Page 1: THE REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE ? COMING SOON! · conquered by the Romans represented by the legs of iron. This represents the four successive Gentile Empires that will rule the world before



by Laurie AddisonIndependent Researcher Aust.


Page 2: THE REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE ? COMING SOON! · conquered by the Romans represented by the legs of iron. This represents the four successive Gentile Empires that will rule the world before


by w. b. howard ... editor of Despatch

Page 3: THE REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE ? COMING SOON! · conquered by the Romans represented by the legs of iron. This represents the four successive Gentile Empires that will rule the world before


Add-on to Prophecy 2006 booklet with Despatch Vol. 18.1

W. B. Howard ...editor of Despatch

Page 4: THE REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE ? COMING SOON! · conquered by the Romans represented by the legs of iron. This represents the four successive Gentile Empires that will rule the world before


There is a move in our day to reinterpret Biblical prophecy. A number of people and ministries are teaching that it will be the Islamic people who will form the final ruling Empire of the world. Now this is most unfortunate because the Bible clearly reveals that the final Empire will be the revival of the ancient Roman Empire, but not just a ‘revival’, it will be the Roman Empire in it’s greatest manifestation, ruling the entire planet. The two books which began my journey towards the Lord Jesus Christ were both written about the cashless society by American author Mary Stuart Relfe. One statement that she made has always stayed with me, and that is, “The Christian who will survive in the days ahead is the one who has a Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other.” It is good to keep up with current events as we see the New World Order gradually taking control of all areas of life through International Treaties, laws, rules and regulations etc. However, there are those people who are interpret-ing current events by their own interpretation and not according to what the scriptures say. It therefore seems necessary to go back to basics and ex-amine what the scriptures say about the final empire that will rule this world. We begin with the story in Daniel chapter 2, where King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had a dream which he could not remember on awaking. Daniel prayed to God about the dream and God revealed the dream and it’s interperetation to him. The dream was about an image of a man in which the head was made of gold, the breast and arms were silver, the belly and thighs were brass, the legs were iron and the feet a mixture of iron and clay. Daniel then went on and identified each metal with a World em-pire. The head of gold was identified as King Nebuchadnezzar and his kingdom of Babylon. Subsequent history reveals to us that Babylon was conquered by the Mede-Persian Empire represented by the breast and arms of sliver. This in turn was conquered by the Greeks under Alexander the Great who destroyed Babylon in

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330 B.C. represented by the belly and thighs of bronze, which was conquered by the Romans represented by the legs of iron. This represents the four successive Gentile Empires that will rule the world before the final Empire is destroyed by the Lord Jesus Christ as stated in Daniel 2: 44, 45. Note that each successive Empire is represented by a lesser valued metal going from gold to a mixture if iron and clay. This is God’s interpretation of man’s view of his governments as signified by precious metals. Daniel 7:3-7. God likens the four empires not to precious metals but to animals. In verse 7 the Roman Empire is described:“After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.” The final world Empire will be the Roman Empire though many may ask how this could be so if the Roman Empire collapsed 1,500 years ago. To answer this we need to read Daniel 9:24-27.

“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlast-ing righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.In addition, after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined.And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and

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that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” The angel has told Daniel in verse 24 that seventy weeks were determined to (1) finish the transgression, (2) make an end of sins (3) make reconciliation for iniquity, and (4) bring in everlast-ing righteousness. Have these been fulfilled? The only one which has been fulfilled is (3) “to make reconciliation for iniquity” which was achieved when our Lord Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice at Calvary. The other three have not been fulfilled as yet. What then does “70 weeks” mean? The 70 weeks are weeks of years not weeks of days, this can be seen by reading Genisis 29: 27-28. The seventy weeks, i.e. 490 years is from the commandment to rebuild the temple until the millennial kingdom is set-up.The commandment to rebuild the temple was issued in 445 B.C. and took seven weeks or forty-nine years to complete. A further period of sixty-two weeks or four hundred and thirty four years shall pass before Messiah will be cut off, verse 26. Put simply, sixty-nine of the seventy weeks would pass between the command to rebuild the temple and the death and resurrection of our Lord. Owing to discrepancies in ascertaining the exact beginning of the commandment and the year of crucifixion, because most of the Jewish people rejected Jesus as their Messiah, God’s prophetic clock stopped at the end of the sixty ninth year. The reader can see why it is difficult to arrive at an exact date. The important point in all this is that the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord complete sixty-nine weeks of years. The final seventieth week of years will occur just prior to the physical return to earth of our Lord. This indicates that there is a large time gap between the sixty ninth and seventieth weeks of approximately two thousand years, in fact. The beginning of the seventieth week can be clearly identified because verse 27 tells us that a covenant or peace treaty will be confirmed but will be broken after only half the week of years has gone. In verse twenty seven we read “and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease.” The corresponding information is found in Revelation 13:5:

