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The Newsletter of St. John Lutheran Church November 2016

The Revelations of St. John

Join us this November as we prepare our hearts for Thanksgiving!

This fall has been very busy at St. John’s. Lots of exciting projects and events are happening! Inside, you will find many ways to give and share thanksgiv-ing here at St. John and in your homes. We encour-age you to invite others to join us on Sunday morn-ings at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School for children and youth meets at 9:15—and soon, we will have news about an adult offering as well. In the pages of this newsletter, you will also find information about our upcoming Stewardship Sundays, and needs that our congregation has to continue to grow and thrive. Join us for both Sundays, Nov. 13 and 20, to hear news, learn about our current needs, and participate as you are able. In honor of Veterans Day, a prayer: Almighty and

ever-living God, we give you thanks for the men and women who have served and defended our country and the values of freedom and justice we hold so

dear. Help us be mindful of the sacrifices they made and

the hardship endured by their families and friends, so that

we never take for granted the privileges they have secured for us. Hear us, we pray,

through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Worship Highlights

Sunday, Nov. 6 — All Saints Sunday Worship at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Afterwards, feel free to walk through our cemetery, remembering the many saints of St. John. Join us as well for our concert at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary. More details inside. Sunday, Nov. 13 — Stewardship Sunday: God’s Gifts and the Blessing of the Quilts Worship at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 20 —Christ the King and Stewardship Sunday: Our Gifts Worship at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 27—First Sunday of Advent Worship at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m.

We have been invited to attend the Community Wide Thanksgiving Service

on Sunday, Nov. 20 at 4 p.m.

This year, it will be held at St. Anthony of Padua, 259 Forest Ave., Ambler.

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Council Corner

Council Members 2016

Executive Committee

President: Monika Bontempo

[email protected]

Vice-President: Kathy Erdman

[email protected]

Secretary: Sue Lorenski

[email protected]

Treasurer: Vacant

Pastor Sarah Stobie

Congregation Council Members

Jeff Brown

Maripat Brown

Vickie McAllister

Joy McCabe

Katie Myers

Phil VandeBerg

Carol Weidler

Judy Winship

Our Fall Council meetings were very productive and filled with good discussion. Our reports, agendas and minutes are always available to the members of St. John. You will find a binder located on the table near the elevator. To make St. John “run,” it takes a lot of volunteers, time, and yes—funds. Please prayerfully consider how you can help St. John in the future. We need your help and financial support to continue the good work and ministries of St. John. We are looking for a few new Council members and a Treasurer. If you are inter-ested, please speak to Monika Bontempo, Council President, or Pastor Sarah soon. Council members must be members of our congregation and be able to attend the majority of all Council meetings as required by the constitution. We are looking for Council members to be as diverse as possible—all ages and stages, newer members and our oldest. If you served before and would like to again, or if you have never served on a Council before, please do speak with Pastor. Also, you will note that our Property has been getting some well-needed mainte-

nance and repair. Your generous offerings assist with these unexpected expenses! These past few months: danger-ous trees were felled, a new AC compressor added, new plumbing fixes, and more. This month, parking lot repairs and furnace issues… Thank you for your support as we keep God’s house in good shape! This December, we will have our Business Meeting for our Congregation. At that meeting, we will vote to elect new members for Council and also to approve the Budget for 2017. A big thank you is due to Jack Ruse who has acted as our Treasurer in formulating our budget. Please plan on attending the meeting on Sunday, Dec. 11 at 9:15 a.m. The Council of St. John Lutheran Church For our President’s Report to the congregation, please turn to page 5!

Month of September 2016 Variance Favorable/

Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Total Income 17,138 19,164 2,026 Total Expenses 20,092 22,506 (2,414) Operating Income (Loss) (2,954) (3,342) (388) 2016 Year to Date

Variance Favorable/

Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Total Income 213,110 211,538 (1,572) Total Expenses 213,431 212,511 920 Operating Income (Loss) (321) (973) (652)

