Page 1: THE PROCUREMENT EDGE - Amazon S3...many of the unsung leaders and champions of the procurement profession that can be found throughout our membership. If elected Vice President, I


November 2014

IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN…... time to vote on soon to be vacant seats on the CO-

OPP Board of Trustees for the term beginning January 1, 2015 through and including

December 31, 2016.

Positions include:


The Vice President shall: 1) Perform such duties as are assigned by the President; 2)

In the absence of the President at a General or Board Meeting, assume the Office of

President; and, 3) Chair the Budget & Finance Committee. Please, note that the

individual elected to the position of Vice-President will be making a six-year service

commitment, including two years as Vice President (2015 – 2016), two years as

President (2017 – 2018) and two years as Immediate Past President (2019 – 2020)


The Treasurer shall: 1) Receive, safeguard and make disbursements concerning all

funds; 2) Maintain all accounts of the CO-OPP; 3) Keep true and accurate reports of

the association; 4) Maintain complete record or receipts and disbursements; 5) De-

posit all funds into the Chapter’s accounts(s) within five (5) working days; 6) Make

quarterly reports to the membership on the financial status of the association; 7)

Serve as a member of the Budget & Finance Committee; and, 8) Be responsible for

timely preparation and filing of all required tax and information returns.


The Secretary shall: 1) Maintain correspondence with the membership and other

entities as needed; and 2) Take minutes at both Board and General Membership

Meetings and then distribute to the membership.


The Member-At-Large: 1) Serves as an additional conduit of input to the Board for

all the Chapter Membership; 2) Fills in for absent members of the Board (without

additional vote) at meetings as needed; 3) Serves as a conduit for persons not attend-

ing meetings; and, 4) Chairs and appoints the members of the Nominating Commit-


Candidate bios are included in this issue for your review and, as in past years, nomi-

nations will also be taken from the floor on the day of the elections at our Annual

November Luncheon.

Page 2: THE PROCUREMENT EDGE - Amazon S3...many of the unsung leaders and champions of the procurement profession that can be found throughout our membership. If elected Vice President, I


Candidate for Vice President

Thomas A. Patterson, CPPB— City of Westerville

Candidate’s Background:

My wife, Emily, and I have been married for twelve years and have the great pleasure of raising two beautiful

little girls, Ainsley and Sophie. Since 2009, I have been the Procurement Coordinator for the City of Wester-

ville and I have had the privilege of serving the Westerville Community for more than a decade. I am a grad-

uate of The Ohio State University and I obtained my CPPB designation through the Universal Public Pro-

curement Certification Council (UPPCC) in 2011. In November 2012, I was humbled and honored to be

elected to CO-OPP’s Board of Trustees as Member-At-Large. At the start of my term in January, 2013, I

briefly served as Interim Vice President and oversaw the completion and adoption of CO-OPP’s 2013 Budg-

et. Later in 2013, I filled a vacancy in the office of Treasurer for a short while. As Interim Treasurer, I

worked with the Board and Budget & Finance Committee in the development of a rolling five-year financial

plan aimed at promoting CO-OPP’s fiscal health and aligning funding with strategic priorities. This financial

plan has been used in the development and execution of CO-OPP's current year budget. Additionally, I have

enjoyed the opportunity to work with the Mentoring Committee in realizing President Steve Sammon's vision

for a "Give Back Program" for our membership and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work along-

side Carol Cook, the Board, and Conference Committee in delivering a successful 2014 Reverse Trade Fair.

If elected, what will you do to support the continuing growth and success of CO-OPP?

