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Steph: Hello everyone. This is Steph Tuss, lead coach for David Neagle. It is my pleasure to be your moderator today for the third module of David’s course titled Manifesting Basics.

I know David is standing by. I think we’re ready to get rolling. David, it’s all you.

David: How are you doing, Steph?

Steph: I’m doing great. How are you?

David: I’m doing fantastic, and I’m really excited to get into this third module.

I’m going to just preface this by saying that I’ve got a lot to get through in the next 90 minutes. I would like you to turn over to Page 60 in your PDF, and then we’re going to go back to beginning of the third chapter, which is on Page 51.

I’m going to start at the bottom of the page. The reason that I’m doing this is that I want to give a frame for everybody to be thinking about as we go through this chapter.

He says here, “It is easier for some people to believe in the tangible than the intangible, to have more faith in man than in God, to have more confidence in medicine than in mind.”

You could also put in there to have more confidence in the way that you see money come into your life, the way that you see debt stack up in your life, the bills, the bill collectors or what you don’t have than what the promise of God is for you.

Part of the theme of this chapter is that we have given authority to the physical, what it is that we know, what we experience and what our belief systems are. That’s extremely dangerous for the person that really wants to live their purpose in life because it doesn’t require any faith to do that. It is detrimental to the cultivation of your divine desire to give authority to the physical.

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The physical operate by laws and we need to understand the laws of the physical, but it does not necessarily mean that we have to succumb to those laws because we have a higher authority.

I’ll tell you this. I’ve been doing this for a long time now and I’m proud to say that I’ve been doing this for a long time. I don’t think there’s anything in my life that I love more than the work that I do as far as doing things.

I’m constantly fascinated by the truth that is in the universe and the potential that that gives to human beings. I’m also fascinated by the way that people will ignore it even after they’ve heard it.

I taught this many years ago to a mastermind group, a group that I was coaching personally. There were some CDs that I had made on it and we’ve sold them over the years, and it’s been a great work. People have absolutely loved it.

I thought to myself, “I really want to get back into that again and I want to teach that again. I want to continue teaching it as part of a major curriculum in the work that our company does,” for the reason that, out of everything that I teach, I don’t think there’s anything that is more powerful.

Everything that I teach has a bit of this in it, even when I get into teaching the strategy of business, when I get into teaching people how to do sales or when I teach people how to sell from the stage or the platform. In all the different business things that we teach people, a lot of the ideas behind it come from this work, and many people don’t know that.

It is one of the things that has allowed me to be a leader in the industry for so long and to create so many dynamic platforms for people to grow businesses in. I was never bound by the limitations of what people thought or the way people said you had to do things.

In your life, in my life and in the lives of everybody we see, if we’re not really paying attention to what we’re doing, we will find ourselves slipping into lack and limitation on a regular basis, and primarily that’s because it’s around us so much. We’re so surrounded with it.

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Every one of you that is listening to this right now, I’m talking to you personally. I want you to think if I was sitting in a chair across from you, just you and me, and I was looking right into your eyes, that’s how important what I’m about to say to you really is.

You have just unbelievable potential in your life. The truth is that most people would go through work or lessons like I’m teaching from a student perspective and say, “That’s pretty interesting. That’s pretty cool.” They might even have a little bit of inspiration from it.

Then they turn around and they go back and live their lives just as they were living them yesterday. Nothing changes.

The one thing that I cannot give you in all the teaching, coaching and mentoring that I do is the desire to live the life that you were put here to live. That is an inside job. Only you can do that.

I believe one of the most intimate, spiritual things that we can do is to come into close contact with that idea.

Part of the reason why so many people don’t do this is because we have a backwards idea of our position in the universe.

You hear people walking around saying, “I had a spiritual experience. I went to Machu Picchu and I had a spiritual experience,” “I went to Yashram in India and I had a spiritual experience,” “I went to Sedona and I had a spiritual experience,” or, “I went to this seminar and listened to that thought leader and I had a spiritual experience.”

This is really backwards thinking. What you’re having is a physical experience, not a spiritual experience. You are Spirit. You are a soul.

What is the importance of what I’m saying and the significance of how you need to think about this? When we think we’re having a spiritual experience, we’re really not. We’re having a conscious experience in a physical body.

We’re becoming more conscious of what we really are, but it’s not any more spiritual than you were yesterday because all you are is Spirit. You’re having a physical experience.

You can either go through life having a physical experience being completely unconscious, or you can start to wake up, start to be

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conscious and really start to pick up a head of steam and make things happen while you’re having this physical experience.

The physical experience can be either hell on earth or it can be heaven on earth, depending on what set of laws you’re going to follow here.

That’s what he’s saying. He’s saying it’s easier for some people to believe in the tangible than the intangible.

We’re programmed all of our life to go by our five senses. We see, hear, smell, taste and touch, so if we can’t see, hear, smell, taste and touch it, very often we say to ourselves, “It’s not real,” “It’s not important,” or, “It’s airy fairy.”

He says, “To have more faith in man than in God, to have more confidence in medicine than in mind, the pill acts more quickly for them than a metaphysical treatment.

“They are still in the material or human consciousness, for the concrete is more real to them than the abstract because they don’t understand the laws. They don’t understand their connection, what their position is in the universe. What has brought about this state? The habit of belief.”

It’s interesting that he says “the habit of belief” here. Why is he saying that? It’s because we believe habitually.

Your mind is amazing. Our intellect can accept or reject any idea or belief. It can conceptualize, rationalize, think logically, imagine and create. The subconscious mind can’t do that. It has to create and manifest into your life whatever it is that you’ve turned over to it.

Prior to the age of 7, we’re given all kinds of beliefs that teach us how to think about our life. When we start to gain a consciousness, how we’re thinking is based on those beliefs.

We have a tendency to accept or reject beliefs based on the habitual beliefs that we’ve already accepted even though we didn’t have the ability to reject them when they were given to us.