St. John Current Fund Budget vs. Actuals

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Dear St. John Family, It’s November! In April, I attended the first of two conferences on stewardship. Between April and now, I have read 4 books on Stewardship, Vision-ing, and Church Growth. During the summer, November seemed far away, and yet, here it is. Time for Council to approve and submit a new budget to you, the members, and time for us as a church to make pledges of stewardship for 2017. What did my conferences and books teach me? A lot. I will be highlighting what I learned and where our needs are for our church later this month. Come to worship on Sundays, Nov. 13 and 20. On these two Sundays, we will be focused on two themes: God’s Gifts to Us and Our Gifts to God. I will also be sending a letter to all members with a commitment card as well. Please, don’t disregard the letter. In it, I will outline our past budget and our current budget—I will also highlight some of our main issues for the upcoming year that will need addressing—furnace repairs, AC repairs, etc. Our building is now starting to show wear and tear from good, solid use. We will have to work on maintaining our building in the years to come. I also will share a challenge to meet our budget and also to complete some of our needs without over-using our endowment. You will be surprised how easy it will be to do… But enough about that! November is the month of Thanksgiving. It is the perfect time to say thanks to God for all of our blessings! But it is also a perfect time to say thanks to those around us. Several years ago, I took the time to write a “thank you” a day for the month of November. I thanked a variety of people—those who served in the Church, Girl Scout leaders, my neighbor, our postal carri-er—you name it. It took less than 10 minutes a day (and yes, one week, I did a whole week’s worth to save time!), and it produced a great deal of “fruit.” I noticed a change immediately. People want to be thanked for what they do, even if they don’t want the “attention.” I get that. I myself am uncomforta-ble handling praise and thanksgiving… but, it does feel nice deep inside.

I encourage you to use the month of November to express your thanksgiving to those around you. Perhaps a friend needs a good card, or a quick email. Maybe your neighbor would like to know how much you appreciate him/her. I am deeply thankful for the members of St. John. Our church feels like a family to those who visit. We care for one another, we talk to each other, and we support the mission and ministry of our church together. There are many reasons to be thankful! We have a dedicated Council and staff, hard-working committee members, a talented Choir and Bell Choir, committed teachers, leaders and mentors, and many more who work “behind the scenes.” A quick glance at our church directory this morning made me pause and give thanks to God—many of you are actively engaged with the mission and ministry! Thank you all for your gifts of time and talent. St. John could not exist without you. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:16-17 I pray that this month be a time of giving and receiving Thanksgiving. May God’s word dwell in you richly, and make your joy complete!

A Note from Pastor Sarah

Are you interested in becoming

a member of St. John?

Join us on Tuesday, Nov. 15. from 6:30 to 8 p.m. for a Meet and Greet for New Members. Please plan on attending if you have recently become a new member or if you would like to join us officially during the month of November. A light dinner will be served, all are welcome! Please RSVP to Pastor Sarah soon.

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Sunday School for All Ages! Thank you to all the families that joined us on October 22 for our "Birthday in a Bag" event! We assembled over 16 donation bags for Mattie Dixon Food Pantry in Ambler. Each bag included cake mix, icing, decorations & party plates, plus a handmade card. Many

area families will now be able to celebrate their child's birthday with a special party. The weather didn't cooperate for a campfire, but we enjoyed pizza & treats and made a fall leaf suncatcher.

Journey to the Manger! Join us for an Advent event on Saturday, December 17 (2-4 pm)! We'll hear the Christmas story, create special crafts and enjoy a few holiday treats. Children aged 3 years old to 5th grade are welcome, and invite friends to join us! RSVP online at Katie Myers, Sunday School Director

There are no Sunday School classes on November 26,

December 25 or January 1st.

Enjoy the holidays with your families!

Middle School Youth Group Our entire calendar of monthly Youth Events is on the website at middle-school-youth.html

Our confirmation ministry, called ABC, meets on Monday nights—the schedule is on our web calendar. If you have a 6 through 8th grader who would like to participate, please connect with Pastor Sarah soon. Our first Youth Group for 6 through 8th graders will be Sunday, Nov. 20, from 6 to 8 p.m. Pastor Sarah and Pete will be leading it! RSVP to them now if you will be coming, and friends are always welcome!

