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Unidad 4 y 5con Señora Epting

La Familia

El tiempo libre y los deportes

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Culture Café – Extra Credit

Los Miembros De La Familia

el padre – the dad el tío – the unclela madre – the mom la tía – the auntel hermano – the brother el primo – the cousin (male)la hermana – the sister la prima – the cousin (female)la abuela – the grandmother el sobrino – the nephew el abuelo – the grandfather la sobrina – the nieceel hijo – son la esposa - wifela hija – daughter el esposo - husband

los padres = the parentslos hermanos = siblingslos abuelos = the grandparentslos tíos = the aunt and unclelos primos = boy and girl cousins

(1) el padre de tú padre es…(2) el hermano de tú madre es…

(3) el hijo de tú madre es…(4) el madre de tú madre es…

(5) la hermana de tú padre es…(6) la hija de tú tia es tú…

In Unidad 4, you begin learning different words to describe yourself or people in your family.

You use the possessive adjectives:

My OurYourHis TheirHer

Mi madre es…Mis padres son…

Su hermana es…Sus hermanas son…

Nuestra madre es…Nuestros padres son…

Possessive Adjectives

¿Cómo eres tú? ¿Cómo es tú familia? What are you like? What is your family like?

In Unidad 4, you learn lots of new vocabulary (adjectives) to describe yourself and members of your family.

Here are just a few of the words:

alto = tall bajo = shortgordo = fat delgado = skinnygeneroso = generous simpatico = kinddeportista = sporty/athletic antipático = meandesordenado = disorganized rubio = blondmoreno = brunette impaciente = impatientpaciente = patient inteligente = intelligentreservado = shy sociable = sociable

When you are using adjectives to write sentences, there are three questions you need to ask yourself before you begin:

(1) Is the subject you are talking about masculine or feminine?

(2) Is the subject singular (one thing) or plural (more than one thing)?

(3) Does the adjective naturally end in the letter “o?”

Mi padre es alto. Mi madre es alta. Mis hijas son desordenadas.

More Sentences Using Possessive Adjectives and Adjectives…

Mi padre es impaciente. Su hermana es inteligente. Tú padre es paciente.

More than one person using the same adjectives above.

Mis padres son impacientes.Sus hermanas son inteligentes. Nuestros padres son pacientes.

¿Cuántos años tienen los miembros de tú familia?

Remember in Spanish, we don’t say “I am…years old” or “He is … years old.”

We use the verb Tener (to have).

Yo tengo diecinueve años.Mi hermano tiene quince años.

Mi hermano es menor que yo.Yo soy mayor que mi hermano.

¿Cuándo son los cumpleaños de los miembros de tú familia?

un regalo Decorar Romper una piñata

Remember to put the number before the month (opposite from English)

Mi cumpleaños es el trece de julio.

El cumpleaños de mi madre es el vientidos de octubre.

El cumpleaños de mi hermano es el ocho de mayo.

El cumpleaños de mi padre es el primer de diciembre.

Here’s an example of the type of paragraph you should able to comprehend as you work through Unidad 4:

Mi madre se llama Amanda. Mi madre es simpática. Mi madre tiene cuarenta y cinco años. El cumpleaños de mi madre es el tres de mayo. Ella tiene un hermano. Su hermano se llama Mark. Mark es reservado. Él tiene cuarenta años. Mi madre es mayor que su hermano. Mark es mi tío. El cumpleaños de mi tío es el cuatro de abril.La esposa de Mark se llama Mary. Mary es rubia.Mark y Mary tienen una hija se llama Louisa.Louisa es una hija única.Louisa es muy alta y morena.

You will be updating your eLinguafolio in Unidad 4



eLinguafolioRead the directions carefully

when you are updating your eLinguafolio. Be sure to upload examples of what you know and can do. The sentences you speak don’t have to be true. You are simply showing proficiency and ability. You have to take a screenshot of each section and send to your teacher.

To take a screenshot on a PC, you just click the "print screen" button and then paste (Ctrl + V) into a Word/Open Office document. To take a screenshot on a Mac, you click Command + Shift + 3, which will save it as a picture file. Afterward, you'll just need to insert all of these "pictures" into a Word/Open Office document to send/submit to your teacher.

Taking A Screenshot Of Your Computer

In Unidad 5, you learn how to talk about different activities you like to do

Ir Means To Go

The verb Ir is followed by the word “a”

Contractions are not optional in Spanish

• Remember a contraction is when you put two words together to make a new word –

• I am = I’m Are not = Aren’tI can either say I am or I’m I can either say Are not or Aren’t

I am going to your house. You are not in my group.I’m going to your house. You aren’t in my group.

Ir + a + infinitive

When you use a verb directly after Ir + a, don’t conjugate it. Let’s practice:

I’m going to sing. Yo voy a cantar.

He is going to study. Él va a estudiar.

Some of the Verbs/ Activities You Learn in Unidad 5

Practicar deportes Practice sports

Surfear To Surf

Cuidar a los niños Take care of children

Jugar a las damas Play checkers

Mandar mesajitos por internet Send emails/message on the internet

Hacer los crucigramas Do Crossword Puzzles

Jugar los naipes Play cards

Let’s PracticeType in the chat how you would say…

I am going to eat..

Let’s PracticeType in the chat how you would say…

He is going to study..

Let’s PracticeType in the chat how you would say…

Susan and I are going to clean my bedroom.

When you want to say you do something on a certain day, you name that specific day and use “el.” For example:

I’m going to the gym on Friday. Yo voy al gimnasio el viernes.

When you want to say you do something on a certain day every week, you make the definite article plural. For example:

I go to the gym on Fridays. Yo voy al gimnasio los viernes.

---------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to say you do something:

From Monday – Friday de lunes a viernes

The weekend el fin de semana

Los Pronombres IndirectosMe to me

Te to you

Le to him, to her, to you (ud.)

Nos to us

Les to them (male), to them (female), to them (uds)

Math is interesting to me. A mi me interesa la matematica.

History is boring to me. A mi me aburre la historia.

My parents love to dance. A mis padres les encantan bailar.

Los Pronombres Indirectos Con Los VerbosRight now, these indirect pronouns will go along only with the verbs you are learning in this Unit. They include:• Gustar - refers to something a person likes Me gusta el cine.• Disgustar – to be disgusted by something Me disgusta el centro

commercial.• Encantar – refers to something a person likes a lot Me encanta correr.• Aburrir – to be boring Me aburren las crucigramas.• Interesar – to be interested in something Me interesan los videojuegos.• Fascinar – to be fascinated by something Me fascinan las liberías.

More Verbs To Know

Encantar – to love somethingInteresar – to have an interest/be interesting

Disgustar – to be disgusting

¿Qué Te Gusta Hacer En Tu Tiempo Libre?

Querer – To Want

Poder – To Be Able

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