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    ... . ..." '

    therancVol. 2, No.9 Civic Assoc., at the Roslyn COlmtry Club, Inc. December, 195J

    BOARD NOMINATIONS MEETING HARS NEWLEVITT and SONS REPLYTO R.C.C. PETITION"wil.b ptnctically every point that you make

    we are in complete agreement - the clubnext season will be completely different fromwhat it was ... , this partial text is liftedfrorn a letter addressed to Roy Newborn, asone whose name appeared on the petition.In the manner that Mr. W. Levitt agreedto acct>pt complaintslconcerning probleins inthe Country Club, a petition in the name ofindividuals and not that of the associationwas sent to Mr. Levitt. However, the CivicAssociation fostered this petition and usedits facilities to obtain the signatures of theCountry Club residents. :

    The seven conditions which were requcsteclin a "constructive spirit" as improvementsdesired arl" outlined as follows;(condensed due to space linlitations)

    1. 'on-restriction of membership:At po:nt of sale, Country Clubbers d erived

    impression fcom Levitt salesmen membcr-sllip in Ch1b was to be restricted largely toresiden l.s. No limitations are not imposed-abuses inch1ding split-memberships commonpractice.2. Serious overcrowding- a health menace:Above policy results in near public-poolwith .inadequate private-pool faci] .itics. Possiblo polio hazards, unsanitary toiletfacilil'ics and unsightliness result.3. Inndcqunte supervision and snfety:

    Lifeguards too young and inexperienced.Trcspnssers able to by-pass ticket-gate easily.4. Public nuisance to residents:General overcrowding render pruking fa-cilities inadequate. Adjacent streets and resi-dence driveways blocked by parked cars.Influx of transien t cars create traffic 1haztuds due to through-driving speeds.

    Continued on page 14 lI'

    Election Procedure To Be Alteredby Walter Wild

    A slate of candidates for officers of !;he.Roslyn C. C. Civic Association for 1952 annollnced by No!llinating Comlllittce man, Bu d Shaw, last Wednesday, November28lh at the North Side School auditorium.Those named were:PRESIDENT,David Bland, 25 Dogleg LaneVICE-PRESIDENT,

    Maurice DeKoven, 18 Percheron LaneRECORDING SEC'Y,Doris Lesk, 1 Club DriveCOHRESPOt\TDING SEC'Y,Anno Wild, 23 Hayloft Lane

    TREASURERMorris Sobin, 56 Shacletree LaneSGT.-AT-ARMS,Hnlph Godfrey, 12 Knoll Lru1eMEMBERSHIP SEC'Y,Rita J ncobs, 371 I. U. Willets RoadLAW & LEG. COMM. Eli Messing, 51 Hayl9ft LaneFINANCE COMM. CHAIRMAN,Jack Sklaire, 36 Carriage Lane

    PUBLIC HEALTH COMM. Cl-WRMAN,Dr. Al. Zola, 53 Parkway DrivePUBLIC SAFETY COMM. CHAIRMAN,Harvey Kram, 101 Barnyard Lane

    B'LDG. & GROUNDS COMM. CHAIR-MAN,Don Ostrower, 50 Field LaneSCHOOL COMM. CHAIRMAN,David .Hunter, 76 Parkway Drive

    CO-OP. PURCH. COMM. CHAIRMAN,Ben Bordiga, 65 .Saddle Lane :

    PUBLICATIONS COMM. CHAIRMAN,Walter Wild, 23 Hayloft Lane

    ENT. COMM. CHAIRMAN,Jerry Jerome, 1 Snapdragon LaneTRANS. COMM. CHAIRMAN,Eleanore McGreal, 19 Corncrib LaneHOBBY GROUP CHAIRMA1'\J,Loti Cerard, 351 I. U. Willets Road

    COUNTRY CLUB CHAIRMAN,Herb Witkin, 22 Arbor Lane

    Continued on page 10

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    THE RANCHERthe rancher

    26 Pebble laneRos lyn Heights, L I.Tel. Roslyn 33575Editor: Roy I. NewbornLen A' t"hu!erHarry HolzmanCarl lundquistGeorge PhilipsonMarsha WestHe rb. RosenthalEleanor GrupsmithVincen t ShollowSob Simmons

