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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

St. Paul Staff

Senior Pastor Beverly Kelling Youth Minister: Erica Halbardier Director of Children & Family Ministries: Laurie Lentz Guitarist: Jody Jacobs Office Secretary: Joann Neuman Financial Secretary: Erin Guenther Director, The Shepherd’s Flock: Jessica Ontiveros

Services: Online until services resume Please Check our church website ( And our Facebook page (St Paul Lutheran Church Hondo) for the most up to date information. You can find current and past Sunday services on these sites and also available on YouTube (St Paul Lutheran Church Hondo TX). Wednesday services will be a devotional post.

“The Red Brick Church on Ave M” 1303 Avenue M; P.O. Box 58

Hondo, TX 78861 Telephone: (830) 426-3222 or 426-2343

E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-4; closed on Thursday

2020 Council Members

President Nelson Reus Vice President Morris Faseler Secretary Terry Stewart Treasurer Loraine Miller Evangelism and Mission Don Krumrey Fellowship Chair Rod Prewitt Worship and Music Chair Jody Jacobs Property Chair David Jacobs Education Chair Missy Solbrig Lay Ministry Chair Geoff Weimer

Acts 2:1–12 (NKJV): 2 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 5 And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. 6 And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language. 7 Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, “Look, are not all these who speak Galileans? 8 And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? 9 Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.” 12 So they were all amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “Whatever could this mean?” This was the beginning of The Church; Peter goes on to quote from the prophet Joel and show the fulfillment of the scriptures. Then many, about 3,000 were added to their number of believers that day.

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

The Red Brick Church on Ave M

‘How can we know when these things are about to take place?” Jesus replied….. When you hear about wars & riots, don’t be afraid. These things will have to happen

first, but that isn’t the end. Nations will go to war against one another & kingdoms will attack each other. There

will be great earthquakes & in many places people will starve to death & suffer terrible diseases…”

Luke 21:8- 11 GNT

What have you learned these past few weeks? I asked that question to Carol Barlow. Here is her response:

“I have learned to be still. To be so very grateful

for friends & family. I have learned patience, I have always wanted to do everything “yesterday.” I miss seeing all of my children & grandchildren,

but know how very blessed I am. God has been so good to me! Thank you Jesus!”

How about you? How has your life & faith been affected these past few weeks? What have you learned?

Many people are ready to go back to “the way things use to be.” But experiences in life do change us. The

question is will we be changed for the better or worse? Will we grow in our faith grow or in our fear?

“But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in

God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt;

save others by snatching them from the fire; Jude 20-23

God’s Word brings peace & encouragement to the faithful followers of Jesus Christ & our responsibility

is to share that truth & peace with others.

Seeing God in 2020 with 20/20 Vision

May 3: Prophecy Update Psalm 145:13-14 Habakkuk 2:2-3 Jude 17-23 *Matthew 24:3-14

May 10: A Woman’s Worth Proverbs 31:1, 8-9 *Proverbs 31 select verses 2 Timothy 1:3-7 Matthew 12:46-50 *Mother’s Day

May 17: Can You Defend Your Faith? Psalm 18:1-3 Ecclesiastes 6:9-11 Jude 1-4 Luke 12:8-12 *Senior Sunday

May 24: When Heroes Fall, are You Ready for the Call? Psalm 27:1, 13-14 Joshua 1:1-9 Acts 1:21-26 Matthew 7:13-14 *Memorial Day

May 31: The Spirit in the Last Days Psalm 143:10-11 Joel 2:28-32 Acts 2:1-4 John 16:5-14 *Pentecost

Thank you LORD for revealing to us what is to come & who we are called to be; as a church & as individuals. We know everything You do & allow is for Your good

purpose. We pray for the Church, families, friends, our nation, President, the saints & the lost. Amen!

Pastor Beverly <///><

Thank you Baylee Rogge for giving the Baptismal a fresh coat of paint, thank you

St. Paul Council for your leadership & thank you Mark Kelling for editing all the

“bloopers” out of the Sunday Services!!

Congratulations Graduating Seniors: Taylor Neumann, Abby Neumann,

Brenda Hernandez, Laramie Varner

May God bless you & may you shine bright as stars as you take the next

step in the good plans God has for you!