High School Youth Group This past month, High School Youth enjoyed a fun night of corn mazes, pumpkin carving, and Halloween movies. Coming up in November, we will be putting together Finals Survival care packages for seminary students. Donations of snack foods like popcorn, small bags of nuts, and candy would be greatly appreciated. You may leave them in the Youth Room downstairs. In December, we will be holding our annual Holiday Cookie Walk on Sunday the 4th. More information will be announced soon. In our Sunday School classes, we continue our discussion of Paul's various letters to the early church. Thus far, this curriculum has provided us with great topics for discussion and insights into how Paul's message fits into our daily lives. Thank you always for your continued support, Megan Kiefski

Children and Youth News

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Adult News

Pastor Sarah’s Bible Study continues on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Our dates for November are 1, 22, and 29. We are walking through the book of Genesis. All are welcome to join us! Coffee will always be available!

Pub Theology Pub Theology is a new movement in the Lutheran Church for our young adults, ages 25-40ish. Martin Luther gathered frequently with the young adults of his time over a stein to discuss faith, theology and life in a relaxed setting. We will honor this old tradition by gathering monthly in a local pub on the second Tuesday of every month. Last month was a great success! Join us Tuesday,

Nov. 8, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at MaGerks in Fort Washington. RSVPs are helpful—please email Pastor Sarah at [email protected]

Hatha Yoga Classes continues on Thursdays at 2 p.m. for a new 8 week session. Our instructor, Kelli Pannepack-er, will guide us through gentle moves and poses. All levels of skill are welcome; Kelli is quick to assist you. The cost for the 8-

week session is $35, or you may drop-in for $8 a session. No pre-registration is necessary. We meet in Fellowship Hall; please bring a mat or towel to use. Questions? Please connect with Pastor Sarah or Kathy Erdman.

A Report from our Council President As Thanksgiving approaches, let us recall this Bible verse: “O give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1). Let us then give thanks in all ways, not in one way or another. But rather in all things, everything that we do and say,

whether it be in word or deed, in prayer and praise, in teaching and giving, let us give thanks to God for He is good. We have much to be thankful for here at St. John. Recently, an anonymous donation was received for the refurbishing of the Troster Room. A special thanks to all those who assisted in making this project a reality. Stop by and see the beautiful renovation. You will be amazed at how different the room looks. This is the appropriate time to offer our thanks to Dave Ochocki for his many years of service as treasurer. Dave recently stepped down as treasurer and now serves as book keeper. We appreciate all the time and effort he has put into this role over the past 15 years. We are in need of a treasurer; if you have an interest, please be in touch with either myself or Pastor Sarah. Our Forteniters Club dinner was a wonderful evening with approx. 50 individuals. They came and enjoyed food and fellowship with our members who had volunteered for that event. What seems to be a little thing makes such a big difference in certain situations! There was a young gentleman that attended dinner that evening. After dinner, the attendees were able to pick from donated items. He was able to get a brand new back pack and a wallet. When the evening ended, he came and shared his thankfulness and appreciation. He shared with our members that he had been waiting for two years for a new backpack. Anoth-er attendee asked if he would be welcome for services; Geraldo has begun attending worship with us. Thank you to all who assisted in making this evening a success. Please consider volunteering for our next Social Ministry event. Laundry of Love will be held on Tuesday Nov. 29, please see our website for more details, or be in touch with myself or Pastor Sarah. We need volunteers for this to be a successful event. Thanks to everyone who has donated laundry detergent for use that evening. Continued on page 10…

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Beat the winter doldrums, take an art class! At St. John’s, the art program is going strong. Our instruc-tor Ann L. Brennan has a “yes, you can” attitude which makes a positive atmosphere and great learning environment. Classes are full of individuals who have been taking lessons from Ann for years. There are four times to choose from: Wednesday or Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Thursday or Friday mornings from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. A new session is scheduled to start the second week in January.

Classes are open for students of all skill levels. Whether you like watercol-or, acrylic, oils, pastels or just like to draw, you

will find someone in class who is doing the same thing. Each session has a theme, with a formal lesson taking place every other week. The upcoming session will concentrate on landscapes and skills that will help an artist to create a successful one. New students have lessons based on their specific skill set while still participating in the regular class. Classes run for 10 weeks and cost $80 which is only $8 per week. That alone represents a tremendous value! In addition, students are able to make up missed classes by attending one of the other 4 classes that take place at the church. Join in the fun and learn something at the same time! To enroll, please email Ann L, Brennan at [email protected] to receive more information. Ann Brennan, Visual Arts Coordinator

Troop 98 has been very busy this Fall and also very helpful to our congregation and property. This past month, we had two Eagle Projects that have greatly improved our property. The first project was led by Adam Zamora, who cleared out the brush and many small trees at the rear of our cemetery.

