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___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________MARYLAND ARCHEOLOGY, Volume 42(2):15-23, September 2006 15


Recent repairs to the Triadelphia dam on the bor-der of Howard and Montgomery Counties produced lowlake water levels that had not been seen since the dam’screation in 1948. This resulted in both opportunities andthreats to the archeological sites that had been so longsubmerged. Access to these cultural resources was pro-vided to both professional archeologists and potential loot-ers. This paper presents the result of an effort to salvagedata from one such site—the Raven site (18HO252)—which currently represents the oldest known historic ar-cheological site in Howard County.


This report presents the results of an archeologi-cal salvage investigation conducted at the Raven site, inthe Triadelphia Reservoir, Brighton, Howard County, Mary-land (Figure 1). The investigation was conducted by theAnne Arundel County Trust for Preservation, Inc. in part-nership with Anne Arundel County’s Lost Towns Project,on behalf of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commis-sion. These investigations consisted of a controlled sur-face collection and a non-ferrous metal detector survey ofthe site conducted in June and July of 2006.

The salvage investigation was undertaken due tounusual circumstances. Repairs to the dam had resultedin historically low water levels, which exposed numerousartifacts on the surface of the site, which is normally sub-merged. This presented not only an opportunity to investi-gate a resource that is usually inaccessible—at least toterrestrial archeologists—but also provided an immediatethreat of artifact removal by collectors and looters. Assuch, this survey was initiated to salvage cultural data dur-ing this unusual low-water interval.

The investigation was successful in that over 1100artifacts were recovered and curated, and the location ofa primary residence dating from ca. 1732 - 1768 was iden-tified with some specificity. Although diffuse prehistoricartifacts, as well as historic artifacts from the late 17th

century to the present were recovered, the mid-18th cen-tury plantation represents the most significant cultural re-source present within the study area.

Raven Site Discovery

The Raven site is currently the earliest known his-toric archeological site in Howard County, perhaps datingto the late 17th century, with a firm occupation by 1732.Maryland archeologist Wayne Clark first discovered andreported the site in 2002 during a survey of the TriadelphiaReservoir conducted during low lake levels (Clark andInashima 2003). The Raven site is located near the east-ern shore of the Piedmont Patuxent River, in the TriadelphiaReservoir (Figure 2). At normal lake levels, the site iscompletely submerged (Figure 3). After Brighton Damwas built and Triadelphia Reservoir created in 1948, por-tions of the site have been exposed approximately six times.The site lies on a small ridge that projects towards therelict river course about 1500 feet northeast of the BrightonDam.

It is now known that the primary manifestation atthe Raven site is an 18th century plantation, although his-toric artifacts ranging from the late 17th to 20th centurieswere recovered. Prehistoric artifacts were also recov-ered which indicate occupations during the Woodland pe-riod dating roughly from A.D. 200 to 1250.

The core of the site is approximately 200 x 200feet, though there is light artifact scatter over most of theexposed peninsula. Soils at the site have been deflatedalmost to the C-horizon—the sterile subsoil—and an aver


Al Luckenbach and Lauren Schiszik

FIGURE 1. Location of the Raven site (18HO252)in the Triadelphia Reservoir.

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age of about three inches of cultural deposits in silt re-mains on top of the subsoil. The artifacts are also highlydeflated, but are apparently in good relative position. TheRaven site was at risk of looting when exposed, and im-portant diagnostic artifacts noted by Wayne Clark and Dr.Al Luckenbach, County Archaeologist for Anne ArundelCounty, during surface survey (including a Jack’s ReefCorner-notched projectile point, a Bellarmine jug mask, anda small sherd of North Devon sgraffito pottery) were notfound during the later formal surface collection. Whetherthe loss of the artifacts is due to looting, the floodwatersthat filled the lake between surface survey and surfacecollection, or human error, is impossible to determine.However, the fact that these diagnostic artifacts were not-ed at one point and later were not collected during a con-trolled and methodical surface survey underlined the ne-cessity of conducting a major collection of the remainingartifacts visible at the site.

