

The Paideia School

Art 12

Art Department Goals

1. Reflect and enjoy the absolute values of the truth, goodness, and beauty of God in artistic


2. Appreciate human creative imagination and skill as gifts of God’s common grace.

3. Recognize the fine arts as valuable means of the cultural engagement required both in the

Dominion Mandate and the Great Commission.

4. Evaluate works of art through a Biblical perspective.

5. Achieve an appropriate balance of historical perspective, appreciation of master works, and

technical skill for each art form and medium studied.

6. Emphasize the grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric of the fine arts at appropriate grade levels.

Course Goals

Students will:

1. Strive to glorify God through the creation of a personal portfolio of their artwork. The

portfolio will include a still-life, a landscape, a human figure, an animal, and a self-

portrait, and will incorporate a variety of media including oils, acrylic, watercolor, ink,

and clay.

2. Examine, identify, and discuss masterworks, artists, and art movements, from the

classical to the contemporary, learning to recognize beauty, goodness, and truth in these

artworks through a Christian worldview.

3. Serve Paideia community by taking photographs and creating page layouts for the school

yearbook and by designing and producing backdrops for our annual play.

Biblical Principles

1. God communicates His holiness, beauty, and majesty to man through the revelations of

moral goodness and aesthetic beauty as well as through propositional truth.

2. Man, made in the imago dei, is possessed of creative imagination and skill.

3. Through common grace, man is able to appreciate truth, goodness, and beauty, and he

expresses these through works of art.

4. Man’s perception of truth, goodness, and beauty has been perverted and distorted by


5. There are objective standards of beauty, as well as of truth and goodness.

6. Art reflects, interprets, and affects the world God has made; therefore, it must be

submitted to His standards as to motive, effect, worldview content, and technical



Quarterly Objectives:

First Quarter

Students continue portfolio work

Schaeffer series – video nine (The Age of Personal Peace and Affluence) and


Student-selected art seminar

Second Quarter

Students continue portfolio work / completing final projects

Schaeffer series – video ten (Final Choices) and seminar

Student-selected art seminar

Third Quarter

Students finalize written explanations referencing portfolio work.

Student-selected art seminar

Play / set production

Fourth Quarter

Student-selected art seminar

Finalize portfolio

Teacher Resources:

Francis Schaeffer’s “How Should We Then Live” video series and study guide.

ASIN: B000BS70P4


Yearbook Staff - Design and Production

Design and production for Spring Play


The Paideia School

Bible 12


Biblical Principles

1. God speaks propositional truth to man through the Bible. The Bible is inspired by

the Holy Spirit, is inerrant in all that it affirms, and is the Christian’s infallible

guide to belief and behavior.

2. Since God has used men to speak His message to mankind, there is legitimacy to

the Bible-teaching ministry, including hermeneutics, exegesis, and apologetics,

among believers.

3. Scripture can have only one “true” meaning because of the unity of the mind of

God and the corresponding nature of truth. A passage can have only one correct

interpretation, yet may have several applications to various persons’ lives.

4. The Scriptures themselves acknowledge that they contain “mysteries” and passages

that are difficult to understand.

5. God intends that study of, and meditation on, the Scriptures should help students to

grow and develop their personalities in wholeness.

Bible Department Goals

1. Gain a working knowledge of the Bible, thus attaining fluency with Biblical

principles and precepts, in order to forge a Biblical worldview that will form the

foundation for all life experiences and endeavors.

2. Spend the majority of class and study time devoted to the subject of the Bible

primarily in the Biblical text itself, with scholarly support from reference works.

3. Train in sound principles of hermeneutics, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

4. Maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace by adhering to The Paideia

School’s Statement of Faith and to its Secondary Doctrine Policy. We do not

advocate denominational distinctives, yet allow doctrinal discussion and debate for

the benefits of mutual understanding and improving rhetorical skill.

5. Integrate knowledge and skills from other disciplines and encourage the application

of Biblical truth as the proper framework for discerning truth and error in other


6. Teach the Bible with a blend and balance of academic rigor and pastoral concern. We

develop virtuous scholars who study the Word and submit to it.