Adam also installed 5 Eastern Blue Bird houses to assist with their habitat. Cemeteries are a perfect place to create a Blue Bird habitat.

Andrew Piszek finished a second project. Andrew led a group in creating a pathway to the old cemetery section and also had a bench placed there for sitting and reflecting. It is Andrew’s hope that his path will be accessible for those with mobility issues.

Visual Arts Classes News to Share

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The second concert in our 16th season in The Arts at St. John’s is entitled Music for Remem-brance. Programmed for All Saints

Sunday 2016, the program on November 6th will feature two large-scale works for chorus and organ. It will feature our Festival Choir (31 voices strong) and organist Dr. Stephen Rapp of New York City. In order to enjoy the works here is a little background information about the two composers and the featured works. Louis Vierne (1870–1937) was born blind and studied with Cesar Franck and Charles-Marie Widor. In 1900, he applied for the vacant top organ position at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, beat out eighty-eight rival contenders by being selected unanimously, and held the job for thirty-seven years until his death. He underwent a series of successful eye operations that eventually allowed him to recognize faces and read a large print. In 1912, Vierne became professor of organ at the Schola Cantorum teaching such later luminaries as Nadia Boulanger, Marcel Dupré and Maurice Duruflé. In 1937, at the age of sixty-six, Vierne was in the middle of an organ recital at Notre Dame, when he suffered a stroke and collapsed on the console, his left foot holding down the low “E” on the pedal board. Apparently, this was how he had dreamed to go, and his student Maurice Duruflé was assisting him, at his side at the time. Vierne composed orchestral works, chamber music, choral music, piano pieces and songs, but is best-known for his solo organ compositions, especially the six organ symphonies. The Messe Solonnelle (Solemn Mass) was completed in 1900, the year in which Vierne was appointed titular organist of Notre Dame, and premiered in 1901. Original-ly scored for choir, organ and orchestra and lacking a Credo, Vierne’s mentor Widor advised him to re-arrange it for two organs, since an orchestra would be rarely available for church services. For our next concert we’ll hear a later version for one organ. Clearly intended as a liturgical work to be performed during a High Mass service, Vierne nevertheless composed a solemn mass of great power, drama and passion with vivid contrasts. Witness the somewhat terror-filled Kyrie as opposed to the reflective and ethereal Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant us Peace) that closes the mass. The organ is treated as an equal partner to the choir throughout, not merely accompaniment. The two are often heard in dialogue or alternating loud blocks of organ sound with more melodic, gentle phrases from the choir. Considered

revolutionary by many in 1901 because of the dissonanc-es and unusual harmonic modulations, with today’s ears more attuned, the Messe Solonnelle has captured a secure place in the choral repertoire. The second half of the concert will feature the hauntingly beautiful Duruflé Requiem. Maurice Duruflé (1902–1986) was a Parisian church musician, a renowned virtuoso organ recitalist and a professor at the Paris Conservatoire. The main influences on him were the music of other French composers, like Fauré, Debussy, Ravel, his own teacher Paul Dukas, and Gregorian chant. Duruflé was a slow, meticulous and methodical compos-er, constantly re-writing and revising, and as a result, there are only a handful of works by him. He published a total of just fourteen, mostly for organ, choir or orchestra. As he once claimed, “I am incapable of adding anything significant to the piano repertoire, view the string quartet with apprehen-sion, and envisage with terror the idea of composing a song after the finished examples of Schubert, Fauré and Debussy.” Duruflé’s Requiem is the largest, most important and best-known of his works and one of the most famous of all 20th century requiem masses. It was composed at the end of W.W.II, completed in 1947. Like Fauré, Duruflé loved plainchant and incorporated its styles into his own music. He was composing a series of organ pieces based on Gregorian chant tunes from the ancient Mass for the Dead, when his publisher asked for a requiem mass. Duruflé adapted some of the organ pieces into his requiem. Like chant, the musical lines tend to be step-wise, long and flowing, sometimes used intact while at other times, the treatment is quite free. At times, Duruflé adds counter melodies with imitative sections, using modern harmo-nies and interesting effects. With the Fauré Requiem a distinct influence, the fear and terror of the Judgement Day are downplayed. There are moments of thrilling excitement and deep emotion, but overall, the style is restrained, tranquil and spiritual. Although it was originally scored for orchestra, organ and chorus with mezzo-soprano and baritone soloists, on November 6th we’ll hear Duruflé’s own version featuring organ alone. As always a scrumptious reception will follow the concert. Please share the news of this very special afternoon with your family and friends. See you on November 6th. Lawrence Baker, Director of Music

