would expect, fish emulsion stinks, and you should seriously consider this before watering indoor plants with it. Como era de esperar, emulsión de pescado huele mal, y usted debería considerar seriamente esta antes de regar las plantas de interior de la misma. Even for outdoor plants, the fishy odor is strong enough to call out to roaming cats, dogs, possums, or other animals. Incluso para las plantas al aire libre, el olor a pescado es lo suficientemente fuerte como para llamar a los gatos de itinerancia, los perros, zarigüeyas y otros animales. Therefore, if you feed your plants with fish emulsion be sure they are in a protected location where curious animals cannot get to them! Por lo tanto, si usted alimenta sus plantas con emulsión de pescado asegurarse de que están en un lugar protegido donde los animales curiosos no puede llegar a ellos! Also, more than powdered fertilizers, fish emulsion seems to attract insect pests. Además, más de fertilizantes en polvo, emulsión de pescado parece atraer a las plagas de insectos. All things considered, it is still our choice of fertilizer. A fin de cuentas, sigue siendo la elección de los fertilizantes.

Every third watering or so, rather than use fish emulsion we use Stern's Miracid® a 30-10-10 fertilizer that contains chelated iron, magnesium and zinc. Cada tercer riego más o menos, en lugar de emulsión de pescado uso que el uso de Miracid Stern ® un fertilizante 30-10-10 que contiene quelato de hierro, magnesio y zinc. This helps keep our soil slightly acidic. Esto ayuda a mantener nuestro suelo ligeramente ácido. We water about one-third as often in the winter months, but mist just as frequently. Tenemos el agua alrededor de un tercio con tanta frecuencia en los meses de invierno, pero la niebla tan frecuente. In his experiments at the University of Michigan, Valdés fertilized his plants once per week with Stern's Miracle Gro® a 15-30-15 fertilizer. En sus experimentos en la Universidad de Michigan, Valdés fertilizado sus plantas una vez por semana con Stern's Miracle Gro ® un fertilizante 15-30-15. To increase the acidity of the solution he added I ml of an 85% phosphoric acid solution per 5 gallons of water ( Valdés et al. 1987 ). Para aumentar la acidez de la solución que he añadido ml de una solución de ácido fosfórico 85% por cada 5 galones de agua ( Valdés et al. 1987 ). The soil should never be allowed to become bone dry. El suelo no se debe permitir que se seca. By watering once every 7 to 10 days, and misting every day, our soil cycles from very wet immediately after watering, to almost dry on the day before the next watering. Al regar una vez cada 7 a 10 días, y nebulización todos los días, nuestros ciclos de suelo de muy húmedo inmediatamente después del riego, para secar casi el día antes del siguiente riego. Allowing the soil moisture to cycle in this way encourages aeration and guards against root rot. Permitir que la humedad del suelo para pasar de esta manera promueve la aireación y la protege contra la pudrición de la raíz.

Light Luz

Salvia divinorum does best in filtered sunlight. Salvia divinorum es mejor la luz solar filtrada. Conventional wisdom is to avoid all direct sunlight and such advice is, by and large, good advice. La sabiduría convencional es evitar toda la luz solar directa y el asesoramiento como es, y, un buen consejo general. We have found, however, that once acclimated, S. divinorum does fine with some direct sunlight each day. Hemos encontrado, sin embargo, que una vez aclimatados, S. divinorum se multa con algunos rayos directos del sol cada día. A plant that gets too much direct sunlight will start to develop smaller deformed and coarse leaves. Una planta que recibe luz directa del sol demasiado comenzará a desarrollar pequeñas y gruesas hojas deformadas.

Once they have been potted into soil, we grow all our plants in natural sunlight. Una vez que han sido plantadas en el suelo, nos hacemos todas nuestras plantas de luz natural. The single best supplement to natural light is a high pressure sodium (HPS) lamp. El mejor suplemento individual a la luz natural es una de sodio de alta presión (HPS) de la lámpara. An HPS lamp is more efficient than an equivalent watt metal halide lamp and its spectrum of light is more conducive to the rooting of new cuttings. Una lámpara de HPS es más eficiente que una lámpara de halogenuros metálicos vatios equivalentes y su espectro de luz más favorable para el enraizamiento de estacas nuevas. As a supplement to natural light, a 400 watt HPS lamp will illuminate a primary growing area of just under 2 square meters (about 6 ft x 6 ft). Como complemento a la luz natural, una lámpara de 400 vatios HPS se iluminará una zona de cultivo primario de algo menos de 2 metros cuadrados (alrededor de 6 pies x 6 pies). For growers with three or fewer plants, a 250 watt HPS lamp should suffice. Para los productores con tres o menos plantas, de 250 vatios de HPS debería ser suficiente.