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

5/1 Buffie Rogge Norman Terrill 5/2 Tarah Callis 5/4 Emma Callis 5/6 Rhiannon Smith 5/7 Ottalie Schmidt Alyssa Sprenger 5/9 Faye Honig 5/10 Larry Bohmfalk 5/11 Kaden Lentz Lynnelle Proctor Jan Warner 5/12 Richard Lynch 5/15 Zachary Bohmfalk Megan Fernandez Katie Hay

5/16 Reed Graff Garrett Moughon

Jeanelle Proctor 5/17 Craig Luedke 5/18 Hannah Guenther

Lauren Guenther Jason Molitor Jaynelle Reed

5/19 Brian Boehle Keith Solbrig 5/20 Sandy Porter 5/22 Nikolaus Barlow

Michael Beard 5/23 Mark Kelling Wesley Rogge

5/24 Helen Ann Jones Tara Sprenger Dawn Steubing 5/25 Becky Scott 5/27 Krisann Bendele Nathan Reed 5/29 Walter Nester 5/30 Tate Topperwein 5/31 Nicholas Stein

May 3rd May10th May 17th May 24th May 31st Altar Flowers Chuck & Lynda

Halbardier Paul & Faye Honig OPEN Deborah Edwards OPEN

Sanctuary Lamp

Kelling Family

Lentz Family OPEN Kelling Family


Head Ushers Nelson Reus Geoff Weimer

Terri Stewart Loraine Miller


Usher Missy Solbrig TBD TBD TBD TBD Acolytes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Lectors Nelson Reus TBD TBD TBD TBD

Fellowship N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Greeters N/A Altar Guild Jean Saathoff & Jenny Lessing

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

Sunday School *All classes currently on hold 3yr old-12th grade: 3-5 yr. olds – LLB –Tara Callis/Karina Barlow 1st & 2nd – LLB - Onnie Saathoff/Jennifer Molitor/Sarah Reus 3rd & 4th – LLB - Carrie Weimer/Laurie Lentz 5th & 6th – Ed. Bldg. - Geoff Weimer 7th-12th grades- (AC Upper Rooms) - Erica Halbardier

Adult Small Groups:

“What Is God Like, A Guide To Go” led by Bob Mayne (Conference Room, Act. Center)

“A Place Called Heaven” led by Ron Sprenger (Lion’s Den, Legacy Life Bldg.)

“Studying the Books of the Bible” led by Rod Prewitt (Turtle Room, Ed. Bldg.)

“Bible Basics” led by Stacey Jacobs (Prayer Room, Ed. Bldg.)

Weekday Bible Study Opportunities: (Currently on hold)

First and Third Mondays at 7 PM Men’s Bible Study – (LLB) led by Don Krumrey

Second & Fourth Monday at 1:30 PM Women’s Friends in Faith Bible Study led by Pastor Beverly Kelling

Tuesday at 6:00 PM Women’s Bible Study (AC-Youth Room) led by Tara Lewis *New study beginning April 7th

Wednesday at 9:30 AM BSF (Church) contact Beverly Kelling (210-241-8800)

Sunday at 1 PM C.S.I. Krumrey Home, 1505 29th St. led by Don Krumrey

“And never stop praying.” ~ 1Thessalonians 5:17

Healing & Comfort: Eddie Hagen, Euona Rathjen, Elaine Eccles, Mark Reus, Bill Bryant, Sharon Autrey, Kelly Moughon, John Tarleton, Kenneth Heyen, Jerry Carroll, Virgil Krenmueller, Pastor Paul Senff, Stanley Meyer, Augusta Bailey, Fanell Bohmfalk, Floyd & Doris Saathoff, Lillian Pittman, Doug Nentwich, Kim Zinsmeyer, Nancy Hunt, Morris Faseler, Linda Searson, Sharon Coleman, Helen Ann Jones, Rusty Beard, Paul Honig, Lynda Hook, Matthew Hook & Larry Borgens. Homebound and Nursing Homes: Community Care Center Marian Lindeburg, Mary Beyer, Lucille Moss, Brian Boehle MV Health & Rehab (Castroville): Virginia Heiligman, Virginia Jenkins Assisted Living (Lytle) Ottalie Schmidt Others: Bernice Lehmberg, Mabel Jackson, Bert Barrett Active Military: Sean Stewart, Larry & Teresa Sullivan, Adriel Schoenhals, John Howerton, Joshua Fair, Rebecca Bryant, Patrick Green, Andy Lynch, Chelsea Lynch, Riley Lynch, Briana Jernigan, Marc Proctor, Kephren Adams, Kendle Adams, Clayton Reed, Les Armstrong, Kelly Mueller, Desiree (Warner) Pointer, Hunter Portis, Heath Runnels, Collin Bezely, Rachel Morgan & Ethan Kammer

Cancelled this month

A Birthday Party for Community Care residents is held every second

Thursday of the month. Each month there are four cakes baked by

volunteers and brought to the center by 2 p.m. If you have any questions or

would like to provide a cake, please call Margie Mayne 426-3563.