Local Regional History

The region of Howard County in which the Ravensite is located was historically referred to as a “barrens”(Marye 1955a, 1955b, 1955c), which was a term appliedto lands without timber (Marye 1955b:139). The barrensare believed to have been created by fires set by NativeAmericans to clear underbrush and attract game. At theend of the 17th century (while still part of Anne ArundelCounty), the lands along the upper Patuxent River, wherethe Raven site lies, are described as “remote and not likelyto be seated in some time” (Marye 1921:128 cited fromPatents, Liber D.D., No. 5, f. 711). The area was consid-ered a wilderness, though people such as Adam Shipleyand Richard Snowden were beginning to settle it by thelate 17th-century. In order to ensure the safety of the area,Thomas Brown, “the Patuxent Ranger,” was commissionedin 1699 by Richard Snowden (Stabler 1948:109) to range“from Mr. Snowden’s plantation [east of Laurel] to thefarthest limits of the Patuxent,” and he traveled as far westas Clarksville (Holland 1987:xxxi, quoting Dorsey 1968),only a few miles from the Raven site.

One of the most significant developments duringthe historic period was the construction of a bridge duringthe first half of the 18th century. Green’s Bridge was firstmentioned in the Maryland Gazette on December 6, 1749(see Clark and Inashima 2003). The bridge was locatedabout a quarter mile from the Raven site, and was on theprincipal market road between Frederick and Annapolis(Archives of Maryland 1947:394).

The Raven Site

The earliest record of colonial settlement on thetract of land where 18HO252 is located is a patent of landdeeded to Thomas Hutchcraft, planter, by the Province ofMaryland. The patent, dating to 1732, was for 175 acres.The tract was named Hutchcraft’s Fortune, and was situ-ated next to Snowden’s Plantation (Anne Arundel CountyOffice of Land Patents 1732). There is a second patent,dating to 1748, for vacant lands surrounding “Fortune”(Anne Arundel County Office of Land Patents 1748). Thisnewly acquired land, consisting of 302 acres, was titled“Victory” (Figure 4). In a deed dating to 1750, Hutchcraftsold 60 acres of land on his Victory to Robert Wright forten pounds sterling (Anne Arundel Land Deeds 1750).

The next document relating to this tract of land isa deed between Thomas Hutchcraft and Phillip Hammondin 1756. Hutchcraft sold some acreage in Victory “beingfour hundred and fifteen acres lying clear of Sixty acresanother part of the said Tract belonging to a certain Rob-ert Right” and three slaves: “One Negro Man named Har-ry one Negro Woman named Jenny one Negro Lad namedNed” (Anne Arundel County Land Deeds 1756). Hutch-

FIGURE 2. View from the site towards the eastern shore-line of the Patuxent River, with the Brighton Dam to thesoutheast. (Photo by Wayne Clark)

FIGURE 3. Detail of site location and bathymetric con-tours at the Triadelphia Reservoir.

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Volume 42(2), September 2006 17

craft received 80 pounds sterling for the entire transac-tion.

In 1764 Thomas Hutchcraft sold 54 acres of his“Fortune” to William Ray Junior for 18 pounds eighteenshillings sterling (Anne Arundel County Land Deeds 1764).In 1766, Thomas Hutchcraft sold the rest of Victory, con-sisting of 361 acres, to Benjamin Purnell for 106 poundssterling (Anne Arundel County Land Deeds 1766).

Finally, in 1768, Thomas Hutchcraft sold what wasassumedly the last of his property, described in the deed asthe tract originally titled Fortune, but after resurveying wasnamed Victory. He sold the land consisting again of 361acres, “together with the premises and appurtenances there-to,” to Benjamin Purnell. Again, the price was set for 106pounds sterling and this tract of land contained his housesite, presumably the “appurtenances” mentioned in the deed(Anne Arundel County Land Deeds 1768). This is the lasttime Thomas Hutchcraft is mentioned in any documentaryrecord.

As will be seen, the Hutchcraft occupation daterange from 1732 to 1768 fits well with the diagnostic arti-facts recovered from the primary occupation at the Ravensite.