7. Engage/Present key themes and concepts of the course in cogent/elegant/persuasive

verbal and written form, based on original research and analysis/reflection.

Course Goals

Students will:

1. Recognize and express the benefits of, and the need for, apologetics.


2. Identify and analyze major types and systems of apologetics.

3. Compare and contrast various dominant and extant worldviews.

4. Construct and articulate a Biblical life and worldview.

5. Cultivate the ability to refute unbelief in its various forms.

6. Balance personal devotion and rigorous apologetic skill.

Course Objectives

First Quarter

Definition of apologetics and its basis in Scripture.

The values of apologetics.

In evangelizing unbelievers.

In edifying believers.

The need to balance personal devotion/intellectual depth by the apologist.

Comparing presuppositional and evidential apologetics.

Second Quarter

Constructing a Biblical apologetic from Proverbs 26:4-5. The necessary discovery of unstated assumptions.

The inescapable authority of right logic.

The compelling power of genuine compassion.

Philosophy and apologetics:

Metaphysical issues: what is “truth.”

Epistemological issues: how does the Christian “know” truth.

Third Quarter

Components of a worldview.

Critique of the ideal of “neutral” thought.

Tests of a worldview.

Logical coherence.

Correspondence with reality.

Relevance to the basic concerns of life.


Major extant worldviews. Theism, atheism, pantheism.

Expressions in major world religious systems (Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism,


Modernism, postmodernism.

Expressions in writings of modern philosophers (from Descartes to Derrida).

Fourth Quarter

Questions about the existence and nature of God.

Questions about law and justice.

Questions about evil and suffering.

Questions about cultural mores and institutions.


Questions about biomedical ethics.

Questions about art and aesthetics.

Questions about science and the cosmos.

Questions about the veracity of the Biblical text and message.

Questions about the Person and work of Jesus Christ.

Questions about human nature and destiny.

Student Resources

1. Norman Geisler & Peter Bocchino, Unshakeable Foundations (Minneapolis: Bethany

House, 2001).

2. James Sire, The Universe Next Door (3d ed.) (Downers Grove, IL: IVP 1997).

3. Great Books of the Western World (selected philosophers).

4. Apologetic sourcebook (selected handouts).

5. One of the following:

The MacArthur Study Bible.

The NIV Study Bible.

The Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible.

Another approved study Bible.

Teacher Resources

Apologetic Systems

1. Campbell-Jack and McGrath, New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics (2006).

2. Norman Geisler, Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics.

3. Steven B. Cowan, editor, Five Views on Apologetics (Zondervan, 2000).

Classical Apologetics

1. William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith.

2. Norman Geisler, Christian Apologetics.

3. Norman Geisler & Ron Brooks, When Skeptics Ask: A Handbook on Christian

Evidences (Victor Books, 1989).

4. Norman Geisler & Thomas Howe, When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible

Difficulties (Victor Books, 1992).

5. Gerstner, Sproul, Lindsley, Classical Apologetics.

6. R.C. Sproul, Defending Your Faith (Crossway, 2003).

Evidential Apologetics

1. Winfried Corduan, No Doubt About It – The Case for Christianity (Broadman &

Holman, 1997).

2. C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man (HarperSanFrancisco, 2001).

3. C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (HarperSanFrancisco, 2001).

4. Josh McDowell, Evidence That Demands a Verdict.

5. Lee Strobel, A Case for Christ (Zondervan).

6. Lee Strobel, A Case for Faith (Zondervan, 2000).


Narrative Apologetics (selected resources)

1. Kurt Bruner & Jim Ware, Finding God in The Lord of the Rings (Tyndale, 2001).

2. C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia, Space Trilogy, The Screwtape Letters.

3. For help on Lewis, see, e.g., Terry Glaspey, Not a Tame Lion (Cumberland, 1996);

Louis Markos, Lewis Agonistes (Broadman & Holman, 2003); Will Vaus, Mere

Theology (IVP, 2004).

Practical Presuppositional Apologetics

1. Scott Burson & Jerry Walls, C.S. Lewis & Francis Schaeffer: Lessons for a New

Century from the Most Influential Apologists of Our Time (IVP, 1998).

