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old westamerican heart


performpatten kickoff


shanahanthe real deal



A dAy on the rAils with A conductor-in-trAining


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THE FINE PRINT: The Pulse is published weekly by Brewer media and is distributed throughout the city of chattanooga and surrounding communities. The Pulse covers a broad range of topics concentrating on music, the arts, entertainment, culture and local news. The Pulse is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. no person without written permission from the publisher may take more than one copy per weekly issue. The Pulse may be distributed only by authorized distributors. contents copyright © 2015 by Brewer media. all rights reserved.

Features4 BEGINNINGS: World UFO Day beams down on July 2. We are not alone.

6 SHRINK RAP: The healing power of diversity made manifest.


20 TECH TAlK: Tech Town invites those age 7 to 17 to imagine and build.



29 REVIEWS: Unrest remasters a classic, Thollem/Wimberly/Cline feels together.

31 OuTDOORS: Electric Bike Specialists have the most fun on two wheels.

32 SCREEN: “Slow West” celebrates the classic American Western.



38 ON THE BEAT: Officer Alex explains why his senses can’t leave the scene.

EDITORIALManaging Editor gary Poole

Contributing Editor Janis hashe

Music Editor marc T. michael

Film Editor John DeVore

ContributorsRich Bailey • Rob Brezsny

Daniel Jackson • matt Jones • Kevin haleZach nicholson • ernie Paik

Rick Pimental-habib • alex Teach

Editorial Internsashley coker • shaun Webster

Cartoonistsmax cannon • Rob Rogers

Jen sorenson • Tom Tomorrow

Cover Photo steve Freer

Founded 2003 by Zachary cooper & Michael Kull

ADVERTISINGDirector of Sales mike Baskin

Account Executives chee chee Brown • Randy Johnston

angela lanham • Rick leavellKyle Richard • chester sharp • stacey Tyler


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BREWER MEDIA GROUPPublisher & President Jim Brewer II

July 2, 2015Volume 12, issue 27

8 Conduct Becoming: A TVR JourneyThe smell of burning diesel hangs in the air at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum as the red-and-black 1824 locomotive

positions itself on the track, the sound throbbing across the yard.

14 Fantastic Patten PerformancesOne thing you can’t say about the Patten Performances series is that it’s stuck in a rut. Each year, Director Bob Boyer has a few

new tricks up his sleeve, and the 2015-16 season is no exception.

24 Shanahan Is the Real Country DealThere are a few different ways the music I write about gets to

me. Sometimes I am contacted by a bar with information about an upcoming show. Sometimes, but not nearly often enough, I

am contacted by the band or performer who says, “Hey, we were hoping you might give this a listen.”


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4 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •


EMAIl loVe leTTeRs, aDVIce & TRash TalK To [email protected]

Celebrating That We Are Not AloneWorld UFO Day beams down on July 2

A 35-year CIA veteran claimed to have seen photographs and documents at CIA headquarters in Langley, VA proving the crash was alien.”

“World UFO Day is July 2—and

for all of you out there who want to believe, this is your chance. But trying to find someone who has ac-tually seen a UFO is as hard as try-ing to spot a UFO.

Many who come forward are os-tracized and ridiculed to the point where they wish they had never mentioned the sighting in the first place. Others who have seen these unidentified flying objects remain resilient and insist they saw some-thing. World UFO Day is for these believers.

Roswell, New Mexico is synony-mous with one of the greatest unex-plained mysteries and most famous

UFO incidents ever recorded. In mid-1947, residents of Chaves County reported an un-identified flying object in the skies. Shortly after the object was seen it crashed in the desert and was quickly recovered by Air Force surveillance officials. While the mili-tary claimed it was nothing but a convention-al weather balloon, conspiracy theories sug-

gested the UFO could have been extraterrestrial in nature. The local newspaper report published

on July 8, 1947 suggested the Air Force had captured a flying saucer near Roswell.

Interest waned until the discipline of “UFOlogy” began to pick up steam in the 1970s. Ufologists concocted a number of dif-ferent conspiracy theories suggesting the military covered up the crash of an extrater-restrial vehicle in Roswell.

It wasn’t until the 1990s that the U.S. mili-tary revealed the weather balloon was part of Project Mogul. The idea of the project was to see if anyone else in the world was testing nuclear devices. The Air Force even held a press conference featuring the debris of the weather balloon.

Even though it was disproven, there are still a number of believers around the world that think Roswell is a government con-spiracy. Between 1978 and the early 1990s, UFO researchers interviewed several hun-dred people who had, or claimed to have had, a connection with the events at Roswell in 1947. Hundreds of documents were ob-

tained via Freedom of Infor-mation Act requests that con-cluded at least one alien craft had crashed in the Roswell vicinity. Eyewitness accounts claimed aliens, some possibly still alive, had been recovered.

Many of the government’s files on Roswell remain clas-sified. On October 26, 2007, former New Mexico congress-man Bill Richardson, who at the time was a candidate for president, said he attempted to get information on the Roswell incident, but was told by both the Department of Defense and Los Alamos Labs that the information was classified.

Hard facts are hard to come by. Even as recently as 2012, Chase Brandon, a 35-year CIA veteran, claimed to have seen photographs and documents at CIA headquarters in Langley, VA proving the crash was alien.

So where do all of these con-tradictory claims leave us? It’s safe to say the debate is not going to end anytime soon. Science is currently searching the universe for extraterrestrial life.

So until definitive proof is found, look to the skies on this World UFO Day...because the truth is out there.

Viewskevin hale





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Cue the fireworks, the star-span-gled songs, the overly patriotic tank tops and T-shirts and, for the more sophisti-cated partygoers…the Chattanooga Sympho-ny & Opera. That’s right. You guessed it. It’s officially time to celebrate America’s birthday, and the city is hosting an event that everyone is welcome to attend.

“Pops on the River” is the clas-

sic Fourth of July birthday bash that takes place at Coolidge Park.

It’s an open invitation for all Chattanoogans who

wish to spend Inde-pendence Day cook-ing out with the rest of the community, while enjoying a va-riety of music and a

scenic firework finale over the Tennessee

River. The CSO will follow spe-

cial performances from a handful

of all-veteran songwriters and rock bands. Conductor Jacob Harrison promises to showcase a mix of patri-otic tunes as well as music from some of America’s most influential compos-ers. Food and drink concessions will be on site to help you keep both your cup and stomach full throughout the night. So grab a friend and a blanket, or a burger and a compatriot, and join the rest of the city in wishing Ameri-ca a happy birthday.

Music begins at 5 p.m. and the fire-works are scheduled for 9 p.m.





EdiToonby Rob Rogers

Sousa and So Much More Light Up The Fourth

This week's cover story on the Ten-nessee Valley Railrod

is Daniel Jackson, a freelance journalist who lives on Look-out Mountain. Along with being a journalist, last year, he completed a manuscript during NaNoWriMo writing challenge, a retelling of a local

ghost story based in Meriden, Connecticut, about a black dog that haunts the Hanging Hills. No living being will see the novel in its current state. In the past, he fought censorship at Bryan College, reported from Capitol Hill with The Washington Times and edited a local paper in central Connecticut. He spends as much time as pos-sible learning all the ins and outs of the city. Follow him on Twitter at @jcksndnl

Daniel Jackson

— Shaun Webster

Regular contribu-tor Kevin Hale is freelance journal-ist and experi-

enced internet and television marketer living in North Chattanooga. Kevin is a stu-dent of human behavior and enjoys people-watching all over the Scenic City. He is currently working on his first

how-to book, “A Million Ways to Market.” Kevin’s Rolling Stone subscription doesn’t run out until 2055, at which time the collection will be up for sale. In the meantime, you can find him molding and shaping America’s next generation of movers and shakers, mainly his 3-year old son. And unlike Brian Wil-liams or President Obama, he is not an expert at reading the teleprompter, but he does like chasing flying saucers.

Kevin Hale

Thu, July 2 • 7:15 PMvs. Birmingham Barons

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Thirsty ThursdayFri, July 10 • 7:15 PMvs. Mississippi Braves

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6 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •

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“I learned my poli-tics from my children,” Mary-Ellen would proud-ly proclaim to me with a smile and a twinkle in her eye. She’d sit up a little straighter, s h o u l d e r s back, with the kind of self sat-i s f a c t i o n you feel right after you vote for your candidate and think, “There’s one more for my side.”

Mary-Ellen was 78 years old and living in the Florida Keys when I knew her, and she be-came a dear friend. In her lucid moments she was sharp as a tack, and could regale you with ev-erything from tomorrow’s weather forecast to last night’s sports commen-

tary; from today’s daily special at the local hole-in-the-wall to the date of her dog’s next vet ap-pointment.

In the foggier moments of her strug-gle with Al-zheimer’s , she dis-played the usual mild-to -moder-

ate symptoms: forgetful-ness, confusion, verbal repetition, moodiness.

But even during those episodes she was often witty, mischievous and full of opinions.

The children she re-ferred to were her four adult kids, ranging in age from 40-something to 50-something, who visited her often, even though they lived in dif-ferent locales.

The oldest of three daughters was an intel-ligent, earthy woman liv-ing in Vermont with her husband and delightful 10-year-old son.

Next was the daugh-ter in Atlanta, who holds a doctorate in education and is widely respected in her field.

The third child was a daughter in Washington D.C., a psychologist rais-ing two kids with her suc-cessful attorney husband.

And finally, her son, the acknowledged black sheep of the family. He lived locally and was of-ten known to be teeter-ing on the edge of some small-town scandal, if not right smack in the middle of it.

When I knew this fam-ily, the daughter in Atlan-ta, a lesbian in her early 50s, had just come out to the family, and concur-rently had begun a long-distance relationship

with a woman who lived a few states away.

Despite the miles be-tween all of them, this clan would get together frequently at Mary-El-len’s oceanfront home for long weekends of spirit-ed conversation, boister-ous laughter, frolicking in the ocean, unabashed displays of affection, and multi-course meals fea-turing freshly caught lob-ster.

Significant others, in-cluding the new girl-friend, were always in-cluded, and neighbors would freely stop by to enjoy the merriment (and seafood!) .