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There are three things here. It says, “What shall they do about it? They can do three things. First, they must not go beyond their mental equivalent.”

In many of the things that I teach, I teach the concept that you have to know two basic things to have the success that you want in your life.

One is where you’re going. What’s your goal? What’s your vision for yourself? What do you want?

For most people, that’s the easy part. Even if we don’t know clearly what we want, we can always look at the polar opposite of what we don’t want.

If we don’t want to be depressed, we want to be excited and happy. If we don’t want to be broke, we want to be wealthy or have enough to meet our need. If we don’t want to have miserable relationships, we want to have great relationships.

It’s a very basic foundation. It’s not that difficult to figure out what you want on a basic level.

What is difficult for most people is to really understand where they are, and that’s what he’s pointing out here. He says, “They must not go beyond their mental equivalent. They must be content to demonstrate on the level of their understanding.”

What does that mean? That means if the most you’ve ever made is $20,000 in a year, to go beyond what you believe that you can make and try to start there will only cause chaos and catastrophe in your life, and it will be the longest path to getting what you want that you’ve ever experienced.

In other words, whatever you want, you have to go to the very limit of what you believe you can get right there before you go into a nonbelief. That’s where you need to start.

As you do that, several things happen. Your faith deepens, because it requires faith to go to the very end of what your belief is. You develop confidence along the way. Your belief expands about what is possible for yourself.

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You start to see more inside of yourself than you’ve ever seen before and the possibilities on the outside continue to come to you in ever increasing amounts with great potential to them.

He says, “Second, they must change their habit of belief. They must start thinking of themselves as they are in spirit and cultivate a greater confidence in Christ.”

If you’re Christian, use the word Christ here. If you’re not Christian, you can either use the word God or you can use the word knowledge. Use whatever it is that you’re comfortable with.

Remember what I said at the beginning of this. This was based in the Christian teachings and the Christian writings. However, it’s for everybody. There are no limits to the people. It doesn’t matter what your background is. It works for every single person.

If you’re one of the Christians on the line that are having trouble with that, you have to realize that the door has to open for people someplace, and God is not judgmental.

It’s our misunderstanding of God that makes God judgmental. Everybody is welcome because there is nothing else. Don’t lock yourself out because of that idea.

Turn the page over to Page 61.

He says, “Third, they must be sensible and use material means as long as they are needed. When these materially-minded persons develop more faith in the power of spirit than in the power of matter, they will discard material means unconsciously.”

Let me explain this a little bit. We’re going to go through some of the lessons in this chapter, and some of them are around disease and people that have healed from disease.

People will often ask me, “Should I go see a faith healer? Should I try to heal myself through faith? Should I believe that I’m healed? Should I approach it from the metaphysical spiritual standpoint?”

I say, “You have to do both.” You have to approach it from the physical standpoint and you have to approach it from the spiritual standpoint for the simple reason that you’ve already been taught to believe that

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doctors have an extreme importance, and so does medicine, in your life.

As long as that is a predominant belief, to try to do it without it, you’re contradicting the belief that you already have.

It’s about building up to the place where you really learn that you can heal yourself. You start off with something small like a headache.

People don’t realize that, if they have a headache, they can also make that headache go away. It’s your head, you made it ache and you can make it stop, but if you’re not aware of that then the only thing you do is take an aspirin. That seems to be your only option.

If you start with something small like a headache that has really no ramification if you just let it ache for a while, you can begin to really become aware of how you can actually have control over your body.

When I do the live event with this, we’re going to go into a lot more things that we have control over that are outside of ourselves just because we have more time to go through it.

Start with the idea of something like a headache, a muscle ache or something like that.

He goes on to say, and this is important, “Do you know why Asa slept with his fathers? It was not because he called the doctors but because he did not give the power to God.

“The Law states very plainly that power, all power, belongeth unto God. The Lord our God is one Lord. He is a jealous God in the sense that he will not share his power with another. Why? Anything we ascribe power to becomes another God.”

If you’re into reading the Bible and you hear that God is a jealous God, you have to understand what that really means.

When you first read it, if you’re a thinking person, there’s a hell of a paradox to that idea. Here we are and we’re not supposed to be jealous in our life. It’s a toxic emotion and mindset, but yet it says that God is a jealous God.

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It’s describing it in a way that we can understand it, but you have to understand the esoteric meaning behind it. That is that God operates by a very strict set of laws and God cannot deviate from those laws because they’re the Laws of More Life.

Let’s go to the beginning here to What Faith Does. “What does faith do? Now we’re talking about faith in God, not just a vague and unidentified feeling that there must be somewhere, somehow a power that is greater than ourselves.

“There are countless records in print of the effect of faith in God. You can, no doubt, find instances in your own experience.

“Have you never in a moment of crisis, a skidding car on an icy road, an apparently unavoidable collision with an approaching car or a desperate family situation involving illness, need or tangled human relationships, called involuntarily on God to help and received it?

“Here are three dramatic incidents drawn from my own records. I could devote an entire book to records of this kind, for they are endless.

“I have purposely confined the stories to extreme cases in which undeviating faith served as the channel through which God moved.”

Really think as we go through these.

He says, “Some time ago, a woman 70 years old fell down a long flight of stone steps and was rushed to the hospital. For four days, she lay in a coma with a fractured skull and other serious injuries.

“After three specialists in consultation had said the case was hopeless, I was called to the hospital in the middle of the night by a member of the family.

“‘The doctors have given her up,’ said the night nurse as I entered the room. ‘Given her up?’ I exclaimed. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘There is no hope for her. She will probably die in the night,’ she explained.

“‘Aren’t doctors the sworn enemies of death? What right do they have to give up a woman who is still alive?’ I demanded.

“There was a strong vibration of despair and resignation all through the room as I sat by the patient’s bedside. I asked the nurse if she

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would mind leaving the room while I prayed. ‘Not at all,’ she said graciously, and quietly stepped out into the hall.