2. Nancy Pearcey, Total Truth.

3. Francis Schaeffer, Trilogy: The God Who Is There, Escape from Reason, He is There

and He Is Not Silent.

Presuppositional Apologetics

1. Greg Bahnsen, Always Ready (Covenant Media Foundation, 1996).

2. Greg Bahnsen, Van Til’s Apologetic.

3. John Frame, Apologetics to the Glory of God (P&R, 1994).

4. John Frame, Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought.

5. Richard L. Pratt, Jr., Every Thought Captive.

6. Cornelius Van Til, Apologetics.

7. Cornelius Van Til, Why I Believe In God.

Reformed Epistemological Apologetics

1. Alvin Plantinga, Christian Warrant.


1. Baruch Brody, ed., Readings in the Philosophy of Religion, 2d ed., (Englewood

Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall 1992).

2. Colin Brown, Christianity & Western Thought: Vol. 1, From the Ancient World to the

Age of Enlightenment (IVP, 1990). The earlier version is Philosophy & the Christian

Faith (IVP, 1968).

3. Stephen R.C. Hicks, Explaining Postmodernism (Scholargy, 2004).

4. Esther Lightcap Meek, Longing to Know: A Philosophy of Knowing for Ordinary


5. Myron Penner, editor, Christianity and the Postmodern Turn (Brazos Press, 2005).

6. Gene Edward Veith, Jr., Postmodern Times: A Christian Guide to Contemporary

Thought and Culture (Crossway Books, 1994).



1. Winfried Corduan, Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions

(IVP, 1998).

2. Norman L. Geisler and Abdul Saleeb, Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the

Cross (Baker Books, 2002).

3. Timothy George, Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad (Zondervan, 2002).

4. Walter Martin, The Kingdom of the Cults (Bethany House, 1985).

5. Josh McDowell and Don Stewart, Understanding Non-Christian Religions (Here’s

Life Publishers, 1982).

6. Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods (Thomas Nelson, 2000).

7. Ravi Zacharias, The Real Face of Atheism (Baker, 2004).

Selected Works on the Apologetics of Science

1. Michael J. Behe, Darwin’s Black Box (Touchstone, 1996).

2. William Dembski, Intelligent Design (IVP, 1999).

3. David G. Hagopian, editor, The Genesis Debate (Crux Press, 2001).

4. Philip E. Johnson, Defeating Darwinism By Opening Minds (IVP, 1997).

5. J.P. Moreland and John Mark Reynolds, Three Views on Creation and Evolution

(Zondervan, 1999).

6. Henry Morris, What Is Creation Science (Master Books, 1999).

7. Hugh Ross, Creation as Science (NavPress, 2006).

8. R.C. Sproul, Not a Chance (Baker, 1994).

9. Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator (Zondervan, 2004).

10. B.B. Warfield, Evolution, Science, and Scripture (Baker, 2000).

11. Thomas Woodward, Doubts About Darwin (Baker, 2003).

Other Apologetic Issues

1. C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain.

June 5, 2012

The Paideia School

English 12

American Literature

Biblical Principles

1. Communication is a reality intrinsic to the triune Godhead and extrinsic to God in

relation to His creation.

2. Language is a divine gift that enables man to think and to communicate clearly,

quickly, and meaningfully.

3. God intends that man's thoughts and communications reflect truth, goodness, and


4. Sin's power to distort and pervert the created order extends even to man's thoughts

and communications.

5. The Bible is the intellectual, moral, and spiritual standard for evaluating all other

communication: in content, in motive, and in effect.

English Department Goals

1. Examine the worldviews that manifest themselves in language and literature and evaluate

them from a Biblical perspective.

2. Train in the use of grammatical and literary tools to fully engage the great literary art of

Western Civilization.

3. Recognize that grammatical and literary skills provide access to all other academic and

artistic pursuits.

4. Articulate the great ideas through thorough research, careful documentation, and eloquent

analysis, building dialectical and rhetorical skills in an age appropriate manner.

5. Develop creative abilities to the glory of God.

Course Goals

Students will:

1. Read and analyze a variety of American literature.

2. Understand the technical and aesthetic aspects of great literature.

3. Think critically about the content, form, and interpretation of literary works.

4. Develop a deeper understanding of truth as they learn to differentiate between vain

philosophies and Scriptural principles in literature.