Over the past two-years, I have benefited from the guidance of the entire Board of Trustees, as well as

many of the unsung leaders and champions of the procurement profession that can be found throughout

our membership. If elected Vice President, I would hope to (1) preserve the organization that so many

good people have worked to build over the past twenty-years and (2) work with Maureen McGuire and

the new Board of Trustees in ensuring the relevancy and sustainability of CO-OPP for future public pro-

curement practitioners through the effective implementation of CO-OPP strategic priorities. These priori-

ties include maintaining an engaged membership, recruiting new members, the responsible management

of revenues and expenditures, expanding educational program offerings, and the overall promotion of CO

-OPP and the public procurement profession.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Candidate for Treasurer

AMADU SANKOH, CPPO, Agency Procurement Officer, Department of Education

Candidate’s Background:

Amadu Sankoh holds a bachelor of science degree in education with a major in biological science from the Uni-

versity of Sierra Leone, West Africa; a bachelor of business administration with a major in accounting from Ot-

terbein University; and a masters’ degree with a major in cost/management accounting from the Weatherhead

School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. Amadu also obtained the CPPO designation in May


Amadu served as banking officer, Bank of Sierra Leone, for two years with responsibility for budgetary control

and general accounting; and helped develop a zero-based budgeting process with emphasis in informing manage-

ment decisions.

Amadu served as accounting manager for Air Waves, Inc., a central Ohio manufacturer of heat transfers and

screen-printed garments distributed throughout the United States and other foreign countries in Europe, Africa,

the Caribbean, and South America. As accounting manager, Amadu was responsible for the company’s general

ledger, activity-based cost accounting, budgeting, financial reporting and inventory control.

Amadu joined the Ohio Department of Youth Services in 1994, initially as a youth leader and then as an internal

auditor, Division of Quality Assurance. The office of internal audits was responsible for the review of internal

controls and audit of youth programs administered by the Department through juvenile courts, rehabilitation

facilities, group homes, agency institutions and regional offices.

Amadu joined the Ohio Department of Education in 1999, initially as internal auditor and then as agency pro-

curement officer in 2002 to the present. As internal auditor, Amadu performed audits of internal operations, Fed-

eral and State education grants, including compliance with Department policies, Federal regulations, and the

Ohio Revised Code. As agency procurement officer, Amadu is responsible for the acquisition of supplies and ser-

vices under the agency’s direct purchase authority and staff training in procurement policy and process. Amadu

also served as a member of the agency controlling board review and presentation team.

Amadu is married and is the proud father of four sons, Amadu Jr., Ibrahim, Abu and Gibril. The family resides

in north Columbus, Ohio. Amadu is an avid sports fan and enjoys long walks, bike riding and tennis. Amadu also

loves board games especially scrabble and African checkers.

If elected, what will you do to support the continuing growth and success of CO-OPP?

As treasurer I will develop and maintain robust, auditable and complete accounting records to support reported

expenditure and to inform the organization of the true cost of operations and progress toward implementation of

the Organization’s Strategic Plan, Mission and Vision.

I will also develop comprehensive and timely financial reports to ensure that the office of treasurer operates ef-

fectively; with accountability, transparency, integrity, compliance with organization policy and high ethical

standards as guiding principles. Financial reports will be presented in a simple, coherent and comprehensive for-

mat to ensure the organization makes informed financial decisions.

I have served as COOPP Treasurer from December 2013 to the present. The changes I promised in 2013 are al-

ready underway. Thank you for your trust and support.

Page 4: THE PROCUREMENT EDGE - Amazon S3...many of the unsung leaders and champions of the procurement profession that can be found throughout our membership. If elected Vice President, I


Candidate for Secretary

Speranca Szana, MPM, MBA, MSM, CPPB, Contract Evaluator/Negotiator

State of Ohio, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction

I am Speranca Szana, CPPB, offering more than twenty years of leadership experience, with a proven ability in gov-

ernment purchasing and fiscal management. I am passionately committed to delivering high quality customer care

and service excellence. My strong desire is to contribute more and help build a culture of public service using

knowledge and skill. I am honored and humbled by the opportunity to expand my responsibilities and personally con-

tribute to future quality and excellence. I am a dynamic follower in pursuit of becoming an effective leader to attain

the Chapter’s goals.

Over the past twenty years I have worked for the Ohio Department of Mental Health and the Ohio Department of

Public Safety. For the past fifteen years, my commitment has been to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Cor-

rection (ODRC) as a Contract Evaluator/Negotiator. I attended Mount Vernon Nazarene University earning a Bache-

lor of Business Administration (BBA) degree in 1997, Master of Science in Management (MSM) in 2006 and obtain-

ing the credentials of a Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB). This was followed by a Master of Business Ad-

ministration (MBA) in 2007. In June 2013, I earned a Master of Project Management (MPM) degree from the Keller

graduate School of Management. I present these educational accomplishments as tangible evidences of my profes-

sional growth and development.