The crew of the Lost Towns Project, with the aidof Wayne Clark, Jim Benton, and several college interns,conducted a controlled surface collection on June 26, 2006and July 18 & 20, 2006. The area of the site with thehighest density of artifacts was determined based on thepreliminary surveys of Wayne Clark and Al Luckenbach,

and this area was laid out in 400 10-foot square units (200feet square). The grid was placed using a transit, stadiarod and tape, and the 10-foot intervals were marked withpin flags, each labeled with the coordinate data. Each unitwas scanned from both north-to-south and east-to-west,and all artifacts observed were collected and bagged byunit (Figure 5). The bags were labeled with the respectivecoordinate data. The areas of lighter surface scatter, out-side of the controlled grid, were also surveyed. Sevenadditional, irregularly sized collection units, consisting ofapproximately 1000 square feet, were added on the out-side of the primary gridded area. These units—to the north,northwest, west, southwest, southeast, and northeast ofthe gridded area—extended over the rest of the exposedpeninsula to what was at that time the water’s edge (Fig-ure 6). Surface collection was conducted on these outly-ing areas, so that the surface collection covered the entireexposed peninsula. Visibility at the site was high overall,though approximately half of the units contained grassesthat decreased visibility to 50-90% depending upon the unit.

FIGURE 4. 1748 land plat for Hutchcraft’s “Fortune” and“Victory,” patent certificate 1629.

FIGURE 5. Staff and interns conduct surface collectionat the site. (Photo by Lauren Schiszik)

FIGURE 6. Detail of the areas of surface collection.

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A non-ferrous metal detector survey across thesite greatly enhanced the amount and quality of data col-lected at the site. The use of the metal detector helpeddetermine that the site had been greatly deflated. Onlytwo to three inches of soil remained over native, sterileclay. These soils appeared to be mainly re-deposited silt.The metal detector also greatly aided the recovery of di-agnostic artifacts, particularly coins, button, buckles andspoon parts. In addition, the detector located a feature atN260E190. Hand coring determined that this feature wasapproximately 5 feet by 6 feet. It had a depth of 1.5 feet,and contained (near the top, as the feature was not exca-vated) a number of artifacts including a hoe, a few shardsof colonial ceramics, a wrought nail, a buckle, mammalbone, a hinge, and green glass. This feature has beeninterpreted as a sub-floor storage cellar, presumably mark-ing the location of the principle 1732 Hutchcraft structurethat once stood at the Raven site.


A total of 1,120 artifacts were recovered duringthis investigation. These include everything from 3000 B.C.Native American projectile points to modern brown glassfrom Budweiser beer bottles.

Diagnostic artifacts—those that can be used todate a site—are, obviously, of central importance to anysuch study. Thus the recording of Selby Bay stemmedand Jack’s Reef corner-notched (Figure 7) projectile points

from the Raven site allows the confirmation of NativeAmerican activity between roughly A.D. 200 and 1250.

For the historic period, archeologists frequently relyon a series of diagnostic ceramics to determine the ap-proximate date of occupations (Table 1). As a generalrule of thumb, tin-glazed earthenwares were the dominanthigh-end tablewares before roughly 1720, white salt-glazedstoneware dominated the period from 1720-1760,creamware 1760-1780, pearlware 1780-1820, andwhiteware after 1820. By this generalized, shorthand con-vention one can see that while white salt-glazed (n=10)and pearlware (n=11) are both present, the 64 sherds ofcreamware clearly indicate a predominant occupation ofthe Raven site in the third quarter of the 18th century. Thisconclusion is supported by the large amount (n=137) ofEnglish brown stoneware (1690-1775), and Staffordshireslipware (n=23; 1670-1795). As will be seen, the signifi-cant amount of whiteware likely came from the 19th cen-tury house site which once stood on the peninsula immedi-ately to the north of the Raven site.

FIGURE 7. Jack’s Reef corner-notched projectile point.

TABLE 1. Raven site ceramics (dates from Noël Hume 1969).


