
The Ross & Cromarty (East)Biodiversity Action Plan

JULY 2004


This Local Biodiversity Action Plan has been produced by the Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Group,listed below, with help from Peter Beattie, Scottish Natural Heritage and Janet Bromham, the HighlandBiodiversity Officer. Thanks to Kenny Taylor for his work on the habitats and species lists and text, andMartin Hind, Highland Council Ranger Service, for providing practical advice and assistance to a number ofcommunity-led biodiversity projects that have received funding from the Highland Biodiversity Project in2003/04.

Members: Representing (Interest):

Aileen Mackay Tarbet Primary School (education)Cameron Ross Novar Estate (land management)Fran Lockhart Highland FWAG (agriculture)Christel Smeets Milton Community Woodland Trust (community groups)Sean Meikle Tain & District Field Club (recording interests)Simon McKelvey Conon Salmon Fishery Board (freshwater interests)Kenny Taylor Moray Firth Partnership (marine & coastal interests)Graham Sullivan Consultant (ecological interests)Steve Macdonald Strathpeffer Square Wheels (tourism / business interests)John Miller Woodland / ornithological interestsAndrew Matheson Brahan Estate (farming / forestry / recreation interests)

The Plan forms part of a suite of Local Biodiversity Action Plans that are being produced for the HighlandCouncil area by the Highland Biodiversity Project, a two-year project funded by the Highland Council, ScottishNatural Heritage, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Caithness & Sutherland Enterprise and RSPB Scotland.The Project receives match funding from the Highlands & Islands Special Transitional Programme.

It is also available in electronic format on the project’s website:

Cover photograph: The coastline near Rosemarkie (Peter Beattie)Internal photographs: Peter Beattie, Laurie Campbell, Ernie Emmet, Fran Lockhart, Andrew Matheson,

Simon McKelvey, Charlie Phillips, Iain Sarjeant, Scottish Natural HeritageDesign, layout and printing: Planning & Development Service, the Highland Council

Printed on recycled paper that is made from 100% post consumer waste.

iThe Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action Plan


Biodiversity means the variety of life or richness ofnature. It is all around us, from the top of Ben Deargto the depths of the Moray Firth, from the animalsand plants that live in our waters, woodlands,moorlands and grasslands to the flowers, birds andinsects that visit us in our gardens. We as humansare reliant on a robust and healthy ecosystem for ourfood, raw materials, clean air and good health.

This Local Biodiversity Action Plan has been writtenfor Ross and Cromarty (East), which stretches fromAchnasheen in the west to Tarbat Ness in the east,and from the Dornoch Firth in the north to the BeaulyFirth in the south. It aims:

To ensure that biodiversity issues are given a highpriority by local government, agencies andfunding bodies; andTo involve school children, communities and landmanagers in delivering local biodiversityimprovements.

The coastline near Rosemarkie

It has been divided into six main chapters, reflectingthe six broad habitats of sea and coast; river, loch andwetland; farm and croft land; forest and woodland;bog, moor and hill; and town and village. A mapshowing the broad habitats is on page iv.

For each section objectives, key issues, currentprojects and future actions have been identified.Where appropriate, the Plan suggests some partnersthat might be involved in taking forward the futureactions. However, it should be noted that these aremerely suggestions and as yet no agreement has beenreached on future work. Habitats and species thatare important at a local or a national level are listedin Chapter 7.

In drafting the Plan a number of themes emerged thatare common to many of the chapters:

Lack of information: this Plan has been very difficultto write due to the lack of information available onthe extent of some of the less well-known species, aswell as the impacts of local issues on them. Projectsthat improve our collective knowledge of the locationand management requirements of priority habitatsand species would be welcome. As a start, the Plansuggests that a biodiversity audit is undertaken topull together existing information and identify gapsin our collective knowledge.

Lack of awareness: the consultation exercisehighlighted a lack of general knowledge about thebiodiversity on our doorsteps, both amongst childrenand grown-ups. It is suggested that an ‘easy-read’biodiversity leaflet is produced and circulated toschools and community groups, to raise awarenessand encourage local action. Further ‘Know YourOwn Patch’ projects were suggested as a means ofhelping local communities find out more about thewildlife in their area, and the Plan recommends that asmall, easily accessible grant scheme is set up to helpfund such projects.

Lack of co-ordination: The Ross & Cromarty (East)Biodiversity Group was set up to draft and consult onthe Local Biodiversity Action Plan. However, theGroup was never intended to be a permanent fixtureand it is therefore suggested that a similar group beformed, meeting on an infrequent basis to oversee thedevelopment and implementation of the Plan andhelp target any future funding towards localbiodiversity projects.

The lack of linkages between the broad habitats,spread of invasive species, wildlife crime and litterand fly-tipping are also identified as recurringthemes, and the Plan goes on to identify a series ofmore habitat-specific issues and projects in each ofthe six chapters.

Rogie Falls

ii The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action Plan


Summary iTable of Contents iiHabitat Map iv

BACKGROUNDIntroduction 1Biodiversity Action Planning 2Ross and Cromarty (East) 3

BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLANPlan Aims & Objectives 6Recurring Themes 6

Chapter 1: Sea & CoastKey features 11Introduction 12Habitats & species 13Objectives 15Main Issues: 1.1 Marine mammal conservation 16

1.2 Sea level rise 161.3 Marine litter and pollution 171.4 Recreation 171.5 Predation 181.6 Shellfish gathering 18

Chapter 2: River, Loch & WetlandKey features 19Introduction 20Habitats & species 21Objectives 23Main Issues: 2.1 Population decline in Atlantic salmon 24

2.2 Acidification and nutrient enrichment 242.3 Lack of information on freshwater species 252.4 Invasive non-native species 272.5 Lack of wetland habitats 272.6 Development threats 27

Chapter 3: Farm & Croft LandKey features 29Introduction 30Habitats 31Species 32Objectives 34Main Issues: 3.1 Industry problems 34

3.2 Reduction in cattle numbers 353.3 Loss of wet ground 353.4 Decline in Spring cropping 363.5 Reduction in boundary habitats 363.6 Loss of arable weeds 373.7 Lack of access and awareness 373.8 Lack of information 38

iiiThe Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action Plan

Chapter 4: Forest & WoodlandKey features 39Introduction 40Habitats & species 41Objectives 43Main Issues: 4.1 Woodland fragmentation 43

4.2 Lack of broadleaved riparian woodland 444.3 Restructuring woodlands 454.4 Reduced regenerational potential 454.5 Absence of tree-line woodlands and scrub 464.6 Non-native species 464.7 Lack of knowledge 474.8 Lack of awareness and involvement 47

Chapter 5: Bog, Moor & HillKey features 49Introduction 50Habitats & species 51Objectives 53Main Issues: 5.1 Loss of open ground 53

5.2 Inappropriate grazing 545.3 Inappropriate burning 555.4 Hill tracks and footpaths 555.5 Climate change 565.6 Lack of species information 56

Chapter 6: Town & VillageKey features 57Introduction 58Habitats & species 59Objectives 60Main Issues: 6.1 Uncertainty over access to the countryside 60

6.2 Boundary habitats 606.3 Community involvement 616.4 Wildlife gardens 626.5 Habitat creation 636.6 Lack of awareness 636.7 Cats and dogs 64

Chapter 7: Habitats & Species ListsPriority Habitats 66Priority Species 67Rural Stewardship Scheme 71

What’s Next?What You Can Do 72Next Steps 74

ANNEXESAnnex 1: Contact Details 75Annex 2: References & Sources of Further Information 82Annex 3: Glossary 83

iv The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action Plan


1The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanBackground



The term ‘biological diversity’, or ‘biodiversity’ forshort, was born in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio diJaneiro.

‘Biodiversity’ means the rich mix of plants andanimals (the species) and the places where they live(their habitats). It also includes the genetic variationwithin species.

At Rio, over 150 countries including Britain signedthe Convention on Biological Diversity. This meanswe in this country are committed to protecting ourrich mix of plants, animals and habitats.

Spear thistle

Our Government has asked the people of Britain toidentify the habitats and species that make ourcountry rich in biodiversity, and then come up withplans to help protect and improve them.

This Local Biodiversity Action Plan lists anddescribes the special places, plants and animals thatinhabit the area of Easter Ross and the Black Isle. ThePlan suggests ways in which the rich variety ofspecies and habitats can be protected and improved.

Of course, for many years, those who work the land,volunteers, businesses, groups and organisationshave undertaken projects and ideas that have addedto the beauty and diversity of the area. Several of thebest projects are listed here. Some are very simple,others complex and detailed. Together, they showthat people here have had a long and active interestin keeping and improving their area for biodiversity.

Milnafua Wildlife Garden competition winner (2003)

The Highlands encourage creative, artistic peopleand this can be seen in the hopes and plans for futurebiodiversity projects that are buzzing around. Thisplan helps summarise these ideas and will help theorganisations that support and fund biodiversityprojects to target their resources to where they aremost needed.

Please talk about this Plan in your workplace, in yourschool, at home, in the pub, outdoors and inside. Wehope that you will support the ideas that are in it.Then come up with a new idea for biodiversity - anduse it to ask for a grant for your project. You can joina group that needs your skills, your strength, yourimagination (there’s a list at the back).

And when in the years to come, you enjoy the flocksof birds in your garden or the scent of bluebells on aspring morning walk; when you look at the patternedlandscape or the leaping dolphins you’ll know thatyou’ve played a part in helping to maintain it!

2 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanBackground

Biodiversity Action Planning

A group, now called the Scottish Biodiversity Forum,was set up in 1995 to encourage people from all areasof the country to put together plans that wouldbenefit their local species and habitats.

More recently, the Scottish Executive published theNature Conservation (Scotland) Act (2004) and theScottish Biodiversity Strategy (2004). These twodocuments place a duty on public bodies to furtherthe conservation of biodiversity.

Scottish Biodiversity Strategy (2004)

In Highland, the Highland Biodiversity Project wascreated to encourage local people, agencies andorganisations to work up plans for biodiversity toidentify priorities and help target resources. Throughthis route, Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs)have been or are being produced for the areas ofCaithness, Sutherland, Wester Ross, Ross & Cromarty(East), Skye and Lochalsh, Lochaber and Inverness &Nairn.

Animals and plants don’t recognise theseadministrative boundaries, but they are a usefulmeans of dividing up the Highland Council area intomore manageable units. We hope that together, thiscollection of LBAPs will improve or raise awarenessof biodiversity within our communities and helptarget resources towards local projects.

Planning for this LBAP began in May 2003 with ameeting in Alness with individuals, land managers,local groups, and representatives from voluntary andgovernment organisations. From this initial meeting,a Local Biodiversity Group of 11 volunteers wasformed and met several times to oversee the draftingand consultation process.

The members represented a wide range of interests,including education, land use, business, wildlife,trees, fisheries, science and communities. Theyspoke with local people to find out what are the key

local issues for biodiversity, what is currentlyhappening and what people would like to seeimproved over the next five to ten years.


When all this information was summarised, a seriesof challenges emerged from the plan:

A challenge to individuals to collect and shareinformation about the richness of our naturalheritage.A challenge to people to look at the impacts theirlifestyles have on biodiversity.A challenge to groups to believe that their effortsdo make a positive difference to the species andhabitats on their doorstep.A challenge to government organisations andconservation groups to hear what local people aresaying about their local biodiversity and supportthem with resources and funding.

Red admiral

Many species and habitats in Britain have alreadyhad plans written for them that identify the threats totheir survival and suggest courses of action thatcould help conserve or increase their population andrange. These national Species Action Plans (SAPs)and Habitat Action Plans (HAPs) are good startingpoints to help identify priorities and target effort andresources, and can be viewed at

3The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanBackground

The Plan lists the ‘national priority’ habitats andspecies that are known to occur in the area (Chapter7). In addition, a number of ‘local priority’ habitatsand species emerged through the discussions andconsultations over the draft Plan, and these are alsolisted. These essentially are habitats and species that,either individually or collectively, givedistinctiveness to the area in wildlife terms.

The group decided to follow the pattern ofBiodiversity Action Plans from other parts of theHighlands, and have divided the area into six broadhabitats or land use types, reflected in the first sixchapters. The extent of each of these broad habitats isshown on the map on page iv.

We hope that everyone who picks up this Plan willrecognise at least one of these habitats on theirdoorstep, and perhaps be surprised by the richness oflife that it contains. If the Plan achieves only this, agreater appreciation of biodiversity, then it will havehad some success.

Winter scene near Conon Bridge

Ross and Cromarty (East)

Ross and Cromarty (East) is an area of diverselandscapes, dominated by the deep ice-eroded glensand remote high hills to the west and the broad, openexpanse of the Moray Firth to the east. Sandwichedin between, along a narrow lowland area of fertilesoils, live most of the 43,356 population centred onthe towns of Fortrose, Cromarty, Dingwall, Alness,Invergordon and Tain. Across these lowlands and inthe glacial straths, smaller communities and isolatedhomesteads are scattered, each with their owncharacter of crofts, small-holdings, estates, farms andhomes.

The high ground has had its ancient geological rocktorn and scraped by ice, its surfaces strewn withboulders and clay. The highest tops are often frostshattered scree and boulder beds, home to dottereland ptarmigan with dark, snow filled corries hidinga rich variety of rare alpine plants. Peat of varyingdepths, topped by blankets of sphagnum moss, cover

the poorly drained lower slopes, and heathermoorland covers many of the drier areas.


Use of non-native tree species has been a feature ofplanting on large estates in the area during the lasttwo centuries and more. Since the Second WorldWar, many valley sides have been planted out withconifers, especially by the Forestry Commission.These plantations can hold populations of Scottishcrossbill, crested tit, red squirrel, and (in places) thethreatened capercaillie.

Visitors to the area cannot fail to notice the impactthat water has on the landscape. The tourist headingeast from Ullapool will see the great expanse of LochGlascarnoch with its striking dam wall. They willdrive past tumbling streams and rivers that feed intothe Blackwater River as it makes its way towards therich, fertile valley floors of the Conon Valley. Mostwill be unaware of the wealth of salmon, freshwaterpearl mussels and woodland that depend on thesparkling water quality and careful management ofthis river system.

Rivers and burns pour out across the low fertile soilsof Ross and Cromarty (East). The Craigroy burn, theBalnagowan and Alness Rivers, the Glass, theSgitheach, the Orrin and the Rosemarkie Burn allreveal a time when glacial meltwaters cut deepchannels into the hillsides. Now they are places for asummer stroll as locals make increasing use of thepaths that are being created around them.

Fairy Glen, Rosemarkie

4 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanBackground

The valleys sides also hold the remnants of woodsthat once dominated the area. Today these alder, oak,hazel, birch and ash covered valleys are oases ofplant and animal life in the often intensively farmedareas around the Dornoch, Cromarty and MorayFirths.

Lowland farming has had a huge impact on thebiodiversity of the area and many of the BiodiversityAction Plan species in this plan are found in fieldmargins, ponds, grasslands and arable crops. Mostrecently, through changes to the EU CommonAgricultural Policy, land managers have beenencouraged to farm with more regard to theenvironment. Schemes to improve riverside habitats,create insect areas, protect amphibians and reducegrazing pressure have already been put into practiceby local farmers.

Bottlenose dolphins, Moray Firth

The inshore waters of the Moray Firth provide a greatresource for birds, marine mammals and underwaterlife including fish, shellfish and crustaceans. TheDornoch, Cromarty and Beauly Firths all providevaluable inter-tidal habitats that have been lostelsewhere in Scotland. All this thrives against abackdrop of coastal industries (fishing, aluminiumsmelting, oilrig manufacture) and an expandingurban population in and around the city of Inverness,capital of the Highlands.

Biodiversity has become part of local activity indifferent ways around our towns and villages.Children learn about it in school through wildlifegardens and other local projects, and it inspires localenvironmental and community groups to put up birdand bat boxes and undertake other environmentalimprovements. It is the motivation for gardeners,who plant flowers and berry-bearing shrubs for birds,butterflies and bees, and create ponds foramphibians. Biodiversity also underpins the work oforganisations that promote composting and recyclingwithin communities around Ross-shire and the BlackIsle.

Farmland, Black Isle & Cromarty Firth

Many businesses have also showed a desire to worksustainably by minimising pollution, sponsoringenvironmental projects and supporting localbiodiversity initiatives. The challenge is to translate apositive approach to the environment into reducedcosts, increased margins and better profits.

We have a rich natural heritage, but we mustrecognise that our impact on it has not always beenbenign. As humans we are both affected by ourenvironment and have impacted upon it. We are apart of biodiversity, and also a major influence on it.

The earliest human settlers lived by hunting andgathering, generally with a fairly low impact on thehabitats and species that were harvested for food andshelter. Through prehistory and history our impacton our environment has increased as a result ofdeforestation, land clearance, industrialisation, andintensification of agriculture, forestry and fishing.

Beach debris

5The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanBackground

Although we have much to cherish in our localenvironment, there are also matters of concern: manyof our former native woodlands are now representedonly by scattered, isolated trees; many of ourwetlands have been drained; many of our species arepresent in much lower numbers than they could be.

The survival of our local biodiversity depends to alarge extent on the maintenance and enhancement ofsoil, air, and water quality, as well as avoiding thedirect destruction of habitats and species.

Loch Achnacloich

Our industrial, agricultural and forestry practices,and our recreational use of land, have all hadnegative impacts on biodiversity and many, althoughnot all, continue to do so. We also have someexamples of changing practices beginning to reversethese impacts. The challenge we face, globally,nationally, and locally, is to develop land use policiesand practices which minimise negative impacts, andwherever possible, begin to benefit biodiversity. Wehope that this plan will help take us a step closer toachieving this.

6 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanBiodiversity Action Plan


Plan Aims & Objectives

This Plan aims to ensure that biodiversity issues aregiven a high priority by local government, agencies,and funding bodies; and to involve school children,communities and land managers in delivering localbiodiversity improvements. It identifies importanthabitats and species that need to be conserved orenhanced, and suggests a list of actions that could beundertaken in Ross and Cromarty (East) to enhancebiodiversity.

Habitat-specific objectives are given in the six broadhabitats chapters, but the following objectives havebeen agreed for the Ross and Cromarty (East)Biodiversity Action Plan:

To improve access to information about importanthabitats and species, and their managementrequirements.

To raise awareness of biodiversity and pressuresupon it.

To identify local opportunities to improvebiodiversity and promote positive attitudes froman early age.

To safeguard the biodiversity of existing habitats.

To ensure all future developments take account oflocal biodiversity.

To encourage a holistic approach to themanagement of land and natural resources thattakes account of local biodiversity.

To maximise the sustainable economic benefitfrom biodiversity.

To establish a mechanism to help deliver the Rossand Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action Plan.

Recurring Themes

In writing this plan, a number of common themes andsuggestions for future work emerged. Some arerecorded under the most relevant broad habitat, but anumber of more general points and suggestions arelisted below.

1. Lack of information

Issue: There is a general lack of knowledge about theextent and coverage of species within Highland as awhole and in drawing up this Plan, the Group

encountered a severe shortage of accessible, up-to-date information on the biodiversity of Ross andCromarty (East). Whilst some of the better knowngroups such as birds, mammals or flowering plantsare relatively well recorded, information on some ofthe less well-known groups including invertebrates,lichens, fungi, bryophytes and marine species, issadly lacking.


Projects that raise our collective knowledge of thelocation and management needed for these habitatsand species would be welcome. Such work wouldhelp us monitor the success of this and otherbiodiversity plans and projects, and the results willhelp the funding bodies target their limited resourcesto where they are most needed.

Opportunity: The Inverness Museum BiologicalRecords Centre contains species records, but iscurrently severely under-resourced. If sufficientfunding and resources can be found, the RecordsCentre could be expanded and used to collate, storeand issue information on national and local priorityspecies and habitats.

Current Projects: Agencies such as Scottish NaturalHeritage, the Forestry Commission and the ScottishEnvironment Protection Agency collect and storeinformation on habitats and species. Organisationssuch as the Royal Society for the Protection of Birdsand Butterfly Conservation also hold records forparticular species groups. The Highland BiologicalRecording Group is a group of enthusiasticvolunteers that collect and submit species records tothe Biological Records Centre. However, there aremany surveys and projects where the informationcollected is not made accessible to other bodies.

The Cromarty Firth Environmental Data Projectproduced an Environmental Data Inventory and aDevelopers’ Pack. The Data Inventory is an on-linedatabase of environmental datasets and informationsources for the Cromarty Firth, which pulls togetherdetails of existing information and how to get hold of

7The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanBiodiversity Action Plan

it. The Developers Pack is an on-line resource fordevelopers in the pre-development planning /scoping stage, to help them avoid or addresspotential problems. It links to the Data Inventory andincludes local economic, social and environmentalinformation and an up-to-date ‘Who’s Who’Directory for the Cromarty Firth.

Future actions:

Undertake a biodiversity audit to pull togetherexisting information from local groups andnational bodies and identify gaps in our collectiveknowledge. (Suggested partners: Scottish NaturalHeritage, Highland Council, Forestry CommissionScotland, RSPB Scotland, Scottish Wildlife Trust,Highland Biological Recording Group)

Initiate an accessible fund for future survey work.(Suggested partners: Scottish Natural Heritage)

Establish a centralised database – a newHighland Biological Records Centre – to act as acontact point for anyone requiring furtherinformation. (Suggested partners: HighlandBiological Recording Group, Scottish NaturalHeritage, Highland Council )

Marybank Primary Wildlife Garden Project

2. Lack of awareness

Issue: A key theme emerging from the consultationexercise was the lack of general knowledge about thewildlife on our doorsteps, both amongst children andadults. Initiatives that raise awareness ofbiodiversity and land management issues amongstthe wider public are essential to the success of thisPlan, and should be developed through projectsinvolving schools and community groups.

Opportunities: The Highland Biodiversity Projectgave a small amount of funding to a number of

‘Know Your Own Patch’ projects in 2003, which werevery successful in involving people in communitybiodiversity projects and surveys. If funding could befound to continue this scheme, more communitygroups and schools could benefit from smallawareness-raising projects.

Current projects: Through the 5-14 curriculumschools throughout the area are developing informedattitudes and a sense of citizenship by involving localcommunities in projects, and more projects like theseought to be encouraged.

Future actions:

Produce an ‘easy-read’ leaflet for localcommunities and school children to help themundertake projects to raise awareness of their localwildlife. (Suggested partners: Scottish NaturalHeritage, Highland Council Education & RangerServices)

Continue the ‘Know Your Own Patch’ grantscheme, to help community groups and schoolsraise awareness of biodiversity. (Suggestedpartners: Scottish Natural Heritage, Highland Council,Highlands & Islands Enterprise, RSPB Scotland)

Develop educative materials for primary,secondary and tertiary courses that focus on localbiodiversity and examine the threats and current /future actions relating to specific species andhabitats. Examine the primary and secondarycurricula (5-14 and Higher Still courses) andidentify opportunities to raise awareness aboutlocal biodiversity. (Suggested partners: HighlandCouncil Education & Ranger Services, Scottish NaturalHeritage)

Appoint a teacher / biologist to write suitablematerials relating to case studies of localbiodiversity, identify and integrate withindividuals in local agencies who could beapproached to talk to pupils and provide data,and identify suitable sites and sources of fundingfor field trips and projects. (Suggested partners:Highland Council Education & Ranger Services,Scottish Natural Heritage)

Develop a central biodiversity resource centrebuilding on the Local Biological Records Centre:providing and evaluating information fordevelopers, planners, etc; hosting study facilities;providing resources for loan e.g. bat detectors,longworth traps, educational materials; andgiving out advice on local wildlife watchingopportunities for residents, visitors and toursmoperators. (Suggested partners: Scottish NaturalHeritage, Highland Council, Highland BiologicalRecording Group)

8 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanBiodiversity Action Plan

3. Lack of co-ordination

Issue: There is currently no group or forum withsufficient remit or geographical coverage to pick upon the work of the Ross and Cromarty (East)Biodiversity Group and help deliver this LocalBiodiversity Action Plan.

Opportunity: The Ross and Cromarty (East)Biodiversity Group was set up to draft the Plan, andcomprises a number of enthusiastic individualsrepresenting a broad range of interests. Severalmembers have expressed an interest in continuing tomeet on an infrequent basis to help deliver the Plan,perhaps with administrative support from ScottishNatural Heritage.

Future actions:

Continue to support the Ross and Cromarty (East)Biodiversity Group to raise awareness ofcommunity-led environmental projects, sharegood practice, oversee actions, run events andsupport awareness-raising projects. (Suggestedpartners: Scottish Natural Heritage, existing groupmembers)

Employ a biodiversity officer for a year to supportthe above group in its initial stages and help localcommunities and businesses undertakebiodiversity projects. (Suggested partners: HighlandCouncil, Scottish Natural Heritage)

Provide training and support to a network ofvolunteer biodiversity contacts who can adviseand support individuals, businesses, schools andcommunity groups willing to carry outbiodiversity audits and mapping exercises.(Suggested partners: Highland Council, ScottishNatural Heritage)

Farmland near Balblair, Black Isle

4. Lack of habitat linkages

Issue: Many habitats throughout Ross and Cromarty(East) now exist only as isolated remnants of oncelarger areas of wetland, woodland or moorland.Wildlife often cannot move between these remnants,and so populations of some species become isolatedand more vulnerable to changes in climate, disease,etc.