Professional affiliations include:

Project Management Institute (PMI), National Member

National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP), National Member

Central Ohio Organization of Public Purchasers (CO-OPP), Local Chapter

What will you do to support the continuing growth and success of CO-OPP?

To support the continuing growth and success of CO-OPP, I will be dedicated to undertaking the duties required by

the Secretary’s position, taking responsibility for all Chapter records, minutes and correspondence. I will communi-

cate openly and honestly in the pursuit of collecting and disseminating information. I will be a committed and effec-

tive participant in accomplishing the Chapter’s goals. My goal is to perform the ordinary things extraordinarily well.

Napoleon Hill (motivational writer) said, “Do not look for opportunity in the distance, but recognize it and embrace it

right here where you are.” I wish to actively make a difference in the Procurement profession and not waste another

minute on the outside just looking in.

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Candidate for Member At Large

Diane Ford Retired; State of Ohio

Candidate’s Background:

Diane Ford retired from the state of Ohio in July 2009. Some of her many duties during her 30 year employment in-

cluded managing a section of the Printing Procurement Section and the managing the Copier/Multi-Function Print

Device Program for all state of Ohio customer agencies.

During her membership with CO-OPP, she has been vice-chair of the Membership Committee for 2 years. Presently,

she is the CO-OPP Membership Chair; a position she’s held for the past 8 years and has been involved in many CO-

OPP projects. She has been instrumental in maintaining our website and keeping up-to-date with the website changes

continually made with our Chapter Manager website. Diane is stepping down as Membership Chair, effective De-

cember 31, 2014

Diane is a committee member on the Ohio Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Calendar Committee, the Communication

Ministry Leader for her church and a health caregiver for family and friends

She is married to Thomas Ford, has 4 children and 9-1/2 grandchildren. Diane is also very proud to mention that be-

fore their passing, her parents were married for 72 years!!!!!!

If elected, what will you do to support the continuing growth and success of CO-OPP?

If elected as Member-At-Large, she promises to serve as an additional source of input to the Board for all of the

Chapter membership; and continue to support the board and membership to enhance the CO-OPP organization. My

experience with the Membership Committee and the outreach activities that are part of that function will help me to

keep our membership engaged with CO-OPP. I have been an active member of the Board of Directors for several

years and will continue to support this team of professionals to the best of my abilities. CO-OPP is what it is today

because of the strong leadership that has supported its members and I stand ready and willing to continue to do my

part to further that mission.

Page 6: THE PROCUREMENT EDGE - Amazon S3...many of the unsung leaders and champions of the procurement profession that can be found throughout our membership. If elected Vice President, I


Candidate for Member At Large

Bonita (Bonny) Rickerson, CPPB Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA)

Candidate’s Background:

I have been a member of CO-OPP since the Chapter started in February 1994 in Columbus, being a

Charter Member. I have held the positions of PR Chair, ICPC Chair for several years and served on the

Reverse Trade Show committee every year as well as a member of the Transportation committee when we

held the Annual Conference in Columbus, plus various other positions. I have attended the Annual NIGP

Conference on several occasions as well as serving as a volunteer at the National event. I received the

Presidents Annual Citation for Spirit award in 2008 and was CO-OPP’s Buyer of the Year in 2008.

I received my CPPB in 1999, my recertification twice and now hold my Life Time Certification.

I have been a member of ISM (formerly NAPM-Columbus) from 1976 to 2013 servicing in various posi-

tions including Public Relations chair for 15 years, Vice President and the first female President of the Co-

lumbus Chapter in 1985/86.

I am a member of the organization South West Ohio Purchasing for Government (SWOP4G)

and was a member of OINK.

I have been a Purchasing Agent at the Central Ohio Transit Authority for the past 28 years and in pur-

chasing 16 years prior to that. I am a member of the COTA ROADEO committee, Green Team, Wellness

and Dress Down Committees.