Inevitably, after sun-set, when the rowdiness would calm down and we’d be quietly sitting on the deck, listening to the waves and watching the fireflies, someone would ask, “So, Mom, how are you feeling?” And, ready for either a gem of wis-

Love WinsThe healing power of diversity made manifest

“My hope for you is that you pluck the gem from this monumental historic moment: Diversity is everywhere, it is here, it is the rainbow-colored fabric that makes life interesting.”

Shrink Rap

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dom, which Mary-Ellen had in abundance, or a dementia-induced comment that might leave us at the very least head-scratching and possibly deeply concerned, the spotlight would turn to the matri-arch.

Most often, she’d toss us a gem. The spirit of her answer being, “I thank God for this time in my life. I am grateful that my kids are so successful so I can enjoy their suc-cess with them. I am grateful that we have a lesbian in the family so we can learn more and empathize with the plight of others. I am grateful for my grandkids so that I will live on. And I’m grateful for my son, whose mischief keeps me on my toes. This is a wonderful life.”

This from a woman who de-scribed her debilitating condition as “chunks of my brain falling away.” Nevertheless, she chose gratitude whenever she could, and reveled in the diversity of her loved ones.

As we all know by now, in the

historic ruling of Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that bans on marriage equality are unconstitu-tional. Marriage equality is the law of the land and LGBT couples in every corner of the country will soon have the opportunity to mar-ry in their home states.

My hope for you is that you pluck the gem from this monu-mental historic moment: Diversity is everywhere, it is here, it is the rainbow-colored fabric that makes life interesting.

If we can revel in that, if we can “learn more and empathize” with each other, as Mary-Ellen put it, then we can grow together, instead of apart. This is our wonderful life.

Until next time: “Love is love.” — Sara El-Amine, Executive Di-rector, Organizing for Action

Dr. Rick Pimental-Habib, Ph.D., is a psychotherapist, author, minister, and educator in private practice in Chattanooga. Contact him at, visit his wellness center at and follow his daily inspirations on Twitter: @DrRickWellNest

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8 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •

Grant Harris on the trip to East Chattanooga station

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>> Continued on page 11






A day on the rails with a conductor-in-trainingStory and photos by Daniel Jackson

Conduct Becoming: A Railroad Journey

The smell of burning diesel hangs in the air at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum as the red-and-black 1824 locomotive positions itself on the track, the sound throbbing across the rail yard.

“For conductor certification, Harris needs about 100 to 150 hours of on-the-job training with a conductor and 40 hours of classroom training.”

A few minutes after 8:30 a.m., Grant Harris walks up to TVRM's shop at 2202 N. Chamber-lain Avenue. His work boots crunch on the bits of eastern coal mixed with gravel. His black vest is unbuttoned and he wears no tie. Already, his white shirt is rolled up in the morning heat. It's the beginning of his shift for the conductor-in-training.

Every day, five times a day, TVRM takes pas-sengers on the three-mile trip in historic rail cars pulled by historic locomotives, over the Chickamauga Creek, through the Missionary Ridge Tunnel, and down to the East Chattanooga station where the museum restores its stock. On weekends, it drives trains to Chickamauga and the Hiwassee River Gorge.

TVRM was created in the ’60s, as volunteers came together to preserve what once was Amer-ica's "way of life," according to TVRM's Opera-tions Coordinator Steve Freer.

"Railroads built our country, especially during the industrial revolution," he wrote in an email. "Rail passenger service was the most reliable form of transportation and thrived through the years. Until automobile travel became wide-spread, that is."

Grant Harris is one of the newest members to

the crew at the Tennessee Valley Railroad, a re-cent hire who is working toward his certification as a conductor.

Five months ago, Harris was "semi out of work." Previously, he managed a machine shop and did some surveying. A friend of his, a steam engineer at TVRM, told Harris the railroad was looking for conductors and got him an interview. So Harris came in, with little knowledge of trains and a year's growth of a red mustache. He got the job.

Then came the difficult part: becoming a con-ductor and learning the duties and rules of the rail. The Federal Rail Administration has strict regulations for the operation of a rail, and certify-ing conductors is no exception.

For conductor certification, Harris needs about 100 to 150 hours of on-the-job training with a conductor and 40 hours of classroom training. So far, he's logged over 150 hours on the job. But he still needs to sit down with an instructor. After that, it's a test, then he can stand by the train and yell, ”BOAAARD!”

Mark Ray, president of the Association of Tour-ist Railroads and Railway Museums, who also sits on the board of the TVRM, said one of the great-est challenges for historical and tourist railroads

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>> Continued on page 12

is complying with "increased regulation of a result of recent 'Rail Safety Improvement Acts.'" Other challenges include finding funding, preserving their collections and getting the next generation interested in rail preservation.

For Harris, complying with the regula-tion begins as soon as he clocks in. First, he fills out his weekly time sheet and then his monthly time sheet—FRA rules to ensure he's getting rest. He buttons up his vest, puts on a black tie and he's out the door to the train.

Unlike the sign near the gate that advises passengers "keep off tracks…Do not go under, between, or climb on equipment," Harris is certified in how to walk around and between the trains. He gives a quick rundown: Make sure the locomotive isn't moving. The engineer should know you're back there. Look both ways before crossing the tracks. Try to cross as perpendicularly as possible. Don't step on the rails. Give every train a 10-foot berth. "Basically, give everything a wide berth," he said.

Walking down the train and punching tickets may be the most visible thing a conductor does on a train trip. The conduc-tors at TVRM also speak about the history of the place, anything from talking about the 4501 Mikado Locomotive, the steam engine listed in the National Register of Historic Places, to the significance of the area around the train tracks during the Civil War.

However, the primary duty of the con-ductor is to be responsible for the train. The engineer may have been going too fast, but that's the conductor's problem, Harris said.

Before setting off, Harris and the conduc-tor, Bo Ellis, conduct a class-one terminal brake test, walking the line of cars, check-ing every brake. First, the two release the handbrakes—essentially the equivalent of the emergency brake in a car. The engi-neer deploys the brakes and checks for air leakage while the conductor walks the train, checking each brake pad.

"This is the major, major inspection of the day," Harris said.

By 10:15 a.m., the train starts at the East Chattanooga station, a glide, and it's off to pick up passengers.

"There's always something that the con-ductor can do," Harris said. Say the air hose keeping the brakes off bursts in the tun-nel, a worst-case scenario. Sand would drop on the rails to provide extra friction. The train's brakes will snap on and the train will stop. The locomotive, still running, would still be emitting carbon dioxide and fresh air would be hundreds of feet away. It's a scenario the crew is certified to handle. While the engineer unhooks the locomo-tive and drives it out the tunnel, the con-ductor would move the passengers in the open car into an air-conditioned one. With the situation stabilized, the crew would walk the train to find the ripped hose. And all that should happen in just a minute or two.

"It's not particularly hard work," Harris said, "but there's a lot to it."

The crew pulls into Grand Junction Sta-tion, picks up passengers. As the train sets off, it turns around, executing a Y-turn. Harris stands on the back of the train to serve as the crew's eyes as the train backs up, ready to stop the train should, say, a child run in front of it. No one is allowed to stand with him at the back of the train: more FRA rules.

He speaks in shorthand into his micro-phone, telling the engineer the distance he can see, and the engineer replies by sound-ing the horn. With the train facing the right way down the track, Harris returns to the middle of the train as it rolls toward East Chattanooga.

Jonathan Shields, the historical interpret-er for the day, stands in the middle of the train cars explaining the history of the area, the war and the trains into a microphone.

Three miles later, the train pulls into the East Chattanooga station. Passengers dis-embark to watch the crew turn the locomo-tive on TVRM's turntable. While Shields Grant Harris setting a

railcar's hand brake.

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“For him, the most fulfilling part of the day is when he meets some of the 110,000 passengers that ride the rail every year.”

explains the physics of it all, Harris operates the mechanism. After Shields takes the passengers to check out the 4501 Locomotive, Harris points out some equipment he finds interesting.

He stops before a hulking, black beast: the 610 locomotive. It's the newest steam engine in the TVRM's collection, Harris ex-plained. It was built in the 1950s, just as the nation made its switch from steam to diesel. This was during the height of McCarthyism, Harris said, and the Soviet Union still used steam engines.

The 610 was a replica of the trains there and was used to train U.S. soldiers how to use Soviet equipment—just in case. Ironic, given the fact that the TVRM operates on a historical track a short drive away from where the Unionist Andrew's Raiders com-mandeered a train in 1862 in Kennesaw, Georgia, leading the Confederate South in what is now known as “The Great Locomotive

Chase.”But what are Harris' favorite

cars? They are at the other train yard, and include the Pullman car 98, a private car used for business trips, mahogany paneled, with a kitchen, three sleeper rooms and a sitting room.

Also, there is the Clover Colony, a Pullman sleeper car. Marilyn Monroe was filmed in it for the classic movie "Some Like it Hot."

Shields is done with his talk. It's time to go. Harris does another quick check of the brakes, the class-three test, standing at the end of the train to make sure the brake pads make contact as the engineer engages them. "Good application. Release,” he says into his radio, then it's all aboard and back to Grand Junction station.

"I was never big into trains," Harris had said earlier in the day, with the implication of,”before now.” Among the volunteers, the crew and people walking up buy-ing the ticket and taking the ride,

"There're a lot of people here that really know what they are doing," he said.

For him, the most fulfilling part of the day is when he meets some of the 110,000 passengers that ride the rail every year. "One on one…that’s my forte," he said. Many tourists come on board; Germans, some coming from Volkswagen, and tour groups of French.

Having studied in Germany and visited both Eastern and Central Europe, Harris can say hello in French, and speak a bit of Ger-man.

And for any group, "I want them to feel like a passenger on the Southern rails line in the 19-teens,” he said.

After a 15-minute lunch, the crew is back on the train, return-ing back to East Chattanooga. The train stops. There's Harris. He's standing by one of the rail cars, hands behind his back, talking to passengers as they disembark. But soon, it will be “All aboard!” again.

