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  • The Outbreak of War How the world fell back into another World War
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  • Japan at War Invasion of Manchuria 1931 Militarists in control Emperor Hirohito League of Nations protests invasion Japan leaves the League in 1933
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  • Marco Polo Bridge incident - July 1937 Full invasion of China 1937 China in collapse US aids Chinese over the Burma Road Flying Tigers Panay Incident Dec 1937 Japanese Atrocities Rape of Nanking The Conflict Expands
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  • Italian Expansion League failures with Japan give Mussolini an idea Mussolini seizes Ethiopia Oct. 1935 Haile Selassie (King of Ethiopia) asks League for help League asks Mussolini nicely he ignores them Britain then allows Italy to use the Suez Canal in Egypt
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  • Hitler and Nazi Germany Hitler rises legally to Chancellor of Germany New German Social Order Fuhrer used propaganda and his speaking skills to enshrine himself, along with: Anti-German books burned Criticism of the govt outlawed Children made to join Hitler Youth or League of German Girls Josef Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Chief
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  • Appeasement APPEASEMENT - policy of giving in to an aggressors demands in order to keep the peace March 1935 Hitler pulls out of Versailles Build up of military starts in 1933 planned to triple the size of the army initially 300,000 men Told Air ministry to plan to build 1,000 planes (by 1935 the Luftwaffe had 2,500 planes) March 1936 militarizes Rhineland (League upset) Britain and France appease Oct-Nov 1936 Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Agreement by the three nations to fight Soviet communism Agreed not to interfere with one anothers plans for territorial expansion
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  • The Olympics 1938 Matthias Sindelar, Austrian who refused to play for Anschluss Team. Was killed for defiance
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  • The Spanish Revolution Well everyone else was doing it 1931 Republic replaced the Monarchy 1936 Socialists and Communists win seats Attempt to de-Catholicize Spain Angry Catholics and Conservatives rebel under Francisco Franco Germany/Italy - Franco USSR Socialists, Communists Democracies stay out of it Franco wins dictator in 1939 This becomes a dress rehearsal for German and Russian militaries
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  • The West Stands By France and Britain both afraid of war Still dealing with Depression Trying to understand the point of the losses of WWI US wants isolation Neutrality Acts bans loans and weapon sales to belligerent countries
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  • Anschluss and the Munich Conference March 1938 Hitler annexes Austria League sends strongly worded message Sudetenland Crisis and Lebensraum 3 million Germans living in Czech region Sept 1938 - Munich Conference A line in the sands
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  • Appeasement The Munich Agreement 1938
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  • A Lone Voice Winston Churchill
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  • Hitler Keeps Pushing the Line 5 months later Hitler occupies Czechoslovakia (allies make a new line in the sand) Hitler demands Polish corridor and port of Danzig (Gdansk) to connect East Prussia Lebensraum again
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  • The Enemy of My Enemy Hitler and Allies approach USSR at the same time USSR sides with Hitler because they need to rebuild after the Purges NON-AGGRESSION PACT 1939 pact between Soviet Union and Germany that divided eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence Germany removes threat of two- front war

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