Page 1: The Prairie Post IPA Canada Region 4...Austria 8-10 May 2015 30th Anniversary Villach Germany 14-17 May 2015 60th Anniversary IPA Berlin Spain 28-31 May 2015 IPA Motorcycle Tour, Pyrenees

IPA Canada Friendship Week: May 2016,

Monteregie Region

Welcome to the Winter 2015 Edition of Region 4’s Newsletter, First and foremost, I’d like to make all Region 4 Members aware of the Monteregie Region’s intention to host a Friendship week in May 2016 for 12 days and 11 nights. The event has been carefully planned and organized and I encourage anyone with the time to seriously consider exploring the possibility of embarking on this guided tour of one of the most beautiful regions in Canada. The event begins on the 20th of May and starts in Montreal. Throughout the Friendship week, travelers will enjoy guided tours of locations all across Quebec and Ontario. Stops include: Mon-treal, Toronto, Niagara, the Thousand Islands, Ottawa and Quebec City. The total cost comes to anywhere between $1500-$2400, varying

on account of your particular accommodation options. For more

information please visit or email

Christian Parent, President of Region 15 at

[email protected]

In this issue... Canada Friendship Week P.1 President’s Column P.2

Friendship Week Greece P.3

Members & Farewells. 4-5 Cybercrime Seminar P. 6

IPA Hotel Discounts P. 7

Upcoming Events P. 8

Websites & Information P.9

Message from the Editor

For our first issue in 2015, I’d like to bring attention to some excit-ing events and deals for IPA Members not only in Canada, but across the globe. Inside you’ll find infor-mation on some Friend-ship Week’s across the globe as well as some new discounts available to all Members. Enjoy, Mac

The Prairie Post Newsletter of the IPA Canada Region 4—Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nunavut

& North-Western Ontario.

ISSUE 8, Winter 2015

IPA Canada Region 4

PO Box 32165, Victoria Square

Regina, SK S4N 7L2

Page 2: The Prairie Post IPA Canada Region 4...Austria 8-10 May 2015 30th Anniversary Villach Germany 14-17 May 2015 60th Anniversary IPA Berlin Spain 28-31 May 2015 IPA Motorcycle Tour, Pyrenees

The President’s Column

Our second AGM was held at the Saskatchewan Police College on the

12th February and the minutes of the meeting may be found on the now

password-protected ‘Member Services’ page of our regional web site.

Herewith a few of the highlights:

Newly-elected Board of Directors: Denis Eber le, Amit Sarkar and

Jim Chegwin were all elected to the board, along with returnees Clint

McKechnie, Wally Romanuck and Yours Truly.

Withdrawal of our offer to host the 2017 World Young Police Of-

ficer Seminar in Regina: After r eceiving encouraging signs at the outset from the RCMP, it transpired

that the RCMP Academy at Depot Division could not, after all, enter into the full collaboration that we had

anticipated. Moreover, Gene and Nicole Kikcio’s unexpected and imminent departure from Region 4 deprives

us of our two most experienced IPA WYPOS members. IPA Canada may renew its offer on another occasion,

elsewhere in the country.

Donation to ‘Right To Play’: We honoured our ongoing commitment to the charity by making a $300 dona-


Membership: Our membership has plateaued at around sixty; the board of directors will be explor ing

ways to improve recruitment throughout the region this year.

Although not a member of the board of directors, Brett Henderson has very kindly agreed to serve as the Mem-

bership Secretary. Please make life as easy as possible for him by renewing your membership before the end of

each year. For that matter, you could even renew now for two or three years (and save yourself a couple of


I’m looking forward to another busy IPA year, with at least a couple of social events and, with any luck, a few

international visitors. Don’t forget to submit to our Editor an account of any IPA travels that you may have en-

joyed lately – we’re all interested!

Servo per Amikeco


President, Region 4.

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IPA Greece 50th Anniversary Friendship Week

Friends, This 11th to 17th of May 2015, the IPA Hellenic Section is holding its annual National Congress and in conjunction is planning to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their section. IPA Members across the globe are invited to join in the 7 day, 6 night event. IPA Greece will be providing accommodation, meals, transfer and excursions in the area. [email protected] for more information. €670 for a double room or an additional €150 for a single. Itinerary

11 May: Arrivals.

12 May: Sighting in Thessaloniki.

13 May: Petralona Cave.

14 May: Port of Panaghia, Cruise of Athos Mountain, Live Music and Folk Dances at sea. Open-ing ceremony of the 31st National Congress and Celebration.

15 May: Sightseeing in Polygyros and Archaeological Museum.

16 May: Round tr ip of Peninsula Sithonia with stops in Por to Koufo and a Beekeepers coopera-tive of Nikiti. Closing ceremony with gala dinner and live music.

17 May: Depar tures.

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New Members to the Board of Directors

Amit Sarkar


Amit was born in Staffordshire, England, and grew up in Dundee, Scotland; he joined the Metropolitan Police in London at age 21, served as a Constable for just over 10 years, then moved to Toronto where he was engaged as a Special Constable at the Legislative As-sembly of Ontario, serving until 2006. He now resides in Winnipeg where he maintains his affiliation with law enforcement. An IPA member since 1995, he has traveled widely and has enjoyed IPA hospitality and accommodation in France, Israel, Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Ukraine and Russia. Amit enjoys cinema, music, cooking, reading, history and yoga. He is a practitioner of Krav Maga, the Israeli martial art.

Denis Eberle

Vice-President (South Saskatchewan) and Treasurer.

Denis is currently a training officer at the Saskatchewan Police Col-

lege, Regina. His law enforcement career started in 1977 when he

joined the Regina Police Service, from which he retired in 2002. He

also served concurrently for 13 years with the Canadian Forces Mili-

tary Police Reserve and taught firearms at the RCMP Academy’s

Firearms Training Unit for 10 years.