Grant Harris, Bo Ellis and Jonathan Shields talk as the train travels to pick up its first round of passengers.

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“Summer” Openingan exhibit of artworks from members that elicit the feelings of the season. Sunscreen not required.5 p.m.In-Town Gallery26 Frazier Ave.(423)


Pops on the River Pops from the Chattanooga Symphony and fireworks on the Tennessee River. now that's a birthday party!8 p.m.Coolidge Park200 River St.(423) 265-0771


Americrawl Music. Beer. 'Merica. Join in the inaugural americrawl benefiting veterans through Operation Freedom Dog.5 p.m.Downtown

Majestic 12 Presents “La Traviata” Escape on a tear-filled Parisian adventure on July 8

From an overabundance of maca-rons to its world-renowned archi-tecture, Paris is the stuff of many dreams and the inspirer of much wanderlust. Unfortunately, those fantasies come with a pretty hefty price tag. if you’re craving an Pari-sian adventure, but the purse strings won’t budge, look no further than Chattanooga’s own Majestic 12.

“la Traviata” is coming to the Sce-nic City for one night and one night only. The Majestic 12 will show ver-di’s romantic tragedy on Wednes-day, July 8 at 7 p.m. Skip another night in with nicholas Sparks, and come watch as alfredo the upper-class good guy, risks his good name for violetta, the 19th-century call girl. Produced by Willy Decker, with Met Principal Conductor Fabio luisi

conducting, this timeless tale prom-ises more tears than even Sparks can conjure, with a taste of Paris to boot.

You may have to try a little harder to find macarons after the show, and you won’t be greeted by the ei-ffel Tower when you step onto the street, but this trip will only cost you $12.50. (That’s approximately 100 times less than a plane ticket to the real Paris will cost you, if you’re do-ing the math.)

— Ashley Coker

La TraviataWednesday, July 8, 7 p.m.Majestic 12311 Broad St.(423)

I have got to put in a huge plug for the The Q Brothers. They are heading to London after Chattanooga to perform ‘Q Gents’ at the New Globe.”

ONE THING YOU CAN’T SAY ABOUT THE PATTEN Performances series is that it’s stuck in a rut. Each year, Di-

rector Bob Boyer has a few new tricks up his sleeve, and the 2015-16 season is no exception.

ArtsJaniS haShe

How Many Taiko Drums Will Fit In a Cajun Mini?Patten Performances has a wowser season opening this week

Take the starting date, for example: July 7. In a new partnership with The University of the South’s Sewanee Sum-mer Music Festival, the series opens with two faculty shows from the festi-val. “The idea is to bring some of the great music from the festival into a more urban setting,” says Boyer. “These are world-class musicians, and we are pre-senting them in summer, when there is not much chamber music in the city.”

The first concert, which will feature a brass ensemble, will be held on the pa-tio next to the new UTC library (this is change from what was announced in the brochure). The second, on July 14, fea-tures a mixed string ensemble playing in the new library’s fourth floor Grand Reading Room, which Boyer believes will give patrons a chance to experience how lovely the new facility is.

Back from a successful first year are the two Patten Unplugged performanc-es (Oct. 10 and Jan. 30), which respec-tively feature the Malpass Brothers and Cardon Smith. “I saw the Malpass Brothers in concert and I haven’t had that much fun at a show in years,” says Boyer. “We want to go in different di-rections with the ‘Unplugged’ concerts, and this year, it’s a nod to the country-style of Americana.”

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On Sept. 13, taiko drumming will resound through the Roland Hayes Concert Hall as Nagata Shachu raises the roof and your heart rate with all sorts of classic taiko drums, combined with gongs, bells, wooden clackers, shakers and bamboo flutes.

Boyer is thrilled with the “get” of The Q Brothers, who perform on Oct. 22 (another change from the bro-chure). The Brothers describe them-selves as “two guys who share parents and rewrite Shakespeare plays into hip hop musical add-RAP-tations.”

They’ll be performing their lat-est adaptation, “Q Gents,” a version of “Two Gentlemen of Verona.” The two gents, in this case, are two high school football stars at Verona College Prep.

“I have got to put in a huge plug for the The Q Brothers,” says Boyer. “They are heading to London after Chattanooga to perform ‘Q Gents’ at

the New Globe.” While the two are here, he says, they will also be visiting local schools and introducing a some-times-reluctant new generation to the musicality of Shakespeare.

Dance comes next, with Keigwin + Company on Nov. 9. The contempo-rary dance troupe has been featured at the Kennedy Center and New York Center, among many others theaters and festivals.

Back for the first time in 20 years are Grammy winners BeauSoleil on Feb. 24. Garrison Keillor has called them “the best Cajun band in the world,” and Boyer expects this show to sell out early.

As, undoubtedly, will the final show of the season: the one, the only Pilo-

bolus, on April 18. “They’ve been here twice before and we’ve tried for years to get them back,” Boyer says. “It finally came together. Ev-eryone who knows they’re coming is

looking forward to.” He notes that he hopes they replicate their world re-cord for most people in a Mini. “It’s pretty amazing,” he says.

Meanwhile, the UTC Fine Arts Center has switched booking systems and Boyer strongly feels the new sys-tem will make booking both individu-al shows and buying season subscrip-tions much easier. The new system goes live on July 2. He also highly rec-ommends season tickets for this year’s super line-up, to avoid the disappoint-ment of not being able to get in to see your favorite shows.

For more information, and to pur-chase both individual show tickets and subscriptions, visit or call (423) 425-5249.

Back for the first time in 20 years are Grammy winners BeauSoleil on Feb. 24.

Garrison Keillor has called them “the best Cajun band in the world,” and Boyer

expects this show to sell out early.

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16 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •






RChattanooga Market Peach Festival

ThursDay7.2 Camp EtsyNooga 9 a.m.Downtown Public library1001 Broad St.(423) 757-5310chattlibrary.orgHomeschool Science Club1 p.m.Creative Discovery Museum321 Chestnut St.(423) 756-2738cdmfum.orgPaw Pals Storytime 1:30 p.m.Mckamey animal Center4500 n. access Rd.(423) 305-6500mckameyanimalcenter.orgOoltewah Farmers Market3 p.m.Ooltewah’s nursery & landscape Co. 5829 Main St. (423) 238-9775ooltewahnursery.comAmericrawl 5 p.m.Downtown Chattanoogachattacrawl.squarespace.comPhoto Editing5:30 p.m.association for visual arts30 Frazier ave.(423)“Mystery of the Nightmare Office Party”7 p.m.vaudeville Café200 Market St.

(423) 266-6202funnydinner.comChattanooga Lookouts vs. Birmingham7:15 p.m.aT&T Field 201 Power alley(423) 267-2208lookouts.comComic Billy Wayne Davis8 p.m.JJ's Bohemia231 e. Mlk Blvd. (423)

friDay7.3 Independence Day Lunch11:30 a.m.Jewish Cultural Center5461 n. Terrace Dr.

(423)“Summer” Opening5 Gallery26 Frazier ave.(423)“Mystery of Flight 138”7 p.m.vaudeville Café200 Market St.(423) 266-6202funnydinner.comChattanooga Lookouts vs. Birmingham6:15 p.m.aT&T Field 201 Power alley(423) 267-2208lookouts.comLawrence Killebrew7:30 p.m.

The Comedy Catch3224 Brainerd Rd.(423) 629-2233thecomedycatch.comThe Floor Is YOURS7:30 p.m.Barking legs Theater1307 Dodds ave.(423)

saTurDay7.4 Chattanooga River Market10 a.m.Tennessee aquarium 1 Broad St. (423) 267-3474chattanoogarivermarket.comReptiDay Chattanooga Reptile & Exotic Animal Expo10 a.m.Camp Jordan323 Camp Jordan Pkwy., east Ridge(423) 490-0078reptiday.comArtillery Program10:30 a.m.lookout Mountain Battlefield visitor Center(423) 752-5213nps.govRed, White & Blue DaynoonCreative Discovery Museum321 Chestnut St.(423) 756-2738cdmfum.orgRed, White & Blue Happy Hour1 p.m.

Pulse Pick: lawrence killeBrewFresh early open-mics to headlining college campuses and major comedy clubs, Killebrew has become a "must-see" comedian. Lawrence KillebrewThe Comedy Catch 3224 Brainerd Rd. (423)

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First Free Sunday at the Hunter Museum

Georgia Winery6469 Battlefield Pkwy., Ringgold(706)“Mystery of the Facebook Fugitive” 5:30 p.m.vaudeville Café200 Market St.(423) 266-6202funnydinner.comStar Spangled Supper5:30 p.m.Chattanooga Theatre Centre400 River St.(423) 267-8534theatrecentre.comAmerica’s Birthday Cruise7 p.m.Tennessee River Gorge explorer2 Riverfront Pkwy.(423)“Mystery of the Redneck Italian Wedding”7 p.m.vaudeville Café200 Market St.(423) 266-6202funnydinner.comLawrence Killebrew7:30 p.m.The Comedy Catch3224 Brainerd Rd.(423) 629-2233thecomedycatch.comPops on the River 8 p.m.Coolidge Park200 River St.(423) 265-0771

sunDay7.5 Chattanooga Market Peach Festival11 a.m.First Tennessee Pavilion1826 Reggie White Blvd.(423) 266-4041chattanoogamarket.comFree First SundaynoonThe hunter Museum of american art10 Bluff view(423)

monDay7.6 Audition for the MACC Dance Ensemble 4:30 p.m.Mountain arts Community Center809 kentucky ave., Signal Mountain (423) 886-1959signalmacc.orgOne Step at a Time6 p.m.Shepherd Community Center2124 Shepherd Rd.(423) 999-7958Monday Night Vintage Swing Dance 7 p.m.ClearSpring Yoga17 north Market St.(423)

TuesDay7.7 Camp EtsyNooga 9 a.m.Downtown Public library1001 Broad St.(423) Chattanooga WordPress Meetup5:30 p.m.Downtown Public library1001 Broad St.(423)

weDnesDay7.8 1 Million Cups9 |spaces63 e. Main St.(423) 648-0963greenspaceschattanooga.orgJune Teuscher Workshop9:30 a.m.Mountain arts Community Center809 kentucky ave., Signal Mountain(423) 886-1959signalmacc.orgLunch & Learn11:30|spaces Chattanooga63 e. Main St.(423) 648-0963greenspaceschattanooga.orgChattanooga Market3 p.m.First Tennessee Pavilion