Opportunities: Biodiversity projects could be targetedto improve linkages between such habitats.

Current Projects: The Black Isle Partnership’s‘Making Space for Wildlife’ report (2004) is a firststep towards creating wildlife corridors and habitatnetworks on the Black Isle. It identifies a list ofobjectives and actions which, given time will helpcreate a functioning habitat network on the Black Isle(listed in more detail in Chapter 6).

Future actions:

Undertake projects that re-establish links betweenisolated habitats through agricultural or forestrygrant schemes, or wildlife corridor projectsfocusing on hedgerows or roadside verges.(Suggested partners: Highland Council RoadsDepartment, BEAR Scotland, Scottish NaturalHeritage, Forestry Commission, Farming & WildlifeAdvisory Group, Scottish Agricultural College, BlackIsle Partnership, land managers)

5. Invasive species

Issue: Rhododendron ponticum, Japanese knotweed,giant hogweed and Himalayan balsam are non-native, invasive species that are threatening ournative biodiversity. In addition, a number of nativespecies (e.g. ragwort, bracken, gorse, rushes) thatoften provide good wildlife habitat can becomeproblematic if grazing is removed and the plants areleft unchecked.

Non-native mammals such as American mink andsika deer are also causing problems for nativewildlife, and these issues are dealt with separately inChapters 2.4 and 4.6.

Opportunity: Many of our semi-natural habitatsrequire management through grazing or scrubcontrol, but some non-natives require specialattention to eradicate them. Species such as Japaneseknotweed can often be unwittingly spread to newlocations through machinery or the transfer oftopsoil, but such issues can be addressed throughtraining courses and awareness-raising programmestargeted at contractors.

9The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanBiodiversity Action Plan

Future actions:

Take steps to eradicate alien pest species such asRhododendron ponticum, Japanese knotweed, gianthogweed and Himalayan balsam from watercourses and roadside verges. Manage otherspecies such as bracken and gorse, whichalthough beneficial for biodiversity in small areas,are detrimental when they take over as blanketcoverage. (Suggested partners: Highland CouncilRoads Department, BEAR Scotland, Scottish NaturalHeritage, land managers)

Run training courses for land managers and roadverge maintenance contractors and staff to helpwith identification of these problem species andraise awareness of how to control and eradicatethem. (Suggested partners: Highland Council RoadsDepartment, BEAR Scotland, Scottish NaturalHeritage, land managers)

Rhododendron ponticum

6. Wildlife crime

Issue: There are a number of illegal actions thatthreaten our biodiversity, including the removal ofwild flowers such as bluebells and water lilies fromwoods or ponds, the collection of rare birds’ eggs, thedeliberate or accidental killing of birds of prey,fishing for pearl mussels and the drowning ofdolphins in illegal monofilament nets or disturbancethrough inappropriate boat use.

Water lily

Opportunity: The Partnership for Action AgainstWildlife Crime is a multi-agency body comprisingrepresentatives of all the organisations involved inwildlife law enforcement in the UK. It promotes theenforcement of legislation and provides opportunitiesfor joint working to address these problems.

Future actions:

Raise awareness of wildlife crime issues amongstlocal groups and in schools. (Suggested partners:Highland Council Education Department, ScottishNatural Heritage, RSPB Scotland, NorthernConstabulary)

7. Litter and fly-tipping

Issue: Marine and land-based litter from fly-tippingor discarded items including bags, containers andfishing nets and line can cause problems formammals and birds in any environment. Plasticitems or tin cans can cause particular damage, asthey are not biodegradable.

Current Projects: Some communities regularlyorganise clean-ups on beaches, rivers or withinwoodlands. The Scottish Fly Tipping Forum isworking to address this issue at a national level, andthe current ‘Dumb Dumpers’ campaign is trying toraise awareness of the problem and encourage peopleto report fly tipping.

10 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanBiodiversity Action Plan

Future actions:

Provide incentives for businesses andcommunities to minimise the waste they send tolandfill through e.g. community compostingfacilities. (Suggested partners: Highland Council,Scottish Natural Heritage, community groups)

Consider better signage in valuable areas andeducation within schools. (Suggested partners:Highland Council Education Department, ScottishNatural Heritage, Northern Constabulary)

Members of the Muir of Ord Environmental Groupcleaning up their local environment

11The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 1: Sea & Coast

Chapter 1: Sea & Coast

Photos of: Bottlenose dolphins, Saltmarsh (CromartyFirth), Mergansers, Mussels and Coastline (Tarbat Ness).

Key features:

The following list highlights the key features of ourmarine and coastal biodiversity, the habitats andspecies that make this area so special and distinct inecological terms.

Part of the northernmost major wintering area forwildfowl and waders in Europe – of crucialimportance for birds from across the northernworld

First and last ‘stop-over’ in autumn and spring formany long-distance migrant birds

Coastal waters used by last surviving residentpopulation of bottlenose dolphins in Europe

Part of most important area for wintering sea duckin Britain

Third largest cormorant colony in Scotland

Most extensive inter-tidal mudflats and saltings inHighland region

Dornoch Firth one of the finest relativelyundisturbed complex estuaries in Europe

Largest area of glasswort-rich saltmarsh inScotland in the Dornoch Firth

Largest stand of eelgrass in UK in the CromartyFirth, feeding internationally important numbersof wigeon

Northernmost UK group of sand-bank-usingcommon seals

Best area in Britain for juniper on sand dunes

Undisturbed coastal stretches with wide range ofnationally scarce plants and butterflies

Mussel beds that have been harvested sustainablyfor four centuries

12 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 1: Sea & Coast


Arms of the sea push deep into Easter Ross. Youcan travel some 25 km inland as the whooper swanflies, for example from the Sutors at the mouth ofthe Cromarty Firth to the mudflats at the Firth’shead beside Dingwall. And the journey’s muchmore if you follow all the bays, headlands and othercoastal features.

Within the Ross & Cromarty (East) area, the coastlinestretches to more than 280 km in length, including thethree major inlets of the Dornoch Firth, the CromartyFirth, and the Beauly and Inverness Firths. In theestuarine inner firths, massive areas of inter-tidalsediment are exposed twice a day at low tide.

Mudflats at dawn, Cromarty Firth

In contrast, just under 40 km of ‘hard’ shore alongcoasts is exposed to the full brunt of the open sea.The major stretch of open coast, which also holds thearea’s main sea cliffs, runs from Tarbat Ness to theNorth Sutor, with a smaller stretch of open coastalong the Black Isle from the South Sutor to ChanonryPoint.

The combination of these contrasting physicalfeatures - extensive ‘soft’ coastline with associatedsheltered mudflats and relatively little disturbedstretches of ‘hard’ open coasts - provides a hugerange of opportunities for wildlife. This includesspecies for which the area has internationalimportance.

Over the years, the coastal area has supportednumerous industries and defence works includingfishing, aluminium smelting, oilrig manufacture andtourism. With its relatively deep, navigable channel,the Cromarty Firth was particularly developed andevidence of these industries and of War-timefortifications can be seen here. The Dornoch Firthsupports a Royal Air Force bombing range andsustainable mussel fishery, which depends on theundisturbed and relatively unpolluted nature of thearea.

Marine and coastal habitats

13The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 1: Sea & Coast

Cromarty Harbour

Habitats & species

Sea: The waters of the inner firths – especially theCromarty and Inverness Firths – are now world-famous for their resident population of bottlenosedolphins Tursiops truncatus. Estimated to numberover 130 individuals at the time of writing, theseanimals range over a huge sea area – from Invernessto St Andrews and beyond – but can be seen ingroups both large (20+) and small (1-2) off placessuch as Chanonry Point and the Sutors. On occasion,some dolphins attack harbour porpoises Phocoenaphocoena that use the area.

Coastal waters are also used by common (harbour)seals Phoca vitulina. These animals use inter-tidalsandbanks and mudflats as haul-outs in the Beauly,Inverness, Cromarty and Dornoch Firths. This makesthem the most visible large mammal in the seawardpart of the LBAP area from a human perspective. Assuch, they have an economic importance linked tovisits by mammal-watching tourists. Many peoplecome to the area inspired by the (less predictable)bottlenose dolphins, and leave having enjoyed viewsof both seals and dolphins. The largest common sealpopulation is in the Dornoch Firth which (in the late1980s) held roughly 2 per cent of the Britishpopulation. Small numbers of grey seals Halichoerusgrypus also occur at Tarbat Ness.

The Inner Moray Firth as a whole is the prime site inBritain for wintering seaduck. The near-shorepopulation of red-breasted mergansers Mergusserrator was one of the biggest in Britain. Numbers ofscoters Melanitta species, scaup Aythya marila andlong-tailed duck Clangula hyemalis are also ofnational significance because they congregate at seaoff the north-east coast, in the outer Dornoch Firthand off the Fearn Peninsula. The Cromarty, Beaulyand Inverness Firths are important wintering sites forgoldeneye Bucephala clangula.


In terms of fish, the Inner Moray Firth is an importantnursery for herring Clupea harengus, formerlyexploited off the coast by a winter driftnet fishery.Sprat Sprattus sprattus that spawn in deep water thenmove inshore to overwinter were also formerlyexploited in a small scale fishery. Anothercommercially important species once harvested ingreater numbers is Norway lobster Nephropsnorvegicus, also known as scampi, langoustine orDublin Bay prawn, whose main grounds run fromChanonry Point to Tarbat Ness in fine mud off thehard coast.

‘Soft’ coast: The inner firths are not normally exposedto severe wind and wave action. Soft sediments havebuilt up here, and the inner parts of individual thefirths have mainly silt or mud-based sediment.Seawards, the sediment becomes more dominated bysand and gravel, especially in Nigg Bay and at thehead of the Beauly Firth. With a tidal range that canbe up to 3 metres, vast stretches of sand and mud areexposed twice a day.

In the enclosed Cromarty Firth, this inter-tidal area ishuge – 3,750 hectares (enough to cover much of theland surface of the Black Isle). There are alsothousands more hectares of inter-tidal ground in theDornoch and Beauly Firths, and in Munlochy Bay.

Animals live in the sediments themselves, includingabundant small molluscs such as the Laver SpireShell Hydrobia ulvae. Nationally important plant

14 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 1: Sea & Coast

species that grow on sand and mud include extensiveeelgrasses Zostera angustifolia and Z. noltii, andrarities such as Eleocharis parvula, only discovered inDingwall Bay a few years ago. In turn, the molluscsand plants feed huge numbers of birds.

Morrich More

The composition of the wintering bird communitieson inter-tidal areas in the three Firths varies, butcertain species stand out as giving the whole innerfirth system huge significance. These include greylaggeese Anser anser, bar-tailed godwit Limosa lapponica,and wigeon Anas penelope (by far the most numerousduck), all of which can be numbered in thousands.Dozens of Icelandic whooper swans Cygnus cygnusoverwinter around Nigg Bay, Loch Eye and theBeauly Firth.

The area is also important as a stopping point formigrating birds, for example it is not uncommon tosee 5,000 – 6,000 teal in October / November, andmany wading birds also feed up on passage.Within the estuarine areas, the number of relativelyundisturbed inter-tidal and coastal habitats providesmany opportunities for wildlife.

In the Dornoch Firth / Morrich More, for example –the northernmost complex estuary in the UK –habitats listed on Annex 1 of the European HabitatsDirective include:

Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater atlow tidePioneer glasswort saltmarshAtlantic salt meadowsEmbryonic shifting dunes‘White dunes’ with marram grass‘Grey dunes’ with heath and juniperDecalcified fixed dunesHumid dune slacksCoastal dunes with juniper

The list is fairly mind-boggling and would be simplerin other firths; the Dornoch Firth is one of the finestlarge estuaries in Europe as it is relatively unaffectedby industrial development and has retained goodtransitions to terrestrial habitats such as grassland,heath and wetland. But it serves to highlight theamazing variety of firth-linked habitats in EasterRoss and the Black Isle. These include reedbeds nearDingwall.

In summer, the enclosed firths are also an importantfeeding area for the healthy local population ofospreys Pandion haliaetus. Some shingle spits andindustrial sites have breeding common terns Sternahirundo. Otters Lutra lutra have been recorded at lowdensity around most of the coastline within the LBAParea.

Saltmarsh, Cromarty Firth

‘Hard’ coast: The most extensive stretches of hardopen coast run from Portmahomack to Tarbat Ness,then south to the Sutors at the mouth of the CromartyFirth. Beyond, there is another stretch of hard coastfrom the South Sutor to near Rosemarkie, where themajor spit of Chanonry Point stretches south-eastacross the narrows of the Inverness Firth.

Almost the entire length of this hard coast follows theline of the Great Glen Fault. Along it, there is often asteep, sharp shift from land to sea. Old RedSandstone cliffs (for which the area is internationallyfamous, due to Hugh Miller’s investigations of fossilson the Black Isle) typically drop to a raised beach, arelic of post-Ice Age sea level drop, flanking theexposed shore.

15The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 1: Sea & Coast

Coastline, Tarbat Ness

In one place only – the North Sutor by Nigg – thecomplex of sea cliffs and stacks provides breedingspace for many kinds of seabirds. Notably, thisincludes the largest breeding group of cormorantsPhalacrocorax carbo in eastern Britain (also the thirdlargest in Scotland). Other breeding seabirds hereinclude fulmar, shag, kittiwake, herring gull, greatblack-backed gull, guillemot and razorbill. Elsewherealong the hard coastline, breeding seabirds are veryfew and principally restricted to fulmar and gulls.

The hard coasts, with their cliff ramparts and oftentricky access from land, are both environmentallychallenging for wildlife and, through exposure to seaspray, erosion and landslip, physically demandingfor people. The history of this coastal strip has alsoinfluenced the mix of habitats. There is muchevidence of old fishing stations, salmon nettingstations, bothies and shore tracks, and some of theflat areas by the sea were used for growing potatoesand grazing cattle in years gone by.

Cormorants, near Tarbat Ness

Along the cliffs and dunes between Rosemarkie andTarbat Ness there are many outcrops of lime-richrock. Combined with the mild climate, theseconditions support plants such as rockroseHelianthemun nummularium (larval food of thenorthern brown argus butterfly), carline thistle,purple oxytropis Oxytropis halleri, wild carrot Daucuscorota and kidney vetch Anthyllis vulnerary. Theseplants are generally scarce elsewhere in the area.

Dune grassland, Morrich More

This is a boon for butterflies including scarce speciessuch as northern brown argus Aricia artaxerxes andpearl-bordered fritillary Argynnis euphrosyne.

Coastal heathland can be found at Tarbat Ness.Strips of dense-growing native woodland and scrubgrow here just beyond the seaward extent offarmland, where creatures such as wild cat can denin quiet refuges along the undercliff.


To raise awareness of the marine environmentwithin schools, businesses and tourist outlets.

To raise awareness of species under threat or indecline and prioritise actions to improve theirwellbeing.

To improve the protection of dolphins, seals andthe bird populations that make the Moray Firthsuch an important biodiversity site.

To find out more about the coastal and marinehabitats through survey work and environmentalstudies.

To encourage organisations to set the higheststandards for sewage treatment and industrialwaste discharges into the Moray Firth.

16 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 1: Sea & Coast

Main Issues

1.1 Marine mammal conservation

Issue: Dolphins are one of the most marketable andenduring images of the Moray Firth, but their survivalaround these shores is not a certainty. They live atthe edge of their range and suffer from a number ofpressures such as disturbance, pollution andbecoming trapped in illegally set monofilament gillnets for salmon.

Common and grey seals are also a well known andloved sight around the coast, but there are concernsamongst fishermen about the interactions betweenseal populations and the numbers of salmon and seatrout returning to spawn in our rivers.

Opportunity: The identification of large parts of ourcoast as candidate Special Areas of Conservation andSpecial Protection Areas under the EU Habitats andBirds Directives draws attention to the areas specialfeatures and presents us with both social andeconomic opportunities. Dolphins are icons of thewider marine environment, and are used ininterpretation, education and marketing for localcompanies, as well as representing a major attractionin tourist terms.

Dolphin watching at Chanonry Point

Current projects: The University of Aberdeen and StAndrew’s University have been monitoring thepresence and behaviour of dolphins for many yearsand they have identified around 130 animals byindividual markings on their fins.

The Dolphin Space Programme is an accreditationscheme for wildlife tour boats. It promotes operatorswho “Watch how they Watch” and who carry outhigh quality cruises of low environmental impact –see for moreinformation.

Operation Fish Net is a project undertaken by thePartnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime which

seeks to raise awareness of the dolphins of the MorayFirth and the threat of entanglement in illegally setmonofilament gill nets. In the two years since thelaunch of this project, 55 illegal nets have beenseized.

Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Executive andthe Moray Firth District Salmon Fishery Boards areworking together to develop a Seal Management Planfor the Moray Firth. The aim of the plan is tosafeguard the common seal interest of the DornochFirth candidate Special Area of Conservation whilstallowing some targeted removal of a limited numberof seals which are considered to be causing mostdamage to salmon stocks.

Future actions:

Display information leaflets on the protection ofdolphins, report any illegal or drifting salmon nets tothe dedicated freephone number - 0800 085 8217, anddemonstrate good environmental practice by keepingthe firths clean and healthy for marine life. (Suggestedpartners: Moray Firth Partnership, ships chandlers, boatoperators & marine businesses)

Sand dune vegetation

1.2 Sea level rise

Issue: Sea level rise could be a major issue for low-lying coastal areas in eastern Ross and Cromarty overthe next few decades. Given the shallowness ofextensive inter-tidal areas in the firths and thenarrowness of flanking shingle and saltmarsh inmany cases, there is a real danger of widespreadhabitat loss.

Opportunity: Given the international significance ofwintering wildfowl and waders in the area there ispotential to provide local value for education,pleasure and small-scale eco-tourism based on thesebirds.

Current projects: The Royal Society for the Protectionof Birds has recently breached a retaining wall nearNigg to allow an area of agricultural land to flood.

17The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 1: Sea & Coast

This will provide scope for the migration of saltmarshinland from its current boundary, attract increasednumbers of breeding waders and act as a defenceagainst rising sea levels.

Future actions:

Further potential for coastal realignment projectsshould be explored. (Suggested partners: HighlandCouncil, SNH, RSPB Scotland)

1.3 Marine litter and pollution

Issue: Although the local marine environment isrelatively clean by UK standards, it continues to be ageneral dumping ground for anything from sewageand old cars to fishing industry junk. Marine litterposes a range of risks to species includingentanglement and ingestion, and greater awarenessis needed within the fishing industry. Many sourcesof pollution directly affect species at the lower end ofthe food web, such as filter feeding bivalves (mussels,scallops, etc) and pollutants may then be passed onup the food chain.

Opportunity: Work has already been carried outthrough the Moray Firth Partnership and theCromarty Firth Liaison Group and the HighlandCouncil Ranger Service to draw attention to dangersto wildlife posed by seaborne litter and to encouragebeach clean-ups. There is scope for further workalong the same lines.

Current projects: Alness Wild & Green Group, inassociation with the East Ross Ranger and MarineConservation Society, have organised beach surveysand clean-ups at Alness Point.

Scottish Water Solutions is continuing to upgradecoastal sewage treatment sites and an industrial unitat Evanton is installing a reed bed to treat wastewater from its site.

Future actions:

Seek sponsorship for and encourage more schoolsand communities to get involved in beach surveysand clean-ups, and raise awareness of marine litter.(Suggested partners: Moray Firth Partnership, MarineConservation Society, Highland Council, CommunityGroups)

Encourage the installation of more reed bed wastefacilities. (Suggested partners: Highland Council, SEPA,Scottish Water)

1.4 Recreation

Issue: While there is enormous scope for quietenjoyment of coastal wildlife here, there are also risksof disturbance in certain areas. Inshore use of fastrecreational craft in an area such as Chanonry Pointor unregulated dog exercising beside mudflats areexamples of activities that can be a problem forwildlife and a nuisance to people who wish to enjoythat wildlife.

Opportunity: Information at a few key points,including encouragement to restrict dog roaming insome parts could be a help to both wildlife andwildlife watchers.

Heron with flounder

Current projects: The Rural Stewardship Scheme hasallowed a farmer to remove bracken and scrub plantsfrom sand dunes at Rosemarkie. This means thatdune grasses and rare plants which were beingsmothered will now flourish by a popular walk.Avoch harbour

18 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 1: Sea & Coast

Bird watchers monitor the number of waterfowl andwaders throughout the winter across the Moray Firth.The Wetland Birds Survey is carried out at low andhigh tides each year in one of the major inland firthsand on the larger inland lochs.

The European funded Nortrail Project aims to informvisitors to the Moray Firth about access to its richcoastal heritage. A proposed ‘Hands Across theFirth’ project, led by the Moray Firth Partnership, willbe seeking ideas from communities to celebrate andpromote natural heritage links across the area.

Future actions:

Low impact viewing of wading birds and wildfowl ispossible at two public hides at present (overlookingUdale Bay and Nigg Bay) but there may be scope for amodest number of other viewing facilities elsewhere.(Suggested partners: RSPB Scotland, local communities)

Increase interpretation and signage close to habitatimprovement projects to raise awareness of theissues, timescales and the need for measures such asfencing. (Suggested partners: SNH, Highland Council,RSPB Scotland, land managers)

Produce an advice note on responsible dog walking /public access. (Suggested partners: SNH, HighlandCouncil, RSPB Scotland)

Identify and protect from development (including theconstruction of new footpaths) those few remaininglengths of coast which show a ‘natural’ transitionfrom land to marine habitats. (Suggested partners:Highland Council, SNH, coastal land owners)

1.5 Predation

Issue: Ross and Cromarty (East) has some importantArctic and common tern colonies at Nigg oil terminal,Alness Point, Ardullie Point and Avoch. All of thesesites are vulnerable to disturbance and predation bymink, ferrets and feral cats.

Current projects: Rafts have been installed at Avochto provide a safer breeding site for terns.

Future actions:

Trap predators at the Nigg yards, install notices orropes to deter visitors disturbing birds at AlnessPoint and Ardullie Point, and install new offshorerafts at Avoch. (Suggested partners: RSPB Scotland,land managers, Nigg Yard)

Exclusion fencing around tern colonies would helpreduce high levels of desertion caused bydisturbance. Careful positioning of any future

footpath development could reduce any furtherpotential impacts. (Suggested partners: RSPB Scotland,land managers, Highland Council, SNH)

1.6 Shellfish gathering

Issue: Although shellfish gathering by hand is a legalright under Scottish Law, large-scale commercialexploitation of cockles in local firths has been acontentious issue in the past. Any resurgence ofmechanical cockle harvesting in inter-tidal areascould be hugely damaging to biodiversity.

Current projects: In the 1990s large scale, mechanicalharvesting of cockles in Inver Bay on the south side ofthe Dornoch Firth caused concern locally as it wasdamaging the sand and mud, and removing theshellfish that were prey to the large bird populationsthat over-wintered there. Similar problems in theCromarty Firth were addressed by granting of theNigg and Udale Bays Nature Conservation(Amendment) Order in 1996, and a similar Order is inplace in the Dornoch Firth.

The working agreement between Highland FreshMussels and Scottish Natural Heritage is an excellentexample of a coastal partnership designed to supportlocal jobs and benefit wildlife and habitats. Itrecognises the importance of the Dornoch Firth’shistoric mussel fishery and helps to continue itssustainable management within an area of highbiodiversity value.

Future actions:

Maintain vigilance with regard to mechanical cockleharvesting and if the issue arises in future, take stepsto ensure that the area’s biodiversity is not adverselyaffected. (Suggested partners: SNH, NorthernConstabulary)

Mussels, near Rosemarkie

19The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland

Photos of: Rogie Falls, Toad, Achanalt Marshes,Dragonfly and Loch Kinellan.

Chapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland

Key features:

The following list highlights the key features of ourfreshwater biodiversity, the habitats and species thatmake this area so special and distinct in ecologicalterms.

Surviving stock of internationally endangeredAtlantic salmon

Populations of internationally importantfreshwater pearl mussel

Rivers running close to some settlements, bringingpeople and riverside wildlife together

River gorges where splash, runoff and spraymaintain variety of plants and trees

Watercourses as corridors and feeding areas forotters, fish and amphibians

Lochs containing Arctic char and isolated troutpopulations

Some of the finest areas of wet ‘bog’ woodland inBritain

Alder carr - wet woods at the River Conon

Habitats and feeding grounds for birds (e.g. LochUssie, Loch Eye) including osprey

Ponds as breeding sites for great crested newtsand other amphibians

Recent recognition as quality habitat for all threespecies of lamprey

20 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland


Our main river system, the Conon, drains a hugecatchment area and its water’s progress to the seabegins in the highest hills in the area. Rain andsnowmelt in the corries and hill slopes of theFannichs, the Monar Hills, Ben Wyvis and even theflanks of Ben Dearg in the west drain into highlochans, bogs, reservoirs, rivers and burns that floweast and empty into the Moray Firth.