If elected, what will you do to support the continuing growth and success of CO-OPP?

If elected I would serve the organization by working with the other board members and committee’s to

help in sharing my knowledge and experience in purchasing and with the organization in any way possible.

I have been a part of the organization and helped it to grow from a dozen members to where we are today

with over 200 members plus the development of the Northern Branch. CO-OPP has grown not only in

membership numbers but in its strength of professional aims and objectives. Continued growth is essen-

tial for the success of our great organization which I am so proud to be a part of. I am here to help lead,

assist and guide us into the future of Public Purchasing and to make our organization one of the top lead-

ers in our profession.

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Candidate for Member At Large

Jennifer Shaefer, CPPB—State of Ohio

Candidates Background:

I have been employed with the State of Ohio Office of Procurement Services for over 6 years now. I possess my

MBA with a concentration in project management and my B.S. in Human Resource Management. I also obtained my

CPPB designation in 2012. During my employment with the State I have had many promotions. I started as a clerk

and had promotions to Purchasing Specialist, Purchasing Standards Analyst, and currently a Procurement Analyst as

well as serving in a TWL as a Procurement Manager.

During my employment with the State I have had the opportunity to be on many CO-OPP committees:

March is Purchasing Committee – Chair- Served as Chair for 5 years.

Education Committee

Awards and Scholarship Committee

Code of Regulations Committee

Strategic Planning Committee

As well as being a member of the Cronin Awards Committee for NASPO.

I have been married for 19 years and have three beautiful children, a freshman in college, a senior in high school, and

an eighth grader (WOW how time flies)!

If elected, what will you do to support the continuing growth and success of CO-OPP?

If elected Member-At-Large, I would like to become even more involved in CO-OPP. In doing so, I hope to help

keep things on track for much continued growth, as well as possibly bringing new ideas to light that may be benefi-

cial to our membership and help in their professional growth. CO-OPP’s success and growth lie with the member-

ship, and I hope to help be a voice for the membership.

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2014 Forum recap and other exciting NIGP news!

Congratulations to NIGP Chapter of the Year Award Winners:

Small – Columbia Chapter

Medium – Central Florida Chapter

Large - Arizona State Capitol Chapter

Extra Large – Virginia Assoc. of Governmental Purchasing

Start planning for 2015. The NIGP Chapter Relations Committee is excited to launch the new Chapter Awards Program. Not only will there be a Chapter of the Year but chapters now have the option to apply for 4 Excel-lence Awards. Visit the Awards page to see the new entry form and requirements.

Chapter Tax and Legal Workshop – NIGP legal counsel has provided several links with resources that may be

of value to your chapter.

A tip from the presentation: Is your chapter conducting or thinking of conducting electronic balloting? If so

each state has different rules and regulations about electronic ballots. Check in with your state!

Also check Kristalyn’ s “Top 10 to Remember” (attached). All items were discussed in her presentation.

Chapter Reverse Trade Show: The RTS workshop was a packed house with standing room only! NIGP col-

lected tips from over 18 chapters on the top tips to consider when putting on a RTS. All those are compiled

into one document as a reference. Also check out other resources chapters have provided to aid in the

show. If you chapter has flyers, marketing materials, program or agendas that you would like to share of add

to our resource page please send them to [email protected] .

Page 9: THE PROCUREMENT EDGE - Amazon S3...many of the unsung leaders and champions of the procurement profession that can be found throughout our membership. If elected Vice President, I


2014 Forum recap –Cont.

Chapter Recruitment – Looking to gain young members or set up a mentor program? Three chapter present-

ed some great ideas.

Columbia Chapter – Choosing Public Procurement as a Career: Brochure and Presentation (if you would like

a copy of the brochure in a design version please contact Sherry Taylor at [email protected] )

Capital Area - Peer Partners

Maryland Public Purchasing – Mentor/Mentee

· Check out the Forum photos! What a great time was has in Philly!