1826 Reggie White Blvd.(423) 266-4041chattanoogamarket.comMain Street Farmers Market4 p.m.325 e. Main St. mainstfarmersmarket.com8-Week Summer Dance Session4:30 p.m.Mountain arts Community Center809 kentucky ave., Signal Mountain (423) 886-1959signalmacc.orgOpen Chattanooga Hack Night5:30 p.m.Downtown Public library1001 Broad St.(423) 757-5310chattlibrary.orgTour de BeerFork & Pie811 Market St.(423) 648-0963greenspaceschattanooga.orgWednesday Night Chess Club 6 p.m.Downtown Public library1001 Broad St.(423)"Introduction To Buddhism and Zen: Buddha's Teaching"7 p.m.Unitarian Universalist Church3224 navajo Dr.(423)

“Top 10Extreme Thrill”- Groupaway Travel Magazine



RFZIPStreamDailySBTqr.375x9.8.indd 1 6/15/15 11:02 AM

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18 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •

“La Traviata”7 p.m.Majestic 12311 Broad St.(423)


“The Way We Worked”green |spaces Chattanooga63 e. Main St.(423)“FRESH 2015”ava Gallery30 Frazier ave.(423)“Summer”in-Town Gallery26 Frazier ave.(423)“Novelties, Whimsies and Oddities, Oh My”houston Museum of Decorative arts201 high St.(423) 267-7176thehoustonmuseum.orgPSC’s Summer Season ShowGallery at Blackwell71 eastGate loop(423) 894-7112chattanoogaphoto.orgD. Swasey Art ExhibitMountain arts Community Center809 kentucky ave.Signal Mountain(423)

July Exhibit River Gallery400 e. Second St. (423) “Eudora Welty and the Segregated South”The hunter Museum of american art10 Bluff view ave. (423)“Monet and American Impressionism” The hunter Museum of american art10 Bluff view ave. (423)“Japonisme and America”The hunter Museum of american art10 Bluff view ave. (423)“Rural South” Reflections Gallery 6922 lee hwy. (423) 892-3072reflectionsgalleryTn.comLocal Homeless & Nontraditional Artists Exhibition h*aRT Gallery110 e. Main St. (423)“Indivisible: African-Native American Lives in the Americas”The Museum Center at Five Points200 inman St. e(423)







"The Way We Worked"

Map these locations on Send event listings at least 10 days in ad-vance to: [email protected]


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20 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •

Taking a pre-opening tour through Tech Town, the new digital learn-ing center for kids and adults, is like walking through Willy Wonka’s fac-tory, only the eye-popping goodies are tech toys instead of sweets.

In one room, five 3-D printers are being calibrated and boxes of magnetically attach-ing circuitry pieces wait for kids to snap them together into doodads that do stuff. Across the hall is a robotics space next door to a gaming center where kids will design and test com-puter games or just play them.

Colors in the 23,000-square-foot space on the second floor of the Life-style Center at 325 Market Street are bright. Much of the furniture twists and curves like the imaginations of the 600 summer campers age 7 to 17 who will be all over it starting this week, learning 2-D and 3-D design, robotics and circuitry, filmmaking and coding. There’s also a film stu-dio, editing rooms and a presentation space with the region’s largest cyclo-rama wall, a white-walled space with rounded curves instead of corners, useful for filming and photography or making presentations.

“All this is meant to invoke design thinking, creativity, curiosity, inspi-ration—all for the point of building something amazing,” says Cordell Carter, executive director of the Tech Town Foundation.

The idea of Tech Town is to give kids direct access to tools, both equipment and knowledge, and then let them guide their own learning. This summer will be devoted to sum-

mer camps, with indi-vidual memberships being sold beginning in August and after-school programs start-ing in the fall.

“This is a different kind of place, where students are driving their ex-perience,” Carter says. “It’s not about us telling you what you should do. It’s about us telling you what you’re capable of.”

Tech Town will show kids how to use tools like 3-D printers, game de-sign software and robotics and then ask, “What is it that you want to do? That’s just a question that people aren’t asked at younger ages,” says Carter. “Figure out what you enjoy. If you don’t like it, try again with something else. You can do different things till you find something you’re passionate about.”

Tech Town started with Paul Cum-mings, founder of online training company Woople. Ten years ago, when he was speaking at a high school in Michigan, he observed the worst disparity of resources he had ever seen compared to better-funded schools. As he traveled around the country, he found bits and pieces where various communities had cre-ated effective programs coding or

Kids Designing Their Digital FutureTech Town invites those age 7 to 17 to imagine and build their idea of the future

Tech TalkRiCh BaileY

Rich Bailey is a professional writer, editor and (sometimes) PR consultant. He led a project to create Chattanooga’s first civic web site in 1995 before even owning a modem. Now he covers Chattanooga technology for The Pulse and blogs about it at He splits his time between Chattanooga and Brooklyn.

This is a different kind of place, where students are driving their experience,” Carter says. “It’s not about us telling you what you should do. It’s about us telling you what you’re capable of.”






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3-D printing or robotics, but only in isolation, never comprehensive-ly integrated. The idea to bring all those pieces together became the spark for Tech Town.

Last year Cummings partnered with John Foy and Todd Phillips to create the nonprofit Tech Town. The three are also founding part-ners of venture incubator SwiftWing Ventures. In 2014, the partners re-cruited Carter from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where he was chief of staff, to lead Tech Town. Carter remembers the in-stant when the enormity of the vi-sion became clear to him and he was stunned.

“I had my Charlie Brown mo-ment…when everyone in the room sounded like the adults in the Charlie Brown cartoon: ‘wah-wah, wah-wah-wah.’” Carter says. “I said, ‘You’re going to change com-munities. This isn’t just about kids. There’s nothing like this in the country.’ I was at Gates. We saw ev-erything, and there was nothing like this.”

The difference, he says, is not

just in the comprehensive approach, but in the student-centric learning model and in how Tech Town aims to partner with public schools.

“One of the problems in ed. re-form is that people come in with this notion that schools aren’t good and teachers are dumb,” he says. “And they forget that 96 percent of the 58 million kids in K-12 are in public schools. You’re not going to be successful until you figure out a way to partner. That was the plan from the start for Tech Town: How can we partner with schools?”

He also sees Tech Town as a feed-er system for the tech talent that growing startups need.

“My goal is to be pumping out talent to the city every year,” he says. “Our job is to be sure we are recruiting from a wide base of Chattanoogans to ensure more di-versity—socioeconomic, racial and ethnic—to make the city a more vi-brant one as we all enter this new era of digital everything.”

For more information about Tech Town and its programs, visit

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22 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •

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Built to take you to the place you’ve never been.

Outback. Built to take you to the place you’ve never been. Well-equipped at $24,895**Remember fun? The all-new 2015 Outback® brings it all back. Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive with X-MODE™ has the capability to take you almost anywhere. At 33 mpg,* it’s the most fuel-efficient midsize crossover in America.† It’s what your adventurous side has been waiting for. Love. It’s what makes a Subaru, a Subaru.

Subaru, SUBARU BOXER, and Outback are registered trademarks. *EPA-estimated hwy fuel economy for 2015 Subaru Outback 2.5i models. Actual mileage may vary. †Based on EPA-estimated hwy fuel economy for 2015 model vehicles within the IHS Automotive, Polk Non-Luxury Midsize CUV segment. **MSRP excludes destination and delivery charges, tax, title, and registration fees. Dealer sets actual price. 2015 Outback 2.5i Limited shown has an MSRP of $29,995.

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Consider Thiswith Dr. Rick

here are three of my favorite quotes:

“you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” — harper lee, author

“As we grow as unique persons, we learn to respect the unique-ness of others.” — Reverend Dr. Robert h. schuller

“The enlightened give thanks for what most people take for granted.” — Reverend Dr. michael Beckwith

Before June 26, 2015, the right to marry was denied to same-sex cou-ples in many states throughout this country. some of these states—Tennessee included—went so far as to proclaim that even if a glBT marriage was legally binding in another state, it would not be honored here.

not terribly long ago, it was illegal in many states for interracial cou-ples to marry. There was a time when women weren’t allowed to vote.

my suggestion is to consider the above quotes in your daily medita-tions, prayers or ponderings. and ask yourself which side of history you want to be on.

by Rick Pimental-Habib, Ph.D.

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24 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •







Tab Spencera combination of americana and neo-folk music with lyrics set in a thoroughly modern setting.9 p.m.The Office @ City Cafe901 Carter


The Old Time Travelersenjoy independence Day with an old-fashioned stringband playing the music of the mountains...on the mountain.9 a.m.Rock City1400 Patten


TorresSinger-songwriter presents a punishing self-examination of epic spiritual and musical proportions.7 p.m.Rhythm & Brews221 Market St.

From Johann Sebastian to Queen BBrian Sutherland Band ain’t your average pop folk

Tell me you don’t want to see a band that describes itself thusly: “Well, take everything you know about Bach, and everything you know about Beyonce—everything in between that, that’s what we do. if there was a slogan, it’d be ‘Bach to Beyonce and Back.’”

That’s Brian Sutherland of the The Brian Sutherland Band, quoted by Bill DeYoung on before playing The Mahaffey The-ater.

The lakeland, Fl-based five-piece band (cello, guitar, bass, violin, pia-no, drums, with three of the musi-cians doing vocals), made its official debut at the 2014 Child of the Sun Music Festival. last august, they released their debut album. again quoting DeYoung, this time about

“What Makes You Better” from that release: “it moves, it soars, it sounds like a lost outtake from Poco, or maybe little Feat. Sutherland and co-vocalist adrienne kneebone circle through the melody like twin butterflies, with Jason Baker’s fiddle adding color and swing.”

Sutherland, kneebone, Baker and bandmates Zachary Rogers and Brady Springer are touring this sum-mer, and on July 8, coming to The World of Beer near you. Be there.