    Barb_,a WalshWalter WildBarbara MossToni AltschulerArthu r GasmanMike Janco[Jce trice HrubccMargaret Rosenthal

    Artists Ru th StoloffPhotographersMickey Poletschek Ben Bordiga

    Advertising rates g iven upon request.To Roy I. Newborn,

    As a member of the Roslyn Country ClubCivic Association, I protest most stronglyagoillst the item in "The Rancher" for No-vember, 1951, entitled, "Don't Fence Meln."Wholly apart from the invalidity of theitem, my protest is directed against ilie ap-pearance in "The Rancher" of an unsigned,irresponsible item which accuses residen ts ofour area of having violated covenants, andwhich attempts to set neighbor against neigh-bor in the courts.Tho question of the applicability of anycovenant regarding a "fc.ncc" is one requir-ing knowledge of the law and tho facts Ineach particu lat case. In any event, it is mostprcsumplious of a Civic Association publica-tion to attemp to stir residents of the nten tolitigation ngainst their neighbors by the blitheassertion of a generality tl1at 11 court ordercould "probably" be obtained.You would have been well advised to haveconsidered ll1e law of the crime of baratrybefore printing such an item.Unfortunately, this article may alreadyhave had its damaging effects. 1 certainlyhope, however, that this is the last of suchindiscreet items.HAROLD COllEN 1 Shepherd Ln.neANSWEH:The article under fire wus meant to be adispassionate statement of fact. I believedthat it might save sont-e resident a consider-able sum or money in case he wus contem-plating n fence unaware of the restriction.Not to have written this article would hnveconstituted an evasion of my duty as chair-man of the Buildings and Grounds Commit-tee. I sincerely regret thnt l.\fr. Cohen founclmy lliece objectionable, however, I wouldlike to remind him tlJat the piece probablynever would have nppenred i f res idents didnot find ccrtnin fences likewise objectionable.DON OSTROWER

    TO TilE EDITOR.\1uch has been said, nnd rightly so, aboutthe fences that the vnst majority of the com-munity deems llowever, to takesteps to forbid ALL fences, as stated in therestrictive covenants, would prove equallyundesirable. TI1ere is n definite need andplace in our community for some fencing andscreening to obtain privacy.Therefore solution o( tho fence problem Jsa twofold one. Firsl wo should do om uhnostto prevent and remove those f cnccs that thevast majority of lhr. Civic Association considers obnoxious. Secondly wo should assureU1ose residents who install a fence which isnot deemed obnoxious thnt we will not inthe future take any action thal might causeremoval of the fence, despite the fact thatthe fence is a violation of tho deed restrictions.Practically speaking thts is readily accomplisbed. The Civic Association could decidewhich types of fence it considers obnoxio_us,and which fences it deems ncccptnblo. Thenif an individual- were to File suit against theinstaller of an "obnoxious fence", the CivicAssociation could file its opinio.n with thecourt supporting removal of tho fence. If,however, someone should object to a "desirable fence", the Civic Association would sup-port the fence 0\\'ller.We could at our next meeting classifyfences mto the "obnoxious" and "non-objectionable" classes. For example, n stockadefence running along tho properly line, or awire mesh fence might bo classed "obnoxious." However, a scetlon of split rail fenceor a screen enclosing a portion of thegrounds or giving ,.privacy could bo classed"non-objectionable.

    In this fashion we have the mechanism forridding ourselves of obnoxious fences, andyet still safeguarding our right to privacywith a small fence or screen to which thecommunity does not object.DON OSTRO\VER50 Field LaneLetters to the Editor

    continued on Page 15OUR HO l iDAY GREETINGS

    IT 'S ALWAYSA HOLIDAY atTHE HOLIDAY295 Wornor AvenueRos 3-2150 Roslyn Heights

    Books, Greet ing Cords, Rentol tlbrary, PartyFavors, Gifts, Bar Accouories, PersonalizedStationery., cducatlonol Toys.O pen Every Evening t ill 9 p .m.




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    Santa To Visit R.C.C. Children

    Santa Claus (Milt Lan sky) playing host at year's partySunday, December 22, nt 2 tl1e big moment for the children of the Roslyn

    Country Club Commtmity.