“This was a crisis. I knew that I had to furnish God with transparency of thought and a clear, open channel to work through. A radical faith was needed at a time like this, and it was up to me to provide it.

“A great sense of peace filled me as I entered the silence and began to treat for the speedy recovery of the patient. There was no response at first.

“Then, reaching through the rail on the side of the bed and taking the woman’s hand in mine, I said, ‘God, we are not going to let this woman die. She is needed in her great work and we want her to live. I am asking you right now to tough this broken and bruised body and to restore her to perfect health and wholeness.

“‘We believe that you are releasing the healing power of Christ in her this instant and that it is now penetrating and dispelling every negative and inharmonious condition.’

“Did she live? Of course she lived. Before the prayer was finished, she regained consciousness. She turned to me, saying, ‘Why, Dr. Russell, what are you doing here at this time of night?’ It was truly a resurrection.

“On the second day after my visit, her chauffeur took her for a drive in her car. The third day she was taken back to her home.”

Case 2 says, “In one of my healing missions on the Pacific Coast, there was a woman in attendance who had cataracts in both her eyes. They had failed to dissolve through her own spiritual efforts and prayers, but she insisted that her healing would come in the healing service always held the last night of the mission.

“Several of her devoted friends came to see me before the mission started and asked if I would remember her in my daily devotions and instructions, promising that their faith would be joined with hers and mine.

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“This woman was much loved not only for what she had done for the community and the church, but also for her beautiful Christian character.

“I talked with her and explained the Prayer of Faith and how to fulfill the conditions for her healing. She cooperated to the letter.

“Day by day, I could see the creative power coming to life in her. First, there was just a little stir. Then there was a movement. The night of the public healing service, the manifestation of the presence was complete.

“When she knelt at the altar rail and I laid my hands upon her head, I felt as though all of the power of God were flowing through my hands into her eyes.

“I envisioned this power dissolving the cataracts completely and entirely, and as I pronounced the word of healing, ‘In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I command these cataracts to be dissolved,’ it happened.

“There was a mighty rush of spiritual energy, the energy of God working through our faith. By morning, the cataracts were gone, and her vision was perfectly clear.

“Why did I say, ‘In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’? Why didn’t I say, ‘In the name of the Father,’ or, ‘In the name of the Son’? It’s because there are three channels through which the power comes.”

Pay attention. He says, “There is the Father, that which is understood, there is the Son, which is understanding, and there is the Holy Spirit, which is the expressing. In metaphysical science, we refer to these as awareness, realization and revelation.”

We live on three planes of understanding simultaneously. We’re spiritual beings, we live in a physical body and we’re gifted with an intellect.

He says, “The two healings described as well as the one that follows were all accomplished by the direct action of the Holy Spirit.

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“Some healers and preachers pray for the Holy Spirit as though He were a portion of something. They think of Him as being in a faraway place, but the chief field of His activity is in our own subconscious minds.

“There are others who speak of the Holy Spirit as something to be used. They refer to Him as an ‘It.’

“When will we learn that He is a presence and power that uses us?

“St. Paul tells us that if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.”

It’s one and the same.

He says, “We cannot use the Holy Spirit. He uses us.” We’re spiritual beings in a physical body. Keep thinking that. Spirit in the physical.

He says, “Why should we go and search for Him when He is already here? He is wherever our mind and spirit make the contact with Him.”

“The Holy Spirit, as the Nicene Creed tells us, is the Lord and Giver of Life. He is divine replenishment to those who are ready and willing to be used by Him. He is power to rise triumphantly over every obstacle, to meet every need, to supply every lack and to heal every disease.”

The idea here is “every.” It’s “over every obstacle, to meet every need, to supply every lack and to heal every disease.” When you say, “I can’t,” “I don’t have,” “There isn’t enough,” or, “I don’t know how,” you are in direct opposition to this law.

He says, “Listen to His promise: I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.” Do you have a headache? Do you have a backache? Do you have sciatica? You are in control of your own body.

He says, “Are the organs of your body sluggish? The Holy Spirit will establish perfect right action and harmony in them. Is your circulation poor? The Holy Spirit will cause the blood to circulate more freely. Are your nerves shattered? The Holy Spirit will steady them.”

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One of the ideas that we can just sink into our mind from our conscious to our subconscious, from the spirit to the conscious to the subconscious, is to repeat over and over to ourselves, “Peace be still.”

Case 3 says, “Being blessed with a mother of great faith and spiritual power, and having seen many miraculous answers to her prayers, it is only natural that I should have grown up believing that faith can accomplish anything.

“Mother not only prays, but accepts the answer to her prayer. More than that, her mind is so convinced of its idea when she prays, so completely accepts it, that contradiction or denial is impossible.”

I have a story of one of my students who has been a client and a student for a number of years. Her name is Maureen Garrity. She’s an amazing healer. She’s just absolutely amazing, but she wasn’t always. She’s always been a healer, but she didn’t always know it.

Her son was dying from a failed liver. He was in the hospital and the doctors basically said there was nothing they could do and that the end was near.

She took this work, God Works Through Faith, the very thing that I’ve been going over with you, to the hospital and she asked her son, “Do you want to live?”

This is very important because the responsibility for the healing is primarily on the person that is being healed. The person that is conducting the healing or praying over or treating the person is helping direct the person in the direction of the power. If a person does not want to be healed, they won’t be.

She asked her son, “Do you want to be healed?” and she did exactly what this book says. Today, he is perfectly healthy. Not only did he not die that night, but he is perfectly healthy.

I want you to think. He goes on to say, “As a child, my mother sustained an injury on a teeter-totter, which resulted in a very troublesome and painful hernia that caused great discomfort and suffering during most of her waking hours.

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“She consulted many doctors about her condition, but there was little in those days that could be done about a rupture.

“This healing took place after an accident that occurred as we were building a new home. My father and mother walked about each evening to see what progress was being made.

“On this particular evening, my mother neglected to put on her truss, which was very clumsy and difficult to wear.

