Page 1: The Promise of the 15k Formula

The 15k Formula is the SUBSTANTIAL cahuna of marketing training. A lot of people don\'t understand (I know I

didn\'t when I first joined the Empower Network) that the Empower Network is really way more than just the

Empower Network blogging system.

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The 15k Formula is a servants of 10 modules that teach you how to make $ 15,000 a month. Hence why it is called the 15k Formula. This product literally made me go daffy over the Empower Network. If you get a single thing from

the Empower Network outside of the blogging unit, it would be the 15k Formula.

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It is due to the 15k Formula that I was able to bring over a hundred leads PER AN HOUR. That\'s right. Not per a day, not per a week, or a month-- but per an hour or so. That is pretty crazy. And all those leads actaully came from just A SINGLE source of marketing that I profited from the 15k


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(The 15k Formula has about 10 different marketing methods that it teaches.)

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It is primarily shown via recorded webinars. I am not going express that these webinars are \"polished\" by any

means. A lot of them drag out for a few hours, and some of them drag totally out of focus from the theme.

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With that said ... the details is still important.

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Along with the recorded webinars there are also Study Guides to help you with. This is a deep and demanding

internet marketing course. I have purchased several goods covering most of the subject matter in the 15k Formula for

$ 300 or $ 400 dollars but ...

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Those goods only covered SOMETHING traffic technique.

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Versus the 15k Formula offers a multitude of techniques for you to use.

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If I was to buy the goods individually that formed the info in the 15k Formula, it would probably cosst me around $ 3,000 or $ 4,000 dollars. Empower Network sells it for $

1,000, which is a fairly good deal for the information.

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As you undergo the webinars, you won\'t be swamped with limitless tutelages by only David Wood and Dave

Sharpe. They bring on a lot of top income earners from the industry whose expertise variety from SEO to paid banner

advertising. Folks like Rob Fore or the famous Aaron Rashkin.

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People who all have transformed 100k a year in this industry.

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In other slogans, the 15k Formula doesn\'t give you concept, it gives you the genuine individuals who use what

they address to make their six-figure incomes.

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Is the 15k Formula for You?

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If your goal is to sell the Empower Network products, then yes definitely the 15k Formula is for you. After all, why

would you restrict yourself from getting a $ 1,000 dollar commissioners for every 15k Formula you sell? (You get

100 % earnings for everything you sell within the Empower Network).

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Now if you\'re looking at the 15k Formula more from a client viewpoint, there is a few points I would like to

address. If you are into a more orderly presentation, a barely less undistinct and zany type of speeches, then you may seriously abhor how the 15k Formula is showcased.

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