— Pulse Staff

The Brian Sutherland BandWednesday, July 810 p.m.World of Beer412 Market

MusicMaRC T. MiChael

Between the glorious tones of the steel guitar, and the raspy, country-crooning of Shanahan, the first couple of tunes sound like they’re straight out of the arsenal of Hank Williams Sr.”

Nick Shanahan Is the Real Country DealHello Heartache, Welcome Home is modern but old school cool

THERE ARE A FEW DIFFERENT WAYS THE MUSIC I write about gets to me. Sometimes I am contacted by a bar

with information about an upcoming show. Sometimes, but not nearly often enough, I am contacted by the band or performer who says, “Hey, we were hoping you might give this a listen.”

(Note: If you are a band or a per-former who has NOT gotten some time in The Pulse’s music section, have you actually reached out to me or anyone else at The Pulse? No? Then shuddup and do it!)

Then there are those times when I rely on my secret weapon, a local musician, producer, session player and soundman of some esteem who always seems to have some killer rec-ommendations.

This is a secret weapon week and he handed me the new EP by Nick Shanahan, Hello Heartache, Wel-come Home.

If you had asked me as a younger man what I thought about country music, it wouldn’t have been a very favorable opinion. Of course, when I was a younger man I was tragical-ly over-exposed to “Pop Country.” I had all the “Achy Breaky Heart” and “Boot Scootin’ Boogie” I could stomach and then some, a result of growing up where I grew up.

Not knocking you, if it’s your thing, it just isn’t mine.

Nope, I like my country music old school. Classic, golden age stuff. Lucky me—Nick’s new EP has more

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Where’s the party this weekend? Southside So-cial has the weekend locked up with TWO nights of hot music, cold drinks and all the Big Lebowski fun you can shake a White Russian at.

They’re calling it Freedom Fest ’15, combin-ing equal parts of patriotism and alliteration. The Lebowski-themed shindig on July 3 and 4 fea-tures two bands: The Communicators, known for their fabulous ’90s shows and Strung Like a Horse, known for being Strung Like a Horse.

Two of Chattanooga’s favorite bands make for a hell of a party—too much party for one night re-ally, so here’s how it’s going down. Friday night, doors open at 7 p.m., show starts at 9 p.m. with The Communicators opening for Strung Like a Horse. Flip the switch Saturday evening with

Strung Like a Horse opening for The Communi-cators.

Admission for either night is $15 at the door or $25 for both nights. As usual, Southside will have a full roster of diversions and amusements, includ-ing pool, ping-pong, cornhole, and bocci. White Russians will be flowing and the bands, along with some special guests, will not only be throw-ing down their own much-loved music, but some select tracks from “The Big Lebowski” as well. Freedom Fest ’15 because ‘Murica! — MTM

Freedom Fest ’15Southside Social181 Chestnut St.(423)

Party Like The Dude This Weekend

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and Brewer Media Group


Thursday, July 2 | 6 p.m.HOT DAMN

Sunday, July 5 | 1 p.m.ALEX VOLZ

Thursday, July 9 | 6 p.m.BIRDS WITH FLEAS

Thursday, July 16 | 6p.m.CADILLAC SAINTS

Thursday, July 23 | 6 p.m.DARK HORSE TEN

Thursday, July 30 | 6 p.m.SMOOTH DIALECTS

Sunday, August 2 | 1 p.m.DANIMAL PINSON

Thursday, August 6 | 6 p.m.PACK OF WOLVES

Thursday, August 13 | 6 p.m.REMEMBERING


vintage country sound than a Mount Pilot Rock-Ola.

Between the glorious tones of the steel guitar (the disc practically drips with it) and the raspy, country-croon-ing of Shanahan, the first couple of tunes sound like they’re straight out of the arsenal of Hank Williams Sr. (the good one) or Lefty Frizzell.

To make the point more directly, that material sounds like it came from the Country Music Hall of Fame. My initial reaction to the title track, “Hello Heartache, Welcome Home,” was, “Hey, this guy is taking a page from George Jones’ book!” Then, of course, he references Jones directly in the tune…Mission accomplished, Shanahan.

This isn’t just a pack of “dusty sounding” tunes, however. In fact, there seems to be a marked progres-sion from vintage to modern era from the first to the final track. The tasteful use of distortion lends some weight (and a touch of the contemporary) to track four, “Too Young,” a song la-menting the toll poverty can take on a relationship, a song that could garner some serious radio airtime now and would frankly make for better listen-ing than a great deal of what is being broadcast these days.

Nick Shanahan is a name you need

to remember, for a number of reasons really, not the least of which is that for now you’ll have to find the man on Facebook to keep up with his upcom-ing gigs.

The EP is available absolutely free of charge right now at Nickshanahan. If you have any love in your heart for golden era country or rock/roots music, you’re gonna love this guy.

Keep your eyes on the weekly side-bar here for updates on Shanahan’s shows.

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26 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •






RThe Beaters

ThursDay7.2 Signal Mountain Women’s Chorus6 p.m.Mountain arts Community Center809 kentucky ave. signalmacc.orgAll-American Summer Concert Series: Hot Damn6 p.m.The hunter Museum of american art10 Bluff viewhuntermuseum.orgPrime Country Band6:30 p.m.Ringgold nutrition Center144 Circle Dr., Ringgold(706) 935-2541Live Bluegrass6:30 p.m.Whole Foods Market301 Manufacturers Rd.wholefoodsmarket.comFeel It Thursday Open Mic7 p.m.Mocha Restaurant & Music lounge511 Broad St.mochajazz.netBluegrass and Country Jam7 p.m.Grace nazarene Church6310 Dayton Blvd.chattanoogagrace.comTorres7 p.m.Rhythm & Brews221 Market St.

flashlightshows.comJimmy Harris7 p.m.The Coconut Room @ The Palms at hamilton6925 Shallowford Rd.thepalmsathamilton.comJesse James & Tim Neal7 p.m.Mexi Wings vii5773 Brainerd Rd.(423) 296-1073Open Mic with Hap Henninger9 p.m.The Office @ City Cafe901 Carter St.citycafemenu.comDJ Puddin’9:30 p.m.Bud’s Sports Bar5751 Brainerd Rd.


The Old Time Travelers, Taylor Kress 9 a.m.Rock City 1400 Patten Rd.seerockcity.comDeacon Bluz11:30 a.m.Jewish Cultural Center5461 n. Terrace jewishchattanooga.comAuditions: Rising Star ContestnoonRobert kirk Walker Community Theatre 399 McCallie ave.sceniccitychorus.comSummer Patio Concert Series5 p.m.

Firebirds Wood Fired Grill2107 Gunbarrel Rd. firebirdsrestaurants.comJason Thomas and the Mean-Eyed Cats5 p.m.Chattanooga Choo Choo1400 Market Eddie Pontiac5:30 p.m.el Meson2204 hamilton Place Blvd.elmesonrestaurant.comBinji Varsossa6 p.m.Cancun Mexican Restaurant & lounge1809 Broad St. (423) 266-1461Camp Jordan Jams with Tommy Jett, Common Ground, The Beaters6 p.m.Camp Jordan arena323 Camp Jordan Pkwy. eastridgeparksandrec.comFreedom Fest 157 p.m.Southside Social1818 Chestnut St. thesouthsidesocial.comXklusive 7 p.m.nightfall Concert Series Miller Plaza850 Market Jimmy Harris7 p.m.The Coconut Room6925 Shallowford

Pulse Pick: BeTh wooDBeth Wood's exceptional musicianship, crafty songwriting, and commanding stage presence have been winning over American audiences for sixteen years.

Beth WoodSaturday, 12:30 p.m.Chattanooga River Market1 Broad




























THU9p 23


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Burning Itch

Tim Lewis7 p.m.el Meson248 northgate Parkelmesonchattanooga.comTinsley Ellis8 p.m.nightfall Concert Series Miller Plaza850 Market St.nightfallchattanooga.comSoul Mechanic 8 p.m.The Camp house149 e. Mlk Blvd. thecamphouse.comThe Floor is YOURS8 p.m.Barking legs Theater1307 Dodds ave. barkinglegs.orgThe Pool8:30 p.m.The FoundryChattanoogan hotel1201 Broad St.chattanooganhotel.comTab Spencer9 p.m.The Office @ City Cafe901 Carter St.citycafemenu.comBurning Itch, Tuff Titts9 p.m.JJ’s Bohemia231 e. Mlk Blvd.jjsbohemia.comZOSO: The Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience10 p.m.Rhythm & Brews221 Market St.

saTurDay7.4 The Old Time Travelers, Tarryn Aimee Smith9 a.m.Rock City1400 Patten Rd.seerockcity.comJennifer Daniels12:30 p.m.Chattanooga River Market 1 Broad St.chattanoogarivermarket.comCSO: Pops On The River5 p.m.Coolidge Park150 River Stchattanoogasymphony.orgJason Thomas and the Mean-Eyed Cats5 p.m.Chattanooga Choo Choo1400 Market St.choochoo.comEddie Pontiac5:30 p.m.el Meson2204 hamilton Place Blvd.elmesonrestaurant.comBinji Varsossa6 p.m.Cancun Mexican Restaurant & lounge1809 Broad St. (423) 266-1461Husky Burnette6 p.m.Magoo’s3658 Ringgold’s CD Release Party, Ryan Oyer

Band, Tab Spencer7 p.m.JJ’s Bohemia231 e. Mlk Blvd.jjsbohemia.comTim Lewis7 p.m.el Meson248 northgate Parkelmesonchattanooga.comJimmy Harris7 p.m.The Coconut Room6925 Shallowford Rd.thepalmsathamilton.comThe Pool8:30 p.m.The FoundryChattanoogan hotel1201 Broad St.chattanooganhotel.comAunt Betty9 p.m.Bud’s Sports Bar5751 Brainerd Rd.budssportsbar.comAmanda Rose10 p.m.The Office @ City Cafe901 Carter

sunDay7.5 The Old Time Travelers, Highbeams9 a.m.Rock City1400 Patten Rd.seerockcity.comBeth Wood12:30 p.m.

