


    Perry has fully embraced the great Christian principal, That nothing needs reformin so much as

    other peoples habits. Rick recently announced that August 6, 2011, will be a special day of

    prayer and fasting on behalf of our troubled nation. THE RESPONSE. The American Family

    Association is a driving force behind the event. The American Family Association is also listed

    by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Invitees include governors and religious

    leaders from across the country. This is to be a Christian gathering, but non-Christians are

    welcome. They will however, as Rick pointed out, be asked to accept the living Christ as their

    lord and savior. Boy howdy, how inclusive can you get? In keeping with the solemnity of the

    occasion, it will be held in a football stadium.

    Rick wants the nation to get on its knees, like he has for Bidness. Christian luminaries and

    heavy hitters in the religious right will be in attendance. Rather than attempting to examine

    individual beliefs in depth, I have decided it would be more prudent to include statements that, Ibelieve, crystalize their individual viewpoints, and define their collective dogma.

    The American Family Associations chief spokesperson, Bryan Fischer, has held gays,

    responsible for the Holocaust, and should be disqualified from public office. Fisher has said

    that all immigrants should be required to, convert to Christianity. Fisher believes Muslims

    have no First Amendment claims, and are inherently stupid as a result of inbreeding. He said

    that welfare caused African American women to rut like rabbits. One columnist for the AFA

    dictated that, Christians should stop practicing Yoga, because it was inspired by the evil

    religions of Buddhism and Hinduism. Get thee behind me Lotus.

    International House of Prayer (IHOP) is the Rooty Tooty Fresh N Fruity place to worship.

    Have as their stated goals, Christian control of all aspects of life, up to and including

    government, business, entertainment, and media. They believe that, Oprah Winfrey is a

    precursor to the Antichrist. Seriously.

    Jim Garlow is one of the most prominent members of The Responses leadership team. Garlow

    is pastor for a San Diego megachurch. He asserts that, Legal abortion is responsible for

    unemployment. Garlow said if marriage equality was upheld, The next court case could

    conceivably say that a person could marry their dog or their horse. He said this with a straight

    face! (Pun intended.)

    John Hagee leads a Megechurch in San Antonio, Texas, and is a purveyor of End Times

    prophesies. He seeks to hasten the second coming. Part of The Army of the Living God, he

    believes that God sent Hitler to be a hunter of Jews and to do Gods work. He referred to the

    Catholic Church as The Great Whore. He stated that God sent Hurricane Katrina to stop a

    homosexual rally.



    David Barton is a contortionist of American History and the Bible. He avows the Bible provides

    the documentation for the divine origins of his interpretations of the Constitution. Opponents

    who disagree about tax policy are, Enemies of America and of God. Barton preaches Biblical

    Capitalism: Jesus was against the minimum wage and the government should regulate gay sex.

    C. Peter Wagner is leader of the New Apostolic Reformation. They advocate the burning ofCatholic, Mormon and non-Christian religious objects. C. Peter blames the Japanese stock

    market crash, the devastating earthquake and tsunami on a traditional ritual in which the emperor

    supposedly has sexual intercourse with the pagan Sun Goddess. Does Ms. Emperor know

    about this?

    Other official endorsers include: Cindy Jacobs, a self-proclaimed prophet who insisted that

    birds were dying in Arkansas earlier this year because of the repeal of Dont Ask, Dont Tell;

    James Jay Swallow, a Spiritual Warrior and host of Strategic Warriors At Training -

    SWAT. This is a Christian Military Training Camp founded to combat The occult and territorialenemy strong holds in America. Pastor Stephen Broden is a true Christian and American who

    has repeatedly stated that a violent overthrow of the U.S. government must remain on the

    table. Yep, Christians all.

    Maybe I read a different Bible than these folks. My recollection is Jesus embraced the poor, the

    sick, and disenfranchised, not the sanctimonious. Whatever you have done unto the least of

    these my brethren seems more in line with Christs teaching. Jesus invited, not insisted. Oh

    Rick, by the way, one more to keep in mind. Thou shalt not lie.

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