    SERVING YOUR NEGHBORSthruoutNassau, Queens and Brooklyn


    ENterprise 4420Aok Fe< Miu

    No Toll Chorge On Enlerprlso Cllt.

    The Third Annual Christmas Party spon-sored by the civic association, who will play :l1osl to one thollsancl youngsters. Candy-filledstockings, comic books and other gifts willgladden the hearts of the kids. Milt Lansky,of 39 Pe bble L(lle, will be in A-1 conditiononce again to play Santa's part.Santa Claus will be seated outside theclub and will receive his guests until 4 P.M.

    "LEVITT -ffiS" ....: Jan. 17 & 18Price: $1.50 per Adult $1 per Cl1ildSend Your Money for Tickets toEd Blaise, 29 Pebble Lane



    Wi lliston OfficeG. C. 7-6000 Mineola OfficeG. C. 7-8700Member F. D. I. C.

  • 8/8/2019 The Rancher - December 1951



    We wish lo ex tend to theresidents of R.C .C.


    Children Growing Up?Need the Attic?eat In

    Everyday we are called by parents who must provide atticbedrooms fo r growing children. Now, attic bedrooms can bethe best in the house if they are finished and heated properly.We know how to heat them-we ' ve heating systemsin hundreds of homes.

    Let us d iscuss your attic heating problems with you. We cansave you money. Our representative will cal l at your conveni-ence.Call Hicksville 5-4800 for full details.


    Hicksvi lle, N. Y.H eks vi lie 5-4800HEmpstead 2-2282

    Hicksville 3-5600 for Fuel OilHicksville 5-3064Hicksville 5-4440

    and Burner ServiceMEENAN MEANS A WARM HOME


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    by Don Ostrowcr - Chainnan of Buildings & Grounds CommitteeBARNYARD LAKE

    The worst case of flooding in om arra occurred on November 7 and 8 in the arc;\surrounding the intersection of Barnyard andArbor Lanes (or should we say Lakes). Thewater reached a depth of 3 feet in spots nndremained that way for over a day. A meeting of the Barnyard Lake Yacht Clubwas called and was atlended by a rcprescntative of the Building & Gro\)nds Committee.

    It seems that tho level of tho water in therecharge basin south of Arbor Lane wushigher than the level at Barnyard andArbor. And since water will not flow uphill,the water from llw recharge basin flowedthrough the pipes and up ou t of the catchbasins on the corners.

    llowcver, the B & G Committee made afew calls to the proper Nassau Co. Depart ment o( Public Works officinls :1nd the DPWcame in with pumps nnd lowered the waterlevel in the recharge basin to a height below




    H. V. WILLIAMS CO., Inc.208-22 Jamaica Ave. Hollis, L. I.GArden City 72270 JAmaica 68777

    Ot1ly l M "Blown!' in NaJSau Coumy

    that of the surrounding streets. This, ofcourse, is only a temporary solution whichwill have to be repeated until the cause ofthe trouble is elim in ated. The basic ca use isthat water from tho recharge basin does notget back into tlw grotmd fast enough. Assoon as the basin drys out, which will nolbe until next spring at the earliest, steps willbe taken to increase the capacity of the basin.Nassau Coun ty Deputy Commissioner olPublic Works, Geo rge Petel's, has rcassun' dus that if a succession of heavy rains agaLnfloods the area, that the .DPW will agampwnp dry Lake Barnyard.WILLETS WIDENING

    Widening of I. U. Willets road started onschedule at the beginning of H owe"cr, because of the extensive nature c,ftJte work and the approaching of winter, itis extremely un that the job will hecomp leted before spring. It is p ractically im-possible to pave during tJ1e winter months.The contractor will try to get L11c drainagefacilities and some portion of the curb andsidewalk in before tf1e onset of winter closesdown the job.STREET LIGHTSContrary to popular belief, Levitt madeno arrangements for the installalion of streetlights for the streets in the 1950 sec ions. ThoBuilding and Grounds Committee has re-quested of the Town Clerk that these Hghtsbe installed. We ha'e been informed by theLighting Co. that thtre is an 8 months backlog of orders so lights cannot bo installed before next :.ummer.To defray the costs of street Ughting, wowill be put in a Lighting District and taxedtherefor. The lnx rntc for th is service will beapproximately a1inc cents per hundred dollarsof assessed valuation.