Music Ministry News

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Our Flower Arranging Classes continue! We are excited to offer a series of flower arranging classes taught by our own Bongchun Koch. Each class will focus on a different type of arrangement

that participants take home afterwards. Each class will be an hour and will cost $20. You many attend as many classes as you like. For more information, please call the Church Office.

The dates for the classes are: Nov. 22 and Dec. 20. In November, we will make a Thanksgiving centerpiece, and in December, we will make a Christmas centerpiece. Please RSVP for the classes through the Church Office or by emailing [email protected].

Do you LOVE yarn? Many people have hobbies with yarn such as crocheting and knitting. At St. John, we have a group for people like you!

Yarn Crafters meets on the third Wednesday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. in the Troster Room. All skills are welcome!

At our November meeting, we will decide what new skill we would like to learn. Your input is welcome! Join us!

Current Service Project: Crochet & Knit Baby Hats to donate to a local hospital's maternity ward. As of October's meeting, we have donated 20 hats!

Nursery School Updates The Nursery School is off to a great start. Teachers are busy as the classrooms are all at full capacity. Students have enjoyed making lots of new friends, beautiful fall days (and some that feel like we’re back in summer) on the playground, songs, projects and stories. We have already had visits from the fire department and two police officers during community service week. The children are getting excited for Halloween, pumpkins of all shapes and sizes are filling the halls and classrooms. Carrie Engel, Director

An historical marker commemo-rating the first African-American Lutheran pastor, the Rev. Jehu Jones, Jr., and the first African-American Luther-an congregation in the US will be dedicated on Saturday, Nov. 19 at noon at 310 S. Quince Street, Philadelphia.

The African Descent Lutheran Association, Philadel-phia Chapter, sponsors the ceremony at the site of the former St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, which Pastor Jones founded in 1834, two years after his ordination. The building now houses the Mask and Wig Club of the University of Pennsylvania. The original building no longer exists, but the original cornerstone is displayed in the vestibule of the Mask and Wig Club, which will be open from noon until 1:30 pm. The official ceremony rededicat-ing a marker erected in 1998 and subsequently lost will be held at 12:30 pm. The Lutheran Magazine is now called Living Lutheran. You will always find copies throughout the church for you to take home. You may also sub-scribe directly to the publication as well. Living Lutheran has made the shift from a print-only publication to a blog as well. You will find the latest articles at

Connecting With Others

ELCA and Synod News

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Our Christian Service Quilters Group gathers on Mondays at 10 a.m. Our quilts are assembled and shipped off to Luther-an World Relief, a charity which distributes them. Last year, our quilts were blessed and mailed to India! Donations of gently used sheets are very welcome to assist with the cause. Questions? Please connect with Anita Hill at 610-279-2421. Join us on Sunday, Nov. 13, at both services where we will bless our quilts before sending them to those in need!

Help on Sundays is often needed. To make it more simple, we have made 1 sign up online, under You will find direct links and instructions on our website for how to use it. Every Sunday we need ushers, lectors, communion assistants, etc. If you are able to assist, please feel free to sign up online or call the Church Office and we will sign you up over the phone. Thank you for serving!

Altar Flowers are a wonderful way to remember a special person or date. Please sign up to sponsor our altar flowers (or bulletins) by using the pink clipboard, located on the Information Table in the Great Room, or by contacting the Church Office. Thank you!

We continue to collect items for the Seminary Student Food Bank at LTSP. The need is great. Seminary students often make choices between paying bills and buying food. Our offerings help. Please donated canned goods, ready-to-make meals, and other items that are non-perishable. We also need drivers to deliver the food once a month. Donated items may be dropped off any time and left in the front closet by the main entrance. Thank you! Our next service event will be on Tuesday, Nov. 29, when we host the next Laundry of Love at the DeKalb Laundromat in Norristown. We have a signup online for those who are able to assist from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Donations of laundry detergent are also needed; we are collecting them in the front closet by the main entrance.