Plants grown exclusively under a sodium lamp, however, will be slightly leggier than plants grown under a metal halide lamp. Las plantas que crecen exclusivamente en virtud de una lámpara de sodio, sin embargo, será un poco leggier que las plantas cultivadas bajo una lámpara de halogenuros metálicos. Therefore, if you are growing S. divinorum without any natural light and want to maximize vegetative growth, a metal halide lamp is your best choice ( Chomicz 1998 ). Por lo tanto, si usted está creciendo la S. divinorum sin luz natural y quieren maximizar el crecimiento vegetativo, una lámpara de halogenuros metálicos es su mejor opción ( Chomicz 1.998 ). Valdés reported that his plants did well under cool white VHO fluorescent lights ( Valdés et al. 1987 ). Valdés informó que sus plantas le fue bien en fresco luces fluorescentes VHO blanco ( Valdés et al. 1987 ). Another grower has successfully used a 400 watt metal halide lamp to illuminate a 2.5 square meter (about 8 ft x 8 ft) growing space ( Beifuss 1997 ). Otro agricultor ha utilizado con éxito un metal de 400 vatios para iluminar la lámpara de haluro un cuadrado de 2,5 metros (cerca de 8 pies x 8 pies) de espacio de crecimiento ( Beifuss 1.997 ). He reports that the leaves lighten in color, but this does not seem to harm the plants nor affect their potency. Él informa que las hojas se aclare su color, pero esto no parece hacer daño a las plantas ni afecten a su potencia.

When using a high-watt lamp (HPS or metal halide), keep the lamp at least two feet above the plants to avoid burning them. Cuando se utiliza un vatio de la lámpara de alta (HPS o de halogenuros metálicos), mantenga la lámpara por lo menos dos pies por encima de las plantas para evitar su combustión. A reddish blush to the leaves indicates that the light is still too close to the plant tops. Because high-watt lamps emit a dry heat, extra misting may be necessary. Un rubor de color rojizo a las hojas indica que la luz está todavía demasiado cerca de la parte superior de la planta. Porque vatios lámparas de alta emiten un calor seco, nebulización adicionales que sean necesarias. Before doing this however, shield the lamp from water droplets. Antes de hacer esto sin embargo, escudo de la lámpara de gotas de agua. Hot lamps can explode if water hits them! lámparas calientes pueden explotar si el agua llega a ellos! Under artificial light, S. divinorum foliage is maximized with eighteen hours of light per day. Bajo luz artificial, follaje S. divinorum se maximiza con dieciocho horas de luz por día. To produce flowers, natural or artificial light must be reduced to no more than 11 hours per day. Para producir las flores, la luz natural o artificial debe ser reducido a no más de 11 horas por día.

Hydroponic cultivation Cultivo hidropónico

Salvia divinorum can be grown hydroponically. Salvia divinorum puede ser cultivada hidropónicos. A basic hydroponic setup utilizes a special growing medium in place of soil, and a rudimentary drip system driven by a low wattage aquarium pump that trickles a stream of nutrient solution through the growing medium. Una configuración básica hidropónico utiliza un medio de cultivo especial en lugar de la tierra, y un sistema de goteo rudimentaria impulsado por una bomba de baja potencia del acuario que se escurre una corriente de solución nutritiva a través del medio de cultivo. The solution is recaptured in a reservoir, oxygenated by a second aquarium pump fitted with a bubbler, and re-circulated. La solución es recapturado en un depósito, oxigenada por un segundo acuario bomba con un pelele, y volver a circular.