5. Expand their ability to integrate deeper thought and learned vocabulary into their own

verbal and written communication.

6. Develop a higher view of God through an examination of beauty, form and talent.

Course Objectives

June 5, 2012

First Quarter

Literature: Metaphysical and Frontier Periods

General History of Virginia (selections)-John Smith

Of Plymouth Plantation (selections)-William Bradford

-comparison between the Christian and secular foundations

-developing American style

“The Flesh and the Spirit,” “To My Dear and Loving Husband”- Anne Bradstreet

“Meditation 1,” “Meditation 8,” “Huswifery,” “Wedlock”-Edward Taylor

-characteristics of metaphysical poetry (conceit)

“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”-Jonathan Edwards

“Legend of Sleepy Hollow”-Washington Irving

Last of the Mohicans-James Fennimore Cooper

-Romantic hero

-Themes: frontier hero, noble savage, pragmatism


Strong Sentences


Literary Paper (using primary source)

Style Skills: As Needed (e.g. word choice, conventions of quoting, concision,

cohesion & coherence, emphasis, sentence variety, topic and conclusion sentences,

verb usage, elegance)

Second Quarter

Literature: Transcendental Period

“The Divinity School Address” and “The Poet”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

-origins of Transcendentalism

“The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Bells,” “The Raven,” “Ligeia”-Edgar Allen Poe

-psychological manipulation of horror story

-mind over matter

“The Village Blacksmith” and “A Psalm of Life”-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Selections from Walden Pond-Henry David Thoreau

-passive resistance

The Scarlet Letter-Nathaniel Hawthorne

-Puritan hypocrisy


Researching Literary Sources (library and internet)

Annotated Bibliography

Literary Paper (using primary source)

Style Skill: As Needed (see first quarter)

June 5, 2012

Third Quarter

Literature: Realistic and Modern Periods

When Lilacs Last in the Courtyard Bloomed”-Walt Whitman

-Free Verse

-Romantic temperament with realistic vocabulary (transitional)

“The Soul,” “I Heard a Fly Buzz,” etc-Emily Dickinson

“The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg”-Mark Twain


-cynicism of Twain

“To Build a Fire”-Jack London

-instinct superior to intelligence

-natural selection

“Once by the Pacific,” “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening,” “Birches,”

“The Road Not Taken”- Robert Frost

-characteristics of Frost’s poetry (blank verse, common language)

“Neighbor Rosicky”-Willa Cather

“Roman Fever”-Edith Wharton

“Daisy Miller” -Henry James

-Americans in Europe

The Great Gatsby-F. Scott Fitzgerald


-The Roaring 20’s

-use of color

The Sun Also Rises-Ernest Hemingway



-living futilely with a flourish (beautiful vanity)

-Theme: the futility of Jake’s choice between his two loves, Lady Brett and



Literary Paper (primary source)

Literary Research Paper (primary and secondary sources)

Style Skill: As Needed (see first quarter)

Fourth Quarter

Literature: Modern Period

Finish The Sun Also Rises

Of Mice and Men-John Steinbeck

-voice of common man during Great Depression

-Theme: people owning land and people working together grant power to


“Good Country People”-Flannery O’Conner

-shock value

The Glass Menagerie-Tennessee Williams

June 5, 2012


Glorified Outline (thesis, outline, and examples)

Literary Research Paper (primary and secondary sources)

Style Skill: As Needed (see first quarter)

Teacher Resources

American Literature Anthology. Meyer, Aislinn. (Teacher-Created Resource)

Last of the Mohicans. Cooper, James Fennimore.

The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne, Nathaniel.

The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald, F. Scott.

The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway, Ernest.

Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck, John.

The Glass Menagerie. Williams, Tennessee.

A Handbook to Literature. Harmon, William and Hugh Holman. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,

2003. ISBN: 0130979988.

Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace. Williams, Joseph M. ISBN: 978-0205747467

Student Resources

American Literature Anthology. Meyer, Aislinn. (Teacher-Created Resource)

Last of the Mohicans. Cooper, James Fennimore.

The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne, Nathaniel.