    WORLD'S FINEST INSULATIONAll Work GuaranteedSave up to 40'/ '0 on Fuel Bills -Be W arm in W inter - Cool in Summer Free and Accurate Estimate


    RoslynCountryClub org

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    PUBLIC WORKS GUIDE:by Don Ostrower, chairman of Buildings & Grounds Commjtteo

    A listing of the vnrious agencies responsible for our Streets, l..ights, Parks, Wate r, Catch-basins, Garbage, etc.Living as we do in an unincorporated area, we arc confronted with a multitude agencies responsible for the various public essential to our health and safety.Unfortunately tJtere is no one oHicial or branch o govcmmcnt that is fo rthese !unctions. The Building and Grounds Committee has made this listing of theproper agency, tho official to contact, and tJ1e telephone numher, in order that youcan present your individual complaints or secure any jnformation directly. Naturally,the Civic AssociaUon will continue to press for settlement of any comnllmity problems.

    County Roads (Roslyn, I. U. Wi I ets and Locust Lane):Maintenance of county roads including catchbasins is the responsibility of the NasMuCounty Department of Public Works. Deputy Conunissioner, C. V. Smith or E.Lindsay, can help on road problems. Telephone: CArden City 3-3000.All Other Stree tsMaintenance of all other streets in our community is the responsibility of the Townof North llcmpslcad Highway Dep artment. G. Phillips at l\!Anhasset 7-0590 is TownHighway Commissioner. ,

    Street Lights:Street lighting is installed and maintained by the Long Island Lighting Co. ContactKoops at GArden City 3-1000. Call this .number to infom\ the lighting companyof any street laghts iliat are inoperative.

    Drainage Pits:The Drainage Pits or recharge basins are maintained by Nassau Co. They are responsiblefor trimming of weeds, landscaping, fence repair, as well as drainage. Deputy Com-missioner George Peters is Ute officinJ to contact at CArden City 3-3000.

    Park:Our three-acre park paralleling the railroad across from Shepard Lane is the responsi-bility of the Town. Any complaints or questions should be referred to the Town Super-visor at 7-0590.Water:Water is furnished by the AlbCI'lson Wntcr District, HOslyn 3-3610.Fire: ..

    Albertson Square Fire District. Call the Operator.Po lice:

    We are in the Third Precinct. Telephone: CArden City 7-4000.Sewage :Your cesspool is on your property and is the individual responsibility. However, 1fcesspool trouble is caused by tho builders negligence, he mny fix it. Call Lovitt ntHicksville 5-6600 to see if he will he lp.- -------- ----------------------------------------------

    PLAY SAFE - AVOID FINESThe Board of Education is disturbed bymotorists' ignorance or flouting of the cour-tesy due School Duscs, according to memberCliff Montgomery.The law states that autos going both ways

    must come to a full stop and wait , when aSchool Bus stops to discharge passengers.

    Anyone who has seen the youngsters streakou t the door knows how necessary the pro-cedure is.Further, there's a $50 fine for violation o(the Jaw. So for the sake of our children andyour pocketbook, stop when the School Busstops.6

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    THE RANCHERFOR SALE- WANTEDThis column is a /rea service to Ci11ic Assoc iation members who wish to sell or seek item.

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    Hvuse and Garden by Barbara WalshNo one needs to read a book or a columnto learn how to decorate for tl1e Christmasscnson. Family tradition is the guide. Here

    nrc, however, a few items of informationthnt might prove helpful. I f you plan to dosome judicious snipping from your own ever-greens, remember that hemlock does not dowell in the house. Save it for your outdoorwrenths or sprays. Arborvitae is notable forits endurance in the house. Don't let anyonetalk you into not standing your tree in waterThey won't last forever in water, buta drink does help if you want to enjoyyour tree for more than a few days. Thecolors of decorations placed in northern win-dows do not stand out too well, so place theemphasis on shape. And, at night, unlessspecial lighting is used, only the silhouette ofdecorations will show in the windows.The following is neither a pro or con fortho community tree planting project. Thoseof you who are still sitting oo the fence won-dering whether it's worthwhile or not mightbe in terested to know the results of a surveyconducted several years ago by the Forestand Park Association of Massachusetts. Theyfound that the value of a house on propertywith trees increased as much as 26.5 percentover the same house on a treeless lot. Otherpas l surveys indicated that over a teo yearperiod money spent on landscaping broughtbetter returns had been invested nt8 percent interest.The garden may look pretty dismal to you,bul there are still chores to be done. Mulch-ing is number one. Leaves are first ratematerial if they're from hardwood trees. The