Although hydroponic cultivation requires extra attentiveness by the grower, at least one very successful cultivator, Mr. Andrew Chomicz, reports that the additional care is rewarded with excellent results. Si bien el cultivo hidropónico requiere atención extra por parte del productor, por lo menos un éxito muy cultivador, el Sr. Andrew Chomicz, informa que la atención adicional es recompensado con excelentes resultados. The following sections are derived from his extensive exploration of S. divinorum hydroponic cultivation techniques ( Chomicz 1998 ). En las secciones siguientes se derivan de su exploración amplia de técnicas de cultivo hidropónico divinorum S. ( Chomicz 1998 ).

Growing medium Medio de cultivo

Salvia divinorum does weil in a 75/25 mix of expanded clay pebbles and coconut fiber (aka "coconut coil"). Expanded clay pebbles manufactured specifically for hydroponic growing (and sold under brand names such as HydroRock™ and Grorox™) offer superior oxygenation to rockwool, and are far more environmentally friendly than rockwool slabs. Salvia divinorum se Weil en una mezcla 75/25 de bolas de arcilla expandida y fibra de coco (también conocido como "la bobina de coco"). arcilla expandida piedras fabricadas específicamente para cultivo hidropónico (y se venden bajo marcas como HydroRock ™ y Grorox) ofrecen oxigenación superiores de lana de roca, y son mucho más respetuosos del medio ambiente de losas de lana de roca.

Coconut fiber is a recent breakthrough in hydroponic cultivation - a welcome alternative to materials like peat (which is often ravenously scoured from sensitive peat bogs). La fibra de coco es un avance reciente en el cultivo hidropónico - una buena alternativa a los materiales como turba (que a menudo es vorazmente fregado de las turberas y minúsculas). Coconut fibers are a completely natural product recovered from the waste stream of commercial coconut processing. fibras de coco es un producto natural completamente recuperado de la corriente de desechos del procesamiento de coco comerciales. The fibers are excellent at holding oxygen as well as water, thereby improving aeration. Las fibras son excelentes para la celebración de oxígeno, así como el agua, mejorando así la aireación. They also help stabilize pH and buffer against nutrient fluctuations and temporary equipment malfunctions. También ayudan a estabilizar el pH y el amortiguador frente a fluctuaciones de nutrientes y el equipo mal funcionamiento temporal. Coconut fiber even seems to discourage some plant pathogens.

Mr. Chomicz has experimented with water culture - a system that entirely dispenses with a solid growing medium. In water culture the roots of the plants are suspended or floated in a bath of constantly re- circulating and oxygenated liquid nutrient.

A similar technique, known as "nutrient film technique" (NFT) employs channels, tubes, or gutters, in which the plants hang, and through which a thin film of nutrient solution constantly circulates. An even more minimalist technique, called "aeroponics," constantly mists the roots with nutrient solution. Because aeroponics provides a highly-oxygenated solution, S. divinorum grown aeroponically is said to do remarkably well. The major draw back, however, is that an aeroponic system must function flawlessly. The slightest glitch (eg, an interruption of power or a clogged mister) spells disaster; for without any growing medium to retain water, the roots quickly dry out and suffer potentially irremediable damage.

Nutrient management Manejo de nutrientes

There are numerous brands of fertilizer that are manufactured expressly for hydroponic systems. No particular brand or formulation stands out as best for Salvia divinorum. Because S.

divinorum seems to appreciate mineral-rich media, look for a formula which contains micro nutrients in addition to the usual profile of macro nutrients.

Use a formula intended for vegetative growth and follow the manufacturer's directions to mix the solution. If the manufacturer gives different mixing ratios for specific crops, good results will be obtained by following the ratio used for growing lettuce or other leafy crops. If you have an EC meter (an instrument that measures electric conductivity - a function of the concentration of dissolved fertilizer salts in the nutrient solution) aim for an EC level of between 1.6 and 2.4.

It is very important that you change your nutrient solution regularly. When plants are actively growing, this means a complete change of solution every four to six weeks. Although the nutrient solution is re-captured in a reservoir and re-circulated, the amount of liquid in circulation will slowly decrease due to evaporation and plant respiration. Top-up the reservoir with a ½ strength nutrient solution. Using a ½ strength solution will help guard against the accumulation of excess nutrients while still replenishing those which have been depleted.

