Page 1: The Sacred Union of the East:  Spiritual and Geopolitical Utopia of Nicholas Roerich

The Sacred Union of the East: Geopolitical Utopia of Nicholas Roerich

Andrei ZnamenskiThe University of Memphis

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Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947)

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US Department of Agriculture “botanical expedition,” 1934-1935

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Botanical Expedition with a Geopolitical Twist

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Louis Horch, rich patron Master Building, 1929

Beacon for Humankind in Manhattan

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TheocracyBlueprint for a new orderCarrier of the highest spiritualityFrom Siberia in the north to the Himalayan mountains in the southEconomic foundation: cooperativesIdeology: universalist religion (Theosophy + Buddhism)

The Sacred Union of the East (Kansas, the Great Plan, the New Country)

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FDR Secretary of Agriculture, later VP

Agriculturalist, reporter

Frustration about mainstream Christianity and cut-throat competition

Interested in cooperatives

Light from the East Dreams of New Order(Novus Ordo Seclorum)

Henry Wallace

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Sparks to help launch the Scared Union of the East Mongolia and Manchuria, the “Power keg” of

Asia (1930s) Invaded by Japan (1931): autonomy for

Mongols Rise of Mongol Nationalism Revolt in Red Mongolia against

communism (1930-1931 Inner Mongolia against Chinese land

advances (1930s) Rise of popular prophecy about the

Shambhala War and the end of the world

Why East Asia?

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Nicholas Roerich, “Armageddon”

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Courting “white” Russians in ChinaCourting Mongol nationalist leaders, Inner MongoliaMilitary reconnaissance of Manchuria/Inner Mongolia

Roerich in China: Gathering the Russian-Mongol “Shambhala Army”

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Context: Spirit of Time (Zeitgeist), 1920s-1930s

“Big is Beautiful” Social engineering by a state “Worship” of Science Cultivating community Cult of enlightened master (e.g.

Mussolini, Stalin, FDR)

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