Rhenish brown 1634-1700 1667 8Rhenish blue and gray 1650-1725 1668 21English brown 1690-1775 1733 137Refined white salt-glazed 1740-1775 1758 10Domestic 1800-1900 1850 10Unidentified ~ ~ 42

Earthenware 325Coarse 186

North Devon gravel-tempered 1650-1775 1713 2North Devon gravel-free ~ ~ 10North Devon indeterminate ~ ~ 1Staffordshire slipware 1670-1795 1733 23Tin-Glazed 1600-1802 1700 5Buff paste ~ ~ 4Redware ~ ~ 135Unidentified ~ ~ 6

Refined 139Creamware 1765-1820 1793 64“Jackfield” ware 1740-1760 1750 2Pearlware 1780-1830 1805 11Whiteware 1820-1900 1860 26Unidentified ~ ~ 36

Porcelain 2Pipes 26Ceramics Total 581

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Volume 42(2), September 2006 19

Other historic period diagnostic artifacts recov-ered included coins—almost all half pennies—dating fromthe reigns of the English monarchs William III (1694-1702;Figure 8) and George II (1727-1760; Figure 9). While thisgenerally confirms the hypothesized main occupation ofthe Raven site, it should be noted that coins are notoriousfor surviving long after their initial mint date. A piece of anEnglish stoneware tankard stamped with a crown and afaint “WR” (for William III Rex), was also found at thesite. This stamp does not limit the artifact to the eight-year-long reign of William III, as it was used on tankardsup to 1792 (Noël Hume 1969:113). Nonetheless, this arti-fact also appears to confirm the hypothesized main occu-pation of the site.

Artifacts that were obviously modern—such astin cans and glass bottles dating to post-1950—often werenot collected. Those that were catalogued were not gen-erally taken into account for this portion of the study, asthey appear to be predominantly related to recreationalactivities at the modern reservoir.

Distributional Analysis

There were two major goals of the Raven siteinvestigation. One was simply the retrieval of artifacts toprevent their loss to looters; the other was to analyze thedistribution of artifacts across the site in an attempt to lo-calize temporal components and activity areas. Given thatthe extremely low water levels existing during this investi-gation are historically rare, the opportunity to retrieve datafrom the Raven site also presented an unusual opportuni-ty. Since significant soil deflation has occurred at the site,controlled surface collection and distributional analyses alsorepresent the best method of studying this specific culturalresource.

The Raven site was of particular interest becauseit probably represents the earliest historical site currentlyknown in Howard County. Initial reports indicated the pres-ence of early Rhenish stonewares (including a Bellarminemask [1620-1700]) along with objects like horseshoes,which seemed to suggest the possibility that the site actu-ally represented a 17th century component related to theFIGURE 8. William III half penny, 1694-1702.

FIGURE 9. George II half penny, 1727-1760.

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presence of an Anne Arundel County ranger station in thegeneral area. Although data was collected on human oc-cupation at the Raven site over thousands of years, theisolation of the predominant 17th or 18th century occupa-tion was the primary goal.

Two mapping methods were utilized to analyze thedistribution patterns of the artifacts. Contour maps wereused for artifacts groups with large numbers of artifacts,and piece plot maps were used for artifacts groups thatonly had a few examples. The distributions for agricultur-al artifacts, tools, glass, and various ceramic types aremapped by piece plotting. Piece plot maps are often moreinformative when working with small numbers of artifacts,while artifact classes with higher counts, such as architec-tural artifacts, domestic 17th and 18th century artifacts (Fig-ure 10), faunal remains, personal items and prehistoric lithicdistributions are better shown with contour maps.

The discovery of a sub-floor cellar feature by metaldetector (first indicated by a tobacco hoe found at the un-usual depth of 10 inches) provides an initial hypothesis thatcan readily be tested through distributional analyses. Fig-ure 11 shows the location of architectural artifacts in rela-tion to this feature. The pattern reveals conclusive evi-dence that a structure did exist at this location. Note alsothat the larger regional blocks around the central grid pro-duced only a negligible amount of architectural remains.In order to further explore this contention, Figure 11 alsopresents a hypothetical building location, which can be use-ful in analyzing the distribution of other artifact types.

Figure 12 shows the distribution of creamwareceramics, which generally dominate household wares dur-ing the period of roughly 1760-1780. This figure clearly

FIGURE 10. Examples of 17th and 18th century artifactsfrom the site. Left to right: Lead-glazed slipware, Rhenishbrown stoneware, (top) Rhenish blue and gray stoneware,(bottom) olive bottle glass.

shows how these ceramics are oriented towards the hypo-thetical structure—implying that it was occupied duringthese dates. In Figure 13, a variety of 17th and 18th centu-ry historic artifacts are lumped into a large category, whichcan also be seen as centering on the proposed buildingsite. Other concentrations in this category, especially tothe north, west, and southeast might be indication of theexistence of activity areas, or plantation outbuildings asso-ciated with the main structure. Further confirmation ofthe principal house site can be seen in the distribution ofpersonal items seen in Figure 14. These include a rela-tively large number of buckles, buttons, and coins recov-ered during the metal detector survey.