Salvia divinorum roots love oxygen. For this reason, it helps to oxygenate the nutrient solution when it is re-captured in the reservoir. This is easily done by employing a second aquarium pump fitted with a bubbler placed in the reservoir. You can also take advantage of the fact that oxygen is more soluble in cool water. Generally speaking, the colder the water, the higher the content of oxygen. Simply by keeping your nutrient solution cool, you will increase the oxygen content of the solution and significantly benefit your plants. The optimum temperature of nutrient solution is between 18-21°C (65-70°F). Using a solution that is much warmer will stress the plants and invite serious pathogens such as the root-rotting fungus pythium. Therefore, it is important to keep your nutrient reservoir out of direct sun from late spring to early fall.

In the winter months, it may be necessary to slightly heat the nutrient solution. Use an aquarium heater in the reservoir, or use a dark colored reservoir to absorb warming sunlight.

pH pH

Hydroponic cultivation requires very careful attention to the pH of the nutrient solution. For the clay pebbles/coconut fiber medium, a pH of between 5.5 and 6.0 is optimum. For rockwool, a more alkaline solution of between 6.0 and 6.3 seems best in order to protect against an acidic breakdown of the rockwool's mineral structure. Inexpensive pH test strips are the best way to monitor the pH of the solution, unless you invest in an expensive pH pen or meter. (Low-priced pH meters are notoriously inaccurate and unreliable). Phosphoric acid can

be used to lower pH, while adding potassium hydroxide will raise pH. The pH of the solution should be tested at least every three days, and immediately adjusted as required.

Pests Plagas

There are a number of insects that commonly feast on Salvia divinorum and, which if not controlled, can severely stress the plant, or in extreme cases prove fatal. We avoid all non-organic pesticides and strongly recommend that you do the same. All the common pests of S. divinorum are relatively easy to control, and an attentive gardener should notice their appearance before any infestation becomes critical. Each of the common pests will be discussed below with specific control tips. In addition to the control tactics discussed below for each particular pest, we have had great success controlling aphids and whiteflies by spraying the following solution on the infested leaves whenever we notice the pests. The solution does not harm S. divinorum and is non-toxic:

4 parts water

1 part rubbing alcohol

1 part liquid castile soap

If your plants ever become infested with whitefly eggs, try washing them off with pure liquid castile soap. This is a labor intensive process, but a labor of love. Dab your hands in a bowl of the liquid soap and gently rub infested leaves between your thumb and fingers, thereby dislodging the eggs Spray off the soap with a misting bottle. Don't worry about the soapy runoff or residue left on the leaves, It is harmless.

In extreme cases of infestation, pyrethrin (aka pyrethrum) maybe called for. Pyrethrin is a natural product extracted from Chrysanthemum flowers. (Synthetic versions are called pyrethroids.) Pyrethrin is an insect nerve poison and is commonly used to control pests on fruits and vegetables. It kills insects rather indiscriminately however, dealing a death blow to beneficial insects such as ladybugs.

Pyrethrin is the active ingredient in many commercial products marketed as safe for use on fruits and vegetables. While it is organic and commonly used on food crops, in an abundance of caution we recommend using it only as a last resort. It is moderately toxic to mammals and can trigger hay fever in some people. Also, in an abundance of caution we recommend

avoiding any product that contains piperonyl butoxide (BTO), a synergistic additive that boosts the effectiveness of pyrethrin, but which may detrimentally affect the human nervous system.


Whiteflies ( Trialeurodes Vaporariorum ) parasitize Salvia divinorum, and if not controlled can significantly weaken a plant. You probably won't notice them until you brush against a leaf and suddenly notice flying white dots about 1 mm (.04 in) in size. Whiteflies congregate on the underside of leaves Ind lay eggs. They harm the plant by sucking its sap Ind by producing a honeydew-like excreta that can become moldy.

To control whiteflies (and to a lesser extent, aphids) we exploit their natural attraction to yellow. A company named SureFire™ makes a non-toxic sticky-surfaced yellow cardboard trap that works well. The pests are attracted to the yellow colored cards, but stick to the surface upon land. ing. ING. We have these hanging year round near all our S. divinorum. New research from the University of California indicates that placing tinfoil on the ground around plants susceptible to whiteflies confuses the pests perhaps reflecting the sky and making them "think" they are on the wrong side of the leaf. In any event the trick is said to keep whiteflies from landing This information is new to us and we are just now beginning a trial run in our gardens.