Chattanooga Market 1829 Carter St.chattanoogamarket.comKurt Scobie 2 p.m.Chattanooga Market1829 Carter St.chattanoogamarket.comEvensong5:30 p.m.The Camp house149 e. Mlk Blvd. thecamphouse.comOpen Mic with Jeff Daniels 6 p.m.long haul Saloon2536 Cummings hwy.(423) 822-9775Black Titan, Ten Foot Beast, Age of Atrocity, SIS8 p.m.JJ’s Bohemia231 e. Mlk

monDay7.6 Children’s Open Mic6:30 p.m.The Well1800 Rossville Blvd. #8wellonthesouthside.comC.R.E.A.M.7 p.m.JJ’s Bohemia231 e. Mlk Blvd.jjsbohemia.comMonday Nite Big Band7 p.m.The Coconut Room6925 Shallowford

Since 1982

Happy Hour: Mon-Fri: 4-7pm$1 10oz drafts, $3 32oz drafts,

$2 Wells, $1.50 Domestics, Free Appetizers

901 Carter St. Inside City Cafe (423) 634-9191

Thursday, July 2: 9pmOpen Mic with Hap Henninger

Friday, July 3: 9pmTab Spencer

Saturday, July 4: 10pmAmanda Rose

Tuesday, July 7: 7pmServer/Hotel Appreciation Night$5 Pitchers ● $2 Wells ● $1.50 Domestics

Wednesday, July 8: 8pmBlues Night feat. Yattie Westfield

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28 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •







Blues Night with Yattie Westfield

Open Mic7 p.m.Magoo’s Restaurant3658 Ringgold Open Mic8 p.m.The Well1800 Rossville Blvd.

TuesDay7.7 Bill McCallie & In Cahoots6:30 p.m.Southern Belle Riverboat201 Riverfront Pkwy. chattanoogariverboat.comRick’s Blues Jam7 p.m.Folk School of Chattanooga1200 Mountain Creek Rd.chattanoogafolk.comOpen Mic with Mike McDade8 p.m.Tremont Tavern 1203 hixson Pike tremonttavern.comUptown Big Band8 p.m.Rhythm & Brews221 Market

weDnesDay7.8 Eddie Pontiac5:30 p.m.el Meson248 northgate

The Other Guys 6 p.m. Spring hill Suites 495 Riverfront Pkwy. (423) 834-9300Jimmy Harris7 p.m.The Coconut Room6925 Shallowford Rd.thepalmsathamilton.comDan Sheffield7:30 p.m.Sugar’s Downtown507 Broad St.sugarschattanooga.comOpen Jam8 p.m.Raw Bar & Grill409 Market St.rawbarandgrillchatt.comLadies Night & Live Entertainment 8 p.m.The Palms at hamilton 6925 Shallowford Rd. thepalmsathamilton.comWednesday Night Jazz8 p.m.Barking legs Theater1307 Dodds ave.barkinglegs.orgBlues Night with Yattie Westfield8 p.m.The Office @ City Cafe901 Carter St.citycafemenu.comBrian Sutherland Band10 p.m.World of Beer412 Market

Map these locations on Send event listings at least 10 days in ad-vance to: [email protected]



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• Only one entry per writer.

• Submit as Microsoft Word document, and include your name and contact info on the document.

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Page 29: The Pulse 12.27 » July 2, 2015 • July 2-8• The Pulse • 29

Record ReviewsERNIE PAIk

Coffee With A Longtime Favorite, Listening With EmpathyUnrest remasters a ’90s classic, Thollem/Wimberly/Cline feels together

This writer bought the D.C.-area band Unrest’s

1992 album Imperial f.f.r.r. solely based on a glowing re-view; little did he know at the time, in the early ’90s, that it would feed a continuing ob-session, leading to this mo-ment in 2015, drinking coffee from an Imperial f.f.r.r. coffee mug (yes—he is typing this sentence with one hand just to make it a true statement).

In addition to the 1992 orig-inal U.S. CD, in the interven-ing years he had purchased the album as a U.K. import (on the 4AD imprint Guernica, with bonus tracks) and its 2005 remastered “Deluxe Edi-tion” (with even more bonus tracks), and now, he holds the remastered-for-vinyl 2015 re-issue on white vinyl, available with or without the aforemen-tioned coffee mug.

Founding members gui-tarist Mark Robinson and drummer Phil Krauth, added bassist Bridget Cross after several lineup changes since the group’s formation in high school, and the cohesion on Imperial f.f.r.r. has more to do

with the clean recording aes-thetic than the songs them-selves, often wildly diverse.

Unrest has always been a diverse band, with love for punk, pop, hard-rock and pe-culiar sounds, but the group’s identity steered more to-ward the pop side on Imperial f.f.r.r. The swift, strum-happy “Suki” and “Cherry Cream On” are similar, with the latter explicitly expressing carnality with an intensely delirious joy. Robinson’s odd falsetto on the gorgeous, minimal “Imperial” has no right to work as well as it does, and the track ends beautifully with resonating wine glasses.

Imperial f.f.r.r. sports several unusual sound-loving instru-mentals, and against all odds, they are actually essential on this otherwise pop album; the dizzying “Firecracker” offers alternating left-channel and right-channel guitar chords underneath the roar of sirens, and “Champion Nines” uses a pseudo-trip-hop beat with clattering bells.

The penultimate “June” is possibly the album’s best

song, sung by Cross about her dying father with a transcen-dental, shimmering and mov-ing ending.

There are many albums that we listeners love, and then there are the select few albums that we madly, pro-foundly love after repeated listenings (100+, easy) to the point where there is seemingly a biological connection; some-where embedded in this writ-er’s brain cells are the exact tempos and starting pitches of every track on Imperial f.f.r.r., not to mention every lyric. It may seem excessive to own four copies of the same album, but to this writer, something that has brought so much joy for over two decades unfail-ingly deserves such devotion.

Among one of the most maddening human be-

haviors, which social media can often highlight, is people thinking that they know how other people feel or should feel without actually asking them or listening.

The new album Radical Empathy, full of improvisations from the trio of keyboardist Thollem, guitarist Nels Cline (best known as a member of Wilco) and percussionist Mi-chael Wimberly, takes its title from the philosophy that em-pathy—truly attempting to understand people’s perspec-tives—is a key to long-term conflict resolution. While there are certain rare strains of modern improvisation involv-ing the players ignoring each other, the approach on Radical Empathy is the polar opposite of that, where it is clear that

the players are keenly listen-ing and then forming notes from both thoughts and mu-tual feelings.

These pieces are largely leaderless, with minimal di-rection from Thollem, whose striking solo work often forges ahead with confidence in his spontaneity; here, he is more seemingly reactive, cherishing moments of synchronization like on “Pores,” which gradu-ally escalates its piano/guitar interplay with both fanned chords and solitary figures. Certain tracks like “Thinkers Mix” have a ramping chaos, with Cline’s soaring guitar and Wimberly’s urgent drumming that sounds like it’s hammer-ing out three simultaneous Morse-code messages on ride cymbal, snare and bass drum, and “Thought Pools” is a complicated mesh with scam-pering, quick guitar bursts, bleeding energy yet never disintegrating into total dis-order. Other tracks are more delicate, like the haunted mel-ancholia of “Rain Drips To” that tip-toes through careful piano notes as if avoiding to wake sleepers. One diversion is “Howled Ground” on which Thollem demonstrates a love of timbre by channeling his notes through boutique analog pedals, as if trying on outfits in a fitting room.

The kind of synthesis on Radical Empathy, with the players constantly absorbing and comprehending, forms music that develops its own personality apart from the performers, as if a child could possibly have three biological parents.

UnrestImperial f.f.r.r.(Teen Beat)

Thollem/Wimberly/ClineRadical Empathy(Relative Pitch)

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30 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •

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Page 31: The Pulse 12.27 » July 2, 2015 • July 2-8• The Pulse • 31

in Coolidge Park. Maybe it was because you just needed something to get your heart pumping be-sides those intense Netflix original dramas.

So you bought a bike or thought about buying one, but now that bike sits in your garage, and the spiders have spun their webs. Why? Time, per-haps. Convenience. Ener-gy. Simple boredom. But your original reason for buying a bike is still rel-evant. And you still want to ride.

So often in Chatta-

nooga it seems that the only people riding bikes are tourists, homeless, or logo-studded racers. But the entire city should be cycling, and electric bikes are the strongest trans-portation option for the urban commuter. Wheth-er you’re a lawyer in suit-and-tie, a server in a white button-down, or anything in between, an electric bicycle wins over car any day of the week. Practical, economic, and indescrib-ably fun, electric bikes are what Chattanoogans don’t know they’re missing.

The EBS on Main Street keeps their doors open Tuesday through Satur-day, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Go in and ask to try a bike out. You’ll never forget the feeling. Maybe even rent a bike for the day and ride throughout Chattanooga. You’ll notice things you’ve driven past a thousand times and never saw. Talk to managers and broth-ers Chandlee and Garnet, or their dad Ted. Hang out with Archie, the fam-ily dog. But most impor-tantly, get on that bike and start laughing.

Beat The Heat With Pedal PowerElectric Bike Specialists have the most fun on two wheels

You’re coming off a long Wednesday shift. The sun’s re-treated for the night, but you’ve still got that 10-mile ride home. The streets are empty, and it’s just you and the road. But you’re not in your car. You’re on a bike. And you’re laughing.

You’re laugh-ing because of your wind-blown hair that every convertible driver wants. You’re laughing because you just biked up the hills of Fra-zier Avenue, through the tunnels, and now you’re coasting down four lanes of vacant road. You’re laughing because after five miles of downtown hills, you’re not even sweating.

It’s the most fun you’ve ever had on a bicycle. And all it took was a battery pack.

