Page 1: The Runner’s Hip… · Your legs are merely the wheels as your hips steer the direction with your core driving








    BY: Jessica D. Payne , CPT, CES,WFS 



Page 2: The Runner’s Hip… · Your legs are merely the wheels as your hips steer the direction with your core driving



Hi! I’m jess ! 


Thank you for investing in your hip health! I’m confident this will help advance your running to the 

next level in strength, balance, and speed. I created this based on knowledge from studying 

corrective exercise, working directly with athletes, and implementing these strategies for myself 

personally as well. It is my hope that I can now serve more athletes by offering this short 8-week 

tutorial that’s quick to learn, easy to follow, and as basic as workout routines come. It truly is my 

desire to see more ‘everyday people’ like myself become extraordinary athletes! Because I have 

intimately witnessed just what newfound athletic confidence can do for one’s quality of life. And that 

all starts with a strong, healthy lumbo-pelvic hip complex!  


run pink! jess 

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Isaiah 40:31 

“Drive from the hips…” Your legs are merely the wheels as your hips steer the direction with your core driving the engine. A 

lot of runners focus on legs, legs, legs...while they are missing out on is the key to making their runs 

feel a good bit smoother, seamless, and effortless. This program isn’t designed to suddenly create 

Kenyan like speed in your next race (let’s get real about genetics here! They do play a role in our 

abilities!) But, I firmly believe this routine will improve your personal best!  

The following is not an extensive look at all the exercises and methods I could use to help someone 

straighten their stride out. And if you are struggling with a major imbalance issue you may want to 

seek professional care as this program does not touch on specifics such as asymmetrical weight 

shifts or large hip hike differences. You can test your hip balance at home with this quick tip! This 

would require professional assistance as you would need to know which side may require more ‘work’ 

and which side would require more ‘release’. However, this will provide a solid outline to help get 

anyone runner who may struggle with a general ‘weaker’ hip complex get started. There are lots of 

fun options to pick and choose from! 

Who this program may benefit: 

Truly any runner but with a particular focus on: 

● Women, especially those who have given birth. Science has shown women, even without 

experiencing a ‘natural’ birth however, have ‘weaker’ hips from the get-go due to hormones 

that cause our ligaments to be a bit more ‘wobbly’.  

● Any runner who may have one leg longer/shorter than the other. But, here again, you may 

consider seeking professional help such as a physical therapist. Depending on the severity of 

the imbalance.  

● Any runner who may experience a wonky knee issues from time to time.  

● Any runner whose stride may feel ‘clunky’, ‘off’, or who may just want to improve their overall 

running experience.  

● Anyone (even non-runners!) who wishes to safely strengthen their core and hip complex. 



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When to implement this program: 

● Before beginning a serious training season or during an ‘off season’. Also, great for during 

periods of time when you are trying to lose weight.  

● You can also use these exercises throughout any training cycle as maintenance. When I 

release the “Marathon Strong” program you will see some of these exercises below popup! 

This program would be a great segway to the marathon strong kit.  

● Typically 2-3 sets of 8-15 reps depending on each exercise.  


How this works: 

1. You will begin by downloading this PDF and your workout calendar*!  

2. The first two weeks are broken down with lots of rest and learning how to 

properly foam roll the runner’s “hot spots”. That’s it!  

3. The next two weeks you will spend learning the corrective exercises to help 

bring stability to the core and hip are. You will also add cross training and 

begin some slow jogs by the end!  

4. Weeks five and six you will begin to add strength training while keeping a few 

sets of the corrective exercises. You now have more running in these weeks if 

you choose! Or you may continue cross-training here. Depends on your 

personal goal! If you need help creating personal goals the beauty of this 

program that you’ve invested in is that it gives you ACCESS TO ME! Your 

personal coach!!! Reach out anytime!  

5. Weeks seven and eight are a bit more fun by adding a few plyometric 

running drills! And you should be up and running well by then!  



*See the attached calendar for your 8-week schedule!  