“The excavation of the basement had been completed and she and my father stood near the edge looking into it. A piece of earth gave way under my mother’s feet. She lost her balance and fell into the hole. My father rushed to her aid, but the hernia had come down and the pain was so great that she could not get up.

“His first thought was to telephone for a cab to take her home, but there were no dwellings in the vicinity and the nearest drugstore was eight blocks away.

“My mother realized that it would be a long wait and her problem of pain and immobility demanded immediate help.

“‘My God,’ said my father. ‘What shall we do?’ ‘Be still, John,’ she said. ‘God is here and He is going to take care of this for me.’ Then she closed her eyes and prayed.

“It seemed like an eternity to my father until she held up her hand and said, ‘Come, John, let us go home.’

“‘Go home?’ he said. ‘How can you walk over a mile in this condition?’ ‘Very easily,’ she replied. ‘I have been healed. God has healed me.’

“My father was utterly dumfounded. He had seen her in such agony that he could not understand how she could be so calm and unaffected, or how she could possibly walk.

“They did walk home, however, and her hernia went up and never bothered her again.

“That incident occurred 50 years ago, but I shall never forget the story as she told it to us children the next day. She said that, as she prayed

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in the hole, the Christ Presence was so real and so near that she put her hand in His and was able to get up on her feet.

“God is a very present help in time of trouble. God is always here. He’s omnipresent. Ask, and it shall be given you. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth. You have not because you ask not. He that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.’”

Does anywhere on here put a limitation on it? Does it say that you can ask for this but not that or you can seek for this but not that?

Whether it’s looking for the correct answer in something that you should do, a way that you should be, what your purpose is or what you want or it’s over times of trouble or problems in your life, the solution, the answer, the promise is always here.

He says, “The command goes out to the whole world. Like a great radio broadcast, it covers the earth, penetrating and interpenetrating everything and everybody. We often fail to realize that the command was given to each of us. You ask. You seek. You knock.

“In our eagerness to find help, we look to others. We want to discuss our problem with someone or we want someone else to help us meet it. Then we get into a tight spot and stay there until we realize the allness of God and find that nothing is lacking.

“When we recognize Him as present in the place in which the trouble seems to be, He short-circuits it.

“How often Jesus in His brief earthly ministry responded to the calls of the sick and healed them.

“My little daughter lieth on the point of death. I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed, and she shall live.

“The Centurion at Capernaum said, ‘Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed.’

“A woman diseased with an issue of blood for 12 years touched the hem of His garment and was healed.

“The leper said, ‘Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.’

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“Two blind men said, ‘Thou son of David, have mercy on us.’

“A father said, ‘Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is a lunatic, and sore vexed, for often he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.’

“A woman of Canaan cried unto him, saying, ‘Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David. My daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.’

“All of these prayers were for healing and all were answered.

“Teach us to pray. In St. James 5:13, we are instructed to pray for ourselves. ‘Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray.’

“In St. James 5:16, we are told to pray for others. ‘Pray one for another that ye may be healed.’

“In St. Mark 11:24, we are told to pray for anything and everything we want. ‘What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.’ Do not the words ‘what things soever’ include the healing of sickness and disease?

“What will you do with Jesus’ promise in St. John 14:14, ‘If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it’? The word ‘anything’ would certainly include healing of the body and the mind, wouldn’t it?” It would also include money and prosperity, wouldn’t it?

He says, “Why did Jesus say, ‘If ye shall ask anything in my name’? Why ‘in my name’?

“It was the night before His crucifixion that He first used these words in connection with a prayer or request, and He used them six times. It’s obvious that He thought of this prayer as a prayer of tremendous and infinite possibilities.

“It is significant too that this particular kind of prayer was something new. ‘Hitherto,’ He said, ‘have ye asked nothing in my name? Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.’

“In olden times, the name of a person not only revealed the character of a person, but his identity and his nature.”

If I was you, I would write down right next to this “The Power of Words.” I’ll get to this. I just want you to make a note of it.

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He says, “To the Hebrews, a name was thought to carry a certain power. Some names could be used to cast out demons and devils, and disease could be healed in the same way. The words ‘in my name’ mean literally to be in His consciousness.”

Do we not give everything a name? What does a name do? I’m not necessarily talking about a person’s name as they’re talking about here, but we name things.

When we’re talking about money or a lack of in our life, we might say we’re broke. We might say that we have debt or we’re wealthy and have abundance.

Either way, those names, those words bring clarity to an idea. Without clarity, we have confusion. Clarity is extremely important in the use of faith.

It is no longer I that live, but Christ liveth in me. Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.”

He says, “When we pray in his name, it is assumed that we are in His presence, that we have the mind in us which was also in Him.

“This power was brought out beautifully in the healing of the lame beggar at the gate of the temple. The beggar had asked for money and Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I have none, but such as I have give I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’

“Later, he explained this healing by saying, ‘His name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know. Yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.’

“Weymouth translates the words in this way: ‘In virtue of faith in His name, His name has strengthened this man whom you behold and know, and the faith which He has bestowed has entirely restored this man, as you can all see.’

“’Name,’ in this instance, referred to the Christ in Peter’s consciousness who at his call healed the crippled beggar.”

Words have an enormous amount of power. They have the power to heal and they have the power to destroy.

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On Page 57, he says, “Such as I have given thee speaks not only to Peter’s oneness with Christ, but of his ability to impart that consciousness to the crippled beggar. He had reached such a high state of consciousness that he could act for Christ.”

It’s a very interesting statement that he’s making here. He could act for Christ why? He reached such a high state of consciousness. We call that Christ Consciousness, an abundant consciousness or a healing consciousness. It is a consciousness of the truth. We’re becoming more and more aware of our power with.

He says, “He was so in tune with the Infinite that Christ operated through his word and the beggar was healed.”

“The effectual fervent prayer. Do you see now why the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much? The effectual prayer is the prayer made in His name. It has the force and the power to accomplish that whereunto it is sent.”

