  • 7/28/2019 The Personality Trait Chart


    The Personality Trait Chart

    Personality traits stem from your character's background. The things that shaped your

    characters life shape his personality as well. If you you have done an extensive background on

    your character you probably already have a well developed personality formed. Use this list to

    give you a few ideas to further your established direction with your character.

    As you develop your character's personality never forget to determine why your character is

    the way he is. Never just say he is mean. There MUST be a reason why he is mean. There is

    rhyme and reason to everything no matter that no one else will know why he acts that way.

    You must know why he acts that way to play him to the best of your abilities.

    1. Addict- Your character has an addictive personality making them prone to such things as

    alcoholism or being overly devoted to the wrong person. What ever the object of the addiction

    your character is almost obsessive

    2. Aesthetic- A character with this trait will have a well developed sensitivity to beauty,

    especially art of any form.

    3. Agressive - An aggressive character may either have a great driving energy and initiative

    towards a goal, being aggressive in hunting or practising magic for example; or he may be

    aggressive in the sense that he is bullying, and quick to fight. Some mixture of both is quite


    4. Altruist - A character with this trait has an unselfish interest in the welfare of others.

    Beyond merely caring for other people this character would hold the welfare of others abovehis own interests as a principle.

    5. Callous - Your character is rathered hardened when it comes to emotions and even

    relationships. May not have much sympathy for other people.

    6. Charismatic - A charismatic character will be able to influence people by sheer force of

    personality. Difficult to Roleplay it takes a lot of effort to be charismatic. Leadership and the

    ability to engender enthusiasm in others is a must.

    7. Charming - A charming character has a personality that is pleasing to others. Being

    charming entails being well mannered and pleasant to others, perhaps a bit chivalrous if amale or demure if a female, though not neccessarily

    8. Chaste - A chaste character is innocent, modest and pure. Perhaps she led a sheltered life

    or a had a particular religious upbringing. It may even be a personal belief based on the

    manner in which she was raised. A chaste character might have very deeply ingrained

    9. Chivalrous - A chivalrous character lives by a code of honor, is courteous, generous and

    honest. Most Paladins accept some sort of chivalrous code of honor to guide them through

    life, though you need not be a Paladin to believe or follow a chivalrous ideal.

    10. Clumsy - A clumsy character may be described as accident prone. The character will trip

    over, bump into, and drop things

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    11. Composed - Your character is calm, cool and collected. Not even emminent danger of the

    worst kind can shake his reserve. He is not easily shaken or disturbed by the actions of others.

    The composed character rarely loses his self control or his temper.

    12. Courteous - Your character is well mannered, respectful, civil and polite. Usually very

    aware of what is proper and what is not.

    13. Crude - Your character lacks social grace, taste, and tact. A character with this trait is

    likely to do or say inappropriate things. She may find herself insulting or offending people

    without meaning to.

    14. Curious - Having a compulsive desire to investigate and learn. The unknown must be

    known, the confusing understood. Ifthis character hears a noise in the dark or out of sight,

    smells something, sees a flash of light in the woods, hears a legend orrumor, etc. they will

    have an urge to investigate. This is of course not always very healthy for the character.

    15. Cynical - Your character sees the worst in other people. Most of their actions will beattributed to selfish motives. He is not likely to be very trusting.

    16. Dishonest - Your character is untrustworthy and deceitful, perhaps even corrupt. He may

    not care much for other peoples feelings or just lies as an easy way out of blame and to make

    himself look good.

    17. Disloyal - A character with this trait is not committed or faithful to a government, cause,

    ideal, or person. This character will follow the road that best suits their personal needs in total

    disregard for the effects it has on any allegiance he may have spoken or were dictated to him

    through terms of service. Not the trustworthy type though somehow they usually get others to

    believe they are.

    18. Dolt - Your character just isn't all that bright, to say the least. Some concepts may be very

    difficult for her to grasp, but other simple things she may understand just find. This goes way

    beyond a mere lack of intelligence. The dolt is a very simple and childlike person. Perhaps

    you may wish to play this further as an idiot savant where your character excels at one

    particular, sometimes useless skill.

    19. Fanatical - When your character hooks on to something he hooks on excessively. Your

    character has a tendency towards this sort of behaviour in general and there is usually one

    thing in his life to which he has an intense uncritical devotion be it a god a belief or the hunt.

    20. Flamboyant - Your character loves attention and is more than willing to play up to it by

    being showy and colorful in their dress, speach and behaviour.

    21. Flippant - A character with this trait treats serious situations, people or events that are due

    respect lightly and with disrespect. May dismiss what others have to say with little regard for

    the other person or the situation, particularly if it does not affect him.

    22. Folksy - Your character is sociable and friendly. Very informal in manner. May have been

    raised in a smaller town or village where such familiarity is common.

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    23. Fortitude - A character with this trait can meet danger or bear pain with courage. Often

    ignoring either or both. Not likely to run into the empaths guild screaming for healing when

    he merely has a minor wound.

    24. Genial - Cheerful and kindly, your character is most gracious to others and a very friendly


    25. Genius - Extraordinary intellectual power. Your character is far above the average

    adventurer in mental abilities. Such a trait may have made her feel isolated and different from

    others. Or, if she was raised in an environment more suitable for the young genius, may very

    well look down on those she considers her mental inferiors.

    26. Impetuous - Impulsive in nature. Your character may make rash and emotional decisions.

    Your the girl who sees the lever and pulls it while saying, "What's this do?"

    27. Impudent - Contemptuous of others, cocky. Your character may be described as being

    insolent as well as impertinent. Not the most polite person in Elanthia.