    numerous oaks in this area offer a generoussupply. Maple leaves arc wonderful for thecompost heap, but don't mulch with them.Tl1cy rot so qu ickly that the heat generatedfrom their will stimulate pre-lllature growth oF plants in winter. Rosesshould have clirl piled up around their basessix or eight inches as well as a light cover-ing of mulch. Cut them back but don't prunethem severely. Peonies do best if left aloneafter their fi rst year. Do, however, cut andremove nU the stalk.-;. Tho same applies tochrysanthemums. Cut out the old wood fromand other early summer flower-ing shrubs. Remove the suckers from lilacs.Save all those ashes from cheery fires thiswinter. They're an cxcclknl source of potashand good for cv01ythrng bul the acid lovingplants. Don't apply them until spring, how-ever, because wat9r leeches away theirstrength. 1

    GARDEN ClUBA meeting of the Roslyn Country ClubGa rden Club will be held on Monday, De-

    cember lOth, at the homo of Nel Sarnoff,32 Corncrib Lane. All Civic Association mem-bers arc invited to attend.AdvertisementBABY SITTERReliable woman who has numerous refer-ences in t.hc R. C. C., is available as a BabySitter dlLring the day and evening. PhoneGArden City 7-8574].



    FREE DELIVERYEverything for your garden needs



    ROslyn 3-1300

    R. B. HAMILTON HARDWARE, Inc.' opp. Roslyn R.R. Station

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    Two of the major issues confronting theAssociation are those conccmcd wilh cen-tralized fund raising (tl'e Community Chestidea) and local self-government (Village In-corporation). These ore serious matters re-quiring careful consideration before nny ac-t:on "''" or shou ld be taken.

    The Community Chest committee, chairedby Arthur Cnsman, is presently tl fnel finding survey and may be m J?OSl-tion to report to the gcn.ernl rncmhcrsh1p atthe mee ting schcdulccl lor December 26th.

    Tho committee investigating incorpora-tion headed by Maurice d

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    The rollow;ng names arc the members ofthe Nominating Committee chosen to selectthe 1952 slate of officers;ChairmanHobert Shaw,Sidney AdlerEd BonnnnIIcnnan FreimanM uri c! GoldbergMartin GrupsmithJctTy JeromeBen KalbJulian KayeGertrude !\ritzierAnno Bernard :\1oss

    Huben RosenChns. RosengartenI Icrbcrt RosenthalMon is SobinDr. John WalshAnne Wild

    41 Dogleg Lane46 Shelter Lane60 Parkway Drive6l Porcheron Lane62 Shadetrcc Lane98 Barnyard Lane1 Snapdragon Lane48 Ch1b Drive67 Parkway Drive93 Shepard Lane57 Hayloft Lane12 Pebble Lane95 Perchcron Lane92 Club Drive22 SbadclTee Lane8.Pebble Lane56 Shadotreo Lane68 Shadet:ree Lane2.3 Hayloft Lane

    PRES. SAYSContinMd from paee 10

    committee is composed of some veryab le people for this assignment: tax experts,attorneys, accountants, village engineers andot lwrs. An exhaustive exa111inaUon of the>ubjtct w.ll be rec1uired, however, beforewe will be ready for decisive action. Resi-dents who have ideas on the problem, ques-t.ons to raise, or special skills to offer, areurged to communicate with the committeechairman.




    LEVITT-IES OF 1952 - J an 16-17From the topmost pinnacles of School-house Lane to the lush valleys of Carriageand Hummock Lanes a quickening and un -dercurrent of excitement and expectancy can

    be felt iJ1 the entire community."Who's in it?" "When is it?" "How's itcoming?" "What is it, a play?" "Who's run-ning il?" "1-low do we get tickets?" All ofthose r1uerics tell of a kcon lnlorest in "TheShow", not only as a wonderfully cntertmn-ing evening, bu t as au oxccllenl source ofrevenue with which to buy needed addition.llcqu:pment for our new school.''Levitt-ics of 1952" is a musical revue,neighbors, its motif a broad satire of Lifein the Country Club. It should be an aisle-

    roller. The production ts moving alongsmoothly and everyone is doing a terrificjob, but Bert Friedman, the producer, re-minds us that we still need more malo actors-tenors especially-and volunteers to help onU1e piano and work behind Lho scones.