The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald, F. Scott.

The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway, Ernest.

Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck, John.

The Glass Menagerie. Williams, Tennessee.

Summer Reading: Designated Bible Selection

Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury.

Defending the Declaration, Amos.

Mere Christianity, Lewis.

Extra Credit

The Reason for God, Keller.

Suggested Activities

American Literature CLEP Exam

Revision June 2008

The Paideia School

Greek II 12th


Biblical Principles

1. God has given us the gift of language constructed in a rational and propositional

mode so that we may better understand Him, one another, and the created order.

2. Language is an essential tool in our fulfillment of the Dominion Mandate and the

Great Commission.

3. God has given us language to accumulate, organize, and transmit knowledge

gained by the human race.

4. The providential generation of multiple languages and study of these languages

allows the student a means to view, understand, and transcend cultural


5. Language, learned well and articulated wisely, is of great service to God and


Classical Languages and Literature Department Goals

1. Recall grammatical constructions and their uses.

2. Identify vocabulary and English derivatives.

3. Translate simple and complex grammatical constructions.

4. Read primary source documents for comprehension.

5. Interpret and analyze cultural values of Classical Antiquity from primary source


6. Evaluate the culture of Classical Antiquity according to Biblical standards.

Course Goals

Students will:

1. Increasingly appreciate the importance of knowing Koine Greek.

2. Review/consolidate knowledge of basic Greek grammar.

3. Conjugate and translate Greek verbs.

4. Build a repertoire of basic vocabulary.

5. Translate simple Greek sentences.

6. Conduct word studies with lexical tools.

Revision June 2008

Course Objectives

First Quarter

Rationale for and survey of the course.

Review of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives, prepositions.

Introduction to verbs: person, number, tense, voice, mood, aspect.

Formal components of verbs: augment/reduplication, stem, connecting vowel,

personal ending.

Present indicative verbs (active, middle/passive voice).

Contract verbs (rules and paradigms).

Deponent verbs.

Second Quarter

Future Indicative verbs (active/middle voice).

Verbal roots and patterns of modification.

Liquid futures.

Imperfect indicative verbs (active, middle/passive voice).

Second aorist indicative (active, middle voice).

First aorist indicative (active, middle voice).

Aorist and future indicative (passive voice).

Perfect indicative (active, middle/passive voice).

Build vocabulary to approximately 275 words.

Third Quarter

Introduction to participles (forms, usage, translation).

Adverbial and adjectival usage.

Present participles(active, middle/passive voice).

Aorist participles (active, middle, passive voice).

Perfect participles (active, middle/passive voice).

Other participial forms: genitive absolutes, periphrastic constructions.

Fourth Quarter

Subjunctive mood (forms, usage, translation).

Imperative mood (forms, usage, translation).

Infinitives (forms, usage, translation).

μι verbs.

Build vocabulary to approximately 325 words.

Revision June 2008

Teacher Resources

Kurt Aland, et al., ed., The Greek New Testament, 4th

edition (ISBN ??).

The University of York website:

(electronically annotated Greek text).

The Resurgence Greek Project website: (electronically

annotated Greek text).

Tevaultesoft website: (for downloading Greek font).

Student Resources

Kurt Aland, et al., ed., The Greek New Testament, 4th

edition (ISBN ??).

William Mounce, A Graded Reader of Biblical Greek (ISBN 0=310-20582-4).

Revision June 2008

The Paideia School

History 12

Great Ideas II

History Department Goals

1. Attain a Scriptural understanding of human nature and historical patterns, with

particular attention to sin and its consequences.

2. Understand that history is an examination of the progression and composite of all

Divine activity and human endeavor.

3. Use the discipline of History as a paradigm for the study of the development of other

subject areas.

4. Interact frequently with primary sources, especially those from the canon of Western


5. Articulate thoughts and beliefs regarding historical events by thorough research,

careful documentation, and wise expression.

6. Incorporate Biblical precept and historical example in pursuit of godly citizenship.

Course Goals

Students will:

1. Develop an acquaintance with the seminal thinkers, their writings, and the Great

Ideas of the West, and evaluate them from a Biblical perspective.