NIGP New Governance

· Update FAQ on the governance changes

· Applications for:

Financial Council - Application due October 31, 2014

Member Council - Application due November 28, 2014

Ambassador Program - Application due April 17, 2015

Leadership Development Symposium

· Registration is now open! We hope to see someone from your chapter in Virginia January 29-31,

2015. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to network with other chapter leaders and for us to arm you with the

skills and knowledge you need to be an effective leader within your chapter.

Submitted by the NIGP Liaison Committee:

Jean Stephenson, CPPO, C.P.M., A.P.P., Chair

Mark Later, CPPO

Thomas Patterson, CPPB

Maureen Studer, CPPB

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GOVERNMENT – Excerpt from Mr. Allen Nederveld, Keynote Comments, CO-OPP

Reverse Trade Fair.

“In thinking about the role I could play in today’s conference, I was struck by how much I am touched by public procure-

ment every day, and therefore by the relationships that are formed at conferences like this.

I’m sure every one of you is touched in many of the same ways.

I experience every day the benefits that good relationships between vendors and public purchasers provide as a public good.

Ideally these relationships and partnerships are good for ALL the parties involved – the vendors, the governments and, most

importantly, the public.

So that means transactions that are fair to everyone – the vendor makes a profit, the government gets high quality goods and

services at a fair price, and the public receives the services it expects.

So, I’ve come up with sort of a Top 10 list for how public procurement touches my life almost every day. As I rattle

through this list of ten, think about all of the goods and services needed for provision of the services and infrastructure nec-

essary to allow each of us to engage in our many life activities:

10. Water for our showers in the morning.

9. Roads to drive on to school and work.

8. Household services we receive every week, such a trash and recycling pickup.

7. Schools we entrust our children or grandchildren with each day after we say goodbye and drop them off.

6. Services we receive when we run lunch time errands, like to the BMV.

5. If you work downtown or use the airport, the cost of security and operations to protect our leaders and the public.

4. Traffic control and emergency response on the roads and in our neighborhoods as we come and go from our homes.

3. Uniforms worn and equipment use by groups and teams our middle and high school children participate on each

day, as well as other goods and services they consume.

2. Bike paths and playgrounds in our parks that we use each night after work.

1. Street lights to keep our communities safe when the sun goes down.”

Allen Nederveld Allen is currently the Administrator for the Columbus office of the BakerHostetler law firm, a nationwide firm with 14 offices and

nearly 900 attorneys. His primary responsibilities involve directing Columbus’s business operations in conjunction with nationwide firm operations, in-

cluding procurement, human resources, finances and charitable giving. Prior to this position Allen served as in-house legal counsel for the Columbus

Regional Airport Authority in Columbus, including working directly with the Airport Authority’s procurement department on strategic and cost-effective

procurement strategies that also complied with Ohio and federal legal requirements.

Allen holds a Juris Doctor from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from The Ohio State

University, John Glenn School of Public Affairs.

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Giving Honor

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August 23 – 27, 2014

The Birthplace of America Packs A Punch at the Annual Forum

More than 1,000 Public Procurement personalities from all over North America gathered in “The City of Brotherly Love”

for the 2014 NIGP Annual Forum, August 23 – 27, 2014. From Ohio alone, 30 delegates made the trip and Ohio man-

aged to earn national recognition in two very special announcements.

On August 22nd, just before the Forum officially began, the NIGP Board of Directors conducted its business meeting

and unanimously approved the charter for NIGP’s newest chapter affiliate: the Public Purchasers Association of North-

ern Ohio (PPANO). PPANO will hold its chartering ceremony on November 20th in Wickliffe, Ohio and we couldn’t be

happier to see this Branch of CO-OPP blossom into a Chapter of their own. Congratulations to Mark Evangelista and

the entire leadership team for this historic accomplishment.

On Sunday, August 24th at the Awards Gala, CO-OPP’s own Barbara Johnson was given one of three Distinguished

Service Awards by NIGP President Donald Buffum, for her contributions to the Procurement profession. Certainly an

honor both deserved and earned in a career that has inspired and touched all who know her. Congratulations to Barba-

ra for this very prestigious award.