Do you know that you can send healing energy to a person all the way on the other side of the planet? You can sit quietly in your home, bring up the image of a person and focus your energy on that person and think to yourself, “That person should call me,” and sure enough the person will call you.

Our thoughts are the most powerful, potent form of energy known to man. We literally can cause things to move with our consciousness.

He says, “It does not mean wrestling or struggling with God. It means accepting Him.” We’re accepting the power, the faith and our oneness with that which is.

“There is activity and life in the words, and the very presence of Christ enables them to realize that which they set out to do.”

Then he asks a question. “Do you believe it?” Again, this is not a judgment asking, “Do you believe it?” This is asking, “Where are you in your understanding? Where are you in your acceptance of this power?”

He says, “Then why relegate healing to doctors, to medicine and to hospitals?” In other words, are you out of integrity with what you say

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that you believe? Do you say, “Yes, I believe it,” but then you turn around and say, “I don’t have the money”?

Do you say, “Yes, I believe it,” and then turn around and say, “Yes, but I don’t feel good, so I can’t do it”? Do you say that you believe it and then you can’t seem to hit your own goals?

He says, “Is God dead? Has Christ lost his power? Has the Holy Spirit abdicated? Have the divine promises been abrogated?

“Read again II Chronicles 16:12, 13. It says, ‘And Asa in the 30 and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign.

“‘That is ancient history,’ you say, but you are wrong. It is just as modern as today’s newspaper. Asa’s sin was not that he had physicians, but that he did not look first to the Lord. His faith was not in God, but in man.

“That does not mean that it was wrong for him to have doctors and medicine, but that he thought first about human help and material remedies. He did not turn to God first. He did not see the hand of God in the physicians on whom he called.”

You want to circle or highlight the next line down where it says, “God works on the level of our understanding.” It is very important to understand this.

He says, “There are some schools of spiritual therapy which are almost fanatical on the subject of calling a doctor. They hold to the fallacious idea that to call a doctor shows a lack of faith in God.

“Why is this belief wrong? Faith is the basic factor in all healing, and faith works the way we use it. It will work through a physician just as readily as it will work through a metaphysical practitioner. In either case, the means are secondary.

“It is desirable, of course, to get healing through purely spiritual means. If you are unable to do this, if you have not arrived at the level of understanding that enables you to know your oneness with the

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source of health or if you are unable to meet the requirements of spiritual healing in a reasonable length of time, to refuse to call a doctor is like refusing to call the fire department to extinguish a fire.

“In the first instance, you may get to heaven ahead of time. In the second, you may lose your home.”

When I started my company, technology was not as advanced as it is today, and that’s not even that long ago. We’re only talking about 15 or 16 years ago. The way that people that are in my industry build their businesses today was impossible to do back then because the technology wasn’t there.

The other thing was that there were nowhere near as many events for people to go to as there are today, so it’s actually much easier today from that aspect than it was when I started doing it.

However, everything is relative. I can compare that looking back, but you can’t compare that looking forward because you don’t know what’s going to be there that’s not there when you started.

I remember thinking to myself that there should be no conditions in which I place upon myself based on material ideas that are going to be stronger or determine whether or not I could hit my goals. I always had to think to myself, “If this wasn’t available, how would I do it?”

One of the things I see people do in all business is they use an unforeseen or an unfortunate circumstance as the reason why they’re not winning. I often think, “If you didn’t even have that, how would you win?”

It’s just a clear indication that people have put way too much faith in something that can only produce based on what other people think.

You have got to be willing to use The Law in all circumstances all the time. You have to have faith in the direction of what it is that you want.

What do I hear most from people on this? They will complain that it’s something they don’t understand. Basically, what they’re saying is that it’s something they can’t see.

Fear is the same way. Fear and faith both require that you believe in something that you can’t see. Yet it seems to be so easy for people to

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believe in fear and what the imagination uses to create fear instead of faith and the wonderful promises that could come because of it.

On Page 58, he says, “Don’t you see how inconsistent it is to allow yourself or someone near and dear to you to die because of spiritual inadequacy when the mechanical adjustment, surgery or medical assistance, which are in themselves evidence of divine intelligence acting through man, could actually save a life?

“I have seen such tragedies so many times that I feel justified in discussing the place of materia medica, and the other healing agents.

“I can’t go along with the idea of refusing material aid, for the simple reason that there is nothing in the Bible to support it. To eat figs for their laxative effect and thank God for them is an accepted practice, but to squeeze the juice out of figs, put it into a bottle and take it for the same purpose is construed as a sin by many people.

“The real issue is not whether we call a physician or don’t call a physician or whether we take medicine or don’t take medicine, but whether we look first to God, recognizing, as someone has said, that all means combine to bring forth wholeness in the body and that each man must accommodate the means to his own understanding.”

I want you to skip forward to Page 59, third paragraph.

He says, “While we are raising the level of consciousness, there is no reason why we cannot accept our good in any form. There is no reason why, if necessity demands it, we cannot cooperate with a doctor of medicine just as effectively as we do with a doctor of the soul, or with both at the same time.” In other words, accept the good that is coming to you.

The next paragraph says, “One of the weaknesses of metaphysical students is the tendency to go beyond their mental equivalents, to imagine that they have arrived at a state of spiritual consciousness which as yet they have only glimpsed.”

This is very true. Again, you have to start where you are. I will say this, though. You can create miracles around the situations and circumstances that you have created in your life.

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If you have problems in your life, you are in the state of consciousness that understands that problem. That means that you can also be in the state of consciousness to create a miracle around that problem, but you have to be miracle minded.

To be miracle minded means you have to be faith minded and you have to understand how the laws of faith work as it pertains to the problem.

He says, “What does the Bible say to such people? It says, ‘Lean not unto thine own human understanding.’

“I quote a prominent physician who is himself a deep student of metaphysics, ‘I believe absolutely in the metaphysical science up to the point of the patient’s understanding, but I have no patience whatever with those who try to go beyond it, with those who wait for healing until all hope is actually gone.’”