2. Trace the historical development of the Great Ideas of the West.

3. Gain facility in identifying, analyzing, and synthesizing concepts across a broad

array of disciplines: supporting truth and detecting error.

4. Express thoughts, beliefs, and convictions precisely and persuasively on the

fundamental ideas and issues in human existence.

5. Begin to form a cogent and comprehensive Biblical worldview that will enrich

and enliven the soul for a lifetime of personal growth, ministry and witness.

Biblical Principles

1. God sovereignly superintends all things, including man’s activities and

circumstances throughout history.

2. The Biblical conception of linear time moving from creation through the cross

toward its consummation in Christ’s second coming gives meaning and urgency to

historical events.

3. God judges individuals, cultures, and nations that fall short of His glory, and only

Christ and His gospel can redeem and ennoble them.

4. God judges individuals in eternity according to their faith in Christ, but He deals

with nations in the course of historical events according to their standards of justice

and righteousness.

5. God commands that men learn from the mistakes and accomplishments of their

historical predecessors.

Revision June 2008

Course Objectives

Students are to read only selections of the works listed.

First Quarter


Proverbs 8-9


Plato, Meno: Can virtue be taught?

Plato, Republic

Aristotle: Nichomachean Ethics: the Golden Mean

John S. Mill: Utilitarianism

C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity: Cardinal and Theological Virtues


Mortimer Adler: Ten Philosophical Mistakes: Happiness and Contentment

Saint Augustine: Confessions, City of God


C.S. Lewis: The Four Loves: affection, friendship, eros, charity

Second Quarter


Mortimer Adler: Six Great Ideas

Friedrich Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil: perspectivism, relativity, the



Mortimer Adler: Six Great Ideas: real and apparent goods

C.S. Lewis: The Problem of Pain: theodicy

Plato: Republic: The Good

G.K. Chesterton: Heretics


Mortimer Adler: Six Great Ideas: beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Plotinus: First Ennead, Sixth Tractate: soul’s longing for beauty

Immanuel Kant: Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the

Sublime: subjectivity of taste

Friedrich Nietzsche: The Birth of Tragedy: beauty and art


Saint Augustine: Confessions: effects of sin on soul and perception

Soren Kierkegaard: The Concept of Dread: sin and angst

Revision June 2008

Third Quarter


Plato: Republic: sensible versus intelligible worlds

Aristotle: Categories

John Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: primary and

secondary qualities

Georg Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit: Absolute Spirit

Kierkegaard: Fear and Trembling: existentialism, teleological suspension of

the ethical, being and becoming

Nietzsche: The Gay Science: “God is Dead”

Heidegger: Being and Time: phenomenology, Dasein

Sartre: Being and Nothingness: negation and consciousness

Sartre: No Exit: existential despair

Francis Schaeffer: The God Who is There: the line of despair

Fourth Quarter


Ecclesiastes 1-3: circular and linear aspects of time

Plato: Timaeus: creation of the world

Lucretius: The Way Things Are

Augustine: Confessions: nature of time and memory

Hegel: Reason in History: the Absolute Mind, the dialectic

G.K. Chesterton: Everlasting Man: the incarnation and history

C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory: longing for eternity

T.S. Eliot: The Four Quartets: tension between time and eternity, redemption

of time

C.S. Lewis: The Problem of Pain: Heaven

Student Materials

Encyclopedia Britannica’s Great Books of Western Civilization, Six Great Ideas, The

Four Loves, The Weight of Glory, The Four Quartets

Teacher Materials

How to Think About the Great Ideas

Reference Resources

Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, A History of Philosophy (F. Copleston)

Students are to read only selections of the works listed.


The Paideia School

Mathematics 12


Biblical Principles

1. The mind and character of God are the foundation of mathematical truth as revealed in

creation: order, non-contradiction, immutability, infinitude, precision, beauty, and


2. God equips man with a rational mind to apprehend mathematical truth in creation.

3. Man’s finitude and sin nature preclude a comprehensive understanding of

mathematical intricacies of the created order.

4. God enables man to use mathematical knowledge to strive toward fulfillment of the

dominion mandate.

5. God’s command to count and measure reflects the truth that there is a righteous

standard by which He will judge men.