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Exercise List for the Upcoming Weeks Weeks 1-2 Foam rolling only! (SMR focus)  *Most athletes can enjoy foam rolling on their own, however, foam rolling is not appropriate for all 

people, including those with congestive heart failure, kidney failure, or any organ failure, bleeding 

disorders, or contagious skin conditions. If you have medical issues, please seek the advice of your medical 

professional before starting SMR or foam rolling activities. 

For the first two weeks, I strongly suggest learning the art of foam rolling. Depending on 

your fitness level and/or need for true corrective exercise I might even suggest no running 

until we can get you on the balanced path. It also helps to add only one new thing so the 

risk of feeling overwhelmed at trying ‘to do all the things’ is reduced. The key here is to set 

you up for success!  

How to properly foam roll: Foam rolling should be done before static or dynamic stretching activities, improving the 

tissue’s ability to lengthen during stretching activities. Foam rolling can also be done as part 

of a cool-down. Foam rolling should be performed on tissues identified as overactive during 

an assessment process. Not all muscles need SMR applied. If you are uncertain as to which 

muscles are overactive and/or underactive feel free to reach out to me via email. 

Slowly roll the targeted area until the most tender spot is found. Hold on that spot while 

relaxing the targeted area and discomfort is reduced, between 30 seconds and 90 seconds. 

During the exercises, it is important to maintain core stability. Use the drawing-in maneuver 

(pulling the navel in toward the spine) to maintain stability in the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. 

Take your time experiencing SMR (self-myofascial release aka the “de-knotting” of your 

muscles) and discover how slightly modifying positions or angles can target different areas 

of the muscle.  

Typical runner’s hot spots: 

Calves, IT band, TFL, Adductors, Piriformis. For a short video demonstration, click here. 


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Weeks 3-4 Adding in the corrective path (corrective exercise)  

These exercises are super important to keep slow and steady. DO NOT RUSH A SINGLE MOVE HERE. If you do, you’ll gain 

nothing and just lose out on time in the long run. No running pun intended. :-) 

Key exercises:  

● Hip hike (video demo here.) 

● Lateral mini band walk (video demo here.) 

● Marching glute bridge (video demo @ 1:00 minute into the video here.) 

Weeks 5-6 Creating some work (strength)  

Great! Now that you’ve got some of the ‘boring’ stuff out of the way we can now progress to some strength training and adding 

in some runs! These two weeks will be a fun mix of strength, stability, and easy running! Be sure to use your breathe during all 

exercises to get the most out of each rep!!  

Single leg swiss ball squat 


1. Place the exercise ball against the wall at mid back height. 

2. Stabilize the ball between your back and the wall. 

3. Take a step out from the wall. 

4. Place your feet hip-width apart and maintain a neutral spine. 

5. Straighten one knee. 

6. While keeping your trunk stable and your chest up, slowly lower yourself down and back up. 

7. When moving back up don't allow your knees to fully straighten or hyperextend. 

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Single leg swiss ball glute bridge  


1. Lie on your back with your calves and the backs of your heels resting on a Swiss ball. Lift your 

hips off the ground forming a straight line from your feet to your shoulders. 

2. Lift one leg off the ball so that it's roughly perpendicular with the floor with the knee extended. 

Bend the working knee to roll the ball in toward you until it touches (or comes close) your 

glutes. Roll the ball back to the starting position. 

Dead bug with swiss ball 

Find Bonus Swiss Ball workout here! 


1. Lie on your back with the swiss ball held firmly between your thighs and forearms in an 

upside down tabletop position. 

2. Inhale squeezing the ball, exhale as you extend your left leg and right arm down in opposite 

directions. Hold for one second then draw limbs back up and drop the opposite side. 

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Side plank hip abduction   


1. Start on your side with your feet together and one forearm directly below your shoulder. 

Contract your core and raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from head to feet. 

Hold the position without letting your hips sag. 

2. Keeping your core engaged, lift your top leg up just higher than your top hip. Then slowly 

lower it back to your bottom leg. Tip: slowly lower leg counting to 3 for an extra burn!  