Philadelphia offered a plethora of opportunities – to meet with old friends and meet new friends and colleagues; to hear

some fabulous plenary speakers and engage with other procurement professionals in the myriad of educational ses-

sions that were offered and to enjoy all that the city of Philadelphia has to offer. There was a group that went to see the

Philadelphia Phillies take on the St. Louis Cardinals in Citizen’s Bank Park on Saturday evening and the Ohio delegates

met with some of our Region 3 delegates on Monday evening at the Field House Sports Pub. On Tuesday evening, the

Social Event was held at the National Constitution Center, right across the street from Independence Hall and the Liber-

ty Bell and diagonally across from Benjamin Franklin’s grave. Several others went to the Rocky Balboa Statue and

climbed the steps that Rocky made famous in that first epic movie.

The NIGP Annual Forum is the largest North American conference exclusively for public procurement professionals. It

is an opportunity for attendees to network with peers for best practices, current issues and trends in public

procurement. Moreover, it’s not just about the places you are able to go to, it’s about the connections you make with

people that are doing the same thing we do, experiencing the same ups and downs that we have and maybe even do-

ing things just a little differently that gives us new knowledge to apply directly to our jobs. The benefits of networking

and the opportunity to gain greater knowledge alone is worth whatever cost there is to attend a national forum. I urge

you to make the effort to support yourself and the profession by experiencing a forum in the future. You will come away

with a newfound appreciation for your profession, a new network of procurement professionals in this organization and

a creative energy to make a difference in your chapters and the entities that you work for.

Those of us that convened in Philadelphia this year can attest to all of those benefits. Next year, the forum is in Kansas

City, Missouri, from August 1-5, “where the heart of procurement connects with the heart of America”. Start planning

now to be part of the excitement!

~Steve “Sammy” Sammons

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Chartering Ceremony for the

Public Purchasers Association of Northern Ohio (PPANO) Thu, Nov 20, 2014 9:30 AM

Pine Ridge Country Club 30601 Ridge Road

Wickliffe, Ohio 44092

Annual CO-OPP Luncheon

Date: November 12, 2014

Time: 9am

Location: The Boat House at Confluence Park - Buckeye Room

679 W. Spring St. Columbus, OH 43215

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Welcome new and returning members!!

Diana Anthony

Rashaun Billy

William Burford

Carolyn Burris

Greg Cordek

Carmelia Davis

Jules Gilliam

Jim Hutcheson

Joel McNeal

Valerean Murray

Susanne Robinson

Meredith Stang

Teresa Wagner

Tiffany White-Johnson

Alice Ewing

Simon Mastroianni

Deborah Midgett

Todd Albrecht

Teresa Collier

Vanessa Harmon-Gouhin

Denyse Hirsch

Diana Hollander

Marilyn Landrum

Crystal Lozoway-Patterson

Tricia McKenney

Cherie Neimeister

Lina Paesani

Michael Robinson

James G. Smith, Jr.

Steve Braskett

Gary DeSalvo

Lowell Howard

Linda Johnson

Nancy Keister

Alec OConnell

JacLynn Romine

Sherri Warnock

Valarie Williams

Tina Wood

Garey Burt

Ashley Ensign

Susan Lux

R.C. Rizzo

Beth Ruff

Aaron Ashley

Antonio Beasley

Danny Coleman

JoAnn Cramer

Carmen Garland

Skip Grey

Matthew Miller

Austin Price

Tonya Prickett

Gina Richmond

Barb Shea

Kimberley Sibert

Dante Talley

Darcy Turner-Olinger

Jill Williams

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CO-OPP Steve Sammons President

City of Columbus Department of Public Utilities 910 Dublin Road; 3rd Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 P(614) 645-5951 F(614) 645-5424 [email protected]

Amadu Sankoh, CPPO Treasurer State of Ohio; Department of Education 25 South Front Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 P(614) 752-1553 F(614) 728-5097 [email protected]

Thomas Patterson, CPPB Member at Large City of Westerville 21 South State Street Westerville, Ohio 43081 P(614) 901-6869 F(614) 901-6401 [email protected]