“And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great blas-phemies and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”

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Put simply the Antichrist will confirm a peace treaty between Israel and the Arabs and possibly involving many other nations. He will reinstate the sacrificial system of Israel, but after three and a half years, he will break the treaty and persecute the Jews, the Gentiles who know Jesus Christ as Lord, and everybody else! In Daniel 9:26 we have further evidence, “and the people of the prince that shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.” The prince who shall come is the antichrist and the people of the prince are the Romans under General Titus who destroyed and burnt Je-rusalem in 70 AD. The continuation of the Roman Empire in the 2000-year gap between the destruction of Jerusalem and the final Empire is a masterstroke of deception by Satan. We know the book of Revelation describes the economic, political, and religious state of the world in the final seven years of the age; we can look to it for proof that the coming world govern-ance, the New World Order, is Roman. We need to read carefully three verses of scripture, Revelation 12:3; Revelation 13:1; and Revelation 17:3.In these verses we are confronted with the beast, which has seven, heads and ten horns. The question is “what is this Beast”? [INSERT Ch 12 V 3 here]Revelation 12:9 tells us the red dragon is Satan. The crowns are placed on the seven heads in Revelation 12:3, but are placed on the seven horns in Revelation 13:1. The reason for the change is that the position of the crowns emphasizes the important part in each chapter. In Revelation 12:3, the crowns on the heads are describing the nation of Israel being under the seven heads which are the deifying Caesars, six from the old empire and the seventh from the revived Roman Empire. In Revelation 13:1, the crowns on the ten heads are emphasizing the kingdoms of the world pact ruled by ten kings who give their kingdoms to the Beast ( Revelation 17:17.) At this point I should point out that most of this information comes from Watchman Nee’s book “Come Lord Jesus.” Revelation 13:18 tells us that the number of the Beast is 666. Note that in this verse it is NOT they number of a man’s name but the number of a man. According to Watchman Nee the only name in all history, that adds up to 666 in Hebrew and Greek is Nero Caesar, which is both a name and a title and is one of the seven kings. Interesting data to ponder on.

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Revelation 17:18 says, “And the woman whom thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” The last city, which reigned over the known world, was Rome. Bearing this in mind look at Revelation 17:9, ?And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits.? Now if the woman is Rome does she sit on seven mountains? Yes, they are Coelian, Quirinal, Viminal, Capitaline, Aventine, Palatine and Esquiline. In simple words, the seven heads are Romans. Verse 10 says there are seven kings. When this is linked to Rev. 13:1, we find the heads each have a name of blasphemy on them. By linking the information in these verses, we have the following:1. The heads are Romans;2. They are kings;3. They have a name of blasphemy on their heads i.e. they deified themselves or demanded to be worshipped as gods. From history, we know that six Caesars of the old Roman Empire did in fact deify themselves. They were Julius; Claudius; Tiberius; Caligula; Nero and Domitian. The reason the Bible says “seven” and not six is because there is one more Caesar to come, from the revived Roman Empire, whose body will be used as the host for the eighth king.( Revelation 17:11.) The eighth king is one of the former seven. We know that the concept of reincarnation is not true but offer the following explanation:In the Old Testament, the Jews wanted a king although the Lord God was supposed to be their only Lord and King. They persisted, insisted on having a king, and God gave them one - but then told them what troubles they would have as a result. God gave the Jewish people manna in the wilderness and the people were not satisfied and wanted meat. Eventually God gave them quail and they became sick. Here is another example. As we come closer to the great Tribulation belief in resurrection is fast becoming old fashioned. Reincarnation is the more popular belief amongst the unsaved masses. The dwellers on this earth are not interested in God who came down to earth and took the form of a man, so that he could pay the penalty of sin. Instead, they want a man who has evolved to godhood through the process of reincarnation. If the