The distributions of faunal remains (Figure 15)demonstrate a more anomalous pattern. While some ori-entation can be seen around the hypothetical house site, amuch more notable pattern is in evidence to the southeast.This clearly indicates the existence of either an activityarea (butchering or food processing) or, more likely, thepresence of a food-related outbuilding.

FIGURE 11. 18HO252 architectural artifact (bricks, nails,hinges, windowglass) distribution with projected building.

FIGURE 12. 18HO252 creamware distribution.

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FIGURE 13. 18HO252 17th and 18th century domesticartifact distribution. Artifacts include Rhenish blue and graystoneware, Rhenish gray stoneware, English brown stoneware,Rhenish brown stoneware, English white salt-glazed stoneware,tin-glazed earthenware, North Devon gravel-tempered, Stafford-shire slipware, Jackfield, creamware, olive glass, metal curtainring, kettle, table implements, leaded glass, bottle glass.

FIGURE 14. 18HO252 personal items (tobacco pipes, coins,buckles, buttons, scribbled-on slate) distribution.

As might be expected, another anomalous patternis evidenced by the distribution of prehistoric lithics (Fig-ure 16). These are primarily lithic reduction flakes fromtool making and are clearly clustered in the west/north-west section of the study area. The recovery of a SelbyBay projectile point and the prior recording of a Jack’sReef corner-notched point at the Raven site, suggest thatthese lithics are the result of prehistoric occupation duringthe Middle and Late Woodland periods, from A.D. 200 to1250. Obviously, the projectile points are indicative of hunt-ing activities at the site, while a single nutting stone (usedto process acorns and the like) is indicative of plant re-source exploitation.

FIGURE 15. 18HO252 faunal distribution.

FIGURE 16. 18HO252 prehistoric lithics distribution.

Although distribution maps for all artifacts typeswere produced, not all proved to be as informative as thosediscussed so far. Examples of several other patterns areshown in Figures 17 and 18 (agricultural artifacts, toolsand weaponry), which all show clear orientation to thehypothetical plantation house, while, in contrast, pearlware(ca. 1780) and whiteware (ca .1820) (Figures 19 and 20)show little reference to the proposed building. The lattertwo figures suggest that the building was no longer occu-pied during the main periods of popularity for these ce-ramic types. In fact, the heavy concentration of whitewarein the northern portion of the study area strongly suggeststhat these ceramics are originating with the known 19th

century site located on the next peninsula to the north.Finally, Figure 21 demonstrates that 19th and 20th

century colored glass artifacts are clearly not oriented tothe proposed structure, while aqua-colored glass (Figure22) is relatively evenly distributed across the peninsula.

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FIGURE 17. 18HO252 agricultural artifact (hoes, horsefurniture, hardware) distribution.

FIGURE 18. 18HO252 tool (gun flint, lead shot, draw knife,hatchet) distribution.

FIGURE 19. 18HO252 pearlware distribution.

FIGURE 20. 18HO252 whiteware distribution.

FIGURE 21. 18HO252 non-aqua (manganese [violet],Noxema [dark blue], amber, brown, clear, and green) ves-sel glass distribution.

FIGURE 22. 18HO252 aqua vessl glass distribution.

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Volume 42(2), September 2006 23

ConclusionsThe distribution patterns of the 17th and 18th cen-

tury domestic artifacts, personal items, agricultural arti-facts, architectural artifacts and tools suggest that theseartifact groups are temporally related. Diagnostic arti-facts in these categories date primarily to the 18th century,and therefore support the archival evidence that ThomasHutchcraft inhabited this site during the period 1732-1768.The artifacts found correlate with the fact that Hutchcraftwas a planter—hoes, along with other agricultural artifactswere found—and that he presumably lived on the proper-ty. Hutchcraft was well-to-do, as evidenced by the mate-rial culture found during the surface collection. His househad windowpanes, he owned pewter table implements, andeven had a bed with curtains (as evidenced by a curtainring). As shown in the 1756 land deed, he owned a fewslaves, presumably to farm his tobacco fields. He wasone of the earliest settlers and planters now known to haveinhabited early Howard County.