CO-OPP Maureen McGuire, CPPO, CPPB Vice President Columbus Regional Airport Authority 4600 International Gateway Columbus, Ohio 43219 P(614) 239-3323 F(614) 239-3183 [email protected]

Mary Harper, CPPB Secretary City of Columbus Purchasing Office 50 West Gay Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 P (614) 645-6542 F(614) 645-7051 [email protected]

Gayle Blankenship, CPPO, CPPB

Immediate Past President

State of Ohio; Office of Procurement Services 4200 Surface Road Columbus, Ohio 43228 P(614) 466-0530 F(614) 485-1056 [email protected]



Awards and Scholarships Gretchen Adkins, CPPO State of Ohio, Office of Procurement Services 4200 Surface Road Columbus, Ohio 43228 P(614) 466-2375 F(614) 644-1785 [email protected]

Membership Diane Ford, CPPB Retired Columbus, Ohio 43209 Phone: (614) 238-9648 Fax: (614) 238-9648 [email protected]

Education Alan Childress, CPPO State of Ohio, Office of Procurement Services 4200 Surface Road Columbus, Ohio 43228-1395 P(614) 466-4265 F(614) 644-1785 [email protected]



Public Relations Co-Chair Mark Evangelista, CPPO, CPM, MBA Lake Metroparks 11211 Spear Road Concord Township, Ohio 44077 P(440) 352-2343 F(440) 639-9873 [email protected]

Public Relations Co-Chair Melanie Mallett City of Columbus Dept. of Public Utilities 910 Dublin Road Columbus, Ohio 43215 P(614)-645-1680 F(614) 645-5424 [email protected]

Legislation Gail Messineo, CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M. City of Columbus, Purchasing Office 50 West Gay Street, 1st Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 P(614) 645-1655 F(614) 645-7051 [email protected]



Intergovernmental Purchasing Committee Bill Kirwin, CPPO, CPPB Columbus Regional Airport Authority 4600 International Gateway Columbus, Ohio 43219 P(614) 239-4086 F(614) 239-3183 [email protected]

Program Cindy Collins, CPPB Columbus Regional Airport Authority 4600 International Gateway Columbus, Ohio 43219 P(614) 239-4074 F(614) 239-3183 [email protected]

Nominating Thomas Patterson, CPPB

(see also Member at Large)

[email protected]



Code of Regulations Gayle S. Blankenship, CPPO, CPPB

(see also Past President)

[email protected]

Budget and Finance Maureen McGuire, CPPO, CPPB (see also Vice President) [email protected]

Conference Carol Cook State of Ohio; Department of Health Columbus, Ohio [email protected]



Encore Diane Ford, CPPB Retired Columbus, Ohio 43209 P(614) 238-9648 F(614) 238-9648 [email protected]

Strategic Planning Barb Johnson, CPPO, CPPB, MPA

Ohio Dept of Rehabilitation & Correction 770 W. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43222 P(614) 752-0261 [email protected]

Community Affairs Joe Lombardi, CPPO, CPPB City of Columbus Department of Public Utilities 910 Dublin Road 4th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 P(614) 645-6623 F(614) 645-5424 [email protected]



Outreach: NORTHERN OHIO Mark Evangelista, CPPO, CPM, MBA Lake Metroparks 11211 Spear Road Concord Township, Ohio 44077 P(440) 352-2343 F(440) 639-9873 [email protected]

March Is Purchasing Month Jennifer Shaefer, CPPB

State of Ohio Office of Procurement Services 4200 Surface Road Columbus, Ohio 43228 P(614) 644-6084 F(614) 466-2059 [email protected]

NIGP Liaison Jean Stephenson, CPPO, A.P.P, C.P.M. State of Ohio Office of Procurement Services 4200 Surface Road Columbus, Ohio 43228 P(614) 644-8495 F(614) 752-9299 [email protected]



Mentoring Thomas Patterson, CPPB

(see also Member at Large)

[email protected]

Outreach: CENTRAL OHIO Steve Morbitzer, CPPO, CPPB Retired Grove City, Ohio P(614) 875-8527 [email protected]

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P.O. Box 2122

Columbus, Ohio


[email protected]


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