If your plants are growing in a closed environment such as a humidity tent or mini-greenhouse Encarsia formosa wasps are very effective at controlling whitefly infestations. (This species of wasp is very small and will not sting humans.) The wasps lay their eggs inside developing whitefly pupa, killing them. Biocontrol with E. formosa , however, works best in the hot summer months.

Spider mites Ácaros

Spider Mites ( Tetranoychidae spp. ) can be a problem for Salvia divinorum, especially when plants are grown in a greenhouse or humidity tent. Spider mites are usually first spotted when they cause small yellow spots on the top surface of the leaves or (in a serious infestation) spin a web around the growing tips of the plants and turn the leaves brown. When you inspect the underside of a leaf you will see yellow, tan, or greenish pinhead- sized bugs with dark spots on each shoulder. An effective biocontrol for spider mites is Phytoseiulus persimilis - insects that devour spider mites with a vengeance. These carnivorous predators will not eat S. divinorum or other plants.

Aphids Los áfidos

The telltale sign of aphids ( Aphididae spp ) on Salvia divinorum is curled and puckered young tender leaves. Upon inspection you'll see small, soft bodied, (usually) green bugs clustered on the growing tips and the underside of leaves. Aphids carry plant diseases and, like whiteflies, weaken S. divinorum plants by sucking out leaf juices and by excreting a honeydew feces that attracts mold. We have had great success controlling aphids with the soapy-alcohol solution described earlier. If you're a fan of ladybugs (Hippodamia convergens), or really need to control a serious aphid invasion, introducing ladybugs almost always takes care of the problem and causes no harm to S. divinorum . As with other biocontrols, ladybugs work best in enclosed environments such as a humidity tent or greenhouse.

Scale Escala

Although we have never had an attack of these creatures, we have heard several reports of scale ( Coccidae spp. ) on S. divinorum . Scale are insects, but other than in their very earliest stage, they look more like very tiny clam shells stuck to the undersides of leaves. They can be any number of colors, and they damage the plant by sucking out plant juices and injecting toxic fluid into plant tissues. We are not aware of any really effective biocontrols for scale, but fortunately they are easily dealt with by spraying them with the soapy-alcohol formula described earlier. Stubborn scale may need to be physically rubbed off, similar to removing whitefly eggs.

Snails Caracoles

Snails can quickly damage Salvia divinorum, chewing large holes in the leaves in a single night. Snails usually disappear during daylight hours. Thin copper (0.5 mm/0.02 in) has been used by gardeners for several decades to form a line that snails won't cross. Copper sheeting or tape sold or this purpose is available in most garden stores. Tape it around the edges of your pots or slide it edgewise into the soil, making a copper fence around the base of your plants. Because the copper conducts an electrochemical shock into the snails, it only works as long as the copper is shiny. Buff it or replace it with new shiny copper when it becomes dull from oxidation (which usually takes at least a year). At the same time you apply the copper barrier, carefully check the underside of every leaf, as a snail may occasionally lurk there, and once inside the copper barrier will be undeterred from eating your plants.

Problems Problemas

Browning leaf edges

Most people who grow Salvia divinorum will, at one time or another, have a plant with leaf tips and edges that turn brown for no apparent reason. Usually this browning remains limited to the leaf tips and edges but occasionally it can encompass complete leaves and become critical. As far as we know, no one has been able to figure out a definitive cause for this phenomenon.

Some growers have postulated that certain S. divinorum diseases are systemic, lying dormant until the plant is under sufficient stress to cause the emergence of the disease. This systemic disease, perhaps a virus, may have developed in S. divinorum due to the extensive cloning it has undergone. S. divinorum's static genotype may have allowed a leaf-browning virus to build itself into the plant - something that might not have developed if the plant's reproduction was occurring through the normal mix of genetically varied material. If this theory is correct, the browning phenomenon may only be preventable by keeping your plants in optimum growing conditions and uncompromised by stress. Indeed, we have noticed that the browning phenomenon almost exclusively attacks plants that are weak or under stress. Such stresses can be many.

Certainly, a plant removed from a humidity-controlled environment without proper acclimation may develop brown leaves, but more commonly the entire plant wilts and leaves drop off. The browning phenomenon is usually not accompanied by wilt.