Serving God

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Memorial Bricks for our walkway to the cemetery are still available. The cost is $125 for each brick; we have a special form for you to complete. Bricks may honor a past member of St. John or a member of your own family that you wish to memorialize here on our beautiful campus. If you would like to get a Memorial Brick for a loved one, please call the Church Office. Thank you!

Our Cemetery is in need of some TLC. Are you interested? We especially could use a “care-taker” who walks the cemetery monthly and shares with the Cemetery

Committee Chair, David Stoy, any concerns and needs. If this sounds interesting to you, please connect with David Stoy or Pastor Sarah for possibil-ities. Thank you! Did you know? It costs 65 cents to mail the bi-monthly Revelations out. Each issue of Revela-tions will be put out near the side entrance door on a table. If you are able to pick up your hard copy of the Revelations instead of receiving it in the mail, it will save money for the church. If this works for you, please call the church office and let us know we can take you off the mailing list. And, remember, the newsletter is emailed with the eNews and is always on the website.

To friends and family who have loyally and generously supported the Ryan Weidler Memori-al Golf Tournament, we genuinely thank you. Because of your participation in this, the eleventh year of our event, we were able to award approxi-mately $10,000 to three proactive organizations: SADS (Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome) Foundation, CHOP Cardiac Center, and CHOP “Youth Heart Watch”. These programs strive to expand resources for research, education, identifica-tion, and treatment related to heart arrhythmias, all in an effort to save lives. We are grateful for your help in remembering Ryan’s death, yet honoring Ryan’s life, in this positive way. Please save the date for the 2017 tournament: July 31st. We hope to see you there! Sincerely, The O’Donnell, Speece, and Weidler families

It is that time of year when a Nominating Committee member may approach you and ask that you give prayerful consideration to serving as a council member. To make their jobs a bit easier, if you have an interest in serving your congregation by being a council member, please contact either Pastor Sarah or myself in the near future. Council meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. A friendly reminder that minutes from each Council meeting are available in the Great Room for your review. May you all be blessed with a Happy Thanksgiving! Monika Bontempo, Council President [email protected]

Caring and Sharing

Members who are homebound often like to receive cards for holidays and special seasons. We have included the names of our homebound members who enjoy receiving your notes and cards.

Veda Clewell: 1541 Daws Rd., Blue Bell, PA 19422

Mabel Gewiss: Sunrise of Blue Bell, 795 Penllyn Pike, Blue Bell PA 19422

Stephanie Gude: 624 Cathcart Rd., Blue Bell, PA 19422

Eunice Reeder: 325 E. Church Rd., Apt. #415, Telford, PA 18969

Continued from Page 5, President’s Report

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St. John Lutheran Church

1802 Skippack Pike

Blue Bell, PA 19422

Office: 610-277-1086

Office Hours: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (M, T, W, F)

1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday

Nursery School: 610-272-7163

Staff Rev. Sarah Stobie, Pastor [email protected]

Lawrence Baker, Director of Music [email protected]

Vicki Ochocki, Office Assistant [email protected]

Barry Stock, Custodian [email protected]

Carrie Engel, Nursery School Director [email protected]

Katie Myers, Sunday School Director/Webmaster [email protected]

Ann Brennan, Visual Arts Program Coordinator [email protected]

Dave Ochocki, Book-keeper [email protected]

Save the dates for our upcoming events in November and December!

And remember, our calendar on the website is always updated and current

to our times and events. Sunday, Nov. 6 at 4 p.m. – Arts at St. John’s Concert Tuesday, Nov. 8 — Church Office and Nursery School Closed Sunday, Nov. 20 at 6 p.m. – Middle School Youth Group Outing — RSVP needed Nov. 24 – Thanksgiving Day, Office Closed Sunday, Nov. 27 – Advent Begins Sunday, Dec. 4 – Cookie Walk Fundraiser for High School Youth

Sunday, Dec. 11 at 9:15 a.m.— Congregation Meeting Wednesday, Dec. 21 at 6:30 p.m. – Children’s Christmas Service Saturday, Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve Worship Services at 5 and 9:30 p.m.; special music at 9:00 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 25 – Christmas Morning Ser-vice at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Dec. 26 — Church Office Closed

Save The Date

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