Let’s turn to Page 60, fourth paragraph. It says, “When the mind is single to the Body of Christ, the saying ‘it is no longer I that live but Christ liveth in me’ is fulfilled.”

When the mind is single to the Body of Christ, what are we saying? Remember, this is not about religion, folks. This is for everybody.

We come to the understanding that first we are spiritual. We are a spiritual being. Spirit is perfect. The body is imperfect. The body has physical limitations. We have senses. All of those senses have limitations.

We understand that there are no limitations within the spirit, and that’s what we are first and foremost. We are spiritual beings in a physical body, and the tool that we have to navigate between the two is our intellect. Then we step into a place where we can really make things happen in a big way.

The intellect is something that no other form of life has. We have been gifted with an absolutely amazing intellect.

The way that we choose to use our intellect determines whether or not we’re following the laws of Spirit within the body or we are following

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the laws of the body and just acknowledging Spirit. There’s a big difference here.

He says, “Perception of the Christ Body is the metamorphosis of the sick body to a body of health and wholeness. The Christ Body is not the product of human imagination or thought, but the Word made flesh.

“It is easier for some people to believe in the tangible than the intangible, to have more faith in man than in God, to have more confidence in medicine than in mind.” We’re back to where we started.

You have to ask yourself, up to this point, what do you have more belief in? Do you have more belief in the tangible than the intangible? It’s very important to understand.

Turn to Page 61 and go down six paragraphs. It says, “Have you found the Christ?”

For those of you that are not Christian, put the word “truth” there.

“Have you found the truth? No? Then keep up the search until you find Him. When He is perceived and realized, He becomes the Son of God appearing as you.”

I want you to circle that because this is the point where so many people have such a hard time with this, but it is also the place that, when you’re able to really accept it, everything begins to change.

He becomes the Son of God appearing as not another person, not an idealized statue on the wall, not a great writing in the literature of the Bible and not something that is past history, but as you. You just want to let that sink in for a while. You are God. There is just one creation and you are that creation.

He says, “How shall you know when you’re entering the Christ consciousness, when you’re starting to become aware? Ask yourself these questions: Am I easier to get along with than I was? Has my disposition improved? Have I lost the capacity for anger, meanness, animosity, faultfinding, bitterness, criticism, jealousy, ill-will and enmity?

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“Is my health better? Do I have greater supply? Do I work with less personal effort? Do people like me better? If you have Christ, if you have the truth, you have results, for acceptance of Christ and results always go hand in hand.”

When you’re done listening to this it would pay to spend some time really thinking about the reasons people have these issues to begin with. You’ll come to the very clear realization that they’re basically defense mechanisms to protect a very low self-esteem.

It’s a clear indication that we don’t understand that He becomes the Son of God appearing as you. We see ourselves as something that is much less.

Let’s put it this way. We see ourselves as something that is much less than the average person walking down the street, let alone comparing ourselves to the image of God that we may have in our mind or what it is that we’ve been taught.

Turn over to Page 62.

He says, “What is the secret of being touched by Christ? You have the answer in St. Paul’s words, ‘It is no longer I that live but Christ liveth in me.’”

I’ve taught for a long time that if you want your life to be relatively easier without the psychological struggle that most people go through, and it’s not that we’re not going to have problems in our physical life, but I’m talking about the psychological struggle that most people have, then you want to have great relationships, you want to work with people that you love and you want to do what it is that you love.

You want no limits to the amount of money that you can earn, no limits to the experiences that you can have and no judgment with the desires of your heart.

If that is something that you really want on the inside, then when you get there, you know that the idea is that you’re accepting yourself as God as you, as Spirit as you.

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Look at what he goes on to say here. “What is this I that have suddenly stopped living? It is the human self whom Jesus said must be denied and which St. Paul said must be put off.

“Only as you develop spiritual awareness can you be touched by Christ in consciousness. Only then can the Father reach out and change the circumstance world through you. Only then can Christ appear as you.” There it is again, as you.

Turn to Page 63. Just focus at the top of the page here. I’m going to read something from the previous page, but then we’ll get right into these statements.

He says, “Without faith, we cannot be healed, we cannot be prospered, we cannot pray effectively, we cannot live triumphantly and we cannot know God. Without faith, we cannot please Him.” In other words, we’re not going to be in alignment with the good.

“We cannot claim His promises. We can’t receive the good and we cannot be saved.” In other words, we cannot become conscious. That’s what that means.

“By faith, Abel offered, Enoch was translated, Noah prepared the ark and Abraham went out, he sojourned. Abraham, when he was tired, offered up Isaac, Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. Jacob, when he was dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph. Moses was hid three months of his parents.

“We attract whatever we identify ourselves with. God answers us in terms of our belief about life. By faith, we make or remake our lives. We choose health or sickness. We choose prosperity or poverty. We choose success or failure. We advance or we retreat.

“In its static form, faith is neutral and impersonal. Anyone can use it for any purpose. It has no choice or desire of its own. It will remain inactive until it’s put to work, and it cares not by whom or for what it is used.”

People have a hard time with this, but all we have to do is look at the evidence of this being true, and there’s a tremendous amount of evidence, folks, of this being true.

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You just look at all of the bad things that have been done in the world on a grand scale. It’s not that I’m comparing it to things that haven’t been done on a grand scale, but just to the fact that they were able to be done.

Think about what Hitler did, what Stalin did and things that are going on in the world right now. They’re real atrocities. How is it that they could be done? It’s because faith doesn’t choose. The Law doesn’t choose. It doesn’t mean that it’s right. It doesn’t mean that it’s good. It just means that it is.

He says, “It becomes active when one meets the conditions and sets it in motion, but the requirements of faith must be met. There must be absolute conformity to its Law.

“Faith will move in any direction mind gives it. It will accomplish anything mind decrees. It will do anything that mind directs.