We've seen the browning phenomenon most commonly on plants that have spent their entire life inside glass or plastic humidity chambers/tents. In such cases, we suspect the browning may be the result of poor air circulation. A plant grown in a stagnant environment that reaches 32°C (90°F) may develop browning leaves - perhaps because the plant's ability to transpire is reduced. Similar to our own body's tendency to overheat in a hot humid stagnant environment, the plant may overheat for inability to efficiently transpire.

Lack of fertilizer, or too much fertilizer may also invite browning leaves. On many plants, browntipped leaves signal that the plant is receiving too much fertilizer. When combined with inadequate water, chemical salts can build up in the soil and this burns the tender edges of the leaves. The usual cure is to cut back on fertilizer and flush the soil thoroughly with water.

Brown leaves can also be the result of root rot on an over-watered plant with poor drainage or heavy soil. If root rot is the problem, try re-potting the plant into light well-draining soil and withholding water for awhile. Finally, a root-bound plant might also exhibit signs of browning leaf edges, though more commonly bound roots are indicated by a significant reduction in the plant's growth rate and an overall ragged appearance. Because the cause of the leaf-browning

phenomenon is not known, the cure remains an enigma. The old proverb that "the best cure is prevention" is certainly apropos.

Yellow leaves

Yellow-leafed Salvia divinorum usually is a signal that the plant is receiving too much water. Over watering leaches out nutrients that the plant uses to create chlorophyll - a green energy-absorbing pigment. We've seen this in west coast S. divinorum left outdoors during the rainy winter season. To green up the leaves, reduce water and feed the plant some chelated iron (powder or liquid form) according to the directions on the bottle. Feeding with Stern's Miracid® which contains chelated iron and other nutrients, will usually do the trick.

Slow growth & ragged appearance

Under optimum conditions, Salvia divinorum grows fast, sometimes over a foot a month in the summer. It can quickly become root-bound in a small pot. Therefore, as your plant starts to gain in size, you would do well to re-pot it into increasingly larger pots. If at any point your plant seems to have slowed its growth but conditions are otherwise optimum, it probably means it has become root-bound and needs re-potting to a larger pot.

Pruning for maximum foliage production

We don't mean to sound crass, but for most people, the name of the game in Salvia divinorum growing is to maximize the amount of foliage harvested. This requires pruning. The best time to prune is during the spring and summer, when S. divinorum is growing its fastest. To make a plant bushier, such that it will produce more leaves, use a sharp blade to cut off the growing tips of the main stalks. Make your cut just above a node. This will force the stem to bifurcate at that point in the direction of the nodal leaves. Don't waste the precious tip-cuttings taken during pruning. They should be rooted and replanted. In fact, when you prune you should have a rooting vase at the ready.

Harvesting leaves

Once your Salvia divinorum plant is established, it should be able to withstand fairly significant leaf harvesting, and actually fare better for it. Many growers regularly remove leaves from their plants, picking them as leaves begin to crowd others, reach heir maximum size, or start to appear deformed. This technique can keep a single user in constant supply of fresh and dried leaf.

Salvia divinorum is a sacred plant ally, and it is worth keeping this in mind whenever harvesting her leaves. In our experience, saying a prayer to the plant prior to taking any of her leaves and remaining mindful, sensitive, and grateful while picking leaves may have an effect on the leaves' divinatory and visionary properties. It also shows due respect For another life-form - a respect clearly owed S. divinorum. Our own bioassays of chewed and smoked S. divinorum leaves have not shown a substantial difference in potency based on the time of harvest We do seem to notice a slight increase in potency just before the plant flowers. The conventional wisdom, however, is that potency is highest during the long hot days of summer. We suggest you conduct your own experiments for optimum harvest time.

Drying leaves

Fresh leaves of Salvia divinorum can, of course be used for divinatory and visionary purposes. Traditionally the Mazatec used only the fresh leaves Dried leaves, however, are also active and can be stored for later use.