Weeks 7-8 Adding a touch of speed (plyometrics) 

Now we are ready to really have some fun!! Putting it all together including learning to run strides to improve your foot 

turnover rate (cadence), improve form, and increase speed! You’ll learn how to properly run strides over on the calendar!  

Reverse lunge to knee drive with hop 


1. Step back into a lunge with your right leg behind and left knee bent.  

2. Swing your right leg forward to hop up on your left foot, and land softly back in a lunge. 

Repeat same side for your set number of reps then, switch. (you can find a video example 

along with other plyometrics here!) 

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Side lunge to knee drive  


1. Begin in an athletic standing position (feet beneath hips with ‘soft’ knees, head and chest 


2. Staying low, take a slow, lateral step to the right. Keep your toes pointed forward (NOT 

exceeding the toe line!) and stay as low as you can comfortably go while maintaining great 

form (strong core, knees in line with toes.). Extend the left knee, driving your weight to the 

right, flexing the knee and hip into a side lunge. Maintain good posture through the entire 

spine, keeping your head and chest up! 

3. Pause at the bottom of the motion (as you get stronger reduce the pause and move quickly!), 

and then extend through the working leg to return to a single leg standing position adding a 

hop on the left leg 

4. Repeat the prescribed of reps the same side then, switch sides and repeat! 

Single leg bound  


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1. Standing on your right leg, swing your arms back slightly, and gently bend your standing 

knee to assume a single-leg athletic stance. 

2. Swing your arms forward for momentum and jump off your standing foot. Drive the left knee 

up for additional power. 

3. Land softly on your right foot, slightly bending your knee, while allowing your arms to swing 

behind you once again. The distance of the bound will vary from person to person but aim to 

keep each repetition about the same length. 

4. Repeat the movement on the same leg without stopping until the distance between bounds 

shortens — or no longer than 20 seconds. 











For additional exercises and videos be sure to subscribe to my YouTubechannel! 

You’ll also want to be sure to ‘like’ my Facebook page so you don’t miss out on the 16-Week Marathon Strong complete strength training plus run coaching 



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Well done on completing your 8-week hip fix!!! You should feel stronger and more stable by 

now! If not, please, shoot me an email and let’s get a coaching call arranged so I can 

personally help you see success!!  


:-D You are AWESOME!!!  


 Let’s get connected!  

Be sure to get connected with other likeminded runners by requesting to join team run 

pink elites!  

If this was helpful to you feel free to use #RPJHipFix and let me track your progress!  

Where you can find me: 

IG: @runpinkjess 


Twitter: @runpinkjess 

E-mail: [email protected] 



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The important legal stuff!  

1. I make every effort to ensure that I accurately represent services and their potential for results. There is no 

guarantee that you will experience the same results and you accept the risk that the muscle building results, 

fitness results, competition results and running performance results differ by individual.  

2. I make no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience, and you accept the risk that results 

will differ for each individual. The testimonials and examples provided are exceptional results, which do not apply 

to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or 

similar results. 

3. Each individual’s health, fitness, and nutrition success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and 

motivation. As with any health-related program or service, your results may vary, and will be based on many 

variables, including but not limited to, your individual capacity, life experience, unique health and genetic profile, 

starting point, expertise, and level of commitment. 

4. There is no assurance that examples of past fitness, competition, race training and/or similar results can be 

duplicated in the future. I cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. Nor can I guarantee that you 

maintain the results you experience if you do not continue following the program. I am not responsible for your 


5. The use of this information and program should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that my 

company is not liable for any success or failure of your physique that is directly or indirectly related to the 

purchase and use of our information, products, and services. 

6. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients and results they personally achieved. Each 

client has approved these testimonials, examples, and photos for use in materials to speak to our program, 

service, and/or product capabilities, but they are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future 

clients will achieve the same or similar results. Rather, these client stories represent what is possible with our 

programs, services, and/or products. 


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