East of the Conon system, a seriesof smaller rivers – the Sgitheach,Glass, Averon and Balnagowan –also drain to the Cromarty Firth.There are no large rivers on theBlack Isle, or in the lowlandsbetween Invergordon, Tain andTarbat Ness, but there are anumber of significant burns.

North-east flowing burns drain tothe Dornoch Firth, but theprincipal sources of fresh waterflowing into the Dornoch Firth arethe catchments of the Oykel,Cassley and Shin, outwith thisarea. Together, these rivers draina vast and remote portion ofcentral Sutherland.

The construction of dams during the 1950s createdlarge new water bodies and regulated the flows ofrivers. Indeed, very few upland river systems havenot been affected by hydro electricity construction.These activities have had both positive and negativeimpacts for biodiversity, with the creation of newhabitats and the modification of others.

Black Water

21The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland

The engineering achievements of the dam builders instoring and diverting this water are now part of localhistory; their legacy continues in the continued use ofhydroelectric power and the recent renewed interestin small power schemes in local rivers.

In addition to the income generated from salmonfishing in our rivers, many locals and tourists travelto remote lochs to fish for a fine, fighting brown trout.Much of Ross and Cromarty (East) is within theConon and Alness Salmon Fishery District, with thesouthern half of the Black Isle in the Ness SalmonFishery District and the Inner Beauly Firth in theBeauly Salmon Fishery District.

This area once had extensive wetlands but drainagefor industry, communities and agriculture hasreduced these precious habitats to scatteredremnants. Lochside woodlands, marshy ground andquaking bogs that have survived are invaluablereserves for wading birds, amphibians and insects.This includes some of the finest areas of bogwoodland in Britain, and lochs of internationalimportance for their vegetation and birdlife.

Loch Ussie at sunset

Habitats & species

Upland lochs, rivers and burns: With a few notableexceptions such as Loch Ussie and Loch Eye, thearea’s rivers, lochs and burns are poor in food foraquatic life. Such waters are termed ‘oligotrophic’(nutrient poor) and are typical of upland habitatslying on acidic rocks and soils, where the main riversare subject to periodic spates. The invertebrate andfish fauna includes a smaller range of species thanwaters in central and southern Scotland.

Among the few fish species to be found here,members of the salmon family are undoubtedly ofprime interest in terms of local perception offreshwater wildlife. They have great economic andrecreational importance, in addition to their widersocial and historical relevance.

Atlantic salmon: a flagship species

The Atlantic salmon is an important flagship speciesfor biodiversity in the region. The complexity of thesalmon’s lifecycle and its varied habitat requirementsmean that its success as a species is dependent on thediversity of its habitat. This habitat diversity is inturn dependent on the management of entirecatchments and links all the habitat types describedin this report from upland to coast.

Well-managed riparian zones around rivers arecharacterised by a diversity of native tree and plantspecies. This leads to great diversity of invertebratespecies, some of which blow into rivers and form animportant part of aquatic food chains. The leavesfrom different tree species are shed at different timesand decay at different rates, further increasing thevariety of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate speciesthat feed on them.

There are biodiversity links to other species andhabitats throughout the salmon’s life cycle. Scarcemarine nutrients from the corpses of salmon, some ofwhich die after spawning, can be significant toprimary production in upland areas. Returningadult salmon are needed by freshwater pearl musselsto transport their larvae upstream. They are alsohosts to sea lampreys in coastal water and areimportant seasonal food sources for sea mammalsand otters.

In recent years, the importance of the maintenanceand restoration of varied and healthy in-stream andriparian habitats has been recognised by fisherymanagers. There are also clearly much widerbiodiversity gains to the integration of themanagement of terrestrial and freshwater habitats.

Simon McKelveyConon District Salmon Fishery Board

Due to the income generated from salmon fishing inour rivers, much work takes place locally to monitor,conserve and maximise the catch of Atlantic salmonSalmo salar. A limited net fishery for Atlantic salmonis still carried out within the region. However, thenumbers of salmon returning to our rivers hasdeclined dramatically in recent decades.

Fishing for brown trout Salmo trutta is also carried outin our lochs. Small burns support both resident fishlike brown trout and minnows Phoxinus phoxinus andmigratory fish that return to the burns to spawn, suchas sea trout (the migratory form of brown trout) andeels Anguilla anguilla.

A recent record of brook lamprey Lampetra planeri in asmall burn on the Black Isle demonstrates the

22 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland

potential for further discoveries and, perhaps, forfuture biodiversity. Indeed, all three species oflamprey have been recorded in our area. Three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus (presentwidely in rivers) and flounder Platychthes flesus(coastal) can both use freshwater reaches in lowerparts of rivers and saltwater in inshore areas.

The main introduced fish species in the area, pikeEsox lucius and perch Perca fluviatilis, are predatorson other fish and so can have an impact on nativefish stocks.

Linked to the health of salmon in many rivers is thefreshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera.Once much more widespread but now reduced bypollution and over-harvesting, this long-livedmollusc (a century or more is possible) is still presentwithin some of our rivers and burns. It is a highpriority species for conservation action, and recentstudies indicate that it has a beneficial role to salmonin terms of filtering water and keeping spawningbeds clean.


The upland fast-flowing rivers are subject to periodicspates after sudden snowmelt or heavy rainfall.Dipper Cinclus cinclus, grey wagtail Motacilla cinereaand common sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos breed here,as does goosander Mergus merganser in part of theuplands in the mid-west of the area. Waders such asredshank Tringa totanus and curlew Numenius arquatamay use damp areas in fields near the rivers. None ofthese birds are rare or listed as a biodiversity priorityspecies in a national context, but together they form ahighly valued part of the local scene and, in turnindicate the relative purity of the waters where theyfeed and breed.

Fast-flowing water running through gorges alsoindirectly boosts local biodiversity through splash,spray and maintenance of moisture in soilsupporting river or burnside trees. Lower plantssuch as mosses, lichens, liverworts and ferns areparticularly favoured in this way, and there areexcellent plant-rich river gorges close to settlementsalong the north side of the Cromarty Firth. Examplesinclude the Black Rock Gorge near Evanton,Scotsburn Gorge and Allt nan Caorach.Within the spate channels (on boulders and at banksides) mosses appear to be more common thanflowering plants.

Rogie Falls

Reservoirs: A number of lochs have been created overthe last 50 years by hydro-electric developments.Some of these contain Arctic char and populations ofwading birds, although the water levels fluctuate toomuch for them to provide good feeding grounds forthe latter. These developments have had a hugeinfluence on our biodiversity, e.g. through openingup new routes for species transfers, changes intemperatures caused by water transfers and the lossof flood events.

Lowland burns, ditches and ponds: In the easternpart of the area, where agriculture and forestry are themajor land uses, ditches and slower-flowing burnsprovide important wetland corridors. Even smallwatercourses, such as the Braelangwell Burn or thehistorically famous Ferintosh Burn on the Black Isle,provide many opportunities for plants such asmosses and liverworts to grow and for fish such asminnows, eels and migratory trout to feed andspawn. Good freshwater corridors are also importantfor conservation of the water vole Arvicola terrestris,now the UK’s most endangered mammal, and areused by otters.

Wetland drainage in the past has reduced theamount of standing water in the eastern lowlands.The seasonally flooding Kinbeachie Loch, forexample, between Culbokie and Cullicudden, wasdrained as recently as the 1960s. Drainage of smaller

23The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland

ponds and cultivation up to the edge of burns andditches has also removed habitat for many riparianspecies and increased the chance of run-off erodingor washing out those that remain.

Loch Kinellan

Where small areas of standing, relatively nutrient-rich fresh water do remain, the benefits for wildlifecan be excellent. Loch Kinellan beside Strathpefferand the glacial ponds at Muir of Ord, home tocolonies of great crested newts Triturus cristatus, areclassic examples. But even tiny patches of marshyground or standing water can support plants such asragged robin Lychnis flos-cuculi and provideopportunities for common frogs Rana temporaria,toads Bufo bufo and palmate newts Triturus helveticusto spawn or dragonflies and damselflies to breed.

In the west, the Achanalt Marshes Special ProtectionArea is an important part of the most extensive rivervalley floodplain in the area. Varied fen and marshhabitats here provide nesting scope for a range ofwildlfowl and wader species.

Relatively food-rich waters: Thanks very largely toLoch Ussie, the largest relatively food rich(mesotrophic) water body in Ross and Cromarty(East), the area has an impressive tally of pondweedson its local list. Nine different species grow in LochUssie, including the rare Shetland pondweedPotamogeton rutilus among a wide array of other waterplants. Fringing sedge beds and shore communitiessupport species such as bladder sedge Carex vesicariaand pillwort Pilularia globulifera.

The largest eutrophic (high nutrient status) waterbody in the area is Loch Eye, which is generallyconsidered to have originally been mesotrophic(intermediate nutrient status) but has suffered fromnutrient enrichment through human activities on thesurrounding land and faeces from its wildfowlpopulation. The loch and its surrounds support awide range of plant communities, but its prime valuein biodiversity terms is as a winter roosting site fornumbers of waterbirds, especially whooper swansand greylag geese.

Watercourses of all kinds, from rivers to drainageditches, provide corridors along which the area’s lowdensity population of otters can move and feed. Theyoften leave evidence in spring, through theirdroppings, of frogs and toads that have been caughtas they gather for communal mating.

Woodland stream, Drummondreach oakwood


To maintain favourable water quality status in allwater bodies and minimise diffuse pollution.

To keep lochs and rivers in as natural a state aspossible, with no barriers to fish migration andimproved flow rates on dammed river sections.

To retain and enhance all existing areas ofwetland.

To promote the use of best practice guides andprofessional advice from government agencies,and reduce any negative impacts of forestry,agriculture or other industrial discharges onfreshwater habitats.

To recreate salmon spawning and nursery areasin the lower Rivers Conon and Alness.

To promote the Scottish Outdoor Access Code,which supports responsible recreational use offreshwater lochs and rivers.

To raise awareness of the importance of wetlandand open water habitats, and encourage localpride in the value of the high quality freshwaterenvironment.

To promote a holistic approach to freshwaterconservation by encouraging co-operationbetween land and water users through thedevelopment of catchment management plans andother initiatives.

24 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland

Main Issues

2.1 Population decline in Atlantic salmon

Issue: Atlantic salmon has suffered huge declinesacross its world range in recent decades. Reasons forthis are complex, but are likely to include factors suchas deep-sea trawling at wintering grounds andchanges in water temperature and salinity due toglobal warming that are far beyond the scope of localaction for biodiversity. Until recently, agriculturalprices have meant it was worthwhile to maintainflood banks and field drains, which have canalisedrivers and removed spawning habitat for salmon andsea trout.

Atlantic salmon jumping

Opportunity: Those fish that do return to the riverwhere they were spawned can be helped byconservation measures within the local area. Thiscould include an assessment of the usefulness ofexisting structures that present barriers to fishmovement, and the feasibility of allowingunrestricted fish access to river reaches that havebeen inaccessible in recent decades.

Current projects: Scottish and Southern Energy haveinstalled fish passes with counters at their hydrodams.

The Conon District Salmon Fishery Board carries outsalmon monitoring, restocking and tagging on anongoing basis, and has carried out a channelrestoration and riparian woodland project to improvespawning habitat at Dunglass Island on the lowersection of the river.

Future actions:

Demonstrate the importance of freshwater habitatsthrough practical projects, e.g. restoration ofspawning burns for wild trout and salmon.Dunglass Island channel restoration and riparianwoodland creation project might be a gooddemonstration project. (Suggested partners: CononDistrict Salmon Fishery Board, SNH, land owners)

Restore fish passes and reduce barriers to fish andother wildlife to give access to spawning groundsupstream, including the maintenance of appropriateflow rates in flow-altered rivers. (Suggested partners:Scottish & Southern Energy, District Salmon FisheryBoards, SNH, land managers)

Raise awareness of the issues surrounding rivermanagement for salmon amongst anglers and landmanagers, and implement ‘Catch and Release’ as amanagement policy. (Suggested partners: DistrictSalmon Fishery Boards, land managers, angling groups)

Develop the existing education package anddisseminate best practice amongst all water users, e.g.on field ditch management and pollution for farmersand crofters, on the non-use of live bait for anglers.(Suggested partners: Cromarty Firth Fisheries Trust,District Salmon Fishery Boards, SNH, SAC, HighlandFWAG, WWF)

Develop fishery and catchment management plansfor each river system in the region, and carry out ademonstration project on river and loch bankmanagement, including the use of fencing bufferstrips and planting of broadleaves to prevent bankerosion. (Suggested partners: SEPA, SNH, HighlandCouncil Planning & Development Service, DistrictSalmon Fishery Boards, WWF)

Reconstruction of spawning habitat

2.2 Acidification and nutrient enrichment

Issue: The planting of large blocks of conifers in theuplands in the past has released soils and silt intothe burns and rivers, silting up spawning beds. Insome of the burns, the effect of afforestation hasresulted in an increase in the acidity of the water.Returning salmon can use burns that are less than ametre wide, and many of these burns are in or nearforest plantations and still suffer from acidification inthe winter, which kills the salmon’s eggs.

25The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland

In lowland Ross-shire, agricultural intensificationand an increase in building development hasresulted in an increase in fertilisers and pesticidesreaching our watercourses through run-off fromfields and in sewage treatment works and dischargesfrom pipes.

Even in small quantities, sheep dip can cause seriousdamage to freshwater invertebrates and disrupt thewhole food chain. The use of enclosed fields afterdipping reduces the risk of watercourses becomingcontaminated.

Opportunities: The Water Framework Directiveencourages the development of catchmentmanagement plans, and its implementation throughthe Scottish Environment Protection Agency willincrease control on pressures affecting water quality,particularly from diffuse pollution sources.Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) are alsobeing promoted in new developments, which willbenefit water quality.

The Forestry Commission has produced ‘Forest &Water Guidelines’, which give best practiceguidelines for forestry management to protectwatercourses.

Farmers and crofters are required to follow thePEPFAA Code (Prevention of EnvironmentalPollution from Agricultural Activity) and usefulinformation and guides on reducing agriculturalpollution are available from the Scottish EnvironmentProtection Agency, the Scottish Executive and theScottish Agricultural College (Dos and Don’tsGuide and the Four Point Plan –Straightforward guidance for livestockfarmers to minimise pollution and benefityour business).

The production of farm water managementplans as recommended by WWF would givesimple, low cost ways in which farmers canmake savings on fertilisers and otheragrochemicals, reduce pollution and soil lossand also improve wildlife habitats. Creationof buffer strips along water courses inparticular, can give large biodiversity benefits.Buffer strips can reduce erosion by keepingstock from bank sides and by trappingsediments and chemicals before they arewashed into rivers.

Current projects: The Scottish Environment ProtectionAgency currently monitors the quality of our largerrivers and lochs. SEPA also regulates all dischargesfrom water treatment works, farm wastes andindustrial effluent.

Future actions:

Ensure water quality improvements are in line withSEPA’s targets. (Suggested partners: SEPA, ScottishWater, agricultural and industrial businesses)

Continue to promote practical guidance for forestryplantings and new developments taking place nearwatercourses. Advise businesses on the legalrequirements for discharges of substances near orinto water, and demonstrate how sustainablepractices can make economic sense to businesses.(Suggested partners: Forestry Commission, ScottishExecutive, SEPA, Highland Council Planning &Development Service, SNH, SAC, Highland FWAG)

Promote adoption of SUDS principles (such asswales, infiltration basins, detention / retentionponds, wetlands, reedbeds) in new developments.(Suggested partners: Highland Council Planning &Development Service, SEPA, SNH, developers)

Safeguard the nutrient status of Loch Ussie and LochEye, and ensure that good-quality long-term data isavailable to assess the nutrient status of these lochs.(Suggested partners: SEPA, SNH)

Produce and enact Farm Waste Water ManagementPlans for some of the larger agricultural units,following the pilot project undertaken as part of theRiver Spey Catchment Management Plan project.(Suggested partners: Scottish Executive, SEPA, HighlandFWAG, SAC, land managers)

2.3 Lack of information on freshwater species

Issue: There is a lack of information on the presence,extent and management requirements of freshwaterplants, mammals, invertebrates and fish within theRoss and Cromarty (East) area.

Loch Kinellan in winter

26 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland

Opportunity: Scottish Environment ProtectionAgency currently monitors the larger watercourses inthe area for invertebrates, though data is at Familylevel only. Under the requirements of the WaterFramework Directive, SEPA’s monitoring offreshwater flora and fauna is likely to increase,particularly to cover lochs much more than atpresent.

Current projects: The Conon District Salmon FisheryBoard and Scottish Fisheries Co-ordination Centrehave carried out habitat surveys of all river systemsrunning into the Cromarty Firth. Since 1996, theConon DSFB has undertaken annual electro-fishingsurveys to determine the distribution of species anddensities of juvenile salmonids.

With a small grant from the Highland BiodiversityProject, members of the Muir of Ord EnvironmentalGroup have purchased tools to help them protect andenhance their local area, which is home to the greatcrested newt. SNH has drawn up a ManagementPlan to help conserve the population of great crestednewts living on a series of ponds near the village.

The area’s freshwater pearl mussel population hasbeen surveyed and Scottish Natural Heritage uses theresults to guide any river engineering worksrequiring planning permission.

SNH and the Conon DSFB are carrying out a lampreysurvey in 2003 and 2004, and it is hoped that theresults will feed into river management.

Fairy Glen, Rosemarkie

Future actions:

Undertake an inventory of existing freshwater surveydata to encourage sharing of data between agenciesand to highlight the needs for additional datagathering. Make use of electronic map datatechnology to link data sets wherever possible. Oncethe gaps have been identified, find funding to help fillthem and translate the information into habitatcreation or management works. (Suggested partners:SNH, SEPA, District Salmon Fishery Boards)

Investigate the biodiversity value of a selection ofstanding waters including reservoirs, large lochs, hilllochs and farm ponds. Farm ponds are a scarceresource in the area, but could make a significantcontribution to biodiversity and the populationstrength of amphibians and wetland birds.(Suggested partners: SNH, SEPA, RSPB Scotland,Highland Biological Recording Group)

Raise awareness of the biodiversity value of ourrivers and lochs, focusing on salmon, trout, lampreyspecies and other freshwater fish that have been littlestudied. (Suggested partners: SNH, Highland CouncilRanger Service, District Salmon Fishery Boards)

Use farm and forestry grant schemes to encourageland managers to create riverside woodlands, salmonspawning grounds and wetland areas. (Suggestedpartners: Scottish Executive, Forestry Commission,Highland FWAG, SAC, land managers)

Improve understanding of the biodiversity of rivergravels through survey work. (Suggested partners:SNH, District Salmon Fishery Boards)

Conduct a Daubenton’s bat survey. (Suggestedpartners: Inverness Bat Group, Bat Conservation Trust,Highland Biological Recording Group, SNH)

Raise awareness of habitat management for speciessuch as great crested newts through workshops andfield visits. (Suggested partners: Highland CouncilRanger Service, SNH)

Encourage volunteers to survey and map roadcrossings and accessibility of culverts for e.g. frogs,toads and otters, and install suitable signage to warndrivers of the hazard to wildlife in these areas.Blocked culverts can obstruct safe passage and makeanimals risk road crossings, so pass this informationon to roadside managers to enable problems to berectified. (Suggested partners: SNH, Highland CouncilTransport and Ranger Services, BEAR Scotland, HighlandBiological Recording Group, local community groups)


27The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland

2.4 Invasive non-native species

Issue: Some non-native plant species such asJapanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam and gianthogweed are very invasive and choke out nativevegetation. These species often spread along rivers,making them particularly difficult for individual landmanagers to control. A more recent introduction,Crassula helmsii is now appearing in many lochs.

American mink have spread throughout theHighlands and prey on small mammals like watervoles.

Non-native fish introductions could be a problemshould pike fishing with live bait become popular inthe area. This issue is already the most significantthreat to freshwater biodiversity in the Loch Lomondand the Trossachs National Park.

Genetic issues relating to the introduction of nativebut not locally sourced species may be as significantas non-native introductions.

Future actions:

Devise a strategy for the survey and then eradicationor control of invasive non-native plant species suchas Japanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam and gianthogweed at river catchment level. (Suggested partners:SNH, SEPA, Highland Council, District Salmon FisheryBoards, land managers)

Develop a strategy for controlling mink, andinvestigate the impacts of mink on the water volepopulation. (Suggested partners: SNH, SEPA, RSPBScotland)

Encourage community-led projects to control oreradicate invasive species such as giant hogweed orJapanese knotweed from restricted areas, e.g. gianthogweed at Milton, by Invergordon. (Suggestedpartners: Community Groups, British Trust forConservation Volunteers, SNH)

Discourage any future introductions of non-nativespecies such as pike, and investigate the popularityand extent of fishing with live bait in the area.(Suggested partners: SNH, District Salmon FisheryBoards, fishery managers, fishing clubs & tackle shops)

2.5 Lack of wetland habitats

Issue: Many of the wetlands of lowland Ross-shireand the Black Isle have been drained for agriculture,forestry or building development. This has resultedin a loss of habitats for wading birds and wetlandplants in this area.

Achanalt Marshes

Opportunity: Further areas of wetland could becreated on floodplains through e.g. the RuralStewardship Scheme (RSS).

Current projects: RSPB Scotland has carried out a wetgrassland creation project at Nigg Bay for wadingbirds.

Several farmers have included the maintenance orcreation of wetland areas for wading birds in theirRSS works.

Future actions:

Ensure no further loss of wetland habitat throughdrainage in Ross and Cromarty (East). (Suggestedpartners: Highland Council, SNH, Scottish Executive,Forestry Commission)

Carry out wetland creation on the floodplains of theRiver Conon catchment. (Suggested partners: SNH,land managers)

2.6 Development threats

Issue: Existing hydro schemes have impacted on riverflows in all the main Conon catchment rivers, leadingto a loss of alder regeneration and salmon spawningareas. In addition, some road crossings have createdobstructions to fish migration, resulting in a loss ofspawning habitat for migratory fish.

Opportunity: It is likely that most new large-scaledevelopments will have implications for local

28 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 2: River, Loch & Wetland

Loch Achnacloich

biodiversity, but these ought to be identified andaddressed through tools such as ProjectEnvironmental Impact Assessment and StrategicEnvironmental Assessment.

There is extensive consultation on new hydroschemes to minimise environmental impact andprotect biodiversity as far as possible. Opportunitiesexist to work with Scottish and Southern Energy andother hydro developers to mitigate the effects of hydrodevelopment on biodiversity. Also, to address theproblem of road crossings and other man-madeobstacles to fish migration and causes of habitatfragmentation.

Future actions:

Promote and adhere to Government guidance andrecognised best practice for road crossings etc.(Suggested partners: Highland Council, BEAR Scotland,SEPA, SNH)

Carry out a computer-based study to identify areas ofriver within Easter Ross that are vulnerable orsensitive to habitat or species loss through hydrodevelopment, and use the information gained totarget hydro schemes to areas where adverse effectsare minimal. (Suggested partners: SNH, HighlandCouncil, renewable energy companies)

29The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 3: Farm & Croft Land

Photos of: Ploughing field (Munlochy), Red kite,Farmland near Marybank, Gorse and Barn owl.

Chapter 3: Farm & Croft Land

Key features:

The following list highlights the key features of ouragricultural biodiversity, the habitats and speciesthat make this area so special and distinct inecological terms.

Major feeding area for internationally importantflocks of greylag geese, pink-footed geese andwhooper swans

Home to world’s northernmost resident group ofbarn owls

Main habitat for Scotland’s original reintroducedpopulation of red kites

Habitat for a range of arable weeds such ascornflower, now scarce in other parts of Britainand Ireland

Habitat for the principal population of treesparrows in northern Scotland

Mixed farms support nationally decliningstarlings (helped by cattle-grazed pasture), finchesand buntings (helped by availability of seeds inbrassica crops)

Drystone dykes and other long-establishedboundaries, providing habitat for plants such asferns and corridors for movement of smallmammals

Patches of gorse and scrub woodland, givingcover for Scottish wildcats and small birds

Uncultivated field margins, supporting greypartridges and giving feeding opportunities forinvertebrates such as butterflies

30 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 3: Farm & Croft Land


The lowlands that flank the inner parts of the MorayFirth support some of the best arable land inScotland. Within the farm and croft areas, there areimportant concentrations or occurrences ofnationally valued species, and echoes of a longhistory of linkage between the area’s agricultureand wildlife.

People have farmed here since Neolithic times,some 6,000 years ago, and there is still evidence ofthose millennia of human involvement in someparts. Chambered cairns, a scatter of Viking placenames, post-Highland Clearance croft sites and thestraight-edged fields of the 18th and 19th centuryenclosures often sit close to the working machineryof 21st century agriculture.

The old smallholdings with their mixed oat, brassicaand grass fields and their reliance on livestock haveall but disappeared from the farming lands of theBlack Isle, Ross and the Fearn peninsula. They havebeen replaced with larger units and bigger fields,growing arable crops and silage. This change hasreduced the habitats available for many species.Greater efficiency in weed control and harvestingmethods leaves less and less food for over-winteringfarmland birds such as buntings and finches.

Farmland and forestry by Loch Ussie

There have been major changes in the patterns ofproduction within the area’s farmland and croftlandsince the middle of the 20th century. Prior to the1950s, oats were the most widely grown crop in alocal farmscape that included a large acreage ofrotational grass, turnips and swedes, barley, somewheat (especially in the Nigg and Fearn lowlands)and other crops. Now winter cereals, oil seed rape,pasture and silage fields predominate.

Farm units and fields have become larger, while wetareas have been reduced through drainage. This hasreduced the variety and extent of both habitats andfeeding opportunities for farmland wildlife. At the

Farm and croft land

31The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 3: Farm & Croft Land

same time, herbicides and pesticides have depletedarable weeds and further reduced food availabilityfor a range of invertebrates and birds. Despite thesechanges, the farmland and croftland of Ross andCromarty (East) retains a significant wildlife interest,with potential for increase and expansion in thefuture.

Recent changes in the Common Agricultural Policyhave redistributed payments to farmers so thatmanaging farmland for wildlife has becomefinancially beneficial once again. Local farmers havebeen quick to take up the opportunity to increasebiodiversity on their holdings through the RuralStewardship Scheme and other incentives.

Farm above Cromarty Firth, near Dingwall


Open, farmed slopes, with fields used either aspasture or for barley growing (with smaller amountsof potatoes, turnips and other brassica crops) is afeature of much of the eastern rim of the area. Thisincludes a band of land that stretches from the innerpart of the Cromarty Firth along the Black Isle, fromNigg Bay north along the coastal margin to TarbatNess, and a small area around Strathpeffer.

Intensive farming, with large arable fields and farmholdings is concentrated in the very low-lying areabetween Nigg and the Morrich More. Enclosed farmlandscapes associated with estates are situated onthe flat river plains at the head of the Beauly andCromarty Firth. Hedgerows, road verges, stone walls,set-aside land, uncultivated field margins and poorlydrained land provide oases for biodiversity withinthis landscape.

Croftland, in contrast, is sparsely distributed onpoorer, steeper ground on valley sides, and so is moreassociated with bog, moor and hill areas than areother kinds of farming. Croftland can also providediversity because of its small inbye fields and lessintensive nature.

Each of these farming types is linked to a distinctivelandscape pattern, such as the lines of mature,deciduous trees around geometric fields in the estate-linked farms, which in turn provides opportunitiesfor a range of wildlife.

Old buildings and dykes are also an importantbiodiversity resource. Bats, barn owls, swallows andhouse martins use old buildings to roost and nest in,and great crested newts use old dykes, walls andstone heaps to shelter in.

Farmland near Marybank

Whilst hedgerows are not a particularly prominent orfrequent part of the local farming and crofting scene,they are present in some areas, e.g. aroundStrathpeffer / Dingwall and along the A9 betweenInvergordon and Tain. They are also importantfeatures of historic gardens and designed landscapesacross Easter Ross and the Black Isle.

Farmland in late summer, Strathpeffer

32 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 3: Farm & Croft Land

Dykes, hedgerows, roadside verges, drainage ditches,burns, lines of trees and riparian woodland can all beimportant habitats within agricultural landscapesthat link up existing areas of biodiversity value,making them more valuable to wildlife. Thesehabitats are sometimes referred to as ‘wildlifecorridors’.


With its distinctive yellow, coconut smelling bloomswhich dominate the landscape from early summer,gorse Ulex europaeus is a common site along exposedcoastal sites, along roadsides and field margins inEaster Ross. This prickly shrub is extremely hardy,even though it is highly palatable to browsinganimals, burns fiercely and is susceptible to frost. Itsnitrogen fixing capacity allows growth underconditions of extreme infertility. When coppiced it re-grows rapidly and following fire, seed germinationleads to high densities of seedlings. It is a source ofboth valuable habitat and food to a wide variety ofwildlife, but if left unchecked by grazing or othermeasures it can sometimes encroach on other locallyimportant habitats such as species rich heaths andgrasslands. It has potential for land reclamation andhas been used as a hedge plant and for binding soilon dry sandy banks.

Red kite


The eastern lowlands of Ross and Cromarty, wheremuch of the land is given over to agriculture, make ahuge contribution to the biodiversity of the wholearea. There are many flowering plants and grasses,for example, which occur only in these areas.

Among the plants associated with the farmedlowlands, a number of species that could be classedas arable weeds stand out as having nationalimportance. Once widespread, such species haveslumped in many areas due to changing patterns offarming and use of modern herbicides. Yet they canoften provide striking colour within fields and asource of food for seed-eating birds and farmlandinvertebrates, such as beetles and butterflies.

Cornflower Centaurea cyanus is one of these arableweeds that still clings on in the area. Although notnative, it is an archaeophyte, known to have beenpresent in Britain since the Iron Age, more than 2,000years ago. Corn marigold Chrysanthemum segetum isanother farmland archaeophyte that is still clingingon in the east of the area, as is corn chamomileAnthemis arvensis.

Weed seeds within farm and croftland are aparticular benefit to small birds such as finches andbuntings. The linnet Carduelis cannabina is moredependent on weed seeds than other finches. It iswidespread and fairly common in the easternfarmland, as is the yellowhammer Emberiza citronella.There is also a pocket of goldfinch Carduelis carduelisabundance around the Beauly and Cromarty Firthsand the Black Isle, reflecting the widespreadavailability of thistles within local farmland. Largeflocks of twite Acanthis flavirostris also benefit fromthese habitats during the winter months.

Farmland, Black Isle & Cromarty Firth

33The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 3: Farm & Croft Land

The corn bunting Milaria calandra was also oncecommon in the area but has now almost died out.Reasons for this are likely to include a loss of habitatdiversity within farmland and croft land, leading to arestriction of winter food sources.

Availability of stubbles that still hold some grain isalso important for the internationally significantnumbers of greylag geese Anser anser that visit theBlack Isle, Cromarty and Dornoch Firths in autumnand winter. Together with Icelandic pink-footedgeese Anser brachyrhynchus the greylags feedextensively within farmland stubbles, and so couldbe adversely affected by changes in stubbleavailability. At the same time, increasing numbers ofgrey geese place extra demands on local farmersthrough their consumption and trampling of winter-and spring-sown cereals and some permanentgrasslands.

Pink-footed geese

Within the lifetime of older farmers in the area bothblack grouse Tetrao tetrix and capercaillie Tetraourogallus used oat stooks left standing at the edge offields with wooded margins. This practice, carriedout to provide quarry for shooting, has now beentaken up again using an old mechanical binder,within the Cairngorms National Park. It has provedparticularly beneficial to small farmland seed-eatingbirds, as well as providing new feeding opportunitiesfor rare grouse.

Corncrake Crex crex also used to breed in the area upuntil the mid-20th century, but now sadly hasdisappeared.

Improved drainage of farmland in the area has beenanother feature of recent decades (cf. the 1960sdrainage of the major seasonally flooding Black Islewetland, Kinbeachie Loch, mentioned in Chapter 2).This has reduced feeding and breeding opportunitiesfor wading birds.


Lapwing Vanellus vanellus are still fairly common onthe farmland between Nigg and the Dornoch Firthincluding near the Seaboard Villages, as are curlewNumenius arquata, but they are now scarce on theBlack Isle away from the coastal margin. Numbers ofsnipe Gallinago gallinago (present on both farmlandand croft land) and redshank Tringa tetanus are alsovery low.

The area from the inner Beauly Firth, through theBlack Isle to the Fearn Peninsula is now unusualwithin the entire Highlands and Islands for thestrength of its breeding tree sparrow Passer montanuspopulation. Largely absent in the rest of northernScotland, this bird of lowland farmland hasundergone significant declines in many other parts ofits British range, but continues (for reasons not yetknown) to hold its own in Easter Ross.

The lowlands from Muir of Ord to the FearnPeninsula, including the north side of the Black Isle,is home to the world’s northernmost significantbreeding group of barn owls Tyto alba. This beautifulwhite owl was once a common feature of farmlandand other areas of rough grazing in Britain, but hassuffered huge declines as a result of agriculturalintensification and habitat loss.

Work in different parts of Britain has demonstratedthe value of both uncultivated field margins and roadverges to farmland birds and to plants. The greypartridge Perdix perdix, which is still present in smallnumbers throughout most of the farmed easternlowlands here, is one native species that benefits.

The population of brown hares has fluctuated inrecent years, and farmers cutting silage or hay shouldbe encouraged to cut from the inside out rather thanthe outside in, to allow the hares to escape the mower.

Despite the long history and current intensity ofhuman settlement in the Black Isle, cats of wildcat-type appearance still occur in the wild. They arecurrently under threat from interbreeding with feral(or even domestic) cats.

34 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 3: Farm & Croft Land


To work towards a future where land managersare encouraged and enabled to enrich theenvironment in harmony with production.

To implement whole farm plans that combinebusiness and environmental objectives.

To reward good management (best practice)through better-funded and more flexible agri-environmental schemes, and through the marketplace by securing a premium for locally producedgoods.

To maintain and enhance existing areas ofwildlife habitat and encourage the creation andmaintenance of wildlife corridors such as hedges,plant-rich old walls and unsprayed field margins.

To target conservation schemes at species mostunder threat, and encourage cattle grazing ofexisting habitats.

To bridge the gap of education,goodwill and understandingbetween the agricultural andconservation interests.

To increase public understandingof the very real link betweenagricultural activity andenvironmental protection.

Main issues

3.1 Industry problems

Issue: Due to the current economic problems facingthe agricultural industry, the rural population isdeclining and with it we are experiencing a closure ofrural services, reduction in work force and loss oftraditional land management skills. Fields andindeed farms themselves have got bigger, and wehave seen a reduction in the diversity of crops grownand animals reared, which has reduced the numberof habitats available to wildlife.

In marginal areas, farm and croft abandonment hasled to a loss in biodiversity through e.g.encroachment of rushes, heather, gorse and scrub onpreviously herb-rich pastures.

Opportunity: Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)Reform is set to break the link between farmingsupport payments and the production of food.Together with the requirement for farmers to keepland in good agricultural and environmentalcondition, this could provide opportunities within anarea like Ross and Cromarty (East), which alreadyhas important farmland qualities.

Current projects: The Rural Stewardship Scheme(RSS) is an agri-environmental scheme that supportshabitat creation and management and is open tofarmers and crofters throughout Scotland. Like itspredecessor the Countryside Premium Scheme, theRSS is competitive and the number of entrants isrestricted by the overall budget. However, rankingincentives to keep plan costs below £20,000 have ledto a greater number of farmers and crofters gainingentry to the scheme.

Sheep in snow, Mountgerald, near Dingwall

Croft at Knockfarrel, near Dingwall

35The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 3: Farm & Croft Land

Organisations such as Farming & Wildlife AdvisoryGroup (FWAG) and Scottish Agricultural College(SAC) provide advice on agri-environmental projectsand schemes to farmers and crofters in the area.

The RSS operates on a Scotland-wide basis and itsprescriptions are not always relevant to agriculturalholdings within the Highlands. In addition,information is not readily available about the extentof schemes within Ross and Cromarty (East).Highland FWAG is seeking funding to work withgroups of farmers and crofters to encourage uptake ofagri-environmental schemes within communities, asgreater environmental gains can be had through thesubmission of joint applications.

Future actions:

Raise awareness of existing RSS management acrossthe area, and use this information to target futureefforts on neighbouring units to increase connectivityand maximise biodiversity benefit. (Suggestedpartners: Scottish Executive, Highland FWAG, SAC,SNH, farmers & crofters)

Increase links between statutory agencies so thatsupport for biodiversity on land is co-ordinated andany conflicts of interest minimised. (Suggestedpartners: SEPA, SNH, Scottish Executive)

Produce local guidelines to allow the best targeting ofRSS prescriptions for priority habitats and species.Highlight areas where the RSS is failing to deliver ata local level and feed this information back to theScottish Executive. (Suggested partners: HighlandFWAG, SAC, SNH, farmers & crofters, Scottish Executive)

Highland cow at Pitmaduthy

3.2 Reduction in cattle numbers

Issues: One environmental concern arising out of theCAP Reform is a further shift away from cattle rearingthrough alterations in subsidy. At present, cattle

within the area help to maintain pastures and coastalgrazings that can be important habitat for a range offlowering plants and grasses. Traditionally, theinsects that feed on cattle dung have also been a boonfor birds such as starlings Sturna vulgaris, swallowsHirundo rustica and martins Delichon urbica, althoughthis is less true if powerful worm treatments are used.

Opportunity: Detailed survey to identify parts of thearea that hold good numbers of the above speciescould help to direct appropriate subsidies.

Future actions:

Raise awareness of the link between cattle rearingand biodiversity, and support farmers to remain inlivestock where this benefits biodiversity through theRural Stewardship Scheme and Scottish ForestryGrant Scheme. (Suggested partners: Scottish Executive,Forestry Commission, Highland FWAG, SAC, NationalFarmers’ Union, Scottish Crofting Foundation, farmers &crofters)

3.3 Loss of wet ground

Issue: Reduction in wet ground through drainageand tree planting to take advantage of grants isassociated with a loss of plants such as marshorchids, ragged robin Lychnis flos- cuculi andcuckooflower Cardamine pratensis. It also reduces theamount of nesting cover and feeding opportunitiesfor wading birds and ducks and habitat foramphibians.

Opportunity: In many cases, restoration of smallwetland areas – for which there is huge potential here– is relatively simple and produces huge bonuses forwildlife. Better targeted Rural Stewardship Schemeprescriptions and, in the wake of CAP reform,appropriately directed agri-environment subsidyallowing for larger schemes where feasible, could bean appropriate way of boosting the area’s farmlandbiodiversity.

Current projects: As already mentioned in the ‘River,Loch & Wetland’ chapter, RSPB Scotland has carriedout a wet grassland creation project at Nigg Bay forwading birds.

Future actions:

Encourage farmland wader populations by habitatcreation and management in the Straths and Glens.(Suggested partners: Scottish Executive, SNH, SAC,Highland FWAG, farmers & crofters)

Discourage farmers from planting boggy areas withtrees. (Suggested partners: Forestry Commission,Highland FWAG, SAC, farmers & crofters)

36 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 3: Farm & Croft Land

Ploughing field, Munlochy

3.4 Decline in Spring cropping

Issue: Local comment suggests that the amount ofwinter stubble has been declining in the area, with anincreasing amount of winter ploughing and sowing.This should be quantified, since it has importantimplications for the wintering geese and finches thatform part of the area’s international wildlifesignificance.

Opportunity: Goose-linked field husbandry hereshould be considered as a bona fide part of RuralStewardship.

Current projects: Farmers and crofters can receivepayments for planting small areas of crops in Springthrough the Rural Stewardship Scheme’s‘unharvested crops’ and ‘Spring cropping’ options.

Future actions:

Carry out a desk study to quantify the loss of winterstubble and the impact upon wintering geese andfinches in the area, and feed the results into futureagri-environmental schemes. (Suggested partners:Scottish Executive, SNH, RSPB Scotland)

Undertake a Wild Bird Cover / Game Crops projectwhere small areas of Spring-sown cereals such asQuinoa are left unharvested as a source of wintercover and food for over-wintering birds such asfinches, brambling and yellowhammer. (Suggestedpartners: Scottish Executive, SNH, Highland FWAG,SAC, farmers & crofters)

3.5 Reduction in boundary habitats

Issue: Uncultivated field margins and road verges areimportant linear assets to biodiversity, which willvanish or be greatly reduced through any furtherincrease in field size, leaching of farm chemicals intowatercourses and early mowing of roadside verges.

Opportunity: Linkages between different patches ofhabitat, such as pockets of woodland, can be madeeasier for many kinds of wildlife by the provision of‘corridors’. Across the eastern lowlands of Ross andCromarty, there are many opportunities for smallchanges in farming practice that would produce largebenefits for wildlife at field margins and road edges.

Provision of a wild margin to drainage channels andburns could give potential for many kinds of wildlifeto move more freely within agricultural areas. Thishas particular implications for the water voleArvicola terrestris, now reckoned to be Britain’s mostendangered mammal, although it is still present inthe area. It would also benefit otters, which arewidespread but not commonly seen here – and theirprey.

Current projects: The Black Isle Partnership hasproduced a report on habitat networks and wildlifecorridors entitled ‘Making Space for Wildlife’. Theproject identified opportunities to improve theavailable habitat and conditions that will allow arange of species to thrive on the Black Isle and, intime, will have better prospects for their expansionand movement between habitats.

Cromarty Firth from Mountgerald

Future actions:

Improve field boundaries for wildlife through e.g.greater entry to the Rural Stewardship Scheme.(Suggested partners: Scottish Executive, SAC, HighlandFWAG, farmers & crofters)

Encourage farmers and crofters to retain existing fieldboundaries and leave buffer strips when cultivatingland or spraying crops near watercourses. (Suggestedpartners: Scottish Executive, SAC, Highland FWAG,farmers & crofters)

Encourage farmers and crofters to replace fieldboundary trees, particularly with elm. (Suggestedpartners: Scottish Executive, SNH, SAC, HighlandFWAG, farmers & crofters)

37The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 3: Farm & Croft Land

Local wildlife enthusiasts could be well placed toadvise on particularly or potentially rich areas (ashas been done elsewhere in Scotland) and to workwith farmers and Farming & Wildlife AdvisoryGroup to help establish wildlife-friendly stretches.(Suggested partners: local wildlife enthusiasts, HighlandBiological Recording Group, Highland FWAG, farmers &crofters)

Ensure local biodiversity is taken into account inlocal verge mowing and hedge flailing regimes.(Suggested partners: Highland Council RoadsDepartment, BEAR Scotland)

Devil’s bit scabious

3.6 Loss of arable weeds

Issue: Some of the rarer arable weeds, especiallycornflower, are pretty nearly extinct here. In someareas, they still grow within the crop and thereforewill be eradicated if the farmer sprays to control otherweeds. There is currently no recognition of this inagri-environment schemes such as the RSS, with theresult that this national priority species is being lostfrom our farming landscape.

Opportunity: Given the national priority speciesstatus afforded to cornflower in the UK BiodiversityAction Plan, the area would be well placed to arguefor agricultural support specifically targeted atmaintaining and boosting this aspect of farmlandbiodiversity. This could include support for farmerswhose holdings includes some long-established non-natives, such as cornflower and corn marigold, bothof which can reduce crop yield but are widelyappreciated as part of the local farming scene.

Future actions:

Develop practical solutions for the conservation ofthese weeds within productive cropping situations.(Suggested partners: Scottish Executive, SAC, HighlandFWAG, farmers & crofters)

Undertake a project to collect seed and bulk-up fromthe remaining native examples rather than promotethe sowing of wildflower seed of non-local origin,which could be the final nail in the coffin of the localstock. (Suggested partners: Highland FWAG, SAC,Scottish Executive, SNH, farmers & crofters)

Undertake a survey of some commoner arable weedspecies (e.g. poppies, field pansy) on the Black Isle.(Suggested partners: Black Isle Partnership, HighlandBiological Recording Group, Highland FWAG, SAC, landmanagers, field clubs & community groups)

3.7 Lack of access and awareness

Issue: There is a lack of awareness about farmwildlife and management amongst the generalpublic.

Opportunity: A number of businesses in the area areinvolved in the provision of facilities to encourageaccess to the countryside (e.g. Squarewheels off-roadbike hire, Boots & Paddles, Highland MountainbikeAssociation). Businesses and organisations likethese can play a significant role in raising awarenessof biodiversity issues.

Current projects: Brahan Farm by Maryburgh has anactive ranger service that introduces visitors andlocals to the rich biodiversity of the Seaforth Estate.

Future actions:

Encourage farms to work with the Royal HighlandEducational Trust to foster the links between schoolsand farms to raise awareness of the benefits to health,food production and wildlife of local agriculture.(Suggested partners: Royal Highland Educational Trust,Highland Council Education Department, HighlandCouncil and Forestry Commission Ranger Services,farmers & crofters)

Raise environmental awareness through fosteringlinks between farms and schools generally,enhancing access and agri-tourism projects.(Suggested partners: Highlands of Scotland Tourist Board,Highland Council Education Department, HighlandCouncil and Forestry Commission Ranger Services,farmers & crofters)

38 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 3: Farm & Croft Land

Barn Owl

3.8 Lack of information

Issues: Although we have some good information onthe location and extent of some of the once-commonfarmland species, if we are to hold onto theseimportant species we require further informationabout their habitats and behaviour. For example, weknow little about breeding sites and habitats used bybarn owls in this area.

Opportunities: Survey work to identify breeding sitesand better understand the barn owl’s habitat use atthis northernmost limit of its huge world rangeshould be a high priority.

Current projects: The Scottish Agricultural College,with some funding from the Highland BiodiversityProject, is providing farmers that have suitablehabitats for barn owls and tree sparrows with nestboxes, and advising on siting and maintenance.

A paper entitled ‘Diet of Barn Owl in East Ross andEast Ness’ has been published in Scottish Birds, Vol22, Part 2 (2001).

Future actions:

Initiate a farmland species surveying project,focusing on a number of initial priorities such as barnowl, and use the results to feed into landmanagement through targeted management projectsand initiatives such as the Rural StewardshipScheme. (Suggested partners: SNH, Scottish WildlifeTrust, local recording groups, SAC, Highland FWAG,farmers & crofters)

Rows of sheep feeding on turnips

39The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 4: Forest & Woodland

Photos of: Red squirrel, Culbokie forest walk, Strathvaichpinewood, Oak woodland and Horse riding alongwoodland track.

Chapter 4: Forest & Woodland

Key features:

The following list highlights the key features of ourwoodland biodiversity, the habitats and species thatmake this area so special and distinct in ecologicalterms.

Extensive plantations of Scots pine holding lowdensity populations of native wildlife

Resident populations of capercaillie and blackgrouse

Widespread populations of red squirrel, relativelydistant from the nearest occurrences of non-nativegrey squirrel

Some of the finest and most extensive bogwoodland in Britain

Significant areas of ancient woodland

One of the most important stands of aspen northof the Great Glen, supporting some very rareinvertebrates

Gorge woodlands rich in lower plants such asmosses and lichens

Floodplain alderwoods

Relatively undisturbed coastal native woodlandstrip along southern Black Isle

Developing potential for forest habitat networks

Extensive plantations of exotic conifers managedprincipally for timber production but allowingopportunities for biodiversity to be enhanced

40 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 4: Forest & Woodland


Trees are the backdrop to much of the low ground inthe eastern half of the area. They form a majorelement of the landscape along a line that runsnorth-east from around Contin to Tain and along theentire Milbuie Ridge of the Black Isle.

There is also significant forest cover stretching far tothe west along Strath Bran and Strath Conon, aroundthe western slopes of Ben Wyvis and north-west upGlen Glass and Strath Rusdale. Elsewhere,including in the lowland farmland areas, there areisolated, small pockets of woodland including somenative woodland remnants.


The nature and structure of the woodlands in Rossand Cromarty (East) reflect national forest policiesand land use issues spanning more than a century,including:

the clearance of native woodland for grazingthroughout the 19th and early 20th centuries;the development of plantation forests on privateestates in the early 19th century;the rise of the Highland sporting estate in theVictorian era;the formation of the Forestry Commission toestablish a strategic reserve of timber followingWorld War One;further development of this reserve followingWorld War Two;tax incentives for afforestation during the mid tolate 20th century; andthe introduction of grants to encourage theestablishment of new native woodland in the1990s.

These are all factors that have had a direct influenceon the woodlands that exist in Ross and Cromarty(East) today.

A large proportion of the area’s woodland ismanaged under a long established regime for timber

Forest and woodland

41The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 4: Forest & Woodland

production and contributes significantly to theeconomy of the area by providing employment inwoodland management, harvesting and haulage. Aswell as providing the raw material for a range ofwood processing companies both locally and outwiththe Highland area, these woodlands have provided acrucial habitat for woodland species.

Ross and Cromarty (East) is well placed to enhanceforest and woodland biodiversity through sensitivemanagement of the existing native woodland relicsand mature plantations, the developing post-Warplantations, and the recently established nativewoodlands.

Rogie Falls

Habitats & species

Planted woodland: A significant part of the area’sforest cover is in plantations managed by the ForestryCommission for timber production. There are alsoconsiderable expanses of longer-established estatewoodland.

In both these cases, many kinds of non-nativeconifers (including widespread larches Larix species,firs Abies species, and non-native pines Pinus species)have been planted.

There is also a large amount of Scots pine Pinussylvestris in both state and privately ownedwoodlands. The area has international significancefor its Scots pine and associated bog woodland atMonadh Mor and Pitmaduthy. However, the Scotspine plantations outwith these sites also includeareas that support internationally scarce wildlife,including priority species for biodiversity action.

Both twinflower Linnaea borealis and one-floweredwintergreen Moneses uniflora once occurred inassociation with Scots pines in Ross and Cromarty(East). These species have not been seen here inrecent years, but another pine-linked boreal forestplant, creeping lady’s tresses Goodyera repens is stillwidespread.

Ferns and foxgloves

The area’s planted pinewoods also have crucialimportance for Scotland’s declining capercaillieTetrao urogallus. Conservation work aimed atreversing the severe downturn in capercailliefortunes is being carried out in both estate andpublicly owned woodlands in the area.

Other priority woodland bird species associated withScots pine here are the Scottish crossbill Loxia scotica(difficult to distinguish from the more frequently seencommon crossbill Loxia curvirostra) and the crested titParus cristatus. The crested tit is the rarest British titso, although it is much less abundant in Ross andCromarty (East) than in the UK strongholds ofStrathspey, Deeside and Moray, the presence of thislittle woodland bird is nonetheless a special bonusfor the area.

Old pines with spreading tops are a typical nest sitefor the area’s increasing number of breeding ospreysPandion haliaetus. These birds, which feed along themargins of the Firths or over lochs and rivers andoften fly over farmland to reach their nests, are anattractive living link between several contrastinghabitats in the area.

Plantations, estate woodland and old estate copsesprovide nesting areas for the reintroduced red kite,which feeds predominately in the farmland andcrofting areas.

42 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 4: Forest & Woodland

Another popular species is the red squirrel Sciurusvulgaris, which is widespread in the area’swoodlands. This was once shot locally as a pestspecies, but is now valued. The Highland region isthe only part of Britain with no non-native greysquirrels, and so the red squirrels within ourwoodlands, relatively central within the widerregion, have great significance in terms of theirdistance from the nearest greys.

Conifer woodlands also have resident pine martensMartes martes. Once almost driven to extinction inBritain, this species has made a gradual come back inthe Highlands in the 20th and early 21st centuries.The Scottish wildcat Felis sylvestris is also sparselyspread across the area, including in Black Isleforestry plantations.

Two UK BAP priority ant species, the hairy wood antFormica lugubris and the Scottish wood ant Formicaaquilonia also occur.

The Mason Bee Osmia uncinata

The mason bee Osmia uncinata is found (in the UK)only in the Highlands of Scotland. It is dependent onthe pollen of Bird’s-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus tostock its nests with food for the growing larvae.O. uncinata is an insect of Scots Pine forests, and hasbeen found recently in Easter Ross.

The bee is only active on warm days from May to July,and any bee with a reddish-brown thorax and blackabdomen feeding at Bird’s-foot Trefoil in the sun, insuitable habitat in the Highlands may well be one.

The story of O. uncinata is a fascinating tale ofinteraction involving two plants, three insects, andthe local miniclimate. First, the Bird’s-foot Trefoilpollen source must be present in an open sunlitsituation. Old Scots Pines with a thick corky bark areused by a boring beetle Rhagium inquisitor to rear theirlarvae. When these leave, Osmia will use the vacantgalleries in warm, south-facing, open situations tobuild their brood cells. If the pines do not face south,the nests will not warm up enough for the larvae todevelop. Finally, a parasitic wasp Chrysura hirsuta,one of the ruby-tailed wasps, lays its eggs in theOsmia cells, its larvae feeding on the tissues of theOsmia larva.

This is a splendid illustration of interdependencebetween organisms and their habitat, and showswhat really lies behind that buzz-word ‘biodiversity’.

Murdo MacdonaldHighland Biological Recording Group

Semi-natural woodland: Upland birch Betula pendulawoods can be substantial, such as those on the southside of Loch Glass, in Strath Vaich and Strathconon.Some of the trees in such woods can be over twohundred years old, with tree holes and dead woodproviding shelter, breeding and feeding opportunitiesfor a wide range of creatures, fungi, ferns and mosses.

Oak woodland, Drummondreach

Oakwoods are very restricted in the area. The onlysizeable extent of sessile (Quercus petraea) oakwood isat Achilty. This is part of a system of woods thatincludes Scots pine, birch, oak and one of the mostimportant stands of aspen Populus tremula north ofthe Great Glen. A rare cranefly Gnophomyiaviridipennis has been recorded from aspen here. Onthe Black Isle, the wester oakwood atDrummondreach has a diverse ground flora thatincludes moschatel Adoxa moschatellina and is aformer site for herb paris Paris quadrifolia.

Although stands are rare, there are scattered pocketsof aspen throughout the area. ‘Aspen woodland’supports a unique living community containing

Bilberry bumblebee Bombus monticola

43The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 4: Forest & Woodland

many rare and scarce species of moths, flies,butterflies, bryophytes, lichens and fungi that occurin very few other locations within the UK. Aspenprovides a potential habitat for the aspen hoverflyHammerschmidtia ferruginea, the dark-bordered beautymoth Epione vespertaria and the aspen bracket fungusPhellinus tremulae.

Aspen bracket fungus, Loch Morie

Mixed pine and broadleaved woodlands still survivealong many river gorges. As well as flowering plantslike small cow-wheat Melampyrum sylvaticum, theseare important habitats for many kinds of ferns,mosses, liverworts and lichens that thrive in moist,shaded conditions.

The southern coastal fringes of the Black Isle east ofRosemarkie also have long stretches of semi-naturalwoodland along the ancient sea-cliff line. Inland ofthe present day shore and seaward of the farmland,this woodland provides a relatively undisturbedrefuge for wild plants, birds and animals.

Alder Alnus glutinosa woodland along the riverConon is an important relic of formerly extensivefloodplain woodland. The alderwood at the Talich,near Hill of Fearn, is a surprisingly large but isolatedsurvivor of this woodland type. The alder-and-ash-dominated woodland and scrub at Conon Islands, atthe mouth of the river Conon is a classic example ofgradual habitat change from woodland throughscrub and freshwater fens to saltmarsh. Such adynamic ‘alluvial forest system’ is now a Europeanrarity.

The national priority Biodiversity Action Plan speciesjuniper Juniperus communis ssp communis is found inmany pine and birch woodlands in the area, as wellas forming scrub and as isolated plants in manyplaces.


To protect, enhance and expand semi-naturalwoodland areas.

To encourage the creation and management ofriparian woodlands.

To create diverse new woodlands that contributepositively to both the environment and the localeconomy.

To develop woodland corridors and forest habitatnetworks.

To support the use of locally sourced timbermaterials for developments.

To encourage opportunities for the greaterenjoyment of woodlands.

To encourage greater community involvement inwoodland management through communitywoodland groups.

Woodland tracks can provide a good recreational resourcefor walking, cycling and horse riding

Main Issues

4.1 Woodland fragmentation

Issue: On the whole, the woodlands of Easter Rossand the Black Isle are reasonably well connected.However, woodland types are fragmented and manyof the surviving havens of native woodlandbiodiversity in the area are isolated: oakwoodremnants, coastal scrub and woodland, riverine andfloodplain alderwoods, are often separated from eachother by farmland. This makes it difficult for wildlifeto pass between the woods, and so reduces thenumber of species that each area can support.

44 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 4: Forest & Woodland

Opportunity: The area has huge scope for creation offorest habitat networks by linking existingwoodlands that have surviving elements of nativebiodiversity. Work towards this has already begun inthe Black Isle forests, for example through removal ofexotic conifers and encouragement of native treesalong major watercourses between Scots pine areas.

Expansion of such networking on ForestryCommission ground and beyond to link with estatewoodlands, would be an important next step.Creation of forest habitat networks in the area couldalso involve restoration and creation of new nativewoodlands on ground that is at present moorland,grassland or under crops.

Change of use of some corridors of land from farmingto forestry could effectively link some of these relicswith the wider area, increasing opportunities forexpansion of many different species. In this context,it is worth noting that the finest surviving oakwoodon the Black Isle, at Drumondreach, is largelyconfined for much of its area to a corridor only tens ofmetres wide in places.

Current projects: The European Union LIFECapercaillie Project is helping to create and manageexisting pinewood habitats to conserve the Highlandcapercaillie population.

Semi-natural woodlands across the area are beingexpanded and brought into positive management forbiodiversity benefit by land managers, with supportfrom the Forestry Commission’s Woodland Grantand Woodland Improvement Grant Schemes (nowincorporated into the Scottish Forestry GrantScheme).

Future actions:

Expand the forest habitat network work currentlytaking place on the Black Isle and elsewhere bycreating linkages with estate woodlands andencouraging some corridors of farmland to convert tonew native woodlands. (Suggested partners: ForestryCommission, SNH, Scottish Executive, woodland advisers& managers)

Identify areas of biodiversity importance for e.g.coastal cliff species along the south-eastern coast ofthe Black Isle between Rosemarkie and Cromarty, andprotect them from further fragmentation e.g. fromforestry planting , and consider removing some of theforestry. (Suggested partners: Hiighland BiologicalRecording Group, Black Isle Partnership, ForestryCommission, land managers)

Conon woodlands

4.2 Lack of broadleaved riparian woodland

Issue: There is a general lack of riparian (river-bank)broadleaved woodland, especially in the uplandareas. These trees are important as their roots helpstabilise the banks of rivers and burns, they providevaluable shade during the summer, they supportlarge numbers of invertebrates which in turn feed fishand other aquatic animals, and in autumn theirleaves fall into the water and get broken down toprovide more food for the aquatic food chain.

As well as eutrophication (enrichment) issues onlowland, upland freshwater habitats may beartificially oligotrophic (food poor). This can becaused by lack of riparian woodland and reducednumbers of migratory fish carcasses, which are oftenthe main importer of phosphorus into freshwaterhabitats.

Opportunity: Opportunities exist to restructureplantations, remove conifers from tributaries andplant broadleaves through tools like the ForestryCommission’s Forest Design Plans and similarprivate sector initiatives. The wet woodland workalready underway through another EU LIFE projectcould be extended, working with groups such asScottish Native Woodlands and local riparianowners.

Current projects: Scottish Native Woodlands iscurrently drawing together a funding bid for HeritageLottery Funding to improve the coverage of riparianwoodland.

The Forestry Commission has published ForestDesign Plans for its woodlands that proposeincreased riverside deciduous tree planting over thenext ten years.

Tributaries of the River Bran have been fenced andplanted with alder.

45The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 4: Forest & Woodland

Future actions:

Undertake further projects to plant or regenerateriparian woodlands. (Suggested partners: ScottishNative Woodlands, Forestry Commission, woodlandadvisers, land managers)

Support the inclusion of riparian woodland in futureforestry grant schemes and long-term forest plans.(Suggested partners: Forestry Commission, woodlandadvisers, land managers)

4.3 Restructuring woodlands

Issue: Due to market demands and site conditions,most plantations in the area are managed on a clear-fell system whereby blocks of land are planted withone or two conifer species, and then thinned andfelled at the same time. There is a lack of continuity ofhabitat for the species that have come to inhabit theforest and in the past, conifers were planted next towatercourses and little internal space or deadwoodwas left within the forest, both important features forbiodiversity.

Forestry felling, Strathconon

Opportunity: Re-structuring of forestry plantations asmature stands are harvested can provide oneopportunity for within-site action. In particular, amove away from large clear-fells towards smallerscale felling coups and continuous cover forestrywhere appropriate (as now encouraged through theScottish Forestry Grant Scheme) could allow and helpto fund fine-tuning of woodland management forwildlife.

Increased provision of dead wood – standing orfallen – could be part of this restructuring, andwoodland managers are encouraged to plantbroadleaved trees near to watercourses and leaveinternal spaces within forests for their biodiversitybenefit.

Current projects: Many Forestry Commissionwoodlands are being restructured to incorporate the

elements mentioned above, and are moving towards acontinuous cover system. Forest Plans for privatewoodlands are now including smaller scale fellingareas and continuous cover forestry.

Future actions:

Encourage woodland managers to restructureexisting woodlands and move towards a continuouscover system through schemes such as the SFGS.(Suggested partners: Forestry Commission, woodlandadvisers, woodland managers)

Encourage land managers to replace old trees withinpolicy woodlands and parklands as they fall or areremoved, as these trees often provide an importanthabitat for many species. (Suggested partners: ForestryCommission, woodland advisers, woodland managers)

Maintain old growth trees, which are important fornesting raptors. (Suggested partners: ForestryCommission, woodland managers)

4.4 Reduced regeneration potential

Issue: The natural regeneration of semi-naturalwoodland is currently limited by grazing andbrowsing by red and roe deer, sheep, hares andrabbits. Whether an area is classed as overgrazed ornot depends on the use for which that land isintended, but natural regeneration of semi-naturalwoodland requires a much lower density of grazinganimals than most other land uses, and therefore theregeneration potential of most woolands is limited.

Opportunity: Reduction of grazing by sheep and deer(possibly now more feasible through CAP changesand work of deer management groups) could beattempted in some parts of the area in an effort torestore this missing habitat through the ForestryCommission’s Scottish Forestry Grant Scheme.

East Ross pinewoods, grazed and ungrazed

46 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 4: Forest & Woodland

Current projects: New native woodlands have beencreated through planting and natural regeneration,with grant aid from the Forestry Commission.

Strathvaich pinewood

4.5 Absence of tree-line woodlands and scrub

Issue: There are no woodlands in the area that growat the upper altitudinal limit for their tree species inScotland. The montane scrub usually associatedwith these tree-line woodlands is also absent. Onlyscattered groups or individual trees in areasinaccessible to large browsing mammals represent aformerly much more widespread habitat.

Opportunity: Restoration of tree-line woodlands andmontane scrub, and thus provision of opportunitiesfor colonisation by bird and invertebrate speciesnormally associated with such habitats, wouldrepresent both a major biodiversity achievement anda significant landscape enhancement.

There are options within the new Scottish ForestryGrant Scheme and the Rural Stewardship Scheme toexpand scrub cover (up to 20% of cover in nativewoodland schemes under the SFGS). For this habitatto expand through natural regeneration, a muchlower density of grazing animals will be requiredthrough fencing (where appropriate) and deermanagement.

Current projects: Highland Birchwoods hasundertaken a montane scrub project high on BenWyvis.

Future actions:

Encourage the safeguarding and expansion of scrubspecies such as juniper, willows and dwarf birchthrough improved funding and increased uptake ofthe SFGS and RSS. (Suggested partners: ForestryCommission, Scottish Executive, Highland Birchwoods,woodland & agricultural advisers, land managers)

4.6 Non-native species

Issue: Sika deer was introduced to UK country parksfrom Japan, and has spread across the country andnow exists throughout the area. They can breed withred deer, and therefore are a threat to our native reddeer through dilution of the gene pool.

Muntjac deer also pose a threat to sensitive woodlandground flora but although there are unconfirmedsightings from the Ross and Cromarty (East) area, asyet we have no confirmed muntjac records.

North American grey squirrels are not currently inthe area. However, they have been recorded close toHighland Council’s south and eastern boundariesand are known to be moving north. If grey squirrelswere to reach Inverness, corridors of broadleavedwoodland would aid their progress north, and manywildlife enthusiasts and land managers advocatealtering the management of woodlands to the southof the area to discourage their spread. This includesthe avoidance of broadleaved woodland corridorsalong river courses, a practice advocated in section4.2.

Red squirrel

Current projects: The Deer Commission for Scotland,Forestry Commission and SNH agreed and publisheda sika policy in 1997. Land managers are encouragedto shoot sika deer on sight.

The Highland Red Squirrel Group, with somefunding from the Highland Biodiversity Project, hasproduced a Species Action Plan for red squirrel inHighland.

Future actions:

Control sika deer to stop the further expansion oftheir range. (Suggested partners: land managers, DeerCommission for Scotland)

47The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 4: Forest & Woodland

Encourage more people to look for and send inrecords of both sika and muntjac deer in the area.(Suggested partners: Deer Commission for Scotland, SNH,Forestry Commission, recreational stalkers, HighlandBiological Recording Group)

Undertake actions in line with the Highland RedSquirrel Species Action Plan. (Suggested partners:Highland Red Squirrel Group, Forestry Commission,woodland advisers, land managers)

Survey work at the Conon

4.7 Lack of knowledge

Issue: There are a number of gaps in our knowledge,both in terms of the location and extent of woodlandspecies, and with regard to their optimummanagement requirements.

For example, a rare cranefly has been recorded fromaspen in the area, and this and other aspen standscould provide a potential habitat for other species ofnational importance such as the aspen hoverfly orbracket fungus mentioned above.

Opportunity: Members of the Highland BiologicalRecording Group continue to record rare species fromour woodlands and, given some additional fundingand an adequately resourced Local Records Centre,could feed this information on to public agencies andland managers.

Current projects: Scottish Wildlife Trust is managinga small cow-wheat project, and has found this veryrare plant at several locations in Ross & Cromarty.The next phase should see some action on the groundand tie in local efforts with the national initiative.

Future actions:

Identify gaps in our knowledge and initiate arecording fund to help fill them through survey workand management trials. (Suggested partners: SNH,Forestry Commission, Highland Biological RecordingGroup)

Initiate public surveys to identify and map speciese.g. juniper. (Suggested partners: Highland BiologicalRecording Group, Black Isle Partnership, SNH)

4.8 Lack of awareness and involvement

Issue: There is a keen interest but general lack ofawareness about forest and woodland managementand biodiversity amongst the general public. TheForestry Commission and others are seeking toinvolve more communities in the way that forests aremanaged.

Culbokie forest walk

Opportunity: Increasingly, woodlands are beingmanaged for multi-purpose use, and grants are givenfor enhancing access and encouraging communityinput to woodland management through tools likethe Forestry Commission’s Forest Design Plans.There are also more opportunities for communities tobuy local woodlands or enter into managementagreements with owners, all of which will help raiseawareness and involvement.

Current projects: The Highland MountainbikeAssociation, landowners and the ForestryCommission are involved in a number of schemes toallow access to new areas. Biodiversity issues aretaken into consideration in the planning of newroutes.

Milton Community Woodland Trust is undertaking anumber of fun events and projects in their localwoodland to raise awareness of biodiversity andother issues. Examples include the installation of asmall tree nursery and wildlife hide, and the

48 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 4: Forest & Woodland

Tallysow wood path

organisation of a series of workshops, with help fromthe Highland Biodiversity Project’s ‘Know Your OwnPatch’ fund.

Future actions:

Develop trails, interpretation panels and links withoutdoor organisations, both in the commercial andthe pubic sector. (Suggested partners: ForestryCommission Ranger Service, land managers, HighlandMountainbike Association, walking groups, communitygroups)

Encourage forest users to take access responsibly,and especially to keep dogs on leads where requestedfor the sake of nesting birds. (Suggested partners:Forestry Commission, SNH, RSPB Scotland, landmanagers, community groups)

Undertake an experimental coppicing / tree plantingproject on an even aged alder woodland at TalichWildlife Reserve. (Suggested partners: Scottish WildlifeTrust, local people)

Autumn trees near Evanton

49The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 5: Bog, Moor & Hill

Photos of: Beinn Dearg, Golden eagle, Snowscape(Achnasheen), Red deer and Bog wood (Loch aGharbhrain).

Chapter 5: Bog, Moor & Hill

Key features:

The following list highlights the key features of ourupland biodiversity, the habitats and species thatmake this area so special and distinct in ecologicalterms.

Extensive areas of blanket bog of internationalimportance

Some of the finest moss-heaths in Britain andIreland in the Fannichs and on Ben Wyvis

Territories for golden eagle, merlin and other birdsof prey

Important mountain system for glacial landforms,upland plants and breeding birds at Beinn Dearg

Populations of breeding birds (dotterel, snowbunting) on the high summits

Upland red deer herds valued as an economic andrecreational resource

Habitat for nationally rare montane plants onsome cliff faces and ledges

Distinctive upland heath and snowbed plantcommunities

Hill-slopes highly visible from roads andsettlements within the area, giving a distinctivesense of the closeness to the mountain wilds

50 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 5: Bog, Moor & Hill


In contrast to the accessible urban and arable areasof Ross and Cromarty, the largest expanse of landdescribed within this biodiversity action plan isisolated mountain and moorland, which is dissectedonly by occasional roads and hill tracks. Upland,typically with acid soils, makes up two-thirds of theground in Easter Ross and in many ways, itsinfluence stretches to the coast.

One of the landscape attractions of the area from ahuman perspective is the way that hill and mountainground is highly visible as a backdrop to the coastallowlands. The transition from seashore to uplandcan take place in only a handful of kilometres.

The coastal lowlands of Easter Ross and the BlackIsle are predominately made up of old red sandstone.West of these lowlands lies a plateau of roundedisolated mountains dissected by glacial valleys. BenWyvis, the Fannichs and the hills of the StrathcononForest stretch to over 900 metres above sea level andare made up of ancient, resistant Moine schist andLewisian gneiss that overlook wide, gravel andboulder filled straths.

The climate shift from the eastern lowlands to thesehigher inland territories can be extreme – from warmand moderately dry at the coast to very cold and weton the mountains. Coastal fringes of the Black Islecan have less than 700mm of rainfall in a year. Bycontrast, in the Fannichs, annual rainfall can top 3metres, making the area’s central mountains one ofthe wettest parts of Britain. Wind speed is alsodramatically different on the tops, which receive threetimes the wind speed of the more sheltered coasts onaverage.

In terms of biodiversity, this mix of upland andlowland makes the area special. Not only is Rossand Cromarty (East) rich in lowland species, it alsohas a good range of upland species. As a rule, thevariety of species is less in the uplands than in thecoastal lowlands, but within that smaller tally arespecies that are highly valued in different wayswhether for their rarity, beauty or economic worth.

Farmland near Balblair, Black Isle

Bog, moor and hill land

51The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 5: Bog, Moor & Hill

Habitats & species

Upland habitats: The majority of the area’smountains have nutrient-poor soils. Pockets of richerrock (such as limestone) are small in extent, reducingopportunities in the area for plants that thrive onricher soils. Lower slopes are largely peat-covered,with ling heather Calluna vulgaris and dwarf woodyshrubs such as bell heather Erica cinerea and cross-leaved heath Erica tetralix, blaeberry Vacciniummyrtillus and bog blaeberry or whortleberry Vacciniumuliginosum interspersed with extensive areas of roughgrassland dominated by species such as mat grassNardus stricta and purple moor grass Molinea caerulea.

Snow-bed vegetation is a feature of mountains likethe Fannichs and Beinn Dearg. Differentcommunities develop according to the length of timeunder snow cover. Mosses and liverwortspredominate in late lying patches, for example, whileearly-melting patches are dominated by alpine lady’smantle Alchemilla alpina and grasses such as matgrass.

Snowscape, Achnasheen

Ben Wyvis is the only place in the northernHighlands where Alpine foxtail Alopecurus borealis,an inconspicuous grass often associated with late-lying snowbeds, grows. The relative inaccessibility ofmany of the places where montane plants could growin the area means that there are almost certainly freshdiscoveries waiting to be made in our mountains.

Ptarmigan Lagopus mutus breed principally aroundBen Wyvis and the high tops in the North West of thearea. Dotterel Charadrius morinellus breed on highlevel ground and use the Beinn Dearg system.

Sides of burns and wet flushes are good locations forthe area’s widespread yellow saxifrage Saxifragaaizoides. Many rock faces and ledges can hold arange of interesting plants, both because they mayhave moist and friable rock, which creates idealconditions for plants to cling to, and because they areout of reach of grazing animals. One of the rarities inthis sort of situation in the area is Norwegiancudweed Gnaphalium norvegicum, an arctic-montaneherb found only in about 30 places in Britain.

Snowy stream, Achnasheen

Although not the highest peak within the area, BenWyvis (1,046 metres above sea level) and itssurrounds have great local importance, both inbiodiversity and scenic terms. Its relative isolation,viewed from the south and east, gives it acommanding position in the landscape. Inbiodiversity terms, it is noteworthy for its widespread‘montane’ heathlands of different kinds, includinglichen-rich alpine and boreal heaths and high-levelgrasslands.

High up the mountains, between 750 and 800 metresabove sea level, the most widespread vegetation typein the area is a type of ‘moss-heath’. This has avigorous growth of woolly fringe moss Racomitriumlanuginosum, often found with stiff sedge Carexbigelowii. A cushion-forming variety of this moss-heath is particularly well developed in the Fannichs,and a continuous woolly fringe moss heath – thelargest single stretch in Britain, covers the whole ofthe top of the massive summit ridge of Ben Wyvis.

There are large areas of upland heath and grasslandmosaics to the west of the area.

52 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 5: Bog, Moor & Hill

Bidean a Choire Sheasgaich

Distinctive communities of upland plants, includingheather-lichen mixtures and moss-rich grasslandgrow extensively on some hills. Herds of red deerCervus elaphus roam over hillsides and mountains,and the names of deer ‘forests’ in the area carry along history of association with the hunting of this,Britain’s largest land mammal. Kildermorie, Wyvis,Inchbae, Strathvaich, Fannich, Kinlochluichart,Corriemoillie and Strathconon are some of them. Allhave herds of red deer that are a well establishedeconomic resource (through stalking and tourism)and locally valued asset within the hill land.

Coupled with the influence of sheep grazing, red deerherds have a major influence on the mix of shrubs,including dwarf woody shrubs such as heather, treessuch as willows and coarse grasses. Heavier grazingfavours the latter, light the former. The near absenceof ‘montane scrub’ on our hillsides and confinementof tall herb communities to ledges may reflectpressure from these combined influences.

There are records of netted mountain moth from theLoch Glass area which, if confirmed, makes this themost northerly site in Britain for this species of dayflying moth. It is reliant on bearberry, the solefoodplant of its catterpillar.

Beinn Dearg

Blanket bog dominated by Sphagnum bog-mossspecies is widespread in the area’s uplands across abroad altitudinal range. Ben Wyvis is internationallyrecognised for its blanket bog habitat, comprisinglarge areas of high altitude bog with cloudberryRubus chamaemorus, alpine bearberry Arctostaphylosalpinus and dwarf birch Betula nana.

Elsewhere, moorland on midlevels of the hill groundis nowhere as extensive as in the Cairngorms area orsouthern Highlands. However, it is still an importanthabitat for birds such as merlin Falco columbarius andred grouse Lagopus lagopus. Indeed, management forred grouse can help maintain this habitat for othermoorland species. It is also important for the greatlyreduced number of black grouse Tetrao tetrix that useheathland close to woodland edges, but which arenow absent as breeders from virtually the entire area.

Golden eagle

Golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos, though lessnumerous than in the Western Highlands, still breedhere and range widely over mountains and straths.

Grazing by red deer, sheep, cattle and mountainhares are important influences in maintaining ordegrading the bog, moor and hill habitat.

Lowland habitats: Ling heather-dominated lowlandheathland was once more extensive in the area,including the high ground along the Mulbuie Ridgespine of the Black Isle. Now largely covered byforestry plantations, this once had large areas ofheathy ground dominated by ling heatherinterspersed with pines (so much so that Hugh Millercomplained of its extent in the early 1800s).

A small amount of heathland still remains, withBelmaduthy, inland from Munlochy, being the mostnotable survivor. The now extinct in Britain Alpinebutterwort Pinguicula alpina, was first reported here in1831 and last recorded before 1919. It graduallydeclined as the area was reduced by cultivation, asseedling conifers spread and Victorian plantcollectors did their worst in the name of personal andpublic plant collections. Now the area holds one of

53The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 5: Bog, Moor & Hill

the few remnants of juniper scrub on the Black Isleand the largest amount of lowland ling heather-richheath on the peninsula.

Lowland heath is fairly scarce in Ross and Cromarty(East), although areas can be found at Calrossie,Rosemarkie and Newhall. Its importance can beunderestimated because there is so much uplandheath around. However, it can sometimes be difficultto distinguish one from another as there is agradation rather than a sharp cut-off. Some areaspreviously identified as lowland heath in the north ofScotland are actually maritime heath influenced byproximity to the sea (e.g. Tarbat Ness).

Loch Muigh-bhlaraidh

Belmaduthy on the Black Isle is but a remnant of ahabitat that was much more extensive prior to theplanting of the large blocks of conifers. It is unusualin that some of it is fed by alkaline-rich springs, andthis calcareous heath is quite different from uplandheath in terms of the species that it supports (moreorchids and a wider range of invertebrates).

Linked to the lowland heath issue is that of lowlandraised bogs that sometimes grade into such heath.Pitmaduthy Moss and Monadh Mor are valuable in aEuropean context because they support trees (socalled bog woodland).


To reduce grazing pressure to levels that avoidhabitat loss and permit recovery of overgrazed ortrampled habitats.

To ensure adherence to the Muirburn Code.

To avoid damage to blanket bog by not drainingland and confining all-terrain vehicle use wherepossible to drier ground.

To promote better understanding of the uplandenvironment and its sensitivity to change ordamage, especially from recreational use.

To channel recreation to robust areas and wherefootpath erosion occurs, seek to restore by pathrepair and construction.

To target management prescriptions for sheep andcattle to benefit lowland heath.

East Ross upland

Main Issues

5.1 Loss of open ground

Issue: Concerns have been expressed about the loss ofopen ground to forestry and new developments.Planning permission is not required for somechanges in land use, for example for afforestation oflowland heath. Land use change to forestry isregulated by the Forestry Commission except in casesof small scale plantings.

Planning permission will be required for certain landuse change such as the erection of non-agriculturalbuildings and structures (e.g. houses, aerial masts,wind turbines and associated tracks). It is alsonecessary where the land is part of a Site of SpecialScientific Interest (SSSI), when consent is requiredfrom Scottish Natural Heritage for certain potentiallydamaging operations. Where permission is required,often the planners do not have sufficient knowledgeof the habitats or species that are likely to be affectedby a new development to judge the impact upon thearea’s biodiversity.

With a push for increased use of renewable energy,there could be further proposals for wind generation(and small-scale hydro-schemes) in the area’suplands. Since these developments can typicallyinvolve creation of extensive broad tracks in placesthat were previously trackless, great care should betaken in agreeing sites of future renewable schemes.

54 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 5: Bog, Moor & Hill

Opportunity: The Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act(2004) places a duty on public bodies to conservebiodiversity and in time, new tools like StrategicEnvironmental Assessment should help incorporatebiodiversity issues into the planning process at anearly stage. Any potentially negative impacts of largenew afforestation schemes or developments shouldbe identified through the Project EnvironmentalImpact Assessment process.

Current projects: A recent initiative between ScottishWildlife Trust, Scottish Natural Heritage and theForestry Commission has resulted in a plan to fellsome of the forest at Belmaduthy in a sympatheticmanner in 2005, to protect the calcareous springs thatfeed the nearby lowland heath.

Agreements with land managers to protect andenhance bog, moor and hill habitats are in place atStrathconnon, Calrossie and on Ben Wyvis.

Future actions:

Identify the most important areas of open groundthrough survey and local consultation, and feed thisinto the planning process through StrategicEnvironmental Assessment. (Suggested partners: SNH,DCS, Deer Management Groups, SWT, local recorders andcommunity groups, Forestry Commission, HighlandCouncil Planning & Development Service, land managers)

Sgurr Choinnich

Red deer

5.2 Inappropriate grazing

Issue: Inappropriate grazing by sheep and deer has amajor influence on the area’s hill vegetation. Somesensitive species have been confined to inaccessiblelocations such as cliffs by overgrazing, which alsoprevents the regeneration of woodland and montanescrub. In some areas, undergrazing too can causeproblems, as some plant communities need a level ofgrazing to thrive.

Opportunity: Following the Common AgriculturalPolicy Reform there may be opportunities for areduction in sheep numbers linked to payments forenvironmentally sensitive farming. Deermanagement groups have a key role to play indetermining upland habitat condition through theuse of tools such as Deer Management Plans,incorporating an assessment of habitat quality inrelation to grazing density.

Current projects: The Rural Stewardship Scheme andScottish Forestry Grant Scheme pay grants to reducegrazing pressure on lowland sites, and ScottishNatural Heritage have entered into agreements withsome land managers on designated sites.

The East Highland area has four Deer ManagementGroups: South, North, East and West Ross, who meetannually to discuss deer numbers and cull targets.The Deer Commission for Scotland acts in anadvisory capacity to these groups and through apriority site process, deals with deer damage tonatural heritage, woodland or agricultural interests.

A policy for the use of deer fencing is currently beingdeveloped by DCS, SNH, Forestry Commission andthe Scottish Executive.

55The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 5: Bog, Moor & Hill

Future actions:

Encourage land managers to reduce, maintain or, insome cases, increase numbers of grazing animals(including deer, sheep and cattle) to levels that permitthe survival and expansion of grazing-sensitivespecies while enhancing the welfare and quality ofthe remaining, smaller deer population. (Suggestedpartners: SNH, DCS, Deer Management Groups, ScottishRural Property & Business Association, Highland FWAG,SAC, Scottish Crofting Foundation, Scottish NationalFarmers Union, land managers)

Encourage the reinstatement of low level grazingregimes on some lowland heaths to prevent the rapidregeneration of conifers onto these heaths. (Suggestedpartners: land managers, Highland FWAG, SAC, ForestryCommission, SNH)

Sheep and lamb

5.3 Inappropriate burning

Issue: Controlled strip burning of heather moorlandand heathland can benefit grouse and some speciesof moorland birds (e.g. meadow pipit, skylark).However, burning of other habitats such as blanketbog, scree and woodland can cause lasting damage,and if fires are not managed they can spread intoneighbouring habitats, often with disastrous effects.

Opportunity: Good practice guides such as ‘TheMuirburn Code’ (Scottish Executive, 2001) and itssupplement ‘Prescribed burning on moorland’ havebeen issued and are currently subject to a review. Aswell as giving advice on the times and conditions forburning, information is given on where not to burn,e.g. on blanket bog and steep sided valleys.

Current projects: The Rural Stewardship Scheme alsopays grants for sensitive muirburning and brackencontrol.

Future actions:

Encourage adherence to good practice guides such asthose mentioned above, and give thought to whetherburning is required at all in some locations.(Suggested partners: Scottish Rural Property & BusinessAssociation, SNH, Highland FWAG, SAC, land managers)

Provide education and training for those involved inheather management, in particular muirburning,through formal and informal routes. (Suggestedpartners: Highland Rural Business Services, ScottishRural Property & Business Association, SNH, Highlands& Islands Fire Brigade)

Allt a Gharbrain

5.4 Hill tracks and footpaths

Issue: Hill tracks and footpaths, particularly at highaltitude (e.g. Little Wyvis) can cause erosion of fragile,irreplaceable soils. The use of quad and trail bikescan cause severe erosion and loss of importanthabitats on upland areas where re-growth is slow.Increased visitor activity can cause disturbance tobreeding birds, deer and plants, and dogs sometimeschase and catch chicks or frighten birds off nests.

Current projects: The Footpath Trust has improvedsome upland paths in the area.

56 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 5: Bog, Moor & Hill

Future actions:

Restrict all-terrain vehicles to drier ground wherepossible and prevent illegal access by poweredvehicles to upland areas. (Suggested partners: landmanagers)

Prevent recreational damage by path repair andconstruction where appropriate, and takebiodiversity into account when planning new routes.(Suggested partners: Highland Council, SNH, ForestryCommission, land managers, user groups)

Raise awareness amongst businesses involved inactivities using hill tracks and paths (e.g. cycling, hillwalking and running). (Suggested partners: HighlandCouncil, SNH, land managers, user groups)

Interpret appropriate tracks to help manage publicaccess and inform people of upland habitatmanagement. (Suggested partners: land managers,Highland Council Access & Ranger Services, SNH)

5.5 Climate change

Issue: Climate change, due to global warming is likelyto influence the vegetation of the area’s mountains.In particular, a reduction in the amount and durationof snow cover will have an impact on snowbed plantcommunities (initially working against ones wheremosses and liverworts are common). Warming mightalso allow more grass-dominated plant communitiesto spread further uphill, perhaps at the expense of thewoolly fringe moss heaths.

Opportunity: Whilst there is not much that can bedone within the scope of this Plan to counteractglobal warming, there are opportunities to monitorand model changes in our vegetation, and manageour habitats accordingly. We don’t know a lot aboutthe ecology of the high mountain species and if wefind out more, we might be able to determine howthey will react to changes in our climate.

Current projects: Scottish Natural Heritage and someof the country’s research organisations aremonitoring and modelling climate change to helppredict the impacts on the UK’s biodiversity and feedinto international debates.

Future actions:

Continue to undertake monitoring and modellingexperiments, and feed the results into habitatmanagement practices. (Suggested partners: SNH,Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Macaulay Land UseResearch Institute, land managers)

Raise awareness of the impacts of climate change onsensitive snow bed and upland communities.(Suggested partners: SNH, Centre for Ecology &Hydrology, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, landmanagers)

5.6 Lack of species information

Issue: There is a lack of knowledge about some of theless well-known species that inhabit our mountainsand moorlands, and the data that is collected is notall in one place.

Opportunity: Various bodies and individuals collectdata on upland species, e.g. RSPB Scotland,Highland Raptor Group, Butterfly ConservationScotland.

Current projects: The Royal Society for the Protectionof Birds has carried out in-depth surveys of e.g.golden eagle, merlin and peregrine falconpopulations throughout the area.

Future actions:

Encourage further surveys of bog, moor and hillareas, involving the general public through a numberof training courses where appropriate, e.g. bumblebee survey including public survey for Bombusmonticola. (Suggested partners: SNH, SWT, HighlandBiological Recording Group, Field Clubs and communitygroups)

Bog wood, Loch a Gharbhrain

57The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 6: Town & Village

Photos of: Marybank Primary Wildlife Garden Project,Robin, Fodderty Cemetry, Avoch and Muir of OrdEnviornmental Group Clean-Up.

Chapter 6: Town & Village

Key features:

The following list highlights the key features of oururban and built environment, the habitats andspecies that make this area so special and distinct inecological terms.

Healthy populations of house sparrow and swift,common ‘urban’ birds that are decliningelsewhere in the UK

Close proximity between human dwellings andwildlife

Strong linkages between town and country, and agrowing desire for more countryside access withinthe urban population

Linear oases for plants and animals alongroadside verges and field boundaries

58 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 6: Town & Village


The population of Ross and Cromarty (East) is over43,350 and the great majority of these people live insmall towns and villages. Most of these settlementshave fairly compact clusters of houses (though a feware more linear), with only small amounts of ‘greenspace’ (other than playing fields) within thesettlement limits.

This restricts the opportunities for wildlife varietywithin the settlements. However, a very notablefeature of this area is the way that strong linkagesbetween town and country are evident in everymain settlement.


Think of these scenarios, each one fairlycommonplace:

red kites soaring over Culbokie or the slopesflanking Dingwallflocks of greylag geese calling and circling abovecoastal towns along the north of the CromartyFirth or wild swans over Tainan otter hunting the kelp edge just metres from awell-used road along the southern Black IsleBottlenose dolphins visible from shore-facingwindows in CromartyCommon seals hauled-out close to the approachesto DingwallBuzzards calling within earshot of central Muir ofOrd

In each case, a sense of the wild can penetrate deepinto the settlements. None of these places is large, bynational standards, and so the physical distancebetween human dwellings and wildlife can be short.

For every one of the main settlements, farmlandstretches to part or most of the edge of the built-uparea. In several cases the coast is very close to thesettlement edge and in some, notably Conon Bridge,Maryburgh, Evanton and Alness, a river runsthrough or close to the heart of the town or village.

Towns and villages, with main roads

59The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 6: Town & Village

In contrast to many other urban areas where the bulk(more than 80 per cent) of Scotland’s populationdwells, the people of Ross and Cromarty (East) have aflying start in terms of appreciation and perception ofwildlife close to home. Building on this appreciation,crucially, could be more about making access tonearby habitats easier, rather than planning how(beyond gardens) to bring wildlife into town. Quitesimply, towns and villages here have visible, audible,enjoyable wildlife just beyond the doorstep.

Fodderty Cemetry, near Dingwall

Habitats & species

Gardens: Wildlife-friendly gardening techniques canmake a huge contribution to local biodiversity. Thishas been quantified in detail, for example, inEdinburgh, where a range of species is recorded onlyin gardens and where gardens represent a majorexpanse of wildlife-rich green space within the citylimits.

Gardens provide an important resource for insects –one local gardener and wildlife enthusiast hasrecorded over 60 species of hoverfly, 13 species ofbumble bee and 15 species of butterfly in his gardenalone! In turn, these insects enhance the food supplyfor birds and mammals, and enhance pollination andaphid control.

Even in an area with a predominantly rurallandscape, such as Ross and Cromarty (East),gardens can boost biodiversity. One crucial way theycan do this is through provision of ponds (withouttadpole-eating goldfish) with gently sloping edgesand some emergent vegetation.

Such garden ponds now provide important habitatfor local amphibians – common frogs, toads, andpalmate newts – and will also be used by waterbeetles, diving beetles, pond snails and (sometimes)dragonflies and damselflies. Drainage of marshyparts of farmland in recent decades has reduced thebreeding habitat for such small wetland creatures,

and so provision of garden ponds can make a realcontribution to their well-being.

Providing winter food for birds may also have apositive impact beyond a garden and into the widercountryside. Reduction in availability of seed-bearing plants through agricultural changes has abearing on the survival of birds such as locallybreeding yellowhammers, chaffinches, goldfinchesand linnets.

Bird-table seeds can benefit the first two species;seeding garden thistles benefit the second two.Otherwise, provision of bird food is an excellent wayfor people – of whatever age – to get close views ofsmall, wild creatures. As such, it can be both a boostto personal well-being and an important educationalresource.

Great tit

For butterflies, flowering species like Buddleia bushesprovide an excellent nectar source in gardens.Otherwise, provision of native tree species and plants– such as rowans, bird cherry, gean and dandelion –can give food and/or shelter to a wide range of birdsand invertebrates.

Orgainc gardening has known benefits for wildlife,and growing to organic principles can enhance thebiodiversity within your garden and save money onchemicals.

Roadside verges: Road verges cut late in the growingseason (early August – ‘Lammas’ – onwards) can ineffect be small linear meadows. They have becomeincreasingly important as remnants of wildflowerhabitats, as we have lost many farmland meadowswith the shift from hay to silage production, coupledwith a reduction in the amount of winter keeprequired due to falling levels of over-wintering stock.

60 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 6: Town & Village


To raise awareness of biodiversity in and aroundsettlements.

To foster links between towns and villages andtheir surrounding countryside through thecreation and maintenance of path networks,whilst ensuring that any new path developmentstake account of biodiversity at the initial stages.

To encourage positive action by local peoplethrough wildlife gardening projects, localrecording initiatives and school-based projects.

To ensure biodiversity is considered as part offuture maintenance of public parks, cemeteriesand roadside verges.

To encourage further developments to takebiodiversity into account at an early stage in theplanning process.

Main issues

6.1 Uncertainty over access to the countryside

Issue: Given the nearness of farmland, river,woodland or coast to most of the area’s settlements, alogical follow-on is to consider how to make physicalaccess to parts of these areas feasible for localresidents. Done in a way that does not compromisethe economic activities of surrounding land and thatallows quiet recreation with minimal disturbance towildlife, such networking is a great way to raiseawareness and build on existing local biodiversityassets.

Opportunity: Good path networks already existaround some of the area’s towns and villages, but itwould be wise to look to survey the distribution ofthese with reference to wildlife-appreciation, as wellas general recreation opportunities. From thisperspective, new opportunities could arise, perhapsassisted by different possibilities for some farmlandin the wake of Common Agricultural Policy reform.The Scottish Outdoor Access Code and HighlandCouncil’s Access Project staff will help clarify accessmatters.

Current projects: As a result of partnership workingbetween Ross & Cromarty HealthWays and theBritish Trust for Conservation Volunteers, theHighland’s first Green Gym Group was establishedin 2003 in Invergordon. Volunteers have met eachFriday to undertake projects that will be beneficial tothe community and in doing so, will also give them agreat physical workout.

Dingwall, Maryburgh, Strathpeffer and Contin arelinked by a comprehensive network of pathsestablished in the 1990s by the Footpath Trust, andnow maintained by the Mid Ross Steering Group.The people in these communities can enjoy thediverse wildlife on their doorsteps along the RiverConon, through the Brahan Woods and along theKnockfarrel / Catsback Ridge.

There are also path networks around the South Sutorat Cromarty, running between Fortrose and Avoch,and around the shore and inland at Evanton.

Future actions:

Review the extent of access routes linking settlementswith wildlife areas that could be visited with minimaldisturbance. (Suggested partners: SNH, HighlandCouncil Ranger & Access Services)

Link features such as woodlands (currentlyseparated from settlement edges by fields) to thesettlements by new green corridors, extend existingpaths and create hides to offer better viewing facilitiesfor wildlife watching. (Suggested partners: SNH,Highland Council Ranger & Access Services, RSPBScotland, land managers, community groups)

Encourage the responsible use of paths andavoidance of sensitive footpaths by cyclists andhorses. (Suggested partners: SNH, Highland CouncilRanger & Access Services, user groups, land managers)


6.2 Boundary habitats

Issue: Associated with the networking of settlementand wildlife areas is the idea that some stretches ofboundary wall or roadside verges are already linearoases for plants and animals, and that others couldmake a much greater contribution to localbiodiversity than they do at present. It is possible indifferent parts of the area to see remnants of former

61The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 6: Town & Village

heathland or woodland vegetation along roadsides,for example, with native plants such as ling heather,ferns and bedstraws that are absent from adjacentfields or gardens.

Opportunity: Identifying such remnants throughlocal knowledge and survey would be a useful projectin many parishes. So too would identifying vergesand other linear features that have greater potentialfor plant variety than at present, for example, througha modification to the current mowing or sprayingregime.

Current projects: The Black Isle Partnership hasproduced a habitat network and wildlife corridorsurvey, with a view to enhancing the linkagesbetween existing natural habitats, and are currentlylooking to take this forward with relevant bodies.

The key recommendations from the Black IslePartnership’s ‘Making Space for Wildlife’ Report are:

Identify Core Priority Areas which focus on semi-natural wooded and open ground habitats withthe aim of ensuring the conservation of nationalpriority habitats and the wide range of nativespecies which are found on the Black Isle.Propose the provision of corridors and steppingstones to enhance the coherence of the landscapeand support larger and more robust populationsof the animals and plants here.Propose the restoration of areas under intensemanagement which would serve to extend thenetwork, providing new habitats and facilitatingdispersal and migration.Identify the need for adequate buffer zones toprotect core areas and corridors in the habitatnetwork from adverse external influences,particularly edge effects.Propose co-operation of effort across agencies andwith community support as a mechanism forgathering important information to strengthen thehabitat network approach.Identify sources of funding to reverse thefragmentation of habitats on the Black Isle withthe aim of maximising the biodiversity around us.Propose mechanisms to raise awareness of thebiodiversity around us at a local level.Identify limitations in the data available and theneed for further work to gather good qualityinformation at local level.

Future actions:

Conduct a parish-level survey to identify plant-richsections of verges or boundary walls and find otherareas where plant variety could be boosted.(Suggested partners: Field Clubs, Highland BiologicalRecording Group, Scottish Wildlife Trust, HighlandCouncil Ranger Service, SNH, Inverness Botany Group)

Incorporate the sympathetic management of roadsideverges for biodiversity into road verge maintenancecontracts where feasible and not conflicting withother issues such as safety. (Suggested partners:Highland Council Roads Department, BEAR Scotland)

Leave more areas of scrub, hedges and long grassuncut during the nesting season on public land suchas parks, cemeteries, roads, railways. (Suggestedpartners: Highland Council, BEAR Scotland, Railtrack)

Involve local communities and interest groups in themaintenance of road verges, with the aim ofimproving the verge and hedge habitat forbiodiversity. (Suggested partners: Highland Council,BEAR Scotland, Scottish Wildlife Trust, HighlandBiological Recording Group, local communities & fieldclubs)

Muir of Ord Environmental Group Clean-Up

6.3 Community involvement

Issue: Scotland now has a large number of successfulcommunity woodland projects, where local peopletake an active involvement in the management of alocal wood or piece of common land. This can bethrough purchase or agreement.

Opportunity: Benefits of existing communitywoodland work typically include the focussing ofefforts to fine-tune woodland management forbiodiversity. This is possible, in part, because of theboosted availability of volunteer labour to carry outmanagement such as coppicing or selective treeremoval in very small areas over a long period oftime.

62 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 6: Town & Village

Fresh opportunities for such community ventures arelikely to arise in future, in part through the disposalof plantations currently in Forestry Commissionownership. Community work to re-structureplantations and (perhaps) to create new woodlandcorridors could be an exciting new phase in linkingpeople and wildlife in the area.

Current projects: In this area, the Milton CommunityWood is a prime example of such a project that linkspeople, trees and wider woodland biodiversity.

Bat box

6.4 Wildlife gardens

Issue: Wildlife gardens provide us with an excellentopportunity to provide food and shelter for our nativewildlife, whilst enabling us to find out more aboutthem.

Opportunity: There are several ‘garden for wildlife’initiatives UK wide that encourage wildlife friendlygardening techniques. Scottish Natural Heritageprovides small grants for community-led wildlifegardening projects, and will also advise on the typesof plants to grow. The Easter Ross Ranger andseveral private contractors have also provided avaluable input to the siting and design of features inmany school and community gardens around thearea.

Current projects: Marybank School CommunityGarden introduces the children and the communityof this East Ross village to plants and animals thatbenefit wildlife. Mulbuie Primary has also embarkedon a wildlife gardening project, and both of theseinitiatives have received a small amount of fundingfrom the Highland Biodiversity Project.

Fortrose Academy has created a biodiversity gardenthat is being used as an environmental resource andcontains plants that grow in the surrounding area.South Lodge School in Invergordon has had an eco-garden in place for over 10 years and has educatedcountless children in the value of wildlife.

Marybank Primary Wildlife Garden Project

Gardeners across the Black Isle are being encouragedto buy plants that benefit birds and insects from localnurseries by the Black Isle Partnership. MilnafuaResidents Association have run a wildlife gardeningcompetition, with a small amount of funding fromSNH and the Highland Biodiversity Project.

Alness has included insect loving plants into itstriumphant ‘Britain in Bloom’ project. TheMacdonald Road residents in Dingwall have planteda garden for wildlife on a piece of waste ground andbuilt a path so that locals can enjoy it. AnInvergordon group have planted a hedge of nativeshrubs and trees beside a park to encourage wildlifeinto the town.

Future actions:

Conduct an assessment of the availability of locallyappropriate wildflower seed mixes for meadowhabitat in both gardens and verges, and raiseawareness of the issues surrounding non-local mixes.(Suggested partners: SNH, Black Isle Partnership,Highland Council Ranger Service, Highland BiologicalRecording Group, Gardening Centres and Clubs)

Encourage local garden shops to sell peat freecompost, local seed mixes and plants grown fromlocal seed. (Suggested partners: SNH, Black IslePartnership, Highland Council Ranger Service, HighlandBiological Recording Group, Gardening Centres andClubs)

Provide locally relevant information on growing toorganic principles, the creation of wildlife-friendlyponds and other wildlife gardening issues throughtraining days, demonstration gardens and theemployment of specialist wildlife gardeners.(Suggested partners: SNH, Black Isle Partnership,Highland Council Ranger Service, Gardening Centres andClubs)

63The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 6: Town & Village

Run further local wildlife gardening competitions toinvolve and enthuse more local people in gardeningfor wildlife and growing to organic principles,perhaps linked with national events or recordingschemes such as the Big Garden Bird Watch.(Suggested partners: community groups, gardening clubs,SNH, RSPB Scotland, Butterfly Conservation)

Modify parts of school grounds to improve them forwildlife in schools that do not yet have wildlifegardens. (Suggested partners: Highland CouncilEducation Service & Ranger Service, SNH)

Milnafua Wildlife Garden competition winner (2003)

6.5 Habitat creation

Issue: There are a number of disused structures andareas of waste ground that could be transformed intowildlife-friendly sites. However, care must be takenin doing so to void ‘tidying up’ areas of scrub,deadwood, weeds and long grass, which are naturalfeatures although they can be perceived as messy.

Opportunity: There are many opportunities withinvillages and towns for habitat improvements.Planting berry-bearing trees and shrubs benefitswintering birds, patches of dense scrub benefitsnesting birds, and old graveyards are often idealhabitats with much available scrub. New graveyardsare often open areas with little cover for wildlife,making them less attractive for human visitors too.Boundary hedges, trees, etc would benefit bothwildlife and people here.

Current projects: RSPB Scotland, with help from theNorth Highland Leader + project, is restoring the

mill-pond in the Fairy Glen near Rosemarkie, forwildlife as well as historical and cultural reasons. Itis a key feeding area for pipistrelle bats, and is wellconnected to other feeding areas and roosts.

The Tain Initiative Project has created a wildlife areaout of a disused boating pond, and the Muir of OrdEnvironmental Group has organised clean ups oflocal ponds that contain one of the few remaininghabitats for the great crested newt.

Future actions:

Encourage local communities to identify areas thatthey would like to turn into a community wildliferesource, and help them to undertake the work.(Suggested partners: SNH, Highland Council Planning &Development Service, Highland Biological RecordingGroup, local groups and field clubs)

Atlantic salmon from Scotlands largest hatcheryprogramme recaptured to start next generation

6.6 Lack of awareness

Issue: There is a general lack of awareness aboutbiodiversity and sustainable development in theHighlands, and projects that encourage people tofind out more about their local wildlife and theenvironment in general should be encouraged.

Current projects: Several projects in Ross andCromarty (East) are showing people how to minimisewaste so that landfill is used less and fewer lorriesare needed to carry away our rubbish. This improvesthe environment and leads to less pollution, whichbenefits biodiversity.

Highland Council’s Easter Ross Ranger visitsschools and arranges field trips for local people sothat they have a greater understanding of theinteractions between plants, animals and humans.Moth hunts, mammal courses, bat evenings andwoodland walks have all been organised and help

64 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 6: Town & Village

demonstrate the richness of our countryside to thosethat are interested to find out about it.

Ferintosh Community Council are carrying out a birdsurvey, and hope to produce a booklet illustratingtheir findings.

Loch Kinellan is privately owned by a group of localresidents, who manage it for wildlife and as anamenity.

Fortrose Golf Course won a conservation award forwork on their land. Golf courses often providesignificant wildlife resources and green spaceswithin urban areas.

Future actions:

Pull together a list of tools and materials available toschools, and identify projects and local biodiversitystudies that fit in with the curriculum. (Suggestedpartners: Highland Council Education & Ranger Services,SNH)

Undertake local bird surveys with school children toassess populations and provide biodiversityinformation of relevance to local schools, perhapslinked with a nest box camera project such as thatcarried out in Skye & Lochalsh last year. (Suggestedpartners: RSPB Scotland, SNH, Highland CouncilEducation & Ranger Services)

Undertake urban wildlife surveys and investigatehistorical records to find out what is, was and couldbe present. (Suggested partners: Field Clubs, HighlandBiological Recording Group, SNH)

Undertake a Butterfly Guardians project, similar tothat currently running in south and west Scotland, toencourage local people to get involved in eithergeneral recording or targeted recording ofpriority species of butterflies and moths.This has proved very successful especiallyin recording species like pearl-borderedfritillary where local knowledge andproximity to sites has allowed an increasein recording and increased awareness ofthe species. (Suggested partners: ButterflyConservation Scotland, Highland BiologicalRecording Group, SNH, Highland CouncilRanger Service)

Red admiral

6.7 Cats and dogs

Issue: Domestic and especially feral cats prey on anumber of small birds and mammals, and nationalstudies have shown them to have a seriousdetrimental effect on populations of garden birdaround settlements.

Dogs running off their leads can disturb wildlife invarious habitats, particularly ground-nesting birds inuplands, woodlands or loch edges during spring andearly summer, and wintering waders feeding onshores at low tide.

Future actions:

Encourage cat owners to have their cats neutered, touse collars with bells, and not to release unwantedcats into the wild. (Suggested partners: Vets, pet owners)

Encourage dog owners to keep dogs on leads,particularly during spring and early summer.(Suggested partners: Vets, pet owners)


65The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 7: Habitats & Species Lists

Photos of: Red squirrel, Robin, Barn owl, Starfish andCromarty Firth from Mountgerald.

Chapter 7: Habitats & Species Lists

66 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 7: Habitats & Species Lists

Priority Habitats:

Table 1 lists the national and local priority habitats. The national priority habitats (N) are the habitatsoccurring in Ross and Cromarty (East) that have been selected by the UK Biodiversity Steering Group. HabitatAction Plans (HAPs) or Statements have been prepared for these habitats, and are available on the Additional local priorities (L), which are not covered by the national categories but arenonetheless important habitats in their own right because they support both national and local priorityspecies, are also listed here.

Table 1: Priority Habitats

Habitat type: Notable occurrence:

Sea & CoastCoastal salt marsh (N) Dornoch Firth / Morrich MoreCoastal sand dunes (N) Dornoch Firth / Morrich MoreMaritime cliff and slopes (N) Shandwick coast, southern Black IsleMudflats (N) Firths at eastern rimSeagrass beds (N) Beauly and Cromarty FirthsSublittoral sands and gravels (N) Moray FirthCoastal grasslands (L) Rosemarkie – Tarbat NessCoastal waters (L) Inner Moray FirthCommon mussel beds (L) Dornoch FirthUndisturbed coastal stretches (L) Dornoch Firth

River, Loch & WetlandEutrophic standing waters (N) Loch EyeMesotrophic lakes (N) Loch UssieReedbeds (N) Near DingwallFloodplain (L) Achanalt MarshesRiver gorges (L) Black Rock Gorge near Evanton, Scotsburn Gorge, Allt nan

CaorachSpawning burns (L) Tributaries of the River CononWetlands and ponds (L) Conon Bridge, small farms and crofts throughout area

Farm & Croft LandCereal field margins (N) Farmland in eastPurple moor grass and rush pastures (N) Upland farm and croftlandCattle-grazed pasture (L) Farm and croft land in eastDrystone dykes and long established Farmland in eastfield boundaries (L)Gorse and scrub woodland (L) Coastal sites, roadsides & field marginsUnsprayed and uncultivated field Farmland in eastmargins (L)Winter brassica fields & stubbles (L) Farm and croft land in east

Forest & WoodlandNative pinewood (N) Strathvaich pinewood, Monadh Mor, PitmaduthyUpland oakwood (N) Achilty oakwood, Drummondreach on the Black IsleWet woodland (N) Margins and floodplain alderwoods at the mouth of River CononUpland birch (N) South side of Loch Glass, Strath Vaich, StrathcononAspen stands (L) Achilty

67The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 7: Habitats & Species Lists

Habitat type: Notable occurrence:

Coastal semi-natural woodland (L) Southern Black Isle east of RosemarkieRiparian woodland (L) Along the lower reaches of the River Conon and some of the

eastern burnsWoodland corridors as part of forest Black Islehabitat networks (L)

Bog, Moor & HillBlanket bog (N) Upland west of areaLowland heathland (N) Belmaduthy, Black IsleUpland heathland (N) Hillsides in upland westBog woodland (L) Pitmaduthy Moss, Monadh MorExtensive woolly fringe moss heaths (L) Ben Wyvis, the Fannichs (750-800m asl)Montane scrub (L) Ben Wyvis – near absence from most of areaRock faces and ledges (L) Upland west of areaSnow-bed vegetation (L) Ben Wyvis, Beinn Dearg, the Fannichs

Town & VillageWildlife-friendly private and public Gardens throughout areagardens (L)Path networks linking settlements and Settlements throughout areawildlife areas (L)Potentially flower-rich roadside verges (L) Roadside verges throughout area

Priority Species:

The following table identifies the national priority species (shaded rows) and local priority species (notshaded) that are known to occur in Ross and Cromarty (East).

The ‘national priority’ species have been identified by the UK Biodiversity Steering Group, and Species ActionPlans (SAPs) or Statements have been prepared for their conservation and enhancement. These Plans andStatements are available on the website, and further details of nationally important speciesare available from Scottish Natural Heritage.

Ross and Cromarty (East) contains a number of additional species that are rare or scarce in either Highland orBritain as a whole, and these ‘local priority’ species are listed below. We have also included a number ofspecies that although not rare or scarce nationally, are rare or particularly valued by people in Easter Ross andthe Black Isle.

Table 2: Priority Species

Scientific name: Common name: Priority:

AmphibiansBufo bufo Common toadRana temporaria Common frogTriturus cristatus Great crested newt UK BAPTriturus helvetica Palmate newt

AntsFormica aquilonia Scottish wood ant UK BAPFormica lugubris Hairy wood ant UK BAP

68 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 7: Habitats & Species Lists

Scientific name: Common name: Priority:

Bees and WaspsAndrena ruficrus A solitary mining beeBombus monticola Bilberry BumblebeeBombus muscorum Moss Carder BeeBombus soroeensis Broken-belted BumblebeeOsmia uncinata A mason bee UK BAP

BeetlesNo information available

BirdsAcanthis flavirostris TwiteAlauda arvensis Skylark UK BAPAlcedo atthis KingfisherAnas penelope WigeonAnser anser Greylag gooseAnser brachyrhyncus Pink-footed gooseAquila chrysaetos Golden eagleArenaria interpres TurnstoneCalidris canutus KnotCarduelis cannabina Linnet UK BAPCharadrius morinellus DotterelCircus cyaneus Hen harrierCygnus cygnus Whooper swanDelichon urbica House martinEmberiza citronella YellowhammerEmberiza schoeniclus Reed bunting UK BAPGallinago gallinago SnipeHirundo rustica SwallowLarus ridibundus Black-headed gullLimosa lapponica Bar-tailed godwitLoxia scotica Scottish crossbill UK BAPMelanitta nigra Common scoter UK BAPMilvus milvus Red kiteMuscicapa striata Spotted flycatcher UK BAPNumenius arquata CurlewPandion haliaetus OspreyParus cristatus Crested titPasser domesticus House sparrowPasser montanus Tree sparrow UK BAPPasser montanus Tree sparrowPerdix perdix Grey Partridge UK BAPPernis apivorus Honey buzzardPhalacrocorax carbo CormorantPlectrophenax nivalis Snow buntingPyrrhula pyrrhula Bullfinch UK BAPScolopax rusticola Woodcock

69The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 7: Habitats & Species Lists

Scientific name: Common name: Priority:

Somateria mollissima EiderTetrao tetrix Black grouse UK BAPTetrao urogallus Capercaillie UK BAPTringa totanus RedshankTurdus philomelos Song thrush UK BAPTyto alba Barn OwlVanellus vanellus Lapwing

Butterflies and mothsNoctua orbona Lunar yellow underwing UK BAPSemiothisa carbonaria Netted mountain moth UK BAPXylena exsoleta Sword grass UK BAPAricia artaxerxes Northern brown argus UK BAPBoloria euphrosyne Pearl-bordered fritillary UK BAPCoenonympha pamphilus Small heathCupido minimus Small blueEpione parallelaria Dark-bordered beauty UK BAPHemaris tityus Narrow-bordered bee hawk UK BAP

mothHipparchia semele GraylingParadiarsia sobrina Cousin German UK BAPPararge aegeria Speckled woodXestia alpicola alpina Northern dart UK BAP

FishAnguilla anguilla Common eelClupea harengus Herring UK BAPGadus morhua Cod UK BAPLampetra fluviatilis River lampreyLampetra planeri Brook lampreyMerlangus merlangus Whiting UK BAPPetromyzon marinus Sea lampreyPleuronectes platessa Plaice UK BAPPollachius virens Saithe UK BAPRaja batis Common skate UK BAPSalmo salar SalmonSalmo trutta Brown / sea troutScomber scombus Mackerel UK BAPTracharus trachurus Horse mackerel UK BAP

FliesNo information available

FungiHygrocybe spp. Waxcaps

LichensNo information available

70 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 7: Habitats & Species Lists

Scientific name: Common name: Priority:

MammalsArvicola terrestris Water vole UK BAPBalaenoptera acutorostrata Minke whale UK BAPFelis sylvestris Scottish wildcatHalichoerus grypus Grey sealLepus europaeus Brown hare UK BAPLepus timidus Mountain hareLutra lutra Otter UK BAPMartes martes Pine martenMeles meles BadgerMus musculus House mouseMyotis daubentoni Daubenton’s batMyotis nattereri Natterer’s batNeomys fodiens Water shrewPhoca vitulina Common (harbour) sealPhoecoena phocoena Harbour porpoise UK BAPPipistrellus pipistrellus Common pipistrelle bat UK BAPPipistrellus pygmaeus Soprano pipistrelle bat UK BAPPlecotus auritus Brown long-eared batSciurus vulgaris Red squirrel UK BAPTursiops truncatus Bottlenosed dolphin UK BAP

MolluscsMargaritifera margaritifera Freshwater pearl mussel UK BAPVertigo genesii Round-mouthed whorl snail UK BAPVertigo geyeri Geyer’s whorl snail UK BAP

Mosses and liverwortsNo information available

ReptilesAnguis fragilis Slow wormLacerta vivipara Common lizardVipera berus Adder

Sea anenomesNo information available

StonewortsNo information available

Vascular plantsAnthemis arvensis Corn chamomileAstragolus glycyphyllus Wild liquoriceCentaurea cyanus Cornflower UK BAPChrysanthemum segetum Corn marigoldCorallorhiza trifida Coralroot orchidEuphrasia heslop-harrisonii an eyebright UK BAP

71The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanChapter 7: Habitats & Species Lists

Scientific name: Common name: Priority:

Juniperus communis Juniper UK BAPLychnis flos-cuculi Ragged robinLycopodiella inundata Marsh clubmoss UK BAPMelampyrum sylvaticum Small cow-wheat UK BAPOxytropis halleri Purple oxytropisPilularia globulifera Pillwort UK BAPPopulus tremula AspenPotentilla neumanniana Spring cinquefoilPotomogeton rutilus Shetland pondweed UK BAPSaxifraga granulata Meadow saxifrageSorbus aria WhitebeamViola arvensis Field pansy

Rural Stewardship Scheme:

The Rural Stewardship Scheme (RSS) incorporates a list of 30 locally important habitats and species, that havebeen drawn up jointly by agricultural and conservation interests. There are different lists for different areasthroughout Scotland, and Ross and Cromarty (East) falls under the East Highland list, which is shown below.This list is not to be confused with the national and local priority habitats and species above, as it is usedspecifically for RSS applications and is updated by the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural AffairsDepartment on an annual basis.

Habitat1. Acid grassland2. Marshy grassland and rough pasture3. Lowland meadows4. Neutral grassland5. Purple moor grass & rush pasture6. Watercourses (rivers and streams)7. Rushes & Marginal vegetation (including species-rich rush pasture)8. Wetland margins9. Wet heath10. Dry heath11. Overwintering crops12. Arable field margins13. Riparian woodland14. Scrub woodland (upland scrub)15. Non species-rich hedgerows

Species16. Common eyebright17. Blaeberry18. Ragged robin19. Greater woodrush20. Devil’s bit scabious21. Common orchid22. Knapweed23. Corn marigold24. Bird’s foot trefoil25. Brown trout26. Barn owl27. Lapwing28. Snipe29. Goldfinch30. Yellowhammer

72 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanWhat’s Next?

What’s Next?

What You Can Do

Everyone can do their bit for biodiversity and the environment, whether it is in the garden or down at theshops! Here are some examples of how you can help:

Get involved:Find out about your local environment and take part in local projects. (Contact: Easter Ross Ranger, BlackIsle Partnership, Muir of Ord Environmental Group, Milton Community Woodland Group, Tain InitiativeGroup, Wild & Green Group, or your local community council or association)Become one of BTCV Scotland’s Highland Volunteers. (BTCV: British Trust for Conservation Volunteers)Join your local Field or Bird Club, and take part in surveys or recording projects. (Contact: Tain & DistrictField Club, Dingwall Field Club, Scottish Ornithologists Club - Highland Branch, RSPB Highland Group,Highland Biological Recording Group, Scottish Wildlife Trust - Inner Moray Firth Members Centre)Send any interesting wildlife records or sightings to the Highland Biological Recording Group (including asix figure grid reference)Report any suspicious behaviour or suspected wildlife crimes to your local Wildlife Liaison Officer,Northern Constabulary, in Inverness.Keep biodiversity high on the political agenda by writing to your local councillor, MSP, MP or MEP.

Garden for wildlife:Plant native species and flowering or berry-bearing shrubs such as buddlea or contoneaster that willprovide food and shelter all year round for wildlife. (Information on gardening for wildlife in this area isavailable from the Black Isle Partnership.)Leave a ‘wild corner’ – long grass, nettles and other weeds can be good for butterflies and log or stone pilescan benefit insects.Put up nest boxes and bat boxes in suitable locations. (Scottish Agricultural College is providing treesparrow and barn owl nest boxes and advice on where to put them up to farmers and crofters with suitablehabitats.)If you have space, dig a garden pond with gently sloping sides and shallow parts.Grow to organic principles. (Information on organic gardening is available from the Henry DoubledayResearch Association)Compost all your garden and vegetable waste.Request and buy alternatives to peat-based composts and other products from local garden centres.

Shop locally:Buy locally grown and / or organically produced meat and vegetables were possible.Make sure any wood products you buy carry an accredited logo, such as the Forestry Stewardship Council(FSC).

Reduce pollution:Pick up litter and encourage people not to drop litter. Plastic containers, tin cans and discarded fishing line& nets can cause particular damage as they are not biodegradable and can trap or suffocate birds andmammals.Use biodegradable cleaning products and washing powder, and use less bleach and harmful cleaningproducts at home and in the garden.Dispose of hazardous substances such as oil, turpentine and acid wisely (i.e. not down the plughole,information on correct disposal methods is available from the Waste Strategy and Management Team, TheHighland Council, Dingwall.)Don’t flush non-biodegradable items down the toilet.Don’t forget the larger, global issues such as reducing waste and using less energy.

Contact details for the Groups listed above are given in Annex 1.

73The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanWhat’s Next?

Business Actions

Businesses can take action for biodiversity, often at no cost or low cost and sometimes actions that benefit theenvironment can help save costs by reducing energy or waste products. Here are some examples of how youcan help:

Conduct a wildlife survey of your site and learn what lives in the nearby area. Invite local experts to takepart, and ensure that you are not damaging any habitats and take steps to improve your local environment.Hold team building conservation activities to improve habitats and raise awareness of the environmentamongst your staff.Set up staff award schemes and use their environmental actions to improve morale and create goodpublicity.Take part in the Scottish Environment Protection Agency’s Habitat Enhancement Initiative, which givesgrants for positive environmental works.Create links with local groups and school grounds projects – offer support in kind or to sponsor aparticular aspect.Become a ‘Biodiversity Champion’ of a local species or habitat, e.g. Tesco champions the skylark.Register with the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), which aims to reward organisations thatstrive to improve their environmental performance.Strive to achieve ISO 14001 accreditation by minimising your environmental impacts.

Classroom Actions

Schools can get involved with biodiversity – both indoors and out, and here’s how:

Get involved in recording – survey birds at the bird table, when you see the first hazel catkin, has an eye-catching recording format suitable for all ages.Invite local rangers, environmentalists and land managers to speak to the class, host visits and leadactivities regularly.Get involved in some of the national survey days like the ‘Big Garden Bird Watch’, which takes place inJanuary or ‘National Moth Night and Day’, in May.Start school grounds projects incorporating wildlife gardens, hides or wild corners and have an outdoorclassroom. Scottish Natural Heritage and the Easter Ross Ranger Service offers advice and funding.Share information about successful projects with other schools and classes – some schools take turns inwriting environmental news on their websites or in their newsletters.

Land Management Actions

This Plan contains lots of suggested actions for biodiversity, and the freshwater, farm & croft land, woodlandand mountain & moorland sections will hopefully have given you some ideas of how you can help. Here aresome of them:

Manage river banks to benefit wildlife, improve fishing and prevent erosion by providing watering troughsand fencing off stock, and by planting broadleaved trees like willow and alder to stabilise banks and giveshade and cover for fish.Leave a strip of uncultivated and unsprayed land at the edges of fields to act as a ‘beetle bank’ or wildlifecorridor.Restructure your woodlands to include broadleaved species and open space, and leave some standing andfallen dead wood, which is good for invertebrates, birds and small mammals.Draft a moorland management plan to help you decide on stocking levels, muirburning and access, whichtakes the biodiversity of the area into account.

The Rural Stewardship Scheme provides funding for all of the above actions, and the Scottish Forestry GrantScheme will provide funding for new woodland actions.

74 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanWhat’s Next?

Local Authority and Agency Actions

Again, this Plan contains a lot of suggestions for actions that could be undertaken by agencies and localauthorities. Here are some of them:

Undertake a biodiversity audit to pull together existing information from local groups and national bodiesand identify gaps in our collective knowledge, and initiate an accessible fund for future survey work.(Suggested partners: Scottish Natural Heritage, Highland Council, Forestry Commission Scotland, HighlandBiological Recording Group)Establish a centralised database – a new Highland Biological Records Centre – to act as a contact point foranyone requiring further information. (Suggested partners: Scottish Natural Heritage, Highland Council,Highland Biological Recording Group)Develop educative materials for primary, secondary and tertiary courses that focus on local biodiversityand examine the threats and current / future actions relating to specific species and habitats. Examine theprimary and secondary curricula (5-14 and Higher Still courses) and identify opportunities to raiseawareness about local biodiversity. (Suggested partners: Highland Council Education & Ranger Services,Scottish Natural Heritage)Appoint a teacher / biologist to write suitable materials relating to case studies of local biodiversity,identify and integrate with individuals in local agencies who could be approached to talk to pupils andprovide data, and identify suitable sites and sources of funding for field trips and projects. (Suggestedpartners: Highland Council Education & Ranger Services, Scottish Natural Heritage)Encourage projects that re-establish links between isolated habitats. For example, the Black IslePartnership’s work on wildlife corridors. (Suggested partners: Highland Council Roads Department, BEARScotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, Forestry Commission, land managers)Eradicate alien pest species such as Japanese knotweed, giant hogweed and mink. Control other speciessuch as bracken and whins, which although beneficial for biodiversity in small areas, are detrimental whenthey take over as blanket coverage. (Suggested partners: Highland Council Roads Department, BEAR Scotland,Scottish Natural Heritage, land managers)Encourage liaison between groups and funding bodies to consider joint applications for funding acrossadministrative boundaries. (Suggested partners: Highland Council, Scottish Natural Heritage)Employ a biodiversity officer to help implement the Plan. (Suggested partners: Highland Council, ScottishNatural Heritage)

Next Steps

This plan has been prepared under the auspices of the Highland Biodiversity Project, which is a partnershipproject funded by The Highland Council, Scottish Natural Heritage, Highlands & Islands Enterprise,Caithness & Sutherland Enterprise and RSPB Scotland.

The partner organisations have agreed to work up a funding proposal for a second phase, focusing on thedelivery of the Action Plans, perhaps through a local biodiversity grants scheme. If the funding can be secured,it is hoped that this second phase could begin in April 2005. In the meantime, it is envisaged that the partnerslisted above and in Annex 1 of this report will undertake many of the projects suggested in the ‘Future actions’sections.

75The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

Annex 1: Contact Details

Organisation / Group: What they can help with /Interest :

Contact details:

Alness Environmental Group

Alness Walking Group

Bat Conservation Trust

BEAR Scotland

Biological Recording in Scotland

Black Isle Partnership

Botanical Society of the BritishIsles

British Dragonfly Society

British Trust for ConservationVolunteers

British Trust for Ornithology

Carolyn Wilson, 27 High Street,Alness IV17 0UXTel: 01349 884 812Email:[email protected]

Dr S Campbell, 60 Obsdale Park,Alness IV17 0TRTel: 01349 882585Email:[email protected]

Inveralmond Road, InveralmondIndustrial Estate, Perth PH1 3TWTel: 0800 587

Bill Taylor, Chairman,Community Education Office,Fortrose IV10

30 Millbank Road, Munlochy,Inverness IV8 8NDTel: 01463

A voluntary group that provideand maintain the floral displaysand flower beds, cut grass, collectlitter and work to look after theenvironment in Alness as well asthe wider area.

Pilot walking for health group inRoss-shire. Organise walks in thelocal area.

Information on bats, bat habitats,bat boxes and conservation.

Manages and maintains the TrunkRoads of North West and NorthEast Scotland on behalf of theScottish Executive.

Promote the gathering ofenvironmental data, initiateprojects and circulate informationto help the recording communityin Scotland.

Provides a single voice for thewhole of the Black Isle – bringingtogether the views of the localcommunity councils, local people,local employers, and those withan interest in the well-being of thearea.

Holder of the botanical records forthe area.

Information on dragonflyhabitats, training of volunteers inidentification & collation ofdragonfly records.

Volunteer participation inpractical conservation activities,can work with communities todeliver local environmentalprojects & provide insurance forsuch works.

Investigate the populations,movements and ecology of wildbirds, organise annual breedingand winter bird surveys locally.

76 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

Organisation / Group: What they can help with /Interest:

Contact details:

Tom Prescott, Kingussie (HQ:Balallan House, Allan Park,Stirling FK8 2QG)Tel: 01786

Conon District Salmon FisheryBoard, CKD Galbraith, 45 ChurchStreet, Inverness, IV1 1DREmail: [email protected]

Knowsley, 82 Fairfield Road,Inverness IV3 5LHTel: 01463

Fran Lockhart, Glaikmore, NorthKessock, Inverness IV1 1XDTel: 01463

Willie Beattie, Fodderty Way,Dingwall IV15 9XBTel: 01349

Encourage surveying andmonitoring of butterflies andmoths, and advise on habitatmanagement for priority species.

Can help organisations findsolutions to a range of problemsand issues. Specifically designedfor community groups and isbased on common themesidentified by local voluntarygroups from around Invernessand Nairn.

Responsible for the managementof the wild salmon stocks of therivers running into the CromartyFirth. The Board carries outresearch and survey programmesto support its hatchery and habitatmanagement programmes as wellas fishery protection work.

Provide advice on deermanagement and welfare issues.

Provide advice to farmers,crofters and landowners onconservation projects and agri-environmental grants.

Administer the Scottish ForestryGrant Scheme, which provideswoodland management andexpansion incentives for privatewoodland owners, and regulateand control works through FellingLicence and EnvironmentalImpact Assessment regulations.

Provide habitat advice aboutamphibians and reptiles ingardens and the widercountryside, and encourage theirrecording.

Provide advice, contacts,programmes, grant and awardschemes tailored for Scottishschools, for the improvement ofschool grounds for education,biodiversity and enjoyment.

Butterfly Conservation (Scotland)

Community Toolkit

Conon District Salmon FisheryBoard

Deer Commission Scotland

Farming and Wildlife AdvisoryGroup

Forestry Commission


Grounds for Learning

77The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

Organisation / Group: What they can help with /Interest :

Contact details:

Dedicated to researching andpromoting organic gardening,farming and food.

Responsible for the preparationand implementation of LocalBiodiversity Action Plans inHighland.

Record biological informationindividually and through co-ordinated atlas projects, surveys,field trips and events.

Works through partnership todeliver: local economic,environmental and social benefits;integrated forest management andproduct innovation; new resourceinformation to support strategicrural development.

Run a programme ofenvironmental education eventsand guided walks, run practicalconservation projects, and giveadvice on access and conservationissues.

Provides advice on sustainabilityissues and appropriatecommunity action.

Provides information on thecorrect disposal of waste andhazardous substances.

Comprises volunteers in the innerMoray Firth area who monitorbird populations in the area. Mostof the monitoring work is done viabird ringing on behalf of theBritish Trust for Ornithology.Shorebirds, seabirds, raptors andfarmland species are currently allmonitored by the group.

Provides, for visitors, the definitivelisting of accommodation in thearea, details of places to go,activities, events, maps, guides toareas within the ScottishHighlands and travel, transportand car hire information.

Ryton Organic Gardens, Coventry,Warwickshire CV8

Janet Bromham, The HighlandCouncil, Glenurquhart Road,Inverness IV3 5NXTel: 01463 702274

Jonathan Watt, Inverness Museum& Art Gallery, Castle Wynd,Inverness IV2 3EBTel: 01463 237114

Littleburn, Munlochy IV8 8NNTel: 01463

Martin Hind, The HighlandCouncil, North Kessock TouristInformation Office, North KessockIV1 1XB, Tel: 01463 731 920Email:[email protected]

Una Lee, The Highland Council,Glenurquhart Road, InvernessIV3 5NX, Tel: 01463 702543

Ross House, High Street, DingwallIV15 9RYTel: 01349 868583

Secretary: Bob Swann,14 St.Vincent Road, Tain,Ross-shire IV19 1JREmail: [email protected]

Peffery House, Strathpeffer IV149HA, Tel: 01997

Henry Doubleday ResearchAssociation

Highland Biodiversity Project

Highland Biological RecordingGroup

Highland Birchwoods

Highland Council Ranger Service

Highland Council SustainableDevelopment Officer

Highland Council Waste Strategy& Management Team

Highland Ringing Group

Highlands of Scotland TouristBoard

78 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

Devoted to improving theInvergordon environment throughfor example providing hedges andpaths and tidying gateways.

The group aims to promoteinterest, investigate and protectthese remarkable, but endangered,mammals through survey andeducational work and runs aprogramme of bat walks, talks andother activities throughout theyear, membership is free and opento anyone fascinated by bats.

Run a number of volunteer coastaland marine projects includingbeachwatch and seasearch.

Aim to continue the sustainablemanagement of their woodland, inways that will benefit the localcommunity (where community isdefined as all living things). Thisis achieved through for example,maintaining and enhancingwildlife habitat, encouraging andsupporting communityparticipation in environmentaleducation, promoting positivehealth and healing throughwoodland activities and naturalresources.

Provide advice on management ofmarine and coastal habitats in theMoray Firth, and run a smallenvironmental scheme.

A group of local people that havegot together to protect, promoteand preserve the environmentaround Muir of Ord.

Provide information onagricultural matters andrepresentation on behalf ofmembers.

A conservation charity thatprotects and promotes Scotland’snatural and cultural heritage forpresent and future generations toenjoy.

Organisation / Group: What they can help with /Interest:

Contact details:

Alan Maclennan - Chairman/Secretary c/o The HighlandCouncil Service Point, 62 HighStreet, Invergordon IV18 0DH

Jonathan Watt, c/o InvernessMuseum and Art Gallery, CastleWynd, Inverness IV2 3EBEmail:[email protected]

Calum Duncan, 3 Coates Place,Edinburgh EH3 7AATel: 0131

12 Munro Crescent, Milton,Kildary, Ross-shire IV18 0PQEmail:[email protected]

27 Ardconnel Terrace, InvernessIV2 3AETel: 01463

Joolz Christie, 2 Seafield Cottages,Tarradale, Muir of Ord IV6 7RSEmail: [email protected]

Balnain House, 40 Huntley Street,Inverness IV3 5URTel: 01463 732

Invergordon EnvironmentalGroup

Inverness Bat Group

Marine Conservation Society

Milton Community WoodlandTrust

Moray Firth Partnership

Muir of Ord Environmental Group

National Farmers Union ofScotland

National Trust for Scotland

79The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

Organisation / Group: What they can help with /Interest :

Contact details:

North Highland Forest Trust

Northern Constabulary


Ross & Cromarty Enterprise

Ross-shire Waste Action Network

Royal Society for the Protection ofBirds

Scottish Agricultural College

Scottish & Southern Energy

Scottish Crofting Foundation

Provide advice and assistance onwoodland biodiversity andcommunity woodland projects.

Responsible for enforcement ofwildlife conservation legislationand combating wildlife crime. Allconcerns regarding wildlife crimeshould be reported to the localpolice station first.

Acts to stop common wild plantsbecoming rare in the wild, torescue wild plants on the brink ofextinction, and to protect sites ofexceptional botanical importanceby practical conservation work,and influencing policy andlegislation.

Provide advice and support forenvironmental projects andcommunity-led works.

A community waste groupinvolved in waste minimisation,recycling, composting, educationand awareness-raising.

Provides advice and assistance onthe conservation of wild birds andtheir habitats, especiallydeclining, threatened or rarespecies.

Provide advice to farmers, croftersand land owners on wildlifehabitat improvement, and helpprepare and submit RuralStewardship Scheme applications.

Energy company involved in thegeneration, transmission,distribution and supply ofelectricity to industrial,commercial and domesticcustomers; energy trading; gasmarketing; electrical and utilitycontracting andtelecommunications.

Promotes the benefits that croftingbrings to its communities, as wellas to the wider public.

Stuart Smith, Alba House, MainStreet, Golspie KW10

Wildlife Crime Officer, The PoliceStation, Obsdale Road, AlnessIV17 0TUTel: 01349 882222

RoWAN, 30 Millbank Road,Munlochy, Ross-shireIV8 8NDTel: 07626 981522

Kenna Chisholm, Etive House,Beechwood Park, InvernessTel: 01463

Gillian McKnight, Drummondhill,Stratherrick Road, InvernessTel: 01463

Inveralmond House, 200 DunkeldRoad, Perth PH1

Old Mill, Broadford, Isle of SkyeIV49 9AQ, Tel: 01471

80 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

Scottish Environmental ProtectionAgency

Scottish Executive Environment &Rural Affairs Department

Scottish Native Woods

Scottish Natural Heritage

Scottish Ornithologists Club

Scottish Rural Property &Business Association

Scottish Water

Scottish Wildlife Trust

Regularly monitor and classifycoastal waters, rivers and lochs,deal with pollution incidents andprovide advice and, through itsHabitat Enhancement Initiative,provides guidance and support onthe creation and best managementof wildlife habitats.

Advises on and implements policyrelating to agriculture, ruraldevelopment, food, theenvironment and fisheries.

Dedicated to the conservation ofnative woodlands in Scotland.Key activities: securing thesustainable management of nativewoodlands; increasing awarenessand understanding of nativewoodlands; strengthening thecontribution made by nativewoodlands to the economy;advising and influencinggovernment policy.

Provide advice and assistance onprotected species and designatedareas, grant-aid practicalbiodiversity and awareness-raising projects.

Brings together amateurbirdwatchers, keen birders andresearch ornithologists with theaims of documenting, studyingand enjoying Scotland’s variedbirdlife. The local Club collectsand collates bird records forCaithness.

Formerly Scottish Landowners’Federation. Representative bodyfor rural property owners andland-based businesses inScotland.

Provides water and waste waterservices to household andbusiness customers acrossScotland.

Provide advice on habitatmanagement, identification ofareas of high biodiversity andconservation volunteer activities.

Tel: 0800 806070 (24 hourpollution emergency number)

John Parrott, The Old School,Errogie, Inverness-shire IV2

Fodderty Way, Dingwall BusinessPark, Dingwall IV15 9XBTel: 01349 865

Harbour Point, Newhailes Road,Musselburgh EH21 6SJTel: 0131

Stuart House, Eskmills BusinessPark, Musselburgh EH21 7PBTel: 0131 653 5400Fax: 0131 653 5401Email: [email protected]

Unit 4A, 3 Carsegate Road North,Inverness IV3 8DUTel: 01463

Organisation / Group: What they can help with /Interest :

Contact details:

81The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

Step It Up Highland

Tain & District Field Club

Tain Initiative Group

The Mammal Society

World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF)

Promote the many benefits ofwalking for health and developwalking opportunities. Contactthem to find out about your localwalking group.

Aims to further the knowledge ofnatural history in the local areaby: biological surveying andrecording; assisting withconservation projects; arranginglectures; visiting sites of biologicalinterest.

A voluntary communityorganisation, a Scottish Charity,set up to develop environmental,social, sports and recreationalprojects for the benefit of thecommunity of Tain and thesurrounding area.

Organise mammal surveys andwork to protect British mammals,to halt the decline of threatenedspecies.

WWF’s mission in Scotland is tobuild long-term solutions toenvironmental problems for thebenefit of people and nature.

Carole Lloyd or Ian McNeil,Volunteering Highland, TheGateway, 1a Millburn Road,InvernessTel: 01463

Sean Meikle, Email:[email protected]

Fiona Robertson, Tain InitiativeGroup, 1st Floor, Tain HighlandCouncil Service Point , 24 HighStreet, Tain, Ross-shire IV19 1AETel/Fax: 01862 894278Email:[email protected]

WWF Scotland, 8 The Square,Aberfeldy, Perthshire PH15 2DDTel: 01887 820449Fax: 01887

Organisation / Group: What they can help with /Interest :

Contact details:

82 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

Annex 2: References & Sources of Further Information

Scottish Executive (2004) ‘Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act’. The Stationary Office Bookshop, Edinburgh

Scottish Executive (2004) ‘Scotland’s Biodiversity, It’s In Your Hands: A strategy for the conservation andenhancement of biodiversity in Scotland’. The Stationary Office Bookshop, Edinburgh

Scottish Biodiversity Forum (2004) ‘An Overview of the Implementation Plans, 2005-2008’. The StationaryOffice Bookshop, Edinburgh

Scottish Executive (2003) ‘Strategic Framework for Scottish Aquaculture’. The Stationary Office Bookshop,Edinburgh

Scottish Executive (2003) ‘The Rural Stewardship Scheme’. The Stationary Office Bookshop, Edinburgh

Scottish Biodiversity Forum (2003) ‘Towards a Strategy for Scotland’s Biodiversity: Indicators for the Stateof Scotland’s Biodiversity’. The Stationary Office Bookshop, Edinburgh

Scottish Biodiversity Forum (2003) ‘Towards a Strategy for Scotland’s Biodiversity: Scotland’s Resource &Trends’. The Stationary Office Bookshop, Edinburgh

Scotland’s Moorland Forum (2003) ‘Principles of Moorland Management’. The Stationary Office Bookshop,Edinburgh

Preston, CD, Pearman, DA & Dines, TD (Eds) (2002) ‘New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora’. OxfordUniversity Press

Scottish Natural Heritage (2002) ‘Natural Heritage Futures’ documents

The Scottish Biodiversity Group (2001) ‘A Flying Start: Local Biodiversity Action in Scotland’. TheStationary Office Bookshop, Edinburgh

Scottish Executive (2001) ‘The Muirburn Code: A Guide to Best Practice’. The Stationary Office Bookshop,Edinburgh

The Scottish Biodiversity Group (2000) ‘Action for Scotland’s Biodiversity’. The Stationary Office Bookshop,Edinburgh

The Scottish Biodiversity Group (1999) ‘Local Biodiversity Action Plans: A Manual and Guidance Notes’.CoSLA, Edinburgh

The Scottish Biodiversity Group (1997) ‘Biodiversity in Scotland: The Way Forward’. The Stationary OfficeBookshop, Edinburgh

Joint Nature Conservation Committee (1996) ‘Coasts and Seas of the United Kingdom, Region 3 North-eastScotland: Cape Wrath to St Cyrus’. Coastal Directory Series

Joint Nature Conservation Committee ‘Directory of the Celtic Coasts and Seas’

The UK Government (1994) ‘Biodiversity: The UK Action Plan’. HMSO, London

The UK Government (1994) ‘Sustainable Development: The UK Strategy’. HMSO, London

The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute (1993) ‘The Land Cover of Scotland 1988’ (LCS88)

UK Biodiversity Action Plan ‘Tranche 2 Action Plans’. English Nature, PeterboroughIndex to the Tranche 2 Action PlansVolume I: Vertebrates and Vascular PlantsVolume II: Terrestrial and Freshwater HabitatsVolume III: Plants and FungiVolume IV: InvertebratesVolume VI: Terrestrial and Freshwater Species and Habitats

83The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

Annex 3: Glossary

Aacoustic of sound or hearingagri-environment linkage between the rearing of crops and livestock and the surrounding

environmentall-terrain vehicle light vehicle with many low pressure tyres or caterpillar tracks that spread

the weight and make it easier to cross boggy areasamphibian a vertebrate, such as a newt, frog or toad, that lives on land but breeds in

wateraquatic growing or living in waterarthropod a creature, such as an insect or spider, which has jointed legs and a hard case

on its bodyBbiodegradable capable of being decomposed by natural meansbiodiversity biological diversity, the variety of all living thingsbrackish slightly saltybryophyte a moss or liverwort

Ccalcareous of or containing calcium carbonatecatchment the area of land draining into a river, basin or reservoircetacean member of an order of aquatic mammals having no hind limbs, front limbs

modified into paddles, and a blowhole for breathing, includes whales,dolphins and porpoises

clearfell an area where all the trees have been felledcoarse fish any freshwater fish that is not of the salmon familycoastal defences natural or man-made barriers to slow down or halt erosion from the seacommon grazing piece of rough grazing land shared between two or more peoplecommunity a group of independent plants and animals inhabiting the same regionconifer a tree or shrub bearing cones and evergreen leaves, such as pine, spruce, fir

or larchcrustacean usually aquatic arthropod with a hard outer shell and several pairs of legs,

such as the lobster, crab or shrimpculvert a drain or covered channel that crosses under a road or railway

Ddeciduous a tree or shrub which sheds its leaves annually, such as birch or oakDeer Management Plan a plan drawn up by the local Deer Management Group to agree culling

targets amongst neighbouring estatesdiffuse spread out over a wide area (diffuse pollution: no single point source)diurnal in or of day / daytimediversification to vary products or operations in order to spread risk or expanddredging the process of scooping or sucking up material from the seabed or a riverbed

Eecosystem a system involving the interactions between a community and its non-living

environmentelectrofishing method of surveying fish by stunning them with an electrical pulseenvironment the external surroundings in which a plant or animal lives, which influence

its developmenteutrophic describes lochs with high nutrient levelsextensive (agricultural context) widespread, designed to spread impacts over a large


Ffauna all the animal life of a given place or timefen peatland that receives water and nutrients from the soil, rock and

groundwater as well as from rainfallfence marking the act of making a fence more visible to avoid bird collisions from e.g. black


84 The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

fertiliser any substance, such as manure, added to soil to increase its productivityflora all the plant life of a given place or timeForest Habitat Network a concept to link forest habitats for the benefit of woodland speciesfry the young of various species of fish

Ggenetic purity where the internal characteristics of an organism come from one source

alonegenus a group into which a family of animals or plants is divided and which

contains one or more speciesgeomorphology the study of the shapes and processes of the earthGulf Stream a warm oceanic current originating in the gulf of Mexico that travels north-

east as the North Atlantic Drift to warm the west coast of Scotland

Hhabitat the natural home of an animal or planthatchery place where fish eggs are hatched to produce fry or parr for restockingherbicide a chemical that destroys plants, especially weedshybrid an animal or plant resulting from a cross between two different types of

animal or plant

Iin-bye grazing or arable land, usually close to the croft or farm steadingIndicative Forest Strategy a planning tool used by local authorities and agencies to help site new

woodlands away from sensitive areasinsecticide a substance used to destroy insect pestsinshore in or on the water but close to the shore (inshore fisheries: within 12 miles of

the shore)intensive (agricultural context) designed to increase production from a particular areainterpretation explanation provided by the use of original objects, visual display material,

etc.invasive spreading uncontrollably, taking over, replacing natural communityinvertebrate any animal without a backbone, such as an insect, worm or mollusc

Lley land temporarily under grass

Mmammal any warm-blooded vertebrate animal, the female of which produces milk to

feed her youngmesotrophic describes lochs with intermediate nutrient levelsmollusc an invertebrate with a soft, unsegmented body and often a shell (group

includes snails, slugs, clams, mussels and squid)muirburning the controlled strip-burning of heather moorland to create new shoots for

grouse, deer or sheep to eat

Nnatural regeneration seeding of plants, especially trees, without direct interference by mannon-native a non-indigenous animal or plant, not of local originnutrient budgeting the allocation of nutrients (especially fertilisers) to particular areas for

particular purposes, to minimise wastage and environmental impactsnutrient enrichment an increase or improvement in the substances providing nourishment to a

water body, sometimes resulting in a change in the chemistry andcorresponding loss in naturally occurring species

Ooligotrophic describes lochs with low nutrient levels, such as the dubh lochans in the

peatlandsout-bye rough grazing land, usually far from the croft or farm steadingovergraze to graze land too intensely so that it is damaged and no longer provides

nourishment or (if an area is managed for woodland) so that trees cannotregenerate or grow

85The Ross & Cromarty (East) Biodiversity Action PlanAnnexes

Pparasitic the process of one animal or plant living in or on another from which it

obtains its nourishmentparr the intermediate stage of a salmonid fish between fry and smoltpasserine a songbird or perching birdpest any organism that damages crops, or irritates livestock or manpesticide a chemical used for killing pests, especially insectsplankton organisms inhabiting the surface layer of a sea or loch, consisting of small

drifting animals or plantsplateau a wide mainly level area of elevated land

Rraptor a bird of preyrecreation refreshment of health or spirits by relaxation and enjoyment, or an activity

that promotes thisreedbed wetland dominated by stands of the common reed Phragmites australis,

where the water table is at or above ground level for most of the yearreseed a crop, especially grass, that has been sownriparian of or on the bank of a river or streamroost a place, such as a perch, where birds rest or sleep

Ssalmonid fish from the salmon family (includes salmon, trout & char)sea lice a fish parasitesecond rotation the second crop of trees grown on a plantationsessile a plant with flowers or leaves but no stalk / an animal fixed in one positionsheep dip a liquid disinfectant and insecticide in which sheep are immersedsiltation to fill or choke up with silt (a fine sediment of mud or clay deposited by

moving water)silviculture the cultivation of forest treesSite of Special Scientific an area designated under UK legislation for its nature conservation interest Interest (SSSI)smolt young salmon at the stage when it migrates from freshwater to the seaspawning beds the location where fish, amphibians or molluscs lay eggsSpecial Area of Conservation an area designated under European legislation (the Habitats Directive) for its (SAC) nature conservation interestSpecial Protection Area (SPA) an area designated under European legislation (the Birds Directive) for its

wild bird interestspecies any of the groups into which a genus is divided, the members of which are

able to interbreedstanding deadwood dead trees left standing or lying to support fungi and invertebrates

Uupland an area of high or relatively high ground

Vvertebrate any animal with a backbone, such as a mammal, fish, bird or amphibian

Wwader a long-legged bird that lives near water or in a wetlandwaterfowl bird that lives on or near water, especially one that swims such as a duck or

swanweed any plant that grows wild and profusely, especially one that grows among

cultivated plantswildfire out-of-control fire started accidentally or through out-of-control

muirburning, which can rage over vast areas and threaten woodlands, roadsor even houses

wildfowl any game birdwoodland restructuring the process of changing the structure of a woodland to allow more internal

space and diversity of tree species

2 The Skye & Lochalsh Biodiversity Action Plan

Janet BromhamHighland Biodiveristy Officer

The Highland CouncilPlanning & Development Service

Glenurquhart RoadInverness IV3 5NX

01463 702274

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