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

Endowment Committee Scholarships College Scholarships are being offered for the 2020-2021 school year. The forms are available in the church office. The applicant must be a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and plan to attend a recognized institution of higher education pursuing a certification, an associate’s degree or an undergraduate degree. Applications can be mailed or brought by the church office, but must be received by the Endowment Committee of St. Paul Lutheran Church by May 8, 2020.

Thank You’s

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

May Special Offering – Southwest Texas Koinonia

It happened after a church service one Sunday morning. Someone approached me about going on an Emmaus Walk, and I thought to myself… “Well, I haven’t been working out like I used to.” After looking around at the folks sitting in the pews, I figured that I could keep up with most of the congregation. I didn’t really know what to expect, but after being approached by another member of our church, I agreed to attend an Emmaus Walk. That decision turned out to be one of the best things I have ever done. I tell people all the time that an Emmaus Walk is something you need to experience for yourself. Five words that describe Emmaus for me would be: Eye Opening, Awesome, & Life Changing! If you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus and you haven’t attended an Emmaus retreat, then you should consider going sometime. You can talk to me or look online at for more information. We have a Men’s Walk this October 15-18, 2020 and a Women’s Walk next year. Let me know! If you haven’t gone, you’re missing out! Pat Cleary

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

St. Paul Lutheran Church Board Rep, Southwest Texas Koinonia FDG Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The COVID-19 Pandemic continues to be an exceptionally strange situation for our society; however, things appear to be improving. The latest guidelines from the Governor’s Office have given provisions which will allow us to hold live church services with a limited number of participants. Council feels that it is time to start holding services starting this coming Sunday (May 3rd) with proper precautionary measures in place. The guidelines suggest we should start holding services at just 25% capacity which equates to about 50 people. We will have overflow seating in the Activity Center where you can watch the service on the big screen as well. All participants will be asked to wear a mask, and we will have a limited number available for those without a mask. Hand sanitizer will be available. We will adhere to social distancing within the sanctuary, with family units able to sit together. Ushers will help with this. Our pews will not have the cushions on so we can thoroughly clean them after use. Feel free to bring your own cushion to sit on. We will not have fellowship or Sunday School at this time. We look forward to seeing you, but also, we urge caution. Please don’t feel pressured to come to church if you are someone who has one or more of the many factors that may make you a higher risk for infection. Recordings of the service will still be posted online for your convenience to continue watching at home. This return to church will be a gradual one over several weeks. We ask for your patience, cooperation and prayers as we go through this transition together. We will continue to give updates week to week as things change. God’s Blessings, Nelson Reus, Church Council President St. Paul Lutheran Church Council

Guidance for Houses of Worship During the COVID-19 Crisis • If you have any signs of a cold or illness please use good judgement and do not attend services. • Practice social distancing by maintaining appropriate distance between people; • Maintain good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, using hand sanitizer, using your elbow to

cover coughs, and not touching your face; • Encourage all attendees who are 65 and above to stay home and watch the services online, or provide a

“senior service” exclusively for attendees 65 and above to attend in person. • Ask all attendees who have an underlying at-risk health condition to stay home and watch the services

online. • Equip ushers and greeters with gloves and masks. • No child care provided. • Ensure all attendees sanitize their hands and put on a mask before entering the building. • Ensure attendees sit with their family unit, use social distancing between each unit, and, if necessary,

add more service times to facilitate distancing. These guidelines do not violate the religious liberty of houses of worship. Under the extraordinary circumstances in which we temporarily live, these guidelines provide that houses of worship may remain open. The guidelines make only recommendations to houses of worship. They do not violate the religious liberty of houses of worship because the government has a compelling interest in recommending this guidance (stopping contagion) and the guidance is the least restrictive means of serving that compelling interest (allowing houses of worship to stay open for ministry, but suggesting ways that help slow the spread of COVID-19).

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

For the full and complete Open Texas Executive Order visit: COVID-19.pdf

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Epistle of St. Paul, 2020

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