There is no clear evidence that there was any his-toric habitation prior to Hutchcraft although the presence(noted in earlier surveys) of both a Rhenish “Bellarmine”mask and North Devon sgraffito-decorated earthenwaremight suggest some human occupation during the earlier,late 17th century, Anne Arundel County “ranger” period.Horseshoes and weaponry artifacts might also belong tothis hypothetical occupation.

A variety of chert, quartz, quartzite, and rhyolitelithics located in the northwestern part of the area are ev-idence of prehistoric habitation. One point was identifiedas a Selby Bay stemmed point, which dates to A.D. 200 to800, during the Middle Woodland period. Another projec-tile point documented during an earlier survey of the siteproved to be a Jack’s Reef corner-notched—a type whichis associated with the late Middle Woodland to early LateWoodland period, dating to around A.D. 800 to 1250. Thisdate range is indicative of an occupation possibly spanningat least several centuries.

The presence of whiteware and various types ofglass, points to some activity on the site during the 19th

century, though most of these artifacts were found in thenorthern outlier blocks and seem to be related to the known19th century site on the next peninsula to the north.

References CitedAnne Arundel County Office of Land Patents

1732 Land Patent to Thomas Hutchcraft from the Provinceof Maryland, Liber EI #1, p. 508.

1748 Land Patent to Thomas Hutchcraft from the Provinceof Maryland, Patent Certificate # 1629, Liber BY+GS#1, p. 277; Liber BY+GS #2, p. 109.

Anne Arundel County Office of Land Deeds1750 Land sale from Thomas Hutchcraft to Robert Wright,

Liber RB #3, p. 295.

1756 Land sale from Thomas Hutchcraft to PhillipHammond, Liber BB #1, p. 193.

1764 Land sale from Thomas Hutchcraft to William RayJunior, Liber BB #3, p. 110.

1766 Land sale from Thomas Hutchcraft to BenjaminPurnell, Liber BB #3, p. 640.

1768 Land sale from Thomas Hutchcraft to BenjaminPurnell, Liber IB+JB #1, p. 104.

Archives of Maryland1947 [An Act relating to the Public Roads in Ann Arundle

(sic), Baltimore, and Frederick Counties (1774)]. Vol-ume 64: Proceedings and Acts of the Maryland Gen-eral Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774, editedby Elizabeth Merritt, p. 394. Maryland Historical So-ciety, Baltimore.

Clark, Wayne E., and Paul Inashima2003 Archaeological Investigations within the Duckett and

Triadelphia Reservoirs - Washington Suburban San-itary Commission. On file at the Maryland HistoricalTrust, Crownsville, Maryland.

Holland, Celia1987 Old Homes and Families of Howard County. Copy-

right by the author.Marye, William B.

1921 The Baltimore County “Garrison” and the Old Garri-son Roads, Maryland Historical Magazine XVI:105-149, 206-259

1955a The Great Maryland Barrens I, Maryland HistoricalMagazine 50(1):11-23.

1955b The Great Maryland Barrens II, Maryland HistoricalMagazine 50(2):120-142.

1955c The Great Maryland Barrens III, Maryland Histori-cal Magazine 50(3):234-253.

Noël Hume, Ivor1969 A Guide to Artifacts of Colonial America. Alfred A.

Knopf, New York.Stabler, Esther B.

1948 Triadelphia: Forgotten Maryland Town. MarylandHistorical Magazine 43(2):108-120.

Al Luckenbach is the Anne Arundel County Archaeolo-gist and founder and director of the Anne Arundel Coun-ty’s Lost Towns Project. He holds a doctoral degree inAnthropology from the University of Kentucky. He canbe contacted through Anne Arundel County’s Office ofPlanning and Zoning, Cultural Resources Division, 2664Riva Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21401.

Lauren Schiszik is an archeologist and the InternshipCoordinator for Anne Arundel County’s Lost TownsProject. She holds a B.A. in Sociology/Anthropology fromEarlham College. She can be contacted through AnneArundel County’s Office of Planning and Zoning, CulturalResources Division, 2664 Riva Road, Annapolis, Mary-land 21401.

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