    28. Inconsiderate - Careless of the rights or feelings of others. Your character is thoughtless

    when it comes to others, though not necessarily purposefully they still don't spend much time

    considering how the people around them are affected by their actions

    29. Indifferent - Your character has no particular interest, loyalties or liking of anything. It

    may simply be a cultivated impartiality to most things or as deep as apathy where your

    character has a general lack of emotion or concern for anything,

    30. Lackadaisical - Lacking life, spirit, or zest. Your character is sluggish in character and


    31. Mad - Insane, not mentally stable. There are many levels to madness. Your character

    maybe slightly odd, to full blown schizophrenic. Perhaps she appears to be normal but has an

    underlying mental illness such as a form of sociopathic behaviour.

    32. Maverick- Non conforming. Your character is an individual, almost to a fault, may find

    following his own path preferable to following the right path.

    33. Mercurial - Your character tends to moodiness and unexpected changes in character and

    behaviour. Usually there is an underlying cause to this, the changes are not random. Yourcharacter may be psychotically insane, manic/depressive or even trying very difficult to be

    something they are not and when their true character shows through others are surprised at the


    34. Meticulous - Extremely careful in attending to details. Your character wants things done

    right and usually wants it done right the first time. Measure twice (or five times) and cut once

    is her motto.

    35. Namby-Pamby - Your character is weak, indecisive, and cowardly, basically a Character

    that lacks character. She'll be ineffectual at reaching goals or sticking to any plans.

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    36. Narcissist - Beyond vain, your character is practically in love with himself. Nothing is too

    good for him, no one is more beautiful, attractive or charming. Your character is likely to be

    egotistical and self-centered as well.

    37. Nefarious - Your character is fragrantly wicked. Most evil people aren't evil in their own

    minds but your character probably takes pleasure in being wicked and impious. A certainamount of style and charm usually hides the nefariousness of your character from the eyes of

    the common folk who happen upon him, but he plots and schemes with no regard for any but

    himself. Be sure other players are aware of your intentions before being too nefarious, of


    38. Obsequious - Humbly or excessively attentive, fawning. Your character finds it much

    more agreeable to be in service to someone who will provide him with all his needs and is not

    against a bit of grovelling to make sure he gets all that he feels he deserves. A bit weasly, but

    if he plays his cards right, a comfortable weasle.

    39. Opportunist - Your character tends to exploit opportunities with little regard for theconsequences of his actions. He may not take principles or even other people into

    consideration either.

    40. Ornery - Your character is quite irritable and easily aggravated.

    41. Panache - Not quite as flashy as the flamboyant character, your character nevertheless

    makes quite a stylish sight.

    42. Paranoid - Mental disorder marked by delusions and irrational suspicion. Your character

    has a hard time trusting anyone and is willing to leap at the slightest indication that people are

    not trustworthy.

    43. Passive - Submissive, patient, non-violent. Your character may not be all of these things

    its up to you to determine how passive he is.

    44. Pensive - Musingly or dreamily thoughtful. Your character may constantly muse over sad

    and depressing things. A rather introverted type.

    45. Pious - Your character is marked by an extreme reverence for religioun and the Gods.

    Your character is determined to do what is right by the gods. Generally not applied to those

    who follow the more evil aspects of the gods, but of those who follow the light aspects.

    46. Pompous - Your character is arrogant, pretentious and/ or ostentatious. He is of the

    priveledged and makes no bones about showing it off. He is not likely to think well of those

    of a lesser class.

    47. Quick Tempered- Easily angered, your character has a hot temper and is easily provoked

    48. Rambunctious - Undisciplined, unruly and marked by mostly uncontrolled exuberance.

    Your character is somewhat like a puppy, lots of energy, little direction and basically good


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    49. Rapscallion - Your character is a little rascal, a little rogue and a little ne'er-do-well. She's

    likely to be very charismatic and maybe even playful and mischievious. Still she might just

    sell her grandmother if the price was right.

    50. Rover- Your character has a touch of the wanderlust. She never likes to stay too long in

    one place and is much happier out on the open road living where ever she happens to stoprather than settled down in a home of her own.

    51. Sadistic - Your character takes an abnormal delight in cruelty. He'll kick the smelly cat

    when no one is looking, push old beggars to their knees for the fun of it, and will feel no

    remorse while doing it. She cares only for her own pleasure and will lie and misrepresent their

    interest to hurt others both emotionally and physically. The overly sadistic character must be

    prepared to be hated by other characters, be sure other players are aware of your motives if

    you choose this path so it never hurts the player as well.

    52. Short-sighted- Your character doesn't see the far reaching affects of his actions and

    decisions. May have a very narrow view of situations as well since they can't seem to discernany consequences in most things.

    53. Steadfast - Firm in belief, determination, or adherence. Your character is very loyal.

    When he makes an oath he keeps it no matter what the cost to himself. Can be a tragic figure

    if he has married an unfaithful and coldhearted woman, or be the basis for great heroics and

    commitment to a worthwhile cause.

    54. Stoic - Your character may appear very cold to the outside world. He rarely shows feeling

    or passion in response to events especially in regard to pain and distress. He may just be

    indifferent or perhaps very self-controlled. Either way he can put up with far more than the

    ordinary person.

    55. Subservient - Willing to serve in subordinate capacity. The subservient character balks at

    being placed in positions of leadership and power. He does not want that kind of

    responsibility. He may be deathly shy or just a follower by nature.

    56. Valorous - Your character is a hero waiting to be. When courage and heroics are needed

    your character will step forward with no thought to consequence, only to what is right and


    57. Wayward - Your character is rather capricious. Impulsive and unpredictable in hisactions. Follows his inclinations with no concerns as to what is right and wrong.

    58. Wily - Your character is full of guile and cunning. If a bit of trickery is called for your

    character will not only think up a good one but carry it through to the end. He may have a

    touch of roguishness or could just be an astute and shrewd business man

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