Mathematics Department Goals

1. Recognize the attributes of God that are revealed by a study of mathematics.

2. Know that man's sin nature and finitude hinder his complete understanding of math and

other intricacies of the created order.

3. Understand that human standards of measurement testify to the reality of God's perfect

knowledge and righteous standard.

4. Build on the foundation of the grammar years to further develop logical thinking patterns,

problem solving abilities, and elegant expression of the same.

5. Appreciate the role of mathematics in the historical development of other disciplines and of


6. Develop mathematical faculties to the fullest in order to use such tools in the service of

God and man.

Course Goals

Students will:

1. Recognize attributes of God, His perfect knowledge and righteous standard as reflected

in the study of Calculus.

2. Recognize the uses and limits of higher Mathematics.

3. Apply the tools of logic, previous knowledge of Algebra, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus to

practical projects.

4. Discuss manipulation of rational expressions.

5. Learn the functionality of graphing calculators in order that students may practice using

tools that aid in accomplishing the dominion mandate.

6. Communicate mathematics both orally and in writing.


Course Objectives

Quarter 1

Variables, Functions, and Limits.

An example of the type of problem the Calculus addresses.

Variables and functions

Three ways of looking at a function

Rhetorical and symbolic algebra

Domain and range


The behavior of functions


Definition of limits

The rise of mathematics and the Liberal Arts.

The philosophy of Pythagoras

Six famous ratios

The spirit of the Liberal Arts

The Pythagorean Theorem and its modern consequences

The unity of Algebra and Geometry

Eudoxus and the method of exhaustion

Ratios of “unlike” magnitudes

Review and getting ready

Plato, Aristotle, and mathematics

Measuring the Earth

Measuring the Circle

Measuring the Cone

The spirit of Archimedes

Untying the knot of the Greek geometrical representation of arithmetic

Quarter 2


Rising and falling lines

Linear functions.

The principle of elimination

The slope of a tangent line

Fermat’s method and the derivative

The interplay between a function and its derivative

Solving optimization problems with derivatives

The definition of the derivative

The quadratic formula

Newton’s method: using derivatives to solve equations.

Three Frenchmen: Pascal, Descartes, and Fermat.


Techniques of optimization

The derivative of the reciprocal function

General rules for reciprocals and for constant multiples.

The sum rule and the second derivative

The second derivative and concavity

The rule of squares

The product rule and the square root rule

The quotient rule

Solving optimization problems

Instantaneous rates

Leibniz’s notation: Mathematics and poetry

The derivative as instantaneous speed

Continuity and the structure of motion in God’s creation

The chain rule

Related rates


A fundamental principle and freely falling bodies

Antiderivatives and distance

Derivatives and the circle

Gottfried Leibniz.

Quarter 3

Integrals and antiderivatives

Areas and antiderviatives.

Areas bounded by curves.

Areas between curves.

The method of Eudoxus and the integral.

The integral as a limit of sums.

Some properties of the integral.

The Fundamental Theorem of the Calculus.

Integrals and volumes.

The volume of a solid of revolution.

Isaac Newton.

Romance in reason: Seventeenth century mathematics

Guessing versus reasoning

Atomism versus common sense

Seer versus sage

The discrete versus the continuous

The infinitesimal calculus

Analysis versus modern developments

Faith versus reason


Quarter 3

Circular (trigonometric) functions

Trigonometric functions: degrees and radians

Circle functions.

Trigonometric identities

The derivative of the sine function

More derivatives of trigonometric functions

Optimization and inverse trigonometric functions

Inverse functions and their derivatives

viii) Implicit differentiation.

Fundamental principles revisited

Existence and uniqueness

What is number?

Approximating baf(x)∫

Definition of if b ≤ a. baf(x)∫

Integrals as averages

Simpson’s rule

Quadratures, Mean-Value Theorems, and L’Hopital’s rule

Integrals as Antiderivatives

Integrals as work and as distance

Logarithmic and Exponential functions


The natural log function

The exponential function

Wonderfully “exotic” numbers

Uses of logarithms; logarithmic differentiation

Compound and continuous interest

Population growth

Radioactive decay

Algebraic approximations to transcendental functions

Further explorations

Teacher Resources

Calculus: A Liberal Art, Second Edition, Priestley, W.M. (Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

1998) ISBN: 0-387-98379-1.

