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The Public SphereELLIE²

Page 2: The public sphere

What is the public sphere? The public sphere is an integral part of the media. It is how we receive and view information and how it is expressed to us.

It is linked to citizen journalism as the public body can express their thoughts and stories as well as opinions on a wide scale; Facebook/Twitter

The Public Sphere assumes universal citizenship

Jürgen Habermas says, "We call events and occasions ‘public’ when they are open to all, in contrast to closed or exclusive affairs“ and “society engaged in critical public debate”

Page 3: The public sphere

Private Sphere Deep inclinations with hegemonic ideals of the middle class white man Private and public sphere are gendered that the social world is divided into. The private is the feminine because household family ties whereas the public is masculine because of politics and paid employment. It is a very sexist concept.

Page 4: The public sphere

Media “Networks vs. Networks” (Granovetter, 1984)

-Maintains weak ties all over the world nowadays thanks to email, blogs, sms, Facebook, Linkdin and Google etc. We do not talk face to face.

-Counterargument: We have better relationships with people e.g. our families as we can contact them all over the world.

Social networking: everything is owned even by the producer can have third party implications, such as Facebook photos belonging to everyone as they are online

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What is the relationship between the state, the private individual and the public sphere?

George Bush & Tony Blair

-Argument that important information should be public if it relates to the public sphere.

Page 6: The public sphere

Newspaper and elections Each newspaper has a political stance so swayed voters when they changed who they followed.

The Sun was labour but in the height of the elections changed to conservative which changed the views of the public.

“Piggate” has changed the public views on David Cameron.

Online news videos

Camera times etc

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How have new digital technologies of mediation served to extend, complicate or otherwise ‘disrupt’ Habermas’s concept?

Aristocratic rule > Bourgeoise Hegemony > Refeudalisation

Social media affects Habermas’ concept as anyone can be behind the profile and each individual has a louder voice.

Online activists affect his concept as they are given a voice. It does not have to go through parliament, ordinary people can have their say.

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