    Country Clobbers, help make "Levitt-iesoC 1952" a big success. You nrc in for a realtreat!FLASH:

    Tickets can be obtained from Ed Blaise,Treas. 29 Pebble Lane. Price: $1.50 Adults,$1 Children. Make checks payable to "CivicAssoc., R.C.C."


    for Roslyn Heigh tsHicksville 5-7447 4340

    OUR SEASON'S GREETINGSGArden City 7-0768- 1640


    PARK MOTORSP. J . CHESTER , Proprietor


    General Repairs on allMakes of Cars

    294 HILLSIDE AVENUEWilliston Park, N. Y.

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    YOUR CHILD'S EDUCATION AND YOURS!by Herb Rosenthal-School Editor


    :\l[onday, December 17, has been set as thelong awaited opening date for the new Wil-lets Head School. Moving day has beenscheduled for F riday, December 14.WitJ1 the opening, the scams at bulgingNorthside School will be able to retract tonormal. More pleasing to pupils, parents andteachers will be the end of double sessions.Single, f1tll-day will start for grades1-8 on Dec. 17.The grade and class Cjuotas at the newschool will se t up like this:

    #o f TotalGrade Classes Class Sizes PupilsKindergarten 4 21-21-21-22 85First 3 27-27-28 82Second 3 22-22-22 66Third 3 22-22-21 65Fourth 3 2-1-21-25 73Fifth 2 19-19 38Sixth 2 20-21 41Seventh 2 32-31 63Eighthw 3 6!Classes will be rotated and spht up mtosma ller &rroups for som.c subjects. .Grades l-6 at the W J!lets Hoad School w11lbe composed of Country Club pupils, in tltcmam. All District #2 pupils in Grades 7-8 will goto the .new school.

    Pupil groups will be brought down bytheir teachers to iuspect and become familiarwith the new school in the remaining weeksf9cfore the opcni11g, and by theopening on Ucc:embet 17, the Board Edu-cation has prov1ded an easy way for rronmgout unforseen wrinkles. The new school willbe open a week before the Christmas Ho!.i-days start. Bugs uncovered during down week will able to be rcmed1ed whilethe youngsters arc on vacation.

    Under the sponsorship of the Civic ciation's School Committee, a series of dis-cussion groups on School Reporting Me thodsis bc:ng held. The session- for tho dis-cussion group lead

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    - -

    Inside the gymIN SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAMBRINGS NOTABLE RESULTSF'ollowing out the recommendations of the

    Foshay Report, the school administration hasmJ.tilu ted an in-service training program forteachers, this means lhnl an expert has beenbrought in to give courses covering the latestadvances in leaching methods to District #2teachers.Reporting Ot t Lh is, lh o schoo l administra-tion's School News Bulletin #1 states:"Forty-three teachers in our school districtaxe taking a guidance course uunder the di-rection of the Baxter l'ounclalion for Educa-tional Research Inc. The course is given at, North Side on Mondays for North Side teach-ers and on Tuesdays for Willets Road teach-ers. Mrs. Staples, the instructor, works withthe teachers during the school day. She dem-onstrates techniques and utilization of meth-ods of guidance in the classroom. Afterschool, the teachers meet with Stapleseach week for a two-hour lecture and discus-sion period."\Ve feel that this course will do muchto help us better unclcrsand the childxcn at-tending our schools."Many lauditory comments about the ca li-bre of Mrs. Staples' work are being heard inthe community-comments from both teach-ers and parents who have seen some fineresults.

    Sond your chocks fo rLEVI TT-lES to

    ED BLAISE, Trefts.29 Pobble lan&

    $1.50 por Adult - $1.00 per ChildMake payable to Civ ic R.C C.