Properly drying the leaves is very important. All your work will be for nothing if the harvested leave rot, mold, or are subjected to conditions that change the natural chemical constituents locked within. Fortunately, the active principle, salvinorin A, is very stable and can withstand a certain degree of rough handling. Nevertheless, it is important to preserve the leaves such that they undergo the least amount of chemical change possible. Ultimately, you simply want to remove all the water content, but leave everything else unchanged. This can be achieved quickly by placing the leaves in an oven at the lowest possible setting - below 93°C (200°F) - which dries them within 15 minutes. There are several techniques for slow drying harvested leaves. One technique is to place harvested leaves in a cardboard box and place this box in a shady location with good air circulation. It is best to do this on a day when the temperature is between 26-38°C (80-100°F). Shake the box several times a day to expose new surface area to the air. You may need to bring the box inside at night if dew appears likely. The leaves should be dry in a few days.

Another technique is to lay the leaves between window screens and set a low wattage fan to blow a constant stream of air over/through the screens. A final technique is to use a food dehydrator set to the medium temperature setting, about 63°C (145°F). Leaves placed in a food dehydrator usually are fully dried within three hours and retain much of their green color. Under any method, the leaves are dry when they are crisp and crumble easily. They should then be placed in airtight glass jars and kept in a cool, dry, dark location. On average, the leaves contain just over 80 percent water, so that one ounce (about 28 grams) of fresh leaves dries to between five and six grams of dried leaves.

The stems and roots of S. divinorum contain only low amounts of salvinorin A, if any. They are not worth processing for visionary use.

Producing seed

When Wasson and Hofmann received the type specimens of Salvia divinorum from Natividad Rosa in early October, many of the plants were in flower. When fully developed, the flowers (corollas) of S. divinorum are white with violet calyxes and stems. (As others have since pointed out, earl paintings and descriptions of the flowers mistakenly denote them as blue.) The aroma of S. divinorum flowers is subtle but exquisite. Aaron Reisfield, a botanist who has made numerous visits to the Sierra Mazatec to research S. divinorum, has reported seeing S. divinorum in flower from October through May ( Reisfield 1993 ). Valdés has seen them in flower from late August to March in the Sierra Mazateca, a period of time when the days are short in Mexico ( Valdés et al. 1987 ).

Valdés' experiments at the University of Michigan showed that the plant can he induced to flower by shortening the photoperiod to provide eleven hours of light per 24 hours ( Valdés et al. 1987 ). Introducing any light during the "dark period" will prevent flowering. Because S. divinorum is usually grown for leaf harvest and not for flowers, the latter fact can be used to prevent flowering, which if permitted (assuming you are not trying to set seed) will uselessly misdirect the plant's energy from leaf production. On the west coast of the United States S. divinorum grown outdoors (but inside a humidity tent) flowers from late October through early January ( Boire 1997 ). While it is fairly easy to get S. divinorum to flower, it is no easy task to get the plants to produce viable seed. As mentioned earlier, no plant has ever been observed setting seed in the wild

We believe that the plant has, in fact, chosen a different method to propagate itself, and that its rare seed production is all but vestigial. Unless it is supported by a natural or contrived lattice, S. divinorum, with its hollow lanky stems falls over when it reaches about 5-7 feet tall. The spots where the plant touches the ground take root under moist conditions. In this manner, S. divinorum reproduces itself and slowly creeps. And of course, its principal program for propagation has been its union with human friends. In our opinion, trying to get S. divinorum to set seed is struggle against the nature of the plant. Nevertheless, viable seed can be produced with hand pollination. To do so, once you have a plant in flower, carefully remove some stamens from flower and immediately brush their ends against the inside surfaces of both stigma branches. You should be able to see pollen grains adhere to the stigmas Experiment with pollinating the same flower with its own stamens, different flowers on the same plant, and with using stamens on one plant to pollinate stigmas on another plant. Don't be upset if you have little success. Under the best of circumstances expert botanists who have followed these procedures have achieved miserable success rates - less than five percent of successful fertilizations produce viable seed ( Reisfield 1993 ).

Taking cuttings

Propagating Salvia Divinorum by taking cuttings is a much easier process than forcing the plant to produce seeds. While cuttings can be taken any time of the year, we have found that cuttings taken during the fall and winter root slower. Therefore, it's best to make propagation cuttings in the spring and summer. We have also found that it is helpful to take cuttings under low ambient light to keep the leaf stoma closed and leaf turgor high. To take a cutting for propagation purposes, prepare a rooting vase filled with room temperature purified water and place this next to the mother plant. Use sharp scissors or a blade to remove a length of stem that contains at least two leaf nodes. Vigorous new tip growth is the best, but mid-stem segments will also root.