Electric Bike Specialists (EBS) on Main Street has brought Chat-tanooga the best urban trans-portation in the world. Zoom through downtown at 20 miles an hour and never wait for a parking spot. Fly down Market Street in that business suit and tie because even the 95-degree sunshine feels

pretty damn good when you’re coasting on two wheels. For urban com-muting, the electric bicycles from EBS beat out walking, driving, and taking the bus

by a mile. It’s strangely e u p h o r i c , pushing your feet into the pedals and

moving twice as quickly and easily as you expected. Even the insurmountable, near-perpendicular inclines of downtown’s 3rd Street or North Shore’s Kent Street are climbable with a bit of pedalwork.

If you’ve lived in Chat-tanooga for any amount of time, you’ve probably thought about riding a bi-cycle. In fact, you probably went out and bought that bicycle and rode it around for a month. Maybe it was to save on gas when we were paying over four dol-lars a gallon for the stuff. Maybe it was so you could ride around with your kids

45 E. Main St. #104 Chattanooga, TN 37408

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Hours:Wed-Sun: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Mon-Tues: Closed


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“Fly down Market Street in that business suit and tie because even the 95-degree sunshine feels pretty damn good when you’re coasting on two wheels.”


Electric Bike Specialists, LLC

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32 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •






The year was 1984. a human-looking, indestructible cyborg is sent back in time from 2029 to assassinate a waitress, whose unborn son will lead humanity in a war against the machines, while a soldier from that war is sent to protect her at all costs.

The movie was “The Terminator” and its low-budget prevent-the-apocalypse science fiction theme with no big names and a director fresh off “Piranha Part Two: The Spawning” didn’t seem like it was destined to be much of anything.

instead, it launched the careers of arnold Schwarzenegger and

James Cameron and created a veritable franchise of sequels. Which probably should have stopped with “Terminator 2: Judgment Day.”

But with hollywood never content to leave well enough alone, “Terminator Genisys” rolls into theaters this week, with arnie back in the robotic role of his career (and Cameron nowhere in sight).

The plot? Well, see below. The big twist? Watch the trailers (which give everything away). The action? CGi mayhem at its chaotic best. in fact, about the only thing missing is Marty McFly and Doc Brown. With guns.

✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ NEW IN THEATERS ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴

Terminator Genisysin the latest Terminator installment John Connor sends kyle Reese back in time to protect Sarah Connor, but when he arrives in 1984, nothing is as he expected it to be.Director: alan TaylorStars: arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Clarke, emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney

Magic Mike XXL Three years after Mike bowed out of the stripper life at the top of his game, he and the remaining kings of Tampa hit the road to Myrtle Beach to put on one last blow-out performance.Director: Gregory JacobsStars: Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer, Joe Manganiello, adam Rodriguez

Well, He Did Say He'd Be Back...Schwarzenegger returns in iconic role to collective "meh"

ScreenJOhn DevORe

‘Slow West’ is not breaking rules or redefining a genre. It is a slow burn of staggering beauty and effective performances.”

ONE OF THE PERKS OF HAVING A FILM FESTIVAL IN town is the opportunity to see certain films first. While the

goal of the Chattanooga Film Festival is not necessarily to have exclusive premieres, there is a genuine sort of pleasure at seeing articles appear online praising a film for its cutting-edge approach several months after we saw it for the first time in theaters.

Go West, Young Filmmaker“Slow West” celebrates the classic American Western in a modern take

It’s almost as if Chattanooga audi-ences were collaboratively involved in whatever it was that made the film so great. Of course, a drawback to the film festival experience is that there is of-ten only one chance to see something great—if you miss that showing, you have to wait to see the best films with the rest of the plebeians.

Due to my desire to volunteer at the festival this year, I missed several of the films I’d hoped to see, relegating my-self to the unwashed masses of most American filmgoers. But this week, one of those films found its way back into our viewing area through the wonders of Video on Demand.

“Slow West,” winner of the Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize, can be found in a variety of locations online and through cable, and in a summer chock-full of sentimental children’s movies and tired reboots, it is a film worth well worth spending an evening alone with.

The western is a timeless American classic, a genre that belongs whole-heartedly to a population of heroes and outlaws. The cultural identity and polit-ical ideologies of entire generations are linked with the popular romantic no-tions found in these movies. Our rabid defense of gun ownership and our need for an isolationist self-sufficiency have

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We will meet or beat anyadvertised price and specialorder any wine available inthe Chattanooga Market!




their roots in the films of John Ford and Sam Peckinpah. A represen-tative sample of core American values can be found in the wide shots of Monument Valley.

“Slow West” is a collection of these ideas. It has the feel of a short story; at 84 minutes, it is barely feature length, and the tale is concise and expertly told. A young man from Scotland, hailing from a family of some distinc-tion, searches for his lost love after an accident sets her adrift in the Ameri-can West with her father.

An outlaw follows the young man towards reward and unlikely redemp-tion. Danger lurks along the way in the faces of bad men. “Slow West” is not breaking rules or redefining a genre. It is slow burn of staggering beauty and effective performances. If anything, the film is a collection of tropes, a powerful potpourri of west-ern imagery and theme.

More important than the story, how-ever, is the uncompromising cinema-tography. “Slow West” is a beautiful

film. Newcomer John Mclean, like most of his predecessors, owes much of this to the stunning settings found in the American West. “Slow West” is a film of landscapes. The location scouting for the film is exceptional. It’s nice to know that these wild places still exist, somewhere outside crowd-ed suburbs and shopping centers.

Of the performances, I can say the actors know their characters, such as they are. The film is populated with archetypes rather than well-rounded people, as it seems the filmmakers are more interested in exploring the concept of the western rather than the minds of the characters themselves. Jay (Kodi Smit McPhee) is wide-eyed and wondering, the innocent driven by loving naivety and followed by cynical survivalists. Silas (Michael Fassbender) is carved from the expe-

rience of evil and is suitably myopic. The two don’t necessarily play off each other as much as inhabit op-posing viewpoints. There is no discus-

sion or compromise, just a steady gait towards an obvious conclusion.

“Slow West” is an exercise in cel-ebration. The filmmakers have a genuine love for this genre, but are not really interested in exploring its boundaries. Instead, the film makes an effort to re-create the emotions and themes common across the type. “Slow West” doesn’t ask or answer any questions. Instead, it exists to draw attention to the beauty of these types of films.

Filmmaking grew up in the West. It cut its teeth on the dry, cracked dust of the desert and flourished under its unrelenting high noon. What better genre for a first time filmmaker to be-gin his journey? Westerns are neces-sarily cinematic, because cinema was born there. “Slow West” is a film to drink in.

Filmmaking grew up in the West. It cut its teeth on the dry, cracked dust of the desert and flourished under its unrelenting high noon.

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34 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •

Rob Brezsny is an aspiring master of cu-riosity, perpetrator of sacred uproar, and founder of the Beauty and Truth Lab. He brings a literate, myth-savvy perspec-tive to his work. It’s all in the stars.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “I am trying to be un-familiar with what I am doing,” said composer John Cage

in describing his creative pro-cess. That’s excellent counsel for you to meditate on, Cance-rian. The less expertise and cer-tainty you have about the rough magic you’re experimenting with, the more likely it is that this magic will lead you to use-ful breakthroughs. To bolster Cage’s advice and help you get the most from your period of self-reinvention, I offer you this quote from Picasso: “I imitate everyone except myself.”

lEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Your words of wisdom come from Leo art-ist Andy Warhol: “Sometimes people

let the same problem make them miserable for years, when they could just say, ‘so what.’ That’s one of my favorite things to say. ‘So what.’” Can I inter-est you in that approach, Leo? It has similarities to the Buddhist strategy of cultivating non-attachment—of dropping your fixations about matters that can’t be controlled or changed. But I suspect you would draw special benefits from the breezy, devil-may-care spirit of Warhol’s version. So start there.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In her late twenties, J. K. Rowling was a sin-gle mother living on welfare. That’s when

she began work on her Harry Potter books. Craig Newmark had turned 42 by the time he founded Craigslist. One of the world’s most oft-visited web-sites is, which Arianna Huffington es-tablished when she was 54. As for Harland Sanders, creator of KFC: He didn’t begin build-ing the global empire of fried-chicken restaurants until the age of 65. I hope the preced-ing serves as a pep talk, Virgo, reminding you that it’s never to late to instigate the project of a lifetime. The time between now and your birthday in 2016 will be an especially favorable phase to do so. Start ruminating on what it might be.

lIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): It’s the power-building phase of your astro-logical cycle. To take

maximum advantage, convey the following message to your subconscious mind: “I know you will provide me with an abundance of insight, inspira-tion, and energy for whatever intention I choose to focus on. And during the next four weeks, my intention will be to cultivate, expand, and refine my personal power. I will especially focus on what author Stephen R. Covey called ‘the capacity to overcome deeply embedded habits and to cultivate higher, more effective ones.’”

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): I’m a big fan of sci-ence and logic and objective thinking. Most of us need

more of that good stuff. The world would be a saner, safer place if we all got regular les-sons on how to be more reason-able and rational. But in the immediate future, Scorpio, I’ll steer you in a different direc-tion. I believe you will benefit from injecting your imagination with primal raw crazy wild mojo. For example, you might read utopian science fiction and fairy tales about talking animals and poetry that scrambles your in-tellectual constructs. You could remember your dreams and ruminate about them as if they were revelations from the Great Beyond. You may also find it healthy to fantasize profusely about forbidden and impossible and hilarious adventures.

SAGITTARIuS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): There are lots of inquiries and invita-tions coming your way—perhaps too

many. I don’t think you should pursue all of them. In fact, I suspect that only one would ul-timately make you a better hu-man being and a braver explorer and a wiser lover. And that one, at first glance, may have not as much initial appeal as some of the others. So your first task is to dig deep to identify the propositions that are attractive on the surface but not very substantial. Then you’re more likely to recognize the offer that will have lasting value even if it doesn’t make a spectacular first impression.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “I find a lot of people physically at-tractive, but finding

people mentally and spiritu-ally attractive is different and much harder for me.” So says 40ozshawty on her Tumblr page. If you share that frustration, I have good news. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you’re due to encounter a higher-than-usual percentage of mentally and spiritually at-tractive people in the next six weeks. But I wonder how you’ll deal with this abundance. Will you run away from it, feeling overwhelmed by the prospect that your life could get more interesting and complicated? Or will you embrace it, daringly welcoming the interesting com-plications?