Calculus: A Liberal Art, Solutions Manual, Nickel, James, 2007.

Mathematics: Is God Silent?, Nickel, James, (Vallecito, CA, Ross House Books, 2001 revised

edition.) ISBN: 1-879998-22-X.

Automatic graphing calculator (TI-83+)


Student Resources

Calculus: A Liberal Art, Second Edition, Priestley, W.M. (Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

1998) ISBN: 0-387-98379-1.

Mathematics: Is God Silent?, Nickel, James, (Vallecito, CA, Ross House Books, 2001 revised

edition.) ISBN: 1-879998-22-X.

Automatic graphing calculator (TI-83+)

rev. September 21, 2010

The Paideia School

Science 12


Biblical Principles

1. God created all things out of nothing.

2. Creation reflects the glory of God’s attributes in its scientific characteristics, as

seen in its unity, diversity, order, complexity, beauty, consistency, and precision.

3. God sustains and redeems His fallen creation.

4. God commands and enables us to discover and utilize the intricacies of His


5. God’s creation includes marvels and mysteries that cannot be apprehended by

scientific means.

Science Department Goals

1. Gain a Biblical perspective on the scientific enterprise and examine various scientific

theories in light of Scriptural truth.

2. Attain an accurate knowledge of the contribution of Science to human life by

teaching the history of scientific research, development, and invention.

3. Provide laboratory experiences that emphasize scientific method and safety


4. Develop problem-solving abilities that include gathering data, marshaling evidence,

utilizing discursive techniques, and interactive methods.

5. Blend inductive and deductive scientific teaching strategies to provide a realistic

model of scientific endeavor.

6. Train in the ethical use of scientific knowledge and technology for the glory of God.

Course Goals

Students will:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of both theoretical and practical points of physics.

2. Master vocabulary necessary to understanding physics concepts.

3. Continue to develop skills in the area of scientific critique and debate.

4. Apply a combination of principles from Physics and Mathematics to lay the

foundation for a better understanding of the physical universe.

5. Evaluate the difficult issues and their consequences as they relate to technology

and the environment with attention to issues presented by the claims of the EPA,

AMA, and NASA.

The Paideia School

Upper School Music 12

Biblical Principles

1. God communicates His holiness, beauty, and majesty to man through the

revelations of moral goodness and aesthetic beauty as well as through

propositional truth.

2. Man, made in the imago dei, is possessed of creative imagination and skill.

3. Through common grace, man is able to appreciate truth, goodness, and beauty, and

he expresses these through works of art.

4. Man’s perception of truth, goodness, and beauty has been perverted and distorted

by sin.

5. There are objective standards of beauty, as well as of truth and goodness

6. Art reflects, interprets, and affects the world God has made; therefore, it must be

submitted to His standards as to motive, effect, worldview content, and technical


Music Department Goals

1. Reflect and enjoy the absolute values of the truth, goodness, and beauty of God in artistic


2. Appreciate human creative imagination and skill as gifts of God’s common grace.

3. Recognize the fine arts as valuable means of the cultural engagement required both in the

Dominion Mandate and the Great Commission.

4. Evaluate works of art through a Biblical perspective.

5. Achieve an appropriate balance of historical perspective, appreciation of master works, and

technical skill for each art form and medium studied.

6. Emphasize the grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric of the fine arts at appropriate grade levels.

Course Goals

Students will:

1. Develop an appropriate view of choral music in the roles of worship, academia and music


2. Develop breathing techniques that lead to the highest level of vocal production in the

choral environment.

3. Develop a vocal tone that is sonorous, energized, and free.

4. Develop and demonstrate proper vocal posture.

5. Develop and demonstrate a functional knowledge, understanding, and application of

basic diction principles and proper vowel production.

6. Learn and demonstrate the concept of ensemble that leads to proper choral blend,

intonation, and rhythmic vitality.

7. Demonstrate an appropriate understanding of music theory, history, and aural skills.

8. Develop and demonstrate an ability to follow basic conducting gestures and cues.

December 12, 2012

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