    Don't Wait For A Reminder,

    Send Your Dues ToED BLAISE, Treas.29 Pebb le lane

    LEVITT lETTERContinued from page 1 '5. Unsightly grounds-inadequate facilities:Club grounds no t properly cared for.Availability of club facilities to extraneousorganizations for hire discourngt'S nwmlwrswho desire facil:tics at same time.6. Tennis Courts:"Six Championshtp tennis court..s" onginallyadvertised-five poor quality cement courtsrec-ehed.7. General dissatisfaction:Many members feel Club is actually n tuv-cr.n with public bathing facilities, nol a rcnlCountry Club. Also, grievances might havobeen averted had membership boc.:n permittedto express opinion on policy.

    The following is the complete text or theletter sent to Roy Newborn by AliteKenny, Ass:stant Lo Mr. W. Levitt.LEVITT AND SONS, I NC.

    ASSET, N. Y.November 30th, 1951

    Dear Mr. Newborn:We acknowledge receipt of lhe petitionregarding the flos lyn Country Club and I amaddressing this reply to you since wasthe first practically every point that you makewe are in complete agreement. We hove n new policy in process of formation and short-ly after the rirst of the year all club memberswill be notified. We th ink that the manage-ment and operations of the club sensonwill be completely different from what itwas and that everyone will be happy with it.

    Vcry tn1ly yours,A.D . KENNYAssistant to the P1esiclcnt

    P.T .A. HOLIDAY PROGRAMThe Holiday Program of the NorthsideSchooi-Willetts Hoad School P.T.A., will bea special trea t, a concert by The SchubertChoral Society or New York City. The cluteis Tuesday, December 11th at 8:40P.M ., and

    the place-Northside School. The SchubertChoral Society, of 45 mixed voices, has sungin leading metropolitan churches nnd hnsgiven two recitals at Town HaJI. They havealso sung at St.. Paul's at Columbia Univer-sity. This organi?ntion has for 24 years beendevoted to study and education in music andtheir director, Mr. Edward Margetson,A.A.G.O., is organist for the leading Episco-pal church in l farlcm.14

    RoslynCountryClub org

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    NORTHSIDE - WILLETS ROAD P.T.A.Report of i\ovcmbcr )1:ectingby Beatrice 1lruhcc

    \Ve cannot teach children to use judgmentin controversial matters by just telling them, to use it, we cannot leach tolerance bypreaching, said Mr. Elliot Zeitlin, Head ofthe Social Science Department at Far Rocka-way High School in his talk on "The Teach-ing of Controversial Subjects . at lhe l'\orlh-side School P.T.A. mel'ltng. Children ncc-rlllle type of reasoning where you weigh andassess nnd education nowadays is less con-cerned with passing on traditional knowledgethan with teaching people lo meet new situ-ations.There are many controversial problemsthat have not satisfactory solution, they arcin the nature of n dilemma. The teachershould know what the slunclards are and witha healthy dose of facts gel lo the heart ofll10 controversy. There is also the problem ofsemantic difficulty whcro different wo1dshave different intcrprct11tions. Also, differen tbackgrounds in tho studcnt body imply dif-ferent sets of values and it is not up to U1ot

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    \ .





    Residents who wish to keep their tele-phone directory up to date should make thetallowing corrections:ADD: David & Sydell18 Pasture Lane No Phone.SENTER, Stanley & Freda401 I. U. Willets Hd.



    11Specia lists of Draw Draperiesfor Roslyn Country Club Homes"Wholesa le & Retai I FabricsFabric Locating Service :Discounts available to Decorators andthe Trade -.

    JOAN LEE FABRICS105-02 Metropolitan Avenue Forest Hil ls, New York


    available inflve differentcolor combi-nationsSamples mailed

    upon requtu f

    W.H. S. Lloyd Co. Inc16 EAST 52nd STREET NEW YORK

    PHONE: PLAZA 8108$


    24 Hours a Day - 7 Days a Week

    ROslyn 3-4640A HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    Mittleman Auto ServiceWill is and I. U. Wi llets Aves.

    Albertson, N. Y.TOWING SERVICEComplete Automotive Service

    GArden City 75344


    Discounts on case lots, where permit ted .,. 4DR:S . Liqu:W Shop

    '.WILLIS AVE . & NETZ Pl.:ACE,

    i'Just a few blocts North ef I. U. Willeh"Co1111llt us fer B.nqnts, Weddi llgs and Parties





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