“When it is directed toward God, man gains access to unlimited power. Working with principle, faith knows how to build a successful business. It knows how to turn ideas into cash.

“It knows how to take a sick body and make it well and how to take a failure and turn it into success. It does not have to argue or reason. It knows and knows that it knows.

“There is no limit to the power of the Law of Faith. It will take a man to where he wants to be or leave him right where he is. The only limiting factor is unbelief.

“When man realizes that all of God is wherever he is and that he is indwelt by the allness, disease and all other forms of evil lose their power over him. He experiences a sense of security and wellbeing he has never before imagined.

“When he glimpses the vastness of the Power within him, nothing is impossible to him. When he realizes that the same power that holds the stars in their courses can free his body from sickness, he knows, as someone has said, that there are no incurable diseases, only incurable people, incurable because they remain blind to their potential healing.”

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Turn to Page 64. It says, “Why do we say that faith is the first requirement in demonstrating truth? We have the answer in Hebrews 11:6. ‘Without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God and enters into oneness with Him must believe, have faith that he is and that he rewards them that diligently seek him.’

“To come to God, to enter into his consciousness, we must first believe that there is a God and that he hears and answers our prayers.

“To have faith in God means to have a constant dependence and reliance upon Him, to have absolute belief in His word and unqualified acceptance of His promises.

“Did you ever make the mistake of trying to compare your faith with that of another? Did you ever say, ‘I wish I had the faith that so-and-so has’? Stop making comparisons. Know that your faith is the same that everybody else has.

“Your faith is the same faith that Jesus had. The faith was more highly developed than yours, but it is precisely the same faith. Yes, the same faith that Jesus used to do His mighty works is your faith now. Does that thought startle you? Then verify it for yourself.”

There’s no reason why you can’t have the same level of faith, but you have to start using your faith where you are. In other words, you have to use it with the conditions and circumstances that you have in your life right now. That’s where you start.

He says, “The Bible tells us that God is no respector of persons. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

“St. Peter told the Corinthians that God’s promise is to you and to your children. When God makes a promise, He keeps it. His guarantees are always fulfilled. When you are told that you can have anything you ask in faith, why don’t you prove it?”

Think about that. Why don’t you prove it? Yes, it’s a little bit difficult when you have a contrary conversation going on in your head, you have voices from the past telling you that you can’t and fear starts to come up and says, “Even though you have to believe in something that you can’t see to follow me, you should follow me anyway.”

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He says, “Why do you tarry? Why don’t you get your desires and your prayers in accord? Why don’t you stand boldly on the promise until He answers?

“It is because you still feel that your belief is inadequate and imperfect. Then dismiss such a thought from your mind. Read St. Mark 9:24-27 carefully and you will see that it is possible to have belief and unbelief at the same time and still get results.

“Remember the father, seeking healing for his dumb son, who said, ‘Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief’? His prayer was answered.

“The promise, ‘If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible unto you’, leaves plenty of room for both doubt and belief. In fact, you can have a little of both and still get results.” The belief needs to be in your conscious mind.

“Don’t you see what Christ is saying to us here? He is telling us that God answers our prayers not in proportion to our unbelief but in proportion to our faith.”

That’s very big, folks, because that means if you just step out with a little bit of faith you can have mountains of unbelief and you can change it.

He says, “Emerson says, ‘There is no great and no small to the soul that maketh all.’ However, our faith naturally expands and grows stronger as we put it into use and see its power. It feeds on our acceptance, persistency and trust.

“A strongly-held desire, persisted in and backed up by whatever faith you have, is as certain of fulfillment as that day follows night. Remember, he that wavereth is like the wave of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord.”

Turn to Page 66. This Measuring Rod for Faith is something that I want you to do as homework for this chapter, so we’re not going to go through that right now. It’s very self-explanatory.

Turn over to Page 67 and go to the middle of the page where it says, “What do you know?

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No. 1, “Through faith, you learn that the greatest commandment in the Decalogue is ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me.’”

The moment that you say, “I can’t do something because,” whatever follows because became your god that is more of a god to you than the truth. It is more of a god to you than faith.

The fear that is induced as a consequence of whatever follows the “because” is a belief in something that you can’t see. It is the using of your imagination in an incorrect way, and it will guarantee you that you will keep repeating your past and you keep having the same problem over and over again.

He says, “The greatest commandment in the Decalogue is ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me.’ You follow the quiet voice within that’s telling you which way to go. Spirit always points the way to go. Fear tells you not what to do. Faith tells you what to do.”

No. 2, “The greatest Power in the universe is the unconditioned power of God.”

No. 3, “The greatest activity is the activity of truth.” I think that’s so beautiful. When you decide that you’re going to follow truth, it is like a beacon of light that always points the way to you.

It doesn’t mean that it’s always comfortable. I’ll give you that. You’re talking about changing paradigms, adjusting to the way people react or respond to you and the idea of breaking a comfort zone. It’s not always comfortable to do, but it will always lead you in the right direction.

No. 4, “The greatest action is the action of inaction.”

No. 5, “The greatest stabilizer in man’s life is the knowledge of the unchanging God, of God is Law.” I think that’s something that, when you start thinking about it, it is really something that you have to give a considerable amount of time to understanding.

The Laws are set up now and forever the same way. They don’t change. Everything that God does is within the operation and the understanding of those laws.

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When we look into our life, when we try to contemplate the paradoxes that we see in the world, we have to understand that when confusion sets in there is something going on in our psychology that is contrary to the way those laws work.

In other words, at some level, we have accepted an untruth and we’re trying to weigh it against what we see, what we understand and that type of thing, but it causes major confusion. God never changes that law.

No. 6, “The greatest creative factor man possesses is his ability to conceive thought and to become that which he has conceived.”

You can create you. You can build an image in your mind of who you want to be, how you want to be, what you want to do, how you want to do it, where you want to live, how you want to live and everything in your life. You get to create that and you can create it any way that you want.