Make your cutting just below a leaf node. Remove all leaves below the uppermost node and then immediately place the cutting in the waiting vase. Then, return your attention to the cut stem of the mother plant. Cut it back to just above the highest remaining node.


We hope we have inspired you to step inside the mystical circle of Salvia divinorum! The more time we spend with her, the more we find that she is cultivating us as much as we are cultivating her Magic does exist. It's all around us, and growing al the time. We bid you constant curiosity, appreciation, and courage!

Bibliography Bibliografía

Beifuss, W. 1997. " Cultivating Diviner's Sage " The Resonance Project 1:32-35.

Beifuss, W. 1998. Personal communications. Las comunicaciones personales.

Blosser, B. 1998. Personal communication. Comunicación personal.

Boire, RG 1997. Personal communications.

Chomicz, A. 1998. Personal communications. Las comunicaciones personales.

Epling C., Játiva M. 1962. " A new species of Salvia from México " Botanical Museum Leaflets Harvard University 20:75-76.

Hanna, J. 1998. Personal communication. Comunicación personal.

Hofmann, A. 1990. " Ride Through the Sierra Mazateca in Search of the Magic Plant Ska Maria Pastora " The Sacred Mushroom Seeker: Essays for R. Gordon Wasson . Edited by TJ Riedlinger, pp. 115-127, Park Street Press, Rochester, VT.

Pendell, D. 1995. Phamako/Poeia: Plant Powers, Poisons, and Herbcraft . Mercury House, San Francisco, CA.

Reisfield, A. 1993. " The Botany of Salvia Divinorum " SIDA: Contributions to Botany 15(3):349-366.

Siebert, D. 1998. Personal communication. Comunicación personal.

Valdés III, L., GM Hatfield, M. Koreeda, and AG Paul. 1987. 1987. " Studies of Salvia divinorum (Lamiaceae), an hallucinogenic mint from the Sierra Mazateca in Oaxaca, Central México. " Economic Botany 41(2):283-291.

Salvia Divinorum Sources & Supplies

The Basement Shaman . Box 1255 Dept D, Elgin, IL 60121, e-mail: [email protected]. 847.965.2447. A mail-order source for live Salvia divinorum plants, growing supplies and equipment.

Entheogenesis . Box 1220-GG, Winters, CA 95694. A mail-order source for rootable Salvia divinorum cuttings, dried and fresh leaves. Send long SASE for prices.

Nature's Control . Box 35-GG, Medford, OR 97501. A mail-order source for predatory and parasitic insects to control pests like aphids, spider mites and whiteflies. Send 50 cents for their catalog.

Salvia Retailers Guide. Will Beifuss, Box 5192-GG, Eugene, OR 97405. A free list of all US companies selling Salvia divinorum plants, cuttings, leaves and extracts.

Other Good Information Resources

The Entheogen Review. 564 Mission Street, Box 808-GG, San Francisco, CA 94105-2918.

The Journal of Unauthorized Research on Visionary Plants and Drugs often features new information about S. divinorum and its active principle.

The Lycaeum. Salvia divinorum web pages ( ).

Ott, J. 1995. " Ethnopharmacognosy and Human Pharmacology of Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A " Curare 18:1:103-129. Mr. Ott's most thorough synthesis of information about S. divinorum. Includes compilation of psychonautical results.

Reisfield, A. 1998. Salvia divinorum web pages ( ) Mr. Reisfield's SIDA paper and many excellent photos.

Siebert, D. 1998. Salvia divinorum web pages ( ). Mr. Siebert also runs an S. divinorum e-mail list that can be joined via his web pages.

Turner, DM 1996. Salvinorin The Psychedelic Essence of Salvia Divinorum . Panther Press, San Francisco, CA. A chronicle of the author's psychonautical experiments chewing and smoking S. divinorum leaves, extract, and isolated salvinorin A. Since the author's tragic death in 1997, the book is out of print, but the full text can be found on the Internet ( ).

The Entheogen Law Reporter . Box 73481-GG, Davis, CA 95617-3481. An important newsletter that keeps tabs on the legal situation with regard to shamanic inebriants, including S. divinorum.

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