AQuARIuS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): I think you will gener-ate good fortune for yourself by choosing between two equally

invigorating but challenging tasks: losing your illusion or us-ing your illusion. Both are quite worthy of your attention and intelligence. To succeed at ei-ther would fuel your emotional growth for months to come. You probably can’t do them both, however. So which will it be: Will you purge the illusion, or put it to work for you?

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Do you sometimes imagine yourself to be an underachiev-ing underdog? If

so, I suggest you start weaning yourself from that fantasy. Do you on occasion allow people to take advantage of you? It’s time to outgrow that role. Do you ever flirt with being a self-pitying martyr? Say bye-bye to that temptation. Cosmic forces are conspiring to relieve you of tendencies to act in any or all of those ways. I’m not say-ing you will instantly transform into a swashbuckling hero who knocks people over with your radiant self-assurance. But you will, at the very least, be ready to learn much, much more about how to wield your vulner-ability as a superpower.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): To determine whether you are aligned with the cosmic flow, please answer the

following questions. 1. Would you say that your current situ-ation is more akin to treading water in a mosquito-ridden

swamp, or conducting a ritual of purification in a clear mountain stream? 2. Have you been wres-tling with boring ghosts and ar-guing with traditions that have lost most of their meaning? Or have you been transforming your past and developing a riper relationship with your roots? 3. Are you stuck in a gooey muck? Or are you building a flexible new foundation?

TAuRuS (April 20-May 20): Taurus singer Sam Smith won four Grammys this year, largely on the

strength of his hit single “Stay with Me.” The song has a lush gospel choir backing up his lead vocals, or so it seems. But in fact, every voice in that choir is his own. He recorded 20 sep-arate harmony tracks that were woven together to create the big sound. What would be the equivalent in your world, Tau-rus? How could you produce a wealth of support for yourself? What might you do to surround yourself with a web of help and nourishment? How can you amplify and intensify your ef-forts so they have more clout? Now would be an excellent time to explore possibilities like these.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Born under the sign of Gemini, Gustave Courbet (1819-1877) was a French painter

who upset traditionalists. Un-like many of his contempo-raries, he wasn’t interested in creating idealistic art based on historical and religious themes. He focused on earthy subjects about which he had direct ex-perience, like the day-to-day lives of peasants and laborers. So even though he became a highly praised celebrity by his mid-thirties, the arbiters of the art world tried to exclude him. For example, they denied him a place in Exposition Universelle, a major international exhibition in Paris. In response, Courbet built a temporary gallery next door to the main hall, where he displayed his own work. As you strive to get your voice heard, Gemini, I urge you to be equal-ly cheeky and innovative. Buy yourself a megaphone or erect your own clubhouse or launch a new enterprise. Do whatever it takes to show who you really are.

Free Will Astrology ROB BREzSNy

“Homework: What would be most fun and interesting thing for you to learn next? Testify at

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Raw Dance Club • 409 Market St. • (423) 756-1919 • Mon - Sat: 4:00 pm - 3:00 am • Come check us out for FUN!




Page 36: The Pulse 12.27 » July 2, 2015

36 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •

Chattanooga’s Greatest Hits

brewer mediaeverywhere. every day.

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Copyright © 2015 Jonesin’ Crosswords. For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+ to call. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle No. 0734

ACROSS1 “Kenan & ___” (late-’90s Nickelodeon show)4 Varmint10 Gear teeth14 Tina’s ex15 Chevy model since 196616 Dance with gestures17 Device that reads other temperature-taking devices?20 Price basis21 “You ___ busted!”22 Costar of Rue23 Really avid supporter26 Down Under predator28 Judge who heard a Kardashian, among others29 She sang “Close My Eyes Forever” with Ozzy31 Blood fluids34 “Hot 100” magazine35 “The Lion

King” bad guys36 With 41-Across, hip-hop producer’s foray into Greek typography?39 Lincoln’s youngest son41 See 36-Across42 “Put me down as a maybe”44 Bright stars46 On the way47 Biblical brother48 Narrow estuary51 Some cigs53 Minimally55 Gator chaser?57 Become swollen59 ___ for the money60 Overly pungent cheeses?64 Judd’s “Taxi” role65 Result of “pow, right in the kisser”66 “Pulp Fiction” star Thurman67 Astronaut Sally68 Curly-haired “Peanuts” character69 Shih tzu or

cockapoo, e.g.DOWN1 Korean pickled dish2 Barely make3 “C’mon!”4 Step into character5 “Ain’t gonna work!”6 “That was no joke”7 Ex-Smiths guitarist Johnny8 Pistol-packing9 Not so snug-fitting10 Fidel’s comrade-in-arms11 Away from the city, maybe12 Musical Fox show13 Actress Rue18 Took on a roll?19 Jonah Hill sports flick24 They’re coordinated to look random25 ___-en-Provence, birthplace of Cezanne27 ABC’s “___ Anatomy”30 Brand of kitchen appliances

32 Damage the surface of33 157.5 degrees from N34 Cartoon “Mr.” voiced by Jim Backus36 Binary component37 Expressive rock genre38 Nailed at the meter40 Fight (with)43 Reprimand45 Zoo doc48 Called on the phone49 Self-conscious question50 As it stands52 Till now54 A, to Beethoven55 A long way off56 Bagel shop58 Italian sparkling wine61 “Game of Thrones” weapon62 Free (of)63 Government org. concerned with pollution

Jonesin’ Crossword MATT jONES

“Back At Ya”—return the favor.

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Come and enjoy dinner, Tue through Sun, and brunch Sat & Sun at the all new Lakeshore Grille, located above Lakeshore Marina in Hixson. You will be treated to great food and drinks with the best “Dam” view on Lake Chickamauga.

Market Analyst needed for Viatek Consumer Products Group, Chattanooga, TN to conduct research to evaluate South American Market;

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6011 Century Oaks Dr, Chattanooga, TN 37416


Page 38: The Pulse 12.27 » July 2, 2015

38 • The Pulse • July 2-8, 2015 •

I am not your blowing wind—I am the lightning I am not your autumn moon—I am the night I am not your rolling wheels—I am the high-way—“I am the Highway,”


It’s that ac-rid smell that hits you be-fore you even open the car door and you know it’s bad. I would smell it on the occasional Hallow-een night when kids would burn tires under a highway drainage ditch for effect, but in general it only meant one thing: Vehicle fire. And “vehicle fire,” of course, meant nightmares may have just come true.

Despite what Hollywood would have you believe, au-tomakers go to some fairly incredible lengths to keep vehicles from catching fire, much less exploding. In or-der to pull it off you have to actually try, to be negligent, or as it is in most cases, to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. You can mix two of the three without much effort, but I find it’s the last option most find themselves too familiar with.

Interstate 24 is a little over 316 miles long and it ends in Chattanooga at I-75, but it is known in trucking circles for a few spectacular steep grades (Monteagle is actually known nationwide), the lesser of them running

up and down a ridge over-looking Chattanooga known simply as “The Ridgecut.”

The crashes coming down are both spectacular and prone to multiply as people stare stupidly at the carnage they’re passing as opposed to the slowed or stopped ve-

hicle ahead doing the same thing, and bam—I have a new c u s t o m e r . (“Bam,” and

another. “Bam,” and an-other…) I would just hold up my index finger, nod, and mouth the words, “I’ll be right with you” when I’d see it happen, jaw ei-ther slackened in disbelief or smiling depending on my level of acceptance of the universe that day (time of day and rainfall being sub-stantial factors), sweat per-petually dripping off the tip of my nose.

It was the uphill side that crawls towards the east that made me think of that smell, though.

“Damn, boss,” I remem-ber a co-worker saying, the back of his hand across his nose, elbow dramatically hiked up, and eyes squint-ing as they waited for it to dissipate. “I hope there’s nobody in that thing.”

White smoke billowed from the rear of a Mercury Tracer, the remainder of its dark-red paint job barely showing through by now. The windows that were still intact were covered in

a white-and-black film and water ebbed from the base of the door where it had overflowed its edges due to the work of Chattanooga’s Bravest. The smoke had burned quite black earlier as petroleum products quickly folded their defenses, and we were now left with a combination of smoldering and steam, but as it turned out I was actually here be-cause there was someone in that car.

The Tracer had been ne-gotiating a sharp curve (for an interstate) and was be-ginning to climb the hill. The driver certainly didn’t expect a semi pulling a trailer to be in his intended lane, otherwise he wouldn’t have reached back over the seat and begun searching for a toy for his youngest while negotiating this com-bination of terrain, I’m sure. The Mercury met the back of a fully loaded trailer, and like the two occupants still inside, the rest was history.

Except for the smell of burning rubber, plastic,

and…well, never mind that last one, but it’s the one you take home with you in your clothes and your hair and your dreams.

In a way, we’re both burned when that hap-pens, I suppose. Sights are sights, sounds are sounds, but a smell is a very primal thing. Maybe that’s just me, though—but when it’s trig-gered? The scars on the cli-ent match the ones inside the service provider almost to a “T.”

I clapped a hand on my partner’s shoulder, clenched my jaw, and took a brief walk. He understood. Most cops do.

I let the brisk night air blow through my fingers and hair for a bit as I walked towards the city lights, knowing the smell locked into them wasn’t going any-where soon, and neither was I, judging by this traffic. The lights cast their glare and the smoke drifted on and neither cared; I leaned against a guard rail and wished I could do the same.

When officer Alexander D. Teach is not pa-trolling our fair city on the heels of the crimi-nal element, he spends his spare time volun-teering for the Boehm Birth Defects Center.

Mean Streets, Mean Memories

On The Beat

aleX TeaCh

Officer Alex explains why his senses can’t leave the scene

“Except for the smell of burning rubber, plastic, and…well, never mind that last one, but it’s the one you take home with you in your clothes and your hair and your dreams.”

Page 39: The Pulse 12.27 » July 2, 2015 • July 2-8• The Pulse • 39

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Page 40: The Pulse 12.27 » July 2, 2015

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JULY 1ST, 2015




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