He and his wife Kathy raised 8 children and have 12 grandchildren.

They love to travel and do so frequently.

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Region 4 bade farewell to Gene and Nicole Kikcio on 21st March with a dinner at-tended by several members and by visiting Region 5 President, Gerry Vercammen. Unfortunately, a winter storm prevented R4 Vice-President Wally Romanuck from driving down from Saskatoon. Gene (VP, South Saskatchewan) and Nicole (Secretary) were largely instrumental in the resurrection of Region 4, which they proposed when they arrived in Regina three years ago from Region 13. We’ll certainly miss their energy and enthusiasm for all things IPA-related but, as they are moving to the Ottawa area, we’re sure that we’ll be hearing more from them as they make their mark on the National Capital Region! We wish them a fond au revoir. In Friendship, Steve

Farewell to Nicole and Gene

The IPA Recruit Award was presented at the Sas-katchewan Police College graduation on 19th De-cember to Cst Cole Janett of the Saskatoon Police Service by Region 4 Member Jessica Sabo (left).

Also pictured is R4 Vice-President (South Saskatchewan) Gene Kikcio (right).

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Cybercrime Seminar Offered by IBZ Schloss Gimborn


Please see a brief introduction to a course being offered by IBZ Schloss Gimborn in Germany for

IPA Members. A larger information package was sent out to all Members in mid-March with a

larger outline of day by day events.

Cybercrime: Crime using digital media, 31 August- 4 September 2015

The seminar will give the participants knowledge about criminal activities in cyber-space; it will

help to identify and assess risks and hazards. The seminar will present various forms of criminal

activities in criminal use of digital media. We will discuss methods of investigation, prevention and


Seminar chair: Sean Hannigan, Vice President IPA-Section United Kingdom, Frankfurt

Seminar times: Breakfast: 8 a.m. – 9 a.m., Morning session: 9 a.m. -12.30 a.m., Coffee break/

IBZ: 15 min., between 10.30 a.m. - 11.00 a.m., Lunch break: 12.30 p.m. - 1.45 p.m. (lunch be-

tween 12:30 p.m. and 1.15 p.m.), Afternoon session: 1.45 p.m. - 5.30 p.m., Coffee break/

Schlosshotel: 3.30 p.m. – 4.00 p.m., Sports or group activities: 5.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m., Evening

meal: 6.30 p.m. - 7.15 p.m.

For more information see:

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Hotel Options for IPA Members

Members, as you may recall our Membership with IPA Region 4 allows us to benefit from

great discount greats at any hotels associated with The Sandman Hotel Group. I first mentioned

this in our Spring 2014 newsletter and it still holds true. Members of the IPA continue to enjoy the

privilege of preferred corporate rates at roughly 45 hotels across Canada.

And now, due to an agreement struck with Scandic Hotels Group, IPA Members are eligible

for a discount of between 5-10% at Scandic Hotels in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Neth-

erlands, Norway, Poland and Sweden. Taking advantage of this discount is easy, simply follow the

steps listened below:

Once you’ve decided on your chosen hotel, visit or its specific web-

site for each country.

Enter “D000032600” in the booking code field as your Client ID.

And that’s it.

Happy Travelling,

Servo per Amikeco

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Ireland 12-19 April 2015 60th Anniversary Friendship Week

Cyprus 16-19 April 2015 ISC Liaison Officers Seminar

Switzerland 17-18 April 2015 60th Anniversary Celebrations

Malta 23-28 April 2015 Dynamic Tri-Gun Competition

Austria 8-10 May 2015 30th Anniversary Villach

Germany 14-17 May 2015 60th Anniversary IPA Berlin

Spain 28-31 May 2015 IPA Motorcycle Tour, Pyrenees

Canada 28 May-6 Jun 2015 Friendship Week Niagara Falls

Belgium 15-22 Jun 2015 40th Anniversary IPA Charleroi

USA 15-25 Jul 2015 Region 57 See America Tour

Poland 19-26 Jul 2015 Young Police Officers Seminar, Legionowo

France 27 Jul-2 Aug 2015 Friendship Meeting Rhones-Alpes

Luxembourg 30-31 Jul 2015 1st European Golf Tournament

Spain 1-15 Aug 2015 International Youth Gathering

UK 8-15 Aug 2015 Friendship Week—A Taste of Scotland

Cyprus 12-25 Oct 2015 XXI World Congress & Friendship Week

Italy 17-20 Sep 2015 2nd Riviera delle Palma Trophy

Cyprus 12-25 Oct 2015 XXI World Congress, Limassol & Friendship Week

Remember to keep Discount in mind when renting a vehicle. 10-15% off for IPA Members. Booking Code:

IPAC1 and IPAC 2. See the website for more information.

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IPA Canada turned 54 years

old on March 16th!

The Prairie Post

ISSUE 08 Winter 2015

Please find below a list of subdomains. These are useful web addresses for all IPA Members. - IPA Canada - IPA International - IPA Houses page - International Professional Commission - International Commission for External Relations - International Cultural Commission - International Internal Commission - International Social Commission - International Youth Holiday Programme - International Youth Gathering - Permanent Executive Bureau - IPA World Congress - IPA IEC Conference - Upcoming Seminars at the IBZ in Gimborn, Germany.

Websites of Note

Region 4 Newsletter Editor in Chief: M. Turner

[email protected]

How to Join the IPA/How to Re-

new your Membership

Renewals may be made online at


Or mail your cheque for $35 to:

IPA Canada Region 4

109-2223 Victoria Avenue E.

PO Box 32165 Victoria Square

Regina, SK S4N 7L2

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