



April 12, 2009 11:00 a.m.


The Approach to the Tomb


The Resurrection Story: Mark 16:1-6b Page: NT 54

Call: The Lord is risen!

Response: The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Handbell Prelude:

“Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” arr. Wagner

Colonial Chimers


The Lord is risen!

The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

The Life and Work of the Church

Welcome, friends and members

Nursery care available in Education Building

Restrooms found in Education Building

Prayer requests for offering plate

Fellowship Hour following worship

Announcements – please use microphone

A Time of Greeting

Steeple Bell

*Choral Introit:

Handbells: Minerva Lermond,

Shirley Knox

*The Resurrection Story: Mark 16:6-7 Page: NT 54

*Call to Worship:

The Lord is risen!

The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

*Responsive Prayer of Adoration:

Glory to you, O God:

on this day you won victory over death,

raising Jesus from the grave

and giving us eternal life.

Glory to you, O Christ:

for us and for our salvation you overcame death

and opened the gate to everlasting life.

Glory to you, O Holy Spirit:

you lead us into the truth.

Glory to you, O Blessed Trinity,

now and forever. Amen.

*The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power

and the glory, forever. Amen.

*Hymn: #123 “Jesus Christ is Risen Today”


Prayer for Illumination

Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 25:6-9 Page: OT 652

A Scripture Conversation

Epistle Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Page: NT 176

Sermon: “Wondrous Cross”

*An Affirmation of Faith: Acts 10:38-43

God anointed Jesus of Nazareth

with the Holy Spirit and with power;

he went about doing good and

healing all who were oppressed,

for God was with him.

We are witnesses to all that he did.

They put him to death by hanging him on a tree;

but God raised him on the third day

and allowed him to appear

to us who were chosen by God as witnesses,

and who ate and drank with him

after he rose from the dead.

He commanded us to preach to the people

and to testify that he is the one ordained by God

as judge of the living and the dead.

All the prophets testify about him

that everyone who believes in him

receives forgiveness of sins through his name.

Anthem: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” G. Martin

The Choir


Offerings of Tithes and Gifts

Offertory: “Now the Green Blade Rises” arr. Moklebust

Colonial Chimers

Reception of Offerings by Ushers


*Doxology (#592)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise God all creatures here below;

Praise God above ye heav’nly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Thanks

Pastoral Prayers


*Hymn #118 “The Day of Resurrection”

*Charge and Benediction

Choral Benediction

Steeple Bell

Organ Postlude

You may recycle your bulletins in the basket at the back of the Meeting



Child Care for infants is available. Please see an usher for

directions. Children ages 2 and above may exit after the

Scripture Conversation for Someplace Else (in the CE

Building) or remain in worship. Children of any age are

always welcome in worship.

Worship Assistance

Please see an usher to receive hearing assistance, a large

print bulletin or bible, or a personal seat cushion.

Prayer List:

Nursing Home and Hospital

The Arbors at New Castle: Arline Olds 32 Buena Vista Dr, New Castle, DE 19720

phone: 302-326-4121

Cokesbury Village: Isabel Klein

726 Loveville Rd, Hockessin, DE 19707;

Attn: Rm 1026 phone: 302-235-6017

Prayers for:

Special Gifts Memorial Case:

William Anthony


Ida M. Scott


This morning, our Ushers are:

*Bill Quillen, Mary Pratt

Someplace Else: Yueming Guo

The Beautiful Easter Display of Flowers In the

Sanctuary are given to the Glory of God

Susan & Irv Lipp In Honor of Family & Friends

Jim & Beverly Stoudt In Honor of Chuck & Dee McCallion

Bruce & Lisa Raker In Memory of Andrew & Marie Hearn

Kaitlyn & Chris Raker In Honor of Grandparents Bill &

Dolly Raker

Mary Cebenka In Memory of Frank & Betty Tyler

(Parents) & Gloria Cebenka

Joan & Robert Appleby In Memory of Loved Ones

Shirley & Dan Knox In Memory of Earl “Buddy” Dobson

Barb Quillen In Memory of my husband Jim and

our son Bob

Gene & Carol Mayhew In Honor of Loved Ones

Jason & Dot Campbell In Memory of Dot Race

Wolfe & Gisele Vonrhein In Honor of our Children

John & Joanne Hopkins In Memory of Nelson & Ruth Murray

and William & Carrie Hopkins

Nanette Nichol In Memory of Loved Ones

Pat & David Bird In Memory of Ann Tedford & Lois

Parrish and Myrtle McCormick

Corky & Jo Viola In Honor of Loved Ones

Sidney Wilson In Memory of my husband Hess

Louise Thornton In Memory of my husband Murial G.