The thing about this that’s also a little scary in a way is that that’s what has already happened.

If you look at your life and who you are right now, you’re going to see that, unless you’ve made a conscious application of this idea, you have become what somebody else has conceived of your life.

That may be your parents, your grandparents or other people of influence in your life. It could be a spouse or a friend. If you’re not living the life that you want to live, you’re living the life that somebody else told you directly or indirectly that you had to live.

No. 7, “The greatest force in his life is his consciousness of the oneness with God.” The more we become conscious of our oneness with, the more power that we have at our fingertips, and without question the more we’re able to do and the more we’re able to accomplish.

Turn to Page 71.

He says, “What is it that is worrying you right now as you read this book? It doesn’t make any difference what it is. You do not need to stay the way that you are.

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“Heaven is not attained by having glands corrected, complexes straightened out or allergies cured, but by letting this mind be in you which was also in Christ.” It is your awareness.

Go down two paragraphs.

He says, “Through your faith and realization, you know that you do not have to go to church to find God, nor do you have to get someone else to treat you. You have the understanding, belief and acceptance. You know that you have only to release the God in you so that He can manifest as you.” There it is again.

“You take Christ’s command ‘leave all and follow me’ literally.” Become one with. What does that mean? It means leave the beliefs that you have and follow the spirit that you already are. You already have it.

Turn to Page 72. Come down three paragraphs.

He says, “In faith, you know that the presence doesn’t know anything about big and little. It simply knows Itself. You know that you attract to yourself what you are.”

That means that very often we put a judgment on things without knowing that we put a judgment on it, like a lot of money or a little money, a lot of debt or a little debt or a big disease or a little disease.

It really has a lot to do with our own consciousness, what we can conceive in our mind and of course what the consequence, ramification or positive outcome of that faith is.

He says, “Having found faith, you do not complain when the answer to a specific prayer is delayed.” This is very important.

“You examine the foundation upon which your faith rests, knowing that faith, which is active and alive, always works. You then analyze the situation in your own thought to see what is blocking your answer. You ask and honestly answer these questions.”

We’re getting to the very end here. What is he saying? People will say to me, “David, I’m trying to practice this. I’m trying to do this in my life, but I don’t yet see the answer. I don’t see the result. What is it that I’m

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doing wrong? Why hasn’t it come yet?” or some kind of expression of that.

He’s telling us here that, first, we acknowledge that we found the faith. Second, you do not complain when the answer to a specific prayer is delayed because now we’re going to the opposite of faith. When we complain, it is an indication of a reversal of belief.

Then it says, “You examine the foundation upon which your faith rests.” What is the foundation of it? Where is it coming from?

Are you operating faith from a negative perspective? Is it coming from your fear of experiencing something that you don’t want, or is it coming purely from the command and the acknowledgement of the spirit, which is within, which is you?

Then it says, “Knowing that faith, which is active and alive, always works. You analyze the situation in your own thought, not outside of yourself, to see what is blocking your answer.

“You ask and honestly answer these questions: Can a child of God made in His image and likeness be lacking in faith? Do I know the truth and know that I know?

“Do I have fixity of vision and invincibility of purpose?” In other words, you cannot want something today and then say that it’s no big deal tomorrow. You have to have an intensity and a passion in your desire.

“Do you have persistency?” Are you persistent? Do you persist in your faith today, tomorrow and the next day?

“Do I believe that God wants to help me?” You have to believe that all the goodness in the universe is here for you and you for it.

“Have I removed all doubt, fear, negation and depression from my mind or am I allowing that to control my thought half of the day?” When we do that, we’re communicating two polar opposite images. Again, faith and fear are both the belief in something that we can’t see.

“Is my faith one pointed? Do I believe in one power?” In other words, do you believe in the power of God and Spirit to overcome every circumstance, or do you believe that the circumstance has a power that God and Spirit can’t overcome?

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“Do I reject the contrary evidence of the senses?” This is very important. Do I reject what my eyes are telling me?

Turn to Page 73.

“Do I accept my oneness with God?” I and the Father are one.

“Do I trust Him sufficiently to leave everything in His care?” God is good all the time. Write that down there.

“Do I thank him every day for the faith and understanding I already have and the capacity to grow in faith and understanding?”

When you can answer yes to those questions, then you really start to develop the awareness around you that you’re here to basically dominate everything. You’ve been given domination over all of it. Everything is in a constant state of change, but you operate by the truth and The Laws on a consistent basis.

On Page 75, last paragraph, it says, “We know that God is everywhere equally present and surrender the loved one to His care.

“If our imaginations must work, we put them to work on the good that might have caused the delay and the meeting an old and loved friend, the opportunity to serve, a promising business deal.”

Turn to Page 76. It says, “We accord to another the same perfection that we accept for ourselves and meet sick friends and strangers with the quick reminder: Perfect God, perfect being, perfect man, never sick, never dying.’” God is good all the time.

“We know the right action is God’s action and that those of us who are working together in a business deal all move in the one mind to express right action.

“We greet the unprepossessing stranger with the thought, ‘The God in me salutes the God in you.’

“Our faith tells us that as surely as there is a phase of man that faces the outer world, the five senses, there is another phase which faces God through which we can enter into union with Him. Through faith, we have constant realization of the presence of God.

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“‘This is an eternal life, that they might know thee, the only true God and Christ whom thou has sent. That I might know him,’ was St. Paul’s greatest ambition.” That I may know the spiritual side of myself, that I may know the truth side of myself, the truth side of the universe.

“’We know’ is the triumphant ring of every paragraph of John’s first epistle.

“Through our faith, we are able to say with the disciples, ‘We have found the Messiahs, which is Christ,’” which is you.

There, my friends, is the beautiful work of Robert Russell, God Works Through Faith, and it brings us to the end. I leave you with this: The God in me salutes the God in you.

Thank you very much for participating in this with me. Go out into the world with faith and increase it every day. God bless.

This is David Neagle and we will talk to you soon. Bye for now.

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