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inhabitants of this world want this, then it appears that, in a one of event, God is going to give them what they want. He is going to give them one of the worst Caesars of the old Roman Empire. REV 13:3 states that one of the heads is wounded unto death. Link this with REV 17:11 which states that “the eighth King is one of the seven” and the Bible seems to be implying that the eighth King is one of the seven who dies and inhabits the body of the seventh. Eight is the Biblical number for resurrrection but in this case it will not be resurrection to life but reincarnation to damnation. This explanation seems to satisfy all of the relevant verses concerning the Antichrist. I wouldn’t be dogmatic about this explanation. It doesn’t matter if you disagree, as this is a not a foundational doc-trine, and anyway the Church of Jesus Christ will not be on earth to view these things when they happen. Finally, the ten horns are described to us in Revelation 17:12:

“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”

The ten horns are ten kings who are subordinate to the heads and in verse 17; we see their handing over of complete control to the Beast, Antichrist:

LOOKING BACK, WE HAVE ESTABLISHED THAT:1. The great red dragon is Satan;2. The seven heads are deifying Caesars;3. The ten subordinate kings, or kingdoms, are the nations or ter-ritories, which comprise the Roman Empire. Here God is plainly telling us that the Roman Empire is led by a deifying Caesar ruling over ten nations or territories or regions empowered by Satan. A further proof that this is the Roman Empire can be found by comparing Daniel 7:4-7 with Revelation 13:2. In Daniel, he speaks of four beasts representing the four empires:

1. A lion; 2. a bear; 3. A leopard; 4. A great and terrifying beast.

Revelation 13:2:

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“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.”

The Beast is likened in Revelation to the leopard, the bear, and the lion but not to the terrifying beast of Daniel. Why is this so? Because this is not like the fourth beast, which is the Roman Empire, it IS the Roman Empire itself! Daniel prophesied that the final empire would be the Ro-man Empire. The New Testament began with the persecution of the Jewish people by the Romans, and it ends with the persecution of the Jewish people by the Romans. The underlying theme of the New Testament is Christianity versus the Roman Empire (seven heads of Rome). The old political/pagan Roman Empire with its six deifying Caesars and the coming revived Roman Empire ruled by the Antichrist are obviously connected, but by what? The image of the man in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream categorically states that there would be only four gentile empires before the millennial kingdom. Satan knows Scripture as proved by his quoting scripture to Jesus in the temptation in Matthew 4:6, although of course he twists it. The Old Testament prophets gave many prophecies concerning both the first advent of our Lord Jesus and the second advent as well. These two advents are not clearly separated. Because of this most of the Jewish people rejected Jesus as the Messiah because He did not set up the millennial kingdom. What they didn’t realize was that there are two advents. Satan also missed this important fact. Satan’s avowed aim was to destroy God’s plan of salvation hence he tried to destroy the lineage of man by having Cain kill Able. He corrupted the people of the world in Noah’s day, he tried to have Jesus killed as a child, thinking that killing Jesus would destroy the plan. He finally succeeded by get-ting the Romans to execute Him. Satan thought he had won until Jesus was resurrected by God the Father, Satan lost the battle like most of the Jews, Satan missed the significance of two advents, crucified Jesus and lost the battle of the ages bringing awesome judgment upon himself. The New Testament tells us this in 1 Corinthians 2:8:

“Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they

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known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” Up until the New Testament, the Jews were the chosen people and the Lord was their God. The Gentiles were servants to the god of this world, Satan. Satan did his best to destroy the plan of salvation including having Jesus executed. He has been judged and knows his end. However, he is determined to continue. He still survives as long as the Roman Empire does and when it col-lapses, Satan is finished until the end of the Millennial Kingdom. He wants to take everybody to hell with him; but by His sacrifice, Jesus sets people free. Satan knows the greatest threat to his Roman Empire, his kingdom of darkness, is Christianity. Therefore, it is not surpris-ing that he did everything possible to stop it from spreading. Not only did the Romans execute our Lord but also they executed the apostle Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. Tradition maintains the Romans killed Peter and in the first 300 years of the Christian church, the Romans launched ten persecutions against Christianity. Satan was determined to stop the spread of Christianity, but the more Christians he had killed all the more Roman citizens became Christians. Satan desires to be worshipped, which we see in Matthew 4:9:

“And saith unto him, all these things will I give thee, if thou will fall down and worship me.”

The Romans Caesars who demanded to be worshipped as God were representing Satan. Roman citizens who committed their lives to Jesus refused to worship a man who called himself, god, and they paid the price with their lives. Those who refuse to worship the antichrist will pay the same price, death. History tells us that the old Roman Empire collapsed because of immorality, wine, women and song, lasciviousness, etc. However, this is a distortion. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:8:

“For you were once darkness but now are you light in the Lord, walk as children of the light.”

John 1:5 “And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness overcomes it not.”

As millions of Roman citizens committed their lives to Jesus, they came out of the darkness into the light. Matthew 5:16

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says:“Let your light so shame before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

As the Roman citizens let their light shine, forth it shook the founda-tions of the Roman Empire and it began to crumble. Satan resorted to his old tricks to try to overcome Christians, wine, women, and song, immorality. It did not succeed and actually had the reverse effect, effectually putting the last nail in the coffin of the old Politi-cal Roman Empire. By now, he was getting desperate, remembering when Rome falls Satan in finished for the age. The final and cruelest persecution launched by the Roman Empire had failed and Em-peror Diocletian was unable to rid the world of Christians or the Holy Bible. Faced by a crumbling empire and Christianity that was spreading like the proverbial bushfire, he came up with a unique solution to cure both problems. Most of us know what a baton race is. One runner runs with the baton and as he runs out of energy at the end of his race, another runner comes alongside and for a short period of time both have their hands on the baton at the same time. Then the first runner drops away and the fresh runner continues on. The Roman Empire was running with the baton of THE VATICAN CITY STATE

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1. A separate sovereign state (not part of Italy).2. Has own head of state (Pope).3. Has own government (college of cardinals).4. Has own diplomats and ambassadors.5. Has own constitution.6. Has own currency, stamps.7. Has own flag.8. Has own army (Swiss National Guard).9. Has own secret service (Jesuits).10. Entitled under international compact to its own navy.

This is NOT the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, this is the Roman Empire. Just as the Jewish people were spread throughout all


EMPEROR (Pontifex Maximus)

(Being the great high priest of the Babylonian mysteries)


Captain/Centurion Soldier Citizen


POPE (Pontifex Maximus) (Pontiff) (Being the great high priest of the Babylonian mysteries)

College of CardinalsArchbishopBishopPriest Laity


power in its hand, but as it began to crumble up alongside came the Church of Rome and for a couple of hundred years both had the baton of power in their hands. But, then as the political/pagan empire crumbled away the religious political empire ran into the future. The Roman Catholic Church is the Roman Empire dressed in a religious disguise. As the old saying goes, “if you can’t beat them, join them”, and then take them over.


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the nations of the earth, so too has the Roman Empire and the true Church. Christians are also described as a holy nation in 1 Peter 2:9. This master stroke of Satan in transforming the old po-litical/pagan empire into a religious/political empire achieved six goals for Satan:1. The emperor once again regained allegiance of would be Christians. (Took off purple robe, put on scarlet cloak).2. Satan’s empire grew.3. It prevented people from finding the true Church.4. Satan uses would-be Christians to finance his empire.5. Acceptance of “Christianity” by Constantine the Great lifted persecution and apathy set in.6. Enabled true doctrine to be falsified.7. Catholics faithful to their Church miss Heaven because they are not born again!