Janet Spring In Honor of our Children

Debbie & Joe Harrington In Memory of Loved Ones

Herb & Jean Swanson In Honor of the Swanson Family and

In Honor of our Church Family

Kris Krawczyk In Honor of All Those that Serve our


The Beautiful Easter Display of Flowers In the

Sanctuary are given to the Glory of God

Nancy Rowland In Honor of All the Saints of New

Castle Presbyterian Church

In Honor of Laurie & Bob Smith

In Honor of Janice C. Rowland

In Memory of Richard H. Rowland

Bruce & Kay Gordon In Honor of Outreach and Mission and

Meals on Wheels Volunteers

Tom McDowell & Nancy Coning In Memory of Family and Friends

Anita Johnson In Memory of Ralph Johnson and

In Memory of Loved Ones

Jim & Susan Flook In Memory of our Parents and


Dan & Candy Dunson In Memory & Honor of Loved Ones

Bill & Marcia Quillen In Memory of Jim Quillen

Susan Bishop In Memory of Jerome Bacchetti

Rick & Chris Fagles & Family In Memory of George & Peg Twyford

& Jean Fagles

Linda Bennett & Kim Beebe In Memory of David W. Turner

Frances A. Handy In Memory of Loved Ones

Dana Lambert & Steve Handy In Memory of My Mother Antoinette

Marshall & My Grandparents

Chuck & Joan Smith In Memory of Loved Ones

Monty & Ellie Gerhart In Memory of Loved Ones

Dean & Lynn MacEwen In Memory of Loved Ones

Earl & Janet Reed In Memory of Loved Ones

Dick & Ginny Appleby In Memory of Loved Ones

Karen, Danika & Zach Dobson In Memory of Buddy Dobson



What is One Great Hour of Sharing? If you’re like many of

us, it’s one of those traditions you think everyone else

understands, so you don’t ask. And a tradition it is—there are

a fair number of congregations that will receive the offering

for the sixtieth time this year. But even in those congregations

there are people who don’t really know what it is.

It started in 1949, when a lot of Christian leaders, seeing the

devastation that World War II had left in much of the world,

recognized both a responsibility to our sisters and brothers and

an opportunity to witness to a loving God. They organized an

hour-long nationwide radio broadcast on the last Saturday

evening in March in which some of the best-known stars of

the day highlighted the needs and invited people to give

through their church the next morning. The response was

overwhelming, so the offering was held again the next year, as

it has been every year since.

Over the years, the offering’s mission has grown from simply

emergency relief and rebuilding after disasters such as wars,

earthquakes, and floods to addressing many kinds of human

suffering, from the sudden to the chronic. Increasingly it has

included focusing on the root causes of this suffering, so that

the solutions can be sustained after our attention moves on to

other communities. At first most of this work was done

through Church World Service, which was then the relief and

development arm of the National Council of Churches.

Within the PC(USA), this evolution was accompanied by the

addition of new programs to the offering. In the 1970s, both

Self-Development of People and the Presbyterian Hunger

Program were added as One Great Hour of Sharing ministries.

Since that time the Presbyterian Disaster focus was

reorganized as Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. As each of

these programs has evolved, more of the ministry

Presbyterians support with their gifts has been done by these

three programs while we continue to work with other

denominations through Church World Service. The ministries

of these three programs address a wide spectrum of human

suffering from the acute to the chronic, from offering short-

term relief to addressing root causes.

Even today, however, the offering continues the tradition it

has maintained throughout its history—standing with our

partners in the face of suffering, walking with them toward a

more hopeful future, and witnessing to the love of God in

Jesus Christ in tangible ways that proclaim in word and deed

that they are not alone. You are invited to join this great

tradition of sharing resources that truly changes lives.

Mission and Outreach

“Love bears all things.” 1 Corinthians 13

The Bear Ministry has begun! The purpose of this ministry is

to offer love and support to someone in need through the gift

of a teddy bear who has worshipped with us at NCPC. You

are welcome to take a bear to anyone who is ill or

experiencing a life crisis. The bears come with a note that


This special bear worshipped with

us at New Castle Presbyterian Church.

It has heard our scriptures, prayers, songs,

and sermons. Our congregation has loved

it and now it comes to you with our

blessings. It brings prayers of love,

peace, and joy to you today and always.

The bears are nestled in a basket at the rear of the Meeting

House. If you take a bear, please sign it out in the Bear

Registry Book.

We are accepting donations of new bears in all shapes and

colors. The fuzzy friends should be about the size to next

inside a shoebox. There is a box in the entryway leading to

Fellowship Hall. We will attach tags and move the bears to

the sanctuary.

Friendship House

Every Sunday morning, scores of homeless men and women

find a hot breakfast and fellowship, thanks to a 14-year-old

program at the Friendship House in Wilmington.

The breakfast, supplied by community and church volunteers

such as the Mission and Outreach Committee of New Castle

Presbyterian Church, is served at the parish hall of the

Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew. Guests

are invited to an optional chapel service after the meal.

Most weeks, about 125 people come inside for a meal, but

that number is expected to increase as unemployment and

financial pressures create more hungry families in our


In addition to the breakfast program, the Mission and

Outreach committee is supporting the Friendship House

Mother’s Day Garden event. Janet Spring and others will

soon tell members about how they can remember a special

mom by making a donation to support the Friendship

House’s gardening project.

Mission and Outreach

Karen Dobson, Susan Lipp,

Alecia Swasy, Janet Spring,

Barb Whisman, Conchita Showell,

Sue Townsend, Ellie Gerhart

& Cynthia Robbins

Hold the Dates

The Christian Education Committee will be hosting “A

Night at the Blue Rocks” on June 25 and “A Day at the

Shore in Avalon, NJ” on Saturday, August 15.

Cemetery Dedication

Have you noticed the beautiful restoration of our cemetery?

The iron fence has been repaired and painted, the gateway

has been re-hung, the trees have been trimmed, and the

access road has been repaved. Much of the restoration has

been provided by Kerry Rhoades of Forged Creations in

Delaware City. There will be a special dedication service of

this labor-intensive work on Sunday, April 26, when coffee

fellowship after worship will be held at the cemetery! Plan

to join us that day and give thanks to God for the restoration

work and those who made it possible.

This Week’s Schedule


6:30am Sunrise Service @ Wharf

11:00am Worship & Someplace Else

Colonial Chimers

12:00pm Fellowship Hour


7:00pm Deacons

Wednesday 4/15 1:00pm Bible Study

7:30pm Choir

Thursday 4/16 5-6:00pm Lit. Vol Tutor

6:45pm Colonial Chimers

7:00pm Al-Anon

8:00pm Celebration Ringers

Saturday 4/18 8:00am Tai Chi

SUNDAY 4/19 9:30am Adult Bible

11:00am Worship & Someplace Else

12:00pm Fellowship

12:45pm Youth Fellowship

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