The Roman Catholic Church has simply continued what the Roman Empire did. Satan uses the Roman Catholic Church to

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keep his empire going until the day it can once again resurrect the political Roman Empire that this time will rule the entire earth, bringing all people on the face of the earth under Satan’s control. Apart from those who have repented and committed their lives to Jesus and invited Him into their lives as Lord of their lives, the rest will be forced into worshipping Satan or losing their lives.Revelation 13:8 says:

“And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him. (Antichrist) whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.”

FOR THOSE WHO REFUSE TO WORSHIP SATAN:“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

SHOULD THIS WORRY BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIANS?As this is the fullness or consummation of evil upon the entire earth, God is going to remove His True Church from earth before the Antichrist reigns:Luke 17:26-36:

“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. Remember Lot’s wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. I tell you, in that night there shall be two [men] in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two [women]

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shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two [men] shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.”

In the days of Noah everybody in the world was corrupt and refused to turn from sin except Noah and his family. When they entered the Ark, God closed the door and everybody outside perished. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Perfect Ark and all those who belong to Him will be removed to safety before the antichrist reigns. In the days of Lot, all in Sodom and Gomorrah were evil except Lot and his wife and daughters. They were removed to safety - though with the loss of Lot’s wife and destruction fell upon the rest. Christians have a blessed hope. Read carefully 1 Corinthians chapter fifteen. Just as the Roman Empire persecuted Christians, so the Roman Catholic Church has continued to persecute Christians. Throughout the dark ages millions of Bible believing Christians were executed because they refused to bow to the Pope or refused to acknowledge that the host/wafer was literally turned into the

body/blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now in the 21st century the world has been fully settled, for the greater part explored and the technology is now available to control all the people of the world.

The earth is ready,The people have been prepared

Peace! We can all be one they say.Destruction is coming -

who will escape?Precious, precious is the Lord Jesus Christ

My Saviour, my Lord, my FriendIn Thee O Lord have I put my trust

I will never be ashamed, Amen.

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Publish: “Beauty for Ashes” 4 issues @ $15 p.a. [Despatch 4 issues @ $30 p.a.

Ex t r ac t : The Reve l a t i on Record.

Dr. Henry Morris pp.331-332

Many Bible teachers have identified this harlot not only as spiritual Babylon out also, more explic-itly, as the Roman Catholic Church, noting that many of the doctrines

and sacraments of the Babylonian religion were transmitted to pagan Rome and thence ultimately to papal Rome. The most detailed exposition of this teaching can be found in the venerable work by Alexander Hislop entitled The Two Babylons.There is no doubt that many of the doctrines and practices of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the various Orthodox churches and similar ancient churches, are based on tradition rather than Scripture. There are many striking Parallels between many of these and the corresponding doctrines and practices of ancient pagan-ism, which can in turn be generally traced back to their origins in Babylon. The old harlot has indeed caused all nations to imbibe her abominable wine, including even Christian nations.But to say that spiritual Babylon is [merely] Rome or the Roman Catholic Church is to grossly underestimate the agelong global impact of this great mystery, Babylon the Great. Babylon is the mother of all the harlots and abominations of the earth. From her have come ancient paganism,


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• Chinese Confucianism, • Asian Buddhism, • Indian Hinduism. • Shamanism, • Taoism, • Shintoism, • animism, • astrology, • witchcraft, • spiritism, • Sikhism, • all the world’s vast complex of “gods many, and lords many” (1 Corinthians 8:5). Of more direct concern in twentieth-century America is the direct descent of modern scientism and evolutionary human-ism from this ancient mother of harlots. As noted before, modern evolutionism is in no way scientific, being contradicted by all true facts of science, but is merely a revival of ancient Greek (and ultimately Babylonian) evolutionary pantheism. This current manifestation of Babylon’s philosophy has to considerable degree subverted Christian doctrine, not only in the Catholic Church but in most other Christian sects and denominations. Furthermore the ornate covetousness, the ritualistic sensualism, the hypnotic appeals to the physical senses, the revival of occultism, and other aspects of ancient paganism—in addition to the baleful influences of evolution-ism and uniformitar-ianism — have significantly undermined sound biblical